How Does a Car Accident Affect My Insurance Premium? (2024)

The aftermath of a car accident can feel like an uphill battle. Besides all the immediate concerns like injuries and repairs, you might also wonder, “What’s going to happen to my insurance rates?” It’s a question that can stress anyone out. But don’t worry; we’re here to help you clearly understand how a car accident can affect your insurance premium.

A car accident can significantly raise your insurance premium. According to Forbes, the national average increase in insurance rates is between 45% to 47% after an accident, especially if it involves property damage or injuries. The exact impact varies based on fault, accident severity, and your driving history.

How Does a Car Accident Affect My Insurance Premium? (1)

How Does a Car Accident Affect Insurance Premium?

A car accident can substantially raise your insurance premium. Insurance providers calculate rates based on risk, and an at-fault accident on your record may label you as a higher-risk driver. Let’s have a look at common situations that might affect your premiums:

At-Fault Accidents vs. Not-At-Fault Accidents

Your insurance premium is more likely to increase when you are deemed at fault for an accident. Insurance companies view at-fault accidents as an indicator of higher risk. They may raise your premium to cover the increased risk of future claims. The increase can vary depending on the severity of the accident and your insurer’s specific policies.

If you live in California, which follows a “fault-based” insurance system, causing an accident where you are deemed at fault could result in a significant premium increase. For instance, if your annual premium was $1,200, it might increase to $1,800 or more after an at-fault accident.

On the contrary, if the accident was not your fault and the other driver’s insurance covers the damages, your premium may not increase. However, it’s essential to report the accident to your insurer, and they may still consider factors such as the extent of the damages and your overall claims history.

In New York, a “no-fault” state, things work slightly differently.

The no-fault threshold is set at damages over $50,000 or “serious injuries” resulting from the auto accident. If your damages exceed this threshold, the injured party can file a lawsuit against you. This could potentially tap into your insurance coverage, and if found liable, it might lead to an increase in your insurance premiums.

The Severity of the Accident

The extent of damage and injuries resulting from the accident can impact the premium increase. Minor fender benders may have a smaller impact on your premium compared to major accidents with significant damage or injuries.

Your Driving History

Your personal driving history plays a crucial role in determining how much your premium will increase. If you have a history of accidents or traffic violations, insurers may view you as a higher-risk driver, leading to more substantial premium increases.

Insurance Provider Policies

Different insurance companies have varying policies regarding rate increases after an accident. Some may offer accident forgiveness programs, where your first at-fault accident may not result in a premium increase. Therefore, it’s essential to understand your insurer’s policies and how they handle accident claims.

Loss of No Claims Discount (NCD)

Many insurance policies offer a No Claim Bonus (NCB) or a discount on your premium for each claim-free year. When you file an insurance claim after an auto accident, you typically lose your NCB, which can lead to a higher premium when it’s time for renewal.

Type of Coverage

The type of coverage you have can impact how your premium changes. If you have comprehensive coverage, you might see a more significant increase compared to someone with minimal coverage.

State Laws and Regulations

Insurance regulations vary by state, and this can influence how a car accident affects your premium. Some states have laws that limit how much an insurer can increase your premium after an accident.

Negotiation and Shopping Around

After an accident, you can often negotiate with your current insurer or explore options with other insurance providers to find a more affordable premium. Shopping around can help you mitigate the financial impact of a premium increase.

How Can You Minimize The Impact of Accidents on Your Car Insurance Premiums?

How Does a Car Accident Affect My Insurance Premium? (2)

To lower car insurance premiums, consider raising your deductible, exploring discounts, and obtaining quotes from different insurers. Long-term strategies involve maintaining good credit and exemplary driving habits. These measures can help mitigate costs and ensure more affordable automobile insurance over time.

1. Balance the Cost of Filing a Claim

Before rushing to file a claim, carefully consider the cost of repairs or medical expenses against your deductible and potential premium increase.

For minor damages that don’t exceed your deductible, consider covering the repair costs yourself instead of filing a claim. By avoiding claims for small incidents, you protect your No Claim Bonus (NCB) and can continue enjoying lower premiums.

2. Always Get a Police Report

In any accident, obtaining a police report is crucial. It serves as an official record of the incident and can protect you from false claims made by the other party involved. Moreover, insurance companies often rely on police reports to determine fault and liability, making them essential documentation.

3. File Your Claim with the Other Party’s Insurance (If You’re Not at Fault)

In states that follow the “at-fault” insurance principle, if you are not responsible for the accident, consider filing your claim with the at-fault party’s car insurance company. This can potentially save you from a premium increase since you aren’t the one filing the claim.

4. Keep Your Insurance Up-to-Date

Maintaining up-to-date insurance information is crucial. Ensure that you add any drivers who might use your car to your policy early on. Failure to do so could lead to complications and potentially higher premiums if an uncovered driver gets into an accident with your car.

By making informed decisions and taking these steps, you can navigate the aftermath of accidents with greater financial security and potentially lower long-term insurance premiums.

How to Get the Best Insurance Rates After an At-Fault Accident?

Taking specific actions can influence insurance rates after causing an at-fault accident in New York.

Promptly reporting the incident is crucial. Leveraging potential discounts, such as safe driver programs, can help offset increased premiums. When shopping for quotes, consider that State Farm had the lowest average rate hike (21%) for accidents involving only property damage, while Geico had the highest increase (73%) on average.

For New York residents, it’s noteworthy that USAA, with a 40% average rate increase, maintains the cheapest total cost at $1,600 annually. However, USAA exclusively serves active and retired military members and their immediate families. On the other hand, Allstate stands out as the most expensive option for those causing property damage accidents in New York, with an average annual rate of $3,103.

Maintaining good credit is crucial, as it positively influences rates. Regularly reassess your coverage needs and adjust them accordingly. Consistently practicing safe driving habits and staying claims-free can contribute to rate reductions over time. Periodically review and compare insurance options to ensure you secure the most favorable rates in the dynamic New York insurance market.

What Is Accident Forgiveness?

Accident forgiveness is a service provided by some auto insurance companies, offering policyholders a safeguard against rate hikes following their first at-fault accident. In essence, the insurance company “forgives” the initial accident, refraining from raising premiums directly from that incident.

However, not all insurance providers offer accident forgiveness, and those who do may have varying conditions. Some insurers may require policyholders to pay an additional premium for this benefit, essentially adding it as an optional feature. While others may require policyholders to qualify for accident forgiveness by maintaining a specified number of accident-free years.

Insurance providers recognized for offering some form of accident forgiveness program include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Allstate
  2. Progressive
  3. USAA
  4. Nationwide
  5. Geico
  6. State Farm

How Long Will a Car Accident Affect My Auto Insurance Rates?

When you have an accident, it usually makes your car insurance rates go up for three to five years. But this specific duration depends on your insurance company, the rules in your state, and how bad the accident was. If it was a severe accident, you might see higher rates for a longer time.

In New York, it’s the same—accidents can impact your insurance costs for three to five years. During this time, it’s wise to drive safely and keep a clean record to help reduce the impact on your wallet. Sometimes, your insurance company might have programs to forgive your first accident or give you discounts for safe driving.

How Does an At-Fault Accident Affect Insurance?

Being at fault in an accident can have significant implications for your insurance. Insurance companies often perceive you as a higher risk when you’re deemed responsible for a collision, impacting your premiums and coverage. The effects include:

  1. Premium Increase: Insurance premiums are likely to rise after an at-fault accident. The increase varies based on factors like the severity of the accident and the insurer’s policies.
  2. Loss of Discounts: At-fault accidents may lead to the loss of safe driver discounts or other perks, contributing to a higher overall premium.
  3. Risk Perception: Insurance companies assess risk based on your driving history. An at-fault accident increases the likelihood of future claims, prompting insurers to adjust your rates.
  4. Policy Renewal Changes: When your policy comes up for renewal, the insurer may reassess your risk profile, potentially resulting in further premium adjustments.
  5. Impact on Coverage: While not always the case, repeated at-fault accidents may lead to limitations on coverage or, in extreme cases, non-renewal of your policy.

Will My Car Insurance Rates Increase If I’m Not At Fault for the Accident?

Typically, if you’re not at fault for an accident, your car insurance rates shouldn’t increase. In most cases, the at-fault party’s insurance covers the damages, and your rates remain unaffected. However, it’s crucial to promptly report the incident to your insurance company and provide them with all necessary information.

While your rates may not increase directly due to the not-at-fault accident, it’s essential to be aware that some insurance companies consider overall claims history and driving record, which could indirectly impact your premiums.

Always check with your car insurance provider to understand their specific policies and procedures regarding not-at-fault accidents.

When to File a Claim After a Car Accident?

Deciding when to file a claim after a car accident involves weighing the benefits against potential drawbacks. While some drivers may hesitate to file a claim to avoid rate increases, it’s essential to consider the circ*mstances and your insurance policy’s terms.

If the total damages are less than your deductible, it might be tempting not to file a claim. In such cases, covering out-of-pocket costs could be more cost-effective than dealing with potential rate hikes.

However, it’s crucial to understand your insurance company’s requirements. Some insurers mandate filing a claim regardless of the damage amount. Failure to comply might lead to policy complications or even voiding, making it challenging to secure insurance elsewhere.

To make an informed decision, assess the extent of damages, the cost relative to your deductible, and your insurer’s policies. Additionally, consider potential benefits like coverage for medical expenses or the protection of your no-claims discount. Always communicate with your insurance provider to understand their specific requirements and ensure compliance with your policy terms.

Call Uptown Injury Car Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation

Getting in a car accident can be overwhelming; however, if you’re unsure of how to navigate the situation wisely, we’re here to help. Our dedicated team is committed to assisting victims in securing the compensation they rightfully deserve under NY state laws. Here’s why you should choose Uptown Injury Law, PLLC:

1. Personalized Legal Approach

We understand that every car accident case is unique, and we take a personalized approach to each one. Our team of specialists collaborates closely with you to understand your specific situations, needs, and goals. This tailored approach ensures that we build a strong and effective case strategy designed to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Your case isn’t just another file to us – it’s a real-life situation that we are dedicated to resolving in your favor.

2. Proven Track Record

Our track record speaks for itself – we have secured over $100 million for our clients through verdicts and settlements. With a history of success, we have the expertise and experience to handle even the most complex cases. So, rest assured your case is in capable hands with our dedicated team.

3. No Fees Until We Win Your Case

We totally understand the financial and emotional burden that car accident victims endure. That’s why we operate on a “No fees until we win your case” policy. This means that if we don’t secure a successful outcome for your case, you won’t incur any legal fees. Your peace of mind and financial well-being are paramount to us, and we’re committed to fighting tirelessly for your legal rights and the compensation you deserve.

So, if you or a loved one has been a car accident victim, don’t hesitate. Schedule a free consultation with us today. Contact us online or call our toll-free office number at 917-540-8728.


How Much Does Car Insurance Rate Goes Up After an Accident?

The car insurance rate increase following an accident can vary significantly, typically falling from 20% to 50%. However, it’s crucial to note that there is no fixed amount, as factors like fault determination, accident severity, and your driving history influence the extent of the increase.

How to Lower Car Insurance After an Accident?

Consider shopping around for quotes from different car insurance companies to secure lower car insurance rates after an accident. Additionally, improving your driving record and maintaining a clean history can gradually lead to lower insurance premiums over time.

Will Your Insurance Premium Increase After an Accident?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes—your car insurance rates are likely to increase following an accident. When you make a claim, it often results in higher coverage car insurance rates. This is a common practice among insurance providers, as they view accident involvement as an increased risk factor, necessitating the adjustment of premium rates to accommodate potential future claims.

Will Your Car Insurance Rates Go Up if You Have Accident Forgiveness Coverage?

If you have accident forgiveness as part of your car insurance coverage, it can help mitigate the impact of a car accident on your car insurance costs. Some of the best car insurance companies offer this feature, allowing policyholders to have one at-fault accident without a subsequent rate increase. However, it’s essential to check the terms and conditions of your specific car insurance policy to understand how accident forgiveness applies to your situation.

Do Car Insurance Rates Increase After a No-Fault Accident?

If an accident is deemed a “no-fault” accident, meaning it’s entirely someone else’s fault, you typically shouldn’t experience a car insurance rate increase. For instance, if you were rear-ended at a stoplight by another driver, your rates are less likely to go up as you were not at fault.

Will My Car Insurance Rates Go Up if Someone Hits Me?

Generally, if someone else hits you, your insurance rates should not increase. The at-fault driver’s insurance is typically responsible for covering the damages. However, it’s important to promptly report the incident to your insurer to ensure a smooth claims process and clarify any potential impacts on your policy.

How Does a Car Accident Affect My Insurance Premium? (2024)


How Does a Car Accident Affect My Insurance Premium? ›

Will my insurance go up after an accident? Yes, your car insurance rates will typically increase after an at-fault accident due in part to your now higher risk (as perceived by your insurer).

Do insurance rates go up after no fault accident progressive? ›

In some cases, yes — even accidents you didn't cause can increase your rate in states that allow it, as insurers have data showing that some drivers have a propensity for not-at-fault accidents.

What are the two biggest factors that can affect your premium with vehicle insurance? ›

What factors are most important for car insurance rates?
  • Age. Age is a very significant rating factor, especially for young drivers. ...
  • Driving history. This rating factor is straightforward. ...
  • Credit score. ...
  • Years of driving experience. ...
  • Location. ...
  • Gender. ...
  • Insurance history. ...
  • Annual mileage.

Does a claim increase premium? ›

Home and auto insurance companies can raise your premium for filing most types of claims. Auto companies can raise your premium if you've had accidents or gotten traffic tickets. Home and auto companies can't charge you more for: Claims you file that the company didn't pay.

Will Geico raise my rates after a claim? ›

Your insurance rate won't go up as a result of your first otherwise surchargeable, at-fault accident. Subsequent occurrences do not qualify for Accident Forgiveness. Accident Forgiveness eligibility is determined by your specific policy type, as well as your state laws and regulations.

How much does insurance increase after a claim? ›

That said, you'll usually be looking at an increase of 20%-50%. Unless it's protected, you should also expect to lose any no-claims discount you've built up. Even if it's protected you could still see your premiums rise – this is because a no-claims discount is a reduction from a baseline car insurance premium.

Does your insurance go up after a claim that is not your fault? ›

Under California law, an insurer cannot increase your premiums when you aren't at fault.

What type of things can reduce a driver's insurance premium? ›

Increase your deductible

Depending on your insurance provider, paying a higher deductible (the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in, in the event of an incident) is typically a quick and easy way you can decrease your auto insurance payments.

How do car insurance companies determine your premium? ›

Factors That Affect Auto Insurance Premiums. The type and value of your vehicle can affect your car insurance rates. If your model of vehicle has high theft or crash rates (as do many sports cars) your insurance premium may be higher. Your vehicle's value also determines the cost of comprehensive and collision coverage ...

Which gender pays more for car insurance? ›

In general, car insurance companies charge male drivers more for coverage because they're more likely to get into accidents. But while most states allow insurers to consider gender when setting rates, your age, location, insurance provider and driving record usually make a bigger difference.

What is the best car insurance after an accident? ›

American Family Insurance, State Farm, Auto-Owners Insurance and Travelers all have the lowest rate increases after an accident. All car accidents can raise your car insurance rates, regardless of whether you're at fault or not.

Why does the premium go up after an accident? ›

Yes, your car insurance rates will typically increase after an at-fault accident due in part to your now higher risk (as perceived by your insurer). However, factors like accident forgiveness in your policy, taking a defensive driving course, or having an otherwise clean driving record can mitigate this increase.

Should I call my insurance if it wasn't my fault progressive? ›

We encourage you to contact us any time you have a loss, especially if you're looking to get something repaired. Technically, you're required to report a claim even if it's not your fault. We're here to protect your interests and help when you're involved in an auto accident, no matter who was at fault.

Is Geico cheaper than Progressive? ›

Both Geico and Progressive offer cheap car insurance to drivers across the country. Geico's rates are typically lower overall, but Progressive tends to offer better prices to high-risk drivers. High-risk drivers are those with a recent DUI, at-fault accident or speeding ticket on their driving record.

Do I pay deductible if not at fault with Geico? ›

That means you can use it whether you're at fault or not. Unlike some coverages, you don't select a limit for collision. The most it will pay is based on the actual cash value of your vehicle. You will be responsible for paying your selected deductible.

How to lower car insurance in Geico? ›

The following four tips could help you get cheaper car insurance:
  1. Install Safety and Security Devices.
  2. Dig for Discounts.
  3. Combine and Consolidate Policies.
  4. Opt for a Higher Deductible.

Should I call my insurance if it wasn't my fault Progressive? ›

We encourage you to contact us any time you have a loss, especially if you're looking to get something repaired. Technically, you're required to report a claim even if it's not your fault. We're here to protect your interests and help when you're involved in an auto accident, no matter who was at fault.

Do I have to pay deductible if I was not at fault Progressive? ›

Do I pay a car insurance deductible if I'm not at fault? If the other driver is officially deemed at fault, their insurance company can pay for your repairs if you file them, and you won't have to pay your deductible.

How many accidents before Progressive Drops you? ›

Insurers may not drop a customer after their first one or two incidents. The first step is often to increase your car insurance rate. From there, if a customer has another accident or files more claims, the insurer may send a notice that they won't be renewing the policy at the end of its term.

How does insurance work when it's not your fault? ›

If you file a claim with your carrier when you are not at fault, your carrier will eventually begin a process called subrogation. Essentially, this means that once liability is determined, your insurance carrier will send a demand to the at-fault party's carrier to pay back the damages that were paid out to you.

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