How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 31, 2024

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What is topic modeling?


How to use topic modeling for text summarization?


How to use topic modeling for text classification?


How to use topic modeling for text clustering?


What are some of the common topic modeling algorithms and tools?


Here’s what else to consider

Topic modeling is a technique that can help you discover the main themes and concepts in a large collection of text documents. It can also help you summarize, classify, or cluster the documents based on their topics. In this article, you will learn how to use topic modeling for these tasks and what are some of the common algorithms and tools that you can apply.

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  • Vaibhava Lakshmi Ravideshik Ambassador @ DeepLearning.AI and @ Women in Data Science Worldwide

    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (3) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (4) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (5) 17

  • Meetu Malhotra Assisting the automotive industry in navigating the data landscape - utilizing data, analysis and insights to…

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  • Abonia Sojasingarayar Machine Learning Scientist | Data Scientist | NLP Engineer | Computer Vision Engineer | AI Analyst | Technical Writer |…

    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (10) 9

How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (11) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (12) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (13)

1 What is topic modeling?

Topic modeling is a form of unsupervised learning that aims to find the hidden patterns and structures in the text data. It assumes that each document is composed of a mixture of topics, and each topic is a distribution of words that represent a specific subject or idea. For example, a document about sports might have topics such as soccer, basketball, and fitness. Topic modeling can help you identify these topics and their proportions in each document.

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  • Vaibhava Lakshmi Ravideshik Ambassador @ DeepLearning.AI and @ Women in Data Science Worldwide
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    Topic modeling is a technique in NLP used to uncover the underlying themes or topics within a collection of documents. By analyzing the co-occurrence patterns of words, topic modeling algorithms, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), group words into clusters that represent distinct topics. This allows for the automatic summarization of large text corpora, helping to identify and organize key themes, trends, and insights from the data, which can be valuable for tasks such as content categorization and trend analysis.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (22) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (23) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (24) 17

  • Abonia Sojasingarayar Machine Learning Scientist | Data Scientist | NLP Engineer | Computer Vision Engineer | AI Analyst | Technical Writer | Technical Book Reviewer
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    Topic modeling -unsupervised learning helps to find the hidden patterns and structures in the text data.-Summarize:LDA for probabilistic topic-word assignments, extracting key topics and words.-BERTopic for richer semantic understanding.-Classify:Analyze topic distributions within documents use LDA for theme identification&categorization.Use embeddings like BERT.-clustering:Group similar documents by measuring document similarity with LDA.LSA for effective clustering by reducing dimensionality and identifying clusters based on topic vector similarities.-LDA,NMF,LSA offer probabilistic modeling, matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction.-Gensim,Scikit-learn,MALLET provide topic modeling algorithms, preprocessing, evaluation...


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    Another example is customer feedback on products and services, which can have multiple topics ranging from service received, to the problem encountered, to wait time on the call. It is helpful to understand the feedback topics so solutions can be quickly created.


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  • Hosna Hamdieh 🔍 Curious Problem Solver | Unleashing Value through Data 🚀


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    You can find a summary I did on topic modeling and its main models in this article: another one I have published in my professional page (I4Data):


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (51) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (52) 3

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    Topic modeling is a powerful technique used to uncover hidden themes in large text datasets by identifying clusters of words that frequently occur together. It is widely used for text summarization, classification, and clustering by revealing the main topics within documents. This approach enhances our understanding and organization of textual information, making it easier to derive meaningful insights.


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2 How to use topic modeling for text summarization?

Text summarization is the process of creating a concise and accurate representation of the main points and information in a document. Topic modeling can help you generate summaries by extracting the most relevant and salient topics and words from the document. You can then use these topics and words to construct a summary that captures the essence and meaning of the document. For example, you can use the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) algorithm to find the top topics and keywords in a document and then use them to write a summary sentence.

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  • Meetu Malhotra Assisting the automotive industry in navigating the data landscape - utilizing data, analysis and insights to facilitate informed decision-making


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    As another example, we can also use topic modeling to label data. This is something I did on the job project to label text files with the purpose to create training data.


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  • Mohamed Azharudeen Data Scientist @ 🚀 | Building | Published 2 Research Papers | Open-Sourced 400K+ Rows of Data | Articulating Innovations Through Technical Writing
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    Imagine a library with thousands of books, and you need a quick gist of each section. Instead of reading every page, topic modeling, like LDA, acts as a librarian that identifies common themes in each section. By understanding these themes, one can extract the 'heart' of the texts. For instance, if LDA identifies 'space', 'planets', and 'stars' as dominant topics, the summary might be about astronomy. It's a method to glimpse into vast textual universes swiftly.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (80) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (81) 4

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    Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) and Singular value decomposition(SVD) are two popular algorithms which are used for topic modeling. These algorithms can be used for summarization in different ways. LDA algorithm is used to identify mixture of topics. Hence, some paragraph can have multiple topics and some paragraph does not contain any topic. It can identify the relevancy of paragraph on the basis of topic occurrence. Whereas SVD can be used for dimensionality reduction. SVD uses matrix factorization, where we can find top words using matrix rank operation. The top words can be treated as topic. It can also detect relationship of these words with documents or document's segments. On the basis this relationship summary can be generated.


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  • Divija Kalluri Data Science | Computer Vision | NLP | Teaching Assistant | Agile | CS Grad Student at Univ of Houston | Ex-DataScience Intern
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    Text summarization can leverage topic modeling, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), to extract key themes from a document. LDA breaks down the text into topics, each represented by a set of important words. By identifying these topics and their representative words, one can create a summary that highlights the document's main points. This method filters out irrelevant information, ensuring the summary is concise and focused on the essential content. Combining LDA with other NLP techniques can further enhance summary quality, making it more coherent and comprehensive.


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  • Oluwafemi Daniel Ajala 💡5X LinkedIn Top Voice || Full Stack Data Scientist || ML Engineer || LLMs|| Data Analyst || Data Specialist || NLP </>
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    Topic modeling can help summarize text:-First, it finds the main themes in the text.-Then, it picks the sentences that best match those themes.-It chooses the most important sentences and makes sure they don't repeat too much. -Finally, it puts these sentences together in a clear way. This gives you a short and informative summary of the text.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (108) 3

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3 How to use topic modeling for text classification?

Text classification is the process of assigning a label or a category to a document based on its content and purpose. Topic modeling can help you perform text classification by creating a feature vector for each document that represents its topic distribution. You can then use these feature vectors as inputs for a supervised learning model such as a logistic regression or a neural network that can predict the label or category of the document. For example, you can use the NMF (Non-negative Matrix Factorization) algorithm to create topic vectors for news articles and then use them to classify the articles into different genres or domains.

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  • Oluwafemi Daniel Ajala 💡5X LinkedIn Top Voice || Full Stack Data Scientist || ML Engineer || LLMs|| Data Analyst || Data Specialist || NLP </>
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    To use topic modeling for text classification, start by training an unsupervised model like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify main themes in a text corpus. Next, represent each document as a vector of topic distributions based on its content. These topic vectors can then be fed into a supervised machine learning classifier, which learns to predict class labels from the topic-based representations. This approach offers advantages such as dimensionality reduction, semantic representation, and interpretability, making it effective for accurate and insightful text classification.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (117) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (118) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (119) 6

  • Swagata Ashwani 🔹LinkedIn Top Voice 2024 | Data Science @Boomi | CMU Alumnus
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    When it comes to using Topic Modeling for text Classification, I can think of two areas-1. Feature Engineering: Topic distributions can serve as features for the classification model. If we use LDA on a set of documents, each document will be represented as a distribution over topics. These distributions can be used as input features for a classifier.2. Semi-supervised Learning: In cases where labeled data is small, topic modeling can be used to explore the underlying themes in the data, and this understanding can be leveraged to guide the classification process.

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    Topic modeling can be used for classification in a no. of ways. Topic modeling algorithm can be used to label document based on the extracted topic from document. It can also be used for creating taxonomies from the documents. Later, taxonomy can be used for text classification. In Text classification, words which are present in the document are treated as features. Topic Modeling algorithm like SVD algo can be used for dimensionality reduction. Where we can identify top-K words present in the document. We can use topic vector which is extracted from SVD for classification. As compared to SVD, LDA generates sparse topic vector, so it cannot be directly used. Apart from that algorithms like labelled LDA can be used for classification.


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  • Azizul Hakim SWE @ AoE | Machine Learning | Generative AI
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    Topic modeling can be integrated into an active learning framework to selectively sample documents for annotation to improve the classification model. First, we calculate the topic distributions of documents to estimate their representativeness or informativeness for the classification task. Documents with uncertain or diverse topic distributions can then be selected for manual annotation to update the model and improve its accuracy.


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  • Ali Alizade Nikoo Machine Learning Engineer | Natural Language Processing Specialist
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    Topic modeling can be employed for text classification by representing documents as distributions over topics. Each document is assigned a probability distribution across different topics, and these distributions are then used as features for classification. Techniques like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) can be applied to extract topics from the documents, and the resulting topic distributions are used as input to machine learning algorithms for classification. This approach allows for capturing the underlying themes or topics in the text, enabling more effective classification based on semantic content rather than just keywords or phrases.


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4 How to use topic modeling for text clustering?

Text clustering is the process of grouping documents that are similar or related to each other based on their content and meaning. Topic modeling can help you perform text clustering by measuring the similarity or distance between the documents based on their topic distributions. You can then use a clustering algorithm such as k-means or hierarchical clustering to partition the documents into clusters that share common topics or themes. For example, you can use the LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) algorithm to create topic vectors for blog posts and then use them to cluster the posts into different niches or interests.

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  • Mohamed Azharudeen Data Scientist @ 🚀 | Building | Published 2 Research Papers | Open-Sourced 400K+ Rows of Data | Articulating Innovations Through Technical Writing
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    Think of topic modeling as a keen-eyed botanist who can detect underlying patterns in a vast forest. By identifying shared topics, like the common trees or plants, this botanist can determine which areas of the forest are alike. Using LSA, our 'botanist' discerns the latent themes in each blog post, akin to sensing the similar flora of different forest patches. When you cluster using these themes, it's like grouping forest regions by predominant vegetation, revealing the landscape's structure.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (167) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (168) 5

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    In order to perform topic modeling for text clustering, they began by analyzing text data using topic modeling techniques such as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to find hidden topics. Each document is represented by its topic distribution. Then apply clustering algorithms like k-means or hierarchical clustering to group these documents according to their topics’ distributions. This method helps in clustering the documents into sets that have comparable themes or subjects, which will aid in organizing and examining big textual datasets efficiently.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (177) 3

5 What are some of the common topic modeling algorithms and tools?

There are many different topic modeling algorithms and tools available for text analysis projects. Popular methods include Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Common tools used to apply these algorithms include Gensim, a Python library providing implementations of LDA, NMF, and other topic modeling methods; Scikit-learn, a Python library providing implementations of NMF, LSA, and other machine learning methods; and MALLET, a Java-based toolkit providing implementations of LDA, NMF, and other topic modeling methods. These tools offer various utilities and functionalities for preprocessing, evaluation, visualization, data manipulation, feature extraction, model selection, and performance metrics.

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  • Vaibhava Lakshmi Ravideshik Ambassador @ DeepLearning.AI and @ Women in Data Science Worldwide
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    Topic modeling uncovers hidden themes in large text collections, aiding summarization, classification, and clustering. For summarization, it identifies main themes to extract representative sections. In classification, topics serve as features for categorizing documents. For clustering, topic models group documents by shared themes. Key algorithms include Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Tools like Gensim, MALLET, and Scikit-learn offer robust implementations of these algorithms for various NLP tasks.


    How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (186) How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (187) 6

  • Ali Alizade Nikoo Machine Learning Engineer | Natural Language Processing Specialist
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    Common topic modeling algorithms and tools like LDA, NMF, and LSA, along with libraries such as Gensim and scikit-learn, offer efficient ways to extract meaningful topics from text data.


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  • Neeharika Sinha, PhD Lead Data Scientist at Cytiva
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    Thanks to Maarten Grootendorst for the introduction of BERTopic as a modular topic model. I am using this in my project and very productie.


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  • Guy Mathys I am working with language and data, with a passion for uncovering insights and trends. Natural Language Processing - BERTopic - Logistic regression
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    BERTopic is a solid choice for unsupervised topic modeling, particularly if you're working with a smaller, niche dataset. Just be mindful that tweaking the settings can really change the output, sometimes dramatically increasing the number of topics. Also, the keyword format of the results might not be as intuitive for domain experts as the kind of insights you get from supervised learning. Unsupervised learning has that 'wow' factor of uncovering hidden patterns, but you'll likely need to help your audience make sense of it.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Vaibhava Lakshmi Ravideshik Ambassador @ DeepLearning.AI and @ Women in Data Science Worldwide
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    Topic modeling can be effectively utilized for text summarization, classification, and clustering by uncovering the underlying themes within a corpus of documents. In text summarization, algorithms like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) can identify key topics, allowing for the extraction of representative sentences that capture the essence of the content. For classification, topic modeling can generate feature vectors based on topic distributions, which can then be used to train machine learning classifiers to categorize documents based on their thematic content. In clustering, topic modeling helps group similar documents together by identifying shared topics, enabling a more meaningful organization of the text data.


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  • Lourens Walters Finder of patterns, builder of things - Senior Data Scientist
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    Unlike extractive NLP methods which are purely lexically based (keywords), topic modelling tries to capture underlying structure and meaning in documents i.e. semantics. The classical technique is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which generates word and topic distributions from the Dirichlet density function (based on minimising a cost function). Modern techniques use embeddings to cluster both words and documents into the same vector space e.g. BERTopic (which uses BERT embeddings). A novel approach is to use LLMs to generate human readable concepts from topic words generated by topic models (either LDA or BERTopic).


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How do you use topic modeling for text summarization, classification, or clustering? (2024)
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