How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 9, 2024

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What is a SBLC?


How does a SBLC differ from a LC?


Why use a SBLC as an alternative to a LC?


Why use a SBLC as a supplement to a LC?


How do you obtain a SBLC?


How do you use a SBLC?

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If you are involved in export-import transactions, you may be familiar with documentary credit, also known as letter of credit (LC). This is a payment method that guarantees the payment of the exporter by the importer's bank, based on the presentation of certain documents that prove the shipment and delivery of the goods. However, documentary credit can be costly, time-consuming, and subject to strict compliance rules. That's why some traders use standby letters of credit (SBLC) as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit. In this article, you will learn what SBLCs are, how they differ from LCs, and how you can use them to facilitate your trade deals.

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  • Uday Makwana Founder @ Halten International | Change Leadership | International Business Strategist | Angel Investor | Start Up…

    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (3) 7

  • Natália Saconi Exportação |🔅Top Voice de Gestão Logística | Gestão Operacional | Gestão Comercial

    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (5) How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (6) 4

  • Marcos Alves Business Administrator - International Business - Import/Export

    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (8) 3

How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (9) How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (10) How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (11)

1 What is a SBLC?

A SBLC is a type of bank guarantee that is issued by the importer's bank in favor of the exporter. It serves as a backup or secondary payment method, in case the importer fails to pay the exporter according to the agreed terms. Unlike a LC, a SBLC does not require the presentation of specific documents to trigger the payment. Instead, the exporter only needs to submit a written demand to the bank, along with a statement that the importer has defaulted on the payment obligation. A SBLC can be used for any type of transaction, not only for goods, but also for services or financial obligations.

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  • Uday Makwana Founder @ Halten International | Change Leadership | International Business Strategist | Angel Investor | Start Up Enthusiast | International Trade-Porcelain/Ceramic Tiles/Tiles Adessive/Laminates | Vipassana Follower |
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    SBLCs and Documentary Credits (DCs) are both financial guarantees used in trade, but serve different purposes. SBLC is triggered by specific events unrelated to documents, like performance failures or contract breaches.SBLCs can be used as an alternative in High trust scenario and Service-based transactions like consulting, document verification doesn't apply, making SBLCs a better fit.The best choice depends on:•Transaction type: Goods, services, or contract specifics.•Trust level: Buyer-seller relationship and risk assessment.•Cost considerations: Fees associated with each option.•Guarantee needs: Desired security and payment trigger conditions.


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (20) 7

  • Natália Saconi Exportação |🔅Top Voice de Gestão Logística | Gestão Operacional | Gestão Comercial


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    A standby LC é bastante utilizada nas negociações de commodities, fornecendo segurança a uma obrigação de longo prazo visto que geralmente possui validade de 1 ano. Também é utilizada como um instrumento de garantia para obter linhas de crédito.



    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (29) How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (30) 4

  • Marcos Alves Business Administrator - International Business - Import/Export
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    Standby letters of credit can be an alternative or complement to documentary credit in commercial transactions. These letters serve as financial guarantees, providing security for both parties involved. By using standby letters of credit, it is possible to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with agreed-upon terms. They can be used in situations where documentary credit may not be feasible or when an additional layer of protection is desired. It is important to understand the differences between the two methods and carefully evaluate the specific needs and requirements of each transaction to determine thebestapproach.


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (39) 3

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    having 18 years exp in Intl Logistics guiding Entrepreneur, standby L/C play a major role to reduce the cost where product is same repetitive , it guarantees to exporter,My exporter is supplying regularly rice to african importer, he has open standby L/C for 6 moths , when goods are going to despatch exporter take confirmation if you can pay TT we will not send the documents through bank & courier to you directly & the l/s continues it save cost & develop trust at both ends


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (48) 3

  • Marek R. Helinski 🌍 ♻ 🌱 Find your new business opportunities with experienced international business development senior executive - B2B, innovations, inventions, new technologies, AI, CSR/ESG - business partners search, product sourcing
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    SBLCs and L/Cs are both used in international trade, but they serve DIFFERENT (!) purposes. While an L/C is primarily a payment instrument, an SBLC is a performance guarantee...Best would be to use SBLCs as supplement, rather than an alternative to L/C.- Gives alternative payment security,- Ensure performance assurance (eg. for: non-payment, non-delivery, non-performance).In any case:- Ensure that the terms and conditions of SBLC and the L/C are clearly defined in the Contract.- Seek advice from trade finance experts or legal professionals with experience in international transactions. It's essential to tailor the financial instruments to the unique circ*mstances of the Contract and seek professional advice when necessary.


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (57) 1

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2 How does a SBLC differ from a LC?

A SBLC and a LC are both forms of bank guarantees, but they have some key differences. A LC is a primary payment method, while a SBLC is a secondary or contingent payment method. A LC is based on the performance of the exporter, while a SBLC is based on the non-performance of the importer. A LC requires the submission of specific documents that match the terms and conditions of the credit, while a SBLC requires only a simple demand and a statement of default. A LC is usually more expensive, complex, and rigid than a SBLC, which is more flexible, simple, and cheaper.

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  • Siddharth Puranik International Trade Professional | Founder @ Terraculture Trading | MBA, Brand Management
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    A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) and a Letter of Credit (LC) are both financial instruments used in international trade, but they serve different purposes. An LC is a primary payment mechanism that guarantees the seller will receive payment if they meet the specified terms and conditions of the contract. It is commonly used to ensure that payment is made once goods are shipped or services are provided. On the other hand, an SBLC acts as a secondary payment method, functioning more like a safety net. It is typically used to provide assurance to the beneficiary that payment will be made if the buyer fails to fulfill their contractual obligations, essentially serving as a guarantee of payment in case of default.


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (66) 2

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    SBLC | Acts as a safety net, used primarily as a guarantee of payment if the applicant defaults. Typically used as a backup in case of non-performance or non-payment. Only activated if the buyer or applicant defaults.Letter of Credit (LC) | Facilitates trade by ensuring payment is made to the seller upon fulfilling the terms and conditions of the sale. Directly involved in the transaction, ensuring the buyer pays the seller when certain conditions are met. Regularly used in the normal course of trade transactions.

  • Ketan Vadariya Export Sales Advisor Exporters fail because they don't know how to find and convince buyers. As an Import Export Trainer, I specialize in sales. Struggling with buyers and orders? Join us! #ExportTrainer #ImportExportcourse #Exportclasses
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    While both a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) and a Letter of Credit (LC) offer payment security, they function differently. A regular LC is used as a primary payment method where payment is made upon the submission of required documents, such as shipping documents, that prove the fulfillment of contractual terms. On the other hand, an SBLC serves as a fallback option. Payment is triggered only when the buyer defaults and fails to meet their obligations. Thus, while an LC facilitates transactions, an SBLC acts as a financial guarantee for non-payment or non-performance.


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3 Why use a SBLC as an alternative to a LC?

A SBLC can be used as an alternative to a LC when the exporter and the importer have a high level of trust and confidence in each other, and want to avoid the hassle and cost of documentary credit. A SBLC can also be used when the transaction involves services or financial obligations that are not easily verifiable by documents. A SBLC can provide the exporter with a sense of security and assurance that they will receive their payment, even if the importer defaults or delays. A SBLC can also give the importer more flexibility and control over their cash flow and payment terms.

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  • Harley Gama WOODSTOCK
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    Flexibility and control. An SBLC can offer the importer more flexibility and control over their cash flow and payment terms. Instead of being bound by strict documentary requirements, the importer can determine when and how payment will be made, as long as it meets the obligations set out in the contract.


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    Provides more flexibility as it serves as a guarantee rather than a direct payment mechanism. Less involvement in the day-to-day transactions, only coming into play if the applicant defaults.Can be less expensive since it is not intended to be drawn upon unless necessary. Can be used in a wider range of situations beyond just trade transactions, such as securing performance or fulfilling financial obligations.

  • Sounak Bhattacharya Founder of Sounak.Global - India's Leading Makhana and Spices Exporting Company | Razorpay | IIT Bombay | Rejecting ISRO Scientist Offer
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    •Trust and Confidence: When parties have high trust, an SBLC reduces the need for complex documentation. Using SBLC instead of LC, reduces paperwork & speeds up the process smoothly.•Cost Efficiency: SBLCs often incur lower bank fees and less administrative burdens than LCs, crucial for startups •Service or Financial Obligations: Ideal for transactions where services or obligations are not easily documented.•Flexibility: Provides importers with more control over cash flow and payment terms. An SBLC allows the retailer to adjust payment schedules without the rigidity of an LC, making it easier to manage finances.•Security: Ensures exporters receive payment if the importer defaults, offering enhanced financial security.

  • Ketan Vadariya Export Sales Advisor Exporters fail because they don't know how to find and convince buyers. As an Import Export Trainer, I specialize in sales. Struggling with buyers and orders? Join us! #ExportTrainer #ImportExportcourse #Exportclasses
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    A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) can be an alternative to a traditional Letter of Credit (LC) when the exporter and importer share a high level of trust and wish to avoid the complexities and higher costs associated with documentary credits. SBLCs are especially useful when dealing with transactions involving services, financial obligations, or goods where documentary evidence is less crucial. By using an SBLC, the exporter gains security that they will still be paid if the importer defaults, while the importer benefits from more flexible payment terms and better cash flow management.


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4 Why use a SBLC as a supplement to a LC?

A SBLC can be used as a supplement to a LC when the exporter and the importer want to combine the benefits of both payment methods. A SBLC can be used to cover the risks that are not covered by the LC, such as political, legal, or contractual disputes. A SBLC can also be used to extend the validity or amount of the LC, in case of unexpected changes or delays in the transaction. A SBLC can also be used to reduce the cost and complexity of the LC, by allowing the exporter to accept less documents or lower compliance standards.

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  • Ketan Vadariya Export Sales Advisor Exporters fail because they don't know how to find and convince buyers. As an Import Export Trainer, I specialize in sales. Struggling with buyers and orders? Join us! #ExportTrainer #ImportExportcourse #Exportclasses
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    While both a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) and a Letter of Credit (LC) offer payment security, they function differently. A regular LC is used as a primary payment method where payment is made upon the submission of required documents, such as shipping documents, that prove the fulfillment of contractual terms. On the other hand, an SBLC serves as a fallback option. Payment is triggered only when the buyer defaults and fails to meet their obligations. Thus, while an LC facilitates transactions, an SBLC acts as a financial guarantee for non-payment or non-performance.


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (124) 1

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    Provides additional security to the beneficiary, ensuring that they receive payment even if the primary LC terms are not met.Acts as a fallback guarantee, providing an extra layer of protection.Reduces the risk of non-payment, offering confidence to the seller and potentially improving the terms of the trade agreement.


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5 How do you obtain a SBLC?

To obtain a SBLC, you need to apply to your bank and provide them with the details of the transaction, such as the amount, the duration, the beneficiary, and the purpose of the guarantee. You also need to provide evidence of your creditworthiness and financial stability, such as your financial statements, business plan, and trade references. Your bank will then evaluate your application and decide whether to issue the SBLC or not. You may have to pay a fee or provide collateral to secure the SBLC. Once the SBLC is issued, you need to send a copy to the beneficiary and notify them of the terms and conditions.

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  • Ketan Vadariya Export Sales Advisor Exporters fail because they don't know how to find and convince buyers. As an Import Export Trainer, I specialize in sales. Struggling with buyers and orders? Join us! #ExportTrainer #ImportExportcourse #Exportclasses
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    To obtain a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), you must apply through your bank, providing key transaction details such as the amount, duration, beneficiary, and purpose of the guarantee. The bank will assess your financial stability and creditworthiness, typically reviewing documents like financial statements, a business plan, and trade references. If approved, you may need to provide collateral or pay a fee. After the SBLC is issued, a copy is sent to the beneficiary, and they are informed of the SBLC’s terms and conditions.


    How do you use standby letters of credit as an alternative or supplement to documentary credit? (141) 1

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    The applicant (buyer) requests an SBLC from their bank, providing the necessary documentation and justification for the request. The bank assesses the applicant’s creditworthiness and the purpose of the SBLC. The bank and the applicant agree on the terms, including the amount, duration, and conditions under which the SBLC can be drawn. Once approved, the bank issues the SBLC to the beneficiary’s bank.

  • Sounak Bhattacharya Founder of Sounak.Global - India's Leading Makhana and Spices Exporting Company | Razorpay | IIT Bombay | Rejecting ISRO Scientist Offer
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    Obtaining an SBLC is like applying for a loan. The buyer requests an SBLC from a commercial bank, which assesses the buyer’s creditworthiness through past credit history and reports. If needed, the bank may require collateral based on risk and the SBLC amount. The buyer must also provide details about the seller, shipping documents, the beneficiary’s bank, and the SBLC validity period. Once reviewed, the bank issues the SBLC and charges a service fee of 1% to 10% per year. In HDFC Bank, for SBLC Issuance, - Documentation Charges - Rs.1500- Commission Charges (for each year SBLC is active, how much you will be charged as a fee ?)- 1.8% Per Annum of the SBLC amount- Swift / Courier Charges - Rs.2000


6 How do you use a SBLC?

To use a SBLC, you need to follow the instructions and procedures specified in the guarantee. If you are the beneficiary, you need to keep the SBLC in a safe place and monitor the performance of the applicant. If the applicant fails to pay you according to the agreed terms, you need to submit a written demand and a statement of default to the issuing bank, within the validity period and in accordance with the format and content required by the SBLC. The bank will then verify your claim and pay you the amount guaranteed by the SBLC. If you are the applicant, you need to ensure that you fulfill your payment obligation to the beneficiary and avoid triggering the SBLC. You also need to pay any fees or charges associated with the SBLC and renew or cancel it as needed.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Uday Makwana Founder @ Halten International | Change Leadership | International Business Strategist | Angel Investor | Start Up Enthusiast | International Trade-Porcelain/Ceramic Tiles/Tiles Adessive/Laminates | Vipassana Follower |
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    For instance, a U.S. exporter might use an SBLC from an Asian buyer's bank as a payment assurance. If the buyer defaults, the U.S. exporter can claim payment from the bank under the SBLC. This method provides security while simplifying transactions compared to documentary credits, which require detailed documentation. Companies like Boeing use SBLCs in aircraft sales to secure payments and reduce the complexity and administrative burden of documentary credits.


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