How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 2, 2024

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Know your purpose


Choose the right timing


Use a friendly and polite tone


Provide value and context


End with a clear call to action


Here’s what else to consider

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How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (1)

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  • Ahmad Hassan Building Brands That Connect And Convert By Utilizing | Social Media Management | Organic Marketing | LinkedIn Branding

    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (3) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (4) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (5) 16

  • Yemmie Olaleye (CMSA®, FTIP™) ✪ I help individuals make informed & strategic decisions in the financial market; charts into profitable…

    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (7) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (8) 14

  • How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (10) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (11) 11

How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (12) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (13) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (14)

1 Know your purpose

Before you write a follow-up email, ask yourself what you want to achieve. Do you want to confirm a meeting, get feedback, close a deal, or get an answer to a question? Your purpose will determine the tone, content, and urgency of your email. Be clear and specific about what you're asking for and why it matters.

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  • Ahmad Hassan Building Brands That Connect And Convert By Utilizing | Social Media Management | Organic Marketing | LinkedIn Branding
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    Here are some concise tips for following up on important emails without being annoying:Use clear, action-oriented subject linesKeep the email brief and positiveProvide additional value or contextMaintain a polite, courteous toneAvoid apologetic languageTime your follow-ups appropriatelyConsider alternative reminder methodsEmpathize with the recipient's perspective


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (23) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (24) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (25) 11

  • Ed Forteau Leader of the Genuine Connections Revolution | Helping Service Providers, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals Build Authentic Relationships | Author of "No More Cringe” | Changing the Way We do Business on LinkedIn
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    On average, people now spend 8.9 seconds reading emails. Keep your follow-up messages short.Follow this process, and you’ll buy yourself enough time for your recipient to read and reply to your email.The subject line should be no more than 2-3 words.Consider writing preview text above the salutation, because the recipient will see that when scanning their emails.Or, get right to the point after the salutation.The subject line and preview text should explain what the email is about.The body of the email should tell the recipient what you want them to do.Then keep the body of the email short. No more than 70 words (ideally under 50 words).Do this, and you'll get more people responding to your follow-up emails.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (34) 7

  • Yulia Samoilenko Assisting companies of all sizes in reaching new heights and attaining optimal outcomes.
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    Focus your attention on the subject line of the letter. And in the letter itself, say what's important, don't overburden it with too much introductory information. More facts less water, then the recipient will get the point faster. At the beginning of the letter you can write that you understand the recipient's workload, but the answer is very important to you. Use phrases such as: "Your opinion is very important to me" or "Your answer to this question is very important. Be clear about deadlines.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (43) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (44) 5

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    Short? Yes! Subject line captivating? Of course. But don't forget the value of simple words that are the tip of your email spear. Flat, pedantic words and phrases will give your audience another off-ramp. Use sharp, intentional, compelling words that capture attention quickly and drive interest based on what the audience wants and needs to know.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (53) 2

  • Rajdeep D.
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    Following up on important or urgent emails can be done effectively without being annoying by ensuring clarity and courtesy. Start with a polite reminder, acknowledging their busy schedule and the urgency of the matter. For instance, "Hope this finds you well. Just following up on my previous email regarding [topic]. Given its urgency, I wanted to check if you've had a chance to review it. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your response." This approach shows respect for their time while emphasizing the importance of your request. If no response is received, consider a phone call or seeking an alternate contact if available.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (62) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (63) 2

2 Choose the right timing

Timing is crucial when it comes to follow-up emails. You don't want to send them too soon or too late. Too soon, and you might seem impatient or desperate. Too late, and you might lose the opportunity or the interest of the recipient. The best timing depends on the context and the relationship, but a general rule of thumb is to wait at least 24 hours before following up on an important email, and at least a week before following up on an urgent one.

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  • Yemmie Olaleye (CMSA®, FTIP™) ✪ I help individuals make informed & strategic decisions in the financial market; charts into profitable opportunities.Market Analyst| Coach| Mentor| Thought leader| FuturistCFI: FMVA®| CMSA®| CBCA™| BIDA®| FTIP™| FPWM
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    Understand your audience and the best timing to send an email to them.Sending email during the opening and closing of the week may be off as they may be busy with other obligations and overlook your email.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (72) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (73) 14

  • Ed Forteau Leader of the Genuine Connections Revolution | Helping Service Providers, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals Build Authentic Relationships | Author of "No More Cringe” | Changing the Way We do Business on LinkedIn
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    Most people follow up too quickly. And they think if someone doesn't get back to them on their timetable, there must be something wrong.Get over it. They have their own lives, and are dealing with their own problems.Following up too quickly, and too often, comes across as needy and desperate.Don't be that person.Take a deep breath. Be cool and be patient.If it is important to them, they will get back to you.If it isn't, maybe you shouldn't have bothered them in the first place.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (82) 5

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    It's important to consider the context and the relationship when deciding how long to wait. We have to be very be clear and concise while writing email at some crucial time.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (91) 1

  • Jonny Umoru I make lead generation easier for your business | DM me to have a quick chat
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    In business, following up on emails is crucial but tricky. First, wait 48-72 hours before nudging; it shows respect for the recipient's time while keeping your message on their radar. If it's super urgent, consider a gentle follow-up after 24 hours, emphasizing the time sensitivity. Keep it light and friendly - a quick note saying you're just ensuring the email didn't get lost in the shuffle works wonders. Lastly, always end with an offer to provide further clarification or assistance. This approach keeps the door open for productive communication without crossing into persistence-overload territory.

  • Jonny Umoru I make lead generation easier for your business | DM me to have a quick chat
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    Timing is everything in following up on emails. Wait at least 48 hours before sending a follow-up. This respects their schedule while keeping your email top of mind. Try catching them at the start of their workday when they're sorting through emails.Use a friendly tone, "Just popping into your inbox to gently remind you about..." It shows you’re mindful of their time.Lastly, consider their time zone and workload. If you know they’re swamped, adding "No rush, just whenever you have a moment" can ease the pressure. This approach balances persistence with patience, perfect for busy business owners.


3 Use a friendly and polite tone

The tone of your follow-up email can make or break your chances of getting a response. You want to sound respectful, professional, and courteous, not demanding, rude, or aggressive. Use positive and polite language, such as "please", "thank you", "I appreciate", and "I hope". Avoid using negative or accusatory words, such as "urgent", "reminder", "overdue", and "you failed". Also, avoid using all caps, multiple exclamation points, or emoticons, as they can come across as unprofessional or emotional.

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    From my perspective, humanity is a key here. Each of us can simply forget to reply when overloaded with many other tasks. We never know how busy other people might be and how much they carry on their shoulders. Express understanding and be gentle in your reminders to increase the chance of receiving the response you expect. For example, "I assume you've had rather busy days lately, so I just want to let you know that my request is still relevant. It is important because... Please just let me know when you have time to respond. Thank you."


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (116) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (117) 11

  • Ed Forteau Leader of the Genuine Connections Revolution | Helping Service Providers, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals Build Authentic Relationships | Author of "No More Cringe” | Changing the Way We do Business on LinkedIn
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    The fastest way to destroy the relationship and get your emails marked as spam is to be rude.This is especially true for cold outreach, where no relationships exist.Yet, I see this tactic being used all the time."Are you not going to respond to my emails?"Although the sender may not have had the intent of their email being rude, it comes across as that way.Read your email before sending it, and think, "Could what I'm saying be taken the wrong way?"If the answer is Yes, fix it before clicking send.But only fix it if you want them to respond...and not mark your email as spam.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (126) 4

  • Beth Mastre Helping Sales Teams Increase Opportunities Through Significantly Easier Conversations With Prospects.

    The tone of follow-up emails is important, but I believe some words automatically turn off prospects.Those words are "following up" or "checking in". These words signal your agenda and your need for the prospect to do something for YOU. There is absolutely no value for the prospect in that.Rather, any follow-up, especially if they appear to be ghosting you, you will need to create value and make the communication about them.When a follow-up email is all about YOU, that is the fastest way to turn off a prospecting and the hardest way to get them to reengage...even if the meeting you had with them seemed amazing!


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (135) 3

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    Using a friendly or polite tone in emails is crucial for establishing and maintaining positive relationships while minimizing the risk of conflicts arising.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (144) 1

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    Remember the ancient biz adage: People will remember less what you said and more how you made the feel. Leave your audience feeling vital, validated and respected.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (153) 1

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4 Provide value and context

A good follow-up email should not only remind the recipient of your previous email, but also provide some value and context. Value can be anything that benefits the recipient, such as a helpful resource, a relevant update, a testimonial, or a discount. Context can be anything that explains why you're following up, such as a deadline, a mutual connection, or a recent event. Providing value and context can help you stand out from the crowd and show that you're not just spamming them.

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  • Ed Forteau Leader of the Genuine Connections Revolution | Helping Service Providers, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals Build Authentic Relationships | Author of "No More Cringe” | Changing the Way We do Business on LinkedIn
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    Give a clear reason why you are following up, and make your point from the recipient's perspective.They are thinking, "Why should I take the time to reply to this person?"You need to provide a reason, and it can't be self-serving.What will they gain by following up? State that.What will they lose by not following up? State that.Do this right and they will reply to you.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (162) 5

  • Navjot Kaley Manager at Evolution Montessori
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    This is a good one! I usually do many follow ups to our customers, giving them gentle and friendly reminders or informing them of the deadline to which a certain task has to be completed.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (171) 2

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    I’ve had countless times where a follow up for a promotion hit my inbox, and I thought “Glad they sent this — I didn’t want to miss this promo/webinar/etc.”Clarity is so refreshing. It’s frustrating when a reminder is poised like it’s something else. If the reader’s not interested, they’ll appreciate an easy discard. If they’ve been thinking about it, they appreciate a reminder.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (180) 1

5 End with a clear call to action

The last part of your follow-up email should include a clear call to action that tells the recipient what you want them to do next. Do you want them to reply, call, book, sign, or confirm? Make it easy for them to take action by providing a link, a button, a phone number, or a calendar invite. Also, give them a specific time frame or deadline for their response, such as "by tomorrow", "by the end of the week", or "by the 15th". This will create a sense of urgency and accountability.

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    Clear CTA is absolutely crucial.If you know whats its like being hungover, you can probably resonate with the URGE to NOT DO ANYTHING. Your prospects have the same urge to NOT reply to you.So if you make it hard for them to reply to your email, THEY WONT. (aka. not having a clear CTA)It’s simple. 1.Read your own email, and pretend you are interested in your offer. 2.Now how clear are the steps to take if you were to be interested?Clear steps → Higher Positive Reply RatesUnclear steps → Damn, I feel bad for you.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (189) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (190) 7

  • Ed Forteau Leader of the Genuine Connections Revolution | Helping Service Providers, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals Build Authentic Relationships | Author of "No More Cringe” | Changing the Way We do Business on LinkedIn
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    When making your request/ask/call to action, consider two important things:1. How well do you know this person?2. Is the ask appropriate to the relationship?Is it appropriate to ask for 15-20 minutes of someone's time without providing some value upfront? I don't think so.Yet, that is done all the time, with predictably poor results.Make the ask simple. If you make it easy for them to respond, guess what: they will.


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  • Jonny Umoru I make lead generation easier for your business | DM me to have a quick chat
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    The rules are simple when it comes to emails.If you don’t ask then you can’t be shocked if you don’t get.Directing your audience to the outcome you want is super important.So if you want sales ask your audience to buy.But make sure your message is related to your offer.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (208) 1

6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Ahmad Hassan Building Brands That Connect And Convert By Utilizing | Social Media Management | Organic Marketing | LinkedIn Branding
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    Include a clear call to action in your follow-up email, such as a link, phone number, or calendar invite, and set a specific deadline for response to create a sense of urgency.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (217) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (218) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (219) 16

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    If this is in the context of contacting a client or coworker about something you need, and you've already asked before with no reply, do this:Have you given up on the project (name)?This is a tactic from the former lead hostage negotiator in the FBI (Chris Voss) and it absolutely works like a CHARM. Frequently use this myself, and don't include ANYTHING else.


    How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (228) How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (229) 7

  • Ed Forteau Leader of the Genuine Connections Revolution | Helping Service Providers, Entrepreneurs, and Sales Professionals Build Authentic Relationships | Author of "No More Cringe” | Changing the Way We do Business on LinkedIn
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    Everyone's busy. You are not the only one vying for their time.Take your time crafting a persuasive first message so a follow-up message isn't necessary.Make that first message so compelling and intriguing that the recipient drops everything to reply to it.Do this and you will be doing your part to reduce the carbon footprint, and the world will thank you.


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Email How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (239)


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How do you follow up on important or urgent emails without being annoying or pushy? (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.