How Do You Ensure Test Coverage? (2024)

Mohammad AdilMay 25, 2023

Software development is more systematic today. Organizations are seeking measures to test the effectiveness and completeness of the software. Test coverage is the most valuable of them all. Test Coverage is a technique that measures the amount of automation testing that is performed by a set of tests (or test suites). It helps monitor the quality of automation testing and assists the testers in creating tests that cover all the untested missing areas.

Table Of Contents

  • 1 What is Test Coverage?
    • 1.1 Why is Test Coverage Important?
    • 1.2 The Benefits of Test Coverage
    • 1.3 Types of Test Coverage
  • 2 Popular Methods of Covering Tests
  • 3 How to Calculate Test Coverage?
  • 4 Automation Testing Coverage: Few Examples
    • 4.1 Product Coverage:
    • 4.2 Cross Browser Test Coverage
    • 4.3 Requirements Coverage:
  • 5 Test Coverage Techniques
  • 6 How do you Ensure Test Coverage to Achieve Maximum?
  • 7 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 7.1 How do you ensure better code coverage?
    • 7.2 How can I improve my test coverage code?
    • 7.3 What is a test coverage plan?

What is Test Coverage?

Test coverage is the measurement of testing performed by a set of tests. It quantifies the areas in which a collection of test cases has been tested. Test coverage includes collecting information to determine which program parts are executed using a test suite to determine which conditional statements have been taken branches. Basically, it is a way of ensuring that you are testing your code and determining how much area of the code a certain set of test plans covers.

Why is Test Coverage Important?

  • It gives information about the covered and uncovered area of automation testing.
  • Test coverage helps to make a decision about the quality of the product.
  • It tells the QA tester which all test cases have been executed and which are not.
  • Helps to create additional test cases to increase coverage.
  • Identify meaningless test cases which have no role in increasing the coverage.
  • Identify a quantitative measure of test coverage to ensure quality checks.
  • Helps to meet the exit criteria.
  • Helps to keep time, scope, and cost under control.
  • Prevents defects at an early stage of the project lifecycle.
  • Help easily find gaps in requirements and test cases at the unit and code level.
  • Allows to count features and measure them against several tests.

You can do both functional and non-functional activities. Still, in most cases, the coverage calculations are as per the functional requirements only, as the most important objective of an application is to follow the specification requirements.

Test coverage helps in defining certain parts of the software to cover them with tests. Although it’s a great measuring strategy, even with 100% test coverage, you can’t be certain that your application is 100% bug-free. The ideal amount of test coverage should be based on the automation testing requirements and risk analysis.

The Benefits of Test Coverage

Test coverage is useful in implementing numerous testing approaches and plans. Here are some of the ways test coverage is beneficial:

  • It helps determine which parts of the code have been changed/modified.
  • It ensures checking the right areas of the code and highlights issues in those particular areas.
  • Test coverage improves the overall quality of the application as it covers a maximum amount of code.
  • This process helps in identifying and preventing defects early in the SDLC lifecycle.
  • It is easy to uncover gaps in requirements, test cases, and problems at the unit and code levels using test coverage techniques.
  • It assists in identifying untested pathways in your application that enhance its usability.
  • You can manage testing time, cost, and scope if you properly design and use the test coverage process.
  • If you use testing tools, you can easily scale your test coverage.

Types of Test Coverage

There are many ways to consider test coverage. Let’s examine certain types of test coverage:

Code Coverage: It is the most popular metric for measuring test coverage for unit testing. The measurement can be broken down into different levels and depths, in terms of lines of code covered, decisions inside login constructors, among others. The criteria should be selected based on the criticality of the unit tested or how frequently it changes. Code coverage follows the white box approach and is very useful in adding new unit tests to cover code lines or branches.

Data-Oriented Coverage: It mainly emphasizes on the input and output parameters with a different spectrum of possible values they can have. In data-oriented coverage, we can go for “each choice” coverage wherein we choose each possible value at least once.

Popular Methods of Covering Tests

These are some of the popular methods of covering tests:

  • Shuffling of resources: Moving the task from one set of testers to another set might help discover minor bugs in the application.
  • Compatibility coverage: Checking the compatibility of the application with multiple browsers and devices.
  • Ownership: Make sure that the developers and QAs are accountable for their tasks and take ownership of what they worked on.
  • Deadline: Set a clear deadline for every task so everyone in the team knows the timeline.
  • Communication: Establish an efficient way of communicating among team members and across teams through emails or task-tracking tools.
  • Maintain an RTM: Use RTM and similar techniques to plan the timely release of your application

How to Calculate Test Coverage?

Test coverage is the measure of the proportion of a programming exercise during automation testing and it gives an objective score.

The tool measuring test coverage will monitor the code during a test suite run. The tool will attempt to check that each written line of code is called at least once during the test suite run. And this is logical – since a line that has not been called during a test suite run is effectively untested.

To calculate test coverage, you need two things:

  1. The total lines of code in the piece of software quality you are testing (X)
  2. The number of lines of code all test cases currently execute (Y)

Test Coverage % = X/Y * 100


Suppose the total number of lines of code in a piece of software is 1000 and the number of lines executed across all existing test cases is 100, then your test coverage percentage comes out to be:

(100/1000) * 100 = 10%

Code coverage can tell you how much of your code is covered by tests but it does not tell you much about the quality of the tests. When you are tracking the percentage of your code ran by your tests, the measurements of code coverage are reliable but it doesn’t tell you anything regarding the value of those tests. So code coverage on its own is not a good indicator of code quality.

A possible question would be as to what is generally accepted as sufficient test coverage when measuring the number of lines of code executed and does this metric work?

There are two parts in which we can ensure almost 100% test coverage:

  1. Good test case
  2. Adequate test coverage

A good test case captures the requirement fulfilment, you have to ensure during requirement traceability is to add good test cases, so it should be like test coverage by requirements.

How Do You Ensure Test Coverage? (2)

Automation Testing Coverage: Few Examples

The meaning of test coverage can be different in different contexts such as product coverage, risk coverage, requirements coverage, etc. Let’s understand these with some examples.

Product Coverage:

If automation testing coverage is measured in terms of the product, the main focus should be on the areas of product which have been tested and those that remain untested.


If you are testing “scissors”, you won’t be just focusing on whether it cuts a paper properly or not, but there are other aspects to look at such as User Handlingwhether the user can handle it comfortably or not.

If you ignore the other aspects of a product, you can’t claim that the automation testing coverage is complete for the product.

Cross Browser Test Coverage

One more test coverage which is equally important is the browser’s coverage. Below are a few points we have to ensure initially:

  • Are mobile devices included in the release?
  • What are the Operating Systems, screen sizes?
  • How web applications interact with the operating systems and browsers?
  • Test environment, context?

There is one way to execute and cover the test criteria is that execute critical test cases on all browsers and operating systems and then run the less risk test cases on different browsers. In this method in the end, we don’t have any clear picture of test results but it can be improved after following multiple test cycles. But if there is limited time then maybe this methodology fails because at multiple test cases run consumes a lot of time.

There is another to do it wisely is to divide the sprint days and prioritise the browsers according to the below table:

SuiteDay1 {IE, CH, FF}Day2 {IE, CH, FF}Day3{IE, CH, FF}

So through this method at the end of the sprint, you can cover each browser and cover maximum test coverage.

Requirements Coverage:

If you have developed an awesome application but it’s not aligned with the customer’s requirements, then it is just crap.


If you are testing a chat application and you have covered everything from two users chatting independently to multiple users chatting in a group. But you forgot a key point mentioned in the requirement document that when two users chat independently, a video call option will be enabled.

Test Coverage Techniques

Multiple test coverage techniques help to attain high testing areas.

  • Specification-based test coverage: This deals with following the specification documents to cover maximum tests for the code.
  • Structure-based test coverage: This refers to understanding the structure of the code/application and writing tests that cover the maximum areas of the code.
  • Experience-based test coverage: It is based on the tester’s skill, knowledge, and experience with the code.

How do you Ensure Test Coverage to Achieve Maximum?

  • Capture all the project related requirements at an early stage
  • Identify the critical requirements more accurately by having all the information on the differences between the current release of a product/app and the previous one to maximize positive coverage
  • Capture the critical test cases as early as possible
  • Prioritize the requirements and focus on areas which are of high importance
  • Adapt to test automation and use test management tools
  • Take an estimation effort in the execution of the test cases
  • Make your best resources work on the critical tasks and let new testers explore more from a fresh perspective
  • Include the developers as well in the process of writing automation tests
  • QAs and BAs should perform the prioritization of the backlog tasks
  • Always maintain a checklist for all the tasks and activities
  • Interact more with your Dev team to get application behaviour insights
  • Keep track of your build cycles and bug fixes
  • Implement the continuous integration so that you can focus on better stability at the later stages as it’s done through the continuous integration for regularly integrating code changes into a shared code repository. Each commit triggers a build during which tests are run that help to identify if anything was broken by the changes.
How Do You Ensure Test Coverage? (3)

By understanding automation testing coverage and considering these techniques and with automation as a part of the automation testing strategy, and applying long term coverage criteria, testers can maximize and optimize their test coverage over time. We need to focus on those test coverage criteria that best suit our needs. Testsigma offers comprehensive solutions that can help automate all the complex automation testing activities. Start using it today to fast track your automation testing at the speed of Agile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you ensure better code coverage?

You can ensure code coverage by following its techniques and calculating how many lines of code your tests cover. Writing more test cases, using testing tools to run the tests, and removing redundancies are some of the ways to ensure good code coverage.

How can I improve my test coverage code?

You can improve your test coverage code by following the test coverage techniques and implementing tools that support such methods. Even writing and executing sophisticated test cases with the ability scale to cover more code for testing can improve your test coverage code.

What is a test coverage plan?

Test coverage plan refers to the overall test plan that shows the areas being covered for testing. It helps monitor the quality of testing using just the test plan.

As an expert in software development and testing methodologies, I bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to shed light on the concepts discussed in the article by Mohammad Adil. My expertise is rooted in hands-on experience, continuous learning, and a deep understanding of software testing practices. Let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

Test Coverage:

Definition: Test coverage is a quantitative measure of the testing performed by a set of tests. It assesses the areas tested by a collection of test cases, providing insights into which parts of the code have been executed.


  • It informs about the covered and uncovered areas of automation testing.
  • Decision-making about the quality of the product is facilitated.
  • Helps QA testers identify executed and unexecuted test cases.
  • Guides the creation of additional test cases to enhance coverage.
  • Aids in meeting exit criteria and keeping time, scope, and cost under control.


  • Improves overall application quality by covering a maximum amount of code.
  • Identifies and prevents defects early in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).
  • Reveals gaps in requirements, test cases, and issues at the unit and code levels.
  • Assists in managing testing time, cost, and scope effectively.
  • Enables scaling of test coverage when using testing tools.

Types of Test Coverage:

  1. Code Coverage:

    • Measures test coverage for unit testing.
    • Utilizes metrics like lines of code covered and decisions inside code constructs.
    • Follows the white box approach.
  2. Data-Oriented Coverage:

    • Emphasizes input and output parameters with various possible values.
    • Includes "each choice" coverage where each possible value is chosen at least once.

Popular Methods of Covering Tests:

  1. Shuffling of Resources:

    • Moving tasks between sets of testers to discover minor bugs.
  2. Compatibility Coverage:

    • Checks application compatibility with multiple browsers and devices.
  3. Ownership:

    • Developers and QAs take accountability for their tasks.
  4. Deadline:

    • Sets clear deadlines for tasks to manage timelines.
  5. Communication:

    • Establishes efficient communication channels among team members.
  6. Maintain an RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix):

    • Utilizes RTM for planning timely releases.

How to Calculate Test Coverage:

Test coverage is calculated by determining the proportion of executed lines of code to the total lines of code: [ \text{Test Coverage \%} = \frac{X}{Y} \times 100 ]

  • (X): Total lines of code in the software quality being tested.
  • (Y): Number of lines of code executed by all test cases.

Automation Testing Coverage: Few Examples:

  1. Product Coverage:

    • Focuses on areas of the product that have been tested.
  2. Cross Browser Test Coverage:

    • Ensures compatibility with various browsers and devices.
  3. Requirements Coverage:

    • Aligns application development with customer requirements.

Test Coverage Techniques:

  1. Specification-Based Test Coverage:

    • Follows specification documents to cover maximum tests.
  2. Structure-Based Test Coverage:

    • Understands the structure of the code and covers maximum areas.
  3. Experience-Based Test Coverage:

    • Relies on the tester's skill, knowledge, and experience.

How to Ensure Test Coverage to Achieve Maximum:

  • Capture all project-related requirements early.
  • Identify critical requirements accurately.
  • Prioritize high-importance areas.
  • Adapt to test automation and use test management tools.
  • Take estimation effort in executing test cases.
  • Involve developers in writing automation tests.
  • Maintain a checklist for tasks and activities.
  • Interact more with the development team for insights.
  • Implement continuous integration for better stability.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How to ensure better code coverage?

    • Write more test cases, use testing tools, and remove redundancies.
  2. How to improve test coverage code?

    • Follow test coverage techniques, implement supporting tools, and write sophisticated test cases.
  3. What is a test coverage plan?

    • A test coverage plan is an overall test plan that shows the areas covered for testing, helping monitor testing quality using the test plan.
How Do You Ensure Test Coverage? (2024)


How Do You Ensure Test Coverage? ›

Writing more test cases, using testing tools to run the tests, and removing redundancies are some of the ways to ensure good code coverage.

How do you ensure you have enough of test coverage? ›

Let's delve into a structured approach to achieve this, illustrated with an example and supported by insights from industry sources.
  1. Understanding the Requirements. ...
  2. Developing User Personas. ...
  3. Identifying Test Scenarios. ...
  4. Outlining Test Cases. ...
  5. Incorporating Different Coverage Metrics. ...
  6. Requirement-Based Coverage.
Jan 3, 2024

How to ensure test coverage in manual testing? ›

How Do You Ensure Test Coverage Is Good?
  1. Create a comprehensive testing strategy. ...
  2. Create a checklist for all of the testing activities. ...
  3. Prioritize critical areas of the application. ...
  4. Create a list of all requirements for the application. ...
  5. Write down the risks inherent to the application. ...
  6. Leverage test automation.
Jul 6, 2020

How do you determine test coverage? ›

Test coverage measured against lines of code. It is a Test Execution Coverage Percentage which is discussed above. For example, If you have executed 800 lines of code through test cases, out of 1000 lines of code, then your test coverage is 80%.

How can I improve my test case coverage? ›

  1. Start measuring test coverage at the unit level. Unit tests must be at the unit level itself. ...
  2. Fast unit tests for application developers. ...
  3. Extensive use of CI to run test suites. ...
  4. Address the current test debt. ...
  5. Pay Equity. ...
  6. Testing Resource Equity.
Feb 10, 2024

What is an example of test coverage? ›

For example, let's say that there are 15 requirements. A total of 90 test cases were developed and tagged to 12 requirements. Yet for some reason, the remaining three requirements are not covered by the tests. In this case, we would say the test coverage is 80%.

What is a good test coverage? ›

Test Coverage: Test coverage is a technique where our test cases cover application code and on specific conditions those test cases are met. Minimum Test Coverage Rate: Keeping it between 60 - 70%. Optimal Test Coverage Rate: Keeping it between 70 - 80%. Overkill Test Coverage Rate: Keeping it between 80 - 100%.

What is test coverage and its types of techniques? ›

Test coverage measures how much testing has been done on a particular piece of software. It determines whether your test cases cover the code of operating systems and how much code is exercised when those cases are executed.

How do you ensure you have appropriate test automation coverage? ›

To get close to it:
  1. Prioritize critical areas.
  2. Use code coverage tools to identify untested code.
  3. Continuously update and expand your test suite.
  4. Implement automation for repetitive and time-consuming tests.
  5. Incorporate exploratory testing to catch unexpected issues.
Jul 4, 2024

How do you ensure thorough test coverage for both functional and non-functional requirements? ›

To ensure the effectiveness of testing for both functional and non-functional requirements, prioritize test automation. Develop automated test cases that cover a comprehensive range of functional scenarios and non-functional aspects such as performance, security, and scalability.

How to ensure code coverage? ›

Code Coverage: 6 Tips to Get Started
  1. Find the right tool for your project. ...
  2. What percentage of coverage should you aim for? ...
  3. Focus on unit testing first. ...
  4. Use coverage reports to identify critical misses in testing. ...
  5. Make code coverage part of your continuous integration flow when you're ready.

What gives 100% test coverage? ›

So, to move towards 100% coverage, testing teams have to verify that every single method returns exactly as per the requirement. Only then does 100% test coverage have any value.

How do you know that test cases are sufficient for a scenario? ›

If the designed test cases cover the entire functionality of the application, then we can say that there are enough test cases. Next, let's look at the requirements and characteristics that good test cases should meet.

How do you ensure test coverage in manual testing? ›

You can ensure code coverage by following its techniques and calculating how many lines of code your tests cover. Writing more test cases, using testing tools to run the tests, and removing redundancies are some of the ways to ensure good code coverage.

How do you know you have enough test coverage? ›

How do we measure test coverage? To calculate coverage of your tests, divide the total number of lines in a software application by the number of lines covered by each test.

What is test coverage in agile? ›

Test coverage is a measure of how well your tests verify the functionality and quality of your software. In Agile, where you deliver working software in short iterations, tracking test coverage is essential to ensure that you don't miss any critical bugs or defects.

How do you measure the success and coverage of your tests? ›

How do we measure test coverage? To calculate coverage of your tests, divide the total number of lines in a software application by the number of lines covered by each test.

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