How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 29, 2024

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Use the STAR method


Choose relevant examples


Use recent examples


Avoid negative examples


Practice your examples


Here’s what else to consider

Behavioral interviews are a common way for employers to assess your skills, personality, and fit for a job. They ask you to describe specific situations from your past work or life experiences and how you handled them. The goal is to evaluate your competencies, such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, or leadership, based on your actions and results.

But how do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? How do you make sure you showcase your strengths and avoid the pitfalls of vague, irrelevant, or negative answers? Here are some tips to help you prepare and ace your behavioral interview.

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  • Tracy Costello, PhD Administrator facilitating MS/PhD/Postdoc professional development; developing inclusive, supportive policy; Exec…

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  • How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (8) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (9) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (10) 7

How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (11) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (12) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (13)

1 Use the STAR method

The STAR method is a simple framework to structure your answers to behavioral questions. It stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. You start by describing the situation or context of the example, then the task or goal you had, followed by the action or steps you took, and finally the result or outcome you achieved. The STAR method helps you organize your thoughts, provide relevant details, and highlight your accomplishments.

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    In my experience as a career coach, having coached over 100 clients. I can say that STAR method works very well for behavioral questions. However, one should try to supplement the STAR method with learnings. So instead of just talking about the Situation, Task, Action and Results, also talk about the learnings that you took from that experience.Especially if the question was talking about a recent failure that you have encountered.This shows maturity and willingness to learn from one's mistakes.Remember, people are hired for skills and attitude, STAR method focuses on skills but STAR+L method focuses on Skills and attitude.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (22) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (23) 8

  • Sujal Mistry Corporate Recruitment Lead @ Dash Technologies Inc. | Strategic Hiring, Talent Management Mentor
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    1.Structure your examples using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). This helps you present your stories clearly and concisely, highlighting your role and the outcomes of your actions.2.Focus on stories where you made a significant impact, solved a challenging problem, or achieved a noteworthy accomplishment. This helps demonstrate your value and effectiveness.3.Choose real-life examples that genuinely reflect your experiences and abilities. Authentic stories are more believable and help build trust with the interviewer.4.Practice telling your stories out loud to ensure you can deliver them smoothly and confidently. This helps you stay concise and avoid unnecessary details.


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  • Jeff Magnuson, CPCC, CPRW, MBA Certified Career Coach and Professional Résumé Writer Helping Professionals Get Unstuck and Hired | Outplacement Services | Book a Free Career Consultation Just Below👇
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    The STAR method is still an excellent way to frame your answers to behavioral questions. Keep the answers to 45-60 seconds. Any more is too long, any less, the answer needs more juice. Remember, you're trying to simply answer the question with context, not ramble on with unimportant facts. This framework will help you keep the answer tight and relevant.Additionally, don't use the words 'situation, task, action, result' in the answer. Smooth it out with other words and...PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICEPractice with a friend, coach, or by yourself. Just make sure you recite the answers out loud so you can better hear any mistakes or jumbled parts. By the time you run through answers for the third or fourth time, they will sound great.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (41) 2

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    The STAR method is a classic for behavioral interviews, but it's vital to keep responses sharp and engaging. Often, candidates stretch their answers trying to fit the framework. The key is brevity: a succinct context, merging Task and Action, and emphasizing the impact and personal growth. Focus on the changes you drove and their benefit to the team or company, capping your answer at 2-3 minutes to maintain the interviewer's attention.


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    The STAR method is a game-changer in behavioral interviews, ensuring clarity and depth in your responses. By systematically outlining the Situation, Task, Action, and Result, you paint a vivid picture of your experience. It not only showcases your problem-solving skills but also allows the interviewer to grasp the impact of your actions. The STAR method is your tool to narrate compelling stories and leave a lasting impression during the interview.


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2 Choose relevant examples

One of the most important aspects of choosing the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview is to match them to the job requirements and the competencies the employer is looking for. Before the interview, review the job description, the company values, and the behavioral questions types you might encounter. Then, brainstorm some examples from your past work or life experiences that demonstrate those skills or qualities. For instance, if the job requires creativity, you might choose a story where you came up with an innovative solution to a problem. If the job requires teamwork, you might choose a story where you collaborated with others on a project.

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  • Based on my experience in career coaching and as a talent acquisition specialist, I've found that the best approach is to select stories where your skills and actions directly align with what the job requires. Choose examples from your past where you've successfully used those skills to solve real problems. Present these stories in a clear and engaging way, highlighting how your actions made a difference. This approach not only makes your experience relatable but also helps the interviewer see how you'd be a great fit for the role.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (68) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (69) 5

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    In my opinion, it's important to come up with examples that exemplify, multiple qualities. For eg. If the question is, tell me about a time you had to work as a part of a team?It's obvious that one needs to talk about team work in this question. However along with that, there could be other qualities that one can talk about such as, managing deadlines, strong communication within and outside the team, problem solving and analytical ability to tackle problems that came up at the last minute.In any interview, you can only be asked 3 to 4 behavioral questions, so if your examples are just addressing the question and aren't talking about the other relevant qualities that you possess, then your chances of getting the job reduce by a bit,


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (78) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (79) 4

  • CA Archit Agarwal Founder @ Thinking Bridge | Chartered Accountant | Ex-Deloitte | LinkedIn Top Voice | Practically Trained 40000+ Learners | On A Mission To Make India Industry Ready
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    In selecting examples for behavioral interviews, it's crucial to pick stories that resonate with the job's core competencies. Think of instances where your actions positively impacted your team or project. Highlight skills that align with the job, like problem-solving or leadership. Remember, authenticity in your stories can greatly enhance your credibility.


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    Relevance is key in behavioral interviews. Tailor your examples to mirror the job's demands and the employer's expectations. Align your experiences with the desired competencies outlined in the job description. By strategically selecting stories that directly resonate with the role, you not only showcase your suitability but also demonstrate your understanding of the job's nuances.


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    Start by identifying key "story seeds". Then, craft 7 to 8 multifaceted stories, each adaptable to demonstrate a range of relevant skills.Continue with dissecting the job description, pinpointing pain points and essential skills—these are your story seeds. Say a job requires "collaboration" and working with "diverse teams." Your story can say that I recall a time when I mediated a dispute within a multicultural team, fostering dialogue that transformed friction into collaboration. Now, this story not only showcases conflict resolution but also adaptability and teamwork. By preparing such multifaceted stories, you can ensure each narrative is adaptable, addressing multiple behavioral aspects aligned with the job's core needs.


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3 Use recent examples

Another factor to consider when choosing the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview is to use recent ones. Ideally, you should use examples from the past year or two, unless you have a very impressive or relevant example from earlier in your career. Using recent examples shows that you are up to date with your skills and that you can apply them in different situations. It also helps you avoid forgetting important details or sounding outdated.

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    While it's important to choose recent examples, it's more important to choose examples that holistically address the question.Ensure that you are choosing an example that best exemplifies the qualities that the question is asking for while ensuring that you can mention some other qualities in that answer. quality of your example is more important than how recent the example is.


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    It's perfectly acceptable to use experiences from earlier in your career, especially if your more recent experience doesn't directly align with the role you are applying for. In these cases, drawing on past experiences can highlight more relevant skills and competencies. Just make sure not to rely solely on older examples.


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  • Raushan Sagalbayeva Finance Leader | ex-Google, Amazon
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    I would advice to use examples from the last 2-3 years. Anything beyond that raises questions in interviewer's mind. At the same time, make sure you do answer the question that was asked. As a hiring manager I have seen multiple times when a candidate wouldn't address the specific question and tell a story that is very remotely relevant - not the way to impress the interviewer!


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    Using recent examples from the past 2-3 years is typically best, as it demonstrates current skills and relevancy. However, if an older example is highly relevant, don't hesitate to use it. For instance, in an interview for a pharma role, your experience from 6-7 years ago in pharma could be more pertinent than your recent automotive sector experience. Use recent examples for general behavioral questions but for queries blending technical and behavioral skills, especially in a specific industry like pharma, older experiences can effectively showcase your cross-industry depth, contextual relevance, and skillset.


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    Freshness matters in behavioral interviews. Opt for recent examples to showcase your current skills and relevance. Employers want to see your ability to apply recent experiences to the job at hand. Choosing recent examples ensures you're up-to-date, enhancing your credibility and demonstrating continuous growth in your professional journey.


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4 Avoid negative examples

A common mistake when choosing the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview is to use negative ones. Negative examples are those that involve conflicts, failures, mistakes, or challenges that you did not handle well or did not learn from. While it is okay to admit your weaknesses or areas of improvement, you should avoid focusing on them or blaming others for them. Instead, you should choose positive or neutral examples that showcase your strengths and how you overcame difficulties or learned from feedback.

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    In behavioral interviews, steer clear of negative examples. Opt for positive or neutral stories that highlight your strengths and growth. Employers seek candidates who focus on solutions, not just problems. By showcasing your ability to overcome challenges and learn from experiences, you present yourself as resilient and forward-thinking, enhancing your appeal to potential employers.

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    That is a common pitfall interviewers use. You need to steer them very smartly.While giving responses using relevant examples, choose stories like picking highlights from a favorite movie. Avoid dwelling on scenes that went wrong. When asked about weaknesses, think of them as plot twists where you learned something valuable. For example, if you once struggled with public speaking, share how you took steps to improve, turning it into a strength. This way, your stories focus on growth and learning, not blame, keeping the narrative positive and engaging.Remember, key is to focus on reflection, learning and how you turned this into an opportunity, flipping negative example into a positive outcome.

  • CA Archit Agarwal Founder @ Thinking Bridge | Chartered Accountant | Ex-Deloitte | LinkedIn Top Voice | Practically Trained 40000+ Learners | On A Mission To Make India Industry Ready
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    Focusing on positive experiences is key. Opt for stories showcasing skills relevant to the job. It's about highlighting how challenges were turned into achievements. Each example should reflect problem-solving abilities and teamwork, painting a picture of a proactive and result-oriented individual. Remember, it's the constructive outcomes and learnings that leave a lasting impression.


5 Practice your examples

The last tip for choosing the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview is to practice them. Once you have a list of potential examples, you should rehearse them using the STAR method and a timer. Try to keep your answers concise and clear, aiming for about two minutes per example. You can also ask a friend, a mentor, or a coach to give you feedback on your delivery, content, and tone. Practicing your examples will help you feel more confident and prepared for the actual interview.

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    Use the STAR method: Structure your stories using Situation, Task, Action, and Result to make them concise and clear.Choose relevant examples: Select stories that align with the job's core competencies and highlight skills that match the role.Use recent examples: Recent stories show you are up to date with your skills and can apply them in different situations.Highlight impact: Quantify your impact in each story to demonstrate the positive results of your actions.Practice your examples: Rehearse your stories using the STAR method and ask for feedback to improve delivery and content.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (183) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (184) How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (185) 7

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    Practice is key in mastering behavioral interview responses. Rehearse your examples using the STAR method, ensuring clarity and brevity. Timing is crucial; aim for around two minutes per answer. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to refine your delivery. This preparation instills confidence, enhancing your ability to articulate compelling stories during the actual interview.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (194) 3

  • Raushan Sagalbayeva Finance Leader | ex-Google, Amazon
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    The best way to prepare for behavioural questions is to write down your top 5-6 stories in a STAR format. Why? (a) provides clarity; (b) forces you to be concise, especially if you tend to talk a lot and get lost in details. Once you write down the stories, cross check them to ensure that the story reflects the requirements for your level! And once you have it - practice! In front of the mirror, with your friend, mentor etc. Structured and concise story will make it easier for interviewer to assess you and move you along the hiring process.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (203) 2

  • CA Archit Agarwal Founder @ Thinking Bridge | Chartered Accountant | Ex-Deloitte | LinkedIn Top Voice | Practically Trained 40000+ Learners | On A Mission To Make India Industry Ready
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    Selecting stories for behavioral interviews is an art. Choose experiences that align with the job's needs, highlighting adaptability and problem-solving skills. It's essential to practice these stories, refining them to be concise yet impactful. This preparation ensures the narrative is clear, engaging, and demonstrates your fit for the role effectively.


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    Your story/example should be very crisp with an interesting start, then showing its relation to the situation & its end defining the impact of it.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Tracy Costello, PhD Administrator facilitating MS/PhD/Postdoc professional development; developing inclusive, supportive policy; Exec Coach, Lecturer: career exploration, job search, LinkedIn, Resume, Interview, negotiation, research ethics
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    Beyond the STAR method - consider CARL! Context, Action, Results, and what you Learned! Very often something is either a situation or a task. It's rarely both. The context provides flexibility to discuss either as appropriate.


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  • Sean Clarke Storyteller, coach, artist, champion of the project management profession
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    As a former consultant and I have had the opportunity to be interviewed a lot by prospective clients. Since a lot of organizations use behavioral interviewing, I start by looking at the job specification and qualifications listed in the job posting. From there I look at each qualification and develop a series of behavioral type questions that I would ask in an interview. From my list of questions, I go into my career history and select the best examples to craft into a STAR type of response.Using this method along with questions/answers from previous interviews I have a nice little data base of questions and STAR answers, and with a lot of practice, I have been able to predict at least 75-80% of the questions asked in the interview.


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    Pitching at the End of an InterviewExplanation: The end of an interview is a critical moment where you can make a lasting impression. Instead of asking generic questions, use this opportunity to pitch yourself one last time. Reiterate your value proposition, address how you can solve the organisation’s pain points, and make a direct ask for the role.Application: Prepare a closing pitch that reinforces your strengths and aligns with the organisation’s needs.After discussing your qualifications and experience, clearly state how you can contribute to the organisation’s success and why you are the best candidate for the role.This final pitch can leave a strong impression on the interviewers and increase your chances of being selected.


    How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (247) 1

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    Here are some additional tips on crafting relevant stories.- Choose stories from various career aspects to show adaptability and experience across different roles and challenges.- Highlight your problem-solving skills by selecting examples where you effectively navigated complex situations and found innovative solutions.- Emphasize learning and growth in your stories, demonstrating how you've evolved professionally and personally from past experiences.- Focus on collaborative successes, illustrating your ability to work well in teams, manage conflicts, and contribute to collective achievements.

  • Demelza Lawless Career Consultant @ LHH | Interview Coach | Confidence Builder | I’m on a mission to help the 92% of professionals who are anxious about job interviews | Working on my personal development
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    Take a look at the job description. What's the skills & competencies mentioned? Use these topics as themes to help decide what STAR stories to tell.


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How do you choose the best examples or stories for a behavioral interview? (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.