How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 3, 2024

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Networks and referrals


Events and platforms


Research and outreach


Evaluation and due diligence


Post-investment support


Here’s what else to consider

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a curious observer, you might wonder how venture capitalists (VCs) find and choose startups for investment. VCs are investors who provide capital and guidance to early-stage, high-potential, and high-risk businesses in exchange for equity and influence. In this article, you will learn about the main sources, criteria, and processes that VCs use to identify and evaluate promising startups.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Leverage networking:

    VCs tap into their wide-ranging networks for referrals, ensuring they connect with startups aligning with their investment thesis. Cultivate your network to catch a VC's eye.

  • Engage directly:

    Founders should seize every opportunity to engage with VCs face-to-face at events like investor lunches. Personal interactions can lead to valuable investment leads.

This summary is powered by AI and these experts

  • David Atherton Markland Hill Wealth
  • Dr. Jochen Haller Senior Advisor Industry @ BadenCampus |…

1 Networks and referrals

One of the most common and effective ways for VCs to find startups is through their networks and referrals. VCs rely on their connections with other investors, entrepreneurs, mentors, advisors, accelerators, incubators, universities, and industry experts to get introductions and recommendations to startups that fit their thesis and portfolio. Networks and referrals help VCs save time, reduce risk, and build trust with founders.

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  • David Atherton Markland Hill Wealth
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    Founder resumés and own income needs, and the common-sense of the business plan. The most important part of that is the revenue projection.


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (11) 1

  • Dr. Jochen Haller Senior Advisor Industry @ BadenCampus | Deep Tech VC Investor (Industry, Infrastructure, Cleantech) | Entrepreneur at Heart | Senior Advisor | Board Member | Earth Lover
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    As most collegues already said, referrals are one of the most important sources for dealflow in the VC space. So as founder it is essential to get in touch with potential VC investors as early as possible. Use every chance you can get to talk to potential investors in person (e.g. investors lunches, reverse pitches, etc.).


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (20) 1

  • Davidson Oturu VC at Nubia Capital| Venture Capital| FinTech| Attorney| Non Executive Director| Investor
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    Networking is one of the most ideals ways of meeting and selecting startups for investments. The good thing there is that there are several networking avenues today. From industry specific events, to online platforms and meetups to alumni networks, there's a vast pool to choose from, and founders can effectively position themselves.


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (29) How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (30) How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (31) 20

  • Daniel Wild
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    We @tiburon hunt for deals in our hometown Munich and it‘s rich startup ecosystem. Beyond that we have built a network of likeminded investors that bring us selected pre-screened deals that we can co-invest into. After 22 years of pre-seed investing we know the right people all across Europe and can easily diversify our portfolio through these trusted sources.


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  • John Ho Hard tech venture investor
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    "It's not what you know, it's who you know..."Like in other parts of our personal and professional lives, our networks are oftentimes the most important factor in determining the outcome. If I'm an investor in very risk early-stage startups, one way I can derisk an investment opportunity is to have it come from someone I know and trust that has already qualified the opportunity as a fit for my fund. Knowing that an entrepreneur or management team has earned the confidence of someone in my close network, allows me to focus on other risky aspects of the investment, such as the size of the addressable commercial opportunity or the company's competitive advantage (i.e. "right to win").


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2 Events and platforms

Another way for VCs to find startups is by attending or hosting events and platforms that showcase or facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship. These include pitch competitions, demo days, hackathons, conferences, webinars, podcasts, newsletters, blogs, and social media. Events and platforms help VCs discover new trends, markets, and opportunities, as well as interact with founders and peers.

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    Events, focused on founders presenting their companies, are great ways to discover investment opportunities. This is particularly true when founders have to deliver a compelling pitch in 2 minutes or less. I'd advise founders participating in these events to consider not only the investors in attendance, but to consider the "friends of friends" networks. Word of mouth is very powerful, so even if no one at a pitch day event wants to invest, you never know who those people know. A founder should include in the talk track, "If any of you know others who might be interested in hearing about our company, I would appreciate any referrals or introductions that you could make.


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  • Alex Burciu Deep-Tech Angel Investor
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    Try to make your startup visible not only at one-off events, but also continuously on platforms such as r/SaaS (Reddit) or other builders communities where you're gathering feedback from other founders, i.e. ProductHunt.The ideal place where a VC can find you is where you're also searching for your customers and their feedback. Those VCs that comprehend your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and the value you provide will align more effectively with your mission.


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    By actively participating in industry events, pitch days, and leveraging online platforms, we broaden our horizon to identify emerging trends and innovative startups. These arenas provide a unique opportunity to meet founders face-to-face, observe product demonstrations, and gauge the current market’s pulse, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive investment portfolio.


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  • Rubén D. Venture Capital Investor at Mundi Ventures
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    VCs find startups through events like pitch competitions, demo days, hackathons, and conferences, as well as digital platforms including webinars, podcasts, newsletters, blogs, and social media. These avenues help VCs spot new trends, connect with founders, and assess potential investments.


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  • Thomas Dillon Intellectual Property | Arbitration | Mediation
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    For public-sector supported funds, the identification of suitable investee companies is particularly difficult, as entrepreneurs see the public sector as an easy, non-commercial investor. In fact, such funds are keen to achieve returns and secure their own survival, even if the motivation of the managers is less pecuniary. It is fair to say, however, that the search for prospects by such funds will tend to be more passive. An online presence is created and the availability of funds advertised through existing networks of advisers, who will tend to be sector experts, such as the officers of arts bodies, rather than financial professionals. One tool to raise profile is to organise awards in partnership with a local university.


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3 Research and outreach

A third way for VCs to find startups is by conducting their own research and outreach. VCs use various tools and methods to scan the market, analyze data, and identify potential targets. These include databases, search engines, directories, reports, surveys, media, and analytics. Research and outreach help VCs generate leads, validate assumptions, and initiate contact with founders.

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  • Stacey Murphy❤️🌎 Keynote Speaker: Regenerative Architecture Expert, Nature-Based Solutions, BioCentric Cities | Incubates Architecture Start-ups | Founder and CEO @ Dreaming Earth
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    Reverse research can attract more startups to you. Having a media presence where your niche is known (within the rules of the SEC) will bring deals to your desk. When you are truly excited about a niche market, you are engaged with all the people in it and word spreads that you are someone who can provide value through feedback, mentorship, advising, incubating, and potential capital.


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  • Austin Ritter Associate at Venture5 Media
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    All of your research culminates in your overall investment thesis. Trying to do the job of a VC without a thesis is like going about your day without a schedule or to do list. But.. what even is an investment thesis? Is it a presentation? A memo? How long does it need to be? I believe the only guideline you need for a great thesis is this: the ability to talk about the topic coherently in an interview with a firm for 30-45 straight minutes uninterrupted and unrehearsed.


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  • Amir Ali Mohammadi Senior Accountant at ازکی | Azki | Sr. Financial Analyst
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    - Product/Technology: Assessing the uniqueness, scalability, and defensibility of the product or technology. - Traction: Analyzing key metrics such as customer acquisition, revenue growth, user engagement, and market validation. - Business Model: Evaluating the revenue model, pricing strategy, customer acquisition cost, and path to profitability. - Scalability and Growth Potential: Assessing the startup's ability to scale operations, penetrate new markets, and achieve significant growth. - Risk Factors: Identifying potential risks and challenges, such as regulatory issues, competitive threats, technology risks, or market dynamics.


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    Investing predominantly in the healthcare sector, we leverage a wealth of public resources to comprehensively screen potential investment opportunities. This includes utilizing databases of clinical trials, patent registrations, and the rosters of major specialist conferences. From this wealth of data, we construct an internal map detailing all identifiable opportunities at various stages of development. For example, we can pinpoint that there are 5 companies actively addressing Hepatitis B in Phase 2 clinical trials. We then prioritize 2-3 of these opportunities for proactive outreach, leveraging our extensive networks to determine whether any of these are transactionable in the near term. But it all starts with a list of many thousands.


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  • Dev Shah Bought my first business for $4,000 • 6 businesses bought • Helped close $250k+ in deals • Writing about buying businesses and my journey building a micro HoldCo.
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    Database Utilization: Crunchbase, PitchBook, CB Insights. Using these you can discover new startups, track the growth of existing ones, and analyze trends in the ecosystem across various industries and geographical locations.Market Scanning: This includes going through reports and surveys, studying new technologies, following industry-specific publications, and maintaining a close watch on emerging markets and their developments.Online Search and SEO Tools: Using the right keyword combinations or SEO tools can surface articles, press releases, and websites of innovative startups that fly under the radar.Direct Outreach: It's not uncommon to send cold emails or LinkedIn messages to startup founders.


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4 Evaluation and due diligence

Once VCs find startups that interest them, they need to choose which ones to invest in. To do so, they use different criteria and processes to evaluate and conduct due diligence on startups, depending on their stage, sector, and strategy. VCs typically consider the team's skills and experience, the product's value proposition and scalability, the market's size and growth, the business model's revenue streams and cost structure, and the deal terms' valuation and equity. This process of evaluation and due diligence helps VCs assess the fit, potential, and risk of startups, as well as negotiate and close the deal.

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  • Eyal Malinger Managing Partner @ Resurge | Nurturing 🐴 > Chasing🦄
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    I think it is important for founders to understand what different VCs are looking for. Different VC will prioritise different things at different stages, and as a result, may have a completely different due-diligence process. Founders may want to find out early on in the process, what does the investment process looks like for each VC - timeline, due-diligence topics, approvals required etc.


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  • Leesa S. Managing General Partner @ R3i Capital | Venture Capital | Independent Non Executive Director | Applied AI Investor | Philanthropy | Adjunct Faculty
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    R3i invest 12 weeks in rocket ship due diligence with our founders, maturity assessment on all core business functions, founder education, cohesiveness testing, product market fit, financials and governance.


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (157) 6

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    A simple framework for evaluation can be this 5T model:TAM - Is the opportunity huge?Timing - Why now?Team - Why these founders?Traction - Is it working?Threats - Can you stop competitors?The last point implicitly includes being unique in some way, and having an idea about eventual moats.


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    In my experience, selecting the right startups for investment requires meticulous evaluation and due diligence. Assessing team expertise, product scalability, market potential, and deal terms ensures informed decisions and maximizes returns. This process is crucial for mitigating risks and aligning investments with strategic objectives.


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  • Amir Ali Mohammadi Senior Accountant at ازکی | Azki | Sr. Financial Analyst
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    4. Value Proposition and Differentiation: VCs look for startups with a compelling value proposition and clear differentiation from existing solutions or competitors. They seek disruptive innovations or unique approaches that address unmet needs or pain points in the market.5. Alignment with Investment Thesis: VCs consider whether the startup aligns with their investment thesis, strategic focus, and portfolio diversification goals. They assess the potential for synergies with existing portfolio companies or strategic partners.


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5 Post-investment support

The final step for VCs is to provide post-investment support to their portfolio companies. VCs are able to add value and build relationships with their portfolio companies by offering various forms of assistance, such as capital, mentorship, connections, resources, and advocacy. Capital can come in the form of follow-on funding or introductions to other investors. Mentorship can include advice, feedback, and coaching on strategic and operational issues. Connections can facilitate introductions and partnerships with customers, suppliers, talent, and experts. Resources can include access to tools, platforms, networks, and events. And advocacy can be in the form of promoting and endorsing the startups to the public and the media. All of these forms of post-investment support can help VCs achieve returns with their portfolio companies.

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    Choosing the right investors is vital for entrepreneurs. Avoid those who exert undue pressure during negotiations, as their behavior likely won't change post-investment. A harmonious partnership is key, with the investor as the company's primary advocate. They should aid in fundraising by introducing their own connections and assist with shareholder matters, like exit strategies. An ideal investor offers support when necessary and steps back when not, ensuring their involvement promotes growth without impeding the entrepreneur’s vision.


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  • Umberto de Feo Corporate Innovation | Digital Transformation | Customer Experience | Process Optimization | Associate Director at EY
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    In my opinion, this is the most exciting part where, as a pro, you can really create value by actively contributing to the growth and success of the startups in your portfolio. In addition to providing financial support, you offer mentorship, facilitate essential connections, provide access to tools and resources, and advocate for the startup. This is how you add value and generate higher financial returns.The downside, however, is that it's an extremely time-consuming activity that tends to limit the (already small) budget of the VC and the possibility of getting deeply involved with all the startups in the portfolio.


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (203) 6

  • Dev Shah Bought my first business for $4,000 • 6 businesses bought • Helped close $250k+ in deals • Writing about buying businesses and my journey building a micro HoldCo.
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    The process of finding and choosing startups doesn't end with the investment. The post-investment support is a crucial part of this journey.VCs who decide to invest in a startup commit time, expertise, and networks for their growth. At times they work closely with the startup founders to help them navigate through their strategic and operational challenges. Furthermore, they leverage their vast network for introductions and partnerships for portfolio companies with potential customers, partners, and even future investors. Last but not least, they are strong advocates for portfolio companies by bringing them into the limelight through interactions with the media, industry events, and our wider community.


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  • Erwin Feldhaus Leadership | Innovation | Impact | Investment | Coaching
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    Probably the most important support investors can offer portfolio companies is to be "there for them". Challenges will emerge and will come in all possible shapes. Investors have to adapt the same way as their companies do to changing contexts.


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    Open doors but don't choose the doors. And don't feel a necessity to walk through them with founders. Trust them and get out of the way.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    In today’s investment landscape, the impact of our dollars extends beyond financial returns. We are increasingly mindful of ethical, environmental, and societal impacts, aiming to support startups that not only promise lucrative returns but also contribute positively to society. This involves evaluating the startup’s governance, its approach to sustainability, and its potential for driving positive change, aligning our investments with broader goals of societal progress and environmental stewardship.


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  • Raya Yunakova Early-Stage Tech Investor @ LAUNCHub Ventures | ex-Microsoft | Central and Eastern Europe
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    Many VCs nowadays have automated platforms to scout for and track entrepreneurs. If you want to be found, it's important to have some online presence and indicate that you're a founder. On the flip side, if you'd like to stay off the radar, it's best to keep what you're working on offline. Setting your current role to 'Founder at Stealth company' is a sure way to get a lot of inbound requests :)It's good to keep in mind that investors also track your company's performance over time. Team dynamics, website traffic, news, etc. are all easily accessible information that can indicate how well your company is doing.


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    There is a folktale known as "The Two Travelers: Truth and Falsehood.”The story involves two characters - Truth and Falsehood - who travel together. Falsehood convinces Truth to share her provisions first. Once Truth's food is consumed, Falsehood demands increasingly cruel payments from Truth in exchange for food, including gouging out her eyes and cutting off her arms.Eventually, Falsehood abandons Truth near some gallows. While there, Truth overhears a conversation among devils, including a cure for blindness and other ailments. Using this knowledge, Truth is able to heal herself and others, ultimately becoming wealthy and respected.No, VCs are not Falsehood, and Startups are not Truth. It’s just a weird folktale. You’re welcome.


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (258) How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (259) 9

  • André Harrell Executive /Board Director/Healthcare Impact Investing
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    With unbiased outreach and spectacular due's that simple.Finding talented founders/CEOs requires a tremendous amount of non-bias energy (which is difficult) and then conversely/on the contrary "Not believe your bias eyes and have suspicious senses...called due diligence.


    How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (268) 7

  • Elliot L. Venture Partner | GTM, Revenue, Strategy, Web3
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    Working out which VCs will write a check first and who just kicks tyres until they see someone else lead the round is important.Many investors want the confidence that another investor has also done due diligence and liked the opportunity before they also invest. Particularly if an opportunity sits outside of their core area of expertise.


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Venture Capital How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (278)

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How do VCs find and choose startups for investment? (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.