How Credit Card Balance Transfers Work (2024)

Moving outstanding debt on one credit card to another card—usually a new one—is a balance transfer. Credit card balance transfers are typically used by consumers who want to move the amount they owe to a credit card with a significantly lower promotional interest rate and better benefits, such as a rewards program to earn cash back or points for everyday spending.

What is a balance transfer credit card? Some credit card companies waive balance transfer fees (which typically range 3%–5% of the transfer amount) to entice cardholders. Often, they might also offer a promotional or introductory period of six to about 18 months where no interest is charged on the transferred sum.

The challenge: Transferring a balance means carrying a monthly balance, and carrying a monthly balance (even one with a 0% interest rate) still involves making on-time payments of at least the minimum due on the transfer and for any new purchases. Otherwise you could end up losing the credit card’s introductory APR on your transferred balances along with any grace period—and incurring high interest charges (and potential penalty APRs) on new purchases.

With diligence, savvy consumers can take advantage of these incentives and avoid high interest rates while paying down debt, but you need to study these offers carefully.

Key Takeaways

  • Credit card balance transfers are typically used by consumers who want to save money by moving high-interest credit card debt to another credit card with a lower interest rate.
  • Balance transfer credit card offers typically come with an interest-free introductory period of six to 18 months, though some are longer.
  • Many credit transfers involve transfer fees and other conditions.
  • Any violation of the cardholder agreement can potentially nullify the introductory APR and trigger penalty rates to be applied.

What to Look for in a Balance Transfer Card

Balance transfers can save money. Say you have a $5,000 balance on a credit card with a 20% annual percentage rate (APR). At that rate, carrying that balance and paying $250 a month would require 24 months to pay off and cost $1,134 in interest. After securing a 12-month 0% balance transfer on a new credit card and moving the $5,000 balance, the cardholder gets a year to pay it off with no interest and just a fee to transfer the balance.

But details and costs associated with these transfers are numerous. After the transfer, for example, you still have to make the minimum monthly payment on the card before the due date to keep that 0% rate. And pay attention to the interest rate. Does the new card have a regular interest rate that’s higher than the interest the balance incurs on your current card?

Similarly, a default under any of the rules of the cardholder agreement—such as making payments late, exceeding the credit limit, or bouncing a check—can make the interest jump to apenalty rate as high as 29.99%. The 0% rate is usually valid for 12 or 18 months, sometimes more. Can you pay off the transferred balance during that period? If not, what interest rate kicks in afterward? (And don’t expect a reminder from the credit card company about when the promotional rate is ending, although they are required by law to show that information on your credit card statement.)

Potential Pitfalls

With accounts that involve a new credit card, the terms will require the cardholder to complete the balance transfer within a certain time (usually in the first two months) to receive the promotional rate. The day after that window closes, regular interest rates begin. Also, credit card companies do not allow existing customers to transfer balances to new accounts that they also issue.

A history of past due payments, a low credit score or a bankruptcy filing by the cardholder, may also result in decline of the transfer.

Transferring a balance if there's no 0% or low-rate interest rate offer can work, but do the math first. Say you have a $3,000 balance with a 30% interest rate, which translates into $900 a year in interest. Transferring the balance to a card with a 27% APR and a 3% transfer fee means paying $810 in interest a year, plus a $90 balance-transfer fee. You would break even only after a year.

To come out ahead in this example, you need a deal where the APR is less than 27%. A better plan might be to ask the existing card issuer for an interest-rate reduction to 27% or less, saving the balance-transfer fee.

During the current coronavirus crisis, credit card companies are offering assistance for cardholders who are experiencing financial hardship. Card issuers are encouraging cardholders who find themselves in this situation to call the number on their card to speak with a representative about options such as lowering their interest rate, deferring payments, or avoiding late fees.

Where to Look

If you are consulting a credit card comparison website, be aware that these sites typically get referral fees from the credit card companies when a customer applies for a card through the website and is approved. Also, some credit card companies have influenced the information that websites post about their cards in a way that distorts the picture of a card’s costs.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers a guide on how to shop on issuer and comparison sites.

How to Do a Credit Card Balance Transfer

How do credit card balance transfers work? After getting approval for a card with a 0% interest balance-transfer offer, find out whether the 0% rate is automatic or depends on a credit check. The next step is determining which balances to transfer; cards with high interest rates should come first. (The balance doesn’t have to be in the cardholder's name to qualify for a transfer.)

Next, calculate the transfer fee, which is typically 3% to 5% ($30 to $50 for every $1,000 transferred). Is there an amount cap on the fee? If not, that can make transferring larger balances worthwhile. Also check the credit limit on your new card before you initiate a transfer. The requested balance transfer cannot exceed the available credit line, and balance-transfer fees count toward that limit.

Requesting the Transfer

Although it's called a balance transfer, one credit card actually pays off another. The mechanics include:

Balance-transfer checks

The new card issuer (or issuer of the card to which the balance is being transferred) supplies the cardholder with checks. The cardholder makes the check out to the card company they want to pay. Some credit card companies will let the cardholder make the check out to themselves, but make sure this will not be considered a cash advance.

Online or phone transfers

The cardholder gives the account information and amount to the credit card company to which they are transferring the balance and that company arranges the transfer of funds to pay off the account.If, for example, you are paying off a $5,000 balance on your high-interest Wells Fargo Visa card and transferring that balance to a Citi MasterCard with a 0% offer, you would provide Citi with the name, payment address, and account number for your Visa card, and indicate that you want $5,000 paid to that Visa account.

Beware the Grace Period

People who take advantage of these offers sometimes find themselves on the hook for unexpected interest charges. The problem is that transferring a balance means carrying a monthly balance. Carrying a monthly balance by not paying off the minimum amount due each month—even one with a 0% interest rate—can mean losing the card’s introductory APR, its grace period and paying surprise interest on new purchases.

The grace period is the time between the end of the credit card billing cycle and the due date of the bill. During that period (by law, at least 21 days but more often its 25 days) a cardholder doesn't have to pay interest on new purchases. But the grace period only applies if a cardholder is carrying no balance on the card. What many consumers don’t realize is that carrying a balance from a promotional balance transfer can affect the grace period if minimum payments aren't made each month.

With no grace period, purchases on the new card after completing the balance transfer rack up interest charges. One good change: Since the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, credit card companies can no longer apply payments to the lowest-interest balances first; they now have to apply them to the highest-interest balances first.

All the same, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says many card issuers don't make their terms clear in their promotional offers. Issuers are required to tell consumers how the grace period works in marketing materials, in application materials, and on account statements, among other communications. Sometimes these statements aren’t even in the credit card offer itself, but elsewhere on the credit card issuer’s website, such as in a Help, FAQ, or customer service area.

Also bear in mind that many offers stipulate that the cardholder's credit score determines the actual number of months of 0% balance transfer in the introductory period.

If the terms of the grace period for purchases after a transfer are unclear, options are to pass on the offer and look for one with clearer terms; take the 0% balance transfer offer, but don't use the card for any purchases until the balance transfer is paid off; or choose a credit card that offers a 0% introductory APR for the same number of months on both balance transfers and new purchases.

The only way to get the grace period back on a credit card and stop paying interest is to pay off the entire balance transfer, as well as all new purchases.

Transfers to Existing Cards

Balance transfers can also be done with an existing card, especially if the issuer is running a special promotion. This can be tricky, however, if the existing card already has a balance that the transfer will only increase.

Suppose a cardholder owes $2,000 on a card with a 15% APR before they transfer a balance of $1,000 from a second card. The balance transfer rate offered is 0% for six months. The cardholder pays off $1,000 in six months, but because the 15% portion of the credit card debt is paid first, the 15% APR rate for six months applies to the $2,000 that was untouched by payments. Meanwhile, the card the $1,000 was transferred from has an APR rate of 12%, representing a loss of 3%.

Also consider what adding a big sum to a card will do to the credit utilization ratio—that is, the percentage of available credit that's been used—which is a key component of your credit score. Say you have a card with a $10,000 limit and a $1,250 balance. You are using 12.5% of your credit limit. If you then transfer $5,000, creating a total balance of $6,250, you're now using 62.5% of your credit limit. This increase in a balance on one card could hurt your credit score (as it is recommended to keep utilization below 30%) and ultimately cause the interest rate to rise on this and other cards. This may, of course, be mitigated by the $5,000 lower balance on the higher-interest card from which the transfer was made.

Personal Loan Comparison

Some financial advisors feel credit card balance transfers make sense only if a cardholder can pay off all or most of the debt during the promotional rate period. After that period ends, a cardholder is likely to face another high interest rate on their balance, in which case a personal loan—with rates that tend to be lower, or fixed, or both—is probably the cheaper option.

If the personal loan has to be secured, however, the cardholder may not be comfortable pledging assets as collateral. Credit card debt is unsecured, and in the event of default the card issuer can't come after cardholder assets. With a secured personal loan, the lender can take assets to recoup losses.

The Bottom Line

Transferring a credit card balance should be a tool to escape debt faster and spend less money on interest without incurring charges or hurting your credit rating. After understanding the fine print of the terms, doing the math before applying, and creating a realistic repayment plan (one that pays off the balance transfer before making new purchases), taking advantage of a 0% introductory interest offer on a new card could be a shrewd move. So long as you do your research, you shouldn't have any trouble finding the right balance transfer card for you.

How Credit Card Balance Transfers Work (2024)


How Credit Card Balance Transfers Work? ›

In some cases, a balance transfer can positively impact your credit scores and help you pay less interest on your debts in the long run. However, repeatedly opening new credit cards and transferring balances to them can damage your credit scores in the long run.

Will doing a balance transfer hurt my credit score? ›

In some cases, a balance transfer can positively impact your credit scores and help you pay less interest on your debts in the long run. However, repeatedly opening new credit cards and transferring balances to them can damage your credit scores in the long run.

How exactly do balance transfers work? ›

A balance transfer moves a balance from a credit card or loan to another credit card. Transferring balances with a higher annual percentage rate (APR) to a card with a lower APR can save you money on the interest you'll pay.

Is it beneficial to do a balance transfer on a credit card? ›

But in general, a balance transfer is the most valuable choice if you need months to pay off high-interest debt and have good enough credit to qualify for a card with a 0% introductory APR on balance transfers. Such a card could save you plenty on interest, giving you an edge when paying off your balances.

How does it work to transfer a balance from one credit card to another? ›

How do balance transfers work? A balance transfer is when you move money you owe from one credit card to another that charges less in interest. Used wisely, a balance transfer could help you take control of your debt. That's because these credit cards usually come with a 0% interest offer for a limited time.

What is the downside of a balance transfer? ›

A balance transfer generally isn't worth the cost or hassle if you can pay off your balance in three months or less. That's because balance transfers typically take at least one billing cycle to go through, and most credit cards charge balance transfer fees of 3% to 5% for moving debt.

What is the disadvantage of credit transfer? ›

  • You could end up with a higher interest rate after the promotion.
  • You may not save money after the balance transfer fee is added.
  • Your credit score could be impacted.
  • You risk creating more debt.
Mar 24, 2022

What are the pros and cons of balance transfers? ›

The pros of balance transfers include saving money on interest, consolidating debt, and possible improvement in credit score in the long run. The cons of balance transfers include balance transfer fees, high regular APRs, and above-average score requirements.

Do I have to close credit card after balance transfer? ›

When your balance transfer is complete, your old card isn't automatically closed, and you're not required to cancel it either. Depending on the new card's credit limit, you may not be able to transfer the entire balance. In that case, the old card will have a remaining balance you must continue to pay off.

Do you still have balance after balance transfer? ›

If you have an outstanding balance remaining on your old card after a balance transfer, making monthly payments will follow until you clear the debt entirely. This can be the case if your new card's credit limit is less than the balance you owe toward your existing card.

Why would someone do a balance transfer? ›

Credit card balance transfers are typically used by consumers who want to move the amount they owe to a credit card with a significantly lower promotional interest rate and better benefits, such as a rewards program to earn cash back or points for everyday spending.

What happens to the card you balance transfer from? ›

However, it's important to understand that transferring a balance to a new credit card will not close the account of the original card — the balance will simply revert back to zero.

What is a common fee for a balance transfer? ›

Balance transfer fees are typically 3 percent or 5 percent of the total balance you transfer to your new card. So, for every $10,000 in debt you move to a balance transfer credit card, you'll owe $300 or $500.

How long does a balance transfer take? ›

A balance transfer occurs when you move a balance from one credit card to another, and this process typically takes about five to seven days. But a word of warning: Some credit card issuers can take 14 or even 21 days to complete a balance transfer.

Can I transfer all my credit cards to one card? ›

If you have credit card debt on multiple cards, it can be a good idea to consolidate it to one balance transfer card to save money on interest charges and manage your debt better. You can generally transfer as many balances as you want to a single 0% APR card, but you'll need to meet certain requirements.

Can I transfer some of my credit card balance to another credit card? ›

Transfer terms: Some credit card companies only allow cardholders to transfer external credit card balances, meaning you can't typically transfer balances between two cards from the same issuer. But it may be possible to consolidate balances from student loans, car loans and personal loans.

How do you avoid balance transfer fees? ›

You can avoid balance transfer fees by finding credit cards with no fees or introductory periods where no fees are charged. You'll have no transfer fees if you transfer your balance during the introductory period.

What are the three features of the ideal balance transfer credit card? ›

The ideal balance transfer credit card comes with three big zeroes:
  • A 0% introductory APR offer for balance transfers.
  • A $0 annual fee.
  • A $0 balance transfer fee (or a way to avoid paying such a fee).

Is a balance transfer fee a one time fee? ›

Balance transfer fees are one-time fees assessed when a cardholder transfers a balance to a credit card, and only when that card has a balance transfer fee in the first place. Not all cards have a balance transfer fee, but for those that do, you'll only pay it more than once if you do multiple balance transfers.

How many credit cards is too many to have open? ›

It's generally recommended that you have two to three credit card accounts at a time, in addition to other types of credit. Remember that your total available credit and your debt to credit ratio can impact your credit scores. If you have more than three credit cards, it may be hard to keep track of monthly payments.

Are balance transfers a smart thing to do? ›

A balance transfer credit card is an excellent way to refinance existing credit card debt, especially since credit card interest rates can go as high as 30%. By transferring your balance to a card with a 0% intro APR, you can quickly dodge mounting interest costs and give yourself repayment flexibility.

Can you keep doing balance transfers to avoid interest? ›

You can keep transferring credit card balances to take advantage of 0% intro APR offers if you continue to qualify for new balance transfer cards. But it might not be worth paying multiple balance transfer fees and potentially affecting your credit score.

How many times can you do a balance transfer? ›

Can you do multiple balance transfers? Yes, you can do multiple balance transfers. Multiple transfers might be possible from several cards to one card or even several cards to several cards.

Is it bad to have a lot of credit cards with zero balance? ›

It is not bad to have a lot of credit cards with zero balance because positive information will appear on your credit reports each month since all of the accounts are current. Having credit cards with zero balance also results in a low credit utilization ratio, which is good for your credit score, too.

What do you need to qualify for a balance transfer? ›

Balance transfer credit cards typically require good credit or excellent credit (scores 670 and greater) in order to qualify.

How is balance transfer paid off? ›

The balance of your old card is paid off by your new card, effectively swapping who you have to repay. Balance transfer cards will usually offer a promotional period where you'll be charged a low or 0% interest rate on your card balance for a number of months.

Can you cash out a balance transfer? ›

The easiest way to turn a balance transfer into cash is to use the special checks that credit card companies usually send with offers or with the monthly statement. These checks can simply be deposited into your checking or savings accounts.

Is it better to balance transfer? ›

Balance transfers can help you to lower the cost of your credit card borrowing and consolidate multiple debts.

How much will it cost in fees to transfer a $1000 balance to a credit card? ›

It costs $30 to $50 in fees to transfer a $1,000 balance to a credit card, in most cases, as balance transfer fees on credit cards usually equal 3% to 5% of the amount transferred. Some credit cards even have no balance transfer fee, but it's rare for cards that do this to also have a 0% introductory APR on transfers.

Do balance transfers decrease how much you owe? ›

When thinking in terms of your credit score, it's important to understand what a balance transfer does not do: It does not reduce the total amount of money you owe. If you owe $5,000 on one card and transfer it to a new card, you still have $5,000 in debt; it's just in a new place.

What is an example of a balance transfer? ›

Say you want to transfer a $2,000 balance to a card with a 3% balance transfer fee. This means your balance transfer fee would come out to $60. For a $12,000 transfer, your fee would be $360.

Why does a balance transfer fail? ›

Your credit limit is too low

The issuer will hold your balance transfer request until they are able to confirm the amount to transfer in relation to your credit limit. If your credit limit is lower than the amount of money you requested to transfer from another card, the issuer will likely reject the request.

Does a balance transfer count as a monthly payment? ›

Yes! Once your balance transfer is complete, your old credit card company will process it as a normal payment. This will satisfy your minimum monthly payment requirements so you can avoid late fees and potentially negative information on your credit report.

How many credit cards can I balance transfer? ›

There's no hard-and-fast rule about how many balance transfers you can do. But individual issuers may have their own policies. For instance, you can request up to three balance transfers when applying for the BankAmericard® credit card. Your credit line will also limit the number of balance transfers you're able to do.

Is it OK to have 3 credit cards from the same bank? ›

Yes, you can have more than one credit card from the same company. It's not only possible, but it can be a great way to deepen your relationship with one specific bank and take advantage of their card rewards and benefits.

How many cards can you balance transfer to one card? ›

In theory, there's no limit to the number of separate credit and store cards you can transfer over. But in practice, you're limited by the credit limit on the card. There will usually be a time limit for transferring balances though.

What happens if you don't pay a balance transfer off in time? ›

A balance transfer credit card can offer you many months to pay off high-interest debt in the form of a 0% introductory APR. But when that balance transfer period ends, interest charges are added to the balance if it isn't paid off.

How are payments applied to multiple balance transfers? ›

If there are multiple balances carrying the same interest rate, issuers will apply the payment in direct proportion to the balance amounts, without regard for when a promotional interest rate might end.

Can I balance transfer between credit cards at the same bank? ›

Banks will generally put some limitations on balance transfers within the same bank. While some banks may allow you to, this is very rare. In most cases, the most effective thing to do is to apply for a balance transfer card at a different bank that uses a different card issuer.

How long does it normally take for a balance transfer to go through? ›

A balance transfer occurs when you move a balance from one credit card to another, and this process typically takes about five to seven days. But a word of warning: Some credit card issuers can take 14 or even 21 days to complete a balance transfer.

How many times can you do a balance transfer on a card? ›

Can you do multiple balance transfers? Yes, you can do multiple balance transfers. Multiple transfers might be possible from several cards to one card or even several cards to several cards.

How much is too much for a balance transfer? ›

Credit card providers typically determine the amount of debt you can move in relation to your credit limit. Many issuers are generous, giving cardholders the ability to transfer their full credit limit, but in some cases, your transfer limit may be capped at 75 percent of your overall credit limit.

What does 12 month balance transfer mean? ›

A balance transfer is when you move your existing credit card balance(s) to another credit card with a different provider. This can help you keep all of your borrowing in one place. You could receive an introductory or promotional rate for a set period of time.

What is the minimum payment on a balance transfer card? ›

The minimum payment on a balance transfer is 1%-3% of the total balance on the card, depending on the card issuer. The minimum payment calculation for balance transfer credit cards is no different than a regular credit card minimum payment.

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