How can you prepare for an interview when you lack experience? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 20, 2024

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Research the company and the role


Practice your answers and your questions


Highlight your transferable skills and your learning ability


Be honest and enthusiastic


Follow up and ask for feedback


Here’s what else to consider

Landing an interview for a job you want is exciting, but it can also be nerve-wracking if you feel like you don't have enough experience to impress the hiring manager. How can you prepare for an interview when you lack experience? Here are some tips to help you showcase your potential and stand out from the crowd.

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  • Brad Rowley Managing Director @ Vaco | Certified Scrum Master, Digital Transformation

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  • Cathy Merlo ✦ Associate Co-op Coordinator ✦ Faculty Member ✦ Career Adviser ✦ Curriculum Designer ✦ People Connector ✦ Student…

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1 Research the company and the role

Before the interview, do some homework on the company and the role you applied for. Find out what their mission, vision, values, and goals are, and how they align with your own. Learn about their products, services, customers, and competitors, and how you can add value to them. Review the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications they are looking for, and how you can demonstrate them with examples from your education, volunteer work, projects, or hobbies.

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  • Cathy Merlo ✦ Associate Co-op Coordinator ✦ Faculty Member ✦ Career Adviser ✦ Curriculum Designer ✦ People Connector ✦ Student Advocate

    Review the 2nd half of the job posting called either the requirements or qualifications to determine what you have that you can discuss in 2–3-minute stories that demonstrate that you have some of the skills and experiences the hiring manager is seeking. Focus on what you DO have -- not what you lack. Also, make sure that you're a reasonable match for what the job requires -- don't chase after jobs that aren't aligned with your skills & experiences. Ensure that you tell stories that feature you as a major contributor to a situation's success or a specific task to help sell you to the hiring manager. Refrain from saying things like "Although I have never done (X)..." You'll only give them reasons to reject you.


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  • Rodney Hall

    Hit it head on by thanking the employer for consideration, affirming your interest but depending on their expectations, acknowleding you're not "plug and play" ready. Spotlight your best skills, preferably with real world examples, then ask how those skills might be a value-add that makes up for what you lack. When I hear something like that from a candidate with solid credentials (but not dedicated experience), my interest level rises. At least I know I'm dealing with a genuine individual and we just need to figure our how/if it's a good risk to take for both sides. We don't want to set him/her up for failure.


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  • Robin Kessler Career Coach, HR Consultant, Competency-Based Interviews and Competency-Based Resumes Author, Trainer, and Professor

    Think about what it takes to be successful in the role and at the company. Try to identify the competencies that may be listed in their job posting or on the company website. Then, think about your accomplishments that prove you have strengths in the key competency areas, even when you may not have the direct experience. Listen for opportunities to give those accomplishments as examples during the interview.


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  • Focus on the skills and qualities you possess and believe may be valuable for the position. You can draw parallels and demonstrate how you've applied these in your studies or any part-time jobs you've had. It's also important for the employer to see that you have the motivation, energy, and the willingness to learn, develop and grow. It can take you a long way.


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  • Akansha Malara Lead Project Manager at Nextera Energy / I develop renewable energy projects for our customers/ MBA Graduate from W.P. Carey / CSM and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

    Some important metrics used to evaluate candidates besides the skills and background are cultural fit, willingness to learn, and passion for the company and the role. It's always a best practice to talk about transferrable skills and the associated experiences from your professional life. Often overlooked, it is equally important to supplement by sharing experiences where you showcased values that resonate with the company’s culture. I would highly recommend researching the company and reading some case studies to understand its mission and steps taken in that direction. When a candidate asks the recruiter questions about the last Q call or industry trends, he demonstrates his passion and curiosity in action and leaves a lasting impression.


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2 Practice your answers and your questions

One of the best ways to boost your confidence and reduce your anxiety is to practice your answers and your questions for the interview. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers and show how you handled a specific challenge, solved a problem, or achieved a goal in the past. Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer that show your interest and curiosity about the company and the role, such as what are the main expectations, challenges, and opportunities for the position, or how they measure success and provide feedback.

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  • Laura T. Roberts, CPC Partner - Helping people and companies build winning pharmaceutical teams and successful careers for over 30 years 860-265-6152

    Advise I often share with candidates I work with is this… interviewing is a skill best practiced before hand - we ALL get nervous - how we react to that nervousness - comes down to preparation. For instance - stand up comedians do not stand up and make jokes… They prepare, they practice, practice and practice their delivery and material…SO when they are on stage and get nervous - their preparation - kicks in and they come off smooth. This is great advise to people preparing for interviews! Certainly content plays a big part - BUT - there is a lesson to be learned here… take time to prepare answers to possible questions….


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  • Rekha Nagar Top Leadership Development Voice ll Purpose Coach ll Soft Skills Trainer ll Co-Author ll Co-Founder ll Core Values Coach

    When getting ready for an interview with limited experience, emphasize your skills, passion, and openness to learning. Begin by researching the company and the job role to grasp their values, mission, and desired skills.Next, pinpoint transferable skills. Even if you lack direct experience, you probably possess valuable skills from various aspects of your life, like problem-solving, teamwork, or communication. Share examples from your education, volunteer work, or personal projects that showcase these skills.


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  • Knowing the skills the company is looking for practice answers to competency-based questions (e.g. resilience, communication and teamwork).If you are interviewing for a sales-type role you MUST know your stats, figures, billings etc also - without this you may struggle to distinguish yourself apart from the other interviewees.I always preparing 2-3 questions for the interviewer also this shows that you have done some research ahead of time and are genuinely interested in the company and opportunity!


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  • Kristoffer Radomski Trying to put Poland on the HFT Map | Recruitment Nerd | Career Agent | Dad | Husband | Founder @The Hire

    A common theme I see among candidates is not knowing what the interviewer is actually asking about.Hiring managers usually make the decision as to whether or not they're going to hire a person in the first 15 minutes of the interview.And this is actually where most people drop the ball.The "tell me about yourself" question is the best example.You are not asked about yourself here but Translate this question to "Tell me why are you qualified for this role"The same goes for- Walk me through your resume- Why do you want to work at this company?- What would you consider to be your weaknesses?etc.


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  • The STAR method helps you structure your responses effectively.You can simplify this to SAR. By combining the Situation and Task elements, you can streamline your responses and focus more on showcasing your individual contributions.I advise people to ask themselves, "So what?" after each section of their responses. This reflection is key to making your answers stand out. It helps you highlight the importance and relevance of your actions, differentiating you from simply doing the job you were expected to do. It's a way of showing your unique value and the impact you've had in similar situations.Remember, confidence comes from preparation and knowing you have the skills and experience to excel in the role you're interviewing for.


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3 Highlight your transferable skills and your learning ability

Even if you don't have direct experience in the field or industry you are applying for, you can still highlight your transferable skills and your learning ability. Transferable skills are those that can be applied to different situations and contexts, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, or leadership. Learning ability is your willingness and capability to acquire new knowledge and skills, adapt to changing environments, and overcome obstacles. Show how you have used your transferable skills and your learning ability in different settings, and how you can apply them to the role you are interviewing for.

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  • Brad Rowley Managing Director @ Vaco | Certified Scrum Master, Digital Transformation

    While you may not have the direct experience the hiring manager wants, you very well could have experience that the hiring manager sees value in. Asks questions during the interview process that help you to discover the root causes for the company hiring and work to find commonalities in the experiences you do have.


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  • Jaspreet Singh MBA, Supply Chains and Sustainability

    Sometimes people tend to overlook the highly transferable set of soft skills. A great example of this would be skills like critical thinking and problem solving. Critical thinking often entails the ability to analyze complex situations, identify problems, and make informed decisions which is mission critical for any project. Further strong problem-solving skills are well-suited for roles that involve anticipating potential issues, developing contingency plans, and ensuring projects stay on track, irrespective of the industry.


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  • Douglas Moore Human Resources, Customer Service, Administration, and Team Leadership

    This one is huge, and people often overlook it! Your past employment - even if seemingly unrelated - probably taught you important work skills. Other areas of your life, like hobbies or time in school, may have furnished you with other skills that directly relate to the job. This is especially true for early-career candidates. For example, maybe you don't have a lot of experience coordinating a team - but you organize your big camping trip every year, which requires group communication, scheduling, and planning, which probably DO relate to the job requirements!Don't underestimate the relevance of your existing skills just because they don't come from directly-relatable job experience.

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  • Lee De Souza Helping Energy and Clean Tech businesses hire the best senior talent | 100% track record of filling every role | AKA 'The Cornish Indian Recruiter'

    Go through the person spec, review the competencies and come up with your best answers. Think about previous roles, experience that are transferable. i.e you might not have been in a Chair role before, but you might have chaired internal exec meetings where the stakeholders were at a similar level to the non exec chair role you are being interviewed for.

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4 Be honest and enthusiastic

Don't try to lie or exaggerate your experience, as it will only backfire and damage your credibility. Instead, be honest and enthusiastic about your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. Explain what motivated you to apply for the role, what excites you about the company and the industry, and what you hope to learn and contribute. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and your eagerness to hear from them.

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  • Ryan Archibald, SPHR Craft the workplace to give purpose and empowerment to deliver on it.

    The importance of honesty and enthusiasm cannot be overstated. Yes you may lack experience however, you can use past learning experiences to show what you need to succeed in the role.If they still don't choose you as a candidate to move forward, you would not be happy working there anyway. A respectful and inclusion company will jump at the chance to hire you, train you, and help you succeed.


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  • Douglas Moore Human Resources, Customer Service, Administration, and Team Leadership

    Honesty is pretty important - don't "fudge the numbers" here. Be open about your lack of experience, but try to give the interviewer a reason why they should consider you anyway. This is where attitude, confidence, and enthusiasm come in.Enthusiasm logically correlates to motivation. Showing that you're passionate about the job, are eager to learn more, and have a strong drive to succeed can help make up for shortcomings in other areas - a motivated, inexperienced candidate may be a better fit for the job than an experienced one who just "phones it in".


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  • Amrita Sarkar Associate - Projects at Cognizant Technology Solutions

    We are living in an environment where many people are returning to their jobs after a huge career break. Be it COVID or some other personal issue, often career breaks make one lose touch with the skills required for their jobs. This is especially true for women who took a career break for kids and family and are now trying to return to work after years. In such a scenario, it's normal that they might not be up to date on the current trends or requirements that their job role encapsulates. It is important to be honest about your shortcomings in such a case. I suggest that do try to catch up with the ongoing advancements in your field, but do not pretend to have hands-on experience about skills you are yet to develop.


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  • Lee De Souza Helping Energy and Clean Tech businesses hire the best senior talent | 100% track record of filling every role | AKA 'The Cornish Indian Recruiter'

    Where two candidates are equal, enthusiasm has been the difference many times between candidates getting the job. Make sure you enter the room with the expectation that you want the role, then you give yourself the opportunity to turn it down. I have seen good candidates go to an interview who are not sure if they want it, then as the interview progresses, they really want it but they didnt progress because they didn't demonstrate their enthusiasm from the beginning. I admire it more when people are honest. I haven't done X, but I believe I can do it by because of X,Y and Z. You will see from my CV I have a track record of doing new things in each role I have been in.

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5 Follow up and ask for feedback

After the interview, send a thank-you note to the interviewer, reiterating your interest and appreciation for the role, and highlighting your main qualifications and fit for the company. If you don't hear back from them within a reasonable time frame, follow up with a polite email or phone call, asking for an update on the hiring process and expressing your continued enthusiasm. If you don't get the job, don't get discouraged. Ask for feedback on your performance and how you can improve for future opportunities. Use it as a learning experience and a chance to grow.

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  • Nathalie Cooper Talent Search Executive | LinkedIn Specialist | Career Counselor

    I firmly believe in the value of sending a follow-up/thank-you message and requesting feedback post-interview. It cultivates a positive communication culture, empowering candidates for continuous growth. From a recruiter POV, it creates conversations and, ideally, can lead to a seamless onboarding process if hired. It also leads to a greater candidate pool for recruiters, as when candidates get feedback, they are more likely to reapply in the future. Amidst the busy schedules recruiters and hiring managers have, it serves us as a gentle reminder, reaffirming your interest in the opportunity, fostering a proactive connection. This initiative is both appreciated and impactful.


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  • Douglas Moore Human Resources, Customer Service, Administration, and Team Leadership

    Sending a follow-up is a good way to keep the door open. For one thing, it shows off your motivation, passion, and positive attitude towards the job. For another, it helps keep the door open if you apply for a similar role within the same organization in the future.If you didn't get the job, a little extra feedback can help you reflect on what worked for you in that interview and what didn't. Now, not all interviewers will give you feedback on your interview performance, but it never hurts to ask.


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  • Chandrahas M AI Product Manager | Generative AI | Seeking Product Management opportunities

    Regular follow-up is paramount to show them your continued interest. Asking for feedback can be tricky. Its like you asking the girl/guy for feedback after a date - lol. It must not be direct but implicit - You can ask if you missed out providing crucial information during the interview. You can reach out to them with your additional thoughts if you think the interview didn't go as expected.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • It’s possible you are the wildcard!!Bring positivity! Try to portray that you are enthused and eager to take on the challenges ahead. When the experience issue arises, use positive examples from your prior experience that you feel correlate with the role you are applying for i.e., how your last role had similar concepts to the one you are applying for, and relay how you had excelled at these. I believe nearly everything can be learned, it’s the hunger and passion for the role that allows people to master it. Ultimately, this passion can develop an individual who can then supersede the original parameters of the role. Always practice interviewing prior, and really think about how your answers shape the interviewer’s perspective of you.


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  • Lee De Souza Helping Energy and Clean Tech businesses hire the best senior talent | 100% track record of filling every role | AKA 'The Cornish Indian Recruiter'

    If you want the role, let them know why you think you can do the role, and why you want it (it goes back to the enthusiasm point). Also ask the interviewer if they believe you have any gaps for the role? This then give you one last opportunity to overcome any nagging doubts.


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  • Meme M. Leadership, Business Writing

    Be well prepared for the interview but also allow room to be spontaneous. The interviewer would be looking to get a feel of who you are behind all the rote memorization and might probably not stick to a script.An added bonus of spontaneity is that it will show confidence.


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  • Douglas Moore Human Resources, Customer Service, Administration, and Team Leadership

    I said in a few of my comments above that attitude and enthusiasm can make a big difference. For certain kinds of roles, behind the scenes the interviewer may be thinking that attitude or passion for the role may actually be more important than having a bit more experience. In my experience, this is especially true for customer-facing roles, where attitude, dedication, and perseverance are likely to translate into better long-term performance.Remember, the employer can train you. You can gain experience. But attitude and enthusiasm are all you!


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  • Brandon Johnson, M.Ed., CPCC I help you land the job you ACTUALLY want | Your friendly neighborhood Certified Professional Career Coach

    Focus more on how you can add value, and less on what you lack. Remember, if you're at the interview stage, that means someone already saw that you lack experience and invited you to interview anyway. That means that someone already believes that you may be able to add value. It's up to you to prove it by really highlighting what you can bring to the table.And make sure you really demonstrate that you're motivated. Motivation can sometimes make up for a lack of experience. A more motivated candidate can grow faster, learn quicker, and produce better results in the long run than a more experienced candidate.


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How can you prepare for an interview when you lack experience? (2024)


How can you prepare for an interview when you lack experience? ›

No experience in that particular field does not mean you have no experience at all! Because of this, the general rule of thumb is to answer somewhere along the lines of: “One reason I like this job is that I want to improve my skills for (X). I haven't done (X) before, but I have done (Y).

What to say in an interview when you lack experience? ›

No experience in that particular field does not mean you have no experience at all! Because of this, the general rule of thumb is to answer somewhere along the lines of: “One reason I like this job is that I want to improve my skills for (X). I haven't done (X) before, but I have done (Y).

How do you convince an interviewer with no experience? ›

As a recent graduate with no experience, you can still convince employers to hire you by highlighting your relevant skills, passion, and willingness to learn. Emphasize your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, internships, and any volunteer work that demonstrates your abilities and dedication.

How to respond to "You don't have enough experience"? ›

When you do finally get asked about experience you don't have, you'll want to deliver your response in such a way that you're communicating transferable skills or functions you've used in a different setting. Emphasize your transferable skills and how they can be applied to the new role.

What should I answer if I have no experience? ›

If you're asked a question about prior experience regarding something you've never done, the best way to answer isn't to say, “No, I've never done that.” Or, “No, I don't have experience in that area.” The best way to handle the question is to say something along these lines: While I have not had any direct experience ...

How do you say you have no experience but willing to learn? ›

I am eager to gain hands-on experience in [Field/Industry] and learn from the best in the industry. Throughout my time at [University], I've taken courses in [Relevant Courses] and have actively participated in [Relevant Activities or Organizations].

How to professionally say you don't have any experience? ›

Sample Answer

I have enrolled myself in relevant certification course. However I'm skill at the stage of learning. I would also be willing to immediately join the training programs or resource within the company that can help me upskill in (specific skill) and contribute effectively to the team.

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself"? ›

Provide a Brief Highlight-Summary of Your Experience

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

What is the star method when interviewing? ›

The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

How can I introduce myself in an interview? ›

To introduce yourself professionally in an interview, start with a polite greeting, state your full name, mention your educational background and relevant work experience, highlight key skills and strengths, briefly share your career objective, and express gratitude for the opportunity.

How do you answer if you don't have experience in interview? ›

Show how you have used your transferable skills and your learning ability in different settings, and how you can apply them to the role you are interviewing for. While you may not have the direct experience the hiring manager wants, you very well could have experience that the hiring manager sees value in.

How do you say "despite my lack of experience"? ›

Although I am relatively new to the field of [Industry], I am extremely excited about the opportunity to work with your organization and contribute my skills and abilities to your team.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.