How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (2024)

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Identify the problem


Gather and analyze data


Involve your team


Make and communicate the decision


Implement and evaluate the decision


Here’s what else to consider

Making sound decisions that benefit your team and organization is a crucial skill for any leader. It can help you achieve your goals, resolve conflicts, and foster trust and collaboration. However, decision making can also be challenging, especially when you face complex, uncertain, or ambiguous situations. How can you improve your decision making skills and avoid common pitfalls? Here are some tips to help you.

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  • Chetachi Ezumba Okechukwu Deputy General Manager / Regional Bank Head, Fidelity Bank | Business Development Expert | Financial Analyst | Team…

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How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (11) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (12) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (13)

1 Identify the problem

The first step in any decision making process is to clearly define the problem you are trying to solve. This will help you focus on the relevant information, criteria, and goals. To identify the problem, you can ask yourself questions such as: What is the current situation? What are the desired outcomes? What are the constraints and risks? Who are the stakeholders and how are they affected? What are the assumptions and biases that might influence your thinking?

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    There are many insightful models and theories that one can follow and action but the best way to make tough decisions is to do it consciously and with a poised mind - alertness and balance, equanimity and exuberance. The most important thing is to avoid haste no matter what the situation demands. Carefully reflect on the choices we make and how they impact people, business and organizations is important. Too much of analysis leads to dilution of the conscious thought (intelligence) and intellect takes over dissecting the judgment. Seeking insights from mentors, coaches, teams and colleagues is a great way to learn but you must know who best suits your needs and demands of the situation.


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (22) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (23) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (24) 11

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    Understand the urgency and importance of "To take decision" , evaluate cost benefit impact from all perspectives - financial, organization, employees etc etc. Do not get into Analyse Analyse Paralyse scenario. No haste either. use your managerial learnings, skill and intuition - that's why you are there! Inputs are good but YOU have to take the call. Once all clear just take the decision!


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (33) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (34) 6

  • Deepak Kumbhat (Senior Leader Global Shared Services ) Setting up Shared Services | Leading Global Transformation | Service Delivery| Transition | Change Management
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    In general the following are essential for good decision:Gather data, define goals, explore options, consider consequences, prioritize criteria, seek input, manage emotions, be decisive, learn from experience, and stay flexible.But the big thing is to stay calm, think wing to wing and take a matured approach.


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (43) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (44) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (45) 5

  • Manisha Arya Human Resources Partner at IndiGo | LinkedIn Top Voice
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    In my role, I emphasise effective decision-making for teams and organisations. I believe in a comprehensive approach that considers diverse viewpoints, evaluates risks, and prioritises long-term impacts. Engaging with different perspectives allows for better-informed choices, while assessing potential risks helps anticipate and address challenges. Flexibility is crucial, as circ*mstances can change, requiring adaptability in decisions. By emphasising clear communication and ethical considerations, I ensure that decisions align with broader objectives. This approach not only contributes to achieving team goals but also fosters organisational success by making thoughtful and impactful choices for the future.


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (54) 4

  • Ravinesh Raj With a strong foundation in LAMP (PHP, MySQL) and a leadership role in MERN (NodeJs), I have taken the lead of an AI team delving into research on generative AI models such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, LLaMA, and Palm2.
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    A leadership role involves guiding and influencing a group, team, or organization towards achieving specific goals or visions. It's much more than just holding a position of authority; effective leadership encompasses a variety of responsibilities and skills that enable a leader to motivate, inspire, and direct others.


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2 Gather and analyze data

The next step is to collect and evaluate the data that will inform your decision. This can include quantitative and qualitative data, such as facts, figures, opinions, feedback, and best practices. You can use various sources and methods to gather data, such as research, surveys, interviews, observation, or brainstorming. To analyze data, you can use tools and techniques such as SWOT analysis, decision matrix, cost-benefit analysis, or scenario planning. The goal is to identify the root causes, the alternatives, and the pros and cons of each option.

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    I agree, but for Strategic Decision Making, just SWOT is not enough & we need to do a PESLT (Political, Economic, Social, Legal & Technical) Analysis and accordingly the available data needs to be analysed on Quantitative & Qualitative parameters / variables which we have defined beforehand.Start with secondary data sources and further elaborate it with Primary Sources (including research).All alternatives need to be validated to bring out the best opinion which is acceptable to the stakeholders.


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  • Lisa Valene Thomas The OG Lawmom for 'baby lawyers' on LinkedIn and YouTube!
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    Gathering data need not be a highly technical process and will depend on the decision needed. I would say approach gathering data in the simplest manner first (such as asking people for data) and add layers to this process if you need to. Choose the most effective and efficient method.Analysing the data is arguably the most crucial step in terms of informing your decision. The results of the analysis will be what you base your decision on. Let this process take longer than gathering the data. You want to exercise care in the analysis.


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  • Tun Lin Graduate Student at the National University of Singapore | M.Sc. (Maritime Technology and Management)
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    Collect data and information related to the problem or decision you're facing. This may include quantitative data, such as numbers and statistics, as well as qualitative information, like observations, opinions, and expert insights.

  • Sasikumar Thangamuthu Chief People Officer | 💼 HR Leader | 📚 Author | Mental Health Practitioner
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    Once your data sources are identified, it's time to collect the data you need for analysis. This can involve surveys, interviews, web analytics tools, or any other method that provides you with the necessary information. Next is the analysis phase is where you unlock the true potential of your data. There are various analytical techniques you can employ, depending on the type of data and the insights you are looking to gain.Once you have analyzed the data, it's time to draw insights and make decisions based on your findings. Look for patterns, trends, and correlations within the data that align with your objectives. Are there any opportunities for improvement or areas that need to be addressed?

  • Deepak Kushwaha Building 24x7 parents advice and learning Centre | Partner - Strategy and Success | 10+ years with Startups | NIT Jaipur Alum
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    Absolutely, combining data-driven approaches with a human-centric perspective while having contingency plans is a robust strategy for decision-making.


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3 Involve your team

One of the benefits of being a leader is that you can leverage the collective wisdom and experience of your team. Involving your team in the decision making process can help you gain different perspectives, insights, and ideas. It can also increase the buy-in, commitment, and ownership of the decision. To involve your team, you can use strategies such as delegation, consultation, collaboration, or consensus. However, you should also balance the level of participation with the urgency, complexity, and impact of the decision.

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  • Deepak Kushwaha Building 24x7 parents advice and learning Centre | Partner - Strategy and Success | 10+ years with Startups | NIT Jaipur Alum
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    Absolutely, involving the team in decision-making can yield significant benefits, leveraging diverse perspectives, and fostering a sense of ownership.


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    Involvement of team of course if needed, but you also have to empower them by providing time and resources and also designing a process to recognize evaluate and reward teamwork.


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  • Tun Lin Graduate Student at the National University of Singapore | M.Sc. (Maritime Technology and Management)
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    Encourage a creative and open-minded brainstorming session. Invite team members, colleagues, or relevant stakeholders to participate in generating potential solutions. The goal is to generate as many diverse ideas as possible.


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  • Matthew Fox Director Of Training | Risk Management | Safety | Compliance | FMCSA | Fleet Development | National Employee Training Programs | Strategy | CDL Schools | Exceeded Retention Goal 140% For Fortune 60 Company
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    One of the most rewarding outcomes of decision-making is when your team comes up with solutions that are equal to, offer a strong alternative, or are better than yours. Those solutions will make any of your final decisions easier to make. After consulting with any past experiences, data, and subject matter experts for your decision, share the subject matter with your team. If you have fostered a culture of healthy debate within your team, provide them with all the necessary facts and outcomes and guide them toward the direction that will yield the best results. By building a team that can deliver the best solutions to you, supported by data and information, you can increase the productivity and reliability of your final decisions.


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  • Lisa Valene Thomas The OG Lawmom for 'baby lawyers' on LinkedIn and YouTube!
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    The last thing you want to do and most foolish you can do is make a decision in isolation. You're making a decision for everyone. I would add that you should include your team in gathering the data and analysis. They need to participate in a process that will affect them eventually. Set outcomes for their involvement. For example, in delegating data analysis, let them know what you're expecting from their efforts. If you're consulting with other team members post-analysis to measure the outcomes, let the consulting team know how you expect them to treat the analysed data.


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4 Make and communicate the decision

After you have gathered and analyzed the data and involved your team, you are ready to make and communicate the decision. To make the decision, you should weigh the evidence, the criteria, and the trade-offs. You should also consider your intuition, values, and vision. To communicate the decision, you should explain the rationale, the benefits, and the implications. You should also address any concerns, questions, or objections that might arise. The goal is to convey clarity, confidence, and transparency.

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  • Milos E.
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    Once you make a decision, you shouldn’t assume that everyone will accept and agree with it. You need to ensure that your employees understand your decision. Explain the reasoning behind it and how it will benefit everyone. Allow your team to express their concerns, and don’t just dismiss them. Show that you listen and value their input.


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  • Lisa Valene Thomas The OG Lawmom for 'baby lawyers' on LinkedIn and YouTube!
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    Even when making the decision, be transparent to team members who may ask how you're doing it. Share any problems and roadblocks you may be experiencing.Communicate the decision in the same way that you arrived at it. Break it up into stages. This will ease team members into the ultimate decision you've arrived at. You should always keep in mind how they will receive it and communicate with empathy.


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  • Tun Lin Graduate Student at the National University of Singapore | M.Sc. (Maritime Technology and Management)
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    Review and assess the various alternatives you've generated. Consider the pros and cons of each option, taking into account factors like feasibility, potential impact, cost, and alignment with your objectives.

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    Decision-making involves gathering and analyzing data, identifying objectives, alternatives, decision-makers, and stakeholders. Trade-offs are crucial, especially in sectors like healthcare where the cost-effectiveness of treatments is weighed. Intuition, rooted in experience, aids quick decisions, while values and vision play vital roles.Communication is key. When conveying decisions, explain the rationale, benefits, and implications. Anticipate and address concerns, questions, or objections proactively to show team interest. Ensure clarity, confidence, and transparency in communication, avoiding mixed messages and paying attention to non-verbal cues. This approach fosters effective leadership and team collaboration.

  • Abdullah A. 🏗️ Full Stack Architect || 🎨 Turning Complexity into Elegant User Experiences || ⚡ Performance Optimizer
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    In the tapestry of decision-making, the final strokes are to make and communicate. 🎨⚖️ Weigh evidence, consider values, and trust your intuition. When sharing, illuminate the why, benefits, and potential impacts. Address concerns with clarity and transparency. It's the art of decisive communication. 🗣️💼


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5 Implement and evaluate the decision

The final step in the decision making process is to implement and evaluate the decision. To implement the decision, you should create an action plan that outlines the steps, responsibilities, resources, and timelines. You should also monitor the progress, provide feedback, and make adjustments as needed. To evaluate the decision, you should measure the results, compare them with the expected outcomes, and identify the lessons learned. The goal is to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the decision.

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  • Lisa Valene Thomas The OG Lawmom for 'baby lawyers' on LinkedIn and YouTube!
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    There is no such thing as a perfect decision even though the process might have been thorough. Implement the decision with confidence but make room for implementation issues. Evaluate your decision based on any implementation issues and deficits in the execution plan. See how far or near you are to the expected outcome. Document the learning points to refine your overall organisational decision-making process.


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (201) 1

  • Tun Lin Graduate Student at the National University of Singapore | M.Sc. (Maritime Technology and Management)
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    Develop a detailed action plan that outlines the steps, responsibilities, and timeline for implementing the decision. A well-structured plan helps ensure that the decision is carried out effectively. Clearly communicate the decision to all relevant stakeholders, including your team, colleagues, and anyone who will be affected by the decision. Transparency in communication is crucial for understanding.

  • David Eves Senior Technologist
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    Evaluation is an important step of any decision that has an impact. For a leader, this is a multi-step process:1. Get feedback from impacted stakeholders.2. Observe the results of your decision.3. Review any metrics or MI generated as a result.Sometimes feedback will conflict. Your metrics will tell a positive story and stakeholders tell a negative story, for example. You need to identify which should take priority and consider whether the feedback process needs improvement. Note that your choice can impact stakeholder relationships.How we react to the results of our actions is what defines us as leaders. Exercise caution, but do not come across as stubborn or passive, and be ready to admit when a decision was the wrong one.

  • Richard Simms Video Game QA Manager, Lead QA, and Sound Designer
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    Implement, evaluate, and *own* the decision. Just making decisions is only half the work, making sure everyone knows who owns it and is in charge is a fantastic way of getting everyone on board.

  • Abdullah A. 🏗️ Full Stack Architect || 🎨 Turning Complexity into Elegant User Experiences || ⚡ Performance Optimizer
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    Craft an action plan, monitor progress, and adapt as needed. Evaluation, the reflection, measures results against expectations, unveiling lessons learned. It's the rhythm of effective, efficient, and sustainable decisions. 🔄💡


6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Chetachi Ezumba Okechukwu Deputy General Manager / Regional Bank Head, Fidelity Bank | Business Development Expert | Financial Analyst | Team Leader
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    Once you have made your decision(s), you then have to take OWNERSHIP of them. Acknowledge both the successes and challenges that may arise from the decisions and be prepared to adjust course if necessary.


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (242) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (243) 10

  • Divya Srivastava Manager HR - India @ TRIGO | MBA, SPHRi™
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    While making decision, all the stake holder should be included for sharing the input to understand the shortfall. The correct data and analytics should be taken into consideration to support the decision making. Decision making is important however to innovate on the way as per situation is equally important to reach the goal.


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    Reflect and review your decisionsReview your past decisions to understand what worked well and what didn't. Review the entire process of decision-making in the past so that you can identify gaps and make improvements in the current situation. Additionally, it is essential to reflect on your decisions – how you analyzed a situation, interpreted information, drew conclusions, or even decided on expected outcomes – all for the sake of making better choices in the future.


    How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (261) How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (262) 8

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    Taking a decision is already a tough exercise, however, taking the right decision is an even more challenging situation. Listing the pros and cons is a very good way to start, with such methodologies as SWOT or PESTL, they can help in identifying the least risky or challenging decision. As a leader, once a decision has been taken, it is key to remain true and committed. But it is also advised to review the situation post the decision, with the possibility to readjust, and admit that the decision was not necessarily the best one, if such case would occur. A trustworthy and honest leader will always attract respect.


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  • Hugo Oliveira Managing Partner | MBA AESE / IESE


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    Try to manage the ego of all the stakeholders and make sure the self-interest isn’t guiding the decisions. Altruism is not a word used a lot in the context of leadership, but in a context of servant leadership that is so discussed today, i think it’s necessary to tame one’s own ego to make sure the decisions are in the best interest of the organization and its purpose within society.


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How can you make sound decisions that benefit your team and organization? (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.