How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (2024)

Last updated on May 31, 2024

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Check the fund's objectives


Compare the fund's returns


Evaluate the fund's risk


Review the fund's fees and expenses


Analyze the fund's management and strategy


Here’s what else to consider

If you are interested in investing in mutual funds, you might wonder how to compare and assess their performance. Mutual funds are collections of stocks, bonds, or other securities that are managed by a professional fund manager. They offer diversification, convenience, and access to different markets and strategies. However, not all mutual funds are equally profitable, risky, or suitable for your goals. Here are some steps you can follow to evaluate a mutual fund's performance.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Benchmark comparisons:

    Assessing a mutual fund against a benchmark is key. Benchmarks like the S&P 500 provide context for a fund's performance. It's not just about positive returns; it's how the fund stacks up to similar investments.

  • Evaluate net returns:

    Dig into the real earnings by looking at net returns. Subtract management fees to understand true profitability. Past performance in various market conditions can give you insight into potential future gains and risks.

This summary is powered by AI and these experts

  • Carolina Gonzalez Rojas Cómo tomar mejores decisiones…
  • Ryan A. James Business Fellow, Finance major at Elon…

1 Check the fund's objectives

Before you look at the numbers, you should understand what the fund is trying to achieve and how it fits your investment plan. For example, some funds aim for growth, while others focus on income or preservation of capital. Some funds invest in specific sectors, regions, or themes, while others are more diversified or balanced. You should compare the fund's objectives with your risk tolerance, time horizon, and expected returns.

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  • Carolina Gonzalez Rojas Cómo tomar mejores decisiones financieras 🌟Guío a Personas, Familias y Empresas colombianas a ahorrar, invertir y proteger sus excedentes de dinero, heredar patrimonio de manera rentable, segura y minimizando impuestos
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    Comparto 3 tips para evaluar si los Fondos que te planteas son Ideales para invertir.1. Los rendimientos se miden por los cambios o variaciones del valor de cuota, que involucra una comisión de administración que debe descontarse para saber cuál es la rentabilidad neta. Puedes pedir los históricos y evaluar cómo se comporta en pérdidas. 2. Debes observar los gastos OPERATIVOS.Siempre debes saber lo que estás pagando, y encontrar esa información debe ser fácil.Revisa: Impuestos, Índice gastos operativos, Comisiones y Spreads2. Conoce: los instrumentos en que invierte, duración del componente de deuda, la región geográfica, el sector económico y el tipo de cambio porque aclarará la Prima de Riesgo a la que se expone el inversor.



    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (11) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (12) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (13) 4

  • Keshav Vyas Business Developer
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    1. Performance: Examine historical performance across different time frames. Compare it to relevant market benchmarks and similar funds, but remember that past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.2. Benchmark Comparison: Compare the fund’s returns to its benchmark. Consistent outperformance is positive.3. Expense Ratios: Lower fees (expense ratios) benefit investors. Compare these across funds.4. Portfolio Quality: Understand the fund’s investment strategy.5. Risk-Return Indicators: Assess risk (volatility) relative to peers and excess return compared to similar funds.6. Your Goals: Consider your investment horizon and objectives. 🌟


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (22) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (23) 7

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    If you're investing in a mutual fund, especially a stock fund, it's likely that you plan to hold it for at least three years or more. However, this doesn't mean that short-term returns, say 1 year, are irrelevant. In fact, a 1-year return for a mutual fund that is incredibly higher compared to other funds in its category can be a warning sign.Yes, good performance can be a negative indicator. There are a few reasons for this: One reason is that an isolated year of exceptionally high returns is abnormal. Investing is a marathon, not a sprint; it should be boring, not exciting. Strong performance is not sustainable. Another reason to avoid short-term high performance is that it attracts more assets into the fund.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (32) 3

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    The passage offers sound advice, but from an economic perspective, understanding the fund's impact on market efficiency is crucial. Analyzing expense ratios and portfolio turnover can reveal if the fund actively manages to outperform the market (potentially justifying higher fees) or passively tracks a benchmark, offering lower costs but market-rate returns. This empowers investors to optimize their portfolio's position on the efficient frontier, maximizing returns for a given risk tolerance.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (41) 1

  • Saumya Bhure Senior Analyst @ Paperchase | US CPA △| Equity Research


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    The basis of evaluation depends on investor objectives,risk appetite,fund objective,category & Opportunity Cost.A simple 3 step method - 1)Investor Goals 2)Fund Performance 3)Comparison."More Equity,More Risk,More Returns/Expectations". Return Expectations are directly proportional to the equity component.The Investor should aim to earn higher than opportunity costs.NAV indicates Investment Value.Holding the fund for long gives the fund time to benefit from market correction.Compare with Benchmark- Alternate Investment Opportunity , Market Risk,Industry Avg. using Standard Deviation, Sharpe Ratio etc.Fund returns < Benchmark consider other opportunities for max. profit subject to risk profile & factors, penalties/ fees or any T&C laid down.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (50) 1

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2 Compare the fund's returns

One of the most common ways to measure a mutual fund's performance is to look at its returns over different periods, such as one year, three years, five years, or ten years. You can find this information on its website, prospectus, or fact sheet. However, you should not rely solely on returns as they can be affected by market conditions, fees, taxes, and distributions. Other factors to consider include how consistent the fund's returns are; whether it performs well in both good and bad times or has periods of high volatility or underperformance; how it compares to its benchmark (an index or group of similar funds that represents the fund's market or category); and how it compares to its peers (funds with similar objectives, strategies, and risk profiles). You can use online tools or ratings to find and rank comparable funds.

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  • Ryan A. James Business Fellow, Finance major at Elon University | AmplifyME | Sick Economics
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    Comparing a fund's returns to a benchmark is a great way to determine its relative performance. Great benchmarks include (but are not limited to) the S&P 500 and similar mutual funds/ETFs in the same sector or industry. Even if the mutual fund has positive performance, it is not doing particularly well if it is losing relative to these benchmarks.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (59) 3

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    Economists should also consider the fund's alpha factor when comparing returns. Alpha measures excess return relative to a benchmark after adjusting for systematic risk (beta). A positive alpha indicates that the fund manager's decisions actively generate outperformance above the risk-adjusted market expectation. A focus on consistent alpha generation, rather than pure returns which can be influenced by temporary market swings, reveals true economic value-add by skilled investment managers.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (68) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (69) 2

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    When comparing a mutual fund's returns, it is important to analyze various performance metrics over different time periods to get a comprehensive view of how the fund has performed. Key metrics to consider include the fund's average annual return, total return, and risk-adjusted return compared to relevant benchmarks and peer funds in the same category. Additionally, evaluating the fund's performance against different market conditions and economic cycles can provide insight into its ability to generate consistent returns and manage risk effectively.


3 Evaluate the fund's risk

When assessing a mutual fund's performance, it is important to consider its risk, or the degree of uncertainty or variability of its returns. This can be affected by factors such as asset allocation, diversification, turnover, leverage, and exposure to different markets and sectors. To measure the fund's risk, you can use indicators such as standard deviation, beta, and Sharpe ratio. Standard deviation is a statistical measure of how much the fund's returns deviate from their average over a given period; a higher standard deviation means more volatility and unpredictability. Beta is a measure of how sensitive the fund's returns are to the movements of its benchmark. The Sharpe ratio is a measure of how much excess return the fund generates per unit of risk taken; a higher Sharpe ratio means the fund is more efficient and rewarding. When assessing the risk of a mutual fund in relation to its returns and your risk appetite, these indicators should be taken into consideration.

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    Considérez le bêta du fonds, qui mesure sa sensibilité aux mouvements du marché global ou de l'indice de référence. Un bêta supérieur à un indique une volatilité plus élevée que le marché, tandis qu'un bêta inférieur signifie moins de volatilité. Cette information est vitale pour vous aligner avec votre tolérance au risque et vos objectifs d'investissem*nt, permettant une allocation d'actifs plus informée et stratégique.



    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (86) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (87) 3

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    Beyond standard risk metrics, economists should consider the fund's potential exposure to tail risk. This refers to the probability of extreme losses beyond standard deviation projections. Focus on stress testing scenarios, like sudden interest rate hikes or geopolitical crises, to understand the fund's potential drawdown during such events. This provides insights into the fund's resilience in adverse economic conditions, crucial for portfolio decisions during periods of heightened uncertainty.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (96) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (97) 2

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    When assessing a mutual fund's risk, investors should consider various factors such as the fund's historical volatility, standard deviation, beta, and Sharpe ratio to gauge its risk-adjusted returns. Examining the fund's portfolio composition, sector allocations, and investment strategy can help determine its level of risk exposure and potential for fluctuations in value. Additionally, reviewing the fund's historical performance during different market conditions and economic cycles can provide insights into how it may fare under various scenarios.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (106) 1

4 Review the fund's fees and expenses

When assessing a mutual fund's performance, it's important to consider the fees and expenses associated with it. These can reduce the fund's net asset value and returns, so you should be aware of the different types of fees and expenses that may be charged. This includes sales load, which is a commission paid when buying or selling a fund, as well as an expense ratio which is the annual percentage of the fund's assets that goes to cover its operating costs. Additionally, some funds may charge a redemption fee if you sell within a certain period, usually less than a year. Lastly, there may be a 12b-1 fee to cover marketing and distribution expenses. To maximize your long-term returns, look for funds with low fees and expenses that are justified by the fund's performance and quality. Compare these fees to its peers and benchmarks to make sure they are appropriate.

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    Economists should evaluate a fund's fees beyond direct costs and look for evidence of hidden transaction costs or agency conflicts. Analyze trading frequency and portfolio turnover to assess potential brokerage fees accrued with each transaction. Additionally, consider whether the fund's structure incentivizes short-term trading by managers, leading to higher transaction costs and misaligned incentives detrimental to long-term investor returns. These factors impact economic efficiency and true cost to investors.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (115) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (116) 2

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    When reviewing a mutual fund's fees and expenses, it is crucial to consider the various costs associated with investing in the fund to assess its overall impact on your returns. Key fees to evaluate include the expense ratio, which represents the annual fees charged by the fund as a percentage of assets under management. Additionally, investors should be aware of sales loads, both front-end and back-end, which can reduce the initial investment or upon redemption.


5 Analyze the fund's management and strategy

The last step you can take to evaluate a mutual fund's performance is to examine its management and strategy. Who is the fund manager, what is their experience and track record, and how long have they been managing the fund? What is the fund's investment philosophy, style, and process? How does the fund select, monitor, and adjust its portfolio? Additionally, how transparent and communicative is the fund? How often do they report their holdings, performance, and outlook? You should look for funds with competent, consistent, and trustworthy managers who follow a clear, disciplined, and effective strategy. Furthermore, funds that are transparent and communicative can help you understand their performance and expectations.

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    Analyser la gestion et la stratégie d'un fonds commun de placement est crucial pour comprendre son potentiel de rendement. Vous devez vous pencher de près sur le profil du gestionnaire du fonds. Interrogez-vous : Qui est cette personne? Quelles compétences et quelle expérience apporte-t-elle à la table? Les antécédents du gestionnaire sont-ils marqués par une réussite constante et quelles stratégies a-t-il employées pour naviguer dans différents climats de marché?



    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (133) How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (134) 2

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    When analyzing a mutual fund's management and strategy, it is essential to assess the experience, expertise, and track record of the fund's portfolio manager or management team. Evaluate their investment philosophy, process, and approach to managing the fund, including their decision-making process, research capabilities, and risk management practices. Consider whether the manager has a consistent and disciplined investment strategy that aligns with the fund's objectives and investment style. Review the fund's historical performance under their tenure, including how they have navigated different market conditions and economic cycles.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (143) 2

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    From an economic perspective, scrutinize the fund's management for potential principal-agent problems. Investigate the fund's incentive structure: are managers compensated based on fund performance or simply asset growth? Misaligned compensation models can lead to excessive risk-taking or a focus on gathering assets instead of generating strong returns. Economists should also assess whether the manager's investment strategy demonstrates potential for informational advantages or superior market insights, offering possible outperformance and justifying a more active management approach.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (152) 1

  • Daniel Thedra, CSA® Personal Relationship Manager | Investment Enthusiast | Co-Founder @OtakCuanIndonesia
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    Actually if it is going with mutual funds, i do think you need to Analyze the fund's management and strategy for example the composition of the product, the duration, the risk, etc


6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Marius W. Idea Challenger | Result Driver | Transformation Leader
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    Most of the analysis on returns and risks is backward looking. So good judgement & analysis is needed to judge if similar risks and returns can be expected for the future. This is even more relevant for specialized funds that are focused on certain market trends, e.g technologies.


    How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (169) 1

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    Your timeframe for when you would like to 'exit' the mutual fund (or any investment for that matter) is very important. Can be as easy as using a 'less or more than 5 years' timeframe. Just that answer alone would restrict a LOT of options you have and focus on one's that make sense for you. So go in there with a realistic depiction of when you'd like those funds back to you


Economics How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (178)


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How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? (2024)


How can you evaluate a mutual fund's performance? ›

You analyze mutual funds by weighting the stocks in the fund by sector and then determining management's contribution. You'll need understand some of the fund's inner workings before diving into an analysis, then work through several steps to reach the results that indicate management's contribution to a fund.

How to look up mutual fund performance? ›

For a Single Mutual Fund

Use Morningstar Investment Research Center. From the homepage, either enter the mutual fund name in the search box, or in the top menu bar select Funds > Mutual Funds to browse. Select a mutual fund to see the overview report.

How to measure a fund's performance? ›

Money-weighted rate of return (MWRR)*

measures how the value of an investment has changed over time. This calculation considers the fund's performance along with the size and timing of cash flows. As cash flows are unique to each investor, MWRR is a good measure of an individual investor's performance.

How to tell if a fund is performing well? ›

Since you hold investments for different periods of time, the best way to compare their performance is by looking at their annualized percent return. In this example, your annualized return is 9.42 percent. Tip: Use FINRA's Fund Analyzer to find annual and total return for mutual funds and ETFs.

Which metric is usually used to evaluate a mutual fund's performance? ›

Alpha. Alpha is a measure of an investment's performance on a risk-adjusted basis. It takes the volatility (price risk) of a security or fund portfolio and compares its risk-adjusted performance to a benchmark index.

How to evaluate mutual funds performance? ›

Parameters to analyse Mutual Fund performance
  1. Compare the fund's performance to that of its benchmark as well as peers. ...
  2. Check the expense ratio of funds. ...
  3. Check the fund's historical performance across market cycles. ...
  4. Check the strength of the portfolio. ...
  5. Analyse the fund's risk-adjusted returns.
Jun 12, 2024

How do you know if a mutual fund is good? ›

By comparing against benchmarks, checking expense ratios, studying fund history, analyse mutual fund portfolio strength, examining turnover ratios, comparing maturity periods, and evaluating risk-adjusted returns, you can gain valuable insights into your investments.

How to check the benchmark of a mutual fund? ›

In most cases, SID becomes the benchmark of the fund and is reported on mutual fund and third-party websites. For example, HDFC Top 100 Fund, a large-cap equity fund uses the Nifty 100 TRI as its benchmark while HDFC Equity Fund, a multi-cap fund uses the Nifty 500 TRI as its benchmark.

What ratios are used to evaluate mutual funds? ›

Important Mutual Fund Ratios
  • The beta is a mutual fund ratio that helps you measure its systematic risk — or the risk that is linked to the broad market. ...
  • The Treynor ratio measures the excess returns you get from a mutual fund for every unit of risk (or beta) you take on by investing in the fund.
Apr 24, 2024

What is a good standard deviation for a mutual fund? ›

While there is no such thing as a good or bad standard deviation, funds with a low standard deviation in the range of 1- 10, may be considered less prone to volatility. This can be mapped to your own risk appetite in order to decide if a fund works for you or not.

What's the best indicator of a successful mutual fund? ›

Common technical indicators that can help evaluate a mutual fund as a good or bad investment include trendlines, moving averages, the relative strength index (RSI), support and resistance levels, and chart formations.

How to review a mutual fund? ›

Compare each mutual fund's performance against relevant benchmarks like market indices or peer group averages. Assess the risk and volatility of each mutual fund in your portfolio. Stay updated about any changes in the fund manager or investment team overseeing mutual fund schemes.

How do I know if my mutual fund portfolio is good or bad? ›

Scale Performance of the Fund Against the Benchmark

A good mutual fund is one that constantly beats its benchmark in the long term. When a fund generates higher returns than the benchmark, the excess is known as the 'alpha' of the fund.

What is one common method of evaluating the performance of a mutual fund? ›

One of the most common ways to measure a mutual fund's performance is to look at its returns over different periods, such as one year, three years, five years, or ten years. You can find this information on its website, prospectus, or fact sheet.

How do you tell if your investments are doing well? ›

Relative performance — Comparing your return to the overall market is a better measure. If your total portfolio is up 20% for the year and the overall market is only up 15%, you have done very well. Or if your portfolio is down 10% and the overall market is down 15%, you have done well.

How to calculate the performance of a fund? ›

Divide the gain or loss by the original price of the investment to calculate the performance expressed as a decimal. In this example, you would divide -$200 by $1,500 to get -0.1333. Multiply the performance expressed as a decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

How can one track a mutual fund performance? ›

Check the performance of your mutual funds by logging into the respective fund house's website or one of the best app to track mutual funds. However, for a more efficient overview of investments across multiple AMCs, consider using an online portfolio tracker.

How can I check all my mutual funds? ›

Ways to Check Mutual Fund Status with Folio Number
  1. Check Your Mutual Fund Status Online. You can sign in to the AMC's website or apps. ...
  2. Check Fund Status Through AMC Customer Care. ...
  3. Check the Status Through the Registrar's Website. ...
  4. Contact Your Broker to Check Status. ...
  5. Check Through the Consolidated Account Statement.
Jun 10, 2024

Where can I find data on mutual funds? ›

Bloomberg* contains up to date as well as historical (though generally not before 1989) international data on mutual funds (open-ended and closed-ended). Frequency varies but is typically daily for financial information and in some cases intradaily.

Which is the best website for mutual fund analysis? ›

RankMF is the only mutual fund research & investment platform in India with “Right time to Invest” Indicator that guides investors to time their mutual fund investment using its proprietary Margin of Safety Index (MosDex).

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