How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (2024)

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What is sustainability?


Why is sustainability important for culture change?


How to prepare for interview questions about sustainability?


How to respond to interview questions about sustainability?


How to follow up on interview questions about sustainability?


How to improve your sustainability skills and knowledge?


Here’s what else to consider

Sustainability is a buzzword that many employers are looking for in their candidates. But what does it mean and how can you demonstrate your commitment to it in an interview? In this article, you will learn how to prepare, respond, and follow up on interview questions about sustainability in the context of culture change.

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  • Gamal Abdel Baky Regional Human Resources Director, Middle East

    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (3) 5

  • Meredith Messenger, M.S. Helping solopreneurs grow consistent 6-figure+ businesses that support their desired lifestyle and legacy. Sharing what…

    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (5) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (6) 5

  • Dr Josie McLean Changing Human Systems | Speaker | Author | Facilitator | Coach | Co-founder Climate Coaching Alliance

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How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (10) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (11) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (12)

1 What is sustainability?

Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It encompasses environmental, social, and economic aspects that are interrelated and interdependent. Sustainability is not only a goal, but also a process of continuous improvement and innovation.

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  • Gamal Abdel Baky Regional Human Resources Director, Middle East
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    1.Understand the company's sustainability initiatives such as their environmental policies, carbon footprint reduction strategies, and community involvement. 2.Highlight relevant experience, projects or initiatives you have been involved in that demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. This could include implementing recycling programs, reducing waste, or improving energy efficiency.3.Provide specific examples when answering questions, use specific examples from your experience to illustrate your points. This could include quantifiable results, such as cost savings or environmental impact reductions.4.Discuss how you stay up to date with the latest trends and incorporate new practices into your work.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (21) 5

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    It is an endurance sport, not a quick win. Sustainability means setting up an organization for lasting performance, high levels of engagement and long standing relationships that matter.You build trust and resilience by appreciating and honoring the small steps that lead to the big goal. You don’t jump from one hype to another, instead you define what a long game means for you and your people and you build the right framework to enable them to be their best - for a long time to come. I’d you genuinely mean it, sustainability is woven into your people strategy, your customer strategy, your every strategy. You define a vision for long lasting success and memories and then you start moving. Just stay on the path long enough.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (30) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (31) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (32) 4

  • Samiya Al-Zadjali HR Manager at Apave Gulf LLC
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    It’s the trust that makes the interviewer known in which position they apply and which organization activities they will work in future


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (41) 4

  • Meredith Messenger, M.S. Helping solopreneurs grow consistent 6-figure+ businesses that support their desired lifestyle and legacy. Sharing what I learn about the Science of Entrepreneurship™.
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    When answering interview questions about sustainability, provide concrete examples that showcase your understanding of how sustainability principles can be applied in real-world scenarios. Discuss specific projects or initiatives where you contributed to environmentally conscious practices, social responsibility, or economically sustainable solutions, demonstrating a practical understanding of sustainability beyond theoretical concepts.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (50) 3

  • Gurulathan Soosairaj Instrumentation and Control System Professional | Fitness Enthusiast | Author: The 48 Days Freaky Mentor
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    Sustainability isn't just about reaching the goal; it's about finding joy in the journey and making small steps towards the desired outcome, like reducing waste or conserving energy, to create a lasting impact on our environment and communities, ensuring a healthier and brighter future for generations to come.


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2 Why is sustainability important for culture change?

Sustainability is important for culture change because it reflects the values, beliefs, and behaviors of an organization and its stakeholders. A sustainable culture is one that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion, fosters collaboration and learning, and adapts to changing conditions and challenges. A sustainable culture also aligns with the expectations and demands of customers, investors, regulators, and society at large.

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  • Meredith Messenger, M.S. Helping solopreneurs grow consistent 6-figure+ businesses that support their desired lifestyle and legacy. Sharing what I learn about the Science of Entrepreneurship™.
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    Highlight the importance of sustainability in culture change by emphasizing its alignment with a long-term vision. A sustainable culture ensures that organizational values transcend short-term trends, creating a foundation for enduring success. This long-term perspective fosters resilience, adaptability, and a shared commitment to values that withstand the test of time.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (68) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (69) 5

  • Angela D. Harness Director @ Michigan Department of State | Strategic Analysis, Talent Development

    As a leader you maintain sustainability by continuously investing in your greatest commodities, employees, customers, collaboration with partners and people centered.In my experience technology, systems, processes & procedures are constantly evolving, this is the STEM era. Unfortunately, we aren't equipped because we haven't prepared, trained, invested enough in the people to sustain an evolving culture.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (78) 1

  • Tom Morley Activated the 80s with David Bowie and Scritti Politti. Team Builder. Retro Futurist raising the roof.


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    How to sustain the energy of a peak experience? There is a permanent base camp at the foot of Everest, but there is no Airbnb at the summit. By definition a peak experience cannot be sustained, however, the conditions for it to happen again CAN be sustained. When a circus comes to town, it needs a flat, well maintained, piece of ground to set up on. It can’t be waterlogged or covered in bracken. Consequently, sustainability can be quite boring without purpose. With purpose, and a shared purpose, it can be exciting because who doesn’t look forward to the return of the circus? So here we are, as a team, maintaining the ground and discussing our favourite acts. Being inspired by them and aspiring to be similar in our personal performances.

  • Germán Nicolás Puiggarí Leadership Advisor | Start-up Advisor
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    Sustainability is essential for cultural change because it helps the organization to act considering not only the possible short-term gains but also the cumulative impact that its actions will have over time. Today, the organization is no longer seen as an isolated entity that exists for the sole purpose of enriching its shareholders. On the contrary, there is a deep-rooted belief that any organization is part of a much broader and more complex social, environmental and economic fabric.

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    Sustainability is a vital driver for culture change because it represents an innovative shift in a company's direction. To effectively embed sustainability into an organization, it requires the involvement of the entire company. When sustainability is embraced across all functions, it leads to meaningful, impactful results. Otherwise, if relegated to a single department, sustainability efforts may not achieve their full potential. This all-encompassing approach ensures that sustainability is interwoven with the organization's core values and practices, driving meaningful change.


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3 How to prepare for interview questions about sustainability?

To prepare for interview questions about sustainability, you need to do some research on the organization and the role you are applying for. Find out what their sustainability vision, mission, and strategy are, and how they measure and report their performance and impact. Identify the key sustainability issues and opportunities that are relevant to your field and industry, and how they affect the organization and its stakeholders. Think of examples from your previous or current work or education that demonstrate your sustainability skills, knowledge, and mindset.

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    Sustainability is a broad and evolving topic, seek to understand the intersection between your skills, the organisationals goals / challenges and the role your interviewing for. This can ensure your answers are crisp and relevant. To do this spend time understand the full landscape. In addition to using information the company has shared, look at sources that might also give you indication of the organisation's current state. Here you will often uncover insights that reflects maturity and challenges rather than a carefully curated public image. Some questions - are they rated low in some indices?- are the missing entirely from some forums or maturity metrics?- who can you find on LinkedIn and what are they talking about?

  • Duane Mitchell Director of Emergency Services West Florida Division
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    “Thrilled to see the growing emphasis on sustainability in healthcare! 🌱♻️ From reducing carbon footprints to implementing eco-friendly practices, the healthcare sector is taking significant strides towards a greener future. By adopting sustainable practices, we’re not just improving environmental health but also enhancing patient care and cost-effectiveness. Let’s continue to innovate and collaborate towards a healthier, more sustainable tomorrow! #Sustainability #Healthcare #GreenHealthcare #Innovation #EcoFriendly”

  • Loreto Manzaneque People Development Senior Advisor
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    I think that is key to understand what means sustainability today and specially in the sector you are applying for. I wouls do some research to try to understand how this cpmpany is involved here and find some examples you can bring to the interview. after that I would analyze how your role connects with their sustainability strategy.

  • Renate Phoenix Mahr manageMENTOR Organisationsentwicklung von innen nach vorn .
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    Zur Vorbereitung eines Interviews zu Nachhaltigkeit solltest Du einen genauen Überblick über möglichst alle von Deinem Unternehmen verwendeten Ressourcen haben. Das beinhaltet Rohstoffe, Energie, Produkte und ihre gesamte Lieferkette, aber auch psychologische Faktoren wie die Gefühle und Emotionen von Menschen: eigenen Mitarbeitern, Mitarbeitern von Lieferanten und Kunden und auch von Mitbewerbern und direkten Konkurrenten.Wenn wir uns also erst in der Vorbereitung eines Interviews Gedanken machen. Die Vorbereitung auf Interviews sollte jeden Tag stattfinden: Nicht in der Vorbereitung von kluger Rhetorik sondern bei jeder Entscheidung und bei jeder Aktion. Wir sollten nicht klug über Nachhaltigkeit sprechen sondern nachhaltig klug handeln.


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    Be very aware of the Product Development Cycle - any product - even if it’s an idea.Then question the Process at every stage and how many oranges are needed to make a juice for ten people, after the oranges are over how will you get another ten, what about the crop cycle, the fertilisers, the climate impact, the quality of juicer, electricity or manpower etc etc etc Think about adding value at every step - ideas just ideas - non violent ideas You’ll get there!


4 How to respond to interview questions about sustainability?

To respond to interview questions about sustainability, you need to use the STAR method, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This is a structured way of telling a story that shows your competencies and achievements related to sustainability. Start by describing a specific situation or challenge that you faced or observed that involved sustainability. Then explain what your task or goal was, and what actions you took or contributed to. Finally, highlight the result or outcome of your actions, and how they benefited the organization or the society.

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  • Dr Josie McLean Changing Human Systems | Speaker | Author | Facilitator | Coach | Co-founder Climate Coaching Alliance
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    Be careful to begin with inquiring how the interviewees perceive sustainability first. There are so many different views and everyone is at a different stage of maturity in this sphere. So, consider a ‘slow reveal’ of your views to test the waters first - or you may find yourself leap years in front of others and be discarded.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (151) How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (152) 5

  • Jing Chang Director, Financial Risk Professional at Lloyds Banking Group
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    Sustainability is not just about green and environment. Building a tool that is well designed so others can maintain is sustainable. Mentoring others so talent pool is growing for the future is sustainable. Deciding not to proceed with a business proposal because it is likely to cause problem for future generation is also sustainable.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (161) 3

  • Gloria Chieng Program Quality/Project Management/International Programs
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    Sustainability is about being intentional in creating long lasting effects of change in the present. If we are not INTENTIONAL in ensuring that current processes and systems in place can continue to improve and grow, then how can we create a sustainable future? Ultimately, it is leaders who intentionally invest into the present with a Vision of the future who can create Sustainability that lasts for generations.Sustainability doesn't just focus on the NOW, but the FUTURE. Sustainability should force you to think about SOLUTIONS that doesn't just solve present issues but considers FUTURE problems.


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  • Suzanne Sandiford SJS Consulting ⚪️ Culture Change ⚪️ Leadership Development ⚪️ Personal Growth
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    Share the value of that investment in sustainability that you have made. Show your awareness of the long term and commercial value of the work that went into it.


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  • Beverly (Diaz) T. AVP @ Pacific Life | Building Enterprise Change Management as a Strategic Capability
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    You may not have had the opportunity in your past companies to execute on a sustainability strategy. That’s ok and that’s not uncommon. First, describe a common sustainability challenge that many organizations have experienced. Second, using the STAR method, explain what your strategy would be to address that challenge. Third, describe your measurable execution plan.


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5 How to follow up on interview questions about sustainability?

To follow up on interview questions about sustainability, you need to send a thank-you note to the interviewer within 24 hours. Express your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterate your interest and enthusiasm for the role and the organization. Mention one or two key points from the interview that show your alignment with their sustainability vision and values. You can also include a link to a portfolio, a project, or a publication that showcases your sustainability work or expertise. End by asking for the next steps and indicating your availability.

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  • Dr Hugo Minney, FRSA CMgr ChPP Inspired to inspire, and that progress comes from accurate information
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    At interview, you're trying to convey that you will fit in and be a good match. You aren't trying to show that you are cleverer or more informed than anyone else in the room. So when following up, if you said something incorrect then apologize in the follow-up email. If you made a good point then reinforce it. If you promised something (like a copy of a paper) then deliver on your promise. And use the opportunity to highlight your personal contribution, either with copies of reports (as long as they aren't confidential), or links to blogs and articles that are already public


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (197) 3

  • Teresa Beazley (Chartered MCIPD) Neurodivergent | Analytical Strategist | Transformative Visionary | Talent Architect | Collaborative Partner | Thought Leader
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    Candidates should remain mindful, if the key focus of the interview was NOT sustainability, check how far up (or down) the interviewing company's strategy it currently sits, and amend the follow-up email accordingly. Whilst sustainable practices should be on everyone's agenda, in certain industries its lower than you would expect, namely impacted by safety. Even when following up, take a cautiously considered approach to both email content, tone, and structure.


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6 How to improve your sustainability skills and knowledge?

To improve your sustainability skills and knowledge, you need to keep learning and growing. You can enroll in online courses, webinars, or workshops that cover topics such as sustainability frameworks, standards, tools, and best practices. You can also join professional networks, communities, or events that connect you with other sustainability practitioners and experts. You can also seek feedback, mentorship, or coaching from someone who has more experience or insight in sustainability. Finally, you can apply your learning to your own work or personal life, and share your insights and ideas with others.

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  • Tim Gates Purpose - Culture - Performance
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    Take time to research and understand the organization you are interviewing with. What are their sustainability practices, goals, and history (this includes understanding challenging past)? Give some thought to how the role you are applying for, or even your basic interest in the sector/industry, match and meet your personal values around sustainability.


    How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (215) 2

  • Dr Hugo Minney, FRSA CMgr ChPP Inspired to inspire, and that progress comes from accurate information
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    Sustainability is still a growing subject. On one hand, I always refer back to the UN SDGs and how they can be applied locally - tried and tested, universally applicable. On the other hand, you want more specific knowledge - perhaps follow through on one part of one UN SDG like communities and transport (there are UN articles right down to very specific areas). Join a local group like PMI's Sustainability movement which has members in every country, or APM's Sustainability Interest Network (mainly UK)

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    If you already have a sustainable organization in mind that you admire, consider reaching out to professionals working within that organization for mentorship opportunities. They can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your interests and goals. Additionally, you might explore different mentoring platforms to find mentors who align with your needs.

  • Sascha Lorenz value-oriented systemic Consulting and Coaching with Hands-on-Mentality
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    Die Konzentration auf soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit zusätzlich zur wirtschaftlichen Leistung ist ein Ansatz, der häufig als „Triple-Bottom-Line-Ansatz“ bezeichnet wird. Er beschreibt, dass unter dem Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit ein dauerhafter Ausgleich zwischen der ökonomischen, der ökologischen und der sozialen Leistung angestrebt wird.


  • Leigh Baker Think broader, act deeper, regenerate TODAY
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    Build your knowledge base about today's commercial, regenerative solutions, including:Circular EconomyProject RegenerationProject DrawdownBiomimicry.PLUSBuild your skills in transformational change - all the solutions knowledge in the world won't help if you're not a skilled change-maker.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Dr Hugo Minney, FRSA CMgr ChPP Inspired to inspire, and that progress comes from accurate information
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    How deep do your values go? Are you interested in sustainability because it might help with your career, but you don't see anything wrong with white supremacist movements and oil and gas companies? Do you drive a diesel car and won't go electric until (whatever excuse)? Will the company you're interviewing for want someone who talks but doesn't walk that way (and yes, some employers are hypocritical and want hypocritical employees, so there's a place for everyone)


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    Learn learn learn! Live it, live it, live it! You can use simple or complex examples, connect them with business strategies, theories, trends, researches data, cases, use AI to combine it all, but your own experience will always talk louder during interviews! Connect it all with how you have experienced and helped creatina value through it in your personal and professional life. This needs to be real!


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  • Johan Herholdt Retired at Absa Group
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    Knowing the theory of sustainability without showing its application means nothing. A balanced and minimalist lifestyle must be proven - minimalist consumer behaviour, healthy living with balanced exercise, eating, sleeping, working and socialising as well as sustainable disposal of waste should be demonstrated.

  • Francisco Loza Director Gestion de Personas en Red Educacional Magister
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    Sustainability is based on company strategies and feed it in values, beliefs and behaviours as well as other Keys principies.... interviewers must understand the goals of modern companies and work hand to hand with HR Directors and CEos.

  • Sascha Lorenz value-oriented systemic Consulting and Coaching with Hands-on-Mentality
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    Der Triple-Bottom-Line-Ansatz für den Betrieb eines Unternehmens ist für Unternehmen in mehrfacher Hinsicht nützlich. Es ist nicht nur ethisch und moralisch erforderlich, die UN-Normen für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit zu erfüllen, es ist auch wirtschaftlich sinnvoll und ermöglicht ein erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es die Nachhaltigkeit einer Organisation, Mitarbeiter, Aktionäre und Kunden anzuziehen, die an den Zielen und Werten der Nachhaltigkeit interessiert sind. Die Auswirkungen der Nachhaltigkeit können daher sowohl für das Image als auch für den Ertrag eines Unternehmens positiv sein.



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How can you effectively answer interview questions about sustainability? (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.