How can you boost employee engagement for sustainability? (2024)

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Explain the benefits


Involve them in the process


Provide training and support


Recognize and reward


Communicate and celebrate


Here’s what else to consider

Sustainability is not only good for the planet, but also for your business. It can help you save costs, improve your reputation, and attract new customers. But how can you make sure your employees are on board with your sustainability goals and initiatives? In this article, we will share some tips on how to boost employee engagement for sustainability and create a culture of environmental responsibility in your organization.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Empower and involve:

    By actively involving employees in setting sustainability goals, you breed a sense of ownership. When they contribute ideas and lead projects, their personal stake in outcomes grows, boosting engagement.

  • Tailored training:

    Implementing department-specific sustainability training relates tasks to global impact. This helps employees see their direct influence on company-wide sustainability efforts, fostering a more engaged mindset.

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  • Isabella V. Sustainability | Material Flow…

1 Explain the benefits

One of the first steps to engage your employees for sustainability is to explain why it matters and how it aligns with your company's vision and values. You can use stories, data, and examples to show the positive impact of your sustainability efforts on your stakeholders, customers, and communities. You can also highlight the personal benefits for your employees, such as learning new skills, enhancing their well-being, and advancing their careers.

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    In my experience everything has changed in the last few years. We have moved from needing to convince people "why" to action, to a new zone of working together with them to discover "how" to take action on sustainability. This means to engage our co-workers, we need to hold hands with them, navigating dilemmas together and get very practical. We need to inspire and enable those around us to take ownership themselves so they feel accountable for the impact they can have. We need to become solutionists and lead interdependently through others - granting them with the agency to act themselves. The day of the sustainability evangelist is over.


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  • Konstantin Strauß Account Manager at Google | Co-Founder at OneSave/Week | Leading Sustainable Transformation
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    Based on my experience, a powerful way to enhance employee engagement for sustainability is by clearly articulating the benefits. Take, for instance, our innovative tool, OneSave/Week. We've observed remarkable changes in company cultures as it seamlessly encourages eco-friendly practices. By demonstrating to employees how their contributions directly contribute to a more sustainable future, we've seen a surge in engagement levels. This not only strengthens our sustainability efforts but also fosters a more dynamic and motivated company culture. OneSave/Week is a vivid example of how understanding the benefits can be a catalyst for positive change.


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    Engaging employees in sustainability is not just about corporate responsibility; it's an opportunity to inspire positive change. When people understand the "why" and see the value for themselves and the world, they become active participants in a shared mission for a better, more sustainable future.


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  • Anders Persson Requirement Engineering Developer, Extended Producer Responsibility.
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    To enable the development of the goods and services the consumer will need and want, we must engage all our resources in the same direction. Our common goal is no longer merely increased profit or marketshare, it is now also to see beyond the delivery and create items and materials that can cycle back and provide value again and again. This begins with us and our coworkers because just like leadership, we can't expect our customers to behave more sustainably than we do.


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  • Ciaran McCormack 🌏 Linkedin Top Voice • Premium climate training content • Al Gore’s Climate Leaders • COP31 • CSO Business Club • GITEX Impact Leader • MAICD
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    Like everyone else, employees see the almost-daily tally of climate and other environmental problems, each one worse than the one before it. Many are motivated to do what they can as individuals, and households and community members. However, they’re often unsure how to take action in their workplace.So it’s a win-win for employers to tap into that latent motivation. Providing supports for sustainability action in the workplace (such as encouraging green team initiatives) can be incredibly rewarding for employees. And it can be an important part of reducing the organisation’s impacts. In fact, let’s rephrase that – employee actions are essential to reducing impacts.


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2 Involve them in the process

Another way to boost employee engagement for sustainability is to involve them in the process of setting and achieving your sustainability goals. You can solicit their feedback, ideas, and suggestions on how to improve your environmental performance and reduce your footprint. You can also create cross-functional teams, committees, or task forces to lead and implement specific sustainability projects or initiatives. By giving your employees a voice and a role in your sustainability strategy, you can increase their ownership, commitment, and motivation.

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    Create a (technical) platform for the wider interested Community, across departments and hierarchies. This can be as simple as a Teams or a Slack-channel, to keep adoption easy.This should be a safe space where employees have the safety to post ideas and questions, without getting criticized. You should also use this channel for communication from the central initiative to the community, or poll your employees actively to get their view on certain topics.Additionally, a channel to privately pass on ideas or ask questions should also exist. That way people who don't feel comfortable posting anything in the group context of the platform, can still stay involved.


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    Engaging employees as active participants in shaping sustainability initiatives fosters a sense of ownership and shared responsibility. It not only generates fresh ideas and solutions but also strengthens their commitment to the cause. Involvement and collaboration with diverse perspectives can drive meaningful progress in achieving sustainability goals.


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  • Emily Moody Director of Operations at Connected Women Leaders
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    To ensure employee engagement in sustainability, make the climate crisis personal to them. Host workshops where a climate expert guides your team through activities that help individuals understand the personal impact of the crisis. As Mary Robinson highlights, making it personal in our own lives turns us into climate activists. This approach not only raises awareness but also fosters genuine enthusiasm and commitment to your organization's sustainability goals.


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  • Declan Norrie Special Advisor and ESG Lead at Proximity
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    A key lesson our organisation learned from engaging our staff in sustainability initiatives is that there are usually many more people interested than those than are involved. We used this lesson learned to shape opportunities to engage based on the preferred working arrangements for staff. By providing a range of opportunities that match the workforce model, we maximise engagement and enjoyment. Providing a "one size fits all" approach can be detrimental to both employee engagement and sustainability outcomes for organisations.


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  • Ciaran McCormack 🌏 Linkedin Top Voice • Premium climate training content • Al Gore’s Climate Leaders • COP31 • CSO Business Club • GITEX Impact Leader • MAICD
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    Plant the seeds then get out of the way keeping a watch to step in for the occasional bit of weeding and pruning. The more you relinquish control of the process and give employees ownership of it the more fulfilment you’re allowing them to derive from it. And the greater the sustainability outcomes. Win-win!


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3 Provide training and support

To engage your employees for sustainability, you also need to provide them with the necessary training and support to develop their knowledge, skills, and competencies. You can offer online or offline courses, workshops, webinars, or mentoring programs on various sustainability topics, such as carbon footprint, waste management, renewable energy, or social responsibility. You can also provide them with the tools, resources, and guidelines to help them adopt sustainable practices and behaviors in their daily work.

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  • Isabella V. Sustainability | Material Flow Management | Environmental Engineer | Empowering Responsible Organizations by Leveraging Strategic Resource Management in the Circular Economy
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    By providing trainings and regular courses, the company can establish a required foundation to implement sustainability in its core business. Following the basics trainings, targeted trainings for each sector that highlight the relation between the department and the sustainability of the global operations can contribute to enhanced engagement.


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    Tailor this training to different knowledge levels, but more specifically to the industry and company. Employees working in an IT role need different information than employees in a logistical or management role.


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    While it has become popularized there are still many people who are unaware of the benefits and best practices across the sustainability service offerings. By discussing your organization’s sustainability initiatives, environmental impact and opportunities you can educate and inspire future champions. There are benefits to online learning modules that can model sustainable practices and gamify the potential for organizational change. It’s also impactful to conduct IRL clean-ups, waste management off sites and carbon footprint calculations for organizational events to ensure a full scale approach to training teams to become aware of SDGs and ESG best practices.


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  • Victor Audu, PMP® | Sustainability | Communications | ESG | Strategy | Operations | Management | CSR | Social Impact | Project Management | Tech | Member, ForbesBLK'23 | HBR Advisory Council Member | Amateur Basketball Coach
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    I take the initiative to provide training and support to our employees on sustainability. It's important to me that our team has the knowledge and resources they need to embrace sustainable practices in their roles. Whether it's through workshops, online resources, or expert guidance, I am committed to helping our employees develop the skills and understanding necessary to contribute effectively to our sustainability initiatives.


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  • I think that companies need to move beyond general sustainability training. Of course, it needs to establish basic knowledge but training courses should focus more on industry-level sustainability practices and update the teams on the latest tech ologies, policies and trends that are relevant for their work. Ultimately the training courses would employees make informed decisions regarding sustainability efforts in their own teams. If possible, these courses should be made inhouse using external help so that they can be as close to the value chain of the company as possible.


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4 Recognize and reward

Another effective way to boost employee engagement for sustainability is to recognize and reward their efforts and achievements. You can use formal or informal methods, such as certificates, badges, bonuses, prizes, or public recognition, to acknowledge and appreciate their contributions to your sustainability goals. You can also create a system of incentives, gamification, or competition to encourage and challenge them to improve their sustainability performance and outcomes.

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  • Konstantin Strauß Account Manager at Google | Co-Founder at OneSave/Week | Leading Sustainable Transformation
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    Drawing from my own experiences, one powerful way to boost employee engagement in sustainability is through recognition and rewards. This is where OneSave/Week, our innovative tool, truly shines. It seamlessly integrates into company culture, making sustainability efforts not only visible but also fun and rewarding. By acknowledging and celebrating employees' contributions to our sustainability goals, we create a positive feedback loop that drives even more engagement. It's remarkable how a little recognition can spark a collective drive towards a greener, more sustainable future within company culture.


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    The importance of employee recognition cannot be stated enough and a sustainability employee engagement strategy is a highly effective way to ensure your team is celebrated, in the small and big sustainability wins that they accomplish. This can be as simple as a shout out during a company-wide meeting, or a gamified experience that signals the path towards an organization wide goal, however the value of involving your team's enthusiasm in your sustainability goals is too powerful to ignore.


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  • Jo Hand Co-Founder | Sustainability | Employee engagement | Behaviour change | Carbon footprints | Transition Plans
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    This is a significant driver. At Giki we run competitions within companies, and inter-company competitions, like the Employee Race to Zero and it is incredible how some healthy competition with leaderboards, encourages broad participation and increased activity. Competitions are also a great way to get people talking about sustainability around the workplace.


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5 Communicate and celebrate

Finally, to engage your employees for sustainability, you need to communicate and celebrate your progress and results. You can use various channels, such as newsletters, intranet, social media, or meetings, to share your sustainability stories, data, and feedback with your employees. You can also use these platforms to showcase your employees' best practices, success stories, and testimonials. You can also organize events, activities, or campaigns to celebrate your sustainability milestones and achievements and to foster a sense of community and pride among your employees.

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  • Konstantin Strauß Account Manager at Google | Co-Founder at OneSave/Week | Leading Sustainable Transformation
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    In my own journey, I've discovered that effective communication and celebration are pivotal in boosting employee engagement for sustainability. This is where OneSave/Week, our innovative tool, plays a pivotal role. It seamlessly integrates into company culture, turning sustainability efforts into a shared celebration. By openly communicating progress and achievements, we create a sense of collective pride and purpose in contributing to a greener future. Through OneSave/Week, we not only measure but also magnify the positive impact of our sustainable practices, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility within our team. This dynamic approach has been instrumental in shaping a vibrant and engaged company culture.


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  • Jo Hand Co-Founder | Sustainability | Employee engagement | Behaviour change | Carbon footprints | Transition Plans
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    This is crucial. Share what you have done, share your successes, and its fine to share challenges too. In some vanguard companies, there is regular sharing on progress against net zero targets, and this serves to remind all employees that sustainability is a top priority, and makes it easier for them to get behind the strategy.


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    The opportunity to celebrate your team’s sustainability success is something you can’t pass up if you’re looking to empower and expand your sustainability programs. There’s nothing like the feeling of FOMO that comes from hearing about an inspiring clean up or creating a healthy inter-office competition around carbon offset goals and other initiatives. By hosting awareness building events and activities where your employees can experience first-hand what opportunities to join a community of other sustainability champions can turn small groups into divisions and passionate champions!


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  • Alison Watson
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    Be optimistic and energetic. Use a language the audience understands. Keep repeating the message. Get people involved in taking action. Never give up!


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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    At BE Offices we've boosted engagement around sustainability by offering environmentally themed volunteering activities such as planting trees on Camden Council Estates with the Camden Climate Alliance and Think & Do Camden, also beach cleaning on the Thames foreshore. We've also had volunteers decorating some workspace which will be free to use by climate action and social justice charities and one member of staff volunteers regularly with a charity called Climate Ed, which teaches primary school children about climate change. Featuring images from these activities in our internal newsletter then encourages more employees to take part and provides the opportunity for conversations around sustainability and the environment in general.


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    An innovative way to boost employee engagement in sustainability is to implement a gamified sustainability program. In this setup, employees can form teams to participate in various sustainability challenges, earning points for activities such as reducing waste, conserving energy, or volunteering in community environmental projects. The points can be tracked on a digital leaderboard and redeemed for rewards or charitable donations. This approach not only fosters a sense of competition and camaraderie but also makes the process of adopting sustainable practices fun and rewarding. Moreover, it encourages employees to think creatively about how to incorporate sustainability into their daily routines and work processes.


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  • Zehra Nur Simsek Building your purpose-driven brand through LinkedIn content | Endurance Trail Runner🏃♀️


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    To increase employee engagement in promoting sustainability within the company and integrate mentorship, we should establish a platform that shares up-to-date information through learning opportunities, encourages community learning, and supports experienced employees in mentoring newcomers. Plus, we should promote skill development through regular training and workshops, fostering internal innovation. Encourage deeper learning through boot camps and workshops while assigning responsibilities to employees in sustainability projects, and ensure mentorship programs are an integral part of the overall strategy. Hosting eco-friendly events/activities and developing team-based games encourage employees to work together to solve these problems


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  • Jo Hand Co-Founder | Sustainability | Employee engagement | Behaviour change | Carbon footprints | Transition Plans
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    One of the big challenges remaining is that many people don't have much knowledge on sustainability, which makes it much harder for them to engage. Choose themes that will resonate with your workforce. For example, nature, waste or plastic pollution are often good 'entry level' topics to help build understanding.


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    I really don't think lack of knowledge is the issue, we've been saying this for decades now.Lack of habit is the key, holding team training sessions, rewarding actions in front of others and the company taking actions and showing employees is the key.Once they see it in action, they get excited and get involved. My company has achieved 80% recycled interior fitout, at the start staff questioned what, why, and now they are proud to see waste having a second life..and now they voluntarily upcycle!


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How can you boost employee engagement for sustainability? (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.