How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (2024)

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Physiological needs


Safety needs


Social needs


Esteem needs


Self-actualization needs


Here’s what else to consider

How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? This is a question that many people ask themselves when they feel stuck, frustrated, or dissatisfied with their personal or professional lives. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a popular personal development model that describes five levels of human needs, from the most basic to the most advanced. According to Maslow, you need to satisfy each level of needs before you can move on to the next one, and achieving the highest level of self-actualization means fulfilling your full potential and expressing your true self. In this article, you will learn how to use Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a framework to assess your current situation, identify your gaps, and set your goals.

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  • Michelle Falzon Integrative Positive Psychology Practitioner | Cultural Change Specialist | Existential Positive Psychology Coach and…

    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (3) How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (4) 6

  • How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (6) How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (7) 6

  • Em Stroud The Comic Coach | Leadership Impact Expert | Leadership Coach| Two time Tedx Speaker | Author| Comic and Performer | MC…

    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (9) 4

How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (10) How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (11) How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (12)

1 Physiological needs

The first level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is physiological needs, which include food, water, air, sleep, and other bodily functions. These are the most essential and urgent needs that you have to meet to survive and function. If you are struggling with any of these needs, you will find it hard to focus on anything else. To improve your motivation, you need to ensure that you have a healthy and balanced diet, drink enough water, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. You can also create a comfortable and safe environment for yourself, where you can work and rest without distractions or threats.

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    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs suggests that motivation is influenced by fulfilling hierarchical needs. Start by addressing basic physiological needs, ensuring adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Next, focus on safety needs, creating a stable environment. Social needs involve building positive relationships for support and belonging. Esteem needs relate to recognising achievements and fostering self-confidence. Finally, self-actualisation involves pursuing personal growth and realising one's potential. By systematically attending to each level, you can enhance motivation and overall well-being, aligning with the principles of Positive Psychology and coaching psychology.


    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (21) How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (22) 6

  • Sushil Verma, Life Coach Career Growth Expert Life Coach | Guide | Career Growth Expert | Mindfulness Coach | Personal Growth Enabler | Trainer - Employability Skills | Change Maker | Lecturer -OSCM | Poet |
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    Boost Motivation by using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs! 📈💡 Physiological Needs: Start by ensuring basic needs like food, shelter, and rest are met for your team. An energized body is vital for productivity!💬 Safety Needs: Create a safe, supportive work environment. Trust and stability fuel motivation, establish clear guidelines and a sense of security.👥 Belongingness & Love: Foster a sense of community and camaraderie. Encourage teamwork, communication, and friendships.🏆 Esteem Needs:Recognize achievements and provide opportunities for growth to fuel motivation to excel.🌟 Self-Actualization: Encourage personal development and autonomy. Help individuals reach their full potential by supporting their passions and ambitions.


    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (31) 3

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    Building on what Em Stroud said - Maslows Hierarchy was built in a time where we did not look properly at when and how the brain was built. The brain is NOT a layer system... and I would gently suggest that it totally misses PHYSICAL safety. This should be at the bottom. This was the paramount need for us humans before any of the first tier. How this reflects today is a fascinating topic about group value...


    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (40) 1

  • Ditte-Marie Post Psykomotorisk Terapeut, behandling af stress og belastninger
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    As body and mind are linked closely, at times psychological distress, bad temper or a negative outlook on things may be needs from the first level masked as needs from a superior level. This means that even if something seems to be a psychological need, there may be something to do or to be gained by looking as i.e. the quality of the diet, sleep, feeling of safety, et cetera

  • Hiren Sakhiya Information Technology
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    Humans have basic physical needs, such as shelter, food, clothing and warmth. This is the category of the most fundamental needs a person can fill before gaining the motivation to fill the next level of needs. Employers may care for physiological needs in the workplace by implementing ethical practices for work hours, breaks and basic comfort.


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2 Safety needs

The second level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is safety needs, which include security, stability, order, protection, and freedom from fear. These are the needs that you have to meet to feel safe and secure in your physical and emotional environment. If you are facing any threats, risks, or uncertainties, you will feel anxious and stressed. To improve your motivation, you need to reduce or eliminate the sources of danger or instability in your life, such as debt, violence, illness, or conflict. You can also create a sense of safety and security by building trust and support with others, establishing routines and boundaries, and planning for emergencies.

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  • Hiren Sakhiya Information Technology
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    According to Maslow, the next level of human need is feeling secure in your environment and situation. For example, a person requires a reliable income to feel safe. In the workplace, protecting safety needs might refer to personal, physical and financial security.


3 Social needs

The third level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is social needs, which include belonging, love, affection, and intimacy. These are the needs that you have to meet to feel connected and valued by others, such as family, friends, partners, and colleagues. If you are isolated, lonely, or rejected, you will feel depressed and unworthy. To improve your motivation, you need to nurture and maintain positive and meaningful relationships with others, where you can give and receive support, feedback, and appreciation. You can also seek out and join groups, communities, or networks that share your interests, values, or goals.

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    This need for belonging is highly relevant when someone’s goals for growth and development require an identity shift.When we elevate our thinking and change our identity we find ourselves “outgrowing” people around us which can feel threatening.Others around us may not respond or relate well to our shifting identity.We may feel isolated, alone, as if we are letting others down.Worst case scenario—we give up on our dream so we continue to belong.There’s an alternative: create a new community of those who believe in & support our vision, our shift, in US.


    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (73) 1

  • Hiren Sakhiya Information Technology
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    Another need humans have is to feel valued and accepted in a community. This may include friends and family who support you and spend time with you. Also known as love and belonging, social needs in the workplace refer to cooperation, teamwork and positive company culture that's inclusive and welcoming.

4 Esteem needs

The fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is esteem needs, which include self-esteem, confidence, respect, recognition, and achievement. These are the needs that you have to meet to feel competent and capable in your abilities and skills, and to receive acknowledgment and appreciation from others for your efforts and accomplishments. If you are insecure, doubtful, or criticized, you will feel inferior and discouraged. To improve your motivation, you need to develop and demonstrate your strengths and talents, and pursue goals that challenge and reward you. You can also seek out and accept opportunities for learning, growth, and feedback, and celebrate your successes and milestones.

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  • Hiren Sakhiya Information Technology
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    People also need to feel respected and recognized for their work toward an important goal. For example, a person might fulfill this need by volunteering with others for a cause that's meaningful to them. You might provide for esteem needs in the workplace through feedback or regular affirmation.


5 Self-actualization needs

The fifth and highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is self-actualization needs, which include creativity, fulfillment, purpose, and authenticity. These are the needs that you have to meet to realize and express your true self, and to contribute to something greater than yourself. If you are bored, frustrated, or unfulfilled, you will feel restless and dissatisfied. To improve your motivation, you need to explore and discover your passions, values, and aspirations, and align your actions and decisions with them. You can also seek out and create opportunities for innovation, expression, and impact, and follow your curiosity and intuition.

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    After reaching a certain level of financial success, income alone may no longer bring happiness. Instead, Impact offers a sense of infinite joy and fulfillment. Unlike income, Impact is often more public, allowing for shared celebration and enjoyment. Examples of making an impact include sponsoring education for the underprivileged.Similarly, when you pivot from consumption to creation and contribution, you're not just accumulating but sharing your experience with the world. This can take various forms, such as blogging, podcasting, YouTube videos, or public speaking. While personal success and wealth can be sources of pride, helping others succeed brings a deeper sense of fulfillment that is truly immeasurable.


    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (98) How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (99) 6

  • Lama Ibrahim Startups Advisor and Investor | Tech Entrepreneur | Passionate Sales Leader | Regional AI Leader @Oracle
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    This concept is especially relevant in today’s fast-paced, achievement-oriented society, where fulfillment often takes a backseat to more immediate needs. Encouraging exploration and alignment with one’s intrinsic passions and values is not just about attaining a state of contentment; it’s about unlocking one’s full potential. This pursuit often leads to innovative thinking and impactful contributions, as individuals who are self-actualized tend to be more creative, resilient, and motivated. Moreover, fostering an environment that supports self-actualization, whether in personal life or in the workplace, can lead to a more engaged, productive, and fulfilled life.


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  • Hiren Sakhiya Information Technology
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    At the top of Maslow's hierarchy is the need to reach your potential. Someone who fulfills this need might feel satisfied with their performance, ability and status. While this need differs based on the individual, a leader in the workplace can provide support and encourage professional development to help others meet this need.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Em Stroud The Comic Coach | Leadership Impact Expert | Leadership Coach| Two time Tedx Speaker | Author| Comic and Performer | MC | Spark Laugh Think Play
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    Motivation does to a certain level require all of what he wrote about - however motivation is far more nuanced than these deep human needs. There also has to be an acceptance and a willingness to explore all things that make us feel or not feel motivated.. for me once the safety part is addressed then motivation can take many different paths.. trying g to place neatly in a box never really works.. plus we need to do things together more..


    How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (127) 4

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    As appealing as Maslow's Hierarchy is, it's not entirely what you think it it.👉 Firstly, Abraham Maslow never depicted it as a pyramid.👉 Secondly, Maslow actually believed that the 'chances' to meet particular needs grow hierarchically, not the needs themselves. We get more chances on a daily basis to fulfil, for example, physiologically needs than self-actualization needs. It's a subtle difference but a fundamental one.👉 Thirdly, modern neuroscience tells us that social bonds are more critical to human survival than Maslow's 'theory' states.👉 Finally, Maslow based his ideas on 18 (famous) people - hardly a huge sample size on which to posit a theory of human nature.


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    This is a internal review and should be a cycle, i mean, what is important for you today can not be the same in the future, ensure time to time you review your core needs and the way it affects your priorities


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How can you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to improve your motivation? (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.