How cairns shape Buddhist meditation | Capt Navtej S. posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Capt Navtej S.

Photographer, Traveller, Storyteller

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Stacking stones, known as cairns, in Buddhist culture embodies various symbolic and practical meanings. In a meditative and mindful context, it represents a practice of concentration and presence, aligning with the core tenets of Buddhist meditation. Some Buddhists stack stones as an act of prayer and devotion, with each stone symbolizing a specific prayer or intention. This practice can also serve as navigational markers in rugged terrain, guiding travelers and pilgrims along their paths. Stacked stones may feature inscriptions of Buddhist mantras or prayers, emphasizing their spiritual significance.Additionally, the act of stacking stones can symbolize the impermanence of life, echoing Buddhism's core teaching on the transient nature of existence. It can serve as offerings or memorials at sacred sites and temples, and it also fosters a connection with the natural world, reflecting Buddhist principles of non-harming and environmental mindfulness. While the specific interpretation of stacking stones may vary among different Buddhist traditions and regions, it remains a deeply personal and meaningful practice reflecting individual beliefs and intentions.

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Vinod Dahake

Retires Scientist G & Scientist In charge MERADO Ludhiana CSIR / CMERI


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admire the picture and also the game we played in our childhood

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Riaz Lamak

HADR | Emergency Communication | Philanthropy | Humanities | Satellite Communication | Connectivity | Business Transformation & Ethical Practice | Medical Devices


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Akash Chaudhary

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Thanks sir for beautiful picture and history behind it.

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  • Capt Navtej S.

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    Prayer wheel is generally a hollow cylindrical wheel made from metal, wood, or stone, often beautifully embossed, mounted on a rod handle or axis made of wood or a precious metal. Simply, it is an inseparable part of the Tibetan and Buddhist tradition. Prayer wheels are known as Mani wheels in the Tibetan language. The Buddhist prayer wheels are used as an aid to meditation and as a means of accumulating wisdom, good karma, and means of putting bad karmas and negative energy aside. The inner portion of the hollow cylinder contains a tightly scrolled paper or other material full of printed or handwritten mantra. According to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition based on the lineage texts regarding prayer wheels, spinning such a wheel will have much the same meritorious effect as orally reciting the prayers.Traditionally, the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum are inscriptions in Sanskrit (or sometimes Tibetan) script and auspicious Buddhist symbols, on the outside of the wheel. Also sometimes depicted are Dakinis, Protectors and very often the 8 auspicious symbols Ashtamangala. It is believed that each turn of a prayer wheel represents a recitation of the prayer inside and transports it to heaven. Just touching and turning a prayer wheel brings incredible purification and accumulates unbelievable merit. It is believed that the more prayers one offers, the more merit he or she earns, which improves his or her chances or receiving a higher reincarnation and eventually achieving nirvana.

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  • Capt Navtej S.

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    This shows the magnitude of the water woes (I could see only women of all ages (from5-75) engaged in this activity of innumerable trips to the well to fetch water for their families)in Thar Desert.. Life is no doubt tough in this sandy terrain. But refreshing sense of humour of these women and a sense of calm make it appear bearable. While the younger generation wants piped water in their hamlet, Nakata and Siriya, the two sexagenarians in the group, are content with the fact that they now have to travel just a kilometer for water. “When we moved to the village as teenaged brides, we used to travel 20 km to fetch water,” recalls Nakata. The women say their lives changed for better some 30 years ago, when some people from the village discovered the beri, then buried under sand. They excavated it, desilted it and raised a concrete platform around it so that it does not silt up again. Today, the beri harvests enough rainwater to sustain the 25 households in the hamlet for most parts of the year. “Do men also come to the beri to fetch water?” My question makes them giggle. “Never. Only we do it,” says Monu Kanwar, an 18-year-old mother. My driver and interpreter for Marwari dialect Kanu Singh, who happens to be from a nearby village, interjects to speak up for his fraternity. “They have to go for work. Most men in the area work as daily wage labourers in other villages and towns.”

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  • Capt Navtej S.

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    In December, the landscape of a village in a Ladakh valley transforms into a serene and quiet expanse. With the harvesting season completed, the fields lie bare, covered in shades of brown. The earth, stripped of its crops, reveals the intricate patterns of farming. Occasionally, a soft blanket of snow falls, dusting the brown landscape with a delicate white layer, adding a touch of stark beauty. The crisp air and the stillness of the season create a peaceful atmosphere, highlighting the natural beauty and tranquility of the Ladakhi village in winter.

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