How Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here! (2024)

Table of Contents
How Bloggers Make Money – The top ways that you can start making money as a blogger that you can start using right away. First, a little bit about me (& why you should care at all about this): Back to how bloggers make money… FIRST, you need to understand that there are 2 categories of earning: PASSIVE and ACTIVE incomes. How long does it take to make money blogging? Choose a profitable niche Don’t overlook this: choose a niche for your blog based on popularity of the topic, not about what you want to talk about (if you want to make money faster) Name Your Blog Sign up with a Web Host Design Your WordPress Blog Optimize Your Blog for SEO What is SEO? Create an Amazon Associates Account Here are the top ways how bloggers make money. Ad revenue You get paid based on Words of warning about ad revenue: Paid Ads/ Sell ad space Sponsored Content (this includes sponsored blog posts, emails, ads, socials, etc.) Site sponsorship Sponsored social content Host sponsored contests or giveaways Write sponsored posts Selling their own products Some bloggers who have made their own amazing products are: Affiliate Income Here are the best places to find affiliates: Dropship products Product reviews Write tutorials Private bootcamp Job board Sell templates Write an ebook Create a private community Teach an online course Host webinars Offer coaching services Promote an affiliate product Sell Physical Products Online Sell Services Online Sell Digital Products Create a Paid Membership Website Grab the free Blog Resource Guide! No matter which source of income you choose, don’t forget to make a disclosure statement. Making money blogging FAQ Do bloggers get paid for views? How do beginner bloggers make money? Do you need experience to be a blogger? How can I make $100 a month blogging? What kind of blogs make money? Which blog platform is best for making money? Do bloggers make money? How much money can you make from blogging? How do you start your own blog for free? What are the most popular blogging platforms? How much money does an average blogger make? How do I start a blog and make money right away? What’s the EASIEST way to make money from your new blog? What are the top blogs about how to make money blogging? Who is the highest paid blogger? It’s OK to make money blogging! Have you started monetizing your blog? What’s your biggest income earner? Grab the free Blog Resource Guide! FAQs

How Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here! (1)

How Bloggers Make Money – The top ways that you can start making money as a blogger that you can start using right away.

Sure, everyone WANTS to make money blogging… but how does that even work??

There’s no right or wrong answer here, as many different bloggers have their income from many different sources. Bloggers make an income through so many different ways.

It can really seem overwhelming if you’re a beginner. Even a year after I started blogging, it still seems overwhelming at times! But I promise that once you get started and get into the swing of things, you won’t feel so overwhelmed.

First, a little bit about me (& why you should care at all about this):

In August 2015, I started my blog as a way to have social interaction with other adults after the birth of my third son. I saw a post on Pinterest that said “how I made $20,000 in a month from my blog” and I thought “if YOU can do it, I can do it too!”

And so I started my blog expecting it to be SUPER easy… and it wasn’t. But the good news for you is that I’ve been at this for long enough to know what works and what doesn’t.

Within my first 16 months since I bought my domain name, I was making a full-time income from my blog and now, almost 7 years later, it’s a 6-figure business that helps me earn more than my husband and really change my whole life’s story.

So when I say that I know what I’m talking about… I mean it. I promise I’m not some weirdo pretending like they have all the answers for blogging after only spending 2 days on their blog and they’re just after your cash monies. That’s not what I’m about at all.

Here are some of my all-time favorite blogging freebies that I freaking LOVE.

Back to how bloggers make money…

I want to reiterate, there are many, many, MANY ways to make money from blogging (or “monetize your blog”). And no one does it the same way. What worked for you might not work for me, and vice versa. Different niches see better results from different types of monetization strategies.

Most bloggers make money through “passive income,” or income that you set up once and then don’t have to do anything with every again but it keeps making money for you.

FIRST, you need to understand that there are 2 categories of earning: PASSIVE and ACTIVE incomes.

Passive Income

Passive Income or earning is essentially earning without asking for a sale.

This could be anything that’s not relying solely on sending an email or asking someone to buy.

Ideally, you want to set up as MANY streams of passive income as humanly possible. This is the true KEY to not having to work 40 hours a week. When someone tells you that they make a ton of money and only work 20 hours a week, it’s because of the passive income that they generate from their blogs.

I’ll tell you which of the following ways to earn are passive income.

Active Income

Active income or earnings are creating a new product and selling it. It’s having to make new YouTube videos every day to get it to earn money from it. Coaching programs are a perfect example of active income:

Anything that requires you to work every day or you don’t make money is considered active income.

There’s nothing wrong with having active income! Let me be very clear… because I LOVE launching products and doing coaching, but that’s NOT the only way I’d ever recommend someone making money from their blogs.

I’ll share which other ways are active income.

How long does it take to make money blogging?

There is no definitive answer to how long it takes to make money blogging. It largely depends on the niche you choose, how much work you put in, and how successful you are in attracting an audience. However, most people agree that it takes a significant amount of time and effort to start making a steady income from blogging.

There are a few ways to make money blogging. The most common way is through advertising revenue, which comes from displaying ads on your blog. You can also make money by selling products or services, or by promoting affiliate products.

In order to make money through advertising revenue, you need to have a high volume of traffic. You can attract traffic through SEO (aka: google search traffic), social media marketing, and other methods. However, it typically takes a while to see any real results.

Choose a profitable niche

The first step to choosing a profitable niche for your blog is to determine what you’re passionate about. You don’t want to start a blog about a topic that you’re only mildly interested in, because it will be difficult to maintain your enthusiasm and keep up with the blog. Once you’ve determined your passion, do some research and figure out what topics are related to that passion that also have potential for profitability.

There are a few different ways to find profitable niches for your blog. One way is to look at what industries are growing and identify opportunities in those markets. You can also look at what keywords are being searched for the most on Google and try to come up with ideas based on those keywords.

Don’t overlook this: choose a niche for your blog based on popularity of the topic, not about what you want to talk about (if you want to make money faster)

Blogging can be a fun and profitable way to share your thoughts, experiences, and knowledge with the world. But how do you know which niche to blog about? Should you blog about what you’re passionate about, or should you consider market factors?

There’s no easy answer, but here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your blog’s niche:

1. Consider your target audience. What are they interested in? What do they want to learn more about?

2. Consider the competition. Is there already a lot of blogs covering this topic? Will it be difficult to stand out?

3. Consider the potential for monetization. Can you make money by blogging about this topic?

4. Consider your skills and experience. Are you knowledgeable about this topic? Can you write interesting, engaging content that will capture people’s attention?

Name Your Blog

You’ve decided to start a blog. Congratulations! It’s a great way to share your thoughts with the world, and there are many ways to make money blogging. But before you can start making money, you need to choose a name for your blog.

When choosing a name for your blog, keep these things in mind:

1. Keep it short and easy to remember.

2. Use keywords that people will use to search for your content.

3. Be creative and unique.

4. Make sure the domain name is available. Use a site like

5. Choose a name that reflects your personality or interests.

6. Make sure the name is easy to spell and pronounce.

7. Check the availability of social media accounts with the same name.

Sign up with a Web Host

Blogging can be a fun and interesting way to share your thoughts with the world. If you want to start a blog, you’ll need to find a blog hosting site. These sites provide the tools you need to create and manage your blog. They also host the content of your blog for other people to view.

To sign up for a blog hosting site, you’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself. This includes your name, email address, and website address. You’ll also need to choose a username and password.

Next, you’ll need to choose a template for your blog. The template will determine the look and feel of your blog. You can choose from a variety of templates provided by the hosting site or you can create your own custom template.

Design Your WordPress Blog

How to Design Your WordPress Blog on a Budget

Creating a website can be an expensive endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re on a tight budget, there are a few ways to reduce the cost of setting up your WordPress blog. Here are a few tips:

1. Use a free template: There are many free templates available online, and most of them are high quality and customizable.

2. Use free plugins: There are many great plugins available for free, and they can add powerful features to your blog.

3. Get creative with graphics: You don’t need expensive software or design skills to create beautiful graphics for your blog. There are many online tools that allow you to create professional-looking graphics for free.

Optimize Your Blog for SEO

There are a number of ways to optimize your blog for better search engine ranking. One way is to make sure that your site is easy to crawl and index by the search engines.

This can be done by using the proper tags and titles for your posts, as well as including keywords throughout your content. You can also improve your site’s ranking by including backlinks from other high-ranking sites. Additionally, you can use social media to help promote your content and increase your site’s visibility. By following these tips, you can help improve your blog’s ranking and increase traffic to your site.

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a technique that can be used on a website to improve site visibility amongst search engines. When implemented correctly, SEO can result in higher website traffic and increased revenue for a business. There are many factors that go into SEO, including the use of keywords, backlinks, and anchor text.

When it comes to using SEO to make money as a blogger, there are a few different techniques that can be employed. One method is to create valuable content that will attract organic traffic from search engines. Another method is to promote affiliate products or services through your blog content. You can also promote your own products or services through paid advertising campaigns.

Create an Amazon Associates Account

In order to become an Amazon Associate, you first need to create an Amazon account. You can do this by visiting and clicking on the “Register” button in the top right-hand corner of the page. Once you have registered, you will be able to create an Associates account.

To create an Associates account, visit and click on the “Create an Account” button in the top right-hand corner of the page. You will need to provide your name, email address, and password. Once you have created your account, you will be able to start linking to Amazon products and earning commissions on sales.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when creating your Associates account. First, you need to include a link to on your website or blog.

Here are the top ways how bloggers make money.

Ad revenue

Many bloggers are interested in ways to monetize their blog and increase their income. One way to do this is by joining an ad network. Ad networks are companies that work with advertisers to place ads on websites. They usually offer a variety of ad formats and payment options.

There are a few things you need to consider before joining an ad network. First, you need to have a good amount of traffic. The ad network will want to know how many visitors your site receives each month. They will also want to know what type of content you publish and what your audience is like.

Another thing to consider is your niche and topic. Some ad networks specialize in certain types of content or audiences. For example, if you have a fashion blog, you may want to join an ad network that specializes in advertising for fashion brands.

This is basically a company that places ads in places, just like the banner ad that you see on this site and others. They pay you in a way called “CPM” or “CPC” but that depends on the ad network itself.

These are the ads that you see in the sidebars, tops, and bottoms of a site. The way that they work is that you, the blogger, join an Ad Network and theypay you to show the ads on your site.

You get paid based on

  • “CPM” or “clicks per mille,” also known as “paid per impression,” which translates roughly to “for every 1,000 people who show up to your site, you’ll make some money.”
  • “PPC” or “pay per click,”ads that pay you a certain amount for each time someone clicks on the ad, taking the reader to another site.

The ad revenue might be as low as $0.10 to as high as $35+. But just starting off, it will be fairly low. But it still adds up! Here are the best places to start monetizing through ad networks:

  • Google Adsense
  • Infolinks
  • PropellerAds
  • Monumetric/ Ezoic (pay $99 if you have under a certain number of pageviews, but they have a great CPM compared to AdSense)
  • Mediavine (You need 25,000 pageviews per month to join, but they’re awesome. They have a very high CPM compared to AdSense.)
  • Adthrive (This is a premium ad network and you need at least 100,000 pageviews per month to join. I’ve been with them since 2016 and they’ve been fantastic to work with. Very helpful setting things up)

Neither one of these ad networks have minimum pageviews per month to join, so you can join them the day after you start your blog. Adsense might actually be the more difficult Ad Networks to set up, so here’s a super helpful step-by-step guide to setting up Adsense.

A great piece of advice I read was that if you plan to monetize your blog, you should start off with ads on your site to get your readers used to them. I felt that was reasonable so I applied for Adsense the day after I started my blog.

I’ve always made most of my blogging income from ad revenue. It’s a very easy way to make passive income that only increases as your blog grows.

Words of warning about ad revenue:

While ad revenue is GREAT, and it is, you don’t want this to be the only thing that you rely on to make money from your blog. Because ad revenue changes seasonally. Meaning if you have 1,000 pageviews in February, it could earn you $1, but in December, that same 1,000 pageviews could earn you $20 with Mediavine or Adthrive.

So while it’s a super passive way to earn, it’s not a steady or dependable way to earn each month. Chasing pageviews is no way to live or to build a sustainable business. It’s a great way to start earning right off the bat with your blog, but you WILL need to actually sell things or use the other ways of earning to make money from your blog.

Paid Ads/ Sell ad space

One of the most common is to sell ad space on your site. Advertisers will pay you to place their ads on your blog in order to reach your audience. In order to attract advertisers, you’ll need to build up a following of regular visitors. Once you have a strong readership, you can start pitching ad space to interested companies.

These are similar to the Ad Network ads, but instead of being paid per impression, you get paid a lump sum. Think of it like an ad renting a spot on your sidebar. You have total control over them, and you can control how much you charge each month.

With paid ads, you can advertise these on your own blog by saying that advertising space is available. You will likely need to provide a media kit to the advertiser to show the number of pageviews per month you have.

Remember not to short-change yourself and your worth as a blogger! Don’t undervalue your ad space, and don’t be afraid to say no if you feel that someone is trying to pay less than you feel that you deserve.

Sponsored Content (this includes sponsored blog posts, emails, ads, socials, etc.)

Sponsored posts are posts paid for by companies. The company pays for bloggers to write a post about their company or product. There are sites that set up these sponsored posts:

Some bloggers set their prices for sponsored posts, and others negotiatewith the sponsoring company based on what they are willing to make and what the company is willing to spend.

Share-A-Sale recommends this pricing for sponsored blog posts:

$50 – 5,000 unique visitors/ month
$100 – 10,000 unique visitors/ month
$250 – 20,000 unique visitors/ month
$500 and up – 50,000 + unique visitors/ month

(Personally, I think these numbers are crazy sauce. Get your butt in there and ask for WAY more than that!)

Sponsored content isn’t limited to blog posts. Some companies will pay for you to tweet to your followers. Others will pay for Instagram content using their product. There are many possibilities with sponsored posts.

I have friends who have large social media followings and they make more than $5,000 per sponsored opportunity that they get.

Leverage the audience that you have in all platforms of social media or from your blog or email list and you can earn quite a bit from a package (a blog post, and Instagram post, and YouTube video, etc. )

Site sponsorship

There are many ways for bloggers to make money. Paid reviews, ads, and affiliate marketing are among the most common. But what about sponsorships? Sponsorships can be a great way for bloggers to monetize their sites.

There are a few things you need to do before you can start seeking sponsorships. You need to have a good amount of traffic coming to your site on a regular basis. You should also have a decent following on social media. And finally, you need to create quality content that is relevant to your audience.

Once you have those things in place, it’s time to start reaching out to potential sponsors. Start by compiling a list of companies that would be a good fit for your blog. Then send them an email introducing yourself and your blog, and explaining why you think their company would be a good fit for sponsorship.

Sponsored social content

One of the most popular is to earn revenue through sponsored social content. This simply means creating sponsored posts or stories on social media that promote a product or service in exchange for compensation.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating sponsored social content. First, always be transparent with your audience and let them know when a post is sponsored. Also, make sure the content is high quality and relevant to your audience. Finally, be sure to comply with all advertising guidelines set by the social media platform you’re using.

There are a number of companies that offer sponsorship opportunities for bloggers, so it’s important to do your research and find ones that align with your brand and values.

Host sponsored contests or giveaways

The best way to monetize a blog is to host sponsored contests or giveaways. This will bring in new readers, who may be interested in the products or services that you are promoting. It also allows you to build relationships with other bloggers, who can help promote your contest or giveaway. In order to make sure that your contest or giveaway is a success, follow these tips:

1. Choose a prize that is relevant to your blog’s audience.

2. Make sure that the rules are clear and easy to understand.

3. Promote your contest or giveaway on social media and other blogs.

4. Thank everyone who participates in the contest or giveaway.

Write sponsored posts

Bloggers make money by writing sponsored posts. A sponsored post is a blog post that is written to promote a product or service. Sponsored posts are usually disclosed as such, and bloggers typically receive payment for writing them.

There are several ways to land sponsored posts. One way is to launch your own blog and build up an audience of followers. Once you have a following, brands will reach out to you to write sponsored content. Another way to land sponsored posts is to become an expert in a certain field. Brands often look for experts to write about their products and services. If you have publishing experience, you can also pitch stories to brands and publications that are looking for freelance writers.

No matter how you land them, sponsored posts can be a great way to make money as a full time blogger.

Selling their own products

The (1,000%, no questions asked) best way for bloggers to earn money is through the sale of their own products. So many bloggers have ebooks, courses, guides, classes, webinars, printables, coaching, books, coffee mugs, clothing lines, and so much more!

The best thing about having your own product for sale is thatthe majority of the profit goes directly into your pocket. You can self-publish books using Amazon or SendOwl. You don’t need to wait around for a publisher to come knocking at your door to make your own product.

Some bloggers who have made their own amazing products are:

And there are so, so, SO many more out there who have made a substantial living off of selling their own products that it would be impossible to name them all!

Affiliate IncomeHow Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here! (2)

This is the biggie. Thereal earning potential is here. There are some bloggers who earn $100,000+ a month JUST in affiliate income. It’s insane!

Affiliate income is income that a blogger earns through the sale of someone else’s product. It’s like a sales commission. The more products sold, the more income generated. It costs the reader/ clicker nothing at all to pay the affiliate income for the blogger.Chances are that you’ve already clicked on an affiliate link today and didn’t even consciously realize it.

Affiliate income works when you sign up to be an affiliate for a product or a company. Once you’re an affiliate, you get a specific link that lets the seller know that it was your specific link that was clicked on. Once someone makes a purchase using your link, you get a commission from it.

The best way to make affiliate income is by promoting products that you love and can naturally recommend to people without sounding like a used car salesman.

All of my highest affiliate products are things that I have used, love, and wouldactually recommend to people in real life without getting paid for it. Getting paid for promoting a product is like icing on the cake. I want to tell everyone about the products that I use and love. This makes it a lot easier to promote a product without making it sound forced or fake.

Affiliate products also depend a lot on the niche of the blogger. As a personal finance and mom-preneurblogger, it would be really strange if I was promoting the best dog food. And it would be weird if a style blogger was promoting financial products. It all depends on your niche.

Here are the best places to find affiliates:

  • Amazon Affiliate (the commission is low, but you get the commission for everything that someone buys, not just the product link that they clicked.)
  • Share-A-Sale
  • Convert (formerly Commission Junction)
  • Check at the bottom of your favorite sites to see if they have an affiliate program.

Dropship products

Dropship products can be a great way for bloggers to make money. There are a few things that you need to do in order to get started:

1. Choose a niche

The first step is to choose a niche for your blog. This can be anything from fashion to home décor. It’s important to choose a niche that you’re interested in and that you know something about.

2. Find dropshipping suppliers

The second step is to find dropshipping suppliers. You can find them online or through trade shows. Make sure that you research the supplier before you sign up with them. You want to make sure that they have good quality products and that they are reliable.

3. Set up your shop

The third step is to set up your shop.

Product reviews

One way to monetize a blog is by writing product reviews. You can either review products that you yourself have used and endorse, or products that are relevant to your niche audience.

If you have a lot of traffic to your blog, you may be able to attract sponsorships from companies who want to promote their products to your readers. Be sure to disclose any affiliate relationships you have in your reviews, and make it clear when you’re being sponsored by a company. Writing honest, informative product reviews is a great way to attract readers and make some extra money on the side.

Write tutorials

You can write sponsored posts, sell advertising, or monetize your blog with affiliate links. However, the best way to make money from a blog is by writing tutorials for affiliate revenue or sponsorship.

One of the best ways to make money as a blogger is to write tutorials for affiliate revenue. This involves finding products that you can promote through your blog, and then writing about how those products can be used to improve the reader’s life. When someone purchases the product that you recommended through your affiliate link, you earn a commission on the sale.

Another great way to make money from your blog is by securing sponsorship deals. This involves finding companies who are interested in having their products or services featured on your blog in exchange for compensation.

Private bootcamp

In order to make money as a blogger, many bloggers turn to teaching private bootcamps. In a private bootcamp, the blogger teaches a small group of people (usually between 4 and 12 students) how to do what they do. The great thing about private bootcamps is that the blogger can set their own price, and they keep all of the profits.

To start a private bootcamp, the blogger needs to create a course outline and lesson plan. They should also create a sales page that outlines the benefits of taking their course. Once the course is created, the blogger can start promoting it to their audience who can then purchase it .

One of the best ways to promote a private bootcamp is by offering a free webinar. During the webinar, the blogger can discuss what their course covers, and answer any questions from potential students.

Job board

There are a number of ways to monetize a blog. One popular way, especially for larger blogs, is to run a job board. This can be a great way to bring in extra income, while also helping out people in the community who are looking for work.

To get started, you’ll need to create a page on your blog that lists the jobs that are currently available. You can then charge businesses and individuals to post jobs on this page. Be sure to include information about how long the job listing will stay up, as well as any other fees that may apply.

You’ll also want to make sure that your blog is optimized for search engines so that people can easily find your job board. In addition, be sure to promote your job board through social media and other online channels.

Sell templates

There are a number of ways for bloggers to make money. One way to make money is to sell templates. There are a number of ways to do this. You can create your own templates and sell them on a site like Etsy. You can also create templates for other people and charge them for the privilege of using them.

Write an ebook

If you’re looking for ways to monetize your blog, one option is to write an ebook. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

1. Choose a topic that you’re passionate about. Writing an ebook is a lot of work, so you’ll want to choose a topic that you’re interested in and know a lot about. That will make it easier for you to write and research the material.

2. Do your research. Once you’ve chosen a topic, do some research so that you can write an authoritative book on the subject. Make sure to include information that isn’t already readily available online.

3. Create a outline and draft chapters.

Create a private community

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a private community. First, make sure that it is worth the price you are charging. People are not going to want to pay for access if the content is not valuable. Second, make sure that the community is engaging and provides a good experience for members. If it is just a bunch of people talking about themselves, people will lose interest quickly. Finally, be sure to market the community well so that people know what they are getting when they join.

Teach an online course

Teaching an online course is a great way to monetize a blog. It’s a win-win for both the blogger and the students. The blogger gets paid to teach what they know, and the students get access to high-quality instruction from a trusted source.

There are several ways to go about teaching an online course. You can create your own course, or you can partner with an online course platform like Udemy or Teachable.

Creating your own course can be a lot of work, but it gives you complete control over the content and the pricing. Partnering with an online course platform is a more low-maintenance option, but you’ll have less control over the content and pricing.

No matter which route you choose, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating your online course.

Host webinars

There are many ways for bloggers to make money. One popular way is to launch webinars. By sharing their expertise, bloggers can attract people who are interested in what they have to say and then sell access to the webinar recordings or even charge for in-person attendance. There are a few key steps that need to be followed in order to make a successful webinar launch:

First, determine what the focus of the webinar will be. What topic will be of interest to potential attendees? Once that is determined, create a strong outline for the presentation. Next, choose the date and time for the webinar and begin promoting it. Be sure to include all of the relevant details on the website hosting the event as well as social media profiles. Finally, test everything out before launch day!

Offer coaching services

One of the monetization strategies for successful bloggers who want to make a lot of money is to offer coaching services. Coaching is different than consulting services, but it is definitely not a passive income generating revenue stream.

In order to do this, you need to be an expert in your field. You also need to have a following of people who are interested in what you have to say. Having a Youtube channel where people can get a feel for you, your style, and your personality can help them t know if it’s a good fit for you both to work together. Once you have these things, you can start offering your services.

Promote an affiliate product

Affiliate revenue might be my favorite way to earn money as a new blogger. There are people who I know who make a full-time income with just their affiliate programs.

So what is affiliate marketing for bloggers who want to make money?

Affiliate marketing is a form of sales and direct marketing (or influencer marketing) where a company pays commission to other websites or individuals for traffic or sales generated through their referrals. It’s a great way for bloggers to make money, as they can partner with brands they love and earn a commission on any sales that result from their promotion. In order to maximize earnings, it’s important to choose affiliate programs that offer products or services relevant to your blog’s audience.

Additionally, you’ll need to have an audience of at least several hundred visitors per day in order to be successful. If you’re just starting out, consider launching a blog focused on affiliate marketing; this will give you the necessary expertise and publishing platform needed to succeed.

You can also market inside of your own Facebook groups, email list, blog posts, Youtube channel, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and more using your own affiliate link! Just always be sure to play by the rules (aka: read the terms and conditions in depth to make sure that you aren’t breaking any terms and conditions of use).

Sell Physical Products Online

You may be surprised to know that you can make a full-time income selling physical products online even if you’re not an expert. You don’t need a lot of money to get started, and you don’t have to wait until your blog is huge to launch your store. Here are four tips for starting and growing a successful online store:

1. Choose the right products. When selecting products to sell online, think about what you’re passionate about and what you know a lot about. That way, you can share your knowledge with your readers and help them make informed decisions about what to buy.

2. Create eye-catching product pages. Once you’ve selected your products, take the time to create beautiful product pages that will persuade visitors to buy.

Sell Services Online

The internet has opened up a world of opportunity for people looking to make money from their skills and expertise. There are now a number of sites where you can sell your services online, and this can be a great way to make a full-time income or to supplement your income from other sources.

One of the best things about selling services online is that you don’t need any specialist equipment or training. All you need is a computer and an internet connection, and you can start marketing your services to potential clients all over the world.

There are a number of different ways to sell services online. You could set up your own website or blog, or you could use one of the many online marketplaces that specialize in selling services.

whichever route you choose, it’s important to make sure that your skills and experience are showcased in the best possible light.

Sell Digital Products

The best way to make money as a blogger is to sell digital products. This could be an ebook, a video course, or even a subscription service. But where can you sell these products? And how do you go about launching them? In this article, I’ll share some of my favorite sites for selling digital products online.

First, let’s talk about expertise. When you’re selling digital products, you need to be an expert in your field. Your audience needs to trust that you know what you’re talking about and that they can learn from you. Publishing your own course or ebook is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Once you’ve created your product, it’s time to start marketing it to your audience. You can promote it on social media, on your blog, or even in your email newsletter.

Create a Paid Membership Website

Creating a paid membership website can be a great way to monetize your blog and develop a more committed following. In order to create a successful site, you’ll need to have a clear plan for how you will attract and retain members. Here are some tips for getting started:

1) Establish yourself as an expert in your field. When people see that you are an authority on a topic, they will be more likely to trust you and invest in your site.

2) Publish high-quality content on a regular basis. Visitors will be more likely to join if they know that they will be getting fresh, valuable information on a regular basis.

3) Offer exclusive content and features that are only available to members. This will help create a sense of exclusivity and encourage people to join.

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No matter which source of income you choose, don’t forget to make a disclosure statement.

No matter what kind of affiliate or sponsorship or pay-per-click ad, you need to make sure that you disclose that you’re being compensated. The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is very strict about these standards. I put my disclosure in the sidebar so that it gets seen with every post, and I disclose further in sponsored posts. Check out other bloggers’ disclosure forms to get an idea of what they do to let readers know about the way that they earn through their blog.

Making money blogging FAQ

Do bloggers get paid for views?

This is a common misconception but is often the easiest way to describe how you get paid to non-bloggers. Technically, there’s no one that just PAYS you for getting views to your site. You will need to find an ad network if you want to get paid for views alone. But the truth is that it’s so much more than that. 🙂

How do beginner bloggers make money?

Starting a blog and monetizing it can seem like a daunting task. However, there are many ways for beginner bloggers to make money. The first step is to identify what your blog is about and what you can offer readers. Once you have that figured out, there are a number of options for monetization.

One way to make money from your blog is to sell advertising space. You can approach local businesses or even national brands to sell ad space on your blog. You will need to come up with a pricing plan and decide what kind of ads you want to run.

Another option for monetizing your blog is by selling products or services. You can create digital products such as e-books or online courses, or sell physical products such as t-shirts or mugs.

Do you need experience to be a blogger?

There’s no question that experience counts for a lot in the blogging world. But do you need experience to be a blogger? The answer is no – you can start a blog without any prior experience at all. However, gaining experience as you go along will help make your blog more successful.

So how can you go about getting experience as a blogger? Well, there are a few things you can do. First, read other blogs and learn from their successes and failures. Second, start writing guest posts for other bloggers. This will give you the opportunity to share your ideas with a larger audience and gain some valuable feedback. Finally, experiment with different types of content and see what works best for your audience.

In the end, it’s up to you to put in the hard work and dedication necessary to make your blog successful.

How can I make $100 a month blogging?

There are a few different ways to make money blogging. Most bloggers start out by selling advertising on their blog. Advertisers will pay you to post an ad on your blog, and you will earn a commission for every click or sale that the ad generates.

You can also sell products and services through your blog. This can include digital products, such as e-books or online courses, or physical products, such as t-shirts or mugs. Finally, you can also offer paid subscriptions to your blog content. This could be in the form of a monthly newsletter, exclusive content access, or even just premium-quality blog posts.

Whichever route you decide to take, be sure to research the options and make sure you are getting the best return on investment for your time and effort.

What kind of blogs make money?

Many bloggers are looking for ways to make money. There are many different ways to monetize a blog, but some methods work better than others. Some of the most popular ways to make money from blogging are by displaying ads, selling products and services, and by receiving payments from companies in exchange for promoting their products.

Some bloggers make a lot of money using these methods, while others only make a little bit of money. It all depends on the type of blog you have, the audience you attract, and how well you monetize your blog. Some blogs are more likely to make money than others.

There are a few types of blogs that tend to be more successful at making money. These include lifestyle blogs, food blogs, craft blogs, and mommy blogs. These types of blogs typically have a large audience who is interested in the content that is being provided.

Which blog platform is best for making money?

There are a few different blog platforms that can be used to make money. However, not all of them are created equal. Some platforms are better suited for making money than others.

One of the best platforms for making money is WordPress. WordPress is a platform that is very versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes, including blogging. It also has a vast array of plugins and themes that can be used to create a professional-looking blog. Additionally, there are a number of ways to monetize WordPress blogs, including through affiliate marketing, advertising, and selling products and services.

Another great platform for making money is Blogger. Blogger is owned by Google and is very easy to use. It allows you to create a blog for free and has a wide range of templates to choose from.

Personally though, I really only ever recommend WordPress for any blog that you want to use to make money from that blogging platform. With the resources that come along with WordPress, not to mention all of the many many MANY WordPress plugins that make your site run smoothly.

Do bloggers make money?

The answer to this is… yes and no.

Some bloggers set out to make money from their blogs, and some don’t. Not ALL bloggers make money. But most bloggers make SOME money.

How much money can you make from blogging?

Anywhere from $0 to unlimited! There are so many different variables in this to give a solid answer to this question directly, but it is fully possible to replace your income from your 9-5 job with the income from your blog.

I’ve heard of bloggers making millions and bloggers making $0. It all comes back to you and what you want to do with your blog.

How do you start your own blog for free?

This is a tricky question here because while you CAN start a blog for free, I do not recommend it. Listen, I’m a cheapskate through and through. But paying for your blog (which, if you’re talking about making money from it, is now going to be a business) is necessary.

Now, we’re talking like$2.95/ month from this sitethat will get you your domain name, your WordPress site, and all the tech support you need getting it set up. Not too bad, huh?!

What are the most popular blogging platforms?

Hands down, THE most popular blogging platform (for both beginner bloggers and blogging pros) is WordPress. Remember, though… NOT the free version of WordPress. Use the WordPress that you get when you own your own domain name and site.

(Note: the free sites will say something like: YOUR DOMAIN

How much money does an average blogger make?

This is an unfortunate answer… but it’s the truth. The average blogger makes $0. Ever.

But don’t get discouraged! Just by being here and looking for how you can make money from your blog and business, you’re already 10 steps ahead of many other beginner bloggers.

This doesn’t have to be your income number, my friend!

How do I start a blog and make money right away? What’s the EASIEST way to make money from your new blog?

The EASIEST way to make money is through a combination of ad revenue from SEO posts specific to your niche, and to also join affiliate networks (or promote affiliates directly). This helps you start off on the right foot with your income generating.

This is because you don’t need to have a massive audience or go viral in order to make money. This can happen fairly quickly using SEO on Google and or Pinterest or any other social media.

What are the top blogs about how to make money blogging?

Google has made changes to its algorithm, which has made it harder for bloggers to make money. However, there are still ways to optimize your blog for SEO. Here are a few tips:

1. Use keywords in your titles and posts.

2. Optimize your images for SEO.

3. Link to other related blogs and websites.

4. Write quality content that people will want to read.

5. Use social media to promote your blog posts.

Google has made changes to its algorithm, which has made it harder for bloggers to make money. However, there are still ways to optimize your blog for SEO. Here are a few tips:

1. Use keywords in your titles and posts.

2. Optimize your images for SEO.

3. Link to other related blogs and websites.

4. Write quality content that people will want to read.

5. Use social media to promote your blog posts.

Who is the highest paid blogger?

There are many that you can findHEREand see how they make their money.

It’s OK to make money blogging!

No matter how bloggers make money, it’s important to remember that it’s ok that bloggers make money! I’ve heard so many bloggers say that they’ve been told off by people for using affiliate links on their site, or for having ads, or making sponsored posts.

I tell you this because I don’t want to deceive you and make you think that blogging is a get-rich-quick scheme: blogging is hard work.Your favorite bloggers love what they do, and they should get paid for it.

I think about Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom. She posts deals on her Facebook and blog all day, every day. Do I think she should do this for free? No! Do I feel betrayed knowing that she makes her living from her blog and from people like me visiting her site? No way!

How bloggers make money isn’t always an easy question to answer. Even for one blogger, the answer might change drastically one month to the next.

And that’s ok! There are so many different variations of “normal” in the blogging world. What works for one blogger won’t work for another. But that’s ok! You’ll need to try things out on your own blog to see what works best for your and for your readers.

Have you started monetizing your blog? What’s your biggest income earner?

How Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here! (3)

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How Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here! (8)

Get access to the insider tips, tricks, and tools that I learned to help me get more than 200,000 pageviews/ month in my first year blogging!

How Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here! (2024)


How Bloggers Make Money - If you Want to Start a Money Making Blog in 2023, Start Here!? ›

Yes – blogging is still a great way to make a living! The rules have changed, but blogging is still as relevant as it was a decade ago. If you want to monetize your blog in 2023, you must stay on top of search intent and Google SERPs.

Do bloggers make money in 2023? ›

Yes – blogging is still a great way to make a living! The rules have changed, but blogging is still as relevant as it was a decade ago. If you want to monetize your blog in 2023, you must stay on top of search intent and Google SERPs.

How does starting a blog make money? ›

How Do Bloggers Actually Make Money?
  1. Ad Networks. Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. ...
  2. Private Advertising. ...
  3. Affiliate Offers. ...
  4. Create & Sell Info Products. ...
  5. Sell Services Online. ...
  6. Sponsors. ...
  7. 12 Highest Paying Work-from-Home Jobs.
Feb 8, 2024

Is blogging still worth it in 2023? ›

Are Blogs Still Impactful? To answer the question from the title right off the bat – Blogging is alive and well in 2023 and will likely remain relevant and profitable for years to come.

How do bloggers get paid? ›

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common income streams for professional bloggers. This earning opportunity tasks you with promoting a third party's products — usually using a link or promo code that's unique to your blog — in exchange for commission earned on each affiliate product sold.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

While the average time to making $1,000/mo is in the 1 to 2 year range for most new bloggers, it's possible to start making money within 6 months or less if you focus on creating high-quality content, experimenting with monetization methods, and promoting your blog effectively.

Which blog platform is best for making money? ›

Best Blogging Platforms to Make Money
  1. 1 Best For: An all-round blogging platform capable of adapting to the needs of your business. ...
  2. 2 Medium. Best For: A simple introduction to blogging with (limited) options for making money online. ...
  3. 3 ...
  4. 4 SquareSpace. ...
  5. 5 Ghost. ...
  6. 6 Wix. ...
  7. 7 Blogger. ...
  8. 8 HubPages.
Feb 28, 2024

Do beginner bloggers make money? ›

That said, it takes an average of 20 months to start making money with a blog. However, there are many bloggers who start making money much sooner, and some who never make any money at all. Here are some of the factors that can affect how long it takes to start making money blogging: The niche you're in.

How much do beginner bloggers make? ›

Generally, bloggers should expect to make between $0 – $5,000 per month from advertising, affiliate deals, sponsored posts, and other income sources. A successful blog with high traffic could potentially earn upwards of $50,000 or more each month.

Does blogging really pay? ›

Yes! Some of the top bloggers make thousands of dollars per month. But many experts believe bloggers can make $500-2,000 per month within their first year of blogging. Consistently post, promote your content, build your readership, and implement some of these monetization tactics to get started.

What is replacing blogging? ›

Alternatives to blogging include vlogs, podcasts, newsletters, social media influencing, and other content formats.

Does anyone read blogs anymore? ›

People definitely still read blogs, and blogging is a style of long-form content unlike any other. While vlogs are also often long-form, those who prefer reading their content can't do this with videos like blogs.

How do Beginners blog for free? ›

If you're looking to start a blog without coding or web design experience, Wix might just be your go-to spot. With more than 900 customizable templates, Wix has a theme for every niche out there. The beauty of Wix lies in its drag-and-drop interface — think building blocks but cooler.

How to blog for beginners? ›

12 Steps a beginner can take to start a blog
  1. Choose a subject. The first thing you need to do to start a blog is choose a subject. ...
  2. Choose a name. ...
  3. Register your domain name. ...
  4. Find a web host. ...
  5. Set up your blog. ...
  6. Create a custom blog email address. ...
  7. Create your social media accounts. ...
  8. Install blog plugins.

How much blogger pays for 1,000 views? ›

Ever wondered how much Google AdSense pays per 1000 views? It's a question every blogger asks, and the answer is more complex than you might think. Earnings can vary from $0.5 to $2.5 per 1000 views, but several factors influence this, including your blog's niche, audience location, and ad technicalities.

Is it too late to start a blog in 2023? ›

It's never too late to start a profitable blog!

Despite any hesitations or difficulties that may arise, a focused effort and the correct approach can still bring about something spectacular through your blog – no matter how long it takes.

Is blogging still profitable in 2024? ›

Yes — Bloggers still make money. In fact, there are more ways than ever to earn a living blogging. Revenue streams such as display ads, affiliate marketing, digital products, and email marketing are just a few of the popular revenue streams bloggers use to make money.

What is the trend in blogging in 2023? ›

Quizzes are a Big Blogging Trend in 2023

And you can use it for yourself as well. Adding short exams to your content is yet another way to make it more interactive. It does not just engage your readers — it also lets them test out their knowledge!

Is blogging worth it in 2024? ›

If you're asking for our personal opinion—then it's a resounding yes. Our blog has connected us with millions of people around the world, who have not only supported us with their business but have also broadened our perspectives. Our blog is an investment, let's not forget.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.