How and Why of Running a Simulation in Excel (2024)

A simulation is commonly defined as an imitation of a situation or process. This typically entails creating a mathematical model that represents the characteristics and other features of a system. The model then can be used to simulate how the system will respond in certain scenarios. This can also mean forecasting or analyzing outcomes of a situation.

Although nowadays you can easily find specialized software for each use case, being a versatile calculation tool that can also store data, Excel is one of the most commonly used means to create data models and run simulations. In this article, we’re going to delve deeper into the nature of a simulation in Excel and the tools available for this purpose. You can download our sample workbook below.

A simulation in Excel must be built around a model, and that is defined by a system of formulas and mathematical operations. A simple multiplication operation can be a model, as well as a workbook full of complex formulas and macros. All that matters is the model's ability to mimic the real-time process that it’s used to solve.

Let’s take a profit calculator as an example. Companies want to know how many units of products they sold and calculate how much profit it will generate for the next year. Typically, profit is the number of goods sold times the cost of one unit, minus any costs. Let’s try to formulize this below.

= Units_Sold * ( Sell_Price - Unit_Cost )

We know the cost of a single unit, but number of units to be sold and the profit are the two unknowns in this equation. So, the next step is forecasting how many items will be sold.

Determining the inputs is just as important as building the calculation model. Without correct inputs, a model can’t generate the correct results. There are various ways to determine the inputs and, unfortunately, none of them are perfect. If there was a perfect way, forecasting would be a far easier analysis than it actually is.

We recommend avoiding the traditional deterministic ways that rely on some fundamental assumptions. A stochastic approach, on the other hand, will provide more reliable results. A stochastic approach is based on collecting random variables. These random variables can be used as is, or can be used to generate inputs through additional calculations.

With each run of the simulation, a new random variable is generated and used as an input. Randomness between results will decrease and become meaningful with enough number of runs. When creating a simulation in Excel you can use either one of these two formulas to generate random numbers:

  • RAND() returns an evenly distributed random numbers greater than, or equal to 0, and less than 1.
  • RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top) returns a random integer between the bottom and top parameters.

These functions return different values with each calculation. You can press the F9 key to run the calculations again in the entire workbook, and see how they act.

However, a collection of completely random values is not a real-world scenario. Instead of sending what you get from the RAND functions, you can use the results to generate numbers in a specific probability distribution. A probability distribution is a mathematical function that provides the probabilities of occurrence of different possible outcomes in multiple calculations.

Excel also has statistical functions for probability distributions. These functions can generate random input values when combined with the RAND function. Below are some of those functions.

  • Normal: DIST, NORM.INV
  • Standard normal: S.DIST, NORM.S.INV
  • t-distribution: DIST, T.INV
  • F-distribution: DIST, F.INV
  • Chi-square: DIST, CHI.INV
  • Lognormal: DIST, LOG.INV
  • Binomial: DIST, BINOM.INV
  • Hypergeometric: DIST
  • Beta: DIST, BETA.INV
  • Gamma: DIST, GAMMA.INV
  • Exponential: DIST
  • Weibull: DIST
  • Poisson: DIST
  • Negative binomial: DIST

We use a sample for normal distribution which is one of the most common distributions. The NORM.INV function returns numbers in a normally distributed fashion for the specified mean and standard deviation. The syntax of the function is like below.


To randomize the results, we use the RAND function as the probability argument. The RAND functions return value specifies the percentile of random variable with a given mean and standard deviation. Below is an example.


The mean and standard deviation values should be consistent of expected collection of input values. For example, if you are trying to forecast next year profits, the previous year sales amounts can be used as sample data. Excel has built-in functions to calculate the mean and standard deviation.


  • =AVERAGE(numbers)

Standard Deviation:

  • S(numbers)
  • P(numbers)
  • STDDEVA(numbers)
  • STDDEVPA(numbers)

So far, we covered the basics of a data model and how to create random input variables based on a probability distribution. However, stochastic simulations too can become meaningful when they are run several times. "Many" in this context, can mean 1000 or more, depending on your model. Therefore, simply recalculating the Excel workbook by pressing the F9 is not a practical way to get simulation results at this point. Let’s look at our alternatives to do this automatically.

  • A VBA macro can run calculations multiple times, and print the results in the workbook. Obviously, this method requires some expertise in VBA.
  • Third-party add-ins that can be found on the internet.
  • Excel's Data Table feature, especially if you have 1 or 2 input variables.

Data Table Feature

The Data Table feature is a What-if analysis tool that can calculate a formula several times based on up to 2 inputs. We can use the Data Table tools to recalculate our simulated results by tricking it with empty inputs. Let's see this on an example.

We assume a company is looking to forecast how many products it can sell, and how much profit it can make. We’re going to use the same formula we came up with before.


Let’s examine a scenario:

  • The company buys the product at $8 and sells it for $12.
  • The mean (average) and standard deviation of units to be sold are calculated from previous sales.
  • A normal distribution is used to generate the number of units sold. Decimals are irrelevant because this number is generated for use as a random value in a 1000 runs.

The cell C10 contains the formula for the profit result of a single run, and this value will be the center point of the Data Table. Move the cell or use its reference in a cell that has at least 1000 empty cells below it. In our example, we used cell G2.


The next step is generating the numbers from 1 to 1000 in column F, starting from the third row. To do this:

  1. Click the cell F3.
  2. Go to HOME > Fill > Series.
  3. Select Columns
  4. Enter 1000 as Stop value.
  5. Click

Now we are ready to use the Data Table.

  1. Select a range that includes both the profit and numbers from 1 to 1000. In our example; F2:G1002.
  2. Follow the path DATA > What-if Analysis > Data Table.
  3. Click the Column input box and select an empty cell. We choose H2.
  4. Click OK to finish the process.

Excel automatically places a special function into the empty cells named TABLE. These cells are dynamic. Each time you recalculate the workbook these cells will be updated as well, which is essentially a fast way to run another 1000 calculations.

The results of a stochastic simulation can be summarized using histograms. A histogram is a representation of the distribution of numerical data. Instead of checking every simulation result, grouping them into specific percentiles can give you a better overview of the big picture.

You can create a histogram in Excel in two ways:

  1. Analysis ToolPak add-in
  2. Formulas

Analysis ToolPak

The Analysis ToolPak add-in is a very useful tool that shines in data analysis. It is a ‘hidden’ add-in, because it’s not active in Excel by default. You can activate it from the Add-ins dialog from FILE > Options > Add-Ins. Here, select Excel Add-ins in the Manage dropdown and click the Go button. Select the Analysis ToolPak and click OK.

The tool can be found under the DATA tab after activation with the name of Data Analysis. You will see the Histogram option in this dialog. Selecting it and clicking OK opens the Histogram window.

In Histogram dialog, Input range and Bin range should be selected. The Input range is the results of the simulation. The Bin range is the numbers that specify the limits of each interval. You can use static numbers as you need, or calculate them with formulas to make them dynamic like in simulation results. The Histogram dialog allows you to choose the target location and create a chart.

Unfortunately, the Histogram in the Data Analysis is not dynamic and you have to open the Histogram dialog every time with a new set of data.


The FREQUENCY formula can calculate the values needed for a histogram. It calculates how often values occur within a specified range. This formula also needs bins values, and the first thing we need to do is to calculate the bins.

  1. Determine number of intervals. This is optional, but more steps increase the precision level. Too many steps might make it harder to read the results. We choose 21 for our example.
  2. Calculate the minimum of values. =MIN($G$3:$G$1002)
  3. Calculate the maximum of values. =MAX($G$3:$G$1002)
  4. Calculate the difference between the minimum and maximum. =max-min
  5. Calculate the bin size. =diff/(interval_count-1)

Now, since we know the start point (minimum value) and the bin size, we can create our bins.

  1. The first bin is the minimum value. =min
  2. Select the cell below and add the value above to the bin size. =K8+binsize
  3. Copy down the cell for 20 intervals.

You can use these bins values for Data Analysis' Histogram as well. Let's move on with the FREQUENCY formula.

  1. Start by selecting the empty range next to the bins. (L8:L28)
  2. Type in the FREQUENCY formula, using the simulation results and bins values as arguments. =FREQUENCY(results,bins)
  3. Press the Ctrl + Shift + Enter key combination instead of just pressing the Enter key to enter the formula.

This will create the histogram. You can see that the majority of scenarios are gathered around the middle points. This is where the most likely results lie. To see the results in an easier to read format, you can graph this data.

How and Why of Running a Simulation in Excel (2024)


What is the purpose of simulation in Excel? ›

This typically entails creating a mathematical model that represents the characteristics and other features of a system. The model then can be used to simulate how the system will respond in certain scenarios. This can also mean forecasting or analyzing outcomes of a situation.

Can Excel be used for simulation? ›

Excel is an excellent platform for both, and we at The Excel Experts recommend Excel for your next modelling or simulation project. Especially when paired with a Monte Carlo simulation, an Excel spreadsheet can be a simple, and powerful tool for creating just such a model.

Why should we use simulation? ›

Why is Simulation Used? Simulation is used to evaluate the effect of process changes, new procedures and capital investment in equipment. Engineers can use simulation to assess the performance of an existing system or predict the performance of a planned system, comparing alternative solutions and designs.

What is the advantage of simulation model? ›

Advantages of modelling and simulation

Able to test a product or system works before building it. Can use it to find unexpected problems. Able to explore 'what if…' questions. Can speed things up or slow them down to see changes over long or short periods of time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of simulation? ›

Simulation model never interferes with the real world system. It may be too disruptive because experiments are done with the model and not in the system itself. So simulation do not interfere with the real world system. It enables managers to visualize the long term effects in a quick manner.

What is a simulation in spreadsheet? ›

Spreadsheet simulation simply involves the use of a spread- sheet to represent the model, do the sampling, perform the model computations and report the results.

How do you simulate formulas in Excel? ›

How can you simulate values of a normal random variable? If you type in any cell the formula NORMINV(rand(),mu,sigma), you will generate a simulated value of a normal random variable having a mean mu and standard deviation sigma.

When should simulation not be used? ›

Simulation should not be used when the problem can be solved analytically. Simulation should not be used if it is easier to perform direct experiments. Simulation should not be used if the cost of simulation exceeds the savings. Simulation should be avoided if resources are not available.

Why is it important to use simulation data instead of real? ›

Simulation studies come into their own when methods make wrong assumptions or data are messy because they can assess the resilience of methods in such situations. This is not always possible with analytic results, where results may apply only when data arise from a specific model.

What does it mean to run a simulation? ›

A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time. Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation represents the evolution of the model over time.

What is the process of a simulation? ›


Formulate the model you intend to use. Test the model; compare its behaviour with the behaviour of the actual problem. Identify and collect the data needed to test the model. Analyze the results of the simulation and, if desired, change the solution you are evaluating.

How do I run a simulation in Excel Solver? ›

We are now ready to run a simulation. Click the Options icon to open the Simulation options pane. In this pane, you can set the number of trials per simulation, the random seed, sampling method, random number generator, and/or random number streams.

What is the purpose of modeling and simulation? ›

Modeling and simulation (M&S) is the use of a physical or logical representation of a given system to generate data and help determine decisions or make predictions about the system. M&S is widely used in the social and physical sciences, engineering, manufacturing and product development, among many other areas.

What are examples of simulation? ›

Simulations are used in multiple ways and multiple works of life. Some examples include fire drills, weather forecasting, CGI graphics in entertainment, and simulation used in healthcare to teach skills or prepare for emergencies.

What is an example of simulation data? ›

It's used to model events that are equally likely to occur. It can be interpreted as the likelihood of a variable taking on any value within a given range. For example, if we flip a coin 100 times, we would expect the results to be evenly distributed between heads and tails.

How do you simulate a random variable in Excel? ›

Use the formula "=NORMINV(RAND(),B2,C2)", where the RAND() function creates your probability, B2 provides your mean and C2 references your standard deviation. You can change B2 and C2 to reference different cells or enter the values into the formula itself.

How do you simulate random numbers in Excel? ›

Remarks. If you want to use RAND to generate a random number but don't want the numbers to change every time the cell is calculated, you can enter =RAND() in the formula bar, and then press F9 to change the formula to a random number.

What problems can be solved with simulation? ›

This method can be applied to solve much more complex problems in a variety of areas, including risk analysis, safety analysis, reliability modeling, maintenance planning, optimization, operational research, financial analysis, etc.

Under what circ*mstances is it best to use simulation to gather data? ›

Simulations are often done when you can't get a closed form for something (such as a distribution) or you want a nitty-gritty and fast way to get that something.

What are the three advantages of role playing and simulation? ›

Benefits of Role Playing

Enhance current teaching strategies. Provide real-world scenarios to help students learn. Learn skills used in real-world situations (negotiation, debate, teamwork, cooperation, persuasion) Provide opportunities for critical observation of peers.

What button we can press to run the simulation? ›

Open the Simulation Settings dialog by pressing F2. You can also open the Simulation Settings dialog by choosing Run | Simulation Settings from the main menu bar, or by pressing Simulation Setting button in the toolbar: The dialog looks like this: The first thing we need to do is specify the Duration of the simulation.

Can I run a Monte Carlo simulation in Excel? ›

A Monte Carlo simulation can be developed using Microsoft Excel and a game of dice. A data table can be used to generate the results—a total of5,000 results are needed to prepare the Monte Carlo simulation.

What does the simulation mode do? ›

Simulation mode is a sandboxed environment that allows you to test out all supported decentralized finance protocols and all features available in the DeFi Saver app without having to set up an account or spend any actual funds.

When should you use Monte Carlo simulation? ›

A Monte Carlo simulation is used to model the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention of random variables. It is a technique used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty.

What is the difference between simulation and Monte Carlo simulation? ›

Sawilowsky distinguishes between a simulation, a Monte Carlo method, and a Monte Carlo simulation: a simulation is a fictitious representation of reality, a Monte Carlo method is a technique that can be used to solve a mathematical or statistical problem, and a Monte Carlo simulation uses repeated sampling to obtain ...

How many simulations is enough for Monte Carlo? ›

DCS recommends running 5000 to 20,000 simulations when analyzing a model. Here is why: Statistics are estimates of the parameters of a population. 3DCS results are statistics based on a sample (the number of simulations run) of an infinite population (the number of simulations that could be run).

What is an example of a simulation? ›

Some examples of computer simulation modeling familiar to most of us include: weather forecasting, flight simulators used for training pilots, and car crash modeling.

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