How Amazon Is Changing Supply Chain Management (2024)

The online retailer has quickly innovated its way to the top

How Amazon Is Changing Supply Chain Management (1)


Rick LeBlanc

Full Bio

Rick LeBlanc wrote about sustainability and supply chain topics for The Balance Small Business. He has been covering the pallet and packaging industries for 25 years.

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Updated on November 13, 2020

Fact checked by

Julian Binder

Fact checked byJulian Binder

Full Bio

Julian Binder is a fact checker, researcher, and historian. They were the recipient of the North American Studies Book Prize (2016, 2017), and they have previous experience as a research assistant. They have also worked as a writer and editor for various companies, and have published cultural studies work in an academic journal.

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Amazon has changed the face of retail through its use of bold supply chain strategies and the deployment of innovative technologies. The online retailer's history is one of rapid growth and relentless innovations. It's reshaping the supply chain and leaving competitors scrambling to catch up.

Rapid Growth

In 2004, 10years after Amazon was founded, its annual revenue was just under $7 billion. According to Statista, by 2018, revenue reached almost $233 billion. In fact, Amazon is the fastest company to reach $100 billion in sales revenue, taking only 20 years. From its inception, Amazon has been growing approximately 20% per year. It grew by over 20% from 2018 to 2019. Currently, it enjoys nearly 14% of gross global e-commerce sales. Many believe Amazon is aiming for $1 trillion in yearly revenue. If you take Amazon’s roughly 20% yearly growth rate into the calculation, it should reach that goal by 2027.

Whether or not the company achieves that goal by then, its transformation from a simple online bookseller to the most formidable force in the retail industry is remarkable. One of the driving forces behind that transformation is its innovative and highly efficient supply chain. Amazon’s continuous efforts to deliver products to the customers in the shortest possible time are putting intense pressure on other retail industry giants across the globe and thus changing the way supply chain management works.

Game-Changing Delivery Strategy

Back in 2005, Amazon launched its Amazon Prime service. By paying an annual membership fee, customers received guaranteed two-day shipping on hundreds of thousands of products. The introduction of two-day delivery was the game-changer that established the dominance of Amazon in the online retail industry. When many other retailers started to catch up by offering their own free two-day shipping, Amazon tipped the playing surface again by offering a one-hour delivery with its Amazon Prime Now service (which it has since changed to a free two-hour delivery). The company has always made life difficult for its major competitors with its innovative strategies.

Advanced Supply Chain Management Practices

Amazon enjoys a cult following. It is afavorite choice for customersdue to one crucial reason: quick and efficient supply chain management. The combination of sophisticated information technology, an extensive network of warehouses, multi-tier inventory management, and excellent transportation makes Amazon’s supply chain the most efficient among all the major companies in the world. Those efficiencies have made the current shop-from-home world possible.

Outsourcing Inventory Management and Insourcing Logistics
Amazon’s supply chain heavily depends on the outsourcing of its inventory management. Products that are infrequently ordered are not stored in regular Amazon warehouses. It may come as a surprise to you that third-party sellers are behind over 50%of Amazon’s sales. That amounted to over 3.4 billion products sold by third-party sellers in one year according to a May 2020 Amazon Report.

Amazon’s two-hour or same-day shipping is possible due to its dependence on its own logistics. Amazon understands too well that depending on third-party logistics to deliver these orders would just lengthen the product delivery time. That’s why Amazon mostly uses its own delivery vehicles for same-day or one-hour delivery options.

Delivery Options for Customers
Amazon has different warehouses for different kinds of products and customer preferences. Prime delivery, one-day delivery, first-class delivery, and free super-saver delivery are some of the common delivery options available to Amazon customers. Amazon’s continuous efforts to meet every customer's delivery preferences make it a logistics giant.

Push-Pull Strategy for Supply Chain Success
Amazon’s own warehouses are strategically placed and stocked, moving closer and closer to main metropolitan areas and city centers. As a result, it uses a pure push strategy for the products it stores in its warehouses, forecasting demand for the specific region. On the other hand, it uses a pure pull strategy when it sells the products from third-party sellers, using more of an order-by-order fulfillment model.

Classes and Zones
Amazon boasts 110 fulfillment centers in North America and almost 800,000 employees. To make good on increasingly fast delivery promises, the company has positioned many new warehouses in proximity to local urban markets. (Walmart's online strategy in China now similarly makes use of a closer-to-the-customer fulfillment model, operating a network of mini-warehouses.)

The location, size, and number of warehouses are important factors in Amazon’s supply chain success. Its warehouses are divided into five storage areas. Its library prime storage stores books and magazines. Next, its pallet prime storage stores full-case products that have very high demand. Next, case flow prime storage stores high-demand products picked in less-than-case quantities. Its reserve storage accommodates irregularly shaped and low-demand products. Finally, its random storage area stores smaller, moderate-demand items.

In 2012, Amazon acquired a provider of automated and robotic warehouse solutions called Kiva Systems. And in 2015, that company was rebranded as Amazon Robotics. The robots of Amazon Robotics can pick and pack without needing any human assistance, enabling Amazon to complete warehouse activities incredibly quickly. Amazon has increased its army of warehouse robots at a rate of almost 35,000 per year since 2015. As of 2020, Amazon had more than 45,000 warehouse robots and counting.

To date, Amazon’s robotics have been aimed at bringing goods to people for the picking of orders. The next generation of robots will see them picking as well as packing orders on their own to reduce the need for human workers.

While Amazon has been increasing its army of robots in its warehouses, other online retailers were initially slow to follow. Now, however, robots are catching on both domestically and abroad in large facilities and smaller islands of automation within existing facilities. Autostore is an example of a robotic automation provider that can accommodate such islands of automation.

Supply Chain Cost
Due to the huge economies of scale and a bundle of industry-leading supply chain strategies, Amazon has been able to keep its overall per unit supply cost to a bare minimum. As a result, it has been difficult for other companies with far lower sales volumes and only their own warehouses to compete.

Drones: The Supply Chain of the Future

In 2013, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos announced that his company was developing a drone-based delivery system called Amazon Prime Air that would be delivering products under five pounds in locations within 10miles of Amazon’s fulfillment centers within just 30 minutes or less. There are, of course, many hurdles to overcome to realize this dream. But Amazon is keeping at it. As of November 2017, it announced the development of a drone that would self-destruct during flight, if required, to keep people safe.

Research and regulatory compliance updates continue, but there is no concrete date yet for the official flight of Amazon's drones. Still, developing the drone-based delivery system is a major indicator that Amazon is doing everything possible to leverage all of the latest supply chain technologies to maintain its place as the clear market leader.

Manufacturing Sector

Amazon is not just a retail giant anymore. It now produces a wide variety of products including batteries, backpacks, Bluetooth speakers, iPhone chargers, dog poop bags and more. Its product manufacturing arsenal continues to expand to include more and more categories.

Amazon understood that it could produce many of the third-party products it is selling to customers at much lower prices. The company's high volume naturally lends itself to low-cost production. As a result, the manufacturing sector of Amazon is making it financially stronger while grabbing market share from many manufacturing companies. This manufacturing support for its retail operations provides Amazon with an important revenue growth opportunity.

The Bottom Line

The rate of Amazon’s innovations in supply chain management has been mesmerizing, making it difficult for lower-volume competitors to keep up. Amazon is forcing its major competitors to invest more in supply chain automation, lessen the overall product delivery time, increase the number of warehouses, and even engage in product manufacturing.

Its acquisition of Whole Foods is also a bold declaration of its move to embrace brick-and-mortar retail, and further emphasizes the convergence of traditional retail and e-commerce strategies. Most importantly, Amazon’s unique supply chain strategies and continuous technological innovations have already changed the way supply chain management works. With impending advances in robotics, drones, and other autonomous vehicles, one can only guess what innovations are next for Amazon.

How Amazon Is Changing Supply Chain Management (2024)


What is one of the keys to Amazons successful supply chain management? ›

A big part of Amazon's success lies in its expert warehousing strategy, which ensures products are easily accessible from pretty much everywhere in the world. All the company's warehouses are strategically placed near big metros and population hubs, and inventory is spread amongst them to ensure supply can meet demand.

How have Amazon used the drivers to improve their supply chain? ›

The combination of sophisticated information technology, an extensive network of warehouses, multi-tier inventory management, and excellent transportation makes Amazon's supply chain the most efficient among all the major companies in the world. Those efficiencies have made the current shop-from-home world possible.

Which of these technologies is Amazon using to improve it's supply chain credibility? ›

Solutions built using AWS services, such as Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon Forecast, provide the end-to-end visibility today's supply chains need to track and trace their entire production process with unprecedented efficiency”.

What are the main elements of a supply chain for Amazon? ›

Two main elements of the Amazon Supply Chain

When it comes to Amazon's supply chain, there are two main elements critical to its success – Amazon Fulfilment Centers and the Amazon Delivery Fleet.

What makes Amazon's strategy today so successful? ›

3 core factors of Amazon Success: Selection, Price & Delivery. Amazon tools called Buy Box and Prime. Amazon Flywheel concept. and even more.

Does Amazon have supply chain issues? ›

Amazon businesses of all sizes reported experiencing supply chain-related challenges during 2021. This included 94% of large brands selling their products on Amazon, 93% of ecommerce brand management agencies, and 74% of small first- and third-party Amazon businesses.

How can supply chains be improved? ›

Use technology to improve the supply chain. Review all the existing processes that are producing mediocre results. Determine the areas where implementing technology could improve the processes. The right technology like industrial scales can make the supply chain streamlined, visible and accessible.

Which strategy is used by Amazon? ›

The business strategy of Amazon consists of focusing on investing in technologies, enhancing its logistics applications, improving its web services by fulfillment capacity, M&A strategy, R&D activities in logistics, experimenting with Fintech, and securing its inventions using patents.

What strategies has Amazon used to increase its sales? ›

How to Increase Sales on Amazon – 9 Pro Tips For 2020 And Beyond
  • Perform Keyword Research. ...
  • Write Great Product Listing Content. ...
  • Use a Wide Variety of High-Quality Imagery. ...
  • Use an Automatic Repricing Tool. ...
  • Provide Plenty of Social Proof. ...
  • Generate Traction with Amazon's PPC Program. ...
  • Drive External Traffic to Your Amazon Listing.
18 Aug 2021

What is the one emerging technology is the key to Amazon's future success? ›

Amazon's Jeff Bezos stunned investors recently when he revealed that one emerging technology is the key to Amazon's success. would be 35 Amazons.” Wired sys it is the ”Rocket Fuel of the AI.” The best part is it's one remarkable company dominating this exploding market.

Is Amazon the biggest supply chain? ›

Amazon has one of the biggest and most efficient supply chain operations globally. While the basic model has remained the same since its inception, it has adopted newer technologies over the years to streamline its operations and improve its efficiency.

How has technology improved supply chain management? ›

Technology reduces labor costs by streamlining data-capture and reducing error-prone manual processes. Access to real-time, up-to-date information across the entire supply chain is having a significant impact on how companies are doing, and expect to do business.

What are the strategies Amazon is using to become the biggest giant in logistics? ›

Push-Pull Strategy for Supply Chain Success

Amazon's own warehouses are strategically placed and stocked, moving closer and closer to main metropolitan areas and city centers. As a result, it uses a pure push strategy for the products it stores in its warehouses, forecasting demand for the specific region.

What are the five most important factors of supply chain management? ›

Supply chain management has five key elements—planning, sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, delivery, and returns.

What are the challenges of Amazon in deliveries? ›

What Are Amazon's Top Challenges for Deliveries? Ensuring Supply Is Sufficient for Demand. Incorrect forecasting of demand typically results in dissatisfaction among consumers. Preparing Resources for More Deliveries.

Why is Amazon so successful conclusion? ›

One of the reasons why Amazon is so successful is due to its customer-focused approach. In every step of the buyer's journey, no time is wasted: customers are given what they want right away.

What is Amazon's main competitive advantage? ›

Range, price and convenience are placed at the core of Amazon competitive advantage. The global online retailer operates with a razor thin profit margin and succeeds due to a combination of economies of scale, innovation of various business processes and a constant business diversification.

What makes Amazon different from its competitors? ›

Amazon offers its consumers greater ease of use over other retail e-commerce web-sites. It's superior search and query, recommendations based on past purchases, one-click ordering at check-out, multiple consumer reviews and ratings, and most recently dash buttons for automatic re-ordering are key differentiators.

What is Amazon's biggest threat? ›

Rising PPC Costs Are Your Biggest Threat

Rising PPC costs are the biggest existential threat to your Amazon business and by knowing your Total ACoS you can easily figure out the impact on your bottom line. That's why it's so powerful.

What are the main causes of the supply chain issues right now? ›

Supply chain problems emerged during COVID-10 lockdowns due to shifts in demand, labor shortages and structural factors. Evolving geopolitical factors are now causing new risks and pockets of stress. Affected sectors include metals and mining, chemicals, automotives, semiconductors and technology.

What is the biggest problem in supply chain? ›

the three critical challenges facing global supply chains: labor shortages, equipment availability, and the ripple effect of global bottlenecks. how companies are navigating a climate of persistent unpredictability.

How do you solve a supply chain shortage? ›

How to Handle Supply Chain Shortages
  1. Assess your own supply chain. ...
  2. Search for alternate materials. ...
  3. Notify your customers of delays and shortages. ...
  4. Stay on top of your inventory management. ...
  5. Add a waitlist option to your store. ...
  6. Adjust pricing as necessary. ...
  7. Reduce waste. ...
  8. Have an emergency stock and work ahead.
5 Jan 2022

How can supply chain problems be resolved? ›

Tips to overcome supply chain challenges.
  1. Meet customer expectations with supply chain diversification. ...
  2. Have enough stock when demand is increasing. ...
  3. Navigate unexpected challenges. ...
  4. Avoid overselling and overpromising. ...
  5. Anticipate manufacturing and supplier delays.

What factors are important for improving supply chain? ›

The major factors identified as supply chain structure, inventory control policy, information sharing, customer demand, forecasting method, lead time and review period length. The optimum selection of parameters of these factors improves the supply chain performance.

What is the main objective of Amazon? ›

Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth's most customer-centric company, Earth's best employer, and Earth's safest place to work.

What is Amazon's main aim? ›

Amazon's mission statement is: "To serve consumers through online and physical stores and focus on selection, price, and convenience."

How do you think Amazon could improve its brand perception? ›

They sold products on Amazon, and they began working with Amazon Ads to help increase brand visibility and drive discovery with potential customers. They started by using Sponsored Display ads, a self-service solution that helps reach relevant audiences on and off Amazon.

How does Amazon increase sales of new products? ›

9 Simple Tips for Boosting Sales on Amazon
  1. Be a Resource. ...
  2. Get Help from Influencers. ...
  3. Try a Sponsored Products Campaign. ...
  4. Drive More Reviews. ...
  5. Optimize for Search. ...
  6. Create an Unmatched Buying Experience. ...
  7. Write Winning Product Descriptions. ...
  8. Leverage Video.

How does Amazon measure customer satisfaction? ›

Amazon focuses on one simple measure of customer service quality: helpfulness. They regularly interacts with customers through non-intrusive and easy-to-use satisfaction surveys. The surveys are an effective tool for building sales and turning customers into loyal enthusiasts.

What is Amazon's success based on? ›

Culture of Innovation

Finally, Bezos himself would argue that the main reason why Amazon is so successful is that they have a culture of innovation that allows employees to create without fear of failure.

What are Amazon's three big ideas? ›

According to Amazon Founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, “The three big ideas at Amazon are long-term thinking, customer obsession, and a willingness to invent,”. With that mentality, he pioneered new industrial sectors and changed the ordinance of commerce.

Does Amazon have a positive impact? ›

Amazon has created more jobs in the past decade than any U.S. company, and we have invested more than $530 billion in the U.S. over the last decade. Beyond our own workforce, Amazon's investments have supported nearly 1.6 million indirect jobs in fields like construction and hospitality.

What company has the most efficient supply chain? ›

High-tech leader Cisco Systems maintains its hold on the top spot for the third consecutive year, followed by Schneider Electric and Colgate-Palmolive in second and third. Here's what sets them and other top organizations apart.

Does Amazon use a push or pull strategy? ›

Amazon's warehouses are strategically placed, moving closer and closer to main metropolitan areas and city centers. As a result, it uses a pure push strategy for the products it stores in its warehouses based on the downstream demand forecast.

How does Amazon communicate with their suppliers? ›

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. For decades, retailers and their suppliers have communicated via email with spreadsheets, PDFs and other documents as attachments in those emails.

How technologies will change supply chain in the future? ›

Technological advancement will work as a catalyst in digitizing supply chain management, bring about changes in the existing system of delivering products and services, and overhaul the process of generating and sharing data across a more diverse set of functions.

What is the future of supply chain management? ›

The Future of Supply Chain

Leading supply chains are innovating and adopting more technological solutions that improve visibility, data quality, carrier relationships, and more to optimize their global supply chain's Transportation Spend Management to prepare for the changes of the future.

How the modern supply chain is evolving? ›

The modern consumer's expectations are increasing inline, and sometimes ahead of commercial and operational advancement. The increase in impulsive demand for same and next day deliveries has established a demanding standard that puts a new kind of stress on companies.

Why is Amazon so good at supply chain management? ›

The combination of sophisticated information technology, an extensive network of warehouses, multi-tier inventory management, and excellent transportation makes Amazon's supply chain the most efficient among all the major companies in the world. Those efficiencies have made the current shop-from-home world possible.

Why is Amazon's supply chain the best? ›

A big part of Amazon's success lies in its expert warehousing strategy, which ensures products are easily accessible from pretty much everywhere in the world. All the company's warehouses are strategically placed near big metros and population hubs, and inventory is spread amongst them to ensure supply can meet demand.

Which of these technologies is Amazon using to improve it's supply chain credibility? ›

Solutions built using AWS services, such as Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon Forecast, provide the end-to-end visibility today's supply chains need to track and trace their entire production process with unprecedented efficiency”.

How can supply chain efficiency be improved? ›

How to improve supply chain efficiency in 7 steps
  1. Step 1: Expand your supply chain visibility. ...
  2. Step 2: Develop a good relationship with your suppliers. ...
  3. Step 3: Automate your supply chain processes. ...
  4. Step 4: Implement supply chain software. ...
  5. Step 5: Cultivate supply chain experts.
1 Mar 2021

What key steps should companies take to achieve the greatest benefits from supply chains? ›

  • Step 1: Planning. Planning is the first step in every supply chain management process. ...
  • Step 2: Sources. Identifying the most reliable raw material suppliers is the key step in establishing an efficient production process. ...
  • Step 3: Execution. This is a crucial step that shapes the existing plans.
20 Nov 2019

Does Amazon have a supply chain problem? ›

Amazon businesses of all sizes reported experiencing supply chain-related challenges during 2021. This included 94% of large brands selling their products on Amazon, 93% of ecommerce brand management agencies, and 74% of small first- and third-party Amazon businesses.

What are some of Amazon's weaknesses? ›

Amazon's Weaknesses (Internal Strategic Factors)

Imitable business model. Limited global market presence (limited penetration in developing markets) Limited brick-and-mortar presence.

What are some negative things about Amazon? ›

  • 2.1 Employee mismanagement.
  • 2.2 Opposition to trade unions.
  • 2.3 Warehouse conditions in the US.
  • 2.4 Warehouse conditions in the UK.
  • 2.5 Working conditions for delivery drivers.
  • 2.6 2018 workers strike.
  • 2.7 Stop BEZOS Act.
  • 2.8 Racial discrimination.

What is the key to effective supply chain management? ›

Focus on Efficiency and Sustainability

Finding efficiencies and ways to streamline processes by saving time, manpower, and money can be done with a mix of regular evaluation, paying attention to physical conditions on the ground, implementing automation of supply chain functions, and numerous other methods.

What are the success factors of supply chain management? ›

CSFs for SCM implementation
S.NoCritical success factorsRank
1.Top management commitment1
2.Long-term vision for survival and growth2
3.Focus on core strengths3
4.Devoted resources for supply chain4
9 more rows

What are the keys to a successful integrated supply chain? ›

Keys to success in supply chains

Keys to success are end-to-end transparency, real time availability of data, predictive analytics and high flexibility in the underlying IT systems.

What is the key of supply chain? ›

Supply chain management has five key elements—planning, sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, delivery, and returns. The planning phase refers to developing an overall strategy for the supply chain, while the other four elements specialize in the key requirements for executing that plan.

How can supply chain management be improved? ›

How to improve supply chain efficiency in 7 steps
  1. Step 1: Expand your supply chain visibility. ...
  2. Step 2: Develop a good relationship with your suppliers. ...
  3. Step 3: Automate your supply chain processes. ...
  4. Step 4: Implement supply chain software. ...
  5. Step 5: Cultivate supply chain experts.
1 Mar 2021

How can supply chain system be improved? ›

  1. OPTIMIZE COMPANY-OWNED INVENTORY. Check the quantity of the company-owned inventory. ...

How can supply chain quality be improved? ›

4 ways to optimize your supply chain to increase quality and reduce risk
  1. Implement automation solutions that support accuracy and efficiency. ...
  2. Integrate quality control measures into order fulfillment processes. ...
  3. Maintain a diverse base of suppliers and know their respective risk factors. ...
  4. Improve supply chain visibility.
4 Aug 2022

What are the three most important functions in supply chain management? ›

Procurement, storing, and delivery is the functions of supply chain management. All these are now done in a coordinated manner to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer experience.

What are the biggest challenges in supply chain? ›

the three critical challenges facing global supply chains: labor shortages, equipment availability, and the ripple effect of global bottlenecks.

What are the major challenges in supply chain? ›

The following are 2022's biggest supply chain challenges faced by product-based businesses from all over the globe.
  • Material scarcity. ...
  • Increasing freight prices. ...
  • Difficult demand forecasting. ...
  • Port congestion. ...
  • Changing consumer attitudes. ...
  • Digital transformation. ...
  • Restructuring. ...
  • Inflation.
17 Mar 2022

How do you achieve supply chain excellence? ›

Five Core Tenets of Achieving Supply Chain Excellence in...
  1. Embrace Customer Centricity. ...
  2. Differentiate Service Through Segmented Supply Chains. ...
  3. Design for Business Agility. ...
  4. Drive End-to-End Synchronization. ...
  5. Leverage Advanced Optimization.
19 Jun 2013

Can supply chain management succeed without process integration? ›

However, in many companies, management has reached the conclusion that optimizing the product flows cannot be accomplished without implementing a process approach to the business. The key supply chain processes stated by Lambert (2004) are : Customer relationship management. Customer service management.

Why is supply chain management so important? ›

The ultimate goal of effective supply chain management is higher profits through improved customer satisfaction and a lower cost of doing business. Profits are healthier when costs are controlled and reduced wherever possible. Operating costs go down when the costs of raw materials and production go down.

Why is supply chain important? ›

Accurate information about a supply chain saves companies money. It helps manufacturers and retailers produce and transport only what they can sell. This eliminates the unnecessary expenses associated with producing, insuring, and shipping inventory a company can't sell.

What is the main objective of supply chain management? ›

The basic objective of supply chain management is to ensure minimum cost and maximum efficiency in every aspect of handling of raw material, component parts and finished goods as they move from production centre to the final consumer.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.