Houses (2024)

Houses (1)


  • 1 House Information
  • 2 Fields
  • 3 Houses
  • 4 Population Cap Reached
  • 5 Sell the House
  • 6 Increase Town's Population

House Information[]

Town level 1 begins with one 'Cape Cod Cottage', two 'Chalet Bungalow' and one 'Conch House' by default, with a total population 60. After building new community buildings you can increase your population cap, and get a pending additional population which is a requirement for building new houses. Houses are unlocked depending on your level and maximum population. The number of people represents by how much your population is increased when building that house type. The population cap will increase by the people value shown on the house i.e. the Cape Cod Cottage will increase your population cap by +10 people (Houses (2) +10).
Building of the second 'Cottage' provides a reward of 1 T-cash.

Houses (3)

Current population: 3790
Population cap: 4000
Pending additional population: 210

Population is increased by building houses.The pending additional population is the difference between the population cap and the current population.Population cap is increased by completing community buildings.Total population is 43,245.


Fields are received once your population reaches the required amount. See the Fields page for further information.


Each house takes a required amount of time to be built. After it's completed, it becomes possible to get fields depending on the number of population added.

  • There are 36 types and 200 houses in total as of Township v21.0.0 (Max Population: 43,245)
    Note: Levels to unlock each house are listed below including the max number of houses which are in bold.
Order №House
Houses (4)
Houses (5)
Houses (6)
Houses (7)
Houses (8)
Houses (9)
Houses (10)
1 @ lvl 4
2 @ lvl 4
3 @ lvl 4
4 @ lvl 5
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (11) +5Houses (12) 51m5xp1
Houses (13)
Cape Cod Cottage
1 @ lvl 1
2 @ lvl 5
3 @ lvl 6
4 @ lvl 7
5 @ lvl 8
Houses (14) +10Houses (15) 10
(free for #1)
(except #1)
(0xp for #1)
Houses (16)
Chalet Bungalow
1 @ lvl 1
2 @ lvl 1
3 @ lvl 5
4 @ lvl 6
5 @ lvl 9
6 @ lvl 10
Houses (17) +15Houses (18) 15
(free for #1,2)
(except #1,2)
(0xp for #1,2)
Houses (19)
Conch House
1 @ lvl 1
2 @ lvl 7
3 @ lvl 11
4 @ lvl 12
5 @ lvl 104
6 @ lvl 110
Houses (20) +20Houses (21) 20
(free for #1)
(except #1)
(0xp for #1)
Houses (22)
1 @ lvl 8
2 @ lvl 9
3 @ lvl 13
4 @ lvl 14
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (23) +25Houses (24) 251h25xp1
Houses (25)
1 @ lvl 10
2 @ lvl 11
3 @ lvl 15
4 @ lvl 108
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (26) +30Houses (27) 601h30m30xp1
Houses (28)
Gablefront Cottage
1 @ lvl 12
2 @ lvl 13
3 @ lvl 16
4 @ lvl 17
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (29) +35Houses (30) 1052h35xp1
Houses (31)
1 @ lvl 14
2 @ lvl 15
3 @ lvl 16
4 @ lvl 18
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (32) +40Houses (33) 1603h40xp1
Houses (34)
Craftsman House
1 @ lvl 17
2 @ lvl 18
3 @ lvl 19
4 @ lvl 19
5 @ lvl 20
Houses (35) +45Houses (36) 2254h45xp1
Houses (37)
1 @ lvl 20
2 @ lvl 21
3 @ lvl 21
4 @ lvl 22
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (38) +50Houses (39) 3006h50xp1
Houses (40)
American Foursquare
1 @ lvl 22
2 @ lvl 23
3 @ lvl 23
4 @ lvl 24
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (41) +55Houses (42) 3857h55xp1
Houses (43)
Hall and Parlor House
1 @ lvl 24
2 @ lvl 25
3 @ lvl 25
4 @ lvl 26
5 @ lvl 108
Houses (44) +60Houses (45) 5408h60xp1
Houses (46)
1 @ lvl 26
2 @ lvl 27
3 @ lvl 27
4 @ lvl 28
5 @ lvl 29
Houses (47) +65Houses (48) 7159h65xp1
Houses (49)
1 @ lvl 28
2 @ lvl 30
3 @ lvl 31
4 @ lvl 32
5 @ lvl 108
Houses (50) +70Houses (51) 91010h70xp1
Houses (52)
Victorian Townhouse
1 @ lvl 29
2 @ lvl 30
3 @ lvl 33
4 @ lvl 34
5 @ lvl 44
Houses (53) +75Houses (54) 1,20012h75xp1 x 2
Houses (55)
Garden Apartments
1 @ lvl 31
2 @ lvl 35
3 @ lvl 37

4 @ lvl 39
5 @ lvl 90

Houses (56) +80Houses (57) 1,44016h80xp1 x 2
Houses (58)
1 @ lvl 32
2 @ lvl 33
3 @ lvl 36
4 @ lvl 38
5 @ lvl 40
6 @ lvl 42
Houses (59) +85Houses (60) 1,70018h85xp1 x 2
Houses (61)
Apartment Building
1 @ lvl 34
2 @ lvl 35
3 @ lvl 36
4 @ lvl 41
5 @ lvl 43
6 @ lvl 46
Houses (62) +90Houses (63) 2,25020h90xp1 x 2
Houses (64)
Housing Co-op
1 @ lvl 37
2 @ lvl 38
3 @ lvl 45
4 @ lvl 47
5 @ lvl 58
Houses (65) +100Houses (66) 3,00022h100xp1 x 2
Houses (67)
with a Garden
1 @ lvl 39
2 @ lvl 40
3 @ lvl 41
4 @ lvl 48
5 @ lvl 62
6 @ lvl 106
Houses (68) +110Houses (69) 3,85024h110xp1 x 2
Houses (70)
Regular High-Rise
1 @ lvl 42
2 @ lvl 43
3 @ lvl 45
4 @ lvl 49
5 @ lvl 50
6 @ lvl 52
7 @ lvl 54
8 @ lvl 56
9 @ lvl 59
Houses (71) +120Houses (72) 4,8001d2h120xp1 x 2
Houses (73)
with an Attic
1 @ lvl 44
2 @ lvl 46
3 @ lvl 47
4 @ lvl 48
5 @ lvl 49
6 @ lvl 51
7 @ lvl 53
8 @ lvl 55
9 @ lvl 57
10 @ lvl 60
Houses (74) +140Houses (75) 6,3001d4h140xp1 x 2
Houses (76)
Bright House
1 @ lvl 50
2 @ lvl 51
3 @ lvl 64
4 @ lvl 84
5 @ lvl 110
Houses (77) +150Houses (78) 7,5001d6h150xp1 x 2
Houses (79)
High-Rise with Tile
1 @ lvl 52
2 @ lvl 53
3 @ lvl 66
4 @ lvl 68
5 @ lvl 86
6 @ lvl 100
7 @ lvl 104
Houses (80) +190Houses (81) 9,5001d8h190xp1 x 2
Houses (82)
Block House
1 @ lvl 54
2 @ lvl 55
3 @ lvl 70
4 @ lvl 72
5 @ lvl 106
Houses (83) +230Houses (84) 11,5001d8h230xp1 x 2
Houses (85)
Modern High-Rise
1 @ lvl 56
2 @ lvl 57
3 @ lvl 74
4 @ lvl 88
5 @ lvl 96
Houses (86) +270Houses (87) 13,5001d10h270xp1 x 2
Houses (88)
Old House
1 @ lvl 58
2 @ lvl 59
3 @ lvl 60
4 @ lvl 76
5 @ lvl 78
6 @ lvl 100
Houses (89) +330Houses (90) 16,5001d10h330xp1 x 2
Houses (91)
Timber-Framed House
1 @ lvl 62
2 @ lvl 64
3 @ lvl 66
4 @ lvl 80
5 @ lvl 88
Houses (92) +380Houses (93) 19,0001d12h380xp1 x 2
Houses (94)
House With Towers
1 @ lvl 68
2 @ lvl 70
3 @ lvl 84
4 @ lvl 86
5 @ lvl 108
Houses (95) +420Houses (96) 21,0001d12h420xp1 x 2
Houses (97)
Residential Complex
1 @ lvl 72
2 @ lvl 74
3 @ lvl 76
4 @ lvl 82
5 @ lvl 108
Houses (98) +460Houses (99) 27,6001d16h460xp1 x 2
Houses (100)
Single-Family House
1 @ lvl 78
2 @ lvl 80
3 @ lvl 82
4 @ lvl 84
5 @ lvl 102
Houses (101) +520Houses (102) 36,4001d16h520xp2 x 2
Houses (103)
Apartment Complex
1 @ lvl 86
2 @ lvl 90
3 @ lvl 98
4 @ lvl 104
5 @ lvl 106
6 @ lvl 110
Houses (104) +580Houses (105) 46,4001d18h580xp1 x 2
Houses (106)
House with Balconies
1 @ lvl 88
2 @ lvl 98
3 @ lvl 104
4 @ lvl 106
5 @ lvl 108
Houses (107) +640Houses (108) 51,2001d18h640xp1 x 2
Houses (109)
1 @ lvl 90
2 @ lvl 96
3 @ lvl 98
4 @ lvl 100
5 @ lvl 102
Houses (110) +700Houses (111) 56,0001d20h700xp1 x 2
Houses (112)
1 @ lvl 92
2@ lvl 94
3 @ lvl 104
4 @ lvl 106
5 @ lvl 108
6 @ lvl 110
Houses (113) +760Houses (114) 61,0001d20h760xp1 x 2
Houses (115)
High-Rise With A Pool
1 @ lvl 92
2 @ lvl 94
3 @ lvl 96
4 @ lvl 100
5 @ lvl 102
6 @ lvl 110
Houses (116) +820Houses (117) 66,0001d22h820xp1 x 2

Population Cap Reached[]

Houses (118)

You will receive this message if you attempt to build a house when you do not have enough population. You will need to build more Community Buildings to increase your population cap before you are able to build the house.

Sell the House[]

Houses (119)

When you sell a house, you will only receive half the amount of the actual price of the house (same as when you sell decorations for example) and your population amount will decrease.

Population amount has impact on how many fields you have, however, your existing fields will not disappear even if you no longer have population for them. You will not be able to add new fields until your population reaches the required amount.

In addition to this, population has impact on whether you can build a particular factory or not.When you finish a Community Building, you get a message that your population has increased by x. Sometimes, you can't get to that amount of population by combining newly available houses so your factory development might be delayed for a couple of levels. In that situation, you can easily calculate which small house you need to sell in order to build bigger ones so your population increases by x.

Population also impacts the expansions.

Once you have built all the houses and have max amount of fields you can sell the houses you don't like. However, if new update comes with added fields or factories or expansions you will need to repurchase the houses.

Increase Town's Population[]

Want to expand faster? Then don’t forget to work on your town’s population!

  • Population cap is the maximum number of townspeople your town can have at the moment. Population cap is increased by completing community buildings.
  • Population is the current number of townspeople. Population is increased by building houses.
  • Each expansion requires a certain amount of tools, coins, and population.
Houses (120)

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You can visit the Community Portal to learn how to contribute. Your help is appreciated!

Houses (121)
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Building Navigation
Houses | Community Buildings | Factories | Farm Buildings | Decorations | Special Buildings

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Houses (2024)
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Article information

Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Last Updated:

Views: 5792

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.