Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (2024)

Hosting live successfully is a chance to connect!Here’s how to encourage even the quietest audience members to participate and create a lively discussion.

We’ve covered you with these 10 tips to turn your Live Q&A session (a Questions and answers session) into a huge success!

! The right audience participation app can boost engagement and energize your presentation. Here are some steps to host a free live Q&A session successfully, where you can guide the conversation and encourage insightful questions. Check out how to ask questions appropriately during your gatherings!

Table of Contents

  • Overview
    • #1 – Dedicate the time
    • #3 – Prepare a back-up
    • #4 – Use technology
    • #5 – Rephrase your questions
    • #6 – Announce beforehand
    • #8 – Use a moderator
    • #9 – Get anonymous
    • #10 – How to Ask Questions
  • Good Questions to Ask the Host After Presentation

Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (1)

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What does Q&A mean?Questions and Answers
Who started the first Q&A in the history?Peter McEvoy
How long should a Q&A session be?Under 30 minutes
When should I start a Question and Answer Session?After Presentation

What is a Q&A Session?

A Q&A session (or questions and answers sessions) is a segment included in the presentation, Ask me Anything or all-hands meeting that gives attendees the opportunity to voice out their opinions and clarify any confusion they have about a topic. Presenters usually push this at the end of the talk, but in our opinion, Q&A sessions can also be initiated at the beginning as a fantastic ice-breaker activity!

HR Management – How to Run a Great Q&A Session

Why Should You Host a Q&A Session?

A Q&A session lets you, the presenter, establish an authentic and dynamic connection with your attendees, which keeps them coming back for more. If they walk away feeling they’ve been heard and their concerns have been addressed, chances are that it’s because you nailed the Q&A segment.

10 Tips for an Engaging Q&A Session

Make your interactive presentations more memorable, valuable and personable with a killer Q&A session. Here’s how…

#1 – Dedicate more time to your Q&A

Don’t think of Q&A as the last few minutes of your presentation. The value of a Q&A session lies in its ability to connect the presenter and the audience, so make the most out of this time, firstly by dedicating more to it.

An ideal time slot would be 1/4 or 1/5 of your presentation, and sometimes the longer, the better. For example, I recently went to a talk by L’oreal where it took the speaker more than 30 minutes to address most (not all) of the questions from the audience!

#2 – Start with a warm-up Q&A

Breaking the ice with a Q&A lets people know more about you personally before the real meat of the presentation begins. They can state their expectations and concerns through the Q&A so you will know if you should focus on one particular segment more than others.

Make sure to be welcoming and approachable when answering those questions. If the audience’s tension is relieved, they will be more lively and a lot more engaged in your talk.

Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (2)

#3 – Always prepare a back-up plan

Don’t jump straight into the Q&A session if you haven’t prepared a single thing! The awkward silence and subsequent embarrassment from your own lack of readiness could potentially kill you.

Brainstorm at least 5-8 questions that the audience may ask, then prep the answers for them. If no one ends up asking those questions, you can introduce them yourself by saying “some people often ask me…”. It’s a natural way to get the ball rolling.

#4 – Use technology to empower your audience

Asking your audience to publicly announce their concerns/questions is an outdated method, especially during online presentations where everything feels distant and it’s more uncomfortable to talk to a static screen.

Investing in free tech tools can lift a great barrier in your Q&A sessions. Mainly because…

  • Participants can submit questions anonymously, so they don’t feel self-conscious
  • All questions are listed, no question gets lost.
  • You can organise the questions by most popular, most recent and ones you’ve answered already.
  • Everyone can submit, not just the person who raises their hand.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All

Grab a big net – you’ll need one for all those burning questions. Let the audience ask easily anywhere, anytime with this live Q&A tool!

Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (3)

#5 – Rephrase your questions

This is not a test, so it’s recommended that you avoid using yes/no questions, like “Do you have any questions for me?”, or ” Are you content with the details we provided? “. You are most likely to get the silent treatment.

Instead, try rephrasing those questions to something that will provoke an emotional reaction, such as “How did this make you feel?” or “How far did this presentation go in addressing your concerns?“. You’ll likely get people thinking a bit more deeply when the question is less generic and you’ll definitely get some more interesting questions.

#6 – Announce the Q&A session beforehand

When you open the door for questions, the attendees are still in the listening mode, processing all the information they just heard. Therefore, when they are put on the spot, they may end up being silent rather than asking a maybe-silly-or-not question that they haven’t had time to properly think out.

To counter this, you can announce your Q&A intentions right at the start of your presentation. This lets your audience prepare themselves to think up questions while you’re talking.

Protip 💡 Many let your audience submit questions at any time in your presentation while the question is fresh in their minds. You gather them throughout and can address them all at the end.

#7 – Hold a personalised Q&A after the event

Like I just mentioned, sometimes the best questions don’t pop into your attendees’ heads until everyone’s left the room.

To catch these late questions, you can email your guests encouraging them to ask more questions. When there’s a chance to have their questions answered in a personalised 1-on-1 format, your guests should take full advantage.

If there are any questions where you feel the answer would benefit all your other guests, ask for permission to forward the question and answer to everyone else.

#8 – Get a moderator involved

Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (4)

If you are presenting at a large-scale event, you’ll likely need a companion to help with the whole process.

A moderator can help with everything in a Q&A session, including filtering questions, categorising questions and even submitting their own questions anonymously to get the ball rolling.

In turbulent moments, having them read the questions out loud also lets you have more time to think about the answers clearly.

#9 – Allow people to ask anonymously

Sometimes the fear of looking foolish outweighs our urge to be curious. It’s especially true in larger events that the vast majority of attendees dare not raise their hand amongst the sea of onlookers.

That’s how a Q&A session with an option to ask questions anonymously comes to the rescue. Even a simple tool can help the shyest individuals come out of their shells and press interesting questions, using just their phones, judgment-free!

💡 Need a list of free tools to help with that? Check out our list of the !

#10 – Questions to Ask During a Q&A Session

Need ideas on good questions to ask a presenter after a presentation? Here are some good questions to ask a presenter after a presentation:

  1. Can you elaborate briefly on [specific point or topic] that you mentioned during your presentation?
  2. How does the information you presented today relate to or impact [relevant industry, field, or current events]?
  3. Have any recent developments or trends in the subject matter that you find particularly noteworthy?
  4. Could you provide examples or case studies that illustrate the practical application of the concepts you discussed?
  5. What potential challenges or obstacles do you foresee in implementing the ideas or solutions you presented?
  6. Are there any additional resources, references, or further reading materials you would recommend for those interested in diving deeper into this topic?
  7. In your experience, what have been some successful strategies or best practices for [related topic or goal] that you could share with us?
  8. How do you see this field or industry evolving, and what implications might it have?
  9. Is there any ongoing research or projects that you or your organization are involved in which align with the subject matter of your presentation?
  10. Could you highlight any key takeaways or actionable insights you want the audience to remember from your presentation?

These questions can help initiate a meaningful discussion, seek additional clarification or insights, and encourage the presenter to provide more in-depth information or personal perspectives. Remember to tailor the questions to the specific content and context of the presentation.

What are good questions to ask a presenter after a presentation?

Good questions to ask a presenter after a presentation depending on the specific topic and your interests, so let’s check out few options in general categories, as it could be effective questions to ask a presenter after a presentation

Clarification questions

  • Can you elaborate on [specific point]?
  • Could you explain [concept] in more detail?
  • Can you give an example of how this applies to [real-world situation]?

Deeper exploration questions

  • What are the challenges associated with [topic]?
  • How does this concept relate to [broader topic]?
  • What are the potential future implications of [idea]?

Action-oriented questions

  • What are the next steps for implementing this [idea]?
  • What resources would you recommend for learning more about this topic?
  • How can we get involved in this project/movement?

Engaging questions

  • What surprised you the most during your research on this topic?
  • What are you most passionate about in this field?
  • What is one piece of advice you would give to someone interested in learning more about [topic]

Boost Participation and Clarity with a Q&A Platform

Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (5)

Presentation pro? Great, but we all know even the best-laid plans have holes. AhaSlides’ interactive Q&A platform patches any gaps in real time.

No more staring blankly as one lonely voice drones on. Now anyone, anywhere can join the conversation. Raise a virtual hand from your phone and ask away – anonymity means no fear of judgment if you don’t get it.

Ready to spark meaningful dialogue? Grab an AhaSlides account for free💪

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Q&A?

A Q&A, short for “Question and Answer,” is a format commonly used to facilitate communication and exchange of information. In a Q&A session, one or more individuals, typically an expert or a panel of experts, respond to questions posed by an audience or participants. The purpose of a Q&A session is to provide an opportunity for people to inquire about specific topics or issues and receive direct responses from knowledgeable individuals. Q&A sessions are commonly employed in various settings, including conferences, interviews, public forums, presentations, and online platforms.

How to host a Q&A session?

Participants can ask questions about the subject matter or seek clarification on specific points. The individuals leading the session then provide their insights, expertise, or opinions in response to the questions. In an online context, Q&A sessions can take place through platforms that allow users to submit questions, which are answered either in real-time or later by the designated expert or speaker. This format enables a broader audience to participate and benefit from the knowledge-sharing process.

What is a virtual Q&A?

A virtual Q&A replicates the live discussion of an in-person Q&A time but over video conference or web instead of face-to-face.

Which is not a benefit offered by having a question-and-answer (Q&A) session during a presentation?

Time Constraints: Q&A sessions can consume a significant amount of time, especially if there are numerous questions or if the discussion becomes extensive. This can potentially impact the overall schedule of the presentation or limit the time available for other important content. If time is limited, it may be challenging to address all the questions thoroughly or engage in an in-depth discussion.

Hosting Live Q&A Session | 10 Tips To Success in 2024 (2024)


How do I host a successful Q&A? ›

To help you streamline the process we have compiled some tips tricks and advice!
  1. Hold a briefing session.
  2. Plan the time.
  3. Stick to the limit.
  4. Get a great moderator.
  5. Prepared questions.
  6. Notify the audience.
  7. Collect questions throughout.
  8. Don't start a debate.
Apr 27, 2023

What makes a good Q&A session? ›

Lead Q&A sessions that make your team feel heard

The best Q&A sessions are the ones where your audience walks away feeling like they've been heard and that you've addressed confusing or concerning issues. They also leave the host and the wider company with a new appreciation for connection, debate, and transparency.

How can I make my Q&A more interesting? ›

Democratizing discussion

Ask your audience to submit their questions ahead of time. Although you'll get some unrelated questions, this is a great way to go outside your own head and really figure out what your audience wants to know. Allow your audience to vote on the submitted questions.

Which of the following is a good practice while conducting a live Q&A session? ›

‍Confident and concise answers can go a long way. Remember to stay brief when you respond — don't let your answer turn into a speech. Tackle difficult questions gracefully: In a live Q&A session, anything can come up at any time.

How to structure a Q&A? ›

How can you write an effective Q&A section?
  1. Know your audience. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  2. Choose a format. ...
  3. Write clear and concise questions. ...
  4. Provide accurate and helpful answers. ...
  5. Use a friendly and professional tone. ...
  6. Review and revise your Q&A section. ...
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Aug 21, 2023

How do you introduce a Q&A session sample? ›

By far, the most impactful way to start a Q&A session is by inviting people to take some silence and come up with the question internally before they even ask it. You can actually… You know, the best way to avoid awkward silence is to create productive silence. And so, perhaps depending on your context, the best part…

What are good questions for a Q&A? ›

Here are some of our favorite questions in 2021:
  • What do you miss most about working in the office?
  • What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
  • What's your favorite book?
  • The pandemic is officially over and you can have one free ticket to anywhere in the world. ...
  • What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

How long should a Q&A panel be? ›

Length and panel size.

The ideal length for a panel discussion is 45 minutes to one hour. The ideal number of participants is 4-5, plus moderator. I tend to book five guests for many panels, on the assumption that one of them sometimes drops out at the last minute, leaving me with four.

How do you answer a Q&A session? ›

9 Tips for Handling a Q&A Session
  1. Be aware of hidden agendas.
  2. Be prepared. ...
  3. Be confident. ...
  4. Pause. ...
  5. Don't fidget. ...
  6. Answer the question. ...
  7. Confirm you answered the question. ...
  8. Don't get thrown off by the awkward question.
Feb 5, 2013

What is a good method of anticipating questions to prepare for a Q&A session? ›

Rehearse your presentation with trusted colleagues or friends, requesting a Q&A session. This helps pick out any inadvertent assumptions you may have made in your story. Ask yourself: if someone were to disagree with me, what would they say? Then prepare answering points for the possible oppositions you come up with.

What are three recommended guidelines for managing a question and answer session? ›

Familiarize yourself with the common questions and objections that may arise during your presentation. Research and anticipate the concerns of your audience to address them confidently and effectively. Practice your responses to challenging questions to ensure your answers are accurate, concise, and well-structured.

How do you manage Q&A during a webinar? ›

Edit Q&A options

Click the topic of your webinar. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Q&A tab. Click Edit to adjust the following settings: Allow anonymous questions: Check this option to allow participants to send questions without providing their name to the host, co-host, and panelists.

What is a good method of anticipating questions to prepare for a Q&A session quizlet? ›

One of the best ways to prepare for a Q & A session is to anticipate the questions you may be asked. According to the text, how should you anticipate questions? by analyzing your audience, thinking of possible questions those particular listeners might ask, and then rehearsing your answers.

How do you facilitate a Q&A on Zoom? ›

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Settings.
  3. Click the Meeting tab.
  4. Under In Meeting (Advanced), click the Q&A in meetings toggle to enable or disable it.
  5. If a verification dialog appears, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.