Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (2024)

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  • Homeschooling Statistics 2024

Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (1) Jessica Kaminski

reviewed by Jo-ann Caballes

Updated on June 21, 2024

All Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (2)

Table of Contents

    What is best for your child – public school or homeschooling? Full-time or part-time homeschooling? We know it’s a difficult choice to make because there are advantages and disadvantages to each type of education.

    In this article, we have compiled the main statistics about homeschooling, as well as comparative statistics about public school vs homeschool statistics. This will help you review all the important indicators for homeschooling, consider essential information about public schools, and make the right choice for your youngster.

    Before we get into all the details, we must first remember what homeschooling is.

    What is homeschooling?

    Homeschooling is an informal or semi-formal education system for school-age children. Learning takes place outside of school, or partially outside of school.

    That is, it can be that a child studies entirely at home with tutors or with parents as teachers, or a child attends school and has after-school lessons with a tutor at home in an online or offline format.

    Parents may choose to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons, such as personal educational philosophy, financial constraints, health risks, etc.

    Note: Before making the switch to full-time homeschooling, it is important to know your state's legal requirements. Some states have minimal or zero requirements, while others may ask for standardized testing or a portfolio review. Whatever the case, understanding the legal position will make your transition to a new educational system easier.

    Why parents choose homeschooling with Brighterly

    Thousands of parents choose homeschooling in the USA with Brighterly because here they can get the best math tutor for their child. The tutor is selected according to important characteristics of each student’s data – grade, level of knowledge, goals, possible ADHD or dyslexia, etc.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (3)

    Our professionals develop an individualized program based on this data about the student, also taking into account your wishes as a parent, and monitor the progress of each student so that at the end of the course the child is interested in the subject and has all the necessary knowledge for their age.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (4)

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    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (5)

    How many parents homeschool in the US

    Parents of more than 3.7 million children in the United States in 2024 are homeschooling, either partially or fully.

    Homeschooling statistics vs Public schooling statistics

    Below, you’ll find out why so many children in the United States in 2024 are homeschooled, what benefits their parents see, and why they refuse public schooling.

    Homeschooling vs Public Schooling Statistics

    Positive homeschooling statistics

    Only public schooling

    Higher academic performance. The average score for a homeschooler ranges from 65% to 75% (scores range from 1 to 99).Lower academic scores. The average score for a public school student is about 50% (scores range from 1 to 99).
    Personalized learning that motivates children. According to the NHERI (National Home Education Research Institute) Homeschool statistics, a clear advantage of homeschooling is the ability to adapt learning to each child.Such schools generally don’t have the advantage of personalization, and in addition, children in public schools may be exposed to negative peer behavior. 1 out of 5 students between the ages of 12 and 18 are bullied every year.
    About 15% of parents prefer homeschooling because they don’t think the public education system is of sufficient quality. At home, you can control and adjust the curriculum, choose your tutors, teach, and do everything to ensure your child learns in the best way.

    The quality of the information provided may vary across public schools, including due to budget, location, etc. Many countries are not spending enough on education and because of this, many children cannot get a quality education.

    According to data from Skillademia, more than 74% of parents choose homeschooling because they want religious or moral education.IES and NCES state that 25% of parents said safety was the primary motivation behind their decision to homeschool.

    General homeschooling statistics around the world

    In this section, we’ll explore the critical homeschool statistics for 2024 every parent needs to know:

    1. According to 2023 data from NHERI, more than 9 million American schoolers of all ages have been homeschooled at least once.
    2. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the homeschooling of more than 300 million students: During the pandemic, many parents were forced to take their children’s education into their hands, which led to a tremendous spike in the number of homeschooled students.
    3. 98% of homeschooled students participate in an average of 5 extracurriculars per week: Studies have shown that homeschooled students are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities than their peers in traditional schools. Thus, a large percentage of homeschooled students participate in up to 5 extracurricular activities.
    4. In 2020, there were up to 2.65 million homeschooled students, and in 2021 – 3.7 million.
    5. Although according to data from NHERI in 2022 there was a decline in the number of homeschooled children in the United States to 3.1 million, and in 2023 to 2.7 million, the number of students who partially or fully choose to homeschool again returned in 2024 to 3.7 million.

    These general statistics show that homeschooling will continue its steady upward trend in 2024 – 2025, even without another pandemic-induced spike.

    How many homeschoolers are in the USA?

    In 2024, the number of homeschoolers in the United States is already 3.7 million. The states with the largest number of homeschoolers are Alaska, North Carolina, and Nevada.

    Let’s take a closer look at the years when homeschooling was most popular and see how stable the growth in popularity of this type of education is.

    How many kids are homeschooled in the US? [2016 – 2021]

    Percentage of homeschooled students from 2016 to 2021 according to NHERI.

    Homeschooling statistics 2021

    Homeschoolers in 2020

    Homeschooling statistics 2019

    Homeschoolers in 2016

    3.7 million2.6 million2.5 million2.3 million

    According to the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), from 2016 to 2021, the growth rate of the popularity switching to homeschooling in the United States increased quite strongly – from 2.3 million in 2016 to 3.7 million children in 2021.

    The institute’s data also shows that from late March to early May 2022, 5.22% of all school-age children were homeschooled. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of homeschooling in those years (2016-2021) was 10.1%.

    As per the Census Household Pulse survey, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on homeschooling rates between March 2020 and the same month in 2021. Data from this survey show that the number of homeschooling households doubled during the pandemic.

    Homeschool rates by year: 2022 – 2024

    Percentage of homeschooled students from 2022 to 2024 according to NHERI, and Education & the Workforce.

    Homeschooling statistics 2024

    Homeschooling statistics 2023

    Homeschooling statistics 2022

    3.7 million2.7 million3.1 million

    In 2022, after the heat of the pandemic had died down, we saw a decline in the number of homeschooling children. The figures for 2023 show the same thing.

    But already in 2024, we see that the figure has risen again to the level of 2021, which tells us that the level of homeschooling popularity is still there, even after the pandemic, and is going to grow.

    States with the most homeschooling students in 2024

    • Alaska – 10.3
    • North Carolina – 8.6
    • Nevada – 5.7
    • South Dakota – 5.6
    • Alabama – 5.5
    • Indiana – 5.0
    • Montana – 4.7
    • Florida – 4.6
    • Georgia – 4.1

    Which state has the most homeschoolers

    According to the latest percentage of homeschoolers by state data from Edchoice, the top 3 states with the highest number of homeschoolers are Alaska, North Carolina, and South Dakota.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (6)

    While more than 10% in Alaska and almost 9% in North Carolina prefer this kind of educational choice, in other states, it is from 4 to 6% in general. This is a good indicator, but as we can see from the Edchoice data, traditional public schools are leading the way among other educational choices, and this is quite reasonable because some states have strict rules for the right to switch a child to homeschooling, such as Washington.

    Percentage of homeschoolers 2024 vs Traditional Public School

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (7)

    Because of the strict rules, in particular, in Washington, the rate of homeschooled students is only 2.4, not 10 as in Alaska.

    It’s easier to set up homeschooling in Alaska. There, parents of students aged 7 to 16 who wish to homeschool are not required to notify the state of Alaska of their intention. The homeschooling law doesn’t require any special qualifications, number of hours of instruction, or curriculum from parents. Parents can choose to homeschool their child with the help of a tutor or a private school, but these options have different requirements.

    But as you can see in the table, it is difficult to find at least one state where there are no homeschooled children, which means a lot of US families are choosing this method of education. Why? Let’s take a look below 👇

    Reasons to homeschool in 2024

    1. Safe Environment
    2. Homeschool Success Rates
    3. Religious Education
    4. Personalized Education Program
    5. Flexibility in the Schedule

    Statistics for homeschooling: reasons for choosing

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (8)

    Note: Here are major reasons for switching to partial or full homeschooling according to homeschooling stats from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and our experts from 2022 to 2024. Read more about each reason below.

    Safe environment for schoolers

    According to homeschooling statistics, 80% of parents said that the main reason for homeschooling is concern about a safe environment.

    Although traditional schools are at the pinnacle of academic learning, it’s hard to say that they’re completely safe for all kids. More often than not, kids get bullied or harassed by their peers and even academic staff. In some cases (such as with special needs children), they may not get all the support they need from school.

    This explains why many parents choose to take matters into their own hands by homeschooling their kids. With homeschooling, you can ensure your child’s safety and create a safe space for them to learn.

    Homeschool success rates

    About 72.6% of parents mentioned the poor academic quality and teachers’ approaches in public schools as the primary reasons for homeschooling.

    Dr. James A. Barham, an education expert and the Senior Vice President of Academic Influence:

    “Many parents are concerned about the quality of education in traditional schools.”

    Standardized testing has narrowed the curriculum and forced teachers to teach to the test. This means less focus on critical thinking, creativity, and social-emotional learning. Studies show that homeschooled students often excel in these areas. I've seen this firsthand when homeschoolers later enroll in advanced college prep courses. These students are independent thinkers who thrive in a self-directed learning environment.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (9)

    Dr. James A. Barham

    Senior Vice President of Academic Influence

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (10)

    Homeschool success statistics

    According to the study of success in adulthood and college in the publication “A Systematic Review of the Empirical Research on Selected Aspects of Homeschooling as a School Choice,” one block can be highlighted:

    Eleven of the 16 (69%; studies on success into adulthood and college) showed positive outcomes for the homeschooled compared to those in conventional schools. One study found positive outcomes for conventional school students compared to homeschooled students. Finally, four of the studies found no significant difference between those from homeschool backgrounds and the others from institutional school backgrounds.

    Homeschool success statistics: for individual academic subjects

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (11)

    Religious education

    According to the homeschooling statistics, 58.9% of the answers were in favor of religious education.

    1. Many parents chose to educate their kids at home because they wanted to provide and integrate religious instruction into their child’s curriculum.
    2. For some children, such as Muslims, their religion requires them to pray several times a day. In most public schools for children aged 6 to 12, there is no place where a child can spread a prayer carpet.
    3. Some religious private schools can be very expensive or located far from home. So in such cases, homeschooling may also be preferred.

    Personalized education program

    Another 23.1% said that the reason for homeschooling was the child’s special needs, and 15.6% of parents said that the child had a physical or mental problem. This can be about all sorts of things, from health and emotional state to the child’s individual goals. Unfortunately, most public schools cannot boast of an individualized approach.

    So, these answers and the percentages of parents can be added up and give personalized learning a well-deserved figure in homeschooling stats – 38.7%.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (12)

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    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (13)

    Remember, traditional schooling may work for most parents, but it certainly has a few drawbacks. For instance, teachers in charge of large classes rarely pay special attention to each child’s specific learning needs. This causes many kids to lag in class, while their needs go unaddressed.

    Note: Every child learns differently. Unfortunately, conventional schools don’t recognize or cater to these differences. With homeschooling, you get to provide your child with the type of education they need. You can tailor lessons to meet their needs and fill any learning gaps.

    Abid Salahi, Co-founder of FinlyWealth, believes that in the duel between the advantages of public school vs. homeschool statistics, it is obvious that there are enough benefits of homeschooling, in particular, the ability to provide an individualized approach to learning:

    “One of the most significant factors behind parents choosing to homeschool by 2024 is their desire for a more customized education for their children based on their needs and learning styles.”

    The latest report from the National Home Education Research Institute found that 41 percent of homeschooling parents said frustration with academic instructions at traditional schools propelled their move to homeschooling.

    For example, here is a personal case. I am personally close friends with a woman whose son had severe dyslexia and could not learn in a traditional classroom environment. When they decided to homeschool him, the curriculum, pace, and methods used could be truly customized to his special needs, and they produced astounding results. His grades got so much better that his confidence had never been higher

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (14)

    Abid Salahi

    Co-founder of FinlyWealth

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (15)

    Flexibility in the schedule

    According to homeschooling stats from the National Center for Education Statistics, 34% of parents cited other reasons, including flexibility in the schedule.

    Unlike traditional schooling where you have to follow rigid rules set by the school, homeschooling is very flexible. As a homeschooling parent, you can make your own choices. You’ll be able to create your own curriculum and schedule. The best part? With homeschooling, learning isn’t limited to school hours.

    When your child homeschools, there’s less commuting time and more time spent at home. Generally, homeschoolers complete all their work earlier in the day, too.

    Walker Larson, a Literature Teacher at Providence Academy La Crosse:

    “Homeschooling education gives more time for family interaction and bonding.”

    Homeschooling education gives more time for family interaction and bonding, and just generally more flexibility in the schedule, allowing for the development of hobbies and the pursuit of worthwhile personal goals.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (16)

    Walker Larson

    Literature Teacher at Providence Academy La Crosse

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (17)

    Here you can watch the story of American commentator Brett Cooper, who studied at an online school and was part of the percentage of homeschoolers in the past. By the way, the first thing she mentioned among the advantages is flexibility, prioritizing learning in the direction of her strengths, and quality time spent studying and with parents.

    To summarize: Simply put, according to homeschooling statistics, the main reason why parents choose to homeschool is that they want to provide a safe learning environment for their children. In second place is dissatisfaction with the existing academic system, and religion is another major reason for homeschooling. More about the pros and even cons of homeschooling read here.

    Which grade has the most homeschoolers?

    According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the highest homeschooling occurrence is among students in grades 6 to 8. In 2012, the dominant homeschooling grades were 9-12. However, this trend has shifted in recent times.

    Here’s a breakdown of the overall age distribution:

    Grade Level or Equivalent

    Percentage of homeschoolers


    Percentage of homeschoolers


    Percentage of homeschoolers


    Grades 1 to 320%18%22%
    Grades 4 to 515%17%18%
    Grades 6 to 824%24%29%
    Grades 9 to 1229%31%22%

    In general, the grade distribution seems to be roughly even across all grade levels above kindergarten.

    48% of homeschooling households have three or more children

    Here’s an exciting statistic about homeschooling: up to 48% of homeschooling households have up to 3 or more children. About 33% of homeschooling households have 2 children, while only 19% have 1 child.

    While this data is mind-blowing, it puts an interesting perspective on the homeschooling concept. One may say that it’s easier to homeschool in a household with more than two kids since there’s already a higher focus on kids. Thus, the more kids you have, the more likely you are to go down the homeschooling path.

    3+ Children

    2 Children1 Child
    48% of households33% of households19% of households

    Similarly, NCES’ statistics for homeschooling data also show that 83% of homeschooled students live in two-parent households.

    The average cost of homeschooling

    Several studies and surveys have shown that homeschooling is significantly cheaper than public schools. According to Time4Learning, the average cost of homeschooling is between $700 – $1800 per child every year. This is significantly lower than traditional schooling which ranges between $1017.37 – $12,011.35 per year for public schools and $8787.37 – $19,781.35 for private schools.


    Homeschool rates 2024

    Curriculum$350 – $750
    Supplies & materials$150 – $300
    Field trips$100 – $250
    Extracurriculars$100 – $500
    Total$700 – $1,800

    Statistics on homeschooling: cost in states

    According to the data from Alaskawatchman, Homeschooler Pro, The Official State of Nevada Website, Home School Legal Defense Association, Phoenix Home ED, Great Homeschool Conventions, costs in states with the most homeschooling students look like this:

    Homeschool rates 2024 in AlaskaAround $2,000 per school year (Funds can be provided to parents)
    Price for homeschooling in North CarolinaAround $200 to $400 per school year
    Homeschool rates 2024 in NevadaAround $5,000 per school year (Funds can be provided to parents if they qualify for ETV)
    Price for homeschooling in South DakotaAround $300-500 per child per year
    Homeschool rates 2024 in AlabamaAround $50 to over $500 per student annually
    Homeschooling in IndianaAround $300–500 per student
    Homeschool rates 2024 in Montana

    More than $500 per school year

    Price for homeschooling in Florida

    Around $700 – $1,800 per student

    How much does it cost to homeschool in GeorgiaAround $500 and $2,500 per student

    Valerie de la Rosa, Educational Coach, Leader, Innovator:

    “Homeschool funds are a treasure. ”

    If parents use the funds wisely, they can find opportunities not afforded to public school students. My nieces have been able to experience many types of classes. My eldest niece has learned violin, fashion design, and robotics. She just joined a science team that builds lasers.
    College resume building. My eldest niece has a 4.87 GPA because she takes dual-enrollment courses at the local community college. She can take classes any time of day because of her flexible schedule.

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (18)

    Valerie de la Rosa

    Educational Coach, Leader, Innovator

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (19)

    Average income of homeschooling families

    1 in 3 homeschooling households has an annual income of over $100,000. According to NHERI’s studies and statistics on homeschooling:

    • 34% of homeschooling households have a combined annual income of over $100,000
    • 15% of homeschooling households have an annual income of $75,001 to $100,000
    • 21% of these households make between $50,001 to $75,000 each year

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (20)


    Homeschooling can be either full or partial. For the first option, parents need to familiarize themselves with the rules of switching to this education type in their state. Each state has its own requirements.

    Homeschooling has been on the rise in recent years and from all indications, this trend will continue in 2025. Homeschooling stats show that there are more than 3 million homeschooled children in the United States.

    Why do so many parents choose this education for their children?

    • They want personalized learning,
    • The child doesn’t waste time learning information they don’t need,
    • The learning program is focused on what the child is good at,
    • And safety.

    Whether it’s full-time homeschooling or part-time (there are online after-school classes, for example), at Brighterly, we can find the perfect math tutor for your child – according to their age, personal characteristics, and needs. Our tutors apply a personalized approach to each student and engage students’ interest in this academic subject through interactive lessons and qualifications.

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    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (21)

    Jessica Kaminski

    59 articles

    Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (22)Homeschooling Statistics 2024 in USA (23)

    Jessica is a a seasoned math tutor with over a decade of experience in the field. With a BSc and Master’s degree in Mathematics, she enjoys nurturing math geniuses, regardless of their age, grade, and skills. Apart from tutoring, Jessica blogs at Brighterly. She also has experience in child psychology, homeschooling and curriculum consultation for schools and EdTech websites.

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