Home Depot Call Out Policy In 2023: Everything You Need To Know As An Employee - 33rd Square (2024)

Feeling under the weather and need to call out from your shift at Home Depot? As one of the largest home improvement retailers in the US, Home Depot‘s call-out policy impacts hundreds of thousands of employees.

This detailed guide will walk through everything you need to know about calling out sick at Home Depot, from accrued sick time to disciplinary occurrences. I‘ll provide tips to manage your sick days, data on how Home Depot compares to competitors, and advice for avoiding pitfalls as a new or long-time employee.

Let‘s start with the basics.

How Do I Actually Call Out Sick From Home Depot?

When you wake up feeling too ill to make it into work, the first step is contacting your store manager to let them know you won‘t be coming in. Here are a few best practices:

  • Call the store directly – Don‘t just text or email. Speak to the manager on duty for that day.

  • Give as much advance notice as possible – Try to call out at least 2 hours before your scheduled shift. This gives the manager time to call in other associates to cover your shift.

  • Briefly explain the situation – Let them know you‘re sick and unable to work. You don‘t need to go into major details.

  • Request to use sick time – Ask the manager to apply any accrued sick leave you may have available to cover the hours you‘ll be missing.

  • Get confirmation – Before hanging up, verify the manager will be applying your sick time to your absence. Make a note of who you spoke with.

The more notice you can provide the better, as it prevents scrambling to cover shifts at the last minute. But even if you wake up feeling ill 30 minutes before your shift, it‘s still better to call out then show up sick or not show up at all.

Now let‘s look at how much sick time off Home Depot provides and how it accrues.

How Much Sick Time Do You Get Working At Home Depot?

One of the nicer parts of Home Depot‘s time-off policy is that they provide paid sick leave for both part-time and full-time employees. Here are the details on how sick time accrues:

For part-time employees:

  • You accrue 2 hours of paid sick leave for each month worked, after your first 30 days of employment.

  • The accrual rate may vary slightly by state based on local labor laws. For example, in California part-time workers earn 1 hour per 30 hours worked.

  • You can accumulate up to 24 hours of paid sick leave. Once you hit the 24 hour maximum, additional accrued time is paid out.

For full-time employees:

  • You earn 4 hours of paid sick leave per month worked, beginning after your date of hire.

  • The maximum amount you can have banked is 48 hours.

  • Any sick time accrued beyond 48 hours is paid out to you as a "Sick Time Bonus" on your pay check.

Here‘s a quick data table summarizing Home Depot‘s sick time accrual structure:

Employment StatusMonthly AccrualMax Balance
Part-Time2 hours24 hours
Full-Time4 hours48 hours

This paid sick leave can provide some welcome relief if you come down with a cold or need to miss work for a doctor‘s appointment. But what happens if you call out of work without having enough accrued sick time?

Consequences Of Calling Out Sick Without Enough Sick Time

While Home Depot provides paid time off for illness, the retailer also has an occurrence-based disciplinary policy in place for unexcused absences. Here is how it works:

  • If you call out sick without having sufficient paid sick leave accrued to cover the absence, you will receive an "occurrence" on your record.

  • After 3 occurrences, your manager will have a coaching session with you. This is meant to provide feedback and prevent further occurrences.

  • If you accumulate 6 total occurrences, the next step is a formal counseling session along with a written warning notice.

  • Once you reach 9 occurrences, you will receive a final warning that further issues may result in termination of your employment.

  • If you call out sick after already having 9 occurrences on your record, you risk immediate termination.

While 3 occurrences are allowed before any discipline, it‘s risky to make a habit of calling out without sick time. Here‘s a look at how quickly multiple call outs can snowball into potential firing:

  • Call out without sick time on Jan 1st: 1 occurrence
  • Call out again on Jan 15th: 2 occurrences
  • Call out again on Feb 1st: 3 occurrences (coaching session triggered)
  • Call out again on Feb 15th: 4 occurrences
  • Call out again on March 1st: 5 occurrences
  • Call out again on March 10th: 6 occurrences (counseling session and written warning)
  • Call out again on March 20th: 7 occurrences
  • Call out again on April 1st: 8 occurrences
  • Call out again on April 10th: 9 occurrences (final warning)
  • Call out again on April 20th: Termination

As you can see, it‘s possible to progress from no discipline to termination within 4-5 months of repeated call outs without sick time. So while Home Depot allows some flexibility, don‘t take advantage of the policy.

How Does Home Depot‘s Sick Leave Policy Compare To Other Major Retailers?

How does Home Depot‘s call out approach stack up against other major chains? Here‘s an in-depth look at how paid sick leave and occurrence based discipline compares across 5 top retailers:

RetailerPaid Sick Leave?Occurrence Based Discipline?Details
Home DepotYesYesUp to 9 occurrences before termination
Lowe‘sNoYesUp to 10 occurrences before termination
TargetYesNoNo discipline for call outs with sick time
WalmartYesYesUp to 9 occurrences before termination
CostcoYesNoNo set discipline policy

A few things stand out:

  • Home Depot is the only major retailer to offer paid sick leave AND an occurrence-based discipline policy. This makes their policy among the least flexible.

  • Target provides paid sick leave but does not issue disciplinary occurrences for call outs. Their policy is extremely flexible.

  • Lowe‘s has no paid sick leave, but still tracks disciplinary occurrences like Home Depot.

  • Costco is the most flexible – they offer paid leave and have no set disciplinary policy.

So why does Home Depot both provide sick pay AND occurrences? It comes down to balancing worker benefits with deterring excessive call outs that disrupt operations. But for employees, the dual policies can feel restrictive compared to Target and Costco.

Tips For Managing Sick Time & Avoiding Occurrences

If you want to make sure you don‘t end up on the fast track to termination, here are some tips for responsibly managing sick time:

  • Track your balance – Log into Workday regularly to see your available sick time. Don‘t let it catch you off guard.

  • Use sick leave only when truly ill – Don‘t fake illness or use up sick days unnecessarily. Make sure to save them for when you really need them.

  • Look for shift swaps – If you know you‘ll be out for an extended illness, see if a colleague can cover to avoid absences.

  • Communicate about extended needs – If you require multiple days off for a health issue, talk to your manager about possible Leave of Absence.

  • Review state laws – Some states have additional protections like Colorado‘s Sick Leave Law which gives employees additional leave for specific needs.

  • Get doctor notes – If you require recurring absences for chronic conditions, providing documentation can prevent occurrences.

  • Be honest about illness – Don‘t hide sickness and infect others. Calling out 1 day is better than getting written up for poor performance while ill.

Knowing these best practices can help new hires quickly get up to speed on keeping attendance strong.

Impacts of Calling Out Without Sick Time

Beyond disciplinary occurrences, not having enough sick leave can impact you and the company in other ways including:

  • Loss of wages from missed shifts

  • Impacts to benefits if hours drop below eligibility thresholds

  • Poor performance on shifts worked while sick

  • Inability to provide proper doctor care without paid time off

  • Burden on other employees to cover call-outs

  • Lower store productivity and sales goals from unplanned absences

  • Added stress of managing occurrences and job uncertainty

Be sure to weigh these consequences before calling out without accrued sick time.

Alternatives To Manage Extended Time Off Needs

If you need more than a day here and there for medical reasons, Home Depot does offer some extended leave options:

FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)

  • Provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected absence for medical needs or family care.

  • Available after 1 year of employment and 1,250+ hours worked.

ADA Accommodation

  • Provides reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities.

  • Accommodations may include leave flexibility or shift changes.

Personal Leaves of Absence

  • Allows longer term time off with manager approval for issues like family matters, medical treatment, etc.

Discuss these options with HR if you require more flexibility than sick days provide.

Implications For Part-Time vs. Full-Time Employees

It‘s also worth noting some key differences in how Home Depot‘s policy affects part-time compared to full-time staff:

  • Lower accrual rate – Part-timers earn just 2 hours per month, vs. 4 hours for full-time.

  • Lower max balance – The 24 hour max for part-timers provides less of a buffer compared to 48 hours max for full-time.

  • Fewer average weekly hours – With fewer shifts per week, each call out is a larger portion of hours missed.

  • Reduced benefits eligibility – Falling below average hours because of call outs can put part-timers at risk of losing benefits.

  • Increased hardship from lost wages – Missing shifts can be especially difficult for part-timers relying on every hour of income.

Part-time workers have less leeway in Home Depot‘s policy, so need to be extra diligent in tracking and budgeting sick time.

What To Do If You‘ve Been Terminated For Too Many Occurrences

Unfortunately, some employees do end up getting fired after too many call outs without sick pay. If this happens to you, here are a few options:

  • Appeal to HR – Explain your circ*mstances and need for absences. Provide any documentation. Ask for a second chance.

  • Consult an employment lawyer – If you feel you were wrongfully terminated, consider having an attorney review the situation. They can advise you on whether legal action is viable based on state law.

  • File for unemployment – You can apply for unemployment benefits from your state while job hunting if you were terminated through no fault of your own.

  • Learn from it – Reflect on what led to the occurrences so you can improve attendance in a future role.

With some planning and restraint, hopefully you can avoid termination entirely while working at Home Depot.

Key Takeaways On Calling Out Sick From Home Depot

Calling out from work when you‘re ill can feel stressful, but it‘s a reality we all deal with. Here are some final tips to keep in mind regarding Home Depot‘s policy:

  • Provide as much notice as possible when calling out to help management plan.

  • Understand accrual rates and max balances for sick time based on part-time vs. full-time status.

  • Be selective in using your limited sick days for true illness. Don‘t take advantage of the system.

  • Be proactive about swapping shifts or requesting extended leaves if you foresee multiple absences.

  • Avoid call outs without sick pay to prevent climbing the disciplinary occurrence ladder.

  • Know your rights and alternatives if you require long term or frequent accommodations.

While not the most flexible policy in retail, you can successfully navigate calling out at Home Depot by being informed. Now you have all the details needed to make smart decisions about sick leave!

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Home Depot Call Out Policy In 2023: Everything You Need To Know As An Employee - 33rd Square (2024)


How many attendance occurrences can you have at Home Depot? ›

If you are even a few minutes off on taking your scheduled lunch you'll get an attendance occurrence. (Or half of one, depending on how off you are in your timing.) Once you reach 10 occurrences, which would only take about 2-3 weeks at most of being off on your lunches, you get fired.

How many no call no shows can you have at Home Depot? ›

It's called job abandonment. Usually 3 no call no shows in a row and the company, any company, considers that you quit, which you did by not showing up to work.

How many points can you get at Home Depot? ›

For every $1 you spend with The Home Depot, you earn 2 Pro Referral points that are exchanged for leads. You can view your points in the Pro Referral mobile app or on your Pro Referral account online. Pro Tip: Shop at The Home Depot regularly to keep a positive points balance.

How do I make an anonymous complaint to Home Depot? ›

If you are faced with a situation where you think our Company values or compliance with the law may be in question, you should bring this to the attention of your immediate manager or supervisor, your Human Resource partner, Corporate Compliance, or, if you prefer, you may anonymously report your concern through THD ...

How many absences are unacceptable? ›

As every company is different, there is no universal guideline for how many days off is considered excessive absenteeism. But a good definition would be 3 or more unexcused occurrences in a 90-day period. In general, companies should strive for a 1.5% absenteeism rate from their employees.

What is the absence and lateness policy? ›

Employers should have a policy that covers unauthorised absence and lateness so that they can: make clear to employees what counts as unauthorised absence. handle unauthorised absence and lateness in a consistent way. set out what happens to an employee's pay when they do not turn up for work or they're late.

What is protected when calling out? ›

Employers are also forbidden from discrimination or harassment that are based on certain requests by the employee. These include: Requesting a leave to care for their own serious health conditions. Asking for time off to care for an immediate family member's serious medical condition.

Can I get fired for one no call no show? ›

Typically, a worker is not automatically fired for a no call, no show. It is considered an unacceptable excuse for not showing up to work, but keep in mind, not all employee no-shows signal job abandonment. Often employees miss shifts due to serious illness or a death in the family.

How many no-shows until you get fired? ›

While the number of allowed no-call no-shows varies on company policy, most employers permit two to three before considering termination to ensure fairness. In the workplace, attendance is crucial for maintaining productivity and ensuring the smooth operation of daily tasks.

How much is Home Depot bonus payout? ›

Distribution of Profits to Employees

The average base salary for Home Depot employees is roughly $15,01. Bonuses range between $225 and $22,500; averaging at around $1,512 - as reported by Payscale.

Does Home Depot have a probation period? ›

The Home Depot - If you make it past your 90 day probationary period it's a miracle. Glassdoor.

How many write ups can you get at Home Depot? ›

How many times can you call out for valid reasons while working at Home Depot before you get into trouble for it? You must be written up 4 times in order to get fired. So if each call was excepted as good reason and you didnt recieve a written complaint for it , then there is no set number of call ins.

Does Home Depot have people watching cameras? ›

And we use cameras and other technologies in our stores, in parking lots and at other facilities to learn about customer traffic and for fraud prevention, security, and asset protection. We collect information from Affiliates of The Home Depot.

Does Home Depot have facial recognition? ›

While Home Depot told Fight for the Future it did not use facial recognition as recently as 2021, its privacy policy now includes the use of facial recognition technology, and includes a broad range of entities with whom the company will share the data. Experimented with technology in the past.

Does Home Depot keep track of theft? ›

Theft has been a problem for stores in these areas

But Home Depot has a different solution - so-called 'computer vision'. In a nutshell, it is an array of cameras monitored by artificial intelligence-powered computers. Staff are then alerted by the computer if there is a risk of theft.

How many write ups before termination at Home Depot? ›

How many times can you call out for valid reasons while working at Home Depot before you get into trouble for it? You must be written up 4 times in order to get fired.

What is the attendance occurrence policy? ›

What is an attendance occurrence? An attendance occurrence is any documented instance when an employee was either late or absent for a scheduled shift.

What is the attendance policy in the workplace? ›

An attendance policy lists rules and guidelines to track, monitor and enforce employee adherence to scheduled work times. The goals of an attendance policy: Establish procedures for reporting absences and tardiness. Standardize requests for planned and last-minute time off.

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How many absences are allowed at Target? At Target, three absences or tardies in a 90-day period results in a Corrective Action.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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