HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (2024)

Protect houses in multiple occupation with HMO landlord insurance.

  • Cover available for bedsits, shared houses, student accommodation buildings and more

  • Multiple properties can be covered under a single policy

  • Cover for alternative accommodation

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Why choose HMO landlords insurance with Towergate?

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (10)

Loss of rent insurance

If your property becomes uninhabitable and your tenants have to move out due to an insured event such as fire, we will cover you for the loss of rental income.

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (11)

Cover for alternative accommodation

Protection for you and your tenants if disaster strikes

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (12)

Different tenant types covered

Includes professionals, students, DSS and more

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (13)

Pay by Direct Debit

We offer a quick and easy direct debit instalment scheme so you can spread payment over ten months.

About HMO landlords insurance

We can cover various types of HMO properties and tenants including unoccupied, students and local authority placements. You can compare prices a range of insurers so you get the right HMO landlord insurance for you.

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We have a range of buildings and contents insurance available to you via our panel with excesses as low as £100. We can cover for flood, accidental damage and fire, plus malicious damage (if required).

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (14)

What information do I need for HMO Insurance?

Make sure that you have an HMO licence in place and an up to date valuation of how much it will cost to rebuild the property. You will also need to confirm the number of tenants and whether there are cooking facilities in the bedrooms.

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (15)

Why houses in multiple occupation (HMO) need specialist insurance

If your property is classed as an HMO, under the terms of your insurance policy you will need to register the address as an HMO and obtain an HMO licence. If you don’t do this, your HMO insurance cover may be jeopardised. Beware of sublets too, the majority of insurers won’t cover this, so it’s worth keeping in touch with your tenants regularly so that they communicate any plans to sublet, with you.

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (16)

HMO building insurance

We provide a range of buildings cover to protect against a number of risks, including (but not limited to) theft, flood, escape of water, fire and storm damage. Risks posed by tenants, such as accidental and malicious damage can also be covered at an additional premium.

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (17)

HMO contents insurance

The contents you provide within the building can also be included. Communal areas such as hallways, receptions and shared living spaces may have furnishings provided by you. Just tot up the replacement cost of the items and include this in your HMO insurance quote. Your tenants’ contents will need to be protected under their own tenants' contents insurance policy, so you won’t need to worry about insuring their items.

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (18)

Insuring multiple properties

If you have more than one HMO building, or other properties you rent out, it may be cheaper to insure them on one policy. Not only might you save money, but you will only have one insurance provider to deal, one premium and just one renewal date. You can read more about this on our multi-landlord insurance page.

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When you need to make a claim, we'll guide you through the process and get your claim settled as quickly as possible.

  • Find your insurance documents and make sure you have all your information at hand, including your policy number.
  • Call the claims team on 0344 892 1384 and explain exactly what happened.
  • Provide photos if requested to help us understand what happened as quickly as we can.

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (19)

Ready to get covered?

  • Fill in our online quote form or call us
  • Select your insurer and price
  • Relax - You're covered!

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HMO landlord insurance FAQs

HMO landlord insurance is insurance for landlords who rent houses in multiple occupation. Terms are slightly different to those of a regularlandlord insurance policyand you will need to register the property as an HMO in order to get a HMO insurance policy. Thereafter, it’s very similar to a standard landlord insurance policy and can cover property owners' liability, risks to the building and risks posed by tenants.

The lease on HMO insurance properties is different and due to the number of people inhabiting the property, the address must be registered as an HMO residence. HMO insurance presents a considerably higher risk as there are multiple occupants, it requires that the premises must be the occupant’s main place of residence or used by students during term time.

The cost of landlord HMO insurance can vary considerably depending on the size of the building, number and of tenants, and more. Experienced landlords, like those who offer DSS property rental are likely to get a discount on Towergate policies and equally, if you have multiple properties, like a block of flats, we will usually be able to get you a better deal. Speak to the team to find out how we can help.

If one of your HMO tenants were to maliciously damage your property, you would need to have an additional cover in place to insure the damage. If malicious damage by tenants is something you are worried about, just ask your adviser for more information.

We can provide a range of landlords insurance policies, including for residential, commercial, mixed-use and multiple premises.

Read our article to find out which is best for you.

Landlords are responsible for building insurance, contents insurance and public liability insurance. Landlords can also benefit from additional policies such as rent protection, accidental damage and unoccupied property cover.

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Unfortunately, things don’t always go to plan, and landlord insurance can provide cover for a wide range of insured perils putting your property at risk. Core cover typically includes loss or damage caused by fire, lightning, aircraft, malicious damage, explosion, escape of water, storm or flood, impact, accidental damage or subsidence.

There are many reasons to protect yourself with landlord insurance, such as peace of mind or to meet contract requirements from banks or building societies specifying insurance cover against a loan or mortgage. In addition to the core insurance perils, property owner policies can include a range of different extensions. These are summarised below.

  • Damage caused to landscaped gardens by the emergency services
  • Loss of metered water as a result of damage caused by an insured peril
  • Disposal of wasp nests
  • Unauthorised use of electricity
  • Trace and Access
  • Damage to the building due to theft or attempted theft

Please note that the exact cover extensions and limits provided do vary between insurers, so it’s important to check the policy wording and speak to your advisor to ensure your demands and needs are fully identified and protected.

While landlord insurance is not a legal requirement, your mortgage lender may require that you do so. Also, the responsibilities in your tenancy agreement may be best served by an insurance agreement, especially to avoid putting your financial future at risk.

The cost of your landlord insurance will depend on many factors. Everything from the type of cover you need, to the property’s location, construction, occupation and values to be insured.

First, you’ll need to choose between building or contents insurance, or a combined landlord insurance including both buildings and landlord’s contents, before setting your specific levels of cover. The type and level of cover you opt for will have an influence on the cost of your insurance.

The size, style and even the roof of your property will also have an impact on how much you pay for your policy. No matter what kind of property you own, your insurance policy should include protection for the rebuilding costs at today’s prices and associated property owners’ liability. Remember, rebuilding costs can amount to far more than the market value of your property.

If the worst happens and your property is destroyed by a fire, you’ll need to allow for a variety of additional costs, including:

  • Debris removal
  • Site clearance
  • Architects and surveyors’ fees
  • Planning permission
  • Other legal and professional fees
  • The possibility that your VAT status may affect your building sum insured. i.e. do you include or exclude VAT in your rebuilding valuation?

Landlord insurance can cover you for loss of rent receivable while your property is uninhabitable, ensuring you still have money coming in until your tenants can move back in. Its important to consider the length of time it will take to fully rebuild the property and ready for full occupation once again. This period is called the maximum indemnity period, and you should take care when assessing this. The minimum period available for loss of rent is normally 12 months, but we recommend longer periods are arranged for at least 24 months, allow for unexpected delays that often occur. Specialist or listed properties can take even longer to rebuild, so it’s important to seek guidance from your surveyor and insurance advisor.

Your landlord insurance will also be affected by the tenants you’ll be welcoming. For example, if you’re going to be renting the property to a professional couple, you may well find that your cover is cheaper than if you’re planning on letting to a group of students.

Previous claims and the number of properties you insure will also influence the final cost of your insurance, together with any optional additional covers that you may wish to arrange e.g. home emergency cover.

Loss of rent insurance for HMO landlords is not designed as a rent guarantee. What it will do, is cover periods during which rent cannot be collected due to an ongoing claim on your policy. If damage has occurred to the property due to an insured peril, like a fire, and your tenants cannot inhabit the building while repairs are carried out, we may be able to cover the you for the rent you would have earned during this time. This is up to the value stated on your individual policy so please check your policy wording and speak with the team.

Whilst our online insurance portal offers suitable cover to a large proportion of our landlord customers, we always advise speaking to our advisers directly if you have anything out of the ordinary if you want specific cover for something or want to discuss ways to get cover even cheaper. We can often discuss lowering areas of cover you may not need, or want, or help you source a discount.

As a specialist broker, we pride ourselves on understanding our customers’ needs and finding them a policy that offers the most suitable landlord insurance, at the right price. However, sometimes this is best done over the phone.

Whilst it is not a legal requirement, the risks of not having landlords insurance are significant if something goes wrong. Some mortgage lenders will require that you take out landlords insurance before you invest in a buy to let property, and it can provide peace of mind that your property is protected.

Landlord insurance can cover you if your tenants damage your property, or if they suffer an accident on the premises.

Buy to let insurance can cover a range of tenancy types, including lets for professionals, students, DSS tenants, sub-lets and family lets. When you take out your policy, you may choose to add additional cover options too.

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Landlord insurance covers you for similar perils to those covered by a standard home buildings insurance. They are events such as fire, floods, escape of water, subsidence etc. As a landlord you will have additional needs such as cover loss of rent and alternative accommodation.

Other complimentary covers are also available for landlords, including home emergency and landlords legal expenses insurance.

These covers are available via our online quote system or from our team of advisors who will be able to discuss your requirements and find something that suits your needs exactly.

Every landlord is different, and there are a variety of insurance products to choose from, depending on whether you are a commercial or a residential landlord or a mix of both, or if you own a single property or multiple properties.

For a landlord with a property portfolio, we can arrange a single policy to cover all properties. Saving you time on administration with a single renewal date and an one annual premium. It's very flexible, as adjustments can be made at any time to add or delete properties.

A further benefit of most buildings insurance policies is an extension for accidental damage caused to underground services for which you are responsible. For example, should a heavy skip lorry drop a skip on your driveway, accidentally damaging water pipes or cables beneath, you could be liable for any repair costs incurred, if you are unable to recover from the lorry operator. This would be a potential damage claim under your policy subject to the excess applicable (normally £100 but can vary between different policies).

We’ve a range of buildings and contents insurance available to you via our panel with excesses as low as £100. This will cover you for escape of water, accidental damage, fire and more. Malicious damage can also be covered if required.

If your property has a history of subsidence, we can cover you here too. All we ask is that you get your property inspected and provide your engineers report so we can apply the correct cover.

Watch our video below:

If you need cover for subsidence, we can provide it. However, there is a 'but' – if your property has a history of subsidence we’ll require an inspection of the property to establish the risk of further damage before we provide cover.

All insurers are wary of properties with subsidence, even if it was 10 years ago, but usually we won’t have trouble finding you insurance as long as you can provide the correct paperwork to prove the initial cause has been dealt with and subsequent checks have been made. Speak to us on the phone, or via email, and we can discuss your options with you.

As tenants come in all shapes and circ*mstances, we’ll go out to our panel and find you a suitable policy. We can provide insurance for all sorts of different tenant types including DSS/DWP tenants and students, professionals, local authority placements and asylum seekers, and our cover also extends to bedsits. We build the cover to suit your needs: many insurers won’t provide cover but we have access to a wide range of insurers and know the insurers that do.

If you require cover for a sub-let you may require a slightly different type of cover and one of our advisers will happily point you in the right direction.

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Yes, we specialise in finding insurance policies for landlords with multiple properties. In fact if you have between 1 and 50 properties we can often find you discounts on the policies and the administration fees. By insuring all properties under a single policy, you will have just the one insurance policy on one renewal date and one premium to pay. We can provide a breakdown of the premium so that you can split this amongst your properties.

We can also include any new policies mid-term so you can keep the same renewal date for all your properties in a single portfolio.

Additionally we reward landlords with more than one property and those with a good track record by taking into consideration the number of years of experience. Insuring all your properties under one policy allows you to save on admin fees and receive discounts for every property you add.

As these policies are a little more complex, it’s best to get in touch with us by phone so we can provide efficient and relevant help.

Owning a building without building insurance leaves you very exposed to large potential losses arising from a serious fire, storm or flood. It’s not just the damage to the building that must be considered. What about the loss of rental income you would suffer during the period the property cannot be occupied?

Re-building a property following a large fire can be a complicated and extended matter for a whole variety of reasons. Planning and unexpected delays caused by weather or a shortage of building materials which is very common following the covid pandemic can extend the rebuilding periods. This can run to 24 or 36 months, so it’s very important to take this fully into account. In some listed properties, there can be unexpected archaeological finds whilst excavating foundations which cause additional unexpected delay, due to the historical interest created.

Taking out landlord insurance isn’t a legal requirement, but most mortgagors for buy-to-let properties will require you to arrange a buildings insurance policy as a protection against amount of the mortgage or bank loan arranged.

Renting out a property comes with its own unique set of risks. Without landlord insurance to protect you, you’re vulnerable to loss of rent and any legal claims from members of the public for accidental bodily injury or damage to their belongings arising at the property.

Yes. We can cover replacement of locks should your keys be lost or stolen. and damage from an emergency access.

Landlord insurance covers you for similar perils to those covered by a standard home buildings insurance. They are events such as fire, floods, escape of water, subsidence etc. As a landlord you will have additional needs such as cover loss of rent and alternative accommodation.

Other complimentary covers are also available for landlords including Home Emergency and Landlords Legal Expenses insurance

These covers are available via our online quote system or from our team of advisors who will be able to discuss your requirements and find something that suits your needs exactly.

Landlords are responsible for building insurance, contents insurance and public liability insurance. Landlords can also benefit from additional policies such as rent protection, accidental damage and unoccupied property cover.

Buy to let insurance can cover a range of tenancy types, including lets for professionals, students, DSS tenants, sub-lets and family lets. When you take out your policy, you may choose to add additional cover options too.

Yes, you can pay your landlord insurance in instalments. To help you spread the cost of your premiums, we offer a quick and easy direct debit scheme for spreading payment over ten months. Please visit our dedicated Direct Debit page to find out more.

If you would like to know more about our monthly payment option, please visit our dedicated Direct Debit page.

Read more FAQs

See our range of cover for HMO landlords

  • DSS Landlord

  • Landlord Boiler

  • Landlord Contents

  • Landlord Home Emergency

  • Multi-Property Landlord

  • Student Landlord

  • Business

  • Commercial Property Owners

HMO landlord insurance articles and guides

A Landlord’s Guide to Paying Tax on Rental Income

This guide explains how to calculate your rental income and how to declare it to HMRC, with some helpful tax advice for landlords.

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Character Reference Template for Landlords

As a landlord, you may sometimes have to provide past tenants with character references. Download our template letter and tips on what to write.

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Costs of Being a Landlord

Whilst letting property can be a great way to make money there are still many costs associated with being a landlord.

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Landlord Responsibilities

What responsibilities does a landlord have? Understand your duties as a landlord from health and safety to legal requirements.

Read more

HMO Landlord Insurance | Towergate (2024)


Why do landlords want you to have renters insurance? ›

Unlike some other states, California landlords are allowed to require tenants to obtain and maintain renters insurance while they are under the terms of the lease. This is done in part to protect landlords from lawsuits in the event that damage to the property causes it to become uninhabitable.

What does building insurance cover? ›

Buildings insurance covers you if something happens to your home. For example, if a fire, flood or storm damages the building it will cover the cost of the repairs. It will cover the cost to rebuild, repair or replace things like your roof, walls, windows, doors or fitted bathrooms and kitchens.

Do I need landlord insurance Scotland? ›

First off, there's no legal obligation to have landlord insurance – unless your buy-to-let mortgage offer specifically requires it.

Should landlord be named on renters insurance? ›

Your landlord shouldn't be listed on your renters insurance policy as an additional insured. Having an additional insured on your renters insurance means that you would be paying to cover them and their personal property too.

Why do some people not get renters insurance? ›

Why do so few renters have insurance? One explanation is that many people incorrectly assume they are covered by their landlord's policy. Another reason is that people underestimate the value of their belongings.

What is the 80% rule in insurance? ›

When it comes to insuring your home, the 80% rule is an important guideline to keep in mind. This rule suggests you should insure your home for at least 80% of its total replacement cost to avoid penalties for being underinsured.

What is not usually covered by building insurance? ›

Termites and insect damage, bird or rodent damage, rust, rot, mold, and general wear and tear are not covered. Damage caused by smog or smoke from industrial or agricultural operations is also not covered. If something is poorly made or has a hidden defect, this is generally excluded and won't be covered.

Does building insurance cover everything? ›

What Does Building Insurance Cover? Building insurance covers the structure and the fixtures inside your building–including any sinks, bathtubs, pipes and bathroom toilets. Garages, sheds and outside fences may also be covered under your policy.

What is home emergency cover? ›

Home emergency cover is an insurance policy that can give you fast assistance if you have an emergency in your home. The insurer will arrange for a registered tradesperson to come to your home and fix your emergency as quickly as possible. This is usually within 24 hours but may stretch to a couple of days.

What is trace and access cover? ›

Trace and access is a common feature on home insurance policies – buildings insurance in particular – and covers the cost of finding the source of a leak and exposing it to allow for repair. Isolating a leak can be expensive.

Are private landlords responsible for pest control Scotland? ›

Your landlord will probably be responsible for dealing with an infestation if: your tenancy agreement says they're responsible - or it says they will keep your home in a “good and habitable state” or something similar.

Are landlords required to have insurance in California? ›

Is Landlord Insurance Required in California? Landlord insurance is not legally required in California, but that doesn't mean you should go without it. While the state doesn't mandate landlord insurance, it's highly advisable to protect your interests and investments.

Can a landlord require renters insurance in PA? ›

Your landlord may require you to have renters' insurance, but not all do, and just because your landlord insures the space you rent does not mean that you are covered. Having a policy protects you and your property from damages, theft, and liability, based on the type of policy you have.

Can a landlord require renters insurance in New York? ›

To be clear, renters insurance isn't legally required in New York — and most tenants won't purchase renters insurance unless a landlord requires it. As a landlord in New York, you can legally enforce the following requirements for renters insurance: Tenants must have renters insurance.

What is the Sutton rule in Oklahoma? ›

The Sutton approach comes from an Oklahoma case where a landlord's insurance carrier sought to pursue a negligent tenant for damage caused to the landlord's property. That court stated “the law considers the tenant as a co-insured of the landlord absent an express agreement between them to the contrary. . .” Sutton v.

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