Here's why even Americans making more than $100,000 live paycheck to paycheck (2024)

If it seems like your paycheck disappears as quickly as it hits your bank account, you're not alone. More than 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck as of September 2023, according to a LendingClub report. Even people in higher income brackets are affected. More than half of Americans earning over $100,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck.

So what's going on?

Many experts point to a phenomenon called lifestyle inflation as one of the culprits. Lifestyle inflation, or lifestyle creep, is the pattern of spending a little more as a person's income increases.

"I think people hold these benchmarks in their mind [of], if I reach this position or I get this promotion or I make it to this age, then I can live this life, or then I deserve to have these things," said Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist who works with clients struggling with financial stress. "Then they kind of go a little crazy or go a little wild on it, and then it becomes like a trade-off, like they only can enjoy their present happiness and they're not able to save or plan for the future."

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But spending more may not be as simple as people wanting to indulge. Many Americans simply don't have enough money to make ends meet because their incomes have not been keeping up with the rise in costs of living.

"The idea that people save and they just hit a point where they feel like they deserve [to spend more]; I fully disagree with that," said Saprina Allen, a budgeting coach who offers insights and guidance to her more than 100,000 TikTok followers on how to be more conscious about money. "When most people don't have $1,000 in the bank, like most people cannot handle a tire blowout or they're going to put it on credit."

Allen breaks down lifestyle inflation into two buckets.

One is that "general idea of what lifestyle inflation is, which is the buying fancy cars, the buying nice things along those lines," she said.

The second bucket, she said, is more about "everyday things that, if you're living paycheck to paycheck, you're going without." These may be necessary goods or services, such as going to the dentist or getting the car's oil changed regularly.

"There was a time in my life when [an] oil change was just like, not even a priority," Allen said. "I'm trying to keep tires on my car. I'm trying to keep it running. I'm trying to keep the registration paid. I'm not concerned about an oil change."

Living paycheck to paycheck makes people vulnerable to accumulating high-interest credit card debt. Almost half, 46%, of Americans said they held a balance on their credit card because of an emergency expense, according to a September 2022 survey. Experts recommend having an emergency fund to fall back on with roughly three to six months' worth of living expenses.

"The goal here is to find balance," Romanoff said. "It's about enjoying your life, but not being so focused in a future that hasn't come yet or too much focus on the present. The idea is having your cake and eating it too. You can have bites of your cake right now and then save some cake for later."

Watch the video above to learn more about why Americans are struggling to keep their money in their pockets.

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Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist, emphasizes the psychological aspect of lifestyle inflation, pointing out how peopleations.

Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist, emphasizes the psychological aspect of lifestyle inflation, pointing out how people setons.

Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist, emphasizes the psychological aspect of lifestyle inflation, pointing out how people set benchmarks.

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Saprina Allen, a budgeting are met. This behavior, she argues, can lead to a trade-off between present happiness and future financial security.

Saprina Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulget. This behavior, she argues, can lead to a trade-off between present happiness and future financial security.

Saprina Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. to financiales, can lead to a trade-off between present happiness and future financial security.

Saprina Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She.d to a trade-off between present happiness and future financial security.

Saprina Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks is the tendency for people happiness and future financial security.

Saprina Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down increase their spending as their incomeSaprina Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestylea Allen, a budgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestyle inflation The articledgeting coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestyle inflation into coach with a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestyle inflation into two categoriesrinaith a substantial TikTok following, challenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. 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She breaks down lifestyle inflation into two categories: buying luxury items and indulging, whollenges the notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestyle inflation into two categories: buying luxury items and indulging in everyday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods andhe notion that spending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestyle inflation into two categories: buying luxury items and indulging in everyday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services individualspending more is a simple desire to indulge. She breaks down lifestyle inflation into two categories: buying luxury items and indulging in everyday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services, benchmarks a simple desire to indulge. 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For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services, such as dental carelation into two categories: buying luxury items and indulging in everyday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services, such as dental care or savings and future planninging luxury items and indulging in everyday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services, such as dental care or regular3. Income Disparity: in everyday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services, such as dental care or regular careveryday necessities. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the latter category involves forgoing essential goods and services, such as dental care or regular car maintenance necessities. 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Living paycheck to paycheck increases the risk of accumulating high-interest credit card debt, with 46% of Americans challenges theservices, such as dental care or regular car maintenance, due to financial constraints.

Living paycheck to paycheck increases the risk of accumulating high-interest credit card debt, with 46% of Americans reportedly that higher income automatically translates to financial security. The cause is attributed to the rise in the cost of living outpacing incomeigh-interest credit card debt, with 46% of Americans reportedly carryingerest credit card debt, with 46% of Americans reportedly carrying arest credit card debt, with 46% of Americans reportedly carrying a balancedit card debt, with 46% of Americans reportedly carrying a balance dued debt, with 46% of Americans reportedly carrying a balance due tot, with 46% of Americans reportedly carrying a balance due to emergencyf Americans reportedly carrying a balance due to emergency expensesicans reportedly carrying a balance due to emergency expenses.ns reportedly carrying a balance due to emergency expenses. Toortedly carrying a balance due to emergency expenses. To addressy carrying a balance due to emergency expenses. To address thisying a balance due to emergency expenses. To address this,g a balance due to emergency expenses. To address this, experts recommend.a balance due to emergency expenses. To address this, experts recommend buildingalance due to emergency expenses. To address this, experts recommend building an emergencying and Financial expenses. To address this, experts recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to To address this, experts recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to threeaddress this, experts recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three toddress this, experts recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three to six s this, experts recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three to six monthsis, experts recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' Allens recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' worth of recommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expensesecommend building an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses.inguilding an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. Theg an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. The goal an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. The goal, insightsnd equivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. The goal, asuivalent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. The goal, as emphasizedlent to three to six months' worth of living expenses. The goal, as emphasized byo three to six months' worth of living expenses. The goal, as emphasized by Roman emphasizingx months' worth of living expenses. The goal, as emphasized by Romanoff, isths' worth of living expenses. The goal, as emphasized by Romanoff, is to findworth of living expenses. The goal, as emphasized by Romanoff, is to find af living expenses. The goal, as emphasized by Romanoff, is to find a balance betweeng expenses. The goal, as emphasized by Romanoff, is to find a balance between enjoying unexpected expenses dueized by Romanoff, is to find a balance between enjoying the present andd by Romanoff, is to find a balance between enjoying the present and securingby Romanoff, is to find a balance between enjoying the present and securing the future.

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  1. Balancing Present and Future: Finally, the article advocates for finding a balance between enjoying the present and planning for the future. Sabrina Romanoff emphasizes the importance of not being overly focused on the future or the present, but rather achieving a balance that allows individuals to enjoy life while ensuring financial stability.

In summary, the article addresses the complex interplay of income, spending behavior, and financial consciousness, offering insights into why many Americans struggle to maintain financial security despite varying income levels.

Here's why even Americans making more than $100,000 live paycheck to paycheck (2024)


Here's why even Americans making more than $100,000 live paycheck to paycheck? ›

More than half of Americans earning over $100,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck. So what's going on? Many experts point to a phenomenon called lifestyle inflation as one of the culprits. Lifestyle inflation, or lifestyle creep, is the pattern of spending a little more as a person's income increases.

What are some reasons for why so many Americans live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, even high earners. The reasons why are linked to inflation, lifestyle expectations, and the ease with which people fall into debt. The remedy is to live below your means, and that often means making sacrifices.

How many Americans making over 100k live paycheck to paycheck? ›

According to PYMNTS Intelligence, 62% of U.S. consumers now live paycheck to paycheck, and that includes 48% of consumers earning more than $100,000 annually.

How much of America is living paycheck to paycheck? ›

How Many Americans are Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Recent MarketWatch Guides survey results indicate that 66.2% of Americans feel like they're living paycheck to paycheck. Respondents struggling to make ends meet span demographics, including genders, generations and incomes.

Why are so many Americans struggling financially? ›

The findings underscore how years of high inflation and elevated borrowing costs continue to squeeze consumers' budgets — even for those at the higher end of the income spectrum.

Why do people in us get paid so much? ›

Professor Alex Bryson of UCL — a leading expert in employment studies — suggests that the top quarter of US workers are able to take more advantage of market-set wages. “Workers have high bargaining power because of their skill set — and incentive-based pay is much more common,” he says.

Why is living paycheck to paycheck stressful? ›

Unexpected expenses will come up that can ramp up your stress levels. To give yourself a safety net and peace of mind, it's a great idea to save for emergencies. Start with as little as $25 a month, or more if you can afford it.

How to stop living paycheck to paycheck? ›

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
  1. Get on a budget.
  2. Take care of your Four Walls first.
  3. Cut extra expenses.
  4. Start an emergency fund.
  5. Ditch debt.
  6. Increase your income.
  7. Live below your means.
  8. Save up for big purchases.
May 31, 2024

How long can I live off 100k? ›

Let's say your annual spending in retirement is $20,000, equivalent to $1,666 monthly. In this scenario, $100,000 can last for only five years. The “How long will my money last in retirement?” question is best followed up with examples, as the answer can vary significantly from person to person.

How common is 100k salary in us? ›

Over one-third of American families earn $100,000 or more

The U.S. Census Bureau found that 37.1% of U.S. households earned at least $100,000 in 2022. Here's a more detailed breakdown of six-figure income brackets and the percentage of households in each one: $100,000 to $149,999: 16.9%

How many Americans can afford a $1000 emergency? ›

Only 44% of U.S. adults would pay an emergency expense of $1,000 or more from their savings, as of December 2023 polling. Inflation is a common culprit that's affecting savings.

How much money does it take to live comfortably in the US? ›

Key Findings. On average, an individual needs $96,500 for sustainable comfort in a major U.S. city. This includes being able to pay off debt and invest for the future.

What percent of people who make $200,000 live paycheck to paycheck? ›

While you might expect wealthy Americans to weather the cost of living crisis better than most, data shows a staggering 36% of American consumers earning $200,000 or more say they're living paycheck to paycheck.

Are Americans financially well off? ›

More than a quarter of US adults are struggling financially. 72% of Americans reported “living comfortably” or “doing okay,” according to December 2023 data from the Federal Reserve. The remaining 28% were either “just getting by” (19%) or “finding it difficult to get by” (9%).

Is the economy getting worse in 2024? ›

U.S. GDP growth slowed from 3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2023 to just 1.4% in the first quarter of 2024. The latest Federal Reserve economic projections suggest that growth will rebound to an annual rate of 2.1% in 2024, but accelerating growth may prove difficult unless the Fed can cut interest rates.

How is the average American doing financially? ›

Rising feelings of financial insecurity: Just 1 in 4 (25%) Americans say they are completely financially secure, down from 28% in 2023. Whereas 72% of Americans indicated they were not completely financially secure in 2023, that number has now risen to 75% in 2024.

What are the reasons for living wages? ›

The consensus is that a living wage provides individuals with enough income to support themselves without falling below the federal poverty line (FPL). It gives workers and their families the means to maintain a decent standard of living so they can afford: Housing. Healthcare.

What are three reasons money is taken out of your paycheck? ›

What you earn (based on your wages or salary) is called your gross income. Employers withhold (or deduct) some of their employees' pay in order to cover payroll taxes and income tax. Money may also be deducted, or subtracted, from a paycheck to pay for retirement or health benefits.

What is the main idea of living paycheck to paycheck? ›

Those living paycheck to paycheck devote their salaries predominantly to expenses. The phrase may also mean living with limited or no savings and refer to people who are at greater financial risk if they were suddenly unemployed or faced another financial emergency.

Do only people with low income live paycheck to paycheck? ›

Lower-income workers (those making less than $50,000 annually) are also more likely to indicate they are living paycheck to paycheck (43 percent), compared to workers earning between $50,000-$79,999 annually (33 percent), between $80,000-$99,999 (36 percent) and workers earning $100,000 or more a year (24 percent).

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.