"Help Me With Money!" - 7 Practical Budgets For People Bad With Money (2024)

"Help Me With Money!" - 7 Practical Budgets For People Bad With Money (1)

“Help me with money!” – Ask and you shall receive:

There are two types of people in the world when it comes to budgeting: the ones who are good on it, and the ones who are very bad at it. In actuality, a scientific study from Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business that only 25% of people are born with good money management skills. There’s a higher chance that you’re in the “bad” side when you’re reading this post. But don’t worry, when it comes to budgeting, nurture beats nature. There are ways to make budgeting easier and less frustrating.

Read the previous posts in our Money Odessey:

21 Frugal Pantry Staples List on a Limited Budget

Practical Budgets For People Bad With Money

How To Effectively Overcome Credit Card Addiction

How Soapy is Geoarbitraging in China

Why You Still Need An Emergency Fund While In Debt

Table of Contents

The Right Budgeting Mindset

Budgeting is perceived differently depending on the person. For those who are financially savvy, they see it as a tool to reach a certain financial goal in long-term or short-term. However, for those who are financially undisciplined or inexperienced, budgeting is only a tool to constrict yourself.

Believe it or not, everyone needs to do budgeting. According to Wharton High School, people should know how to budget in as early as their high school days. You wouldn’t know if you will have enough money to survive in the future. Financial security is what budget offers, and it helps in ensuring that you’re financially secure in the present (expenses) and in the future (savings) while being able to partake in leisure activities (wants). It is also worthy to note that there are unexpected events that can take a toll on your finances.

Following a budget is harder than making it. In fact, you can make a budget in less than ten minutes depending on your needs and what you currently earn. The hardest part is ensuring that you follow your plan and seeing it through the end. For people who have a hard time managing money, an easy and non-restricting budget is your best choice.

This is where the personal financial nerd comes out…

  • How cool is it that we can paint all the colors of the wind in budgets?
  • How cool is every financial milestone and progress we make? To give ourselves that amazing pat on the back knowing we made ourselves a little better?
  • How cool is it we get to get creative, self-explore and create a blank financial canvas designed for our priorities and needs?
"Help Me With Money!" - 7 Practical Budgets For People Bad With Money (2)

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7 Budget Styles For People Bad With Money

Most people take their voyager into budgeting starting off with a free traditional spreadsheet like this one. The basic budget works for most people because it is simply a summary of what numbers you have coming in vs going out.

But there are lots of different budget systems out there and they work differently for different people.

You get to draw out a budget that is tailored to you by being creative and making it yours.

Managing personal finances is one of the most important life skills a person can learn. Budgeting is right up there with walking, bladder control, and reading.

This is a rundown of 7 different budgets geared towards general overspenders.

1. The Envelope Method

The envelope system is an all-cash method where you divide up money based on budgeted categories and put that money into different envelopes. This all-cash method prevents overspending and is very tangible for overspenders.

This is also known as the clip method because envelopes tend to get messy when you can simply have a binder clip in place of envelopes. Or use an accordion folder or multi-flapped wallet instead of envelopes.

Three Easy Steps

1. Determine how much you have from paying the bills to saving for retirement. Once you know how much money is left from those obligatory expenses, divide it up into living expenses such as rent, transportation, groceries etc. Label envelopes with different categories that apply to expenses.

2. Divide and stuff the envelopes with money. Only spend money out of the envelopes for its corresponding category. If you are going to for gas, bring the transportation cash envelope with you.

3. Do not borrow money from other envelopes. Once the envelope is empty then it is game over until next time.


Easy to understand and easy to do with menial effort. There is no such thing as “overspending” for extras with the all-cash envelope method.


The biggest disadvantage is carrying bulks of cash around. It is less secure compared to swiping with a credit card. Another disadvantage is you cannot track your itemized expenditures compare to traditional spreadsheets or leave paper trails like credit cards. The last drawback is possibly missing out on credit card purchase protections and reward points but those are a very small price to pay for being able to avoid credit card debt in totality.

2. The Zero-Based Method

Initially, I was perplexed by the popularity of this method but research has shown this budgeting method as effective for habitual overspenders. Zero-Based methods in personal finance budgeting has just one must-follow rule which is the monthly total needs to equal to zero. That simply means your income minus all your expenses need to equal zero.

Three Easy Steps

1. List out all bills and expenses for the month. Make it detailed and honest.

2. Mark every expense incoming in the beginning of every month and include special expenses such as birthday gift or insurance renewal.

3. Subtract incoming monthly income from expenses including all debts. Done correctly, the remaining amount should be close to a zero. This take practice but it offers less rigidity compared to the envelope method.


Zero-based budgeting teaches you to not overspend past earnings. The zero-based method is a great pairing with having an emergency fund. Using these two as combos make it a great tool for overspenders.


Our utility bill is charged in bulk once every two months instead of monthly and the figures vary rather largely between summer and winter months. The zero-based budget does not address for unforeseen circ*mstances in any particular month beyond the scope of income coming in vs expenses going out.

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3. The Goal Digger

This particular one is my favorite budgeting methods. I named it after a popular hashtag on Instagram that made me giggle. The Goal Digger is effective for the starlets like me with big dreams in mind. This budget treats you to the occasional nice things in life after successfully staying within your budgeted appropriations.

Three Easy Steps

1. Limit just one goal and focus in on it. This goal is the basis of your psychological foothold on corrective spending. It must be influencing and doable (nothing too mighty).

2. If you have debt, work on focusing expenses on that goal in order to prioritize saving. This includes making sacrifices, not living in or spending in the now like a toddler, over a craving.

3. Open up a separate account and set aside the amount saved for that specific goal in mind until it is reached.


A single goal provides intrinsic (inner) value and extrinsic (external) rewards which is powerful against a habitual overspender. It teaches the value of patience which is one of the main pillars of personal finance and wealth accumulation.


Do not use this budget if you have large debts. If the budgeter has debt, it is harder to use this method because the debt itself might be too sizable to be effective long-term. For overspenders who are reckless with high-interest debts, it shouldn’t warrant a “reward.”The debt must come first. However, for people without much debt, this is my favorite method of budgeting.

4. The Percentages Method

The percentage method is under the same concept as the 80/20 method or the 50/30/20 method. It is simply a wider range breakdown of a budgeted category for the most important expenses for people who want to skip detailed itemized plans. Percentages are generally up to the budgeter. The 80/20 method is simply 20% going to saving and 80% going to everything else under the money sun from debt to rent to shoes. The 50/30/20 method goes to necessities such as shelter, food, electricity. The 30% goes to items labeled as wants such as ice cream or jewelry and 20% goes into paying back debt.

CategoryPercent of Overall Spending
Housing (mortgage/rent, Real estate taxes)24%
Utilities (water, power, garbage collection,8%
Donations/Gifts to Charity4%
Savings and Insurance9%
Entertainment and Recreation5%
Transportation (car payments, gas, service)14%
Personal/Debt Payments/Misc12%

Three Easy Steps

1. Calculate each expense in relation to income in percentages. For example, if rent is $1,000 a month and net income is $4,000 a month then the housing category would be set to 25% of overall spending out of 100%.

2. Trim overall spending percentages down and priorptize catgeories such as personal debts first after saving for an emergency fund.

3. Make sure the spending percentages are accurately reflected and the total equals to no more than 100% of your net income.


Percentage methods are best suited for those who hate to itemize and have a hard time tracking detailed numerical figures.


Generally, the weakness of percentages is the lack of disciplinary categorizations such as what divides the needs vs wants for overspenders. Percentages of spending also vary wildly depending on location. Soapy lives in an HCOL city in Canada which means her housing expense ratio would be a lot higher than someone from Tennessee. The percentage rules tend to be more relaxed in terms of debt payoff and saving as well. The 50/30/20 rule with 20% going into debt is not enough. The 80/20 rule with 20% going into savings is the bare minimum a person should be saving.

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5. Reverse Budgeting

Unlike other traditional budgeting styles, this one focuses on savings and not in other budgeting categories. Instead of “saving what’s left after expenses”, people will “spend what’s left after saving and spending for necessities”. Why is it easier than its counterpart but is not being restrictive? This is because you “pay for yourself” and helps you remove bad habits. After you reach your saving goal for the month, and after paying for your necessities, you can spend what’s left with your money in whatever way you want.


You focus on saving and not on spending. Because of this, you’ll be able to cut your expenses and save at the same time.


Depending on the income, this might affect your necessary spendings. You might have to adjust your transportation and food expenses.

6. The 50/30/20 Budget

The 50/30/20 Formula is one of the most popular budgeting styles, and for a good reason. The concept is very easy to follow, yet very realistic. It is outlined by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren and can fit in different lifestyles. Basically, you set 50% of your pay to necessities (fixed expenses like food, housing, and utilities). 30% of your money will go to your wants and the remaining 20% will go to your savings. It is also recommended to keep fixed expenses to 35% so the remaining 15% can be used for other expenses.


You don’t have to make an exhaustive list of items. This is good if you don’t want to adhere in a fixed rule every month.


When a category overlaps with other categories (e.g. more expenses than expected), you will have to decide if you will either use funds from other categories or you’ll need to supplement it with another income source.

7. Zero-Based Budget

Basically, this budget style forces you to start on a clean slate each month or each budget cycle. This means that your only goal is to make income minus the rest to equal zero. When you opt for this style, you will have to make sure that all your dollar was spent, but not by overspending. For example, if you have $200 left after your expenses, you must put it either on your savings, investments, emergency fund or paying for your debt. This method is great for people who wants to make a hands-on approach to their budgets.


It shows the areas where someone usually overspends and can help in curbing unnecessary expenses.


This is not for people who don’t like creating a list every month. The 50/30/20 method would be a better choice. It is also not good for expenses that usually change in the amount.

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5 Free Budget Tools For Easy Money Management

A lot of people use different apps to help them make a budget and track their expenses. Using a free app can help in making your finances easier. Here is the list of three free apps or ways to manage your finances. Want to master your finances effortlessly?

1. Spreadsheet

Sign up here with your email to download our free Google Sheet budget template.

The good old spreadsheet for word processing software is a good start in making a budget. It is customizable and makes computations easier. However, this takes on a lot of manual approaches and might not be ideal for busy people. Free suites are always available online.

2. Personal Capital

Sign up with Personal Capital and use their automaticNet Worth Trackerfor free. PC is afreefinancial service platform that helps you analyze your financial health all on one simple & secure account. This was a huge step up from the tedious dance we did before where we had to manually log in to our financial accounts(all 19 of them)individually.

3. Quicken / Mint

Quicken and Mint are owned by Intuit. Quicken lets you handle all your finances (spendings, investments, bills, etc), as well as trace your spendings via downloading your transactions from your financial institutions. Mint does this all too, the only difference is that Mint is an online service.


YNAP or You Need a Budget is an app available for Windows, Mac, IOS, and Android. The app makes excellent reports and is easy to use. It also encourages the user to live in its last month’s income.

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  • Top 14 Reasons Why Some People Don’t Save Money
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You can mix and match budgeting methods and principles. There are also great supplements to budgeting like using the Zero Day Challenge(my review of ZDC) in correspondence to any of the budgeting methods mentioned above.

It is important to tailor your finance in a personal way and experiment with what clicks. The overreaching important aspect of keeping a budget is to keep it consistent.

A lot of financial circ*mstances stand different so take the above 7 budget types as a guideline to start and then make it yours based on your needs and desires.

Remember, a budget is not a shackle but a better way of organizing priorities.


"Help Me With Money!" - 7 Practical Budgets For People Bad With Money (2024)


What are the 7 types of budgeting? ›

The 7 different types of budgeting used by companies are strategic plan budget, cash budget, master budget, labor budget, capital budget, financial budget, operating budget.

How do you budget when you're bad with money? ›

Try the 50/30/20 Rule

Then, you'll put 30% toward spending and 20% into savings or debt repayment. As long as you have a solid plan for where your money is going, you may find that you don't necessarily need to track every dollar you spend.

What are 7 steps to a budget made easy? ›

Follow these seven steps to start a personal budget that can help you reach your financial goals:
  1. Calculate your income. ...
  2. Make lists of your expenses. ...
  3. Set realistic goals. ...
  4. Choose a budgeting strategy. ...
  5. Adjust your habits. ...
  6. Automate your savings and bills. ...
  7. Track your progress.
Jul 30, 2024

What is the 50 20 30 rule? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

What are the 3 main activities of budgeting? ›

Answer and Explanation: Planning, controlling, and evaluating performance are the three primary goals of budgeting. Planning: Budgeting is a planning tool that enables businesses to establish quantifiable financial targets for the future. They are able to prioritize tasks and allocate resources more wisely as a result.

What is the best budgeting method? ›

The 50/30/20 method—Care for your needs and wants while putting away a little each month to pay off debt. Split your monthly income as follows: 50% to necessities, 30% to wants and 20% to debt repayment and savings.

What to do when financially broke? ›

To get started, you might want to do the following:
  1. Gather your financial statements. Collect your income, expenses, and debt statements to understand your finances.
  2. Categorize your expenses. List your essential and non-essential expenses (rent, utilities, food) expenses. ...
  3. Calculate your runway.
Mar 7, 2024

How do you start a budget when you're broke? ›

Here are some tips for building a budget if you don't have one:
  1. Track your income. You should include your salary, any side hustles, and any other sources of income you may have.
  2. Categorize your expenses. ...
  3. Allocate your income. ...
  4. Leave room for flexibility. ...
  5. Track your progress.
Mar 15, 2024

How do you manage money when you are broke? ›

Budgeting When You're Broke
  1. Avoid Immediate Disasters. ...
  2. Review Credit Card Payments and Due Dates. ...
  3. Prioritizing Bills. ...
  4. Ignore the 10% Savings Rule, For Now. ...
  5. Review Your Past Month's Spending. ...
  6. Negotiate Credit Card Interest Rates. ...
  7. Eliminate Unnecessary Expenses. ...
  8. Journal New Budget for One Month.

What is the simplest budgeting method ever? ›

1. The zero-based budget. The concept of a zero-based budgeting method is simple: Income minus expenses equals zero. This budgeting method is best for people who have a set income each month or can reasonably estimate their monthly income.

What are the 3 R's of a good budget? ›

Refuse, Reduce and Reuse.

How to budget for dummies? ›

How to budget for beginners
  1. Calculate your total monthly income from all sources. ...
  2. Categorize your monthly expenses. ...
  3. Set budgeting goals. ...
  4. Follow the 50/30/20 budget method. ...
  5. Make changes to your spending habits. ...
  6. Use budgeting tools to track your spending and savings. ...
  7. Review your budget from time to time.
Jun 20, 2023

Can you live on $1000 a month after bills? ›

Getting by on $1,000 a month may not be easy, especially when inflation seems to make everything more expensive. But it is possible to live well even on a small amount of money. Surviving on $1,000 a month requires careful budgeting, prioritizing essential expenses, and finding ways to save money.

How much money should you have left over every month? ›

One popular guideline, the 50/30/20 budget, proposes spending 50% of your monthly take-home pay on necessities, 30% on wants and 20% on savings and debt repayment. The necessities bucket includes non-negotiable expenses like utility bills and the monthly minimum payment on any debt you have.

What is the budget rule of thumb? ›

The classic 50/30/20 rule for budgeting suggests allocating 50% of your income for needs like rent or fuel, 30% for wants like new clothes or entertainment, and 20% for savings. This model allows for easy scalability and customization, so if your utilities increase one month, you can adjust as needed.

What are the 8 types of budget? ›

8 types of business budget
  • Operating budget. The operating budget, or operational budget, is your budget that is used to make your business operations run smoothly. ...
  • Financial budget. ...
  • Sales budget. ...
  • Cash flow budget. ...
  • Production budget. ...
  • Labour budget. ...
  • Static budget. ...
  • Master budget.

What are the 8 principles of budgeting? ›

The principles in question are those of unity, universality, annuality and specification — seen as the four main traditional budgetary principles — plus the principles of equilibrium, unit of account, budget accuracy, sound financial management and transparency.

What are the seven 7 process in capital budgeting? ›

What are the seven capital budgeting techniques? The seven techniques include net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI), payback period, discounted payback period, modified internal rate of return (MIRR), and real options analysis.

What are the 5 basic elements of a budget? ›

What Are the 5 Basic Elements of a Budget?
  • Income. The first place that you should start when thinking about your budget is your income. ...
  • Fixed Expenses. ...
  • Debt. ...
  • Flexible and Unplanned Expenses. ...
  • Savings.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.