Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (2024)

1Hedge Funds pool investors’ money and invest those funds with the objective of offering extra returns. Unlike traditional investment funds however, Hedge Funds benefit from a broad flexibility with respect to the type of investment positions they take and the type of assets they invest in. They combine long and short positions in traditional investments but also in illiquid securities and derivatives. Contrary to other investment funds, Hedge Funds do not fall under strict regulations, enjoying thus a larger freedom in investment.

2Hedge Fund (hereafter HF) investment behaviours have consequences on their return structure. Unlike classical investment funds, they do not intend to follow market movements. Therefore, while the returns on classical funds like Mutual Funds are mainly driven by movements in the markets they invest in, Hedge Funds develop non-linear relationships with various market indexes. Besides, because of their complex investment strategies, financial risks related to Hedge Funds are particularly multiform and various, ranging from liquidity, credit, volatility risks to more complex non-gaussian risks – Fung and Hsieh (1997), Fung and Hsieh (1999), Amenc et al. (2003), Schneeweis and Spurgin (2003), Agarwal and Naik (2004) –.

3HF returns are therefore hardly captured by traditional models. The Capital Asset Pricing Model (hereafter referred to as CAPM) as well as the empirical CAPM of Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997) have been shown to model HF returns very poorly (see Fung and Hsieh (1997, 1999), Amin and Kat (2003)). The problem lies in the fact that these models only linearly reward one source of risk, while HF returns can neither be linearly explained, nor modelled with one single factor. On the one hand, the dynamic use of leverage and rapid changes in their asset exposures cause low linear correlations between Hedge Funds and other classes of asset. On the other hand, Hedge Funds invest in more than one market segment at a time.

4Numerous attempts have been made in the literature to capture their particular return variability. For instance, a generalized stylistic classification (hereafter GSC) groups Hedge Funds according to “where” (location) and “how” (strategy) manager trades. This GSC is widely used in the literature. Funds with similar location and strategy have correlated returns, so this classification can extract returns related to common risk exposures in Hedge Funds. Qualitative and quantitative classifications of HF investment strategies could be performed. Qualitative methodologies put together funds based on their self-disclosed trading strategies to commercial databases such as TASS, Hedge Fund Research Inc., Barclay [1] (see Lhabitant (2001)). Depending on the data provider, equally-weighted or value-weighted averages of returns (of funds entering each group) constitute the peer-group style factors. Quantitative methodologies essentially perform various statistical clustering technics. Fung and Hsieh (1997) and Amenc et al. (2003) exploit correlations individual Hedge Funds have with the HF common return structures extracted by Principal Component Analysis or PCA. Brown and Goetzmann (2003) and Gibson and Gyger (2007) exploit cross-correlations between Hedge Funds [2] (Brown and Goetzmann (2003), Gibson and Gyger (2007)). Each cluster time-series of average returns then form the return-based style factor[3].

5Some caveats have however been pointed out for style analysis. Although these models deliver conclusive results in explaining HF returns, they are only informative about how funds behave relative to one another, and/or about the underlying common return structure. The methodology does not highlight the way returns are driven.

6The objective of this paper is precisely to understand HF risk exposures and to reformulate these style factors in order to shed light on the underlying risk drivers. The idea is to decompose the HF return generating process and to map the reported HF returns onto reliable factors that are transparent, rule-based and with sufficient long return histories. This review of the literature is devoted to the analysis of HF market risk exposures and risk pricing. It takes a risk-based approach of HF returns and examines numerous studies that try to model their specific payoff structure. Therefore, it does not focus on other aspects such as operational risk, HF diversification benefits, or the biases in HF databases.

7The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a factor model approach of HF returns. Section 3 shows preliminary evidence about the HF particular non-linear return structure. It explains why linear factor models do not work for Hedge Funds and why a higher-moment CAPM should be preferred. We consider two ways of dealing with the strong non-linear return structure of Hedge Funds. Section 4 presents distribution-based factors, while Section 5 introduces a set of regressors with option-like features. Section 6 explores the use of predefined systematic trading strategies as risk factors and reports the risk factors that appear the most statistically significant by HF strategy. Section 7 focuses on HF non-market risks like liquidity or credit risks. Section 8 concludes.

8This sub-section presents a series of investable benchmarks corresponding to long-only exposures in domestic or international equity or fixed-income risks, commodity and currency risks that have been used to replicate the payoffs of Hedge Funds. They characterize HF returns as follows


Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (1)

10where Rt is the return on Hedge Fund F at time t (in excess of the risk-free rate), ?it is the return on factor i at time t, and ?i the fund exposure to the risk factor i, Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (2) corresponds to how much of the fund return can be replicated by investing in the set of i indexes, ?t is the return related to extra risk not taken into account by the i indexes, and finally ? is the extra return you can get by investing in the fund i.e. the fund abnormal performance. An example of such a buy-and-hold multifactor model can be found in Liang (1999) who reproduces the Sharpe (1992) 8-asset-class-factor model on Hedge Funds [4]. His model explains between 23% and 77% of the cross-sectional variation of the HF styles.

11Agarwal and Naik (2000a, 2000b, 2001) provide some extensions over the Sharpe style analysis of HF returns. Their papers perform a similar Sharpe style analysis with equity-style factors [5], 3 bond-like factors [6], the Federal Reserve Trade-Weighted Dollar Index, and the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index. They moreover introduce a Lehman High Yield Composite Index in the original Sharpe model, and integrate the possibility of leverage and short sale in the analysis. Their model provides adjusted R-squares slightly superior to the ones displayed in Liang (1999).

12Such a generalized Sharpe style analysis has rapidly been mimicked in the literature [7]. These extended works have however detected a considerable degree of variability in the factor exposures over time.

13Hedge Funds are shifting very rapidly asset classes. Therefore, non-linear estimation techniques could be carried out on the covariance factors to make these regressors dynamic, replacing (1) by


Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (3)

15where betas have now their own dynamics.

16A detailed analysis of dynamic models used in the HF literature is out of the scope of the paper. Nevertheless, the following examples provide some illustrations of what could be done. For instance, market timing models – see, e.g. Treynor and Mazuy (1966) or Henriksson and Merton (1981) – have been performed to model the use of superior information about the expected level of the market index for adjusting the HF risk exposures. Amenc et al. (2003), Fung and Hsieh (2004a), Kat and Miffre (2006), and Chen and Liang (2007) introduce various financial indicators to adjust the HF exposures to risks. All these studies illustrate that the return of a Hedge Fund at time t can be partly forecasted by public information among which returns of the market Rm,t and/or a broader set of economic variables z to define. In all cases, time-varying betas take essentially the following form:


Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (4)

18where It = Rmt in case of market timing models or It = zt-1 in case of conditioning factor models.

19Moving-window regressions, state-space models and regime-switching models also tried to relate changes in HF risk exposures to market regimes [8]. In state-space models, alphas and betas are modelled as autoregressive processes, while in regime-switching models, the exposures to risk factors are dependent on the regime states. Bollen and Whaley (2009) compare the relevance of using a regime-switching model over a state-space model of beta loadings. They show that the regime-switching model must be preferred for modelling sharp transitions in risk exposures over a short period of time, while state-space models must be preferred for translating smooth transitions over a long time period. Besides, Bacmann et al. (2008) show that the rolling-window methodology delivers good results as long as the market conditions are stable over time. When conditions are sharply changing, such a procedure fails to translate the dynamism in risk exposures.

20To disentangle the particular non-linear return structure of Hedge Funds, one could either use a classical asset-based factor model while performing a time-varying estimation technique as discussed above or introduce the non-linearities within the regressors while performing a linear estimation of the model. In this paper, we explore how non-linear regressors like multimoment factors (capturing the non-gaussian risks in Hedge Funds) could capture the non-linear comovements of Hedge Funds with market indexes.

21Hedge Funds take positions on stock, fixed-income, commodity, currency markets in the US and worldwide. As a result, HF returns are related to the evolution of these underlying markets. Comovements of HF returns with market portfolios of these underlying markets should thus be priced. Hereafter, these corresponding risk premiums are referred to covariance factors. They capture the part of HF returns stemming from exposures to buy-and-hold traditional risk factors.

22The way HF managers are compensated strongly modify the fund payoffs. Beyond the fixed management fee, HF managers participate in the profits generated by the funds. In case of an extra profit (defined as a profit in excess of the hurdle rate), managers are paid an extra fee which is proportional to the generated profit. As HF managers earn incentive fees for gains but do not rebate fees to investors for losses, the net-of-fee return distribution of a Hedge Fund is a non-linear function of the original gross return distribution. Especially, it can be viewed as a call option on the value of the fund (Panageas and Westerfield (2009)). This is further compounded by the high-water mark feature that implies HF managers to recover the losses from previous periods before receiving any performance bonus. Such feature adds further convexity to the net-of-fee payoffs by creating not a single option but a sequence of options (at each point in time) with changing strike prices: when the fund value increases, the high-water mark also increases but when the fund value decreases, the water-mark is not adapted. (Please refer to the work of Ruckes and Sevostiyanova (2011) for further details). Because most studies on Hedge Funds are looking at net-of-fee returns, one should pay attention to the asymmetry it creates in the return distribution. [9]

23Hedge Funds pursue leveraging and other speculative investment practices in markets they invest in. Hedge Funds do not intend to track broad-based indices: they actively search for risk exposures that differ from the market beta, i.e. they look for “alternative” betas. Their management combines multiple and complex positions in derivatives, in illiquid assets (causing positive serial correlation in HF returns) as well as in many other type of assets. Dynamic trading, short selling and borrowing are also integrative features of their management strategy (Fung and Hsieh (1997), Ackermann et al. (1999), Liang (1999), Agarwal and Naik (2000a), Stulz (2007), Bollen and Whaley (2009)). As a result, HF returns are dynamically driven by their underlying market risk factors. In addition to traditional risk factors, some alternative risk factors should thus be introduced in benchmark models in order to capture the strategy-specific portion of HF returns.

24The following subsections analyze in depth the consequences of HF investment strategies on their return distribution.

25For reasons exposed above, a position in a Hedge Fund can be modelled by positions in options, in risky assets (such as stocks) and in risk-free bonds, all these positions being managed with strong loss aversion (Siegmann and Lucas (2002)). A short put has often been used to model a large part of the HF trading strategies (see, Agarwal and Naik (2004), Kuenzi and Shi (2007), Davies et al. (2009), Roncalli and Weisang (2011)). This trading factor captures the investor’s return downside protection followed by Hedge Funds. Their investment strategies present almost uncorrelated returns with market indexes: Hedge Funds indeed trade off steady returns and small levels of volatility against a small risk of extreme negative returns. However, when conditions in these specific markets become highly risky (say, when the volatility is increasing), Hedge Funds face the risk of a “loss event” where a liquidity squeeze makes HF returns highly correlated to the decreasing returns in the market (Liang (2004), Stulz (2007)). For this reason, Leland (1999) advocates that standard deviation is an incomplete risk measure for describing HF strategies.

26The short put-like return payoff of Hedge Funds creates a concave payoff, and produces asymmetry in the HF return distribution. Through option-like strategies, Hedge Funds present a higher probability of expressing large losses than the market portfolio (Lo (2001), Brooks and Kat (2002), Amin and Kat (2003)). In quantitative terms, Hedge Funds are said to display non-zero skewness and non-zero kurtosis (in excess of the normal law) (Alexiev (2005), Cremers et al. (2005), Kat (2005), Malkiel and Saha (2005), Chan et al. (2007), Davies et al. (2009)). A moment of a distribution describes the shape of the probability density function or cumulative distribution function of the considered distribution. The mean and the variance are the two first moments of the distribution. All other moments are referred to as higher-moments. Brooks and Kat (2002) and Anson (2002) report that some HF returns tend to display negative skewness (third moment) risk and positive excess in kurtosis (fourth moment) or, in more qualitative terms, more downside than upside risk. Significant negative skewness and positive excess in kurtosis are more pronounced for some funds strategy like Event Driven Funds, Market Neutral Funds, Relative Value Funds, Emerging Market Funds and Funds of Funds (Kouwenberg (2003)), while Hedge Funds that invest in equity futures and global securities exhibit positive levels of skewness (Ding and Shawky (2007)). Notice that distribution moments have close relations with investors’ behaviour towards risk. Investors express a preference for low even higher-moments and for high odd higher-moments (Scott and Horvath (1980)).

27Hedge Funds are not a stand-alone investment strategy but are rather intended to be part of investor portfolios. Therefore, when analyzing HF returns, investors are more interested in comoment measures than in single moment statistics (Till (2004), Kat and Miffre (2006), Haglund (2010)). The standardized covariance measures to what extent the volatility of the original portfolio can be reduced or increased when the Hedge Fund is added to the portfolio. Changes in skewness and kurtosis are measured similarly [10] (See Haglund (2010) for detailed formulas). Standardized coskewness and co*kurtosis parameters are informative about how the fund will behave in extremely risky market conditions. We will refer to these standardized measures indifferently as covariance, coskewness, and co*kurtosis. From this discussion, we expect that a low or negative coskewness compounded by a high co*kurtosis will make Hedge Funds more vulnerable in high volatile markets.

28Non-linearities in HF returns make the use of CAPM for pricing Hedge Funds difficult. Empirically, Ackermann et al. (1999), Fung and Hsieh (1999), Leland (1999), Lo (2001), Amin and Kat (2003), among others, report very low adjusted R-squares when modelling Hedge Funds. Theoretically, the CAPM imposes strong hypotheses on investors’ preferences and on the HF return distribution. It ignores the non-linear dependence of Hedge Funds with returns of various markets [11]. It also considers that only the volatility risk matters for investors, while the literature demonstrates non-trivial preferences for higher-order moments like skewness and kurtosis (Kraus and Litzenberger (1976), Harvey and Siddique (2000), and Dittmar (2002) for the most referenced studies).

29This sub-section extends the concept of alternative betas defined by Fung and Hsieh (2003) and Roncalli and Weisang (2011) to higher-order moment risk exposures. Kat and Palaro (2007) show that the systematic second, third, and fourth moments of an asset have a direct impact on its expected return. The systematic skewness (resp. variance, kurtosis) of an asset is the amount by which the asset returns contribute to the skewness (resp. variance, kurtosis) of a well-diversified portfolio. Idiosyncratic variance, skewness and kurtosis are eliminated by diversification so that investors can only earn the systematic variance, skewness and kurtosis (Kat and Miffre (2006)). An asset with high systematic variance and negligible coskewness and co*kurtosis presents a high correlation with traditional assets and should therefore only be rewarded for its traditional risk, i.e. its covariance with the market portfolio. An “alternative” asset with low covariance but high co*kurtosis and low coskewness with the market portfolios exchanges volatility risk for a risk of extreme losses in periods of high volatility in the market. In absence of volatility event, this type of asset can be very profitable – in compensation for the high non-linear risks investors must bear when investing in these assets –. This example demonstrates that the entire return distribution has to be considered when pricing Hedge Funds.

30Theoretical support for such a four-moment asset pricing model can be found in Kraus and Litzenberger (1976), Bansal and Viswanathan (1993), Fang and Lai (1997), Harvey and Siddique (2000), and Dittmar (2002). Based on a maximization of the representative investor’s consumption utility function, the price at time t of an investment product is defined as the expected value of the investment’s future payoff scaled by the fraction of the marginal utility between time t + 1 and time t. Fang and Lai (1997), Harvey and Siddique (2000), and Dittmar (2002) work in a Kernel Asset Pricing Framework as defined by Cochrane (2005). The pricing kernel, or M, corresponding to the ratio of marginal utilities, is defined so that the expected value at time t of the product of M with the future asset return is equal to 1 (conditionally on the information set available at time t). Almost all asset pricing models can be expressed as a special case of the pricing kernel. For instance, based on a Taylor’s expansion of the utility function, the CAPM truncates the polynomial pricing kernel after the first power and requires the pricing kernel M to be a linear function of the market portfolio return. Fang and Lai (1997), Harvey and Siddique (2000), and Dittmar (2002) show however that a linear pricing kernel is inappropriate for pricing securities whose payoffs are a non-linear function of the underlying asset class factors. Relying on postulates about investor’s attitude in front of risk, they truncate the polynomial pricing kernel after the third power of the market return. Doing so, they define the expected value at time t of an investment to be proportional to some higher-order asset comoments with the market aggregate. They rely on the hypothesis that when returns are not normally distributed, higher-comoments matter in the maximization of the investors’ expected utility. The investor’s decreasing absolute prudence and decreasing absolute risk aversion make that investor’s preferences can be expressed as a positive function of coskewness (third comoment), and as a negative function of covariance and co*kurtosis (respectively the second and fourth comoments) (see Arditti (1967, 1969), Levy (1969), Jean (1971), Rubinstein (1973), and Scott and Horvath (1980)).

31Empirical support for a four-moment asset pricing model applied on Hedge Funds can be found in, among others, Berenyi (2002), Ranaldo and Favre (2005), Kat and Miffre (2006), and recently Agarwal et al. (2009). All of them provide evidence that a four-moment model is more relevant for capturing HF returns than an empirically extended CAPM. Their models intend to price the systematic skewness and kurtosis embedded in HF returns. Besides, the works of Hwang and Satchell (1999) and Christie-David and Chaudhry (2001) highlight the coskewness and co*kurtosis significance in respectively the emerging markets or the future markets. As Hedge Funds are actively trading this type of instruments and markets, they are also affected by the same risk exposures.

32The following sections introduce two sets of factors that bring to the asset pricing model the sufficient corrections related to the HF significant higher-moments. On the one hand, distribution-based factors will capture each term of the polynomial pricing kernel separately. On the other hand, option-based factors will replicate the pricing kernel on the hypothesis that every polynomial can be expressed as a contingent claim (Bakshi and Madan (2000)). The augmentation of the linear beta model with non-linear option-based factors (which have skewed payoffs) is thus similar to Harvey and Siddique (2000) augmentation of Fama and French (1993) three-factor by a return-to-skewness factor (Agarwal and Naik (2004)).

33The literature records many attempts to include higher-moment effects in Hedge Fund pricing. Empirical work has been limited to the second, the third, and the fourth comoments as there are no a priori behaviourist arguments for explaining investors’ attitudes towards moments of order higher than four.

34A first stream relies on the hypothesis that a selection of higher-order powers of the market index comprises a simple polynomial approximation to a non-linear functional relation between the returns of Hedge Funds and the market index. Spurgin et al. (2001) and Chen and Passow (2003) for example model the square and the cube of the S&P 500 as a proxy for skewness and kurtosis dependence respectively. Kat and Miffre (2006) question however the relevance of such factors to proxy for higher-order comoment premiums as they can be mixed up with the market timing measure of Treynor and Mazuy (1966). Besides, Ranaldo and Favre (2005) and Ding and Shawky (2007) also perform a four-moment model by regressing HF returns on the levels of variance, skewness, and kurtosis attained in the market. The regression coefficients in both models correspond to the statistical measures of covariance, coskewness and co*kurtosis.

35A second stream of research computes elaborated distribution-based factors. They intend to capture the prices of volatility, skewness, and kurtosis that are implicit in the market. This approach relies on the four-moment asset pricing model as defined in Jurczenko and Maillet (2006) which linearly relates the expected return on a specific security to the return of the riskless asset, to the return of a portfolio that spans variance, to the return of a portfolio that spans skewness, and finally to the return of a portfolio that spans kurtosis. So far the literature has proposed two ways for benchmarking these returns.

36As first suggested in Harvey and Siddique (2000), Jurczenko and Maillet (2006) address the specification of three particular portfolios spanning ex-post covariance, coskewness, and co*kurtosis priced in the market. They propose to replicate the physical return distribution of three US stock portfolios that display respectively a unitary covariance, coskewness, and co*kurtosis with the market portfolio when all the other comoments are supposed to be null. Namely, the first portfolio must express a perfect correlation with the market portfolio but zero higher-order comoments. Returns on the second and third portfolios must have a unitary conditional covariance with, respectively, the square and the cube of the market returns and zero values for other comoments.

37To our knowledge, only very few contributions have been devoted to the estimation of such moment-based factors – Harvey and Siddique (2000), Ajili (2005), Kole and Verbeek (2006), Kat and Miffre (2006), Moreno and Rodriguez (2009), Lambert and Hübner (2012) –. All but Kat and Miffre (2006) and Lambert and Hübner (2012) rely on one-dimensional portfolios for creating their risk factors. US stocks are sorted into the lowest 30% coskewness (resp. co*kurtosis) and the highest 30% coskewness (resp. co*kurtosis) portfolios and the factor is defined as the simple difference of the two value-weighted portfolios. Since comoments tend to be correlated, the risk is that the resulting factors may also be highly correlated and may not be able to capture returns attached to a unitary coskewness or co*kurtosis with the market index.

38Kat and Miffre (2006) form six two-dimensional portfolios in a similar way as Fama and French (1993). Six value-weighted covariance/coskewness and six covariance/co*kurtosis portfolios are formed. The coskewness (resp. co*kurtosis) premium is then defined as the difference between the average low (resp. high) and the average high (resp. low) coskewness (resp. co*kurtosis) portfolios. In addition to a large set of traditional factors, Kat and Miffre (2006) are among the first to introduce systematic skewness and kurtosis factors for pricing Hedge Funds. Such proxies are superior to any non-linear risk proxies as they do not suffer from multicollinearity with market indexes.

39Lambert and Hübner (2012) consider a comprehensive approach of the three sources of comovements with the market, i.e. covariance, coskewness, and co*kurtosis. They use a conditional three-stage ranking procedure to sort (on a monthly basis) all US stocks into three portfolios made of the one-third lowest, the one-third mid, and one-third highest exposure to the three comoments. The first two sorts are performed on two out of the three comoments used as control variables, and the last sort is performed on the higher-order comoment to be priced. Nine portfolios are formed from the return spreads on the risk dimension to be priced, the other risk dimensions being kept constant. The premiums are then defined as the simple average of these nine portfolios. Hübner et al. (2009) test the premiums developed by Lambert and Hübner (2012) on the five Hedge Fund Research, Inc. (HFR) styles, i.e. Equity Hedge Funds, Event Driven Funds, Macro Funds, Relative Value Funds, and Funds of Hedge Funds. They show that US coskewness and co*kurtosis risk premiums are priced in Equity Hedge Funds, Event Driven Funds, and Macro Funds.

40Option prices embed the investor’s market sentiment about moments of the underlying asset return distribution. The VIX, or the Implied Volatility Index, retrieves the expected levels of market volatility from several S&P 500 index option prices. It provides a forward-looking measure of the market risk. This implied volatility factor is often used as an indicator of financial market instability because of its sensitivity to market events (Kuenzi and Shi (2007)). By extension, Bakshi et al. (2003) also retrieve the implied risk-neutral higher-moments. They explore the information implied in option prices and extract risk-neutral estimates of the higher-moments of the return distribution of some market indexes. Their approach is based on the specification of a volatility, a cubic, and a quartic contracts. Namely, they express the risk-neutral skewness and kurtosis as a function of the market indices’ continuously compounded return taken to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th power. Since any payoff function can be spanned by a continuum of out-of-the-money (OTM) calls and puts (Bakshi and Madan (2000)), they build a model-free connection between the prices of OTM options and higher-moment equity risks.

41Latane and Randleman (1976) highlight the importance of implied volatility in pricing funds. Similarly, in a pure empirical context, Kao (2002) estimates Fixed-Income Arbitrage Funds with a set of first-order factors (covariance factors) and a set of second-order factors (volatility factors). These authors use the change in the implied volatility as a proxy for option-like features. Besides, Mackey (2006) also considers the significance of the implied volatility in a model made of the following five premiums: the credit and term spreads, the bond volatility, the historical market volatility, and the market factor. Mackey (2006) performs two-pass cross-sectional regressions to infer the premiums earned by Hedge Funds when exposed to these risks. According to him, the VIX is a dominant factor for analyzing HF returns. Innovations in VIX are also used as information (conditioning) variables by several authors to address the problem of predictability in HF returns and for capturing the market sentiment about stock volatility (see Amenc et al. (2003)) [12]. In more recent studies, Smedts and Smedts (2006), Bondarenko (2006), Hasanhodzic and Lo (2007), and Ammann and Moerth (2008) introduce innovations in the VIX index within their multifactor model. Dennis and Mayhew (2002) measure risk-neutral skewness and find that it helps to explain stock returns. Recently, Hübner et al. (2009) have shown that risk-neutral prices for variance, skewness, and kurtosis are significant in explaining HF returns across the HFR Hedge Fund styles. Agarwal et al. (2009) apply the risk-neutral approach of Bakshi et al. (2003) on the US stock markets and gather some estimates about the second, third and fourth higher-moment equity risks. HF exposures to higher-moments are inferred from time-series regressions on these estimates of risk-neutral moments. Higher-moment equity risk premiums embedded in HF returns are then retrieved from a set of 27 portfolios formed on a three-way sorting of Hedge Funds according to their higher-moment exposures. Agarwal et al. (2009) deliver significant risk premiums for the second, third and fourth higher-moment equity risks and show that the inclusion of these premiums improves the explanatory power of the models for Hedge Funds.

42Being based on stock market prices, the hedge portfolios on equity covariance, coskewness and co*kurtosis and the risk-neutral moments implied in stock option contracts embed investor’s preferences and risk aversion. The first methodology estimates heuristic moment-related premiums that translate the historical reward attached to a unit exposure to higher-order comoments. The second methodology estimates risk-neutral premiums which aim at capturing the market assessment (forward-looking estimates) of moments embedded in financial markets. However, by being based on HF returns, the methodology of Agarwal et al. (2009) translates only the preferences of accredited investors. These premiums could thus differ from what the two former methodologies deliver. Furthermore, their work raises the issue of the quality and efficiency in HF data.

43Specification errors could also result from the use of traditional factor models for pricing HF returns. Therefore, a third stream of research tries to correct a multifactor model made of multiple asset-based factors in order to apply it on Hedge Funds. These specification errors can be related to omitted higher-order comoment factors within the factor model (Harvey and Siddique (2000), Dittmar (2002), Chung et al. (2006)), or to the conditional character of alphas and betas (Kat and Miffre (2002), Amenc et al. (2003)). Racicot and Théoret (2007, 2008, 2009) for instance use instrumental variables to correct the Fama and French 3-factor model. They follow and complete Dagenais and Dagenais (1997) with higher orders of the Fama and French empirical risk premiums. They show substantial improvement in R2 when considering these additional factors. Racicot and Théoret (2009) propose a n-moment empirical CAPM and introduce higher orders of the estimators as instrumental variables. They show that HF alphas are considerably decreasing under this specification. Coën and Hübner (2009) extend the study of Racicot and Théoret (2007, 2008) on a multistyle analysis of HF returns. They consider the ability of a new set of instruments, namely the square of the style indices, to capture these specification errors.

44In Section 3, I show that HF return payoffs may present option-like features. Their payoffs are often compared to short positions in put options on the S&P 500. Any appropriate combination of options could thus mechanically replicate their complicated payoff [13] (Breeden and Litzenberger (1978)).

45Some authors try to deal with the low specification levels of traditional factor models by including option-based factors. Working on Mutual Funds, Glosten and Jagannathan (1994) first propose to value option-like payoffs. Their work consists in approximating some non-linear payoffs by a collection of options on a selected number of benchmark index returns. It has rapidly been replicated on Hedge Funds.

46The literature on the use of option-based factors for explaining the HF return generating process has been growing over time. The most important contributions are listed below.

47Agarwal and Naik (2001) consider, next to a comprehensive set of buy-and-hold factors, some factors that involve buying and writing put or call options on standard asset classes. These factors correspond to synthetic (using the Black-Scholes formula) trades in one-month to maturity European options on the S&P 500 with two different degrees of moneyness (at-the-money or ATM, and out-of-the-money or OTM). The contracts are rolled over every month after expiration. In-the-money options are not considered as they can be easily replicated by combination of positions in the underlying asset, in the risk-free rate, and in an out-of-the-money option on the same asset with the same strike. Their results show that HF returns present significant exposures to short puts on the market index, the degree of moneyness depending on the importance of non-linearities in their return distribution. More left-asymmetry there is, more significance should be attributed to deeper out-of-the-money options. However, when one moves too far away from an at-the-money option, the option can become illiquid and its price not reliable. For this reason, the literature relies on OTM options with a moneyness of 0.95 (call) or 1.05 (put) for capturing tail risk.

48In 2004, Agarwal and Naik (2004) revisit their model (Agarwal and Naik (2001)) in two ways. First, the set of location factors of Agarwal and Naik (2001) is completed. Second, they capture non-linear equity risk through exchange-traded options rather than synthetically replicated ones. Namely, on the first day of each month, they buy the ATM and OTM put and call expiring in the following month. They sell them on the first trading day on the following month and repurchase another ATM and OTM put and call. They find that a few liquid ATM and OTM European call and put options writing and buying strategies are able to capture a significant part of the variability in HF return distributions. An ATM put option on the US Russell Index [14] comes out as the most significant factor. This specific computation method has become a standard in the literature. Recent studies have confirmed these results by showing that HF managers are globally selling ATM put options (see for instance Roncalli and Weisang (2011)).

49Option-like payoffs on other markets have also been investigated. First, Okunev and White (2003) introduce a set of synthetic at- and out-of-the-money call and put options on various index factors. The factor replicating the return of a short put on the bond index comes out as significant for all HF strategies. Second, Huber and Kaiser (2004) use the basic Sharpe model as a basis for determining the variability in HF returns. They do not only consider the buy-and-hold versions of the factors but also the payment profiles similar to those of a long call and short put (or combinations of both) on these factors. Their model delivers adjusted R-squares from 0.26 to 0.54%. Third, Fung and Hsieh (2002b, 2004b) develop a seven-asset-based factor model made of the market premium, the size factor of Fama and French (1993), the term and default spreads, and lookback straddle options [15] in bonds, currencies and commodities. More than 35% of the total HF population (depending on the database employed to carry the tests) can be explained with these premiums. Besides, the seven asset-based factors explain up to 90% of the cross-sectional variability in diversified HF portfolios. This model is valid for all HF families, but the significance of the option-based factors is more important for Equity Long Short, Fixed-Income, and Trend Following strategies.

50The model of Fung and Hsieh (2004b) has been applied in numerous studies. For instance, Fung et al. (2008) apply the seven-factor model, and give further evidence of the strong explanatory power of the model for Hedge Funds and Funds of Funds. On this basis, Agarwal and Kale (2007) compare the performance of multi-strategy Hedge Funds to Funds of Hedge Funds. They display however low levels of determination, ranging from 25% for multi-strategy Hedge Funds to 36% for Funds of Hedge Funds. Bollen and Whaley (2009) use a very similar model for comparing time-varying estimation techniques. Finally, Bacmann and Jeanneret (2005) complete the model of Fung and Hsieh (2004b) with additional alternative factors. They propose the use of the following seven factors for capturing alternative sources of risk, i.e. the momentum and contrarian spreads, trend-following factors on equities, currencies, and commodities, the default spread and one interest rate factor. Among the traditional factors, they consider the significance of the MSCI World Equity Index excluding US, the 12-month lagged MSCI World factor (see Section 7 about the use of lagged factors), the size and value spreads and the term spread. Overall their alternative factors increase the explanatory power of a model made of traditional directional exposures. The differences in the risk and return properties of the HF styles can be captured.

51Recently, more complex optional investment strategies have been used to replicate HF returns. First, De Los Rios and Garcia (2011) examine the return time-series of Hedge Funds and derive endogenous option time-series. They assume that all Hedge Funds do not reproduce the same option-like payoffs because of the important heterogeneity in HF strategies. In order to do so, they do not limit themselves to traded options on some particular indexes but they use options of any moneyness and on any benchmark. They show however that not all fund categories display significant option-like payoffs. Second, Roncalli and Weisang (2011) assume that the option strikes are time-varying and are part of the manager’s general strategy. They show that in case of a fixed strike, the exposure on the put option is very volatile. This is not the case when the strikes are endogenous.

52Another way of modelling HF returns with optional factors can be found in the works of Dyvbig (1988a, 1988b), Amin and Kat (2003), or Kat and Palaro (2006, 2007). They rely on the assumption that investors are not interested in the month-to-month properties of Hedge Funds but in their statistical properties over the whole period. Along them, the sequence in which the statistical properties occur is of no real importance for investors. Therefore, they describe a HF investment by all moments of the distribution of terminal wealth (except the first-one!) over the investment horizon, and define a payoff function that is able to match the risk profile of an index with the one of the Hedge Fund. They then replicate the option-like payoff distribution of HF returns with a payout profile contingent on the index return and a particular asset, called the reserve asset. Namely, they determine the trading volume of the two trading assets to match the option-like payoff. Recent studies on replicating HF statistical properties have been interested in replicating not only the marginal distribution of a Hedge Fund, but also its correlation structure with the portfolio of a representative investor. Most investors are indeed interested in HF diversification potential for their traditional portfolios. They are thus particularly interested in the joint distribution between the Hedge Fund and their portfolio (Kat and Palaro (2007), Kazemi et al. (2008), Papageorgiou et al. (2008)). Although insightful for measuring the performance of Hedge Funds over a defined period, their technique – by matching the unconditional properties of Hedge Funds rather than their time series properties (see Amenc et al. (2010)) – does not help investors to understand the sources of Hedge Funds return over time.

53All these option-based factors intend to pick up short volatility trades. By following optional strategies, Hedge Funds indeed exchange some volatility risk for the risk of an extreme loss. As it has been shown in this section, these volatility factors can vary from authors to authors. We have reported the significance of ATM and OTM calls and puts, of lookback straddles, and of convertible bonds. In his paper, Martin (2001) has also examined the significance of dollar swap spreads for capturing the HF return variability. He shows that although HF styles differ in their sensitivity to swap spreads, these optional factors are able to catch a large part of the return variation of Hedge Funds.

54Kuenzi and Shi (2007) compare these five volatility factors, and try to infer the one which is providing the highest explanatory power for evaluating HF returns. They show that in the case of Equity Hedge Funds, simple calls and puts (and more particularly short positions in puts) identify HF exposures more carefully. Calls and puts appear indeed as the more versatile instruments as they can easily replicate a wide variety of strategies (protective puts, covered calls, straddles). Recently, Peltomäki (2007) also demonstrates that the relationship between volatility risk and the returns of Hedge Funds can be asymmetric for the following reasons. First, high levels of volatility are expected to have more effects in down markets than in up markets as Hedge Funds are more vulnerable during these periods. Second, the correlation structure between Hedge Funds and the market indexes is low in up markets but becomes stronger in down markets.

55To conclude, HF managers have been shown to globally sell at-the-money and out-of-the-money put options. Compared to traditional models, a mechanical replication of HF returns through option-based factors can explain a large part of its return variation (Fung and Hsieh (2007a)). If these results are good in-sample, however they are not necessarily valid in out-of-sample analysis (Kat (2007)). Section 6 is devoted to the analysis of systematic trading strategies used to replicate HF payoffs.

56Unlike other asset pricing models, primitive trading strategies offer investable performance benchmarks which are able to replicate the passive part of HF returns (Fung and Hsieh (2007b)).

57Primitive trading strategies are made of a static linear combination of investable risk factors; they range from a static selection of buy-and-hold risk factors to more complicated strategies such as trend-following, market timing or insurance-like strategies. Lookback straddles for instance have been used to mimic the returns of trend-following strategies. Fung and Hsieh (2001, 2002b, 2004b) and Spurgin (2001) consider the returns on lookback straddles on major asset markets (stocks, bond futures, currency futures, interest rate futures and commodity futures) for capturing the non-linear return structure of HF payoffs. Market timing strategies have also been modelled as a dynamic linear combination of the underlying asset and an investment in the risk-free rate, creating an option-like strategy (Henriksson and Merton (1981), Merton (1981), Leland (1999)). More generally, the HF concave payoffs have been captured by short positions in exchange-traded put options (Mitchell and Pulvino (2001), Agarwal and Naik (2004), Fung and Hsieh (2011)). This rule-based trading factor captures the fact that Hedge Funds may be selling insurance policies. By their insurance-like strategies, fund managers accept a series of steady returns (independent of the stock prices) for a small risk of experiencing extreme negative returns.

58A typical replication procedure is carried out in two steps. First, stepwise regression is used to select a suitable set of primitive trading strategies that are able to describe HF returns. The beta loadings are then estimated over the period the Hedge Fund needs to be replicated. Second, a portfolio with the same risk exposures is constructed. Considering a set of risk factors and a set of time-varying beta exposures ?it, the replicating portfolio is identified as follows:


Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (5)

60The difference between the original HF return and its constructed benchmark return gives the performance of the fund.

61Simpler primitive trading strategies reproduce the HF risk/return profile through investments in liquid instruments on standard asset classes. For instance, Schneeweis et al. (2003) use a linear factor approach to create clones of European Hedge Funds. They perform a rolling-window regression of Hedge Funds to estimate the fund beta exposures to equity risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, and volatility risk. Similarly, Hasanhodzic and Lo (2007) use a set of liquid instruments on standard asset classes (US dollars, US corporate bonds, credit spread, US stock markets, commodities, as well as the equity implied volatility) to replicate the returns on Hedge Funds. Contrary to Schneeweis et al. (2003), they demonstrate the superiority of static estimates of the fund risk exposures for defining their HF clones over dynamic estimates inferred from rolling-window regressions.

62Depending on the type of HF strategies, different types of factor should be considered within the replication models. Therefore, the rest of the section proceeds with an analysis of the most significant risk exposures embedded in the main HF styles: Equity Hedge Funds, Event Driven Funds, Global/Macro Funds, and Relative Value Funds.

63Equity Hedge strategy takes long and/or short positions primarily in equity and equity-derivative securities. As a consequence, most funds display significant exposures to proxies for the US stock market as well as to the relative performance between small and large cap stocks, between value and growth stocks and between persistent “winner” and “loser” stocks (Agarwal and Naik (2000a), Agarwal and Naik (2004), Jaeger and Wagner (2005), Gatev et al. (2006), Fung and Hsieh (2011)). Dupleich et al. (2010) even show that three factors – namely the market, the momentum and the value factors – could explain a large part of the Equity HF return variation. According to Chan et al. (2007), these funds also take large bets in the worldwide stock market. Long/short Equity Hedge strategies present significant positive exposures to these factors while the Short Selling strategy displays negative exposures. HF equity strategies moreover exhibit extreme positive or negative higher-moment exposures (see Agarwal et al. (2009)). For instance, Equity Hedge or Short Selling strategies are exposed to slightly positive skewness, whereas equity non-hedge strategies exploit tail risk in equity markets (Agarwal and Naik (2000b), Agarwal and Naik (2004), Liang (2004)). The changes in the equity implied volatility also constitute an important pricing factor (Agarwal and Naik (2004), Giannikis and Vrontos (2011)).

64Event Driven Funds invest in securities of companies involved in corporate-related events like mergers, restructurings or financial distress. In particular, Agarwal and Naik (2000b), Mitchell and Pulvino (2001), Agarwal and Naik (2004), and Jaeger and Wagner (2005) observe significant exposures of Event Driven Funds to the relative performance of small over large cap stocks, of value over growth stocks, and of persistent “winner” over persistent “loser” stocks. Fung and Hsieh (2001) moreover point out that most Event Driven Funds present significant negative skewness and kurtosis exposures, meaning that the fund payoffs present an asymmetric tail towards negative returns with regard to the distribution of the market portfolio. Returns on Merger Arbitrage strategies but also on risk arbitrage strategies in general can be approximated using a short position in exchange-traded put options (Mitchell and Pulvino (2001), Huber and Kaiser (2004)). Returns on high yield bonds are also expected to be significant for this particular HF strategy as this factor represents the returns on distressed firms (Fung and Hsieh (2007b), Lucas et al. (2009)). The VIX (Volatility Implied Index) should also be considered when pricing Event Driven Funds (Giannikis and Vrontos (2011)).

65Global Macro Funds take advantage of price movements on major markets (currencies, stocks, commodities,…). Their investment strategies (making use of leverage and derivatives) are based on a set of macroeconomic analyses that form HF managers’ market views. As a consequence, this category is particularly exposed to the Emerging Market (bond or stock) Index, to the Federal Reserve Bank Weighted Dollar Index, to the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, to the World Government and Corporate Bond Index (Agarwal and Naik (2000a), Huber and Kaiser (2004)) but also to US equities (Fung and Hsieh (1999)). Teo (2009) also finds out significant long exposures of the Macro Fund returns to high-yield currencies and significant short positions in low-yield (more liquid) currencies. According to Fung and Hsieh (1999), Global Macro Funds behave either as a long position in short calls or in long puts.

66We finally consider returns of Relative Value Funds. The fund strategy benefits from the realization of a valuation discrepancy in the relationship between multiple securities. As argued by Mitchell and Pulvino (2001) and Agarwal and Naik (2004), the fund returns are related to equity markets returns but in a non-linear way. Therefore, these funds present significant exposures to the US and the worldwide stock markets, as well as to the relative performance of small over large cap stocks, and of persistent “winner” over “loser” stocks (Agarwal and Naik (2004), Jaeger and Wagner (2005), Gatev et al. (2006)). More specifically, asymmetric exposure in the US equity factor has been found from the significance of the option-like factors defined by Agarwal and Naik (2004) [16] and Fung and Hsieh (2004b). Indeed, the convergence-based strategies performed by Fixed-Income Funds (buying the cheapest and selling the most expensive asset) constitute the reverse of a trend-following strategy and therefore can be modelled as a short position in lookback straddles. Government and corporate bond returns as well as returns on high yield bonds, emerging market bonds and stocks are also important factors to be considered when pricing Relative Value Funds (Giannikis and Vrontos (2011)). Besides, among Relative Value strategies, Fixed-Income Convertible Arbitrage Funds have been mimicked using the return spread between Moody’s Baa corporate bonds and the 10-year constant maturity interest rate or using the yield curve interest spread (such as in Fung and Hsieh (2002a) and Duarte et al. (2007)). Besides, according to Agarwal et al. (2011), a large proportion of the return variation in convertible arbitrage strategies could be captured from a long position in convertible bonds and a short position in the shares of the convertible bond issuers (in order to hedge the equity risk). Finally, Ranaldo and Favre (2005) show that extreme return variations are embedded in risk arbitrage strategies. Therefore, they relate the returns on these funds to co*kurtosis risks since the insertion of such fund into a diversified portfolio will strengthen the likelihood of extreme returns.

67As non-linear payoffs are not restricted to particular HF strategies but are common characteristics across all HF styles, Agarwal and Naik (2004) and Fung and Hsieh (2004b) propose to summarize these results into two simplified asset-based factor models. The model of Agarwal and Naik (2004) is composed of a set of buy-and-hold factors and exchange-traded at-the-money and out-of-the money put and call options. On the contrary, Fung and Hsieh (2004b) perform a seven-asset-based factor model composed of two equity-like factors, two bond-like factors and the returns on lookback straddles on bonds, currencies, and commodities. Both models have been shown to capture a large part of the variability in HF returns and have been largely used in the literature as benchmark factor model.

68Such models could therefore be used to clone HF returns. For instance, Darolles and Mero (2011) use a set of buy-and-hold factors and the option-based factors of Agarwal and Naik (2004) to replicate the returns of a set of individual Hedge Funds. Their methodology allows to dynamically select the set of asset-based factors to be used to mimic HF passive returns. The authors even demonstrate the importance of taking into account time-varying risk profile in the replication procedure as their dynamic approach outperforms the static replication performed by Hasanhodzic and Lo (2007).

69Note however that a distinction should be made between HF replication for investment purpose and replication with an academic objective. Indeed, the improvement of the replicated models will inevitably come at the price of illiquid investments (such as investment in illiquid options), which does not match the investment objectives (Roncalli and Weisang (2011)).

70Hedge Fund trading strategies are particularly exposed to credit and liquidity risks. Therefore, term spreads – defined as the spread between thirty- (or ten-) year and one-year treasury bills – and credit spreads – defined as the spread between BBB and AAA ten-year corporate bond yields – have often been introduced into a multifactor approach of HF returns. See for instance the work of Edwards and Caglayan (2001), Amenc et al. (2003), Agarwal and Naik (2004), Fung and Hsieh (2004b) and Amenc et al. (2010).

71But investing in illiquid securities has also often been related to a stale pricing problem (Getmansky et al. (2004), Jagannathan et al. (2010)). Market prices are not always available for securities that are not actively traded. Therefore, a problem occurs when, for monthly reporting purpose, fund managers have to price these illiquid securities and use either the last available traded price or a smoothing evolving model to estimate the actual price. Some part of asset returns is reported contemporaneously, while another part shows up in future returns. Besides, return smoothing due to managed pricing is another cause of spuriousness in time-series modelling. Such practice is used to manipulate the performance of the fund and to spread volatility over time (Asness et al. (2001), Bollen and Pool (2008)). In case of fraudulent return smoothing, managerial manipulations are more likely in some market conditions (see Bollen and Pool (2008)); a model of conditional smoothing could thus determine the timing of the revelation of some information into asset returns.

72Stale and managed pricing produce significant levels of positive serial correlation in reported HF returns (Asness et al. (2001), Getmansky et al. (2004)). As both make data non-synchronous with the contemporaneous factors, it may also bias downward the estimates of the HF return exposure.

73Following Fama (1965), Ibbotson (1975), Schwert (1977), and Geltner (1993), the fund returns at time t can be expressed as a weighted average of the true value at time t and t – 1. As a consequence, some authors have applied the following formula for “de-lagging” the serially correlated HF returns (see Conner (2003), Okunev and White (2003)):


Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (6)

75where Rt is the unsmoothed returns, R*t smoothed returns, and ? the first-order autocorrelation of the fund. Introducing lagged factors in the regression-based analysis is another way to deal with this issue (e.g. Asness et al. (2001), Brooks and Kat (2002), Kat and Lu (2002), Getmansky et al. (2004), Ibbotson and Chen (2006), Ding and Shawky (2007)).

76Recently, Khandani and Lo (2009) have tried to use correlation-sorted portfolios of Hedge Funds to construct a liquidity premium. They make the hypothesis that, by investing in illiquid assets or assets difficult to price, Hedge Funds tend to smooth their returns over several periods and, as a result, display high levels of positive autocorrelation. Therefore, they sort Hedge Funds into five portfolios according to their autocorrelation level, and form their liquidity premium as the spread between the highest and the lowest autocorrelation-sorted portfolios.

77Similarly, Sadka (2010) and Teo (2011) demonstrate that liquidity risk is priced in HF returns. Sorting individual Hedge Funds into portfolios according to their liquidity beta (i.e., the covariation of the fund returns with changes in a proxy for liquidity risk), both papers show that funds that significantly load on the liquidity proxy outperform low-loading funds except in times of financial distress. Using a set of individual Hedge Funds, Sadka (2010) displays a significant monthly average premium of 1.43% for liquidity risk. The author even shows that the liquidity return spread cannot be explained by the redemption or lockup period or by the seven asset-based factors of the Fung and Hsieh (2004b) model. Teo (2011) goes one step further by analyzing liquidity risk in liquid funds (with monthly redemption). Even in liquid Hedge Funds, Teo (2011) observes a significant spread of about 5.8% per year. His measure is robust to the proxy used for liquidity. Aragon (2007) also documents a significant risk premium related to the liquidity risk in HF returns. Contrary to Sadka (2010), he demonstrates a relationship between illiquidity and share restriction (measured by the lockup period).

78While Sadka (2010) and Teo (2011) directly price liquidity from HF returns, Patton and Ramadorai (2010) demonstrate that daily and monthly US liquidity is able to capture a large part of changes in HF risk exposures. Cao et al. (2011) moreover show that fund managers reduce the absolute magnitude of their risk factor exposures when liquidity in the market is poor and vice versa. They conclude to significant timing skills in Hedge Funds as they observe a significant spread in adjusted return between the top and low liquidity timing funds.

79Hedge Funds display a strong non-linear return structure, resulting in significant higher-order moments in their return distribution. Without being exhaustive, the following reasons have been advanced in the literature for explaining this evidence. First, Hedge Funds are dynamic in their investment strategies and their risk allocation, replicating option-like payoffs. Second, they have fewer restrictions on the use of leverage, short selling, and derivatives. Finally, they massively invest in not-frequently traded securities.

80An investment in Hedge Funds thus constitutes a whole package made, on the one hand, of low volatility and attractive diversification properties for the traditional asset classes, but, on the other hand, of serial correlation and non-normality in their return distribution. Ignoring these particular features will inevitably show up in alpha returns. This paper identifies Hedge Funds (hereafter HF) risk drivers that depart from the linearity assumption of the market model and introduces non-linear effects into the factors of the return generating process. Non-linearities in HF return payoffs are usually analyzed through a set of option-contract time-series. Previous empirical research on HF performance however fails to model all HF non-normality risks. We discuss the marginal significance of a new set of regressors corresponding to the higher-moments of the joint return density of Hedge Funds with the market. As there are no a priori grounding for using moments of order higher than four, we limit our valuation to coskewness and co*kurtosis risks in Hedge Funds and promote a four-moment asset pricing framework.

81The survey emphasizes that Hedge Funds are not exempted from systematic risks. Although they mix dynamic, leveraged and opportunistic trading, Hedge Funds transact in asset markets similar to those used by traditional managers, while being exposed to alternative sources of risk. Especially, this literature review decomposes the return generating process of Hedge Funds into the HF first, second, and third comoments with some market indexes.

82The multifactor analysis of HF returns defended in this paper provides a metric to judge the systematic risks embedded in HF investments. Its practical applications are numerous. First, the model constitutes a benchmark against which investors can evaluate HF risk exposures and can measure the quality of their HF investment by separating HF manager’s skills from systematic risk exposures. Passive returns on Hedge Funds can indeed be replicated by an appropriate set of transparent and liquid risk factors: the value-added of the fund on the risk exposures can therefore be evaluated by difference. On this basis, investors can gauge whether the performance fees are appropriate or whether their capital is exposed to desired risks. Most investors are indeed interested in the HF diversification/hedging potential for their more traditional portfolio. Second, by quantifying HF risk exposures, the model allows to form clusters of Hedge Funds according to their real investment style and to compare them to the classification recorded in HF databases. Finally, decomposing HF returns into their asset allocation allows the regulators to evaluate potential convergence of systematic risk exposures among Hedge Funds. It also allows HF counterparties (that hold Hedge Funds in their portfolio) to aggregate HF risk into their capital-at-risk requirement in a risk management objective.

83The paper raises some issues about the modelling of the return generating process in Hedge Funds. First issue to be addressed is how to compute distribution-based variables in such a comprehensive way that they could compete with the other sets of variables. Second issue to be addressed is how to discriminate between all these different sets of premiums. Multicollinearity in variables could indeed mask the statistical significance of some valuable variables. Besides, the heterogeneity among and between HF main strategies, seems to be another challenge to deal with when selecting a relevant set of variables for analyzing Hedge Funds. Future research should address these issues.

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Hedge Fund Market Risk Exposures: A Survey (2024)
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