Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (2024)

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by M. Bunning and P. Kendall1 (6/12)

Quick Facts…

  • Lettuce, spinach, and other salad greens are an important part of a healthful diet because they can be year-round sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and other nutrients.
  • Red and dark green leafy vegetables are generally higher in antioxidants, Vitamin B6, and other nutrients than lighter colored greens.
  • It is important to store leafy greens at refrigerator temperatures and rinse well under running water before using.
  • To reduce the risk of foodborne illness, observe “Use by” dates printed on bagged leafy vegetables and salad mixes and use within two days after opening.
  • There are many flavorful and nutritious leafy greens available to consumers, especially if you choose to grow them from seed.

Benefits of Leafy Salad Greens

Leafy green vegetables are nutrient rich because leaves contain the light-catching, energy-converting machinery of plants. Salad greens contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, fiber, and phytonutrients (see Table 1). Leafy vegetables are a good choice for a healthful diet because they do not contain cholesterol and are naturally low in calories and sodium. Many of the health benefits that leafy greens provide come from phytonutrients, unique compounds that provide protection for plants. These compounds are becoming recognized as part of a nutritious diet that promotes long-term health. Phytonutrients can act as antioxidants, which help to prevent chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Figure 1 shows the antioxidant content of different kinds of lettuce.

Table 1. Nutrients in various lettuce types.
Nutrient*UnitsLettuce Type
IcebergGreen LeafRed LeafRomaineButterhead
Vitamin AIU5027405749287103312
Vitamin B-6mg.
Vitamin Cmg2.89.23.743.7
Vitamin Kmg24126140103102
Folic Acidmcg29383613673
Lutein + Zeaxanthinmcg2771730172423121223
*100g fresh weight/USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24 (2011)
Shaded cells indicate highest values.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (2)
Figure 1: Antioxidant content of some types of lettuce.

Lettuce, the most commonly consumed leafy vegetable, provides about seven calories per 1 cup serving. When it comes to satisfying your appetite, it helps to eat foods high in volume but low in calories like lettuce. Lettuce is not typically a stand alone vegetable. It is usually served with an array of other vegetables and fruits in a salad and lettuce is often used to add a crunch to sandwiches, hold a variety of fillings as a wrap, or provide color as a garnish.

Lettuce and other leafy greens are generally cool season crops with short growing periods. This means gardeners can get several crops of salad greens in the time it takes other vegetables to reach final maturity. Because leafy greens can grow in a variety of locations, they are often available at local farmers’ markets. Home-gardeners can enjoy lettuce and other types of leafy vegetables planted in traditional rows, containers, or even as accents in flower gardens.

Types of Lettuce

Tips for Healthier Salads

  • For added color and variety, try a different type of salad green to mix with your usual choice.
  • Baby greens tend to be more tender, nutritious, and milder in flavor than mature greens.
  • Use less dressing to enjoy the flavor of the salad greens.

Many types of lettuce are available in the grocery store and may be purchased by the head or as prepackaged salad greens. Different types have slightly different flavors.

Some have a mild flavor and crisp texture; others have a slightly bitter or tangy flavor that adds a nice bite to mixed salads. Salad greens are popular world-wide so many of the different types have become known by a variety of names. Information about different types of lettuce and salad greens is listed in Table 2.

Tips for Safe Handling and Storage of Salad Greens

See the following Extension fact sheets for additional information on produce safety:
  • 9.369, Preventing E. coli From Garden to Plate
  • 9.378, Growing Container Salad Greens
  • 9.380, Guide to Washing Fresh Produce
  • 9.381, Safe Food Facts for Community Gardens
  • When shopping, pack fresh salad greens in plastic bags so they are kept separate from other groceries, especially raw meats and poultry.
  • Refrigerate salad greens at 35 to 40 degrees F within two hours of purchasing. Store in a plastic bag or lettuce keeper.
  • Always wash hands before preparing salads and make sure you are working with a clean cutting board.
  • Wash lettuce just before using by running cold water over leaves. Leaves can be difficult to clean so separating the leaves and immersing them in a bowl of cold water for a few minutes helps loosen sand and dirt. A bowl is a much better choice than a sink, which can harbor bacteria and be difficult to clean. Presoaking lettuce for 5 minutes in dilute vinegar-water (1/2 cup distilled white vinegar per 2 cups water), followed by a clean water rinse, has been shown to reduce bacterial contamination but may affect texture and taste. A vinegar rinse will not eliminate all microorganisms but may lower the level of possible contamination. After washing, blot dry with paper towels or use a salad spinner to remove excess moisture.
  • Because lettuce and other salad greens are very perishable, they should be used within one week after purchase.
  • Bagged salads can be convenient but added processing steps like cutting and mixing can increase the likelihood of contamination with microorganisms. To reduce the risk of foodborne illness with bagged salads keep them refrigerated at 35 to 40 degrees F, observe “Use By” dates marked on the package, and rinse well before eating, removing any damaged or spoiled leaves.
Table 2. Commonly available salad greens.
Commonly available types of lettuce
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (3)Green Leaf
(loose leaf or salad bowl)
Green leaf lettuce forms a loose bunch and is known for its mild flavor.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (4)Red Leaf
(lollo rosso)
Red leaf lettuce makes a colorful addition to salads and sandwiches. Studies have shown red lettuce to be high in antioxidants (Figure 1). Red leaf lettuce is more perishable than head types and has a shorter shelf life.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (5)Romaine
Romaine lettuce, a Caesar salad favorite, has elongated, sturdy leaves. Romaine stores well and its coarse texture holds up well in salads.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (6)Butterhead
(bibb or Boston)
This lettuce has tender, rounded leaves with a mild, buttery flavor that form into a soft head. It is often sold in a clam shell to protect its tender leaves.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (7)Iceberg
(head or crisphead)
Iceberg is prized for its crispness and sweet flavor. It can be stored longer than leaf types of lettuce.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (8)Batavia
(French Batavia)
Batavia lettuce is a subtype of crisphead lettuce and is similar to iceberg except it is smaller, less dense and more flavorful. Batavia lettuce is popular in Europe and may be found at farmers’ markets or grown in home gardens.
Salad greens that may be part of a salad mix or sold separately
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (9)Arugula
Arugula belongs to the mustard family and has a distinctive peppery flavor. The young fresh leaves are pungent but pleasant and often available in grocery stores.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (10)Baby Bok ChoyThese tender young leaves have a crunchy, celery-like texture and a mild, refreshing flavor.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (11)Belgian Endive
(witloof chicory)
Belgian endive has a dense, cigar-shaped head of crunchy leaves that are pale yellow because it is grown under cover. It is often used in hors d’œuvres, but can be added to salads.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (12)Curly Endive
These attractive, yellowish-green, frilly leaves have a strong, pleasantly bitter taste.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (13)Dandelion greensThese relatives of lettuce are available in some grocery stores. If you collect them yourself, choose young plants that have not been exposed to pesticides.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (14)EscaroleThe taste of this broad-leafed endive varies from mild in the lighter-colored portions to bitter in the darker green leaves.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (15)Mache
(corn salad,
lamb’s lettuce)
Mache has an unusual but pleasant, nutty flavor. Because its leaves are very delicate, it’s usually sold separately rather than included in salad mixes.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (16)MesclunMesclun is French for a mixture of tender young lettuces (baby greens) and other salad greens. The traditional mesclun mix includes chervil, arugula, lettuce and endive.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (17)Mizuna
(oriental greens)
Mizuna has deeply cut, fringed leaves with a tangy flavor.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (18)Radicchio
(red chicory)
Radicchio is a type of chicory that has dark red leaves with white veins that form into a small, loosely wrapped, cabbage-like head. Radicchio is known for its bittersweet taste.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (19)SpinachYoung spinach leaves are nutritious and flavorful, alone or mixed with other salad greens. Savoy types of spinach have more wrinkled and curly leaves than smooth types.
Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (20)WatercressThese spicy, robust leaves are a pleasing addition to salads and they are also good on sandwiches.

Resources & References

Bunning, M. 2007. Evaluation of Antioxidant and Sensory Properties of Multiple Cultivars of Colorado-grown Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). PhD Dissertation. Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

Chang, J. and Fang, T. 2007. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium in iceberg lettuce and the antimicrobial effect of rice vinegar against E. coli O157:H7. Food Microbiology 24: 745-751.

Produce Safety, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Applied Food Safety & Applied Nutrition. Available online at:

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2011. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page,

*M. Bunning, Colorado State University Extension food safety specialist and assistant professor, department of food science and human nutrition; P. Kendall, Ph.D., R.D., Colorado State University, associate dean of research, food science and human nutrition.6/07.

Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating. CSU Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. No endorsem*nt of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.

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Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens - 9.373 - Extension (2024)


What are the tips for safe handling and storage of salad greens? ›

Tips to Safely Handle and Store Salad Greens

Refrigerate salad greens at 35 to 40o F quickly after purchase. Store in a plastic bag or lettuce keeper. Always wash hands before preparing salads and make sure you are working with a clean cutting board. Wash lettuce just before using by running cold water over leaves.

What are the benefits of salad greens? ›

Benefits of Leafy Salad Greens

Salad greens contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, fiber, and phytonutrients (see Table 1). Leafy vegetables are a good choice for a healthful diet because they do not contain cholesterol and are naturally low in calories and sodium.

Is eating green salad every day good for you? ›

Here are a 5 reasons why salads should be included in your diet everyday. High fiber not only reduces cardiac problems, Diabetes Mellitus, it also is protective against cancer, helps in reflux, ulcer etc. Eating a salad regularly slowly helps reduce cravings for many other fatty foods.

Which salad greens are healthiest? ›

Greens are also low in calories, but high in nutrients and volume, which can be helpful if you're trying to manage your weight," Moore points out. Some of the most nutritious greens include spinach, kale, romaine, watercress, and arugula (see "Salad greens by the numbers").

What are the benefits of eating green leaves? ›

The health benefits of leafy greens

Minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron, vital for strong bones, healthy muscles, nerve function and oxygen transport. Fiber, which promotes healthy gut bacteria, aids digestion, regulates blood sugar, and can reduce inflammation and bloating.

What are the health benefits of clean greens? ›

DAILY CLEAN GREENS: The Rheal Clean Greens superfood blend is designed to help you feel your best with a daily source of nutritious greens. Designed to support immunity, energy and digestion. ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: Made from only organic ingredients, no added sweeteners, fillers or unnatural ingredients.

Can you eat too much salad greens? ›

Many people experience bloating and/or gut upset when they eat a lot of salad. This commonly occurs if someone is going quickly from a less healthy, low-fibre diet to a healthier, high-fibre diet.

What green is safe to eat everyday? ›

Eight super-healthy leafy greens – and why you should eat them
  • Spinach. Spinach is easy to get all year round, and is chock full of iron, calcium, potassium and vitamins B6, C and K. ...
  • Kale. ...
  • Swiss chard. ...
  • Collard greens. ...
  • Rocket. ...
  • Romaine lettuce. ...
  • Watercress. ...
  • Bok choy.
Nov 13, 2023

What is the healthiest salad? ›

10 Nutrient-Dense Salad Recipes
  • Un-Cobb Salad.
  • Arugula Salad with Tomatoes, Corn, and Burrata.
  • Low-Carb Asian Chopped Salad.
  • Spicy Shrimp, Avocado, and Arugula Salad.
  • Tofu and Kale Salad.
  • Pear, Grape, and Feta Salad.
  • Mediterranean Chicken Salad.
  • Blood Orange and Quinoa Kale Salad.
Jul 20, 2021

What is the best lettuce to eat? ›

While all lettuce is going to provide you with healthy vitamins and minerals, romaine lettuce is the most nutrient-dense, says registered dietitian Danielle Crumble Smith. “It's going to have the highest amount of vitamin A, K, C,” she says.

What is the safest lettuce to eat? ›

Q: Are some types of lettuce safer than others? A: Because contamination can happen anywhere from farm to table, no single type of leafy green is risk-free. But hydroponic lettuces (which are greenhouse-grown) are less likely to be contaminated by bacteria from animal droppings.

Is cabbage healthier than lettuce? ›

Which should you choose? If you're looking for the healthier option of the two, choose cabbage. Lettuce varieties such as red leaf lettuce and romaine are also good options. Cabbage, including green and red cabbage, is typically higher in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds than iceberg lettuce.

How do you store fresh salad greens? ›

For leafy greens, add paper towels

If you plan to use a plastic bag for storage, be sure to press out any excess air. With a storage container, ensure that it's tightly sealed. Store greens in the crisper drawer for best results.

What are the tips and techniques for properly handling and preparing salad? ›

Preparing the salad
  1. Wash the salad under running water to eliminate residual soil and leave it to soak in a bowl. Then rinse again.
  2. Dry the salad leaves with a clean cloth and place them in a bowl with a high edge to make them easier to dress. You can also use a manual or electric salad spinner.

What are the safety practices in handling and storing fresh vegetables? ›

Avoid receiving or using damaged and partially decayed produce. Maintain purchasing records of fresh produce. Store raw produce so that it does not contaminate other foods with soil, etc. Store any fresh produce, whole or cut, where other products – especially raw meat and poultry – cannot cross-contaminate it.

How should salad vegetables be stored? ›

Make sure that your fruit, vegetables and salad are wrapped in something, like paper or plastic with air holes, to keep them protected from any contamination. For salads and herbs, try wrapping them in a damp paper towel before storing to prevent them from drying out and keep them fresher for longer.

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