Healey recommends $56.1 billion in FY25 budget with focus on education, infrastructure, and housing - Top World News Today (2024)

BOSTON — Education, infrastructure, housing, homelessness and increased funding for the MBTA and local aid are among areas highlighted in Gov. Maura Healey’s recommended Fiscal Year 2025 budget of $56.1 billion, state officials said.

The proposed budget recommends doubling operating assistance for the MBTA, with $314 million in direct operating support, doubling the $127 million in direct operating support in FY24 and maintaining $60 million for pay-go capital, officials said. This is in addition to $1.5 billion in projected sales tax revenue transfer.

The budget proposal includes $8.7 billion in local aid to cities and towns, which is a $269.4 million, or 3 percent increase over Fiscal Year 2024. The budget proposal also dedicates $6.86 billion to Chapter 70 education aid, which is a $271 million, or 4 percent increase, over FY24. That would guarantee a minimum aid increase of $30 per pupil.

“Our Fiscal Year 2025 budget proposal is balanced, responsible and forward-looking. It protects taxpayer dollars while also making crucial investments to lower costs for people and improve quality of life,” Healey said in a statement Wednesday. “Together, we can make child care more affordable and accessible for families, ensure every student is receiving a high-quality education, and improve our public transportation, roads and bridges. We thank the Legislature for their consideration of our proposal and look forward to our partnership throughout the budget process.”

The governor also filed an executive order creating a Transportation Funding Task Force to “make recommendations for a long-term, sustainable transportation finance plan” for the state’s road, rail and transit systems, officials said in a statement. The Task Force would be comprised of public and private-sector officials from communities across the state, with the goal of examining the state’s transportation systems over the next year.

This budget, filed as House 2, fully funds the fourth year of the Student Opportunity Act and pays for the next phase in of the “historic tax cuts enacted last year that will begin delivering savings to Massachusetts residents this Spring,” officials said.

“As a former mayor, and someone who has traveled around the state listening to our local officials, I’m proud of the way that this budget proposal responds to local needs,” Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll said in a statement. “We’re fully funding the Student Opportunity Act to make sure our K-12 schools have equitable access to the resources their students and educators need. We’re also increasing the amount of local aid going to cities and towns and boosting Chapter 90 funding to improve roads and bridges, particularly in rural communities.”

Healey also filed alongside the proposed budget a supplemental budget to cover “known deficiencies” in the emergency assistance shelter system for FY24 and proposed situations in FY25, officials said. The legislation “will be consistent with proposing to move the balance of the Transitional Escrow Fund to a new fund that can be used to support housing development, as well as shelter costs for the current fiscal year and into FY25.”

The budget also proposes to invest $1.3 billion in revenue generated by the voter-approved Fair Share surtax “to support transformative investments in education and transportation,” Healey said.

These include the state’s new Gateway to Pre-K initiative, which aims is to make early education and child care more affordable and accessible for all families across Massachusetts by 2026, state officials said. The initiative also includes the new Literacy Launch program, a plan to improve early literacy education for children.

Healey also proposed using Fair Share funds to increase funding for roads and bridges, including road aid for rural communities, implementing a low-income fares program at the MBTA, and making a new investment of $250 million in transportation “that will leverage $1.1 billion in borrowing over the next five years to tackle long overdue deferred maintenance.”

The budget proposal maintains $475 million in Commonwealth Cares for Children grants, fully supports universal school meals, continues the MassReconnect program to provide no-cost community college for students aged 25 and older, and maintains 1 percent of total spending for the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, officials said.

The budget proposal also includes the creation of a new Disaster Relief and Resiliency Fund to support the state’s response to natural disasters, such as the flooding seen in local communities over the past year.

“This fund would be capitalized with 10 percent of annual excess capital gains, in addition to public and/or private sources, federal grants, settlements, repayments, or reimbursem*nts available for the purpose of delivering aid,” state officials said.

“The budget proposal for FY25 is $56.1 billion in gross spending, excluding Fair Share surtax and Medical Assistance Trust Fund spending, which represents 2.9 percent spending growth over the Fiscal Year 2024 General Appropriations Act,” officials said. “This growth rate is below the current rate of inflation, based on the Consumer Price Index, and recognizes that the consensus revenue estimate of $40.2 billion was essentially flat from projections used to build the FY24 budget.”

“In light of flat tax revenues, the House 2 recommendation utilizes a thoughtful combination of funding sources to ensure a responsibly balanced budget,” officials said in their statement. “Importantly, this budget does not raise broad-based taxes or utilize any funding from the Stabilization Fund balance, which has grown to a record high of over $8 billion and would continue to grow under House 2.”

The consensus revenue estimate assumes $2 billion in total capital gains revenue, which state officials said allows for a portion of capital gains tax revenues above the statutory threshold, not to exceed $375 million, to be retained as a last resort to balance the budget and sustain essential programs.

“In short, this budget continues needed investments in housing, education, transportation and healthcare, while being fiscally responsible in light of reduced revenue growth,” officials said in their statement.

The proposed budget includes a proposal to move the Lottery online and a tax amnesty program “to help make sure Massachusetts can collect the taxes it’s owed,” officials said.

The budget recommendation proposes to continue to use excess capital gains to build the Stabilization Fund balance, address pension and other post-employment benefit liabilities, and fund a new Disaster and Resiliency Trust Fund. Officials said the budget recommendation maintains the state’s commitment to fully fund its pension liability by 2036 with $4.5 billion in FY25, a $395 million increase over the FY24 contribution.

“Projected sales tax revenues will enable a $1.5 billion transfer to support the operations of the MBTA and $1.3 billion will be transferred to the Massachusetts School Building Authority to support school construction across the state,” officials said. “The budget also commits $27 million for the Workforce Training Fund to support the state’s workforce, competitiveness, and engine for growth.”

“Recognizing our tightening fiscal environment, this budget responsibly controls spending and limits growths without jeopardizing the progress and impact we’ve been able to make over the past year working to make our education systems, tax code and housing more affordable for the people of Massachusetts,” Secretary of Administration and Finance Matt Gorzkowicz said in a statement. “We have been able identify and invest in critical areas like child care and public transit while also putting the state on a path toward sustainability.”

Fair Share

For the second year, the budget recommendation proposes to use revenue generated from the 4 percent Fair Share surtax on income above $1 million to invest in education and transportation. The FY25 House 2 budget recommends $1.3 billion for programs ranging from financial aid for public higher education to implementing low-income fares at the MBTA – all focused on improving affordability, equity, and competitiveness across the state, officials said.

The budget proposal recommends the following investments across the two priorities, state officials said:

For education, House 2 proposes to use $150 million to supplement spending in the operating budget to maintain $475 million for C3 grants to support and stabilize the early education and care system. Another $21 million for the Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Program will enable a $38.6 million total FY25 investment to put the state on a path to universal Pre-K starting with all Gateway Cities by 2026, officials said. Fair Share funds will also support $30 million for Literacy Launch to promote quality reading instruction for young learners and $75 million to expand access to child care financial assistance for families up to 85 percent of the state median income.

In transportation, a new investment of $250 million in the Commonwealth Transportation Fund will increase the borrowing capacity of the CTF by $1.1 billion over the next five year enabling the advancement of major infrastructure projects around the state, officials said. Fair Share spending will also support $124 million in supplemental Chapter 90 spending to cities and towns to support maintenance of local roads and sidewalks, including $24 million dedicated directly to rural communities. Another $45 million would enable the MBTA to implement a low-income fare relief system wide, and $15 million would go to support fare equity at Regional Transit Authorities.

Local Aid

House 2 also proposes to fund Unrestricted General Government Aid at $1.3 billion, a $38 million, or 3 percent, increase over Fiscal Year 2024, and fully funds the Special Education Circuit Breaker at $492.2 million, officials said. When combined with $75 million of supplemental funding from the Fiscal Year 2023 close-out budget that will be available across Fiscal Year 2024 and Fiscal Year 2025, $567 million in total Special Education Circuit Breaker funding would be available to meet all projected district claims and this reflects the full phase-in of out-of-district transportation cost reimbursem*nt provided for in the Student Opportunity Act.

The budget also recommends an increase of $2.4 million, or 2 percent over Fiscal Year 2024, for regional school transportation reimbursem*nts.

Below is a breakdown of proposed spending in the recommended FY25 Massachusetts budget, according to state officials:


Early Education and Care

  • $475 million for Commonwealth Cares for Children (C3) grants to providers to stabilize the early education and care system
  • $20 million for provider rate increases above sustained FY24 increase
  • $38.6 million for the Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative
  • $5 million for early childhood mental health supports, with an additional $5 million in Fair Share to be utilized across the Executive Office of Education
  • $10 million for career pathways program for early educators

Higher Education

  • $80 million to sustain the expansion of MASSGrant Plus and maintain FY24 financial aid expansion
  • Covers tuition, fees, books, and supply costs for Pell Grant-eligible students and reduces out-of-pocket expenses for middle-income students ($73 K to $100 K AGI) by up to half
  • $24 million for MassReconnect, an increase of $4 million
  • $24.9 million for mental health supports
  • $8.8 million for foster care financial aid and fee waiver programs to support over 1,400 Department of Children and Families eligible students attending private and public campuses
  • $14 million for the Community College SUCCESS fund
  • $125 million in Fair Share funding to support capital improvements across campuses, including lab and instructional facilities, infrastructure modernization, decarbonization, and critical repairs



  • $588 million for MassDOT operations including Highway, RMV, Rail and Transit, and Aeronautics
  • $56 million for safety, service and sustainability programs


  • $314 million in direct operating support, doubling the $127 million in direct operating support in FY24 and maintaining $60 million for pay-go capital; This is in addition to $1.5 billion in projected sales tax revenue transfer
  • $45 million for the FY25 implementation of Low Income Fare Relief

Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs)

  • $94 million for RTA base funding
  • $75 million in Fair Share funds to support operational improvements and expand access, including:
  • $56 million for regional transit funding and grants
  • $15 million for RTA fare equity programs
  • $4 million for grants to expand mobility options

Economic Development

  • $7.5 million for Small Business Technical Assistance Grants
  • Launches a new Entrepreneur-In-Residence Program to help keep international graduates of Massachusetts colleges and universities in the state upon graduation
  • Builds a Reciprocity Ombudsperson Unit at the Division of Occupational Licensure to guide those seeking licensure from other jurisdictions through the process in Massachusetts
  • Creates technical assistance support for the Business Front Door, to help businesses interact with state government
  • Funds capacity at the executive office to take the lead on priorities such as siting and permitting, technical assistance for businesses, and “Climatech”
  • $10 million for the Massachusetts Life Science Center
  • $8.5 million for initiatives at the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative to support workforce, manufacturing, cybersecurity, and the innovation economy

Housing and Homelessness

  • $219 million for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, a 22 percent increase, to support over 10,000 voucher holders by the end of FY25
  • $112 million for subsidies for local housing authorities, including an increase for local tenant organizations to match the federal rate ($25/unit)
  • $16.5 million for the Rental Subsidy Program for DMH clients, which will preserve 220 additional rental vouchers created in FY24
  • $197.4 million for Residential Assistance for Families in Transition, preserving a maximum benefit of $7,000 over 12 months
  • $57.3 million for HomeBASE, maintaining a benefit level of $45,000 over 36 months to connect EA-eligible families with more permanent housing opportunities
  • $3 million for Housing Assistance for Re-Entry Transition, providing transitional housing and rental vouchers to support adults exiting incarceration
  • $325 million for Emergency Assistance Family Shelter (EA) program, with remaining need to be funded through accompanying supplemental budget

Climate and Environment

Climate and environmental programing through the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs is funded at 1 percent of the overall budget – $572.1 million. This represents a $14.2 million, or 3 percent, increase over FY24, including $5.6 million to establish new technical assistance programs for culverts, small bridges, and dams, as well as funding for a new carbon sequestration program.

  • $25 million to support Food Security Infrastructure Grants
  • $30 million for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to support workforce training programs in the clean energy industry, clean transportation adoption, and an energy retrofit pilot program
  • $4.8 million for a decarbonization clearinghouse (one-stop shop for energy efficiency, electrification, and storage)
  • $1.7 million for sampling at landfills and water facilities for PFAS
  • $1.5 million to expand air quality monitoring statewide
  • $1.5 million for climate and drought resilience through the Department of Environmental Protection

Labor and Workforce Development

  • $15.7 million for Summer Jobs Program for At-Risk Youth (Youthworks) to subsidize wages and facilitate career development of at-risk youth between the ages of 14 and 25
  • $10.4 million for Career Technical Institutes (CTIs), which aim to close skills training gaps by expanding access to vocational education, across EOL and Education
  • $10 million for MassHire Career Centers to provide regional workforce training and employee placement services across 29 locations
  • $3.8 million for the Registered Apprenticeship Program to fund approximately 1,000 placements for registered apprentices in FY25

Health and Human Services

  • $390 million for Chapter 257 provider rate increases benchmarked to the 53% of BLS salaries and $249.9 million to annualize FY24 rate increases
  • $112.9 million for collective bargaining increases and $75 M to support direct care staffing needs shifted from off-budget reserve
  • $90.3 million to support and Turning 22 classes
  • $44.2 million to meet projected need in TAFDC and EAEDC benefits
  • $17 million increase for behavioral health initiatives at DMH to expand inpatient and community capacity
  • $10 million for the development of intensive care program models for high-need youth
  • $5 million for reducing and eliminating copays for low-income Home Care clients at EOEA
  • $4.9 million for certificate programs, recruitment bonuses, and expanded access to licensing to expand the CNA workforce
  • $3.1 million for postpartum care services for DCF clients with substance use disorders
  • $2.5 million to continue new home and community-based service programs to help DDS clients remain in their homes
  • $2.1 million for youth delinquency prevention through the Massachusetts Youth Diversion Program (MYDP) at DYS


The proposed budget also directs $20.3 billion gross/$8.2 billion net for MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides coverage to over 2 million people, officials said. That is an increase of $730 million gross/$440 million net above estimated Fiscal Year 2024 spending.

“In Fiscal Year 2025, MassHealth will continue to ensure access to high-quality services while managing the loss of ~$1 billion of annual federal revenue during the pandemic and significant health care cost growth over the past two years,” state officials said in their statement.

The breakdown of MassHealth funding includes:

  • ~$70 million in targeted rate investments that address workforce challenges across community-based nursing and direct care workers.
  • $5 million to improve access to wheelchair repair services.
  • ~$60 million in rate investments in behavioral health, primary care and maternity care
  • $10 million of infrastructure funding for correctional partners in advance of implementing MassHealth coverage 90 days before release from jail or prison settings.

Public Safety

  • $35 million to enhance equity and eliminate barriers to communication through implementing No Cost Calls across all correctional facilities, including those run by county sheriff departments
  • $16 million in operating budget savings through the closure of MCI Concord; Incarcerated individuals and staff members are to be transferred to nearby facilities by July 1, 2024
  • $2 million for the State Police Cadet Program; $10.3 million for 91st State Police Recruit Training Troop
  • $5.6 million for State Police body-worn cameras for all sworn troopers
  • $10.7 million to maintain support for reentry initiatives across Department of Correction and EPS
  • $2 million to sustain the Safe Neighborhood Initiative

Supporting veterans

  • Fully covers the cost of implementing the HERO Act
  • $4.3 million to increase Ch.115 annuity payments from $2,000 to $2,250
  • $1 million revenue reduction to waive veteran license plate fees
  • Staffing and infrastructure investments at the Chelsea and Holyoke Soldiers’ Homes
  • Prepares for the opening of new Soldiers’ Homes facilities

Technology and cybersecurity

  • Creates the Digital Accessibility and Equity Governance Board, and the position of Chief IT Accessibility Officer (CIAO)
  • $600,000 to support the AskMA mass.gov chatbot
  • $4.2 million for technology modernization and hardware maintenance contracts
  • $700,000 for advanced threat protection software and other upgrades

To view the governor’s filing letter, budget message, budget briefs, and specific information click here.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates as more information becomes available.

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Healey recommends $56.1 billion in FY25 budget with focus on education, infrastructure, and housing - Top World News Today (2024)


What is the healey budget FY25? ›

Boston — Today, Governor Maura Healey signed the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) state budget, a $57.78 billion plan that builds on the many strengths of the Massachusetts economy and addresses some of the state's biggest challenges. The budget is balanced, responsibly controls spending growth and protects taxpayer dollars.

What is the new budget for Massachusetts? ›

Gov. Maura Healey today signed a $57.8 billion state budget bill for fiscal 2025 that increases unrestricted local aid by 3% over fiscal 2024 and boosts Chapter 70 education aid by approximately $309 million.

How much is the Healey family worth? ›

He has donated £2,210,000 to the Conservative Party since 2017. In the 2021 Sunday Times Rich List, Healey and family were listed as the 70th wealthiest family in the UK, with an estimated net wealth of £1.43 billion.

What is the fuel economy of the Austin-Healey Sprite? ›

A car was tested by the British magazine The Motor in 1958. It had a top speed of 82.9 mph (133.4 km/h) and could accelerate from 0–60 mph (97 km/h) in 20.5 seconds. Fuel consumption of 43 miles per imperial gallon (6.6 L/100 km; 36 mpgUS) was recorded.

How much money is Massachusetts in debt? ›

U.S. state and local government debt in Massachusetts 2000-2022. In the fiscal year of 2022, Massachusetts's state debt stood at about 76.35 billion U.S. dollars.

Are Massachusetts residents getting money? ›

In general, eligible taxpayers will receive a credit in the form of a refund of 14.0312% of their Massachusetts personal income tax liability for Tax Year 2021.

Did MA pass the 2024 budget? ›

Today the legislature passed a budget bill for Fiscal Year 2024.

What is the most valuable Austin-Healey? ›

Austin-Healey cars were produced until 1972 when the 20-year agreement between Healey and Austin came to an end. Some replicas can be found with later model years. What is the highest sale price of a Austin-Healey? The highest recorded sale was $599,100 for a 1955 Austin-Healey 100S on Jul 22 2022.

What is the value of an Austin-Healey 100-6? ›

A: The top sale price was $81,200 for a 1959 Austin-Healey 100-6 BN6 on Aug 19 2023. Q: What is the lowest sale price of a Austin-Healey 100-6? A: The lowest recorded sale price was $10,750 for a 1958 Austin-Healey 100-6 BN4 4-Seat Roadster on May 1 2023.

What is the difference between an Austin-Healey 100 and 3000? ›

Produced between late 1959 and 1961, the MKI was the first of the 3000s, similar styling but with big upgrades, the 3000 was a step up from the 100/6. The MKI 3000 brought along a three-litre engine and the addition of front disc brakes which were a great improvement over the 100/6's drums.

What is the Austin-Healey 100-6 1956? ›

The Austin-Healey 100-6 is a two-seat roadster produced by British Motor Corporation from 1956 to 1959. A replacement for the Austin-Healey 100, it was followed by the Austin-Healey 3000; together, the three models have become known as the Big Healeys.

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