He Takes Me For Granted: How To Make Him Worry About Losing You (2024)

Relationships[1] are tricky and require effort, love, respect, and mutual appreciation. However, romantic relationships can get trickier because both partners must be on the same page with mutual admiration, honesty, and respect. Firstly, the relationship outline[2] is not good as it takes me for granted. Because it is difficult to determine who loves who is more in a relationship, our partner often takes us for granted. Therefore does this sound familiar?

He Takes Me For Granted: How To Make Him Worry About Losing You (1)

Do any of these questions run through your mind when you are thinking about your partner?

That one silent moment in your daily routine, do any of these thoughts cross your mind and make you think hard and deep?

  1. “He takes me for granted, I know that”
  2. “I am looking for signs that he takes me for granted”
  3. “He takes me for granted. Perhaps he thinks I do not love him ?”
  4. “He knows he takes me for granted and doesn’t listen when i ask him to stop”
  5. “He is rude and takes me for granted”
  6. “I am angry at my boy friend or husband because he takes me for granted”
  7. “He takes me for granted and hasn’t said he loves me”
  8. “Why he takes me for granted”
  9. “I know he takes me for granted now. What can I do ?”

I am sure all these questions run through your mind night and day when you are troubled with this million dollar question. Don’t worry we got you covered and will take you through some hand-holding to make you better equipped to handle such thoughts and situations.

He Takes Me For Granted

Although feeling that “he takes me for granted” can easily pop up in any woman’s head. But also, in some cases, not just partners but even friends, family, and colleagues can take you for granted. Firstly, we understand how hurtful that is but have you ever wondered why your partner might be taking you for granted? When you say he takes me for granted, it means he doesn’t appreciate or value you enough.

However, it might mean a lack of gratitude or expressing their love or appreciation for you. We must also dig into understanding that if he takes me for granted meaning and result is to also find out the pertinent question: Why he takes me for granted ?

Read more about: Sometimes you may feel depressed and the meaningless of life.

No matter how selfless and giving you are, you are bound to expect love, gratitude, appreciation, and praise. as a human being in a relationship[2]. However, what if your partner does not do these things? Let’s delve a bit more into why he may take you for granted and what you can do to save your relationship because of love.

Why Does He Take Me For Granted?

Therefore here are a few reasons to answer the question: “Why does he take me for granted?”

  • You love him too much.

Believe it or not, expressing your love[3] in excess can make your partner take you for granted as they begin thinking that no matter what, you will never leave them. It may be time to rethink!

  • He practically rules your life.

If your partner has the power to make you smile, cry, be angry, and be happy, it is a sign that you are weak before them, causing him to take you for granted.

  • You are very compliant and adjusting.

Women who are overly emotional, adjusting, and submissive are often taken for granted by their partners in relationships.

  • You do not care about credits.

If you are one of those who care a lot for someone but do not expect it, it is time to become wiser. Your lack of expectation can make your partner take you for granted.

  • Lack of self-confidence[4]

When you lack confidence, it gives others a chance to dominate you, including your partner. If this sounds like you, that may be your answer to “Who do I feel like he takes me for granted?”

Last not the least the answer to this specific question is also this truthful one liner which you sometimes know in the depth of your heart – he takes me for granted cause he says, he knows and he believes that i am not going anywhere.

How to Know If He Takes Me For Granted?

We often fail to see that our partners take us for granted unless someone points it out to us.

Here are some signs that could mean your partner is taking you for granted:

  • Your partner does not treat you with respect.
  • There is a lack of acknowledgement or appreciation for something you did.
  • If he makes plans without you or your knowledge.
  • Your opinions do not matter to him.
  • He makes you feel insignificant.
  • There are frequent occurrences where he insults you or makes you feel worthless.
  • He stopped dressing up well in front of you like in earlier days.
  • He ignores you when you talk (a red flag in your relationship).
  • He prioritizes his friends over you.
  • There is hesitancy or lack of intimacy.
  • He is reluctant to introduce you to his family.
  • His priorities are completely different from yours.
  • He does not appreciate the work and support that you lend.
  • He is not thankful to you for all little things that you do for him.
  • He avoids taking your at places or get together’s.
  • He is irritated most of the times with you and takes out faults.

Does This Mean He Doesn’t Love Me?

Have you ever wondered, “partner takes me for granted – does this mean he doesn’t love me?” It sets off a vicious cycle of trying to please their partner, becoming clingy, being available all the time, overtly expressing their love, etc. It makes the man even more complacent about the relationship and tends to take his girlfriend or wife for granted even more.

If your partner takes you for granted, it does not necessarily mean he doesn’t love you. He may take you for granted for many reasons, and understanding the reason is the best way to resolve this issue. If your partner does feel there is a lack of love from his side or your repeated attempts at changing his behaviour go in vain, it may be advisable to go for couple or marriage therapy.

Should I Leave Him or Walk Away If He Takes Me For Granted?

If your boyfriend or husband takes you for granted, leaving him should not be on top of your list of things to do. We understand it can be insulting and frustrating, but ending a relationship should never be the first move, because there are many ways to resolve this issue, beginning with effective communication.

However, discussing with your partner is often enough for him to see how he has been behaving, thereby changing it. Because everyone deserves a chance, and you should give your partner one too to allow him to be better. At the same time, you must try to remove factors that may contribute to making him feel your importance and value.

Despite all these efforts, if your partner refuses to change his behavior or continues to take you for granted, it may be a good idea to walk away and end the relationship for your good and his!

“I Want to Teach Him a Lesson”: How to Make Him Worry About Losing You

While it is nice to be polite and adjust with your partner, there must be a fine line between loving them and allowing them to take you for granted. Moreover, being too clingy or excessively worrying about your partner leaving you is also unhealthy for a relationship.

Therefore if your partner takes you for granted, sometimes making them worry about losing you is a good idea to reignite the spark in your relationship. Now, here are some handy tips you can try!

  • Hence, Don’t always be available for him; play hard to get
  • Firstly, talk about plans for the future when he isn’t there
  • Secondly, please do not jump to answer his call or be prompt to reply to his messages; let him wait and expect
  • Spend time with yourself
  • Add a few new sex moves
  • Be social and flirtatious in front of him. No man can stand jealousy!
  • Don’t be clingy
  • Avoid pleasing him all the time
  • Be independent in every way
  • Spend time with your family and friends

Now, these will make your partner appreciate you more and worry about losing you. Last not the least is to – start loving yourself the way you are.

How to Stop Him From Taking Me For Granted?

Hence, being in a relationship requires some maturity from both partners. Therefore, here are some ways to stop him from taking you for granted:

  • Communicate: Express your concerns to him and be vocal about how you feel. Because you may need to cite some examples if your partner cannot understand where you are coming from and what is your feelings.
  • Focus on yourself: Now, Shift your attention to yourself rather than pampering him with all the love and attention. When he notices that you are enjoying yourself, even without him, this might get him thinking and hooked on you again. Don’t be stressed. Try to live stress-free, so if you feel you may, go to an online therapist for stress. Practise meditation also.

Read more about: How to Use Mindful Meditation to Reduce Stress

  • Give him a taste of his medicine: After that, sometimes, a “tit for tat” works better than accessible communication. Therefore, if you have problems, go to an online therapist because the counselor will guide you to overcome this problem.
  • Give Space to your relationship: Always give yourself and your partner space in the connection. Because it might help him realize your importance in his life. Even if you feel more problems, you may undergo an online couples compatibility test.

Trust me you are not alone at all. There are millions of people like you who suffer silently and do not speak out and reach out to get the negative thoughts out of your mind. This is where you possibly can read some deep insights on relationship or possibly you can reach out to our global experts for a confidential discussion.

So the best suggestion at this point of time is to reach out, share your thoughts and de-burden yourself. If you are experiencing trouble in your partnership, relationship, love, dating, marriage, please feel free to consult expert counselors in confidentiality at United We Care!


  1. Wikipedia contributors, “Outline of relationships,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19-Jan-2022. [Online]. Available:
  2. Wikipedia contributors, “Relationship,”Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19-Apr-2022. [Online]. Available:
  3. Wikipedia contributors, “Love,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 12-Jul-2022. [Online]. Available:
  4. Wikipedia contributors, “Self-esteem,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13-Jul-2022. [Online]. Available:
  5. E. Zerubavel,Taken for granted: The remarkable power of the unremarkable. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018.
  6. P. Quattrone and T. Hopper, “What does organizational change mean? Speculations on a taken-for-granted category
  7. ,” Manag. A. Res., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 403–435, 2001.
  8. R. Howitt, “Unsettling the taken (for granted),” Prog. Hum. Geogr., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 193–215, 2020.

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He Takes Me For Granted: How To Make Him Worry About Losing You (2024)


He Takes Me For Granted: How To Make Him Worry About Losing You? ›

The single best way to put how to make him regret taking you for granted into action is to stop doing the very things that he's not appreciating. Once those things aren't happening, he's going to sit up and wonder what's going on. He'll suddenly realize that you're doing more than he's giving you credit for.

How to make him feel afraid of losing you? ›

How to Make a Guy Realize He's Losing You: Unlock 31 Simple Ways
  1. Change the Way You Communicate.
  2. Take a Break from Doing Favors.
  3. Enjoy Your Life (Without Him)
  4. Focus on Self-improvement.
  5. Spend Time on Your Own.
  6. Prioritize Self-care.
Jun 10, 2024

How to make a man regret taking you for granted? ›

The single best way to put how to make him regret taking you for granted into action is to stop doing the very things that he's not appreciating. Once those things aren't happening, he's going to sit up and wonder what's going on. He'll suddenly realize that you're doing more than he's giving you credit for.

How do you make him miss you after taking you for granted? ›

Start to post pictures and status updates about how much fun you're having doing things on your own. This works very well when trying to get an ex to miss you. Show how much you're enjoying life on your own, and your guy will be begging to hang out with you because he misses you so much.

How do you make a man deeply regret losing you? ›

Think of one or two things that you'd really enjoy and give yourself a gift.
  1. Try going on a trip or vacation alone. Take some time to explore a new place or experience something new by yourself.
  2. Pamper yourself with self-care gifts. ...
  3. Take yourself out – go to a bookstore, or dinner, or even a movie.

How to make him realize he hurt you? ›

Build a new world that he can see but not join.

This might take a while, but it might show the guy that you don't need him to be happy. In turn, he might realize that he messed up and feel sorry for it. Try to find some new interests and friends. Visit new places and try new things.

Will walking away make him realize? ›

Men, like anyone, can care deeply if you walk away, especially if they have genuine feelings for you. The act of walking away can be a powerful message that can lead to introspection and realization of your worth in your life.

How do I stop letting him take me for granted? ›

How to stop someone from taking you for granted:
  1. Set boundaries. Speaking up for yourself and establishing appropriate give and take can be difficult when the boundaries between you and your pals are crossed. ...
  2. Practice assertive communication. ...
  3. Give feedback. ...
  4. Resolve issues. ...
  5. Respect others' opinions.
Jun 30, 2022

What to do when you feel like he is taking you for granted? ›

If you want to save the relationship, it's all about communication and stating your needs clearly. “If you feel taken for granted by someone, it's best to tell them what you need,” Lerner says. “To do this, be honest with yourself about your priorities.

What makes him take you for granted? ›

Men in general are very hedonistic and will do what feels right to them. He is taking you for granted because you are valuing his needs over your own and you aren't putting up enough boundaries.

How to make a man scared of losing you? ›

By understanding his desires, love language, and what makes him happiest, you'll be able to fulfill every aspect of his life. This level of dedication will create an addiction within him; he won't want to let go of someone who fulfills all his needs like nobody else can.

How to tell if a man is using you for convenience? ›

Signs You're Being Used
  • The person asks you for money, favors, or other items. ...
  • The person imposes on you without consideration for your availability or preferences. ...
  • The person expects you to take care of their needs. ...
  • The person appears disinterested in you after their needs have been met.
Feb 14, 2023

How do I make someone scared of losing me? ›

1) Don't be too available

Well, it's your constant availability that makes him think that he won't lose you – ever. So if I were you, don't be too available. For example, if he asks you to accompany him to do this or that, don't ditch the plans you've made before he asked you (at the last minute.)

How to know he's afraid of losing you? ›

When a man is excessively jealous or possessive, it's often a sign that he fears losing you. He may become overly concerned about who you're spending time with, wanting to know your whereabouts or who you're communicating with.

How do you make a guy lose feeling for you? ›

Set appropriate boundaries.
  1. Avoiding touching them or flirting with them.
  2. Unfollowing them on social media.
  3. Avoiding spending one-on-one time with them.
  4. Staying busy with other people and friends.
  5. Saying “no” to any plans they try to make with you.
  6. Avoiding sitting next to them at work or in class.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.