Hash Tables Interview Questions & Tips for Senior Engineers (2024)

What is a Hash Table?

A hash table is a key-value data structure. Keys are typically able to be accessed in amortized constant time and values can be single items or more commonly a list of items.

Hashtables, Hashmaps, and Dictionaries. Oh My!

Most languages have built-in key-value pair data structures, but each language will have different names, terminology, and even different implementations associated with them. All languages provide efficient ways to store, retrieve, and manipulate data because they allow for near-instant access to the data associated with a specific key. While there is little consistency for what a key-value data structure is called between languages, for the sake of this article we will use the term "hash table" to encompass the following:

  • Hash Table (sometimes a single word: "Hashtable")
  • Hash Map (sometimes a single word: "Hashmap")
  • Map
  • Dictionary

In Python, these structures are referred to as dictionaries (or "dicts"). In JavaScript, before ES6 these were represented as a general Object but after ES6 we now have a dedicated Map object. C++, on the other hand, includes both map and unordered_map in its Standard Template Library (STL), the latter being equivalent to a hash table. In Java, they are usually called Maps, represented by the Map interface which has several implementations including HashMap and TreeMap (but many more exist). Confusingly, Java has both a Hashtable and a HashMap. The main differences between them are that HashMap is multi-threaded and therefore not thread-safe and also allows for a null key & null values. The Hashtable implementation is thread safe and doesn't allow null keys or values.

Comparing Hash Tables, Arrays, and Sets

It's not uncommon for candidates to understand the differences between these three data structures yet fail to select the correct data structure in an interview context. Here is a brief comparison of these data structures and how they relate to one another. In general we should…

  • Use Arrays when we need to store elements of the same type, in a particular order, or we need to frequently access them by their index.
  • Use Hash tables when we need to store key-value pairs and perform frequent lookup, insert, or delete operations.
  • Use Sets when we need to store unique elements, don't care about duplicates, and just need to perform operations like checking if an element is in the set or not.
ArraysHash TablesSets
AccessO(1)O(1) avg, O(n) worst-caseO(1) avg, O(n) worst-case
SearchO(n)O(1) avg, O(n) worst-caseO(1) avg, O(n) worst-case
InsertionO(n)O(1) avg, O(n) worst-caseO(1) avg, O(n) worst-case
DeletionO(n)O(1) avg, O(n) worst-caseO(1) avg, O(n) worst-case
Key-Value PairsNoYesNo
Unique ElementsNoKeys are uniqueYes
Additional MetadataNoYesYes
Memory UsageLowHighHigh

  • n represents the size of the data structure

How Does a Hash Table Work?

Did you know that a hash table is actually just an array under the hood with some helper methods? It's true! Picture a super-organized parking lot (our array) and a hard-working valet (our hash function). You hand the valet your car keys, and he decides where to park your car. The valet has a unique system where he uses the key to choose a parking spot. That's exactly what a hash table does!

A good hashing function can make a big difference in how efficiently we can look up data. For example, what if two cars (keys) are assigned the same spot? That's a collision! In the programming world, we have some neat strategies to handle those.

With "separate chaining", the parking spot just grows a little garage (a linked list) and parks the cars (hash table "keys") one behind the other.

"Open addressing", on the other hand, is like the valet looking for the next available spot. If we are parking the cars right next to one another then that's "linear probing". If the valet starts hopping around in a specific pattern then it is quadratic probing or double hashing in the CS world.

Imagine our valet is having a bad day and just trying to park all the cars as close together in the same spot as possible, causing a traffic jam, or putting all the cars so far away it takes forever to get to them. This will result in a lot of collisions and will make a mess! That's like a poor hash function in coding. A good hash function, like a top-notch valet, parks the cars in a way that they're spread out evenly (avoiding traffic jams or "collisions") and are easy to retrieve when needed.

Now imagine that our parking lot is getting filled up. This is when "rehashing" comes in. It's like the valet suddenly puts in an order for a bigger parking lot, moves all the cars around to space them out more, reducing the chances of assigning two cars to the same spot.

Even though finding a parking spot (or an array index!) might sometimes take longer than expected, over many trips to the lot (or "amortized over time"), our valet (hash function) usually gets us there pretty quickly, averaging out to constant time. Here's a little python code as an example. The code supports a fixed size table of 10 elements and does not rehash when the table gets full and just continues to use separate chaining to avoid collisions (eventually degrading performance).

class HashTable: def __init__(self): # Restricts the initial size of our hash table self.size = 10 # Create array with 10 empty lists in it (one for each index) self.table = [[] for _ in range(self.size)]  def hash_function(self, key): # This is a simple hash function that uses the modulo operator # In a real-world use case, we would use a more complex function return key % self.size  def insert(self, key, value): # Calculate index in array where this key/value pair should be stored hash_index = self.hash_function(key) # Variable to track if key already exists in the current bucket key_exists = False # Get bucket corresponding to the hashed index bucket = self.table[hash_index]  # Iterate bucket collisions and check if we've previously added the key for i, kv in enumerate(bucket): k, v = kv if key == k: key_exists = True  break # Add key if it's new, append to existing bucket collisions list if not if key_exists: bucket[i] = ((key, value)) else: bucket.append((key, value))
1class HashTable:2 def __init__(self):3 # Restricts the initial size of our hash table4 self.size = 105 # Create array with 10 empty lists in it (one for each index)6 self.table = [[] for _ in range(self.size)]7 8 def hash_function(self, key):9 # This is a simple hash function that uses the modulo operator10 # In a real-world use case, we would use a more complex function11 return key % self.size12 13 def insert(self, key, value):14 # Calculate index in array where this key/value pair should be stored15 hash_index = self.hash_function(key)16 # Variable to track if key already exists in the current bucket17 key_exists = False18 # Get bucket corresponding to the hashed index19 bucket = self.table[hash_index] 2021 # Iterate bucket collisions and check if we've previously added the key22 for i, kv in enumerate(bucket):23 k, v = kv24 if key == k:25 key_exists = True 26 break27 # Add key if it's new, append to existing bucket collisions list if not28 if key_exists:29 bucket[i] = ((key, value))30 else:31 bucket.append((key, value))

When to Use a Hash Table in an Interview?

When it comes to technical interviews, problems often revolve around manipulating and processing data. One of the most common ways to speed up an algorithm is to trade time for space. Phrased differently, we can increase the speed of many algorithms if we are willing to store some extra data in memory to avoid an expensive lookup operation later. This is the primary use for hash tables.

Hash tables tend to be used in conjunction with other techniques to solve a problem, rather than being a solution in themselves. Figuring out what to save as the key and value and then how to use that information once saved is more difficult than understanding the concept itself. Here are some well-known scenarios where these structures tend to be most useful:

Frequency Counts

It's a fairly common requirement in interview problems to count the frequency of something. We use the key to hold the unique element we are tracking (whether it is a letter, string, or even an entire object) and the value is used to hold the number of times we've seen it. This usually allows us to eliminate the need for a nested loop, thereby saving us time. Here are a few example problems showcasing this.

  • Top K Frequent Elements: A hash table can be used to count the frequency of each element, then a heap or another sorting algorithm can be used to select the top k.
  • Ransom Note: A hash table can be used to count the frequency of each character in the magazine.
  • Find All Anagrams in a String: A hash table can be used to count the frequency of each character in p, and then a sliding window can be used to track the frequency of characters in s.
  • First Unique Character In a String: A hash map can be used to count the frequency of each character, though a set may be a slightly better data structure here to save a small amount of space.

Pro Tip: In Python, there are two common tools you can utilize in collections to save yourself time in an interview.

A Counter can count the frequency of elements occurring in a list (note the capitalization!)

from collections import Counterwords = "i love love love interviewing.io"Counter(words.split()) # ({i': 1, 'love: 3, 'interviewing.io: 1})
12from collections import Counter3words = "i love love love interviewing.io"4Counter(words.split()) # ({i': 1, 'love: 3, 'interviewing.io: 1})5

More generally, a defaultdict can initialize default values for you when adding a new key to your hash table (aka dictionary).

from collections import defaultdictwords = "i love love love interviewing.io"# initialize every key with a default integer of 0dictionary = defaultdict(int)for word in words.split(): dictionary[word] += 1print(dictionary) # {i': 1, 'love: 3, 'interviewing.io: 1}
1from collections import defaultdict2words = "i love love love interviewing.io"34# initialize every key with a default integer of 05dictionary = defaultdict(int)6for word in words.split():7 dictionary[word] += 18print(dictionary) # {i': 1, 'love: 3, 'interviewing.io: 1}

Data Tracking and Organization

Sometimes it's easier to track data when it is logically grouped together. This tends to also increase the efficiency of your lookups of the data but is useful on its own even if you don't need that efficiency. This may be the most common way to use hash tables – in problems where we need to track the location of something like a character, index, or node.

  • Classic examples would be problems like Two Sum and Three Sum where we track the number with the key and track where the number occurred in the array with the value.
  • This common pattern can also apply to index ranges where you keep track of something between a particular start and end index. This is the basic idea behind a more advanced strategy known as prefix & suffix array tracking.
  • A final index location problem example is the popular Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache problem. This is the most popular question on LeetCode and well worth your time to look at if you aren't familiar with it. The clever optimal solution involves a doubly-linked list and a hash table to track the locations of the elements in the linked list.

Graph Representations

Similar to the above, but worth calling out on its own, hash tables can efficiently represent a graph by storing vertices as keys and their adjacency list as values. This allows quick access to each vertex's adjacent vertices, facilitating traversal and other operations. Additionally, extra information such as vertex weight can be stored in the value, enabling a wide range of graph algorithms.

Using a hash table for this purpose offers several benefits. The primary advantage is the O(1) average time complexity for lookups, insertions, and deletions that hash tables offer. This means that accessing a vertex's adjacency list, adding a new vertex, or deleting a vertex can be done very quickly, regardless of the size of the graph.

For instance, if you want to find all the vertices adjacent to a specific vertex, you can access the adjacency list directly using the hash table. Similarly, if an edge is added or removed, updating the adjacency list is quick. Here's an example hash table in Python representing a simple undirected graph in the form of an adjacency list. The graph has four vertices (A, B, C, and D) and 5 edges ((A-B), (B-C), (C-D), (A-D), and (A-C)).

graph = { 'A': ['B', 'C', 'D'], 'B': ['A', 'C'], 'C': ['A', 'B', 'D'], 'D': ['A', 'C'],}"""graph visualization A --- B | \ | | \ | | \ | D --- C"""
1graph = {2 'A': ['B', 'C', 'D'],3 'B': ['A', 'C'],4 'C': ['A', 'B', 'D'],5 'D': ['A', 'C'],6}78"""9graph visualization10 A --- B11 | \ |12 | \ |13 | \ |14 D --- C15"""

Hash tables handle sparse graphs in a particularly efficient way. Unlike an adjacency matrix representation of a graph, which requires space proportional to the square of the number of vertices, an adjacency list representation only needs space proportional to the number of edges. This is especially beneficial when dealing with graphs where the number of edges is significantly less than the total possible edges, thus saving memory.

Memoization (Top-Down Dynamic Programming)

Hash tables are a key part of top-down dynamic programming, commonly referred to as memoization. Dynamic programming is a technique used to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems, solving each of those sub-problems just once, and storing their results for when the same sub-problem occurs again. This strategy of storing sub-problem solutions is known as memoization.

A hash table is a perfect data structure for implementing memoization due to its fast access times. It can store the results of sub-problems using problem parameters as keys. This is crucial for efficiency as it ensures that each sub-problem is computed only once, rather than repeatedly. When encountering a sub-problem, we first check the hash table to see if we've already calculated the result of this problem. If we find it, we use the stored result directly. If we don't find it, we solve the problem and store the result in the hash table. The key represents the current subproblem and the value represents the previously calculated subproblem's answer.

Common Mistakes in Interviews Featuring Hash Tables

Null keys in languages that don't support them

Picture this: you've got a huge, hungry dog (our hash table), and you're trying to feed it an invisible, scentless treat (a null key). That just won't work, right? The dog won't know what to do with it. That's pretty much what happens when you try to put a null key into a hash table in languages that don't support them.

Many languages' hash tables don't support null keys because their hash functions don't know how to handle 'nothing'. It's like trying to find a place in our car park for a car that doesn't exist. Things get messy, and you'll likely end up with an error, or worse, a program crash.

So, what's the big mistake here? Programmers sometimes forget to check for nulls or they assume that their hash table can handle null keys. It's like they're absent-mindedly trying to feed the dog that invisible treat, not realizing it won't work.

So remember, before you try to add a key to your hash table, always make sure it's not null (or that your hash table can handle it) to keep your program running smoothly.

Trying to Hash Unhashable Objects

Another common mistake is trying to put a mutable object as the key for a hash table.

Python will throw a fit (a TypeError, to be exact) because lists are mutable, meaning they can be changed after they're created. Lists can't be hashed because who knows what they'll look like in the future?

In JavaScript, it's technically allowed to use an array as a key in an object, but it doesn't behave as you might expect. JavaScript will convert the array to a string to use as a key, and changes to the array after the fact won't affect the object.

Java allows you to use a list as a key in a map because Java lists are immutable, but changes to the list after it's been used as a key won't affect the map. This is because Java uses the original list's hashCode at the time it was inserted into the map, and that doesn't change if you assign a new list to the myList variable.

# Create a listmy_list = [1, 2, 3]# Try to use it as a key in a dictionary (which is a hash table in Python)my_dict = {my_list: 'value'} # This will raise a TypeError!# Above won't work, because what if we now did this…my_list = [4, 5, 6]# Python wouldn't recognize that it is the same list since it has# entirely different values in it!
1# Create a list2my_list = [1, 2, 3]34# Try to use it as a key in a dictionary (which is a hash table in Python)5my_dict = {my_list: 'value'} # This will raise a TypeError!67# Above won't work, because what if we now did this…8my_list = [4, 5, 6]910# Python wouldn't recognize that it is the same list since it has11# entirely different values in it!

So, how do you get around it if you were looking to store a list as the key? In Python, one way is to use a tuple instead of a list if your data doesn't need to change. Tuples are immutable, meaning they can't be changed after they're created, so they're safe to hash:

# Create a tuplemy_tuple = (1, 2, 3)# Use it as a key in a dictionarymy_dict = {my_tuple: 'value'} # This is fine!
1# Create a tuple2my_tuple = (1, 2, 3)34# Use it as a key in a dictionary5my_dict = {my_tuple: 'value'} # This is fine!6

If your language doesn't have tuples, another way to accomplish the same thing would be to sort the list and then convert the sorted list into a string. Be aware that this adds more time to your algorithm due to the O(N log N) sorting, but it can work in a pinch.

# Create a listmy_list = [1, 2, 3]# Sort the list and convert it to a stringmy_key = ', '.join(str(i) for i in sorted(my_list)) # "1,2,3"# Use it as a key in a dictionarymy_dict = {my_key: 'value'} # This works!print(my_dict) # Prints: {"1,2,3": 'value'}# Now, create another list with the same values but in a different ordermy_other_list = [3, 2, 1]# Sort this list and convert it to a stringmy_other_key = str(sorted(my_other_list))print(my_other_key in my_dict) # Prints: True
1# Create a list2my_list = [1, 2, 3]34# Sort the list and convert it to a string5my_key = ', '.join(str(i) for i in sorted(my_list)) # "1,2,3"67# Use it as a key in a dictionary8my_dict = {my_key: 'value'} # This works!910print(my_dict) # Prints: {"1,2,3": 'value'}1112# Now, create another list with the same values but in a different order13my_other_list = [3, 2, 1]1415# Sort this list and convert it to a string16my_other_key = str(sorted(my_other_list))1718print(my_other_key in my_dict) # Prints: True

In both JavaScript and Java, you can sort a list/array and then convert it to a string to use as a key in an object/map. You can then check if a key exists in the object/map. In JavaScript, you use in, and in Java, you use containsKey(). Note that Java's List.sort() modifies the list in place, so you need to sort a copy of the list if you want to keep the original list unchanged.

What to Say in Interviews to Show Master Over Hash Tables

Logically Walk Through Which Data Structure Should Be Used

It is the sign of a senior engineer to not jump to conclusions. Avoid suggesting a hash table just because you need a constant time lookup! You should think out loud and come to the conclusion on whether or not a Set or even an Array could do the job before deciding on a hash table.

  • "For this Two Sum problem, it would be helpful to quickly look up the numbers I have access to. I don't just need to know the number though, I need a number and the location of what index the number was at. I can store this information in a hash table with the key as the number and the value as the index where that number was seen."
  • "In my DFS I need to track every node I've visited previously. I could store it in a hash table with the key as the node and I could just set the value to 1 or true… but that's storing more information than I need. I guess I just need to track the key without a value so a set would be a better data structure here."

Discuss Hash Table Implementation Details When Appropriate

To show mastery of hash tables, you should demonstrate knowledge of how they work under-the-hood and mention it organically. There is a balancing act here – we don't want to go off on unnecessary tangents, but providing extra details without taking extra time can give tremendously different impressions. Imagine three candidates that all talk tell the interviewer about how they are going to use a hash table.

  • [Junior] "I'll use a hash table here": Not great. You've identified the data structure you might need, but haven't explained why it is a good choice.
  • [Intermediate] "I'll use a hash table here so we can leverage the constant time lookups": Better! Here we say what we are going to do, but also why we are doing it with a little implementation knowledge added.
  • [Senior] "I'll use a hash table here so we can leverage their amortized constant time lookups": Stellar. Here you say what you're going to do, why you're going to do it, and demonstrate a deep understanding of hash tables under the hood with the key word "amortized"

The full implementation details of a hash table are too much to get into in this article, but you should be able to describe in detail how a hash table works. Here are some key words and concepts to review and consider adding to the conversation where appropriate.

  • Review how hash tables are just Arrays under-the-hood.
  • Understand what collisions are and why they are a problem.
  • Internalize strategies used to deal with collisions including: linear probing, double-hashing, open-chaining, and quadratic hashing.
  • Review what makes a good hash function.
  • Familiarize yourself with why lookups are amortized constant time, but occasionally are not due to the need to deal with collisions and also rehashing when we resize the hash table.

Discuss Language-Specific Details to Show You Know Your Stuff

  • In Java, discuss which implementation to use. As mentioned earlier, there are many key-value data structures available in Java, so being aware of all of them and their specific use-cases makes you look like a pro. Can you discuss the differences between HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap, and HashTable classes? If you can, this is a great signal for your interviewer.
  • In JavaScript, discuss the newer Map object. Many developers still use JavaScript objects as hash tables for LeetCode-style problems. Highlighting your knowledge of the ES6 Map object shows you've worked in more modern JavaScript applications and aren't stuck in old JavaScript paradigms.
  • In C++, discuss std::map & std::unordered_map under-the-hood differences. Many casual C++ users don't realize that map is implemented as a Red-Black tree in C++ not a hash table and therefore has logarithmic lookups – not constant time lookups! With std::map we get ordering guarantees at the cost of using more memory and slightly slower lookups. If you don't care about order and want faster access definitely use std::unordered_map and tell your interviewer why you chose it!
  • In Python, show technical depth by mentioning the OrderedDict in the collections module when appropriate. It should be no shock that Python (which is built on C++) has its key-value container which is similar to C++'s std::unordered_map. OrderedDict is closer to C++'s std::map but still is implemented as a hash table (not a Red-Black tree). It has the useful extra guarantee of remembering the insertion order of elements. Python 3.7 introduced this guarantee into their standard dictionary implementation, but it is an implementation detail that is better not to rely on.

Common Hash Table interview Questions


Data Structures and Algorithms

K Closest Points To Origin

Given a list of tuples that represent (X, Y) coordinates on an XY plane and an integer K, return a list of the K-closest points to the origin (0, 0).


Data Structures and Algorithms

Subarray Sum Equals K

Given an unsorted array of integers and an integer k, find the number of subarrays whose sum equals k.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Three Sum

Given an array of integers, return an array of triplets such that i != j != k and nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] = 0.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Two Sum

Given an array of integers, return the indices of the two numbers that add up to a given target.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Insert Delete getRandom O(1)

Design and implement an efficient sampler that works in average O(1) time complexity.


Data Structures and Algorithms

LRU Cache

Implement an LRU CacheLRU = Least recently used cache


Data Structures and Algorithms

Minimum Window Substring

Given two strings s and t of lengths m and n respectively, return the minimum window substring of s such that every character in t (including duplicates) is included in the window.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Permutation in String

Given two strings s1 and s2, return true if s2 contains a permutation of s1, or false otherwise.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Print Folder Structure

Given a list of file paths, print all of the files in each of the folders.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring in it with no more than K distinct characters.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Most Frequent Element in an Array

Given an array of integers, find the most frequent element in the array. Write a method that takes an array of integers and returns an integer. If there is a tie, you can just return any.

Adjacent Topics to Arrays


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Topological Sort

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Hash Tables Interview Questions & Tips for Senior Engineers (2024)


What is a hashing interview question? ›

Hashing is the practice of using an algorithm (or hash function) to map data of any size to a fixed length. This is called a hash value (or sometimes hash code or hash sums or even a hash digest if you're feeling fancy).

What are the weaknesses of hash tables? ›

Hash tables offer efficient data storage and retrieval, but they come with some drawbacks. These include collision resolution, variable performance, space overhead, lack of ordered data, and dependency on a quality hash function. They are not ideal for range queries, and resizing can introduce overhead.

How would you decide on the size of the hash table? ›

When determining the size of hash tables, consider such factors as the number of subscriptions, source application patterns and workloads, and your desired amount of apply parallelism.

What is the average time complexity of a hash table? ›

Furthermore, the average complexity to search, insert, and delete data in a hash table is O(1) — a constant time. It means that, on average, a single hash table lookup is sufficient to find the desired memory bucket regardless of the aimed operation.

What are the three types of hashing? ›

Types of Hash functions
  • Division Method.
  • Mid Square Method.
  • Folding Method.
  • Multiplication Method.

How to solve hash table problems? ›

The simplest way to do this is to iterate over all the possible characters and count their frequency one by one. The time complexity of this approach is O(26*N) where N is the size of the string and there are 26 possible characters. Let us apply hashing to this problem.

What makes a good hash table? ›

We have three primary requirements in implementing a good hash function for a given data type: It should be deterministic—equal keys must produce the same hash value. It should be efficient to compute. It should uniformly distribute the keys.

Why not always use a hash table? ›

Hash tables are vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks. One type of DoS attack on hash tables is known as a “collision attack.” Hash tables use a hash function to map keys to indices in an array (buckets).

What is the worst-case performance of a hash table? ›

Therefore an open-addressed hash table cannot have a load factor greater than 1. The performance of open addressing becomes very bad when the load factor approaches 1. approaches 1. should range around 0.6 to 0.75.

What is the rule of thumb for hash table? ›

But a good general “rule of thumb” is: The hash table should be an array with length about 1.3 times the maximum number of keys that will actually be in the table, and. Size of hash table array should be a prime number.

How many buckets should a hash table have? ›

A hash table might have 10,000 (or more) buckets (spaces to store objects). Even it is sparsely filled, it can waste at most 40,000 bytes, which is reasonable for a general-purpose computer.

What is the key of a hash table? ›

Hashtable stores key/value pair in hash table. In Hashtable we specify an object that is used as a key, and the value we want to associate to that key. The key is then hashed, and the resulting hash code is used as the index at which the value is stored within the table.

How to avoid collision in hash table? ›

One way to avoid collisions is to choose a large enough hash table size, and a good hash function, that reduce the load factor of the hash table. The load factor is the ratio of the number of keys to the number of indices in the hash table, and it indicates how full the hash table is.

How do you retrieve a value stored in a hash table? ›

To retrieve the value associated with a key, apply the hash function to the key to determine the index. If the index contains a value, compare the stored key with the given key to ensure a match. If the keys match, return the corresponding value.

What is a real life example of HashMap? ›

Real-world application of HashMap example: In storing the records of the employees of a company where employee ID is stored as a key and employee data is stored as a value in the HashMap.

What is hashing in simple terms? ›

Hashing is the process of transforming any given key or a string of characters into another value. This is usually represented by a shorter, fixed-length value or key that represents and makes it easier to find or employ the original string.

What describes hashing? ›

Hashing is defined as the process of assigning a numeric value to an alphanumeric string by first converting it into another numeric value and storing it in an indexed table to make data retrieval faster and/or masking the data for encryption, performed by a hash function.

What is hashing techniques with example? ›

Hashing is designed to solve the problem of needing to efficiently find or store an item in a collection. For example, if we have a list of 10,000 words of English and we want to check if a given word is in the list, it would be inefficient to successively compare the word with all 10,000 items until we find a match.

How do you explain hashing algorithm? ›

A hashing algorithm is a mathematical function that garbles data and makes it unreadable. Hashing algorithms are one-way programs, so the text can't be unscrambled and decoded by anyone else. And that's the point.

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Article information

Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 6380

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.