Hair Dye Ingredients and Potential Health Risks from Exposure to Hair Dyeing (2024)

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Hair Dye Ingredientsand Potential Health Risks fromExposure to Hair Dyeing (1)

Chem Res Toxicol. 2022 Jun 20; 35(6): 901–915.

Published online 2022 Jun 6. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.1c00427

PMCID: PMC9214764

PMID: 35666914

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Hair Dye Ingredientsand Potential Health Risks fromExposure to Hair Dyeing (2)

Given the worldwidepopularity of hair dyeing, there is an urgentneed to understand the toxicities and risks associated with exposureto chemicals found in hair dye formulations. Hair dyes are categorizedas oxidative and nonoxidative in terms of their chemical compositionand ingredients. For several decades, the expert panel’s CosmeticIngredient Review (CIR) has assessed the safety of many of the chemicalsused in hair dyes; however, a comprehensive review of hair dye ingredientsand the risk of exposure to hair dyeing has not been documented. Herein,we review the safety of the various chemicals in oxidative and nonoxidativehair dyes, toxicities associated with hair dyeing, and the carcinogenicrisks related to hair dyeing. While many compounds are consideredsafe for users at the concentrations in hair dyes, there are conflictingdata about a large number of hair dye formulations. The CIR expertpanel has ratified a number of coloring ingredients for hair dyesand banned a series of chemicals as carcinogenic to animals and unsafefor this application. The use of these chemicals as raw materialsfor producing hair dyes may result in the synthesis of other contaminantswith potential toxicities and increased risk of carcinogenesis. Itis an open question whether personal or occupational hair dyeing increasesthe risk of cancer; however, in specific subpopulations, a positiveassociation between hair dye use and cancer occurrence has been reported.To address this question, a better understanding of the chemical andmechanistic basis of the reported toxicities of hair dye mixturesand individual hair dye ingredients is needed. It is anticipated thatin-depth chemical and systems toxicology studies harnessing modernand emerging techniques can shed light on this public health concernin the future.

1. Introduction

About 33% of women overthe age of 18 and more than 10% of menover age 40 in Europe and the United States dye their hair.1 Given this popularity, it is critical to assessthe toxicity and carcinogenicity of hair dyes and their ingredients.Thanks to the expert panel’s Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR),a large number of candidate coloring ingredients have undergone safetyassessment prior to use in hair dyes.

Modern hair dyes are classifiedas oxidative or nonoxidative, andtheir color durability is referred to as temporary (8–12 washings),semipermanent (∼24 washings), or permanent (until hair growsout), in terms of their formulation (Table 1).2 As far asthe chemical composition is concerned, oxidative hair dye productsare often referred to as permanent or semipermanent, while nonoxidativehair dye products are considered temporary or semipermanent. Nonoxidativecompounds are used in temporary and semipermanent hair dyes, whichare used to directly dye natural hair.24 Oxidative dyes were introducedas permanent hair dyes at the end of the 19th century and experiencedexplosive growth after 1970; a variety of new permanent oxidativechemical hair dyes currently dominate the global hair dye market.Permanent hair dyes account for the highest market share of all modernhair dyes in Asia, America, and Europe.5

Table 1

Category and Composition of ModernHair Dyes

dye categoryhair coloring processcompositionhair dyeing type
temporarynonoxidativewater-soluble acidic and basic dyes bearing azo or anthraquinonegroupsdeposition on hair
semipermanentnonoxidativeacid and basic dyes bearing azogroups, anthraquinones, triphenylmethanesand nitro derivatives as chromophoresionic interactionsor van der Waals forces
permanentoxidativeprecursor agent, coupling agent andoxidizerpenetration into hair

Because of the increasing numberof users and the growing economicshare, hair dyeing has been pinpointed as a public health concern,urgently needing evaluation of the toxicity and carcinogenicity relatedto hair dyes. Because different hair dye types with specific compoundshave been employed, results of hair dye-induced toxicity and carcinogenicityreported in the literature have been inconclusive. This article reviewedthe existing literature and available data on the safety and risksassociated with established chemicals in hair dyes. We related thesecompounds to their reported toxicities and carcinogenic risks, identifiedthe current gaps of knowledge in the field, and proposed future directions.

2. Hair Dye Ingredients

2.1. Hair Dye Categories

The chemicalingredients of hair dyes vary among formulations that involve oxidativereactions to achieve coloring and those using nonoxidative processes.2 Temporary and semipermanent hair dyes typicallyrely on nonoxidative processes, while permanent hair dyes rely onoxidative reactions (Table 1). Temporary hair dyes are composed of water-soluble acidicand basic dyes bearing azo or anthraquinone groups; they are generallyregarded as more benign because they are deposited on the hair surfaceand do not penetrate into the hair cortex. They do not require anoxidizing agent and are typically removed by a single shampooing.3,4 Semipermanent hair dyes consist of acidic and basic dyes bearingazo groups, anthraquinones, triphenyl methanes, or nitro derivativesas chromophores. Ionic interactions or van der Waals forces are associatedwith the deposition of these low molecular weight compounds on hairstructures. The hair color from semipermanent dyes is generally retainedover several shampoo applications. Permanent hair dyes penetrate hairto change the natural hair color, and they are more frequently associatedwith adverse reactions and pose a higher risk to human health. Permanenthair dyes require three components: (1) precursor agents, that is,primary intermediates comprised of ortho- (o-) and para- (p-) aromaticamines substituted with amino groups and/or hydroxides; (2) couplingagents that are formed by aromatic compounds meta- (m-) substituted with electron-donating groups,such as m-phenylenediamines, resorcinol, naphthol,and other derivatives; and (3) oxidizing agents in alkaline media,predominantly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in thepresence of ammonia.

2.2. Hair Dye Ingredients: ChemicalCharacteristicsand Reported Toxicities

This section focuses on the physicaland chemical characteristics of widely used hair dye chemicals (Figure Figure11) and the chemicalbasis of their reported toxicities. Current knowledge regarding theirsafety (including their relevant hydrochloride and sulfate salts)is summarized in Table 2.627

Hair Dye Ingredientsand Potential Health Risks fromExposure to Hair Dyeing (3)

Chemicalstructures of hair dye ingredients. Chemical structuresof the following hair dye ingredients are shown: p-phenylenediamine 1 (PPD), N-monoacetyl-p-phenylenediamine 2 (MAPPD), N,N-diacetyl-p-phenylenediamine 3 (DAPPD), N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine 4, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine 5, hydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) 6, 2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine 7, 4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine 8, p-methylaminophenol 9, 2-methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol 10, 2,4-diaminophenol 11, hydroquinone 12, t-butylhydroquinone 13, toluene-2,5-diamine (CAS no: 95-70-5) 14, toluene-3,4-diamine 15, Disperse Blue 7 16, Disperse Violet 1 17, Disperse Yellow 3 18, Acid Violet 43 19, Basic Blue 99 20, HC Blue no. 2 21, HC Yellow no. 5 22,HC Red no. 7 23, 3-nitro-p-hydroxyethylaminophenol 24, 4-amino-3-nitrophenol 25, 4-amino-2-hydroxytoluene 26, 1-naphthol 27, resorcinol 28, o-phenylenediamine 29, 4-chloro-o-phenylenediamine 30, 4-aminobiphenyl 31, and di-n-butyl phthalate 32. Only the core chemical structures are shown. The sulfate or hydrochloridesalts are omitted for simplicity.

Table 2

Detailed Characteristics of MajorHair Dye Ingredientsa

compoundyearbmaximumallowable concentration (%)LD50 (mg/kg)ctoxicitycarcinogenicityref
N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine 5 sulfate salt1984≤5264reduced body weight; darkened thyroid glands; decreased serumiron concentration; delayed hypersensitivity; allergic contact dermatitisno evidence(10)
N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine 4, N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamineHCl1993≤1.7464–1000reduced body weight; degenerated seminiferous tubules; skeletalmalformations; skin irritationno evidence(11)
hydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) 6 HClNA≤0.42186reduced body weight, mean serum glucose and total protein levels;reproductive and developmental toxicityno evidence(12)
4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine 8, 4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine sulfate salt, 4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine HCl1978NA400–500skin irritation; mutagenicityanimal carcinogenicity(13)
2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine 7, 2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine sulfate salt1984≤1.0NAskin irritation; reduced body weight;ocular irritationno evidence(14)
2-methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol 10NA≤55700skin irritation; mutagenicity; allergiccontact dermatitisno evidence(15)
p-methylaminophenol 9 sulfatesaltNA≤1NAincreased rate of formation of methemoglobin;skin irritationno evidence(16)
2,4-diaminophenol 11, 2,4-diaminophenol dihydrochloridesalt1993≤0.2240skin irritation; severe ocular irritation;mutagenicityno evidence(17)
hydroquinone 121981≤1627–743nephrotoxicity; cytotoxicity; skin irritation; skinsensitization;skin depigmentation; mutagenicityanimal carcinogenicity(18, 19)
t-butyl hydroquinone 131981≤0.1480–800reduced body weights; mutagenicityno evidence(20)
toluene-2,5-diamine 14, toluene-2,5-diaminesulfatesalt1984≤498–102skin irritation; skin sensitization; ocular irritation; reproductivetoxicity; skeletal malformationno evidence(2123)
toluene-3,4-diamine 151984NANAduodenal lesions; genotoxicity; skin sensitizationno evidence(21, 22)
Disperse Blue 7 162002NANAmutagenicityno evidence(24)
Disperse Violet 1 171988≤1NAocular irritationnoevidence(25)
Disperse Yellow 3 181992NANAnephrotoxicity;chromosomal aberrations; allergic contact dermatitisanimal carcinogenicity(26)
Acid Violet 43 191984≤1NAno significant toxicityno evidence(27)
Basic Blue 99 201992≤2>2000skin irritationno evidence(28)
HC Blue no. 2 211993≤1.71250–5000mutagenicityno evidence(29)
HC Yellow no. 5 222002≤1.6555.56skin irritationno evidence(30)
HC Red no. 7 232005≤1NAskin sensitization;mutagenicityno evidence(31)

aFor chemical structures, referto Figure Figure11.

bThe first yearly report by the Foodand Drug Administration.

cThe oral LD50 in ratsof aqueous solutions. Abbreviations: LD50, median lethaldose; NA, not assessed.

Aromatic amines, such as p-phenylenediamine (PPD, 1) (Figures Figures11 and and2),2), constitute the main class of compoundsused as precursors in permanent hair dyes. The multiple toxicologicalproperties of PPD have been demonstrated in previous studies; forinstance, PPD induces apoptosis by increasing reactive oxygen species.28 During hair coloring, PPD can penetrate theskin and be absorbed by the airway,29 whereit can then be biotransformed into N-monoacetyl-p-phenylenediamine (MAPPD, 2) and N,N′-diacetyl-p-phenylenediamine (DAPPD, 3) (Figure Figure22). A study of the transformation of PPD to MAPPD and DAPPD usingreconstituted human epidermis showed that the metabolite levels produceddepend on the dose of PPD. At concentrations of 250–1000 μM,the formation of MAPPD was favored, while at doses below 250 μM,DAPPD was preferentially formed.30 PPDinduces dendritic cell (DC) activation after in vitro exposure tooxygen in air, and a positive local lymph node assay (LLNA) responsein vivo, demonstrating its intracorporeal sensitizing potential. Thesensitizers produced by PPD oxidation in both cases induced immunestimulation. In contrast, MAPPD and DAPPD did not induce DC activationor give a positive LLNA response.31 Thebiotransformation of PDD to MAPPD or DAPPD and the formation of sensitizersfrom PPD oxidation are two distinct competing pathways. The formationof sensitizing agents is promoted when increased PPD concentrationsare present, leading to a series of PPD-related toxicities (Figure Figure22).

Hair Dye Ingredientsand Potential Health Risks fromExposure to Hair Dyeing (4)

Mechanism of toxicityinduced by p-phenylenediamine.An increase in reactive oxygen species is associated with PPD 1-induced apoptosis. Dermal N-acetylationbiotransforms PPD toward MAPPD 2 and DAPPD 3; at concentrations up to 250 μM, it is beneficial to the MAPPDformation, and at the concentration of 250–1000 μM, itis beneficial to the DAPPD formation. MAPPD and DAPPD fail to activateDCs or cause a positive LLNA response, which are considered the markersof extracorporeal and intracorporeal sensitizing potential of chemicalcompounds. PPD can induce DC activation after exposure to oxygen inair in vitro, and creates an LLNA response in vivo. The sensitizingPPD oxidation provides some effective immune stimulation that is associatedwith PPD-induced toxicity. Abbreviations: ROS, reactive oxygen species.

N-Phenyl-p-phenylenediamine 4 (Figure Figure11, Table 2) is anothercommon aromatic amine present in hair dyes. It has been associatedwith toxic effects including body weight reduction as a function ofdose in rats, degeneration of the seminiferous tubules, skeletal malformation,and skin sensitization (Table 2).32 The EU Scientific Committeeon Consumer Products (SCCP) identified limitations in some of thesestudies, such as inadequate data inclusion and noncompliance withthe Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development guidelines,but confirmed the strong potential of N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine to cause skin sensitization.33 Exposure to the structurally related N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine 5 (sulfate salt) is associated withreduction in body weight, darkening of thyroid glands, decrease inserum iron concentration, delayed hypersensitivity of guinea pig skin,and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD).6,34 Exposure tohydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenylenediamine) hydrochloride salt 6 is linked toreduced body weight, decreased mean serum glucose, attenuated totalprotein levels, and reproductive and developmental problems,8 while exposure to 2-chloro-p-phenylenediamine 7 and its sulfate salt were linkedto skin irritation, reduced body weight and ocular irritation.10 It should be noted that 4-methoxy-m-phenylenediamine 8 and its hydrochloride and sulfatesalts are unsafe for use in cosmetic products due to their reportedcarcinogenicity in rats and mice (Table 2).9

Aminophenolsare another class of ingredients that are widely usedin hair dyes. They are chemically synthesized by the reduction ofnitrophenols and can be used as primary intermediates in manufacturingsulfur and azo dyes.11 They typically undergoreactions with oxidants to produce corresponding imines that can chemicallyreact with coupling agents to produce indophenol dyes.12 As a primary intermediate, p-methylaminophenol 9 (sulfate salt) reacts with hemoglobinat a more rapid rate than p-aminophenol to form methemoglobin,a form of oxidized hemoglobin, and slightly irritates rabbit skinbut is not considered a dermal sensitizer.12 The coupling agent, 2-methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol 10 is used in oxidative hair dyes at a concentration of ≤5%.It can be mutagenic, and exposure can cause skin irritation, and allergiccontact dermatitis.11 The Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) concluded that the maximum allowable concentrationof 2,4-diaminophenol 11 and its dihydrochloride saltfor use in hair dyes is 0.2%. Exposure to this compound can lead toslight skin irritation, severe ocular irritation, and mutagenicity(Table 2).13 Hydroquinone 12 is used as an antioxidant,fragrance, reducing agent, and polymerization inhibitor in hair dyes,skincare products, and lipsticks.14 Humanskin absorbs hydroquinone from both aqueous and alcoholic preparations,and excretion of this compound involves the formation of glucuronideor sulfate conjugates.15 This chemicalmay cause nephrotoxicity, cytotoxicity, skin irritation, skin sensitization,skin depigmentation, and mutagenicity.14 The most noteworthy data are related to its reported animal carcinogenicity,in which an increased incidence of renal tubule cell tumors and leukemiawas observed in F344 rats; but so far, such adverse effects on humanshave not been described.15 The acid-catalyzedreaction of hydroquinone with isobutylene or t-butanolproduces a new crystalline solid, t-butyl hydroquinone 13, an ingredient which can cause mild to moderate toxicitysuch as reduced body weight and mutagenicity in rats when administeredorally or intraperitoneally (Table 2).16

Diaminotolueneis chemically prepared from dinitrotoluene via acatalytic hydrogenation procedure or from the reaction of iron, hydrochloricacid, and dinitrotoluene. The two isomers, toluene-2,5-diamine 14 and toluene-3,4-diamine 15, are primary intermediatesthat can impart different colors to permanent hair dyes.17 For example, toluene-2,5-diamine and its sulfatesalt can color hair black, brown, gold, or gray, and toluene-3,4-diaminemakes hair brown, red, or gold.17 Toluene-2,5-diamine 14 can be readily absorbed through the skin, but 90% willbe excreted within 24 h after absorption, with a half-time excretionof 8 h.19 These two compounds manifestedsome adverse effects such as extreme skin sensitization35 and reproductive toxicity (Table 2); however, a maximum concentrationof 2% (calculated as free base) or 3.6% (calculated as sulfate salt)applied to the head was considered safe with regard to systemic toxicity.35 An Ames test demonstrated that the presenceof toluene-2,5-diamine in an oxidative hair dye may cause mutagenicityin the TA98 test strain.36 Further studiesare needed to determine the safety of toluene-3,4-diamine as a hairdye ingredient.

Many nonoxidative ingredients are used in temporaryand semipermanenthair dyes.2027 The CIR concluded that there is insufficient data available regardingthe safety of Disperse Blue 7.20 DisperseBlue 7 16 is an anthraquinone-based dye used as a hairingredient in a few selected hair dyes. Disperse Violet 1 17 is a diamino-anthraquinone dye used in temporary and semipermanenthair dyes at a maximum concentration of 1%. To date, the only toxicityreported is ocular irritation.21 Acid Violet43 19 can be used in any cosmetic product because itshowed no signs of significant toxicity.23 Basic Blue 99 20 is the most frequently used chemicalproduct for hair tints.13 HC Blue no. 2 21 is exclusively used in hair dyes at a concentration of≤1.7%.25 Although this compoundis mutagenic, no carcinogenic outcomes were observed in exposure studieswith rats and mice.25 Formulations containingHC Yellow no. 5 22 are sold with a caution statementbecause of skin irritation. While some concern still exists, the availablesafety test data from the CIR expert panel demonstrated that HC Yellowno. 5 had no animal carcinogenicity as a hair dye ingredient at aconcentration of ≤1.6%; the oral LD50 in rats is555.56 mg/kg.26 HC Red no. 7 has been confirmedas suitable for use in hair dyes by the CIR expert panel up to concentrationsof 1% but may elicit skin irritation and mutagenicity (Table 2).27

3. Hair Dye-Induced Toxicities and Adverse HealthEffects

3.1. Contact Allergy and Hair Loss

Hairdyeing-induced contact allergies occur frequently, which may furtherlead to the occurrence of ACD and urticarial contact (Table 3).3740 ACD commonly occurs on the scalp,face, and hands of hair dye users, manifesting as redness of the skinwith vesiculation or scaling (Table 3),41,42 which reduces quality of lifein the affected individuals and can have negative socioeconomic impacts.The presence of contact allergies is closely attributed to the potentskin sensitizers contained in hair dyes, such as aromatic amines includingPPD, a prevalent hair dye ingredient.43 However, using permanent hair dyes containing PPD at concentrations≤0.67% is unlikely to induce skin sensitization.44 Recently, Goebel and co-workers45 found that a methoxymethyl side chain introduced into PPDnot only reduced the sensitizing intensity and the risk of allergicinduction but also resulted in excellent hair coloring performance.

Table 3

Hair Dye-Related Toxicity from a CaseReport Study

toxicitystudy durationsexageingredientsexposureroutesymptom timingapatchtest concen-tration (%)positive reactioncref
ACD2015F50hennahair dyeing4d0.011+(40)
ACD2005F503-nitro-p-hydroxy ethylaminophenol 24 and 4-amino-3-nitrophenol 25hair dyeing1d1.001+(43)
contact anaphylaxis2017F56Basic Blue 99 20hair dyeing10min0.103+(37)
ACD2009F474-amino-2-hydroxytoluene 26hairdyeingNA1.002+(44)
ACD2018F431-naphthol 27hair dyeing2d1.003+(49)
DLE2016F32p-phenylenediamine 1 and toluene-2,5-diamine 14hairdyeingNANA2+(55)
angioedema2018F29p-phenylenediamine 1hair dyeing1d1.003+(61)
neck and facial swelling2016F15p-phenylenediamine 1hair dyeing3dNA3+(62)
severe facial swelling2014F33p-phenylenediamine 1hair dyeing2dNA4+(63)
hair loss2011F41p-phenylenediamine 1hair dyeing1d1.002+(64)
pneumothorax20112F19±1bp-phenylenediamine 1consumptionNANANA(71)
rhabdomyolysis2013M3p-phenylenediamine 1consumption2hNANA(72)
rhabdomyolysis2002–20068M + 2F23.2±7.6bp-phenylenediamine 1consumptionNA0.95NA(73)

aSymptom timingindicates the durationfrom exposure to symptoms.

bThese studies describe more thanone case, and the age is the mean value.

cThe positive reaction is calculatedin terms of the patch test of corresponding ingredients at the patchtest concentration. Abbreviations: F, female; M, male; NA, not assessed.

As far as plant-based hairdyes are concerned, although the publicperceives them as safe, they can cause minor allergic reactions. Forexample, a small number of case reports have documented rare casesof ACD in users of plant-based hair dyes that contain pure henna,black tea, and indigo powder (Table 3).4648 There may be several explanations for this finding.First, pure henna, black tea, and indigo powder all contain about15% tannins, large complex polyphenolic molecules that could causethe observed ACD. Although allergens in tannins have not been identifiedto date, the tannin-induced allergenic response is associated withinhibition of IL-8, IL-6, and TNF-α secretion from stimulatedhuman mast cells.49 The resulting colorintensity that can be achieved by some plant colorants, such as purehenna, is time dependent.47 Some darkeningsubstances in proprietary formulas, such as lemon oil, vinegar, eucalyptusoil, or clove oil, may be added along with PPD to shorten the timeof application.

As hairdressers are exposed on a regular basisto hair dyes inall steps of the dyeing process,50 theyface a significantly higher skin sensitization risk than personalhair dye users.51,52 The use of protective glovesduring hair coloring and warnings on the product labels that a sensitivitytest is needed before application have decreased the incidence ofhair dye-induced allergies. With sufficient protection against localand systemic exposure to oxidative hair dyes, hair coloring is unlikelyto pose a serious risk to human health.53,54 The adoptionof adequate protective measures during the use of hair dye as wellas appropriate education and training of hairdressers are crucialfor lowering occupational risks and preventing hair dye-induced skinsensitization.55

Discoid lupus erythematosus(DLE) is an autoimmune skin diseasethat may be caused by ACD (Table 3); it is characterized by the development of autoantibodiesthat attack the skin at the interphase level.56,57 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is another autoimmune diseasemanifesting multisystem disorders in addition to skin lesions. Althoughexposure to aromatic amines (such as PPD) may give rise to the occurrenceof lupus, several studies collectively confirm an insignificant associationbetween the use of hair dyes containing PPD and the increased riskof SLE.5860 Nevertheless, skin exposure to hair dyes may induceother severe but rare contact allergies, including neck and facialswelling and angioedema (Table 3).6163 Angioedema is a type I hypersensitivity reactioncharacterized by edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissues that damagesthe airways and gastrointestinal tract and may even lead to life-threateninglaryngeal swelling.

Along with the increasing popularity ofhair dye use, growing complaintsabout hair dye-induced hair loss have been a concern of dermatologists.Isik et al.62 found that patients who experiencedhair loss after hair dyeing presented symptoms of ACD before or atthe time of hair loss, suggesting a close correlation between hairdye-induced ACD and hair loss (Table 3). H2O2, monoethanolamine, andPPD in hair dyes have been proposed as the main causative ingredientsof hair dyeing-induced hair loss.64,65 Based on histologicalexamination conducted in animal tests, oxidative stress may be themechanism underlying hair-dye induced dermatitis.64,65 H2O2 and monoethanolamine, in particular,were shown to synergistically induce oxidative stress and cytotoxicityin human keratinocytes, an observation that is consistent with thehistological data.64,65

3.2. RespiratorySensitization, Allergies, AndOther Diseases

Asthma and allergic rhinitis are common diseasesthat can result in overwhelmingly negative socioeconomic impacts.66 Hairdressers are at a high risk of occupationalrhinitis and asthma because, in daily work, they are frequently exposedto irritants and allergens such as persulfate and PPD in hair dyes.67,68 A case-control study from Norway69 showedthat hairdressers over 40 years of age were more likely to sufferasthma-like symptoms than nonhairdressers due to their long occupationalexposure to hair dye ingredients. Therefore, hairdressers and hairdressingapprentices should undergo continuous medical surveillance to monitorthe risk factors and reduce the chance of respiratory diseases linkedto occupational exposure.

3.3. Hair Dye Poisoning

Due to the easyavailability and high toxicity of PPD, people in the developing worldwho want to commit suicide may attempt it by consuming this agent.70 Hair dye poisoning may trigger the occurrenceof some urgent and fatal outcomes, like pneumothorax, rhabdomyolysis,and acute kidney injury (AKI) (Table 3).7173 Orally ingesting PPD causes severe trauma to theairway and may lead to dyspnea, asphyxia, and other respiratory symptoms.If those ingesting PPD suffer respiratory distress and chest pain,then caution is needed regarding the occurrence of pneumothorax, whichcan be diagnosed by sonography or bedside X-ray. The pathologicalunderpinning of rhabdomyolysis involves calcium ions leaking fromthe smooth endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in prolonged muscle contractionand irreversible changes in muscle structure.74 The most striking laboratory characteristic of rhabdomyolysis isa concentration of creatine phosphokinase in the plasma >10,000U/L.If patients do not receive aggressive treatment, they will eventuallydie. Globally, approximately 13.3 million humans suffer from AKI peryear, and more than 1 in 10 lose their life from this disease.75 Individuals with AKI are also at a 9-fold riskof developing chronic kidney disease that can give rise to other organdysfunctions. The characterized pathological manifestations of AKIinclude glomerular hyperemia, acute tubular necrosis, intratubularcasts, and tubulointerstitial hemorrhages as well as mesangial hyperplasia.Hair dye-induced AKI occurs in a dose-dependent manner, but even withno intervention, the injured kidney may recover over time.74

3.4. Reproductive Toxicity andDisruption of ThyroidHormone Synthesis

Zebrafish embryos are suitable animal modelsfor studying how hair dyes affect embryonic growth. Two studies byManjunatha et al.76,77 demonstrated that exposure tohair dyes induced morphological and physiological abnormalities inzebrafish embryos, which provoked interest in determining whetherhair dyes could affect human embryo development. Abnormal birth weightin humans (live birth weight <2500 g or >4000 g) reflects thepoorhealth of the fetus and mother, which could contribute to the occurrenceof obesity, malnutrition, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, andcancer in the child in the future.78 Interms of hair dyeing, the risk of infantile abnormal birth weightis elevated when mothers have irregular menstruation or have usedhair dyes before pregnancy; the risk is increased if both factorsexist.79

Resorcinol 28 is widely used as a component in hair dyes and cosmetics, and administrationto rodents at high doses (>520 mg/kg/d) over 2 years disruptedthyroidhormone synthesis and caused goitrogenic effects.80 Dermatological clinical reports indicated that frequentexternal application of ointments containing a high concentrationof resorcinol (>34 mg/kg/d) to integrity-compromised human skinforseveral months to years can also induce thyroid side effects.80 However, a risk assessment study concluded thatunder real-world conditions, exposure to resorcinol contained in hairdyes and cosmetics was unlikely to cause human thyroid dysfunction.80

4. Association between HairDye Use and Cancer

4.1. Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer isthe most common urinary tract tumor and ranks 11th among the mostcommon malignant tumors worldwide.81,82 Occupationalexposure to arylamines is frequently found in employees who engagein metal working, textile manufacture, driving, agriculture, construction,and rubber tire production and is the first identified cause of bladdercancer.83 Hair dyes contain arylamines;84 therefore, hairdressers and barbers are at riskof cancer from occupational exposure to arylamines. Findings demonstratethat individuals who pursue these occupations, particularly for longerthan 10 years, experience a significantly increased risk of bladdercancer.82,85,86 On the contrary,some epidemiologic studies observed no evidence of a causal associationbetween occupational exposure to hair dyes and the increased riskfor bladder cancer among male hairdressers.87,88 Permanent hair dyes may contain o-phenylenediamine8929 and 4-chloro-o-phenylenediamine 30 (Figure Figure11),90 which haveshown carcinogenicity in animal studies. These chemicals can leadto the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG)that is a marker of oxidative stress.91 These findings indicate that the carcinogenicity of o-phenylenediamines is related to the generation of oxidative DNAdamage, and 8-oxodG may be used as a biomarker to predict the associatedcarcinogenicity. Moreover, many permanent hair dyes contain 4-aminobiphenyl 31, which is produced during the production of hair dyes wherePPD is used as the primary intermediate.92 Airoldi and colleagues found that 4-aminobiphenyl was a human bladdercancer carcinogen and was positively associated with tumor grade.93 Thus, it is a public health concern to determineif other contaminants formed during hair dye production may constitutean additional health risk to hair dye users.

Currently availableepidemiological data are controversial regarding whether hair dyeuse is a carcinogenic risk factor for bladder cancer. One population-based,case-controlled study found a positive association between the useof permanent hair dyes and enhanced bladder cancer risk,94 while the results of other large-scale studiesand a meta-analyses did not corroborate this conclusion (Table 4).95100 Studies investigating other confounding factors, like duration ofuse, frequency of use, age at first use, sex, and dye color, did notfind a significant association between hair dye use and bladder cancer.101104 In addition, the New England Bladder Cancer Study105 found no significant association between permanent hairdye use and increased bladder cancer risk in studies with female participants,but suggested that female users with a college degree had a greaterrisk of bladder cancer than nonusers (OR = 3.3; 95% CI, 1.2–8.9).This study also found that bladder cancer risk was higher among womenwith the NAT2 slow acetylation phenotype comparedto those with the NAT2 rapid/intermediate acetylationphenotype (OR = 7.3; 95% CI, 1.6–32.6). A population-basedstudy from the United States106 involving363 non-Asian women demonstrated a 2.9-fold increased risk of bladdercancer among women with the NAT2 slow acetylationphenotype and a 2.5-fold increased risk among those with the CYP1A2 slow phenotype who exclusively used permanent hairdyes, perhaps due to a slower detoxification capacity (Table 4). Significant positive frequency-and duration-related dose–response associations were reportedin individuals with the NAT2 and/or CYP1A2 slow phenotypes. A follow-up study from Sweden107 involving 38,866 female and 6824 male hairdressers andanalyzing their malignancies over a period of 39 years demonstratedthat the risk of bladder cancer among male hairdressers graduallydecreased with follow-up time, albeit at the highest standardizedincidence ratio (SIR) of 2.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.36–4.39)in the 1960s. In recent decades, this risk has disappeared, with anSIR of 1.04 (95% CI, 0.74–1.40), suggesting that modern haircolorants do not exert an occupational bladder cancer risk in malehairdressers. However, there is another explanation for the nonapparentcarcinogenic risk of bladder cancer from modern hair dyes: Aromaticamine-induced human urothelial cancers typically have a latency timelonger than 20 years,108 so the neoplasticonset time has not yet arrived. With the currently available data,bladder cancer risk due to exposure to hair dyes should be assessedon a case-by-case basis and the toxicological profile and individualexposure should be taken into consideration.

Table 4

StudiesAssessing the Associationbetween Hair Dye Use and Carcinogenic Risk

studystudy typepublication yearoriginal nationcases/controlscarcinogenic riskassociation analysisref
Gago-Dominguezcase-controlstudy2001USA897/897bladder cancer2.1-fold (P=0.04)(94)
Kogevinascase-control study2006Spain152/166bladder cancerOR, 0.80 (0.50–1.50)(95)
Thunepidemiologic study1994USANAbladder cancerRR, 0.56 (0.32–0.99)(96)
breast cancerRR, 0.95 (0.83–1.05)
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaRR,0.95 (0.74–1.23)
Hodgkin’s lymphomaRR, 0.55 (0.23–1.36)
multiplemyelomaRR, 1.05 (0.75–1.47)
Henleycomment2001USANAbladder cancerRR, 1.08 (0.84–1.38)(97)
Hartgecase-control study1982USA2982/5782bladder cancerRR, 1.00 (0.90–1.20)(98)
Roscase-control study2012The Netherlands1385/4754bladder cancerOR, 0.87 (0.65–1.18)(101)
Koutroscase-control study2011USA61/102bladder cancerOR, 3.30 (1.20–8.90)(105)
Gago-Dominguezcase-control study2003USA33/12abladder cancerOR, 2.90 (1.20–7.50)(106)
37/17abladder cancerOR, 2.50 (1.04–6.10)(94)
Turatimeta-analysis2014Italy3657/5962bladder cancerRR, 0.92 (0.77–1.09)(100)
Boicecase-control study1995USA528/2628breast cancerOR, 1.08 (0.87–1.30)(111)
Koenigcase-control study1991USA398/790breast cancerOR, 0.80 (0.60–1.10)(112)
Cookcase-control study1999USA315/393bbreast cancerRR, 1.10 (0.90–1.30)(115)
204/138bbreast cancerRR, 1.90 (1.40–2.50)(115)
Zhengcase-control study2002USA608/609breast cancerOR, 0.90 (0.70–1.20)(113)
Nascacase-control study1992USA1617/1617breast cancerOR, 1.04 (0.90–1.21)(114)
Heikkinencase-control study2015Finland6567/21598breast cancerOR, 1.23 (1.11–1.36)(116)
Petro-Nustascase-control study2002Jordan100/100breast cancerOR, 8.62 (3.33–22.28)(117)
Eberleprospective study2019USANAbreast cancerHR, 1.45 (1.10–1.90)(119)
Nascacase-control study1980USA118/233breast cancerOR, 4.50 (1.20–15.78)(118)
Gerameta-analysis2018UKNAbreast cancerRR,1.19 (1.03–1.37)(1)
Xumeta-analysis2021ChinaNAbreast cancerOR, 1.07 (1.01–1.13)(120)
Grodsteinprospective study1994USANAhematopoietic cancerRR, 0.90 (0.70–1.20(136)
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaRR, 1.10 (0.80–1.60)
Hodgkin’s lymphomaRR, 0.90 (0.40–2.10)
multiplemyelomaRR, 0.40 (0.20–0.90)
Miligicase-control study1999Italy165/828Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR, 0.70 (0.50–1.10)(138)
134/828multiple myelomaOR, 0.80 (0.50–1.20)
260/828leukemiaOR, 0.90 (0.70–1.30)
Benaventecase-control study2005Spain574/616hematopoietic cancerOR, 1.20 (0.90–1.70)(139)
Tavanicase-control study2005Italy446/1295non-Hodgkin’slymphomaOR, 1.03 (0.73–1.44)(142)
158/1295Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR, 0.68 (0.40–1.18)
141/1295multiple myelomaOR, 1.17 (0.70–1.97)
Wongcase-control study2010USA649/1298non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR, 0.93 (0.75–1.16)(147)
Zahmcase-control study1992USA385/1432non-Hodgkin’slymphomaOR, 1.50 (1.10–2.20)(148)
70/1432Hodgkin’slymphomaOR, 1.70 (0.70–4.00)
72/1432multiple myelomaOR, 1.80 (0.90–3.70)
56/1432leukemiaOR, 1.00 (0.30–2.60)
Zhangcase-control study2009USA601/717follicular lymphomaOR, 1.90 (1.10–3.30)(149)
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR, 1.30 (1.00–1.80)(150)
Zhangcase-control study2009USA4461/5799non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR, 1.30 (1.10–1.40)(151)
Guocase-control study2009USA261/247cnon-Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR,1.46 (1.10–1.95)(152)
132/177cOR, 1.03 (0.75–1.42)
Cantorcase-control study1988USA622/1245non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaOR, 2.00 (1.30–3.00)(153)
Herrintoninterview study1994USAwomenmultiple myelomaOR,1.00 (0.70–1.40)(140)
menOR, 1.50 (0.75–2.90)
Koutroscase-control study2009USA175/679multiple myelomaOR, 0.80 (0.50–1.10)(141)
Melecase-control study1995Italy254/1161leukemiaOR, 1.50 (0.60–3.70)(137)
Cantorcase-control study1988USA578/1245leukemiaOR, 1.80 (1.10–2.70)(153)
Chencase-control study2006USA272/418dtesticular germcell tumorOR, 1.50 (1.00–2.20)(163)
83/180dOR, 1.70 (1.00–2.80)
189/238dOR,1.70 (1.10–2.60)

a33/12 and 37/17 indicate subjectswith the NAT2 slow acetylation phenotype and thosewith the CYP1A2 slow phenotype, respectively.

b315/393 and 204/138 indicate subjectsusing the single hair dye method and those using two or more methods,respectively.

c261/247 and132/177 indicate subjectsusing hair dye before 1980 and those using hair dye in and after 1980,respectively.

d272/418, 83/180,and 189/238 indicateall children, boys, and girls, respectively. Abbreviations: OR, oddsratio; RR, relative ratio; HR, hazard ratio.

4.2. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is oneof the most common malignant tumors among women and the second leadingcause of cancer death in the world.109,110 The presentevidence is inconclusive describing the link between personal hairdye use and breast cancer risk. Several epidemiological case-controlstudies111115 have indicated that hair dyeing does not increase the risk of breastcancer in women, even in those with benign breast diseases. In contrast,several case-control studies,116118 a prospective study,119 and two meta-analyses1,120 reported that personal hair dye use was related to the carcinogenicrisk of breast cancer (Table 4). Early age at menarche is associated with an increased riskfor breast cancer.121 Each 2-year delayin onset of menstruation decreases this risk by approximately 10%.122 The early exposure to menstruation and ovulation-associatedhormones, linked with an earlier menstruation onset, has been proposedas an etiological factor for increased breast cancer risk.123,124 Higher estrogen levels have been reported in individuals that experiencedearly menstruation onset, for several years after menarche.125,126

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are exogenous agentsthat interact with estrogen receptors or estrogen signaling pathways,disrupting the physiological function of the endocrine system andthe development of the mammary tissue. This heterogeneous group ofchemicals includes parabens, bisphenols, and phthalates, widely usedsubstances in cosmetic and personal care products, and are presentin hair dyes.127,128 EDCs can be transported fromthe bloodstream to breast milk via passive diffusion and are theningested by infants through breast-feeding. The hormone levels inthe infants can be affected, and the growth of their germ cells canbe disrupted.129 Exposure to hair dyescontaining EDCs in childhood may increase breast cancer risk, by loweringthe age at menarche but most likely without affecting breast density.130 Indeed, a study by Llanos et al.131 demonstrated that the use of hair dyes containingEDCs is correlated with an elevated risk of estrogen receptor-positivebreast cancer. Adolescent use of hair dyes containing EDCs may increasethe risk of premenopausal breast cancer.132 Di-n-butyl phthalate 32 is an EDCthat is present in several hair dyes and personal-care products. Invitro studies revealed a large group of genes associated with fertility(inhibin, placental growth factor), the immune response (tumor necrosisfactor-induced proteins), and antioxidant status (glutathione peroxidase)in normal human mammary epithelial cells were altered after exposureto di-n-butyl phthalate,133 suggesting that these genes may be potential biomarkers for predictingreproductive problems associated with hair dye use.

The previouslymentioned meta-analysis120 concluded thatthe use of hair dyes, especially temporary and permanenthair dyes, increased breast cancer risk. However, an overall correlationbetween hair dyes and breast cancer risk as a function of race, timingof use, and dye color was not found. A case-control study from westernWashington115 found that young women usinga single type of dyeing method (i.e., temporary, semipermanent orpermanent dyes, straightener, and bleaching following dyeing or frosting)did not experience an increase in breast cancer risk (relative risk[RR] = 1.10; 95% CI, 0.90–1.30), but those who used two ormore methods did have an increased risk (RR = 1.90; 95% CI, 1.40–2.50),indicating that reproductive-age women who used just one type of dyeingmethod avoided the increased risk of breast cancer (Table 4). These conflicting conclusionsare likely explained by differences in individual subjects’molecular phenotypes, ages, and hair dyeing methods.

4.3. Hematopoietic Cancer

Hematopoieticcancers comprise a group of malignant tumors that occur in peripheralblood, bone marrow, and the lymphohematopoietic system, includingleukemia, multiple myeloma (MM) and lymphoma. The etiology of somedisorders is still unclear to date. Lymphomas originate from the lymphohematopoieticsystem and are classified into Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) andnon-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) according to the lymphocyte typein the tumor tissues.

Although two population-based case-controlstudies determined134,135 that hair dye use is a riskfactor for primary myelodysplastic syndrome, a large number of studieshave not identified a significant association between personal hairdye use and an overall increased risk of leukemia, HL, NHL, or MM(Table 4).136142 Because the data are conflicting regarding the potential carcinogeniceffect of hair dye on the hematopoietic system, further studies shouldbe performed to assess risk, for example, evaluating instances wherehair dyes applied have very low concentrations of oxidative chemicals.If the duration of use is prolonged and the frequency of use is increased,the risk of hair dye-induced leukemia and other malignant lymphatictumors is elevated.96,143145 Moreover, it was reported that the lymphoma risk of hair dye userscompared to nonusers was elevated by 19%, and further increased by26% when the frequency of use was >12 times per year.142

The incidence of NHL has increased globallyin recent decades.146 Occupational exposureto hair dyes may increasethe risk of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, a subtype of NHL. A Shanghaihospital-based case-control study147 revealedthat personal hair dye use was not associated with an elevated riskof NHL or any NHL subtypes. In contrast, a population-based case-controlstudy from the United States148 showeda positive correlation between the use of permanent hair dyes andan increased risk of NHL, which became stronger for longer durationof use and earlier age of first use. Furthermore, several long-termcase-control studies149153 found that hair dye use correlated with NHL risk and that this riskwas significantly enhanced in users who dyed their hair prior to 1980,but not in those who used hair dyes in or after 1980 (Table 4). One possible explanationfor this observation could be from the changes in hair dye formulationand the duration of use differences before and after 1980.

4.4. Maternal Hair Dyeing-Induced Childhood Tumors

As hairdyes contain EDCs, maternal hair dyeing during the monthbefore pregnancy, during pregnancy, or during breastfeeding is considereda risk factor for offspring health. Childhood tumors are the secondmost common cause of childhood death in developed countries,154 in which leukemia accounts for approximately35.8% and ranks first.155 Maternal hairdye use in the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk ofchildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and breastfeeding elevatesthe risk of childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, if childrenexhibited MLL (mixed lineage leukemia) gene rearrangementsand their mothers were previously exposed to hair dye chemicals duringpregnancy, an elevated risk of ALL or AML was not observed.156 Gao and colleagues157 found that the risk of maternal hair dyeing-induced childhood leukemiawas reduced by breastfeeding, and if the breastfeeding duration reached7–9 months, the reduction effect was more pronounced.

Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial cancer in infants underthe age of 12 months, corresponding to approximately 6–10%of global childhood tumors.154 If hairdye use takes place a month before pregnancy or during pregnancy,the neuroblastoma risk in children is slightly increased, regardlessof the type of hair dye used, and this effect was doubled by maternalsemipermanent hair dye use.158,159 Intriguingly, it wasreported that mothers’ use of temporary hair dye was linkedto a greater neuroblastoma risk in children than maternal use of permanenthair dye.154

Testicular germ celltumor (TGCT) is a rare human tumor with anestimated incidence of 8/100,000 and predominately occurs in malesaged between 15 and 44 years.160,161 Development of TGCTsis hypothesized to be due to a hormonal etiology related to EDCs.The United States Servicemen’s Testicular Tumor Environmentaland Endocrine Determinants study162 indicatedthat pregnant women frequently using personal care products (e.g.,face lotion) containing EDCs during their pregnancy or breast-feedingmay increase the risk of TGCTs in their sons. Similarly, a study byChen et al.163 suggested that maternalhair dyeing during the month before pregnancy and during breastfeedingincreased the risk of malignant germ cell tumors (MGCTs) in theirsons and that breastfeeding also led to an elevated MGCT risk fortheir daughters (Table 4).164,165,166

5. Conclusions

Hair dyeing formulations are generallycategorized into oxidativeand nonoxidative types. Based on the safety assessment by the CIRexpert panel and the FDA, a series of oxidative and nonoxidative chemicalshave been assessed as safe for use in hair dyes, and an importantaspect of this safety is based on the concentration of the compound(s)found in the hair dye. Personal or occupational exposure to hair dyesmay still cause several kinds of toxicity and side effects, in whichACD is the most frequent with pneumothorax, rhabdomyolysis, and AKIbeing the most life-threatening. Although evidence in recent decadeshas not drawn a consistent conclusion about the correlation betweenhair dye use and risk of carcinogenesis, we cannot overlook that apositive association of hair dye use and cancer occurrence is reportedin specific subpopulations. Moreover, maternal hair dyeing duringthe month before pregnancy, during pregnancy, or during breastfeedingis a risk factor for the occurrence of leukemia, brain tumors, andMGCTs in the offspring. An increasing body of studies indicates theneed for ascertaining the association between hair dyeing and thecarcinogenic risks in more specific subpopulations and investigatingthe molecular mechanism of hair dye chemical-induced toxicity andcarcinogenicity. Overall, the association between personal hair dyeuse and cancer risk is likely to remain a debated topic. While theconsensus opinion from the major cancer research centers suggeststhat there is not adequate evidence to link the practice of hair dyeingto cancer, several studies highlight hair dye-related toxicity andcarcinogenicity as a public health concern. Given the amount of conflictingdata, more in-depth chemical and systems toxicology studies are neededto better understand the risks associated with exposure to hair dyesand to address this important public health concern. Studies evaluatingnot only the risk of exposure to isolated hair dye ingredients butalso to these compounds in the context of chemical mixtures will allowan assessment of the cumulative risk (exposure to multiple agents)and the interaction of exposures to multiple chemicals present incombination in hair dyes. Systems-based strategies, involving quantitativemodeling, can shed light on the exposure-induced cellular and molecularalterations that might not be detected otherwise. It is anticipatedthat these current and emerging methods in toxicology can allow fora significantly superior assessment of complex mixtures such as hairdyes and therefore further support data-driven and fact-based evaluationof this public health concern.


F.M.thanks the Collegium Helveticum for financial supportunder the Collegium Fellowship program.


Dr. Lin He published 15 SCI papersas first or co-firstauthor during the past five years. He is an oncologist in the AnhuiProvincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Dr. Freideriki Michailidou is a Collegium ResearchFellow at ETH Zurich. Her current research encompasses biocatalysisand protein engineering, sustainable production, and safety assessmentof fragrance ingredients.

Dr. HaileyGahlon is a Group Leader in the Laboratoryof Toxicology at ETH Zurich. Her current research focuses on understandingmechanisms of mitochondrial genome instability and strategies to circumventanticancer drug resistance.

Dr.Weibin Zeng is the Group Leader of the Collegeof Animal Science and Technology, Shihezi University. His currentresearch centers on animal reproduction and biotechnology.

Special Issue

This manuscript ispart of a special collection: Chemical Exposures and Impact on HumanHealth.

Author Contributions

L.H. andF.M. contributed equally to this work. L.H. wrote the manuscript,collected data, and completed tables and figure drawing. F.M. andH.G. wrote and edited the manuscript and figures. W.E. was involvedin the final approval of the manuscript. All authors reviewed andapproved the manuscript prior to submission.


The authorsdeclare no competing financial interest.


Search strategy and inclusioncriteria: Peer-reviewedpublications in English were searched in the PubMed, Web of Science,Scopus, Embase, and OVID databases using the search keyword “hairdye” during 1990–2021. All potential citations wereretrieved prior to April 7, 2021. Eligible studies that evaluatedhair dye ingredients, hair dye use-induced toxicity, and hair dyeuse-related cancers met the inclusion criteria.


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Articles from Chemical Research in Toxicology are provided here courtesy of American Chemical Society

Hair Dye Ingredients
and Potential Health Risks from
Exposure to Hair Dyeing (2024)
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