Guide to a financial detox - Times Money Mentor (2024)

A financial detox can be a way to break bad money habits and create healthier new ones so that you can grow your money, save more and pay off any debt. Here we explain how to get started.

Think of a financial detox in the same way as a cleanse diet; the aim is to cut out the bad stuff you consume for a short period of time to kick start a new healthy eating habit. It can enable you to become more mindful over what you put into your body in the future.

The difference with a financial detox is that it focuses on your wallet and not your stomach! The idea is not to lose a few pounds, but to gain many.

In this guide we explain:

  • What is a financial detox?
  • How can I grow my cash?
  • What are the best ways to tackle my debt?
  • How do I get rid of bad habits?
  • What are the best ways to start saving?

Read more: 20 money saving tips you can use every day

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What is a financial detox?

Have you even tried a detox diet? This is where you cut out things such as sugar and caffeine, and consume healthy food and drink for a short time to give your body a break from the stuff that’s not so good for you. It’s a short, sharp shock for your body. But it is not a crash diet, which aims to lose a few pounds quickly.

The idea is that by hyper-focusing on what you are putting into your body, even for a few days, it could make you more aware in your everyday eating going forward.

Financial detoxing is a similar concept: taking some time to cleanse your finances and think about where you spend your money and whether you have any bad habits that you want to tackle.

Financial detox: money saving tips

In the same way that you have to be strict on yourself when dieting for your physical health, you need to be strict with your finances and, at the time, it may not feel pleasant. You also need to think about the areas that you want to focus on and over how long. You could opt for a few days, a week, or longer but be realistic – it will be tough.

For ideas about the best ways to save money, jot down some notes about your spending. Then draw up a financial planner:

  1. Cut discretionary spending – no coffees, takeaways, haircuts etc.
  2. Stop using your credit card
  3. Download your banking app and check your bank balance daily
  4. Draw up a detailed budget or download budgeting apps such as Cleo or Emma to help you
  5. Get a handle on your debt
  6. Focus on your day-to-day spending habits – when do you shop and how, and how does it make you feel afterwards?
  7. Increase your savings rate by 5-10%
  8. Talk to your loved ones about money and your financial goals
  9. Plan your mealtimes

Adopting healthier habits such as budgeting, saving and investing can have long-term benefits that go beyond the money you have in your wallet.

So much about our financial habits comes down to our “money mindset”, essentially our attitude towards money. It may have been formed during childhood and is not something we may even be even aware of ourselves.

If you are struggling to get a handle on your finances, check out our guide to budgeting for lots of helpful tips.

Read more: Best savings accounts in 2023

How to grow your money

There are a few ways to grow the wealth you have.

  • Ask for a pay rise or look at ways you can increase your income
  • Explore state benefits – make sure you are not missing out on any government financial help with an online benefits calculator.
  • Diversify where you deposit your money – Premium Bonds offer the chance to win cash prizes. ISAs are tax-efficient. Ensure you are getting the maximum contribution from your employer into your pension – up your contribution to get it if necessary. Shop around for savings accounts to get the best interest rate.
  • Invest your money – to help grow your cash. Read our beginner’s guide to investing and look at our independent ratings on ready-made investment accounts.
  • Invest in yourself – taking on extra training or courses in your field could help you move ahead and increase your income potential.

Read more: Eleven tips for getting cheaper car insurance

Talk about money

Talking about money can be difficult but if you are serious about making changes then finding someone to talk to, like a friend or family member, is a great start.

So before you get started on your detox, outline your main financial goals and any concerns to your trusted adviser. Be open to their insights into aspects of your personality that they see may hinder you achieving that goal.

  • Are you stubborn? You may struggle to give things up if you want to save and have to work around that.
  • Are you complacent? You may need someone who can offer motivational pep talks.
  • Are you a worrier? You may need someone who can look through the paperwork with you.

Find out more about how one Times Money Mentor reader, Hannah, saved a third of her salary after managing her stubborn streak.

If you have a partner, it’s essential that they are on board with your plan too. Understand their money mindset too and work with it. For example, if they are a spender, suggest free or cheaper ideas that include nights out and other activities that they enjoy.

Agree not to judge each other’s spending habits – feeling judged leads to defensiveness, which won’t benefit the conversation at all and may affect the likelihood of regular money talks.

Try out our Relationships and money quiz: which animal are you? and read our financial guide to living with your partner for lots of helpful tips and guidance.

Tackle debt

Debt is the biggest cause of financial stress, so get it sorted. This is where knowing your attitude to spending will really help you, not only to tackle existing debt but to help prevent getting into debt in the future.

The average total debt per household, including mortgages, was£65,510 in February 2023, according to The Money Charity. That’s an extra £1,928 per UK adult since January 2022.

Here’s how to tackle debt:

  1. Open up – Debt-related stress will have an impact on mental health and relationships, and could encourage you to make bad financial decisions
  2. Have a plan – Create a plan for clearing the debt, starting with a budget. Your financial detox will help identify bad habits
  3. Get ‘appy – There are lots of free apps and websites including Cleo*, a virtual financial assistant, Tully, a digital debt adviser, and Updraft.
  4. Free financial advice – There is a lot of free support from Citizens Advice and the debt charity StepChange

If you’re dealing with a gambling problem, Gamcare can help.

If you want some inspiration to get into the savings habit, then check out our article: 20 simple ways to save money.

Get rid of bad habits

Know thyself. Before you can start to rid yourself of your bad money habits you need to understand why they are there in the first place. Consider your money mindset:

  • What is your attitude towards money?
  • How does it makes you feel when you borrow, spend and save?
  • Do you spend when you are happy or sad?
  • Are you impulsive and prone to spur-of-the-moment decisions like booking a last-minute trip?

Think about ways that you can work with your money mindset:

  • Set up a time-out – when shopping in store or online, walk away for an hour or so to think about whether you really need or can afford that item.
  • Substitute – if you enjoy shop-bought coffees, get a good coffee machine at home; if you love buying books head to a charity store.
  • Download an app – some banking apps allow customers to block certain types of spending or set spending limits. There are also a number of round-up apps that can help you save money whenever you spend.
  • Use cash – a temporary all-cash routine can be an effective daily reminder not to overdo it. Take out what you think you will need at the start of the week, and stick to that.
  • Use your inertia – open a savings or investing account, set up a direct debit and leave it to grow. Let your laziness in cancelling things like subscriptions that you don’t use work in your favour.


If you are new to investing, you might prefer a ready-made investment account. These accountsare a simple way to invest outside tax wrappers such as pensions and ISAs. Find out which providers scored highly in our independent ratings here.

A so-called “robo-adviser” will ask you some questions about money, such as how much risk you’re comfortable taking, show you a suitable investment portfolio, and invest your cash for you. With some of them, you can open an account with just £1.

If you want to find out more about investing and how to get started, check out our beginner’s investment guide.

Drastic times…

If you’re constantly chasing your tail with your salary then you may have to commit to something quite drastic such as a “no-spend month”.

Find out more about how Times Money Mentor reader Claire saved £1,300 to recuperate from Christmas spending by having a no-spend January.

How much are my bad habits costing me?

Some bad habits cost us money, others can kill us – and still cost us a lot of money:

  • Cigarettes – A 10-a-day habit can easily cost you over £2,625 a year
    • Solution: Cut down or ideally quit altogether – visit the NHS Smoke Free website
  • Coffees – One café-bought coffee every work day at £3.50 each will set you back £910 a year
    • Solution: buy a coffee machine and take a thermos flask to work
  • Lunches out – £7.50 every weekday on lunch will cost £1,950 a year
    • Solution: make your own

There is evidence to suggest it takes 66 days to form a new habit so mentally dedicate that amount of time to making any of these changes.

Start saving

Some people find saving a doddle, while others need a little more help – and yet it’s essential to build up that emergency savings pot

If you do struggle to save money, why not take on a financial challenge? Simply set yourself a small challenge or goal to encourage you to get into the savings habit. For example, try a month or week where you don’t spend on anything except essentials.

There’s also the 1p challenge. This is where each day of the year, you save what you saved the day before, plus a penny more. So you start by saving 1p on day one, 2p on day two, right the way up to £3.65 at the end of December.

For money saving tips, try our 10 money-saving challenges.

Other money saving tips

  1. Cut the unnecessary subscriptions and memberships that you don’t use anymore
  2. Consider a systematic no-spend day, week or month – no lunches out, coffees or other bits and bobs
  3. Get a side hustle – mystery shopping can earn you £600 a year. If you can play piano or speak a foreign language, for example, you could tutor for about £30 an hour. We have more tips in 13 ways to boost your income
  4. Have a travel-free year – stick to day trips and cheap weekends away
  5. Shop around for better utility deals – find out how to cut back on broadband, and get cheaper mobile phone deals
  6. Consider supporting charities with your time, rather than your money
  7. Borrow rather than buy
  8. Swap nights out with friends to nights in with friends
  9. Get free nights out and culture by signing up to the right mailing lists
  10. Have a no-presents rule for a year in your family and circle of friends
  11. Spend less on food – apps such as Too Good To Gooffer unsold food from top eateries at much cheaper prices to prevent it going to waste. We have recipes that can save you £25 a meal compared to takeaways
  12. Improve your credit score to save money in the long term – it could get you more favourable terms if you are looking for a good mortgage deal, a credit card with an interest-free period or a personal loan

For other ways to get help with finances, follow our guide to the best budgeting apps.

*All products, brands or properties mentioned in this article are selected by our writers and editors based on first-hand experience or customer feedback, and are of a standard that we believe our readers expect. This article contains links from which we can earn revenue. This revenue helps us to support the content of this website and to continue to invest in our award-winning journalism. For more, seeHow we make our moneyand ourEditorial promise.

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Some of the products promoted are from our affiliate partners from whom we receive compensation. While we aim to feature some of the best products available, we cannot review every product on the market.

Guide to a financial detox - Times Money Mentor (2024)


Guide to a financial detox - Times Money Mentor? ›

Start with our free personal finance courses. You'll learn useful financial habits and improve your money management skills. Money Mentors' free financial education classes give you the tools to get out of debt, save money and become financially stable.

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Start with our free personal finance courses. You'll learn useful financial habits and improve your money management skills. Money Mentors' free financial education classes give you the tools to get out of debt, save money and become financially stable.

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A Money Mentor will walk alongside you, supporting you to manage your financial situation. Their goal is to empower you with the skills and knowledge that will allow you to: Better understand your current financial situation.

What is a good budget advice? ›

We recommend the popular 50/30/20 budget to maximize your money. In it, you spend roughly 50% of your after-tax dollars on necessities, including debt minimum payments. No more than 30% goes to wants, and at least 20% goes to savings and additional debt payments beyond minimums.

What is the difference between a financial planner and a money coach? ›

Financial advisers are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to give advice. You can expect an adviser to provide specific product recommendations, while financial coaches are not regulated and do not provide guidance on products.

How much is Dave Ramsey financial course? ›

The cost to take the class is $79.99. My wife and I took the class for free as the person who ran it paid our fee. I guess he really wanted us to be in his class. We received a workbook, online access to lots of helpful additional information, and a one-year membership to Every dollar, the Ramsey budgeting software.

What is the difference between a financial advisor and a mentor? ›

While financial mentors should have solid financial know-how, including education, certifications, or personal finance licenses, they're not financial advisors or planners. A financial coach, on the other hand, is often a shorter-term, results-driven partnership to navigate a specific financial situation or decision.

Is paid mentorship worth it? ›

It's not just about dollars and cents; it's about a shared commitment that propels both the mentee and mentor to elevate their contributions. This investment goes far beyond financial contributions—it's an investment in each other's professional development and success.

What does a financial mentor do? ›

supports and empowers clients to navigate the system to control debt by negotiating reduced payments or generating additional resources. advocates on a client's behalf as they are often too stressed to negotiate with creditors or other lenders on their own.

How to do a financial detox? ›

Financial detox: money saving tips
  1. Cut discretionary spending – no coffees, takeaways, haircuts etc.
  2. Stop using your credit card.
  3. Download your banking app and check your bank balance daily.
  4. Draw up a detailed budget or download budgeting apps such as Cleo or Emma to help you.
  5. Get a handle on your debt.
Dec 12, 2023

How do you clean money quickly? ›

One of the best and simplest ways to do this is with soap and water. Add hot water to a bowl with a drop or two of dish soap. Allow the coins to soak in the mixture for 15-30 minutes, then rub your coins with a cloth. Rinse with fresh water and pat dry.

How do you attract good money? ›

  1. Aware Of Your Negative Beliefs About Money.
  2. Build Your Money Magnet Mindset with Affirmation.
  3. You Deserve to Become A Money Magnet.
  4. Love Your Bills To Become A Money Magnet.
  5. Rejoice in Other's Good Fortune.
  6. Visualise Your Abundance.
Sep 12, 2016

What is the 50 20 30 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the #1 rule of budgeting? ›

Oh My Dollar! From the radio vaults, we bring you a short episode about the #1 most important thing in your budget: your values. You can't avoid looking at your budget without considering your values – no one else's budget will work for you.

What is the 70 30 10 budget rule? ›

The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

Is Money Advice Trust free? ›

Since 1991 the Money Advice Trust has been helping people across the UK to deal with their debts and manage their money with confidence. We believe that debt advice should be provided free for people and small businesses that need it.

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Although some individuals do charge for mentoring, we believe that mentoring should be free and easily accessible for all. By offering free mentoring it helps remove any monetary bias, reduces any malicious intentions and ensures that the mentor is focused on actually helping their mentee grow and flourish.

How much does a wealth coach cost? ›

Since financial coaches do not usually handle a client's investments, they typically do not charge based on assets under management, which is a common fee model among financial advisors. Some financial coaching packages can cost thousands of dollars a year. Coaching rates are typically between $100 to $300 an hour.

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We know that money worries can affect your health so why not contact Money Matters for your free Financial Health check-up?

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.