Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: What's the Difference? (2024)

Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: An Overview

A profit margin is a percentage that expresses the amount a company earns per dollar of sales. If a company makes more money per sale, it has a higher profit margin.

Gross profit margin and net profit margin are two separate profitability ratios used to assess a company's financial stability and overall health.

Gross profit margin is the profit remaining after subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from revenue. It expresses the relationship of profit to revenue as a percentage. Net profit margin is the profit that remains after subtracting both the COGS and operating expenses from revenue.

While gross profit and gross margin are two measurements of profitability, net profit margin, which includes a company's total expenses, is a farmore definitive profitability metric, and the one most closely scrutinized by analysts and investors.

Here's a more in-depth look at gross profit margin and net profit margin.

Key Takeaways:

  • The gross profit margin is the percentage of revenuethat exceeds the cost of goods sold.
  • A high gross profit margin indicates that a company is successfully producing profit over and above its costs.
  • The net profit margin is the ratio of net profits to revenuesfor a company; it reflects how much each dollar of revenue becomes profit.

Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: What's the Difference? (1)

Gross profit marginis shown as a percentage while gross profit is an absolute dollar amount.

Gross Profit Margin

Gross profit margin is a measure of profitability that showsthe percentage of revenuethat exceeds the cost of goods sold (COGS). The gross profit margin reflects how successful a company's executive management team is in generating revenue, considering the costs involved in producing its products andservices. In short, the higher the number, the more efficient management is in generating profitfor every dollar of the cost involved.

The gross profit margin is calculated by takingtotal revenue minus the COGS and dividing the differenceby total revenue.The gross margin resultis typicallymultiplied by100 to show the figure as a percentage.The COGS isthe amount it costs acompany to produce the goods or services that it sells.

GrossProfitMargin=(RevenueCOGS)Revenue×100where:COGS=Costofgoodssold\begin{aligned} &\text{Gross Profit Margin} = \frac{\left(\text{Revenue} - \text{COGS}\right)}{\text{Revenue}}\times100\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &\text{COGS}=\text{Cost of goods sold} \end{aligned}GrossProfitMargin=Revenue(RevenueCOGS)×100where:COGS=Costofgoodssold

Example of Gross Profit Margin

For the fiscal year endingSept. 24, 2022,Applereported total sales or revenueof $394 billion and COGS of $224billion as shown from the company's consolidated statement of operations below.

Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: What's the Difference? (2)

Apple'sgross profit margin for 2022 was 43%. Using the formula above, it would be calculated as follows:

  • ($394B - $224B) / $394B x 100 = 43%

This means that for every dollar Applegeneratedin sales, the company generated43 cents in grossprofit before other business expenses werepaid.A higher ratio is usually preferred, as this would indicate that the company is selling inventory for a higher profit. Gross profit margin provides a general indication of a company's profitability, but it isnot a precise measurement.

Gross Profit Margin vs.Gross Profit

It is important to note thedifference between gross profit margin andgross profit. Gross profit marginis shown as a percentage, while gross profit is an absolute dollar amount.

The gross profit is the absolute dollar amount of revenue that a company generates beyond its direct production costs. Thus, an alternate rendering of the gross margin equation becomes gross profit divided by total revenues. As shown in the statementabove, Apple's gross profit figurewas$170 billion (or $394 billionminus $224 billion).

In short, gross profitis the total amount of gross profit aftersubtracting revenue fromCOGS—or$170 billion in the case of Apple. But the gross margin is the percentageof profit Apple generatedper thecost of producing its goods, or 43%.

The gross profit figure is of little analytical valuebecause it is a number in isolation rather than a figure calculated in relation to both costs and revenue. Therefore, the gross profit margin (or gross margin) ismore significant for marketanalystsand investors.

To illustrate the difference, consider a company showing a gross profit of $1 million. At first glance, the profit figure may appear impressive, but if the gross margin for the company is only 1%, then a mere 2% increase in production costs is sufficient to make the company lose money.

Net Profit Margin

The net profit margin is the ratio of net profits torevenuesfor a company or business segment. Expressed as a percentage, the net profitmarginshows how much of each dollar collected by a company as revenue translates to profit.

Net profitability is an important distinctionsince increases in revenue do not necessarily translate into increased profitability. Net profit is the gross profit (revenue minus COGS) minus operating expenses and all other expenses, such as taxes and interest paid on debt. Although it may appear more complicated, net profit is calculated for us and provided on the income statement asnet income.

NetProfitMargin=(NI)×100Revenuewhere:NI=Netincome=RCOGSOEOITR=RevenueOE=OperatingexpensesO=OtherexpensesI=InterestT=Taxes\begin{aligned} &\text{Net Profit Margin}=\frac{\left( NI \right)\times100} {\text{Revenue}}\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &\begin{aligned} \text{NI}&=\text{Net income}\\ &=\text{R}\ -\ \text{COGS}\ -\ \text{OE}\ -\ \text{O}\ -\ \text{I}\ -\ \text{T}\end{aligned}\\ &\text{R}=\text{Revenue}\\ &\text{OE}=\text{Operating expenses}\\ &\text{O}=\text{Other expenses}\\ &\text{I}=\text{Interest}\\ &\text{T}=\text{Taxes} \end{aligned}NetProfitMargin=Revenue(NI)×100where:NI=Netincome=RCOGSOEOITR=RevenueOE=OperatingexpensesO=OtherexpensesI=InterestT=Taxes

Example of NetProfit Margin

Apple reported a net income number of roughly $100 billion for the fiscal year ending Sept. 24, 2022, as shown from its consolidated statement of operations below.As we saw earlier, Apple'stotal sales or revenue was$394 billion for the same period.

Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: What's the Difference? (3)

Apple's netprofit margin for 2022 was 21%. Using the formula above, we can calculate it as:

  • $100B / $394B = 0.25
  • 0.25 x 100 = 25%

A 25% net profit margin indicates that for every dollar generated by Applein sales, the company kept$0.25as profit.A higher profit margin is always desirable since it means the company generates more profits from its sales.

However, profit margins can vary by industry. Growth companies might have a higher profit margin than retail companies, but retailers make up for their lower profit marginswith higher sales volumes.

It is possible for a company to have a negative net profit margin. A negative net profit margin occurs when a company hasa loss for the quarter or year. That loss, however, may just be a temporary issue for the company. Reasons for losses could be increases in the cost of laborand raw materials, recessionary periods, and the introduction of disruptive technological tools that could affect the company's bottom line.

What's the Difference Between Gross Profit and Gross Margin?

Gross profit is the dollar amount of profits left over after subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenues. Gross margin shows the relationship of gross profit to revenue as a percentage.

What Is the Difference Between Net Profit and Margin?

Net profit is the dollar figure that shows the profit that remains after subtracting the cost of goods sold, operating expenses, taxes, and interest on debt. Margin is a percentage that shows profit compared to revenue.

Which Is Better: Gross Profit Margin or Net Profit Margin?

While gross profit margin and net profit margin each show valuable information, net profit margin is often the more useful metric, as it accounts for not only the cost of goods sold but also other operating expenses, which can affect overall profitability.

The Bottom Line

Investors and analysts typically use both gross profit margin andnet profit margin to gauge how efficient a company's management is inearning profits relative to the costs involved in producing their goods and services.

Net profit margin gives a more comprehensive picture of a company's overall profitability as it also includes operating expenses, whereas gross profit margin does not. It is wise to compare the margins of companies within the same industry and over multiple periods to get a sense of anytrends.

Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: What's the Difference? (2024)


Gross Profit Margin vs. Net Profit Margin: What's the Difference? ›

Gross profit margin is the profit remaining after subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from revenue. It expresses the relationship of profit to revenue as a percentage. Net profit margin is the profit that remains after subtracting both the COGS and operating expenses from revenue.

Is net profit margin and gross profit margin the same? ›

Gross profit margin is the gross profit divided by total revenue, multiplied by 100, to generate a percentage of income retained as profit after accounting for the cost of goods. Net profit margin or net margin is the percentage of net income generated from a company's revenue.

What is the difference between gross profit and net profit? ›

Your takeaway. Net profit reflects the amount of money you are left with after having paid all your allowable business expenses, while gross profit is the amount of money you are left with after deducting the cost of goods sold from revenue.

What does gross profit margin tell you? ›

The gross profit margin tells you what your business made after paying for the direct cost of doing business, which can include labour, materials and other direct production costs. It's one of three major profitability ratios, the others being operating profit margin and net profit margin.

What does a net profit margin tell you? ›

The net profit margin ratio shows the percentage of sales revenue a company keeps after covering all of its costs including interest and taxes. It is one of five calculations used to measure profitability.

What is the difference between GP and GM? ›

Gross profit (GP) is the number of dollars of profit (dollars billed minus expenses and dollars paid) your business earns, while gross margin (GM) is the percentage of your total billable revenue that constitutes profits (dollars of profit divided by total revenue dollars).

What is a good profit margin for a small business? ›

What's a good profit margin for a small business? Although profit margin varies by industry, 7 to 10% is a healthy profit margin for most small businesses. Some companies, like retail and food, can be financially stable with lower profit margin because they have naturally high overhead.

What is the gross margin of Apple? ›

Apple Gross Profit Margin (Quarterly): 46.58% for March 31, 2024.

What does it mean when gross profit is higher than net profit? ›

In short, gross profit is your revenue without subtracting your manufacturing or production expenses, while net profit is your gross profit minus the cost of all business operations and non-operations. Your net profit is going to be a much more realistic representation of your company's profits.

How to improve net profit margin? ›

Companies can increase their net margin by increasing revenues, such as through selling more goods or services or by increasing prices. Companies can increase their net margin by reducing costs (e.g., finding cheaper sources for raw materials).

What is a good gross profit margin for manufacturing? ›

What's a good profit margin in manufacturing? The ideal profit margin in manufacturing can vary depending on the industry, company size, and market conditions. However, as a general guideline, a good profit margin for manufacturing companies typically falls within the range of 10% to 20%.

Is 20% gross profit margin good? ›

You may be asking yourself, “what is a good profit margin?” A good margin will vary considerably by industry, but as a general rule of thumb, a 10% net profit margin is considered average, a 20% margin is considered high (or “good”), and a 5% margin is low.

Is it bad to have a high gross profit margin? ›

The sales and COGS can be found on a company's income statement. A high gross profit margin is desirable and means a company is operating efficiently, while a low margin is evidence that there are areas that need improvement. Product pricing adjustments may influence gross profit margins.

What is an example of gross margin? ›

Let's assume a company has $ 5,000 in net sales and $ 3,000 in COGS over two months. To calculate the gross margin percentage, we would use the formula: (Total revenue - COGS)/Total revenue x 100. Using this gross profit formula for our example scenario: ($5000 - $3000) / $5000 x 100 = 40%.

What is the difference between net margin and gross margin? ›

Gross profit margin is the profit remaining after subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from revenue. It expresses the relationship of profit to revenue as a percentage. Net profit margin is the profit that remains after subtracting both the COGS and operating expenses from revenue.

What is a good net profit ratio? ›

In the retail sector, for example, anything between 0.5% to 3.5% is considered a good net profit ratio. This might not, however, be considered good for other businesses. In general, though, aiming for a net profit ratio of 10% - 20% is considered average.

Why is net profit margin the most important? ›

Net profit margin helps investors assess if a company's management is generating enough profit from its sales and whether operating costs and overhead costs are under control. Net profit margin is one of the most important indicators of a company's overall financial health.

Is GP the same as margin? ›

Gross profit is the money left over after a company's costs are deducted from its sales. Gross margin is a company's gross profit divided by its sales and represents the amount earned in profit per dollar of sales. Gross profit is stated as a number, while gross margin is stated as a percentage.

What does GM stand for in gross margin? ›

Gross Margin (GM) % is the percentage of each dollar of revenue that a company retains after covering the direct costs of materials and labour associated with delivering the services sold by the company.

How is GP different from AP? ›

Ans: The differences between every two consecutive terms are all the same in an arithmetic progression (AP), whereas the ratios of every two consecutive terms are all the same in a geometric progression (GP).

Are gross and net the same? ›

Gross means the total or whole amount of something, whereas net means what remains from the whole after certain deductions are made.

What is the net profit also known as? ›

Synonymous with net income, net profit is a company's total earnings after subtracting all expenses. Expenses subtracted include the costs of normal business operation as well as depreciation and taxes. Net profit is commonly referred to as a company's “bottom line” and is a true indicator of a company's profitability.

How do you calculate the net profit? ›

Net profit is gross profit minus operating expenses and taxes. You can also think of it as total income minus all expenses.

Is net revenue the same as gross profit? ›

A company's gross revenue is its revenue before expenses. A company's net revenue represents the total amount it makes from its operations minus any adjustments such as refunds, returns, and discounts. A company's net income is its profit after deducting expenses and other allowances.

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