Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe (2024)

By Kelly Published in Food

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Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe (1)

Spring and Summer.

Time to fire up the grill.

And start eating RIGHT because shorts, sundresses, and swim suit season is around the corner.

But, the grill can be tricky when you are trying to eat right….and the default to healthy eating is usually,CHICKEN.

And chicken…well, it can get old in a hurry. (Because honestly, how many ways can you eat a chicken breast?)

Which is why I’d like to recommend a NEW MEAT for grilling – Turkey Tenderloins or Cutlets.

(I know. You are thinking, “TURKEY? Isn’t that for Thanksgiving and roasting in an oven?”)

Well, friends. That was your Grandmother’s turkey! Because now, we have SO MANY options at that grocery store includingHoneysuckle White Turkey Tenderloins or Cutlets. (They are located in the poultry section ofthe fresh-meat department.)

Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe (2)

This Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe isso easy. (Because how hard is it to make a marinade and then pass off the grilling duty to your significant other?)Plus, when you are conscientious about eating right, they are agreat alternative to chicken breast. And my final accolade…they also making AMAZING-SAUCE lunchmeat for leftovers. The meat is on par with some of the “super-expensive” brands at the grocery stores, which makes it easy to throw on a second and third and know that you will have great tasting lunches for the rest of the week.

(I don’t know about you…but I enjoy having leftovers that my family loves to eat without complaint and can be used at an alternative meal time.)

The key to these grilled marinated turkey tenderloins is to not skip on the ingredients.I’m brand loyal to Honeysuckle White for a couple of reasons. First, Honeysuckle White turkeys are raised without growth-promoting antibiotics, hormones and steroids. Second, Honeysuckle White turkeys are raised by independent family farmers. And both of those things makes my midwestern-values-while-knowing-what-my-family-eats-desire happy. Also, make sure to use fresh-squeezed lemon juice, fresh basil and whole cloves. It takes a little more planning to find these ingredients, but the end result is worth it.

In fact, if you get to haveleftovers, I’ll be surprised.

Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe (3)

Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe (4)

Thealternative to grilling chicken on a hot summer evening– this Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin recipe. Bonus, makes amazing lunch meat as leftovers.

Recipe Yields: 2 tenderloins that can serve four people


(2) 2 lb. boneless Honeysuckle White Turkey Tenderloins
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and minced
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh basil
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
6 whole cloves
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon brown sugar


1. Take turkey tenderloins out of package. Rinse under warm water and then set on paper towels. Dry thoroughly. Throw away towels. Set turkey tenderloins aside.

2. In a small bowl, mix together garlic, basil, and ground pepper. Rub over turkey tenderloins until well coated on each side. Insert one clove into each of the ends and another one in the middle. Place into a gallon-sized resealable plastic bag (or place into a shallow glass pan).

3. In a medium-sized bowl, blend soy sauce, lemon juice, and brown sugar. Pour over turkey tenderloins and seal bag (or pour over in shallow pan). Turn to coat. Place in refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

4. Preheat grill for high heat.

5. Lightly oil grill grate with non-stick spray. Place turkey tenderloin on grill (discard marinade). Close lid and grill turkey tenderloins about 15 minutes on each side (depending on thickness), or use an internal thermometer for a temperature of 170 degrees F.

Want more information about all the new cuts of turkey available at your local grocery store, plus quick meal time recipes? Follow Honeysuckle White Turkey on Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook

LOVE this recipe? Make sure to check out all of our tried and true recipes in the Redefined Mom Recipe Index.

Disclosure: I’m THRILLED to be partnering with Honeysuckle Whitein a sponsored capacity on this post. With that being said, the written remarks and opinions, areentirely my own.Want more information – check out myfull disclosure statement.

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Grilled Marinated Turkey Tenderloin Recipe (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.