Google Merchant Center Transfers  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud (2024)

The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Merchant Center lets you automaticallyschedule and manage recurring load jobs for Google Merchant Center reportingdata.

Supported reports

The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Merchant Center supports the following data:

Products and product issues

The products and product issues report includes product data provided to Merchant Center through feeds or using the Content API for Shopping. This report also includes item level issues detected by Google for your products. You can view product and product issues data in the Google Merchant Center or by querying the Content API for Shopping. For information on how this data is loaded into BigQuery, see the Google Merchant Center product table schema.

Regional Inventories

The regional inventories report includes additional product data aboutregional availability and pricing overrides of your products.For informationon how this data is loaded into BigQuery, see the Google MerchantCenter regional inventories tableschema.

Local Inventories

The local inventories report includes additional product data about localinventory of your products. This report contains data on local pricing,availability, quantity, pick-up and in-store product location. For informationon how this data is loaded into BigQuery, see the Google MerchantCenter local inventories tableschema.


The performance report provides granular segmentation of your performance dataacross both Ads and Free Listings. For information on how this data is loadedinto BigQuery, see the Google Merchant Center performance tableschema.

Best Sellers

The Best sellers report provides the same data found in the Google MerchantCenter UI and lets you backfill the data across countries or categories forup to 2 years. This includes data about the most popular products and brands inShopping ads and unpaid listings, as well as whether or not you have them inyour inventory. This report is based on the best sellersreport available through Google Merchant Center. For information on how this data isloaded into BigQuery, see the Google Merchant Center bestsellers tables schemas.

Price Competitiveness

Formerly known as the price benchmarks report, the price competitiveness report includes product level attributes and price benchmark data and is basedon the same definitions as the price competitivenessreport available through Google Merchant Center. For information on how this data is loaded into BigQuery, see the Google Merchant Center price competitiveness table schema.

Price Insights

Use the price insights report to see suggested sale prices for yourproducts, and predictions for the performance that you can expect if you updateyour products' prices. Using the price insights report can help you price yourproducts more effectively. For more information on how to use the data in thisreport, see Improve product pricing with the price insightsreport for moreinformation on how to use the data in this report. For information on how thisdata is loaded into BigQuery, see the Google Merchant CenterPrice Insights tableschema.

Product Targeting

Enable the Product Targeting report when you set up a transfer to expose Adstargeting information when you load data from Google Shopping intoBigQuery. For information on how the data is loaded intoBigQuery, see the Google Merchant Center Product Targeting table schema.

Reporting options

The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Merchant Center supports the followingreporting options:

Reporting option Support

Configurable to daily, weekly, monthly, or custom. By default, this is set to daily when the transfer is created. The minimum interval between transfers is 6 hours.

Data ingestion from Google Merchant Center transfers

When you transfer data from Google Merchant Center into BigQuery, thedata is loaded into BigQuery tables that are partitioned by date.The table partition that the data is loaded into corresponds to the date fromthe data source. If you schedule multiple transfers for the same date,BigQuery Data Transfer Service overwrites the partition for that specific date withthe latest data. Multiple transfers in the same day or running backfills don'tresult in duplicate data, and partitions for other dates are not affected.


Some reports might have their own constraints, such as different windows ofsupport for historical backfills. The following sections describe thelimitations for each report.

Historical Backfills Support

Not all reports support historical backfills in the same way. The following area list of reports and the level of support for historical backfills.

  • Products and product issues - 14 days
  • Local Inventories - 14 days
  • Regional Inventories - 14 days
  • Performance - 2 years
  • Best sellers - 2 years
  • Price competitiveness - No backfill support
  • Price insights - No backfill support

Product and product issues

  • Products and product issues data in BigQuery does not represent thereal-time view of your Merchant account. To see the timeline of yourdata, refer to the product_data_timestamp field in the schema.

Price benchmarks

  • Price benchmarks data does not represent the real-time view of pricebenchmarks. To see the timeline of your data, refer to theprice_benchmark_timestamp field in the Price Benchmarks schema.
  • Not all products will have a price benchmark.

Best sellers

  • Not all countries will contain ranking data. Countries included in thereport (using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2): AT, AU, BE, BR, CA, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES,FI, FR, GB, HU, IE, IN, IT, JP, MX, NL, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SE, SK, TR,UA and US.
  • Best sellers data does not represent a real-time view of brand rankings.To see the timeline of your data, refer to the rank_timestamp fieldin the BestSellers_TopProducts_ and BestSellers_TopBrands_ schema.
  • There may be rows in the Products_table with a google_brand_id that does not map to any brands in theBestSellers_TopBrands_ table.
  • Brand IDs in the google_brand_id field might change over time to reflect thechanging nature of businesses and brands. Because of this, tracking a set ofbrands over a long period of time is not guaranteed.
  • While brands are ranked across many different categories, all products in theProducts_ table are in leaf categories. To join brands and products onnon-leaf categories, use the google_product_category_ids field, asshown in Best sellers sample queries.

Multi-client account (MCA) support

Existing customers with multiple Merchant IDs are encouraged to configure aparent Multi-Client Account (MCA).Configuring an MCA lets you create a single transfer for all your MerchantIDs.

Using Google Merchant Center MCAs provides several benefits over usingindividual Merchant IDs:

  • You no longer need to manage multiple transfers to transfer reporting data formultiple Merchant IDs.
  • Queries involving multiple Merchant IDs are much simpler to write because allMerchant ID data is stored in the same table.
  • Using MCAs alleviates potential BigQuery load job quota issuesbecause all your Merchant ID data is loaded in the same job.

One possible disadvantage of using MCAs is that your subsequent query costs arelikely to be higher. Because all of your data is stored in the same table,queries that retrieve data for an individual Merchant ID must still scan theentire table.

If you are using an MCA, the MCA ID is listed under aggregator_id and theindividual sub-accounts are listed under merchant_id. For accounts thatdon't use an MCA, aggregator_id is set to null.

Not all reports support MCAs. MCAs are supported by the following reports:

  • Products and product issues
  • Local Inventories
  • Regional Inventories
  • Product Performance
  • Price Competitiveness
  • Price Insights
  • Product Targeting

Query your data

When your data is transferred to BigQuery, the data iswritten to ingestion-time partitioned tables. For more information, seeIntroduction to partitioned tables.

When you query your Google Merchant Center table, youmust use the _PARTITIONTIME or _PARTITIONDATE pseudo-column in your query.For more information, see Querying partitioned tables.

The Products_ table contains nested and repeated fields. For information onhandling nested and repeated data, seeDifferences in repeated field handlingin the GoogleSQL documentation.

Google Merchant Center sample queries

You can use the following Google Merchant Center sample queries to analyze yourtransferred data. You can also use the queries in a visualization tool such asLooker Studio.

In each of the following queries, replace dataset with your datasetname. Replace merchant_id with your Merchant ID. If you're using anMCA, replace merchant_id with your MCA ID.

Products and product issues sample queries

Products and product issues statistics

The following SQL sample query provides the number of products, products withissues, and issues by day.

SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, COUNT(*) AS num_products, COUNTIF(ARRAY_LENGTH(issues) > 0) AS num_products_with_issues, SUM(ARRAY_LENGTH(issues)) AS num_issuesFROM dataset.Products_merchant_idWHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD'GROUP BY dateORDER BY date DESC

Products disapproved for Shopping Ads

The following SQL sample query provides the number of products that are notapproved for display in Shopping Ads, separated by country. Disapprovalcan result from the destination beingexcludedor because of an issue with the product.

SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, disapproved_country, COUNT(*) AS num_productsFROM dataset.Products_merchant_id, UNNEST(destinations) AS destination, UNNEST(disapproved_countries) AS disapproved_countryWHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD'GROUP BY date, disapproved_countryORDER BY date DESC

Products with disapproved issues

The following SQL sample query retrieves the number of products with disapprovedissues, separated by country.

SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, applicable_country, COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(CAST(merchant_id AS STRING), ':', product_id)) AS num_distinct_productsFROM dataset.Products_merchant_id, UNNEST(issues) AS issue, UNNEST(issue.applicable_countries) as applicable_countryWHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD' AND issue.servability = 'disapproved'GROUP BY date, applicable_countryORDER BY date DESC

Price benchmark sample queries

Compare product prices to benchmarks

The following SQL query joins Products and Price Benchmarks data to returnthe list of products and associated benchmarks.

WITH products AS( SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, * FROM dataset.Products_merchant_id WHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD'),benchmarks AS( SELECT _PARTITIONDATE AS date, * FROM dataset.Products_PriceBenchmarks_merchant_id WHERE _PARTITIONDATE >= 'YYYY-MM-DD')SELECT, products.product_id, products.merchant_id, products.aggregator_id, products.price, products.sale_price, benchmarks.price_benchmark_value, benchmarks.price_benchmark_currency, benchmarks.country_of_saleFROM productsINNER JOIN benchmarksON products.product_id = benchmarks.product_id AND products.merchant_id = benchmarks.merchant_id AND =

Best sellers sample queries

Top products for a given category and country

The following SQL query returns top products for the "Smartphones" category inthe US.

SELECT rank, previous_rank, relative_demand.bucket, (SELECT name FROM top_products.product_title WHERE locale = 'en-US') AS product_title, brand, price_rangeFROM dataset.BestSellers_TopProducts_merchant_id AS top_productsWHERE _PARTITIONDATE = 'YYYY-MM-DD' AND ranking_category = 267 /*Smartphones*/ AND ranking_country = 'US'ORDER BY rank

Top products in your inventory

The following SQL query joins BestSellers_TopProducts_Inventory_ andBestSellers_TopProducts_ data to return a list of top products youhave in your inventory.

WITH latest_top_products AS( SELECT * FROM dataset.BestSellers_TopProducts_merchant_id WHERE _PARTITIONDATE = 'YYYY-MM-DD'),latest_top_products_inventory AS( SELECT * FROM dataset.BestSellers_TopProducts_Inventory_merchant_id WHERE _PARTITIONDATE = 'YYYY-MM-DD')SELECT top_products.rank, inventory.product_id, (SELECT ANY_VALUE(name) FROM top_products.product_title) AS product_title, top_products.brand, top_products.gtinsFROM latest_top_products AS top_productsINNER JOIN latest_top_products_inventory AS inventoryUSING (rank_id)

Top brands for a given category and country

The following SQL query returns top brands for the "Smartphones" category inthe US.

SELECT rank, previous_rank, brandFROM dataset.BestSellers_TopBrands_merchant_idWHERE _PARTITIONDATE = 'YYYY-MM-DD' AND ranking_category = 267 /*Smartphones*/ AND ranking_country = 'US'ORDER BY rank

Products of top brands in your inventory

The following SQL query returns a list of products in your inventory from topbrands, listed by category and country.

 WITH latest_top_brands AS ( SELECT * FROM dataset.BestSellers_TopBrands_merchant_id WHERE _PARTITIONDATE = 'YYYY-MM-DD' ), latest_products AS ( SELECT product.*, product_category_id FROM dataset.Products_merchant_id AS product, UNNEST(product.google_product_category_ids) AS product_category_id, UNNEST(destinations) AS destination, UNNEST(destination.approved_countries) AS approved_country WHERE _PARTITIONDATE = 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) SELECT top_brands.brand, (SELECT name FROM top_brands.ranking_category_path WHERE locale = 'en-US') AS ranking_category, top_brands.ranking_country, top_brands.rank, products.product_id, products.title FROM latest_top_brands AS top_brands INNER JOIN latest_products AS products ON top_brands.google_brand_id = products.google_brand_id AND top_brands.ranking_category = product_category_id AND top_brands.ranking_country = products.approved_country
Google Merchant Center Transfers  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud (2024)


How long does it take to get approved by Google Merchant Center? ›

After your promotions feed and products feed are processed, Google reviews and approves your promotions before distributing them. This process is typically complete within 12 hours, but can take up to 24 hours. We recommend you submit your promotions as early as possible for a timely review.

Is Google Merchant Center worth it? ›

The Google Merchant Center is an excellent resource for merchants to take advantage of, as it offers a variety of helpful tools for managing products and monitoring performance.

What is Google Cloud Transfer? ›

Google Transfer Appliance is a high-capacity storage server that enables enterprises to transport large volumes of data to Google Cloud Storage. The physical device is designed to reduce the lengthy transfer times and potential security risks that come with migrating data over the internet and into the public cloud.

Why are my products disapproved on Google Merchant Center? ›

Product disapprovals

If the data you provide doesn't match the product information on your website or doesn't comply with the product data specification, these products may be disapproved and stop showing on Shopping ads and free listings.

How do I get my product approved in Google Merchant Center? ›

Your products must be approved so that you can use them in local inventory ads and free local product listings. To get approval, products must contain all required attributes and follow Shopping ads policies.

Can I have 2 Google Merchant accounts? ›

A Merchant Center advanced account setup allows a single user or company to manage data for more than one account by submitting data feeds for multiple website domains. Each sub-account can have a distinct store name and a unique website URL.

Can I use Google Merchant Center without website? ›

Can I setup a Google merchant account without a business website? Yes, you can make a merchant account without a website.

How much does Google Merchant Center cost? ›

How much does Merchant Center cost? Creating a Merchant Center account and showing your products on Google is free of cost. You can add and manage your product listings directly from Merchant Center.

Why is Google Merchant Center suspended? ›

When the rates don't match, Google will often suspend the account. I see this happen all the time because: Advertisers enter the data incorrectly into Google Merchant Center. Advertisers update the rates on their website and forget to update Google Merchant Center.

Do Google Merchant Center products expire? ›

In order to keep the product information displayed in Shopping ads and free listings up-to-date, all products expire after 30 days. If you want your products to remain active, you'll need to update your product data.

What is the difference between Google Merchant Center and Google My Business? ›

Google My Business is a tool that allows you to set up a profile for your business to be displayed on Google Search and Maps. Google Merchant Centre makes it easier to upload shop and product information/images to Google.

How does Google Transfer work? ›

Google Transfer only supports email and Drive transfers.
  1. Step 1: Create an account. If you haven't already, create a personal Google Account. ...
  2. Step 2: Prepare your files. Info: You can only transfer files that you own within your My Drive. ...
  3. Step 3: Start the copy process. ...
  4. Step 4: Check your copied files.

Do I have to pay for Google Cloud? ›

Free Tier: All Google Cloud customers can use select Google Cloud products—like Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, and BigQuery—free of charge, within specified monthly usage limits.

How do I transfer data from one Google Cloud to another? ›

  1. Create a new bucket.
  2. Copy objects to the new bucket.
  3. Verify copied objects.
  4. Start using the destination bucket.
  5. Delete the original bucket.

How long does a Google merchant review take? ›

The review may take 7 business days to complete. The status of your review will be reflected in Merchant Center or in your third-party application. There are several notification and status types: Review requested.

How long does it take to get approved for a merchant account? ›

Merchant Account Approval

With traditional processors, the approval process can take anywhere from a couple days to a few weeks. On average, a processor can approve an account in a few business days. However, if you don't provide all information upfront or if you're a high risk business, it will take longer.

How long does it take for Google to approve your business? ›

Google will then review your video, usually within five business days, and notify you if your verification is a success.

How long does it take for Google to process verification? ›

Often, we must review verifications. These reviews help maintain the integrity of profiles. They can take up to 5 business days. When you're verified, you get a notification.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.