Good uses for Spell-Storing Item - Artificer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)

Good uses for Spell-Storing Item

  • #1 Nov 25, 2020


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    All right, so I'm getting close to 11th level and I'm looking at Spell-Storing Item and wondering what others thought were good uses for the feature. So far all I've got right now is storing Cure Wounds for 10d8+50 healing a day, but that seems a bit excessive and I'm wondering if there are other good ways to use this ability (my subclass is Artilerist).

  • #2 Nov 25, 2020


    • Trickster
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    SSI is generally best used for spells that one wants to cast a lot (e.g. Cure Wounds), or spells one wants to allow their party members to cast and hold themselves. Invisibility in an SSI, for example, can allow everyone in the party to benefit from the spell without having to burn a Greater Arcana spell slot, getting the team through tricky circ*mstances. Similarly for Disguise Self; pass around the Dagger of Look-Different-Please and you can effectively cast Seeming without having to kill someone's fifth-level spell slot. Several other spells work this way as well, being much improved when the entire party can cast them as opposed to just the artificer.

    As well,technically(you'll want to double-check this with your DM as it's exploitative as hell and against the spirit of the rules), the SSI "produces the effects" of the chosen spell. One doesn't need to provide material components to 'produce the effects' of a spell, only to cast it. Ergo, Arcane Lock and Continual Flame both ignore their normally prohibitive material components when cast via SSI. An 11th-level artificer can theoretically produce ten Continual Flames a day with precisely 0gp worth of ruby dusty, or Arcane Lock ten doors, windows, chests, lockets, Cloak of Protection clasps, chastity belts, or whatever else for precisely 0gp worth of gold dust. Again - check with your DM before pulling that if you decide to, and for the love of Henry Crabgrasspleasedon't be that guy who tries to sell 'infinite' Continual Flame lanterns for 'infinite' GP during downtime. Just...pleasedon't be that guy.

    Nevertheless. When determining one's SSI spell, think less in terms of "what can I spam?" and more in terms of "what, if I could enable the entire party to cast it along with me, would be so much better?"

  • #3 Nov 25, 2020


    • Acolyte
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    A good combo I've recently figured out is Web + Tasha's Caustic Brew. I'd suggest putting TCB in the SSI but it can work the other way around too.

    Web can restrain a creature thus causing them to make the DEX save from Tasha's with disadvantage. It's an action to try and escape the web... and an action to scrape the acid off of itself so the creature has to choose which action they'll take each turn. If they choose to scrape off the acid you can hit them with it again (with advantage) before they attempt to escape the web.

  • #4 Nov 25, 2020


    • Trickster
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    As delightfully malicious as that one is, UCT, it doesn'tquitework RAW. Both TCB and Web are concentration, and invoking a spell from the SSI still requires you to hold its concentration. Now, admittedly, you could put Web in the SSI, give it to somebody in the party that doesn't normally use their concentration and can avoid losing it (the party's rogue or monk is usually a good choice) and have them cast Web for you so you can apply TCB generously, but you can't quite do them both yourself.

    Still a rather rude combination, especially at lower levels. I may have to bring that one up with the rest of my party, honestly. Jim's got enough wizard levels to get ahold of Web and Star can now apparently prepare TCB for freebies. I can think of more than a few fights we've had of late where that sort of Morton's Fork lockdown would've been real dang nice to have x_x

  • #5 Nov 25, 2020


    • Acolyte
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    Now, admittedly, you could put Web in the SSI, give it to somebody in the party that doesn't normally use their concentration and can avoid losing it (the party's rogue or monk is usually a good choice)

    That was the basic idea that I forgot to mention, yes. Granted I was considering the other party member to be the one applying the TCB repeatedly.

    A couple other options for creatures using the SSI:

    Homunculus Servant who can hide behind another creature or in a pocket or just fly out of melee range taking the dodge action when it's not needed to reapply acid.
    A Familiar who can be dismissed (and still RAW maintain concentration on Web).

  • #6 Nov 25, 2020


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    Oh using it with a familiar or servant is a good idea, though the servant contends with my bonus action turret it could be good if I wanted to throw down Shatters as a bonus action.

  • #7 Nov 26, 2020


    • Acolyte
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    As a small sized battle smith (gnome, goblin, etc), make your spell storing item cast warding bond, take the mounted combatant feat, and then give the item to your steel defender. Then have the steel defender cast warding bond on you and mount it.

    Now you have +1 ac, +1 saves, and resistance to all damage. Your steel defender takes the same amount of damage you do but it can heal itself with an action and you can heal it with a cantrip. It doesn't have resistance to damage it takes itself, but with mounted combatant you can force attacks on your mount to target you, and your SD can use its reaction to make that attack have disadvantage. The only reliable way for enemies to take out your mount is AOE attacks, but with mounted combatant the SD has evasion, so it takes half or no damage from most of those.

    EDIT: I realize this won't help OP as an artillerist, but I think it's a good idea.

    Last edited by TheMango55: Nov 26, 2020

  • #8 Nov 26, 2020


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    Unfortuantely it really is restricted to the spell list. Which means a lot of fun things wont' work. I REALLY wanted Inflict Wounds for my Alchemist with it. I even got hte spell via Shadow Touched feat in Tasha's. No go sadly.

    Thankfully the subclass spell lists call out"These spells count as artificer spells for you" so they're valid for it. Although most aren't that useful. Flaming Sphere on it is a pretty useful one. More so if you have a familiar or a Homculus. Since you each can put out aflaming sphere every combat. So Alchemists will enjoy that detail. Though you're an artilrist.

    Catapult is a pretty fun one; if you've prepped over time rocking Acid vials as ammo, or oil + a fire attack from your turret is pretty fun combo.
    False Life is a weird one; not the best use. But is something you could have everyone get every hour until you run out. Since you'll probably finish most exploring in an hour or two. it is a method to avoid needing the protector cannon. but in efficient.

    Aid is a spell I think that gets over looked. In the morning you use two or three uses (Depending on how many player characters and pets there are) to give everyone 5 more HP for the day. Further, it becomes a "pseudo mass healing word" later in the day if several people go down, you can use it to tag 3 of them within range; which overrides the previous use of the spell. They get 5hp back raising them from 0. Which is something you as a Artirlist can't pull off.

    Invisibility is a nice tool to have if you think you'll have to sneak much that day. As is Spider's Climb; which can afford the entire team a method of getting around or up a wall, or b ypassing things without having to use fly.

    If you want offenses as an Artilirist Shatter is an option. Its thunder damage as well. though it is loud.

    Ultimately though, I think Aid, Cure Wounds, Invisibility, or Catapult are likely the best options in the end.

    As for the hom*onculus. as your an artilirist you'll get less use out of it. But. if your HS is the one with the Cure Wounds or Aid, then it could sit on you; or perhaps in the backpack of the front liner. and it could heal them as a bonus action; or it could pop out for the Aid Trick in bad times. Since in battle Cure Wounds may or may not heal more than Aid dependding on roll/stats. So it depends on if you want the emergency button, or if you want to heal more often.

    I'm fond of invisibility though. Because its almost always has a use

    Last edited by Zwordsman: Nov 26, 2020

  • #9 Nov 29, 2020


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    I like the idea of handing the SSI to humonuculi and steel defenders, a defender with spider climb could carry you all over terrain.

    Heat metal gives them a bonus action offensive option, passing it on to the rest of the party to burn a heavily armoured bad guy together could be pretty potent.

    Curious, do multiple enlarge or shrink stack on the same target?

  • #10 Nov 29, 2020


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    Heat Metal is good if you hand it to player characters. But is not really useful for HS, or Defenders. Since you'd just be using your bonus action, to give them an action.
    Which in fact. I don't think they can actually take a bonus action. "That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. " so they can take actions. but I don'tt think they can get bonus actions.

  • #11 Nov 29, 2020


    • Acolyte
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    A big problem with magical computing is the cost of Magic Mouth (and Arcane Lock) components so SSI give the option of MM++

    The Arcane Programmer Guide ( Official Rules Technique ) (

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Good uses for Spell-Storing Item - Artificer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)


What can you do with spell storing item 5e? ›

You infuse a small object with magic, infusing the spell effect into the item to draw it forth later. The item becomes, in effect, a wand with a single charge that only you can use. You can choose a 1st level spell from any class.

Can a homunculus servant use a spell storing item? ›

Technically, RAW a Homunculus Servant wouldn't be able to use a Spell Storing Item because it specifies that a creature needs to use it, and the HS is a construct. RAW-wise there isn't an issue. Constructs are creatures, they aren't humanoids.

Can you store spells in D&D? ›

The ring can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time. When found, it contains 1d6 - 1 levels of stored spells chosen by the DM. Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the ring by touching the ring as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the ring.

What is a spell storing weapon 5e? ›

A spell storing weapon allows a spellcaster to store a single targeted spell of up to 3rd level in the weapon. (The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action.)

Does spell storing item use a spell slot? ›

No spell slots are expended; when you produce a Spell-Storing Item that contains Magic Missile, you can't expend a second-level slot to make it fire an additional missile - and Magic Missile is only a second-level spell when cast from a second-level spell slot.

Can artificers store spells? ›

The Artificer's 11th level feature lets you create an item that stores ones of your 1st or 2nd level Artificer spells that has a casting time of an action, and anyone with the item can cast it using your Int (but maintaining concentration themselves).

Can a homunculus use a ring of spell storing? ›

It isn't overly crazy. One of the beauties of it is that the Homunculus servant can use it. This allow the Artificer to scale a bit with the other classes by using their bonus action to have their HC cast a one action utility spell.

Can a raging barbarian use a spell storing item? ›

You cannot cast spells as a barbarian while raging, this much we all know. HOWEVER, a spell storing item, most efficiently obtained by being tolerated by an 11th level artificer does this, “Spell-Storing Item At 11th level, you can now store a spell in an object.

Can a steel defender use a spell storing item? ›


Beyond additional castings, the other great part of this ability is that you don't have to be the one to cast them. Hand this off to a Familiar, Homunculus, or your Steel Defender and have them cast and concentrate on the spell in your place.

Do copied spells count as spells? ›

A copy of a spell or ability is controlled by the player under whose control it was put on the stack. A copy of a spell is itself a spell, even though it has no spell card associated with it. A copy of an ability is itself an ability.

What is the spell storing stone in D&D? ›

The stone can store up to 3 levels worth of spells at a time. When found, it contains 1d4 − 1 levels of stored spells chosen by the GM. Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 3rd level into the stone by touching it as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the stone.

Can you put ritual spells in the ring of spell storing? ›

You can cast any spell (including rituals) into the ring as long as the total number of levels of spells doesn't exceed 5. When putting a spell into the ring, you cast it normally except on completion nothing happens. This would include casting a ritual. Meaning the casting time is unaffected.

What is the locket of spell storing? ›

This locket, seemingly unopenable on first inspection, is able to store a single 1st-level spell cast into it, holding it until the attuned wearer uses it. When found, it contains one 1st-level spell chosen by the GM; alternatively, the GM can choose to have it contain no spell at all.

Can a warlock use a ring of spell storing? ›

Warlocks are the only casters who cannot use a Ring of Spell Storing effectively. Because they have no control over what level spell slot they use to cast a spell, they have no control over how many spells they can store in the ring.

What is the most common spell save in 5e? ›

Dex, Wis, and Con saves are wildly more common than the other three, by something like to 4-to-1. Among those, Constitution is probably the most-used save due to the number of venomous monsters out there, and I feel justified in calling out Intelligence as the least used save overall.

What are the rules for spell storing items? ›

Spell-Storing Item

If the spell requires concentration, the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the object until it's been used a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until you use this feature again to store a spell in an object.

What is the spell storing magic item in D&D? ›

This ring stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The ring can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time. When found, it contains 1d6 − 1 levels of stored spells chosen by the GM.

Is it an action to use a ring of spell storing? ›

The type of action required to use the ring of spell storing is determined by the timing of the spell being cast. From the Dungeon Master's Guide on activating an item: Some magic items allow the user to cast a spell from the item.

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