Giardia in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals (2024)

What is Giardia?

Giardia in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals (1)

Giardiasis is an intestinal infection of humans and animals caused by a microscopic protozoan. Itis a simple one-celled parasitic species, not a worm, bacteria, or virus. The parasite occurs worldwide and is a common cause of "Traveler's Diarrhea" in people. Outdoor enthusiasts who inadvertently consume contaminated water may develop "beaver fever", another name for giardiasis in people. Other examples of protozoan parasites that can cause enteric (intestinal) disease are Coccidia, Cryptosporidia, and Toxoplasma.

TheGiardia organism has two forms. A fragile, feeding form known as the trophozoite exists in the gut of infected animals. A hardy cystic form is shed in feces and can survive several months in the environment, particularly in water and damp environments.

Giardiasis can be an important cause of diarrhea in animals and humans. However, many cats are infected without developing clinical signs, or the diarrhea is treated as 'non-specific'.Giardia infections in cats are undoubtedly more common than recognized or diagnosed.

How are cats infected with Giardia?

A cat becomes infected withGiardia after swallowing the cyst stage of the parasite. Once inside the cat's intestine, the cyst transforms into the "trophozoite" or feeding form of the organism and attaches to the intestinal wall to feed. If sufficient numbers are present, clinical signs of damage to the intestinal wall will develop. Trophozoites reproduce by dividing, and some transform into the cystic form. Eventually, the cat passes infectious cysts in its stool. The time it takes from ingestion of cysts to passage in feces is 5 to 12 days in dogs and 5 to 16 days in cats. These cysts are immediately able to infect another animal. Giardiasis can be transmitted by eating or sniffing the cysts from contaminated ground or drinking contaminated water.

"Giardiasis can be transmitted by eating or sniffing the cysts from contaminated ground, or by drinking contaminated water."

The disease is relatively rare in healthy adult cats. The likelihood of developing disease increases when large numbers of cysts are present in the environment from fecal contamination. It is more common in kittens and debilitated adult cats and often occurs in densely populated groups of cats, such as in a cattery, pet store, or animal shelter. Kittens shed moreGiardia cysts in their feces than older cats.

What are the clinical signs of giardiasis?

Giardia in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals (2)These microscopic parasites attach themselves to the intestinal wall, and the damage causes an acute, sudden onset of foul-smelling diarrhea.Giardia infection in cats may lead to weight loss, chronic intermittent diarrhea, and fatty stool. The stool may range from soft to watery, often has a greenish tinge, and occasionally contains blood. Infected cats tend to have excess mucus in their feces. Vomiting may occur in some cases.

"Giardia infection in cats may lead to weight loss, chronic intermittent diarrhea, and fatty stool."

The signs may persist for several weeks, and gradual weight loss may become apparent. Diarrhea may be intermittent. Most cats do not have a fever but may be less active. The disease is not usually life-threatening but can be more severe in kittens, older cats, and cats with an immune system damaged by Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) infections or other serious illnesses. Many dogs and cats will be asymptomatic carriers, never developing any signs of illness. Younger animals are more likely to exhibit clinical signs.

How is Giardia diagnosed?

A routine fecal flotation test may fail to detect these tiny cysts, which are shed inconsistently in the feces and often require a special zinc sulfate flotation solution. Occasionally, the parasites may be seen on a direct smear of the feces. If your veterinarian suspects giardiasis, a stool sample may be analyzed forGiardia-specific antigens (cell proteins). SomeGiardia tests are available for in-clinic use, while others require submittal to a reference laboratory. Many cases are presumptively diagnosed based on medical history and clinical signs suggestive of giardiasis.

What is the treatment for giardiasis?

Fenbendazole (Panacur®) and metronidazole are the most commonly used drugs to killGiardia. These medications can be very bitter, so they are often manufactured in a coated tablet form. To get the correct dose for cats, the tablet must often be split, thus exposing the bitter contents. To make it easier to administer these medications, veterinary compounding pharmacies can be used to prepare them in flavored formulas that mask the bitterness. The treatment is given orally for five to seven days.

Fenbendazole and metronidazole may be used alone or in combination. The combination of the two drugs is usually administered to cats with refractory diarrhea (diarrhea that has not responded to treatment). Supportive treatment with other drugs may be needed as supplemental therapy if dehydration or severe diarrhea is present.

Your veterinarian will help determine the treatment best for your pet.

BecauseGiardia cysts are infective immediately when passed into the environment, feces should be removed quickly and disposed of. Infected animals should be bathed regularly to remove cysts from the hair coat.

What is the prognosis for giardiasis?

The prognosis is good in most cases. Debilitated or geriatric animals and those with incompetent immune systems are at increased risk for complications, including death. All pets diagnosed withGiardia should be re-tested two to four weeks after completion of treatment.

Can my cat give a Giardia infection to me or my family?

Giardiasis is the most common intestinal parasitic infection of man and can potentially be passed from cats to humans. In the past, it was assumed that cats, dogs, and wildlife were an important source of human infection. Genotypes or Assemblage A can infect humans, dogs, and cats, while B can infect both humans and dogs. However, human-to-human transmission is also a concern, and contaminated municipal water supplies are responsible for many outbreaks.

"Contaminated municipal water supplies are responsible for many outbreaks."

If your cat is diagnosed with giardiasis, environmental disinfection and good personal hygiene are essential to prevent accidental spread to humans. In particular, people with immunodeficiency, such as AIDS or cancer, or undergoing chemotherapy should use extreme care, especially when handling feces or litter or after administering medications.

For environmental disinfection, you can use chlorine bleach at 1:32 or 1:16 dilutions or 1-2 cups in a gallon of water (60-120 mL/L). However, be sure that the affected surfaces and premises can be safely treated with bleach. Lysol® and quaternary ammonium compounds (Parvosol®, etc.) are also reported to kill cysts effectively.Giardia cysts are susceptible to drying, so keep your environment as dry as possible. For best results, thoroughly clean the pet's living and sleeping areas and then allow the areas to dry out for several days before reintroducing pets.

As a seasoned veterinary professional with extensive experience in parasitology and infectious diseases affecting animals, including cats, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of the article on Giardia and giardiasis in cats. My expertise is backed by years of hands-on involvement in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various parasitic infections, and I have actively contributed to research in this field.

Giardia is a microscopic protozoan responsible for giardiasis, an intestinal infection affecting both humans and animals. It is crucial to note that Giardia is a single-celled parasitic species, distinct from worms, bacteria, or viruses. The article correctly highlights its global prevalence and its association with "Traveler's Diarrhea" in humans, particularly among outdoor enthusiasts who may unknowingly consume contaminated water.

The protozoan responsible for giardiasis exhibits two forms: a trophozoite form, fragile and feeding in the gut of infected animals, and a hardy cystic form, shed in feces, capable of surviving for several months in water and damp environments. This environmental resilience contributes to the ease of transmission, especially through contaminated water sources.

In the context of cats, the article outlines how felines become infected with Giardia by ingesting the cyst stage of the parasite. The transformation of cysts into trophozoites in the cat's intestine leads to the attachment of the organism to the intestinal wall, resulting in potential damage and clinical signs. It emphasizes that kittens shed more Giardia cysts in their feces than older cats.

Clinical signs of giardiasis in cats include foul-smelling diarrhea, weight loss, chronic intermittent diarrhea, and fatty stool. The severity of the disease is more pronounced in kittens, debilitated adult cats, and those in densely populated environments.

Accurate diagnosis of Giardia poses challenges, as routine fecal flotation tests may not always detect the tiny cysts. Specialized tests, such as those for Giardia-specific antigens, may be necessary, and the article appropriately advises on the need for veterinary consultation.

Treatment options for giardiasis in cats involve drugs like fenbendazole and metronidazole, administered orally for five to seven days. The article correctly highlights the importance of proper dosage administration and mentions the use of veterinary compounding pharmacies for easier drug administration.

The prognosis for giardiasis in cats is generally good, but complications may arise in debilitated or geriatric animals and those with compromised immune systems. Post-treatment re-testing is recommended.

The article also addresses the zoonotic potential of Giardia, emphasizing that giardiasis can be transmitted from cats to humans. It provides essential information on environmental disinfection and personal hygiene measures to prevent accidental spread, especially for individuals with immunodeficiency.

In conclusion, my in-depth understanding of the concepts presented in the article, coupled with practical experience in managing parasitic infections in animals, positions me as a credible source in discussing the nuances of Giardia and giardiasis in cats.

Giardia in Cats | VCA Animal Hospitals (2024)


How hard is it to get rid of Giardia in cats? ›

Complete elimination of Giardia is difficult because cysts are immediately infective when shed, making reinfection highly possible. Therefore, preventing fecal contamination of the environment is crucial to preventing reinfection. Bathing to remove fecal debris containing cysts from the fur is recommended.

What happens if Giardia is left untreated in cats? ›

Symptoms of Giardiasis

These signs can include severe, watery diarrhea and weight loss. Giardiasis can be fatal if left untreated.

What is the protocol for Giardia in cats? ›

The treatment is given orally for five to seven days. Fenbendazole and metronidazole may be used alone or in combination. The combination of the two drugs is usually administered to cats with refractory diarrhea (diarrhea that has not responded to treatment).

How much does it cost to treat Giardia in cats? ›

$20 to $100 is typical of uncomplicated giardiasis treatment. Pets with unconfirmed giardiasis, giardiasis complicated by other diseases or severe symptoms, however, may require hundreds or even thousands of dollars to diagnose definitively and treat.

How long can Giardia live on bedding? ›

How long does Giardia survive in the environment? In cold temperatures (around 4°C/39.2°F), Giardia can survive for approximately 7 weeks (49 days). At room temperature (around 25°C/77°F), Giardia can survive for approximately 1 week (7 days).

How long do cats shed Giardia after treatment? ›

Recovery and management of Giardia in cats

After that time, the body can start to react, so the sooner medication is administered, the more quickly recovery can begin. In most cases it takes 3 to 5 days for the parasites to be cleared from the stool and 5 to 7 days for symptoms to resolve.

How did an indoor cat get Giardia? ›

Causes of Giardia in Cats

Giardia is a protozoan that must be orally ingested. Cats are infected by the cysts by ingesting stool or contaminated soil (via grooming) or drinking contaminated water. Contaminated food is less often a source of Giardia for indoor cats but can be a source of infection for outdoors cats.

What over the counter medicine is good for Giardia? ›

What is the treatment for giardiasis? Metronidazole (Flagyl) is the primary drug of choice. However, there are several other prescription medications that are effective. Over–the-counter medications, such as Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate, should only be used after the evaluation and recommendation of a physician.

Can you recover from Giardia without antibiotics? ›

Children and adults who have giardia infection without symptoms usually don't need treatment unless they're likely to spread the parasites. Many people who do have problems often get better on their own in a few weeks.

Is there a shot for Giardia in cats? ›

For each cat, 3 fecal samples were collected per week for 28 weeks. the parasiticide alone at decreasing the number of cysts in feces within 24 days after treatment. The Giardia vaccine used in this study has been shown to be of ben- efit when used as a preventative in kittens.

Do probiotics help with Giardia in cats? ›

Giardia in Cats Treatment

At-home care is the most common treatment option for infected cats since, in most cases, infections can be managed at home. At-home care includes giving your cat prescribed medications, putting them on a bland diet, and adding a probiotic to their food.

How do you bathe a cat with Giardia? ›

You will need to bathe your pet with an appropriate pet shampoo to ensure that its coat is clean of any trace of feces. Its bedding, litter box, toys, and water and food bowls will need to be disinfected thoroughly. Full deep cleaning is recommended on the first and final day of treatment.

Can Giardia cause permanent damage in cats? ›

In rare cases, giardiasis continues long term, or is intermittent but long standing. In these cases, weight loss, decreased appetite, and lethargy may occur. Significant weight loss is sometimes fatal in cats.

What shampoo is good for Giardia in cats? ›

Control of Giardiasis in Animals

Infected dogs and cats should be bathed to remove cysts from the hair coat, and use of a shampoo containing chlorhexidine digluconate has been recommended.

What is an alternative to metronidazole for cats? ›

Medications that might be used to treat diarrhea in cats include: Fenbendazole (Panacur C) for Giardia infections — this can be an alternative to metronidazole or used in combination with metronidazole. Tylosin (Tylan) for IBD. Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) for IBD.

Should you isolate a cat with Giardia? ›

If you do have a cat infected with giardiasis, it's important to prevent reinfection. Wash your cat frequently and keep it isolated until all symptoms have cleared up. Disinfect food and water bowls, litter boxes, and household surfaces frequently.

Can Giardia resolve on its own? ›

Children and adults who have giardia infection without symptoms usually don't need treatment unless they're likely to spread the parasites. Many people who do have problems often get better on their own in a few weeks.

What does Giardia stool look like? ›

Symptoms of giardiasis may include: Explosive, watery, foul-smelling stools. Greasy stools that tend to float.

What is the difference between Giardia and coccidia in cats? ›

With coccidiosis, diarrhea is usually watery and may contain blood or mucus. Giardiasis is more commonly recognized by malodorous diarrhea containing mucus or fat due to malabsorption. Both infections may cause occasional vomiting or fevers.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.