Get-Help (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell (2024)

  • Reference

Displays information about PowerShell commands and concepts.


Get-Help [[-Name] <String>] [-Path <String>] [-Category <String[]>] [-Full] [-Component <String[]>] [-Functionality <String[]>] [-Role <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help [[-Name] <String>] [-Path <String>] [-Category <String[]>] -Detailed [-Component <String[]>] [-Functionality <String[]>] [-Role <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help [[-Name] <String>] [-Path <String>] [-Category <String[]>] -Examples [-Component <String[]>] [-Functionality <String[]>] [-Role <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help [[-Name] <String>] [-Path <String>] [-Category <String[]>] -Parameter <String[]> [-Component <String[]>] [-Functionality <String[]>] [-Role <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help [[-Name] <String>] [-Path <String>] [-Category <String[]>] [-Component <String[]>] [-Functionality <String[]>] [-Role <String[]>] -Online [<CommonParameters>]
Get-Help [[-Name] <String>] [-Path <String>] [-Category <String[]>] [-Component <String[]>] [-Functionality <String[]>] [-Role <String[]>] -ShowWindow [<CommonParameters>]


The Get-Help cmdlet displays information about PowerShell concepts and commands, includingcmdlets, functions, Common Information Model (CIM) commands, workflows, providers, aliases, andscripts.

To get help for a PowerShell cmdlet, type Get-Help followed by the cmdlet name, such as:Get-Help Get-Process.

Conceptual help articles in PowerShell begin with about_, such asabout_Comparison_Operators. To see all about_ articles, type Get-Help about_*. To see aparticular article, type Get-Help about_<article-name>, such asGet-Help about_Comparison_Operators.

To get help for a PowerShell provider, type Get-Help followed by the provider name. For example,to get help for the Certificate provider, type Get-Help Certificate.

You can also type help or man, which displays one screen of text at a time. Or,<cmdlet-name> -?, that's identical to Get-Help, but only works for cmdlets.

Get-Help gets the help content that it displays from help files on your computer. Without the helpfiles, Get-Help displays only basic information about cmdlets. Some PowerShell modules includehelp files. Beginning in PowerShell 3.0, the modules that come with the Windows operating systemdon't include help files. To download or update the help files for a module in PowerShell 3.0, usethe Update-Help cmdlet.

You can also view the PowerShell help documents online. To get the online version of a help file,use the Online parameter, such as: Get-Help Get-Process -Online.

If you type Get-Help followed by the exact name of a help article, or by a word unique to a helparticle, Get-Help displays the article's content. If you specify the exact name of a commandalias, Get-Help displays the help for the original command. If you enter a word or word patternthat appears in several help article titles, Get-Help displays a list of the matching titles. Ifyou enter any text that doesn't appear in any help article titles, Get-Help displays a list ofarticles that include that text in their contents.

Get-Help can get help articles for all supported languages and locales. Get-Help first looks forhelp files in the locale set for Windows, then in the parent locale, such as pt for pt-BR,and then in a fallback locale. Beginning in PowerShell 3.0, if Get-Help doesn't find help in thefallback locale, it looks for help articles in English, en-US, before it returns an errormessage or displaying autogenerated help.

For information about the symbols that Get-Help displays in the command syntax diagram, seeabout_Command_Syntax. For information about parameter attributes,such as Required and Position, see about_Parameters.


In PowerShell 3.0 and PowerShell 4.0, Get-Help can't find About articles in modules unlessthe module is imported into the current session. To get About articles in a module, import themodule using the Import-Module cmdlet or by running a cmdlet that's included in the module.

Beginning with PSReadLine v2.2.2, the module ships with two functions that provide quick accessto help while you are typing a command on the command line. The help is displayed in the terminal inan alternate screen buffer with paging.

When you hit the F1 key, the PSReadLine ShowCommandHelp function invokesGet-Help -Full for the cmdlet name closest to the left of the cursor. When the cursor isimmediately to the left of a parameter, the function jumps to that parameter's description in thefull help topic. When you hit Q to exit the help view, you are returned to the commandline at the same cursor position so you can continue typing the command.

When you use the key combination Alt+h, the PSReadLine ShowParameterHelp functiondisplays help information for the parameter immediately to the left of the cursor. The help text isdisplayed below the command line. This allows you to see the description of the parameter andcontinue typing your command.

For more information, see Using dynamic help.


Example 1: Display basic help information about a cmdlet

These examples display basic help information about the Format-Table cmdlet.

Get-Help Format-TableGet-Help -Name Format-TableFormat-Table -?

Get-Help <cmdlet-name> is the simplest and default syntax of Get-Help cmdlet. You can omit theName parameter.

The syntax <cmdlet-name> -? works only for cmdlets.

Example 2: Display basic information one page at a time

These examples display basic help information about the Format-Table cmdlet one page at a time.

help Format-Tableman Format-TableGet-Help Format-Table | Out-Host -Paging

help is a function that runs Get-Help cmdlet internally and displays the result one page at atime.

man is an alias for the help function.

Get-Help Format-Table sends the object down the pipeline. Out-Host -Paging receives the outputfrom the pipeline and displays it one page at a time. For more information, seeOut-Host.

Example 3: Display more information for a cmdlet

These examples display more detailed help information about the Format-Table cmdlet.

Get-Help Format-Table -DetailedGet-Help Format-Table -Full

The Detailed parameter displays the help article's detailed view that includes parameterdescriptions and examples.

The Full parameter displays the help article's full view that includes parameter descriptions,examples, input and output object types, and additional notes.

The Detailed and Full parameters are effective only for the commands that have help filesinstalled on the computer. The parameters aren't effective for the conceptual (about_) helparticles.

Example 4: Display selected parts of a cmdlet by using parameters

These examples display selected portions of the Format-Table cmdlet help.

Get-Help Format-Table -ExamplesGet-Help Format-Table -Parameter *Get-Help Format-Table -Parameter GroupBy

The Examples parameter displays the help file's NAME and SYNOPSIS sections, and all theExamples. You can't specify an Example number because the Examples parameter is a switchparameter.

The Parameter parameter displays only the descriptions of the specified parameters. If youspecify only the asterisk (*) wildcard character, it displays the descriptions of all parameters.When Parameter specifies a parameter name such as GroupBy, information about that parameteris shown.

These parameters aren't effective for the conceptual (about_) help articles.

Example 5: Display online version of help

This example displays the online version of the help article for the Format-Table cmdlet in yourdefault web browser.

Get-Help Format-Table -Online

Example 6: Display help about the help system

The Get-Help cmdlet without parameters displays information about the PowerShell help system.


Example 7: Display available help articles

This example displays a list of all help articles available on your computer.

Get-Help *

Example 8: Display a list of conceptual articles

This example displays a list of the conceptual articles included in PowerShell help. All thesearticles begin with the characters about_. To display a particular help file, typeGet-Help \<about_article-name\>, for example, Get-Help about_Signing.

Only the conceptual articles that have help files installed on your computer are displayed. Forinformation about downloading and installing help files in PowerShell 3.0, seeUpdate-Help.

Get-Help about_*

Example 9: Search for a word in cmdlet help

This example shows how to search for a word in a cmdlet help article.

Get-Help Add-Member -Full | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern Clixmlthe Export-Clixml cmdlet to save the instance of the object, including the additional members...can use the Import-Clixml cmdlet to re-create the instance of the object from the information...Export-ClixmlImport-Clixml

Get-Help uses the Full parameter to get help information for Add-Member. TheMamlCommandHelpInfo object is sent down the pipeline. Out-String uses the Stream parameterto convert the object into a string. Select-String uses the Pattern parameter to search thestring for Clixml.

Example 10: Display a list of articles that include a word

This example displays a list of articles that include the word remoting.

When you enter a word that doesn't appear in any article title, Get-Help displays a list ofarticles that include that word.

Get-Help -Name remotingName Category Module Synopsis---- -------- ------ --------Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1 External Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1Disable-PSRemoting Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Prevents remote users...Enable-PSRemoting Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Configures the computer...

Example 11: Display provider-specific help

This example shows two ways of getting the provider-specific help for Get-Item. These commands gethelp that explains how to use the Get-Item cmdlet in the PowerShell SQL Server provider'sDataCollection node.

The first example uses the Get-Help Path parameter to specify the SQL Server provider's path.Because the provider's path is specified, you can run the command from any path location.

The second example uses Set-Location to navigate to the SQL Server provider's path. From thatlocation, the Path parameter isn't needed for Get-Help to get the provider-specific help.

Get-Help Get-Item -Path SQLSERVER:\DataCollectionNAME Get-ItemSYNOPSIS Gets a collection of Server objects for the local computer and any computers to which you have made a SQL Server PowerShell connection. ...Set-Location SQLSERVER:\DataCollectionSQLSERVER:\DataCollection> Get-Help Get-ItemNAME Get-ItemSYNOPSIS Gets a collection of Server objects for the local computer and any computers to which you have made a SQL Server PowerShell connection. ...

Example 12: Display help for a script

This example gets help for the MyScript.ps1 script. For information about how to write help foryour functions and scripts, see about_Comment_Based_Help.

Get-Help -Name C:\PS-Test\MyScript.ps1



Displays help only for items in the specified category and their aliases. Conceptual articles are inthe HelpFile category.

The acceptable values for this parameter are as follows:

  • Alias
  • Cmdlet
  • Provider
  • General
  • FAQ
  • Glossary
  • HelpFile
  • ScriptCommand
  • Function
  • Filter
  • ExternalScript
  • All
  • DefaultHelp
  • Workflow
  • DscResource
  • Class
  • Configuration
Accepted values:Alias, Cmdlet, Provider, General, FAQ, Glossary, HelpFile, ScriptCommand, Function, Filter, ExternalScript, All, DefaultHelp, Workflow, DscResource, Class, Configuration
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Displays commands with the specified component value, such as Exchange. Enter a component name.Wildcard characters are permitted. This parameter has no effect on displays of conceptual(About_) help.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:True


Adds parameter descriptions and examples to the basic help display. This parameter is effective onlywhen the help files are installed on the computer. It has no effect on displays of conceptual(About_) help.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Displays only the name, synopsis, and examples. This parameter is effective only when the help filesare installed on the computer. It has no effect on displays of conceptual (About_) help.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Displays the entire help article for a cmdlet. Full includes parameter descriptions andattributes, examples, input and output object types, and additional notes.

This parameter is effective only when the help files are installed on the computer. It has no effecton displays of conceptual (About_) help.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Displays help for items with the specified functionality. Enter the functionality. Wildcardcharacters are permitted. This parameter has no effect on displays of conceptual (About_) help.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:True


Gets help about the specified command or concept. Enter the name of a cmdlet, function, provider,script, or workflow, such as Get-Member, a conceptual article name, such as about_Objects, or analias, such as ls. Wildcard characters are permitted in cmdlet and provider names, but you can'tuse wildcard characters to find the names of function help and script help articles.

To get help for a script that isn't located in a path that's listed in the $env:Path environmentvariable, type the script's path and file name.

If you enter the exact name of a help article, Get-Help displays the article contents.

If you enter a word or word pattern that appears in several help article titles, Get-Help displaysa list of the matching titles.

If you enter any text that doesn't match any help article titles, Get-Help displays a list ofarticles that include that text in their contents.

The names of conceptual articles, such as about_Objects, must be entered in English, even innon-English versions of PowerShell.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:True


Displays the online version of a help article in the default browser. This parameter is valid onlyfor cmdlet, function, workflow, and script help articles. You can't use the Online parameterwith Get-Help in a remote session.

For information about supporting this feature in help articles that you write, seeabout_Comment_Based_Help, andSupporting Online Help, andWriting Help for PowerShell Cmdlets.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Displays only the detailed descriptions of the specified parameters. Wildcards are permitted. Thisparameter has no effect on displays of conceptual (About_) help.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:True


Gets help that explains how the cmdlet works in the specified provider path. Enter a PowerShellprovider path.

This parameter gets a customized version of a cmdlet help article that explains how the cmdlet worksin the specified PowerShell provider path. This parameter is effective only for help about aprovider cmdlet and only when the provider includes a custom version of the provider cmdlet helparticle in its help file. To use this parameter, install the help file for the module that includesthe provider.

To see the custom cmdlet help for a provider path, go to the provider path location and enter aGet-Help command or, from any path location, use the Path parameter of Get-Help to specifythe provider path. You can also find custom cmdlet help online in the provider help section of thehelp articles.

For more information about PowerShell providers, see about_Providers.


The provider for the path specified must have a PowerShell provider help file installed. If noprovider help file is available, no help information is returned. There are no provider help filesavailable for the providers included with this version of PowerShell.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:True


Displays help customized for the specified user role. Enter a role. Wildcard characters arepermitted.

Enter the role that the user plays in an organization. Some cmdlets display different text in theirhelp files based on the value of this parameter. This parameter has no effect on help for the corecmdlets.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:True


Displays the help topic in a window for easier reading. The window includes a Find searchfeature and a Settings box that lets you set options for the display, including options todisplay only selected sections of a help topic.

The ShowWindow parameter supports help topics for commands (cmdlets, functions, CIM commands,scripts) and conceptual About articles. It doesn't support provider help.

This parameter was reintroduced in PowerShell 7.0. This parameter is only available on Windows.

Default value:False
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False



You can't pipe objects to this cmdlet.



If you run Get-Help on a command that doesn't have a help file, Get-Help returns anExtendedCmdletHelpInfo object that represents autogenerated help.


If you get a conceptual help article, Get-Help returns it as a string.


If you get a command that has a help file, Get-Help returns a MamlCommandHelpInfo object.


PowerShell 3.0 doesn't include help files. To download and install the help files that Get-Helpreads, use the Update-Help cmdlet. You can use the Update-Help cmdlet to download and installhelp files for the core commands that come with PowerShell and for any modules that you install. Youcan also use it to update the help files so that the help on your computer is never outdated.

You can also read the help articles about the commands that come with PowerShell online starting atGetting Started with Windows PowerShell.

Get-Help displays help in the locale set for the Windows operating system or in the fallbacklanguage for that locale. If you don't have help files for the primary or fallback locale,Get-Help behaves as if there are no help files on the computer. To get help for a differentlocale, use Region and Language in Control Panel to change the settings. On Windows 10 orhigher, Settings, Time & Language.

The full view of help includes a table of information about the parameters. The table includes thefollowing fields:

  • Required. Indicates whether the parameter is required (true) or optional (false).

  • Position. Indicates whether the parameter is named or positional (numeric). Positionalparameters must appear in a specified place in the command.

  • Named indicates that the parameter name is required, but that the parameter can appearanywhere in the command.

  • Numeric indicates that the parameter name is optional, but when the name is omitted, theparameter must be in the place specified by the number. For example, 2 indicates that when theparameter name is omitted, the parameter must be the second or only unnamed parameter in thecommand. When the parameter name is used, the parameter can appear anywhere in the command.

  • Default value. The parameter value or default behavior that PowerShell uses if you don'tinclude the parameter in the command.

  • Accepts pipeline input. Indicates whether you can (true) or can't (false) send objects to theparameter through a pipeline. By Property Name means that the pipelined object must have aproperty that has the same name as the parameter name.

  • Accepts wildcard characters. Indicates whether the value of a parameter can include wildcardcharacters, such as an asterisk (*) or question mark (?).

  • about_Command_Syntax
  • about_Comment_Based_Help
  • Get-Command
  • Supporting Updatable Help
  • Update-Help
  • Writing Comment-Based Help Topics
  • Writing Help for PowerShell Cmdlets
Get-Help (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.