Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (2024)

This article is looking at the trading methods developed by W.D. Gann, a trader with an extraordinary personality. He designed a new approach to predicting market behavior using several disciplines, including geometry, astrology, astronomy, and ancient mathematics. They say that not long before his death, Gann developed a unique trading system. However, he preferred not to make his invention public or share it with anyone.

Before reading the article and writing your questions in the comments section, I recommend to watch this video. It’s not long but covers the biggest part of questions on the topic.

We only have a small part of the William Gann methodology which is of great interest to traders and analysts all over the world. The peculiar thing about these methods is that they involve searching for mathematical patterns and detecting financial market cycles. Gann was the first to identify repeating price cycles and discover the link between price and time. Throughout this trading career, Gann earned more than 2 million dollars. In this article, we’ll cover the mystical Square of Nine. Plus, we’ll find out how the Gannzilla tool can help you analyze the market and make calculations in a faster and easier way.

Table of Contents

What is Square of 9

Gann Square includes two sets of numbers. The first set is also called a wheel. In it, numbers are arranged in a spiral form, with their values increasing clockwise. Each number stands for an angle relative to the center. In the second set, numbers are arranged on a plane. The classical Square of 9 comes in two types:

  1. Diagonal;
  2. Cyclical.

How to build the cyclical Square of 9

Number increase as we move from the center in a clockwise direction. To make a full rotation, we need to make a 360-degree circle moving from one cell to another (e.g., from 26 to 49, from 82 to 121, etc.).

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (1)

Squares of odd numbers can be found in the lower-left corner of each rotation circle (3×3=9, 5×5=25, 7×7=49, 9×9=81, 11×11=121, 13×13=169, etc.). This is why the Gann Square is called Square of 9: if you make a full rotation, you’ll get 9 (three squared).

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (2)

The squares of even numbers are found above the right upper diagonal at 315° (2×2=4, 4×4=16, 6×6=36, 8×8=64, 10×10=100, 12×12=144, etc.). If you see a high/low in one of these cells, there is a high chance that the same formation (or its mirror reflection) will repeat in one rotation. This rule also applies to squares of odd numbers.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (3)

Now let’s examine the upper left and lower right diagonal lines. These lines represent a half of a rotation circle when we move from squares of odd numbers to squares of even numbers (upper left diagonal) and from squares of even numbers to squares of odd numbers (lower right diagonal). Sounds too confusing? Let’s break it down by taking an example. We move from the square of an even number to the square of an odd number, e.g. from 16 to 25. We make the calculations: (16+25)/2=20.5. The problem with fractional numbers is that there is a high chance of an error. It all depends on your accuracy and concentration. Now we move from the square of an odd number to the square of an even number, e.g. from 121 to 144. Again, we make the calculations: (121+144)/2=132.5. As you’ve probably noticed, our calculated numbers can be found near the diagonal lines at 225°, 315°, 45°, and 135°.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (4)

You may be wondering why we’ve made these calculations in the first place. The thing is, halfway between the squares of even and odd numbers, a minor extreme point may form on a chart. While there are significant highs and lows where a price stops trending and starts to move sideways or reverses, there also are less important extreme points that indicate the beginning or end of a retracement. There is a possibility that such minor extreme points may correspond to these values.

Before analyzing a chart, we need to make a few more calculations. Now we’ll focus on quaternary numbers (¼ and ¾ of a rotation circle, from odd to even and from even to odd). For example, we move from 121 to 144. We’ll make 3 stops on our way: ¼ of a circle – 121+(144-121)/4=126.75; ½ of a circle – 133; ¾ of a circle – 121+(144-121)/4×3=138.25. If we make a full rotation, we land on 144.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (5)

Now let’s move from the square of an even number to the square of an odd number, e.g. from 64 to 81. We’ll make 3 stops on our way: ¼ of a circle – 64+(81-44)/4=68.25; ½ of a circle – 72; ¾ of a circle – 64+(81-64)/4×3=76.75. If we make a full rotation, we land on 81. As a result, our Square of 9 will look like this:

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (6)

Keep in mind that fractional numbers may land not only in the center of a cell but also between cells.

Let’s take a look at what we have. We switched from a cyclical to diagonal Gann Square, adjusting it for further chart analysis. Now our Square of 9 consists of crosses:

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (7)

The diagonal cross consists of the squares of odd numbers and cells that are close to the squares of even numbers. Cardinal cross includes numbers that are close to ¼ and ¾ of a rotation circle. If you put the initial value (price high/low) into the center of the square, you’ll be able to predict significant market events long before they occur. This price prediction method fits both long-term and short-term trading. At the same time, it’s important to remember that using fundamental analysis is always a better idea than using technical tools, however accurate they were.


  • Angles. You can rotate angles depending on the market situation and your goals;

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (8)

  • Triangle. While triangles provide practically the same values as angles, they’re easier to count for some traders than angles. If you’re using the Gannzilla software, you won’t have any trouble plotting both triangles and angles on your Square.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (9)

  • Quadrangle. When overlaying a geometric shape on Square of 9, you can use both the degree circle and cell centers for orientation. In the image below, we overlaid a quadrangle by using each of these methods. As you can see, the images look identical but have different orientation systems. In the first image, we use a 120° mark for orientation. In the second image, we use the center of cell 119 for orientation. The choice of an orientation method depends on the situation.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (10)

Pivot points

Now let’s analyze the chart. First, we need to identify the pivot points. We’ll be using these pivot points to predict where such points may occur in the future based on the current price fluctuations. It’s important to understand that the market situation can’t change in a nick of time. Large players are entering the market slowly, one by one. This is why the market may still follow some of its previous patterns. According to William Gann, the best indicator for price behavior is how it behaved in the recent past.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (11)

How to calculate the Square of 9

Now that we have the basic idea of the Square of 9, we need to learn how to use our knowledge in real life. We need to see what these numbers mean in terms of trading. You can choose from 6 calculation methods using:

  1. cell numbers;
  2. overlaying and cell numbers;
  3. overlaying and two pivot point dates;
  4. progression;
  5. progression and overlaying;
  6. regression and overlaying.

As price and time are calculated separately, we get a total of 12 calculation methods. Furthermore, if we use two types of time (continuous and discontinuous), we end up with 24 methods! Normally, we use discontinuous time (when only business days are taken into account) in Square 9 calculations, while continuous time is used for long-term projects (over 1 year). For convenience, in this article we’ll be using discontinuous time.

How to calculate the Gann Angle for medium-term trading

According to Gann, different trading tools move differently and have unique features. However, all of them aim to reach a certain value. If we apply this information to Square of 9, we’ll see that prices and dates of pivot points are arranged along a certain angle on the wheel. Sometimes, there may be two of such angles.

Let’s take an example. Suppose, there was a downtrend that reversed into an uptrend. On a chart, we plot four points that mark the first vibration at the beginning of a trend. The X-coordinates of these points stand for time. The Y-coordinates of these points stand for the price. Using these eight values, we’ll try to predict how a price will behave in the future. Let’s enumerate the points. Usually, Point 1 is used as the origin; Point 2 is used for orientation; Points 3 and 4 are used for angles. Then we plot the Gann Square and mark the points on it. Point 1 is in the center. Point 2, which is higher than Point 1, lands in cell 21. Point 3, which is lower than Point 2 but higher than Point 1, lands in cell 18. Point 4, which is the highest of all the four points, lands in cell 27. Now we need to use the center of cell 21 to orientate the wheel:

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (12)

The next step is to choose a geometric shape to lay over the square. This shape will go through Point 3 or Point 4. Let’s take a triangle. If you can’t find the geometric shape that would go through Point 3 or Point 4, you must have incorrect points.

Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (13)

We’ve got a 120° angle. Now we need to plot the numbers of cells 52, 85 and 125 on the chart. First, we need to build a square to identify trading days when the key trend reversals will occur. Then we need to build the Gann Square with price levels. Trend reversals can be characterized by two parameters: price or time. The best reversals are the ones characterized by both price and time. Keep in mind that you only get reversal points but there is no way of knowing whether those are lows or highs. Another thing to remember is that with each new rotation, the distance between levels increases both in terms of price and time. When a price no longer stops at your calculated values, the Square of 9 model becomes useless.

Types of signals

  1. Price breakout;
  2. Price rebound;
  3. Time rebound;
  4. Price and time rebound (the highest chance of rebound).

How to deal with fractional numbers

There is a rule that says that all fractional numbers over 0.5 land in the next cell. Working with fractional numbers requires concentration. If you fail to correctly arrange fractional numbers in cells, your calculations will include an error. We hope you understand the consequences of an incorrectly calculated stop loss, right? However, there is a way to avoid fractional numbers by multiplying a price with 4 digits after the point by 10,000. By the way, if you’re using the Gannzilla software, it works with fractional numbers with up to 4 digits after the point.

Summing it up

The Gann methods have plenty of both advocates and adversaries. The two opposing groups engage in endless discussions about whether Gann’s methods work. There is one thing we know for sure: if Gann were a charlatan, he wouldn’t have earned global recognition and his portrait wouldn’t embellish one of the world’s busiest stock exchanges. William was among the few traders who managed to describe the market using a mathematical formula. Although the Square won’t tell you exactly in what direction a price will go and when, it’ll help you identify the key reversal levels, both in terms of price and time. In the hands of a seasoned trader, the Gann Square will turn into a powerful trading tool. As for novice traders, they may find the Gann methods too confusing. With the Gannzilla tool, even traders with zero trading experience can use the Gann Square to make profits. Good luck with exploring the possibilities of this challenging yet effective trading method!


Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide (2024)


Gann Square of 9 Explained - Forex Trading Strategy Guide? ›

Put the lowest market price in the center of the Gann square and calculate the Gann square of 9 using it. Next, locate the current price of the security on the chart and highlight it. To find the resistance level, move away from the current price in a clockwise manner (with prices increasing).

How do you use Gann Square of 9 in forex trading? ›

Put the lowest market price in the center of the Gann square and calculate the Gann square of 9 using it. Next, locate the current price of the security on the chart and highlight it. To find the resistance level, move away from the current price in a clockwise manner (with prices increasing).

How does the square of 9 work? ›

The square of 9 is a spiral of numbers with an initial value “1” starting at the center. Starting from this value, the number increases as we move in a spiral form and clockwise direction. According to experts, each cell in Gann's square of nine represents a point of vibration.

What is the 531 rule of forex trading? ›

The 5-3-1 trading strategy designates you should focus on only five major currency pairs. The pairs you choose should focus on one or two major currencies you're most familiar with. For example, if you live in Australia, you may choose AUD/USD, AUD/NZD, EUR/AUD, GBP/AUD, and AUD/JPY.

What is the best chart for forex trading? ›

Trading chart patterns summed up
Name:Appears after:Signals:
Ascending triangleUptrendsBullish continuation
Descending triangleDowntrendsBearish continuation
Symmetrical triangleUptrends or downtrendsBullish or bearish continuation
Bullish flagUptrendsBullish continuation
11 more rows

What is the Gann rule of three? ›

Gann based predictions of price movements on three premises: Price, time and range are the only three factors to consider. The markets are cyclical in nature.

How accurate is the Gann theory? ›

You can use the strategies based on this theory to predict market movements that are up to 90% accurate. However, the accuracy of your results depends on whether you're applying the strategies correctly or not.

What is the Gann formula? ›

Gann's equation goes as follows: 1 x 8 = 82.5 degrees, 1 x 4 = 75 degrees, 1 x 3 = 71.25 degrees, 1 x 2 = 63.75 degrees, 1 x 1 = 45 degrees, 2 x 1 = 26.25 degrees, 3 x 1 = 18.75 degrees, 4 x 1 = 15 degrees, 8 x 1 = 7.5 degrees.

What is the Gann rule on Friday? ›

Important Rules of WD Gann

If the high price for the entire week is achieved on Friday, expect higher prices next week. If the low price for the entire week is achieved on Friday, expect a much lower price next week. In a highly uptrending market weekly low is achieved on Tuesday.

What is Gann's theory in trading? ›

Gann states that price and time are at their best when they rise or fall at a 45 degree angle relative to each other. To draw Gann Angles at different angles, you need to have a significant top or bottom. If prices are above the trendline, it is a bullish market.

How to use Gann square of 9 calculator? ›

The GANN Calculator or GANN Square of 9 Calculator is really simple and easy-to-use tool. You can use it at any time of the day. Simply put the current market price and click on calculate. This will instantly provide you with targets and stop loss for the stock, index, or commodity.

How do you work out the square of 9? ›

  1. A square of a number is the number multiplied itself. For example:
  2. The square of 2 is 2 x 2 and that 4.
  3. If you apply this to nine, you get 9 x 9 and that is 81.
May 31, 2022

How do you use Fibonacci indicator in forex? ›

Forex Trading:

In the forex market, Fibonacci retracement levels can identify potential support and resistance areas. For example, if the EUR/USD pair falls and then retraces to the 50% level, a trader might consider this a potential entry point for a long position, expecting the pair to bounce back.

How do you use Dom in forex trading? ›

How to start using depth of market
  1. Click on the “Trade” button in the trading panel.
  2. A new tool will appear at the right part of your screen. You can choose between two tabs — Order and DOM.
  3. If you click on the DOM tab, you will see the depth of market for the asset selected on the chart.

How do you use lot size in forex? ›

A standard lot size is 100,000 units of the base currency in a forex trade, mini-lots are 10,000 units and micro-lots are 1,000 units. When choosing the most suitable lot size for them, traders should consider the size of their account, risk tolerance and trading strategy, among other factors.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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