Game mechanics (2024)


  • 1 Dots
    • 1.1 Special Dots
      • 1.1.1 Subspecies
      • 1.1.2 Other
  • 2 Anchors
  • 3 Triangular Blocks/Ramps
  • 4 Ice Tiles
  • 5 Fire Dots
  • 6 Desert Blocks
  • 7 Teleporters
  • 8 Blank Dots
  • 9 One-Sided Blocks
  • 10 Monsters
  • 11 Circuits
  • 12 Lotus Dots
  • 13 Nesting Dots
  • 14 Slime
  • 15 Magnets
  • 16 Gems
  • 17 Beetles
  • 18 Water
  • 19 Trapdoors
  • 20 Thunderclouds
  • 21 Trains
  • 22 Hermit Crabs
  • 23 Flippers
  • 24 Meteors
  • 25 Fossils
  • 26 Sun Dots
  • 27 Seed Dots
  • 28 Snow
  • 29 Bubbles
  • 30 Moonstones
  • 31 Fireflies
  • 32 Ceramic Tiles
  • 33 Targets
  • 34 Lanterns
  • 35 Eggs
  • 36 Crates
  • 37 Zappers
  • 38 Vines
  • 39 Ghosts
  • 40 Enchanted Dots
  • 41 Glaciers
  • 42 Mushrooms
  • 43 Pod Dots
  • 44 Compasses
  • 45 Curtains
  • 46 Octo Dots
  • 47 Magic Mirrors
  • 48 Neon Signs
  • 49 Honey and Beehives
  • 50 Stone Head Dots
  • 51 Minecarts
  • 52 Pinecones
  • 53 Ropes
  • 54 Party Poppers
  • 55 Coconuts
  • 56 Potions
  • 57 Hedgehogs
  • 58 Geodes


To win a level, the player must complete a set of objectives—clear dots, sink anchors, activate circuits, etc—with a given number of moves. Linking any 2 like-colored dots/"subspecies" cardinally counts as a move. The link length does not matter, but the dots must be right next to each other. Once the player lets go of a link, the dots will disappear, and more dots will fall on the board.

  • Dots fall through gaps.
  • If no connections are possible, the board shuffles any regular dots (not any "subspecies"), seeing as all other elements on the board stay on their place.
  • If the player makes a closed shape of, say, red dots, all other red dots will be cleared from the board and no more will occupy any part of the board until the next move.
  • If there is anything inside the closed shape, they will turn into bombs. Bombs will drop down to the lowest tile space allows and explode in a 3×3 square.

Levels have 2-5 colors; the palette depends on the level.

Special Dots[]


The release of the "Beyond" area brings blank dots, a "subspecies" of classic dots. These substitute for any color. A blank square clears the board but also does not leave any blank dots since it was a blank dot square. Elements that are destructible through normal means, such as a trap door or lantern, also get hit once. Elements like gaps and one-sided blocks facing an unreachable area are unaffected.


  • Starbursts act as a gem (see Gems) and bomb combined.
  • Seekers act as activated firefly jars (see Fireflies) except with one more seeker.
  • Dynamite dots act as squares but only if one links them, not if they are exploded.


Anchors are introduced in Level 11 of the Ocean levels. The traditional way of clearing Anchors is by clearing the Dots under them until they reach the bottom of the level and are sunk. However, Anchors can also be cleared by any kind of explosion, as well as if they are trapped inside a Square and therefore turned into Bombs.

Triangular Blocks/Ramps[]

Introduced in Level 201.

Ice Tiles[]

Ice is introduced in Level 36 of the Ice Mountain levels. Ice Tiles are static, and they do not move across the board like Anchors do. In order to clear them, the player must clear the Dots that are inside them, be it directly with connections inside the Ice Tiles, or indirectly with Squares. Each Ice Tile must receive three hits in order to be cracked and cleared.

Fire Dots[]

Fire Dots are introduced in Level 61 of the Red Leaf Forest. Fire dots will spread from one dot to the next with each move made by the player. Once on fire, the dot cannot be used in a move. To get rid of the fire, the player must make a move adjacent to it. Fire will not move without the player making a turn or if the player's turn gets rid of at least one dot of fire.

All game mechanics up to Fire Dots were introduced on May 29, 2014.

Desert Blocks[]

Introduced in Level 86. When matches are made next to blocks, they break and other dots come into the level.

June 17, 2014


Introduced in Level 111. Teleporters link two columns together and make it harder for anchors to sink.

July 23, 2014

Blank Dots[]

Introduced in Level 136. Blank Dots can be connected to any color you choose. If you make a square of 4 Blank Dots, they will create a whole new board for ALL dots.

September 17, 2014

One-Sided Blocks[]

Introduced in Level 186. One-sided Blocks can only clear one side. They are cleared by connecting the blocks on the weaker side. Bombs can also knock it out like Desert Blocks.

December 4, 2014


Introduced in Level 236. If you don’t feed monster dots, they will eat their neighbor dots around them.They each have an assigned number (imagine if there were monster fire dots).

March 12, 2015


Introduced in Level 286. Switch on the Circuits to clear them. If you do a move when they are on, they turn off, so it's the ONLY mechanic where the square is not the best choice.

May 20, 2015

Lotus Dots[]

Introduced in Level 336. Lotus Dots activate once they touch a dot of the same color. They can also connect to other mechanics like Gems.

Announced on June 23, 2015

Released on June 29, 2015

Nesting Dots[]

Introduced in Level 386. Nesting Dots, just like Ice, take 3 hits to clear. When it’s 1 hit away from clearing, the Nesting Dot will shake.

August 10, 2015


Introduced in Level 436. Slime spreads when a move doesn't hit it, just like Fire. It takes 2 hits to clear.

September 30, 2015


Introduced in Level 486. Make a match with magnets to clear them. When 2 magnets are next to each other, they make a Bomb Drop. Magnet Dots do not appear often in later levels past 535.

November 30, 2015


Introduced in Level 536. Gems will disappear if a square is made in the color of the gem or if a Lotus Dot connects to it. Gems cannot be connected to other dots. Gems will vanish dots that are aligned to the way they lay. Gems also count as explosions, so they will hit things like Fossils and Ceramic Tiles.


Introduced in Level 586. Beetle Dots take three hits to clear. You can hit a Beetle Dot by connecting dots next to it. After the third connection, a lady bug will emerge, turning it into a bomb that clears all surrounding dots. If a Beetle Dot isn't it, it'll move in the direction its facing.


Introduced in Level 636. If you make a match next to water, you spread it. You have to spread the water EVERYWHERE to beat the level. It is one of the most popular mechanics in Two Dots and probably the most popular not to have its own expedition.


Introduced in Level 686. Make 3 matches next to trapdoors to clear them.


Introduced in Level 761. If the player lines up Thunderclouds, the dots in between them will vanish.


Introduced in Level 836. Trains will move Dots from its current spot and back.

Hermit Crabs[]

Introduced in Level 911. Make 2 consecutive matches next to Hermit Crabs to clear it. If a crab isn't hit twice in a row, it'll grow back. Crabs that aren't hit will move in the direction they're facing


Introduced in Level 986. If a match is made next to the line side, it flips into the other direction. All dots in the Flippers' path will get crushed.


Introduced in Level 1061. Once they are sunken to the bottom, they clear a column, but if something gets in their way, they make a big explosion.


Introduced in Level 1136. Fossils can only be damaged by explosions, such as Gems and Nesting Dots. When a fossil is damaged twice, the dot from the fossil is freed.

Sun Dots[]

Introduced in Level 1211. Sun Dots are created by charging a Sun Gate 3 times. Sun Dots act like Blank Dots and can connect to any color. Sun Dots explode when they're released. If a square is made using only Sun Dots, it'll clear the whole board, just like a square with only Blank Dots.

Seed Dots[]

Introduced in Level 1286. Seed Dots bloom the same color as the color dots that were connected next to them. Seed Dots connected with only Blank Dots or hit by explosions will cause rainbow Seeds to bloom.


Introduced in Level 1361. Snow generally needs to be hit 3 times by connecting dots next to them, but it can vary by level. Ice, Water, and Sun Gates can be found underneath the snow.


Introduced in Level 1436. Bubbles float upwards and carry any dots in them upwards. They will float away once they reach the top.


Introduced in Level 1511. Moonstones are activated by making squares, by having Lotus Dots connect to them, or by explosions. They explode in a cross shape after two squares are made.


Introduced in Level 1586. Fireflies will wake up when connections next to them are made. They must be hit twice in a row to be released, or they'll go back to sleep. When released, 3 Fireflies will hit other obstacles.

Ceramic Tiles[]

Introduced in Level 1661. Ceramic Tiles are only damaged by explosions (such as a Gem Blast), but Fireflies can also damage them.


Introduced in Level 1736. Each target hit is worth 10 points. To remove the tracks, the Target goal must be met. Target tracks prevent Water and Slime from spreading.


Introduced in Level 1811. Lanterns are activated when dots are connected next to them and explode in a cross shape when hit twice.


Introduced in Level 1886. Dots must be connected next to an egg to make a chick appear. The player must then connect to the chick to collect it.


Introduced in Level 1961. Hitting a crate makes a monkey appear. Hitting a crate twice collects a fruit. Once the fruit goal is reached, the Crates with that type of fruit go away.


Introduced in Level 2036. When dots are connected next to a Zapper, the Zapper's counter is reduced. All Zappers of the same type will be hit. When Zappers reach 0, they'll blast everything in between them.


Introduced in Level 2111. Like Fire and Slime, Vines will spread if they aren't hit. A dot or mechanic under a Vine is inactive and cannot be connected to or damaged until the Vine is cleared.


Introduced in Level 2186. They work just like Blank Dots. Each turn, Ghosts find a new dot to haunt. Making a square with a Ghost Dot changes all ghosts to that color.

Enchanted Dots[]

Introduced in Level 2301. To create an Enchanted Dot, the player must connect to a Scroll 3 times. The Enchanted Dot will rotate 90 degrees after each move, meaning that it will either explode vertically or horizontally upon being connected, but not both.


Introduced in Level 2401. Just like Vines, dots or mechanics in Glaciers are inactive. A Glacier can need up to two explosions in order for it to be cleared.


Introduced in Level 2501. Connecting a dot to a Mushroom makes the Mushroom change color and shoot its spore to target a Level Obstacle or Goal. When a Mushroom is hit 3 times, it disappears. Mushrooms can be used to make squares.

Pod Dots[]

Introduced in Level 2601. Connect to a Pod Dot twice to open it up and reveal what's inside of it.


Introduced in Level 2701. Compasses are cleared by making a connection to its weak side or by explosions.


Introduced in Level 2801. Connect next to a curtain to raise it up. Raising up a curtain entirely will reveal what's underneath it.

Octo Dots[]

Introduced in Level 2901. Connect to an Octo Dot to spook it. Hitting an Octo Dot 3 times makes it swim away and hit nearby dots or obstacles. They can be used to make squares.

Magic Mirrors[]

Introduced in Level 3001. Magic Mirrors will replicate any explosion that hits them. They can also be cleared by connecting next to them 3 times. Using an eraser on a Magic Mirror will clear it instantly, regardless of how damaged it is.

Neon Signs[]

Introduced in Level 3101. Connect a color goal next to a Neon Sign to make it glow. Connect 2 Blank Dots near a Neon Sign or activate it with an explosion, and a Rainbow Sign with all 5 colors will glow, counting towards all the color goals.

Honey and Beehives[]

Introduced in Level 3251. Connect next to a Beehive 3 times to make 3 Bees with Honey come out. When there is enough Honey on the board, the Beehives will disappear. Honey is sticky and will remain to a dot until the dot is cleared.

Stone Head Dots[]

Introduced in Level 3401. Connect next to a Stone Head Dot to open it and reveal its color. Connect to a Stone Head Dot to clear it. If no connection is made to or near a Stone Head Dot while its open, it will close, and the color inside of it will change. Connecting two or more Stone Head Dots explodes them.


Introduced in Level 3551. Connect a dot next to a Minecart to roll it along its path. Dots or obstacles that get in the way of Minecarts can halt their progress. but the Minecart will eventually push through if the dot or obstacle is weak enough. Minecart tracks can prevent Water from spreading.


Introduced in Level 3701. Pinecones are simply collected by making connections to them. They can also be collected if they are hit by explosions.


Introduced in Level 3702. Like Vines, Ropes hold Dots or other mechanics in place, making them inactive. However, they do not spread unlike Vines. A dot or mechanic under a rope may need up to 3 hits for the Ropes to be fully untied.

Party Poppers[]

Introduced in Level 3703. Connect next to Party Poppers 3 times to cause them to hit and explode everything around them.


Introduced in Level 3851. Connect next to a Coconut to split it in half. Connect next to a half Coconut to split it into two quarters. Finally, connect next to a quarter Coconut to count them towards the level goal.


Introduced in Level 4001. Connect next to a potion to power it. If a potion is not connected to immediately after it is powered, it cools down. When a potion is hit twice in a row, it will change colored dots around them to a random color. Potions are useful for making squares.


Introduced in Level 4151. Connect next to a Hedgehog's snout to trigger it in the direction it is facing. If a Hedgehog is connected, but not next to it's snout, it will not move for the next turn. If a Hedgehog is not connected next to or hit, it will move in the direction it's facing.


Introduced in Level 4451. Geodes have two types of goals: one to clear off the board and one when they explode. A Geode will reveal its color once it is connected next to. Geodes must be hit 3 times to clear them off the board. They can also be activated with a square matching its color or by an explosion to cause it to explode. Interestingly, dots cannot be connected to Geodes, but lotuses can.

Game mechanics (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.