Functions of Commercial Banks: Primary Functions and Questions (2024)


An institution that provides services like accepting the deposits, providing business loans, and offering basic investment products is known as the commercial banks. It is largely a division of a large bank which deals with loan and deposit services provided to large and small size businesses. Thus, there are many functions of commercial banks in India. Mainly there are two functions, primary and secondary.

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Functions of Commercial Banks

Functions of Commercial Banks: Primary Functions and Questions (9)

Primary Functions of Commercial Bank

  • Accepting the Deposits
  • Advancing the Loans
  • Credit Creation
  • A Cheque for paying the funds
  • Paying and Collecting the Credit
  • Purchasing and Selling of the Securities
  • Bullion Trading
  • Money Remittance
  • Information Banks
  • Locker Facilities
  • Dealings in Foreign Exchange
  • Banking services for Merchant

Accepting the Deposits

The major source of funds in the bank’s deposits. This deposit consists only of money and not of any assets. For these deposits held, the commercial banks provide the interest.

Thus, it helps in the mobilizing of the savings. For the deposits, there are a variety of options available. These include current account, savings account, recurring accounts, and fixed deposit accounts.

Browse more Topics under Banking

  • Structure of Banking in India
  • Nationalisation of Banks
  • State Bank of India and its Associate Banks
  • Functions of State Bank of India
  • Important Banks in India
  • Negotiable Instruments
  • Types of Banking
  • Banking Practice Questions

Advancing the Loans

This is another primary function of commercial banks. When a bank receives the money, a certain part of it is deposited in the reserves. While the remaining is dispatched in the form of loans.

There are two types of loans advanced by the banks. These are money at call and discounting of the bills. Money at call is a loan given for a very short period of time.

This generally varies from 1 to 14 days. Discounting of the bills means the advance payment of loan reflected against repayment in the future.

Credit Creation

Whenever a loan or credit is provided to the customer, he/she is not given any cash. In fact, a bank account is opened in the name of that person and amount is transferred to that account. Through this process, the bank is able to create money.

A Cheque for paying the funds

A customer uses cheque as a negotiable instrument at the times of payment. This is one of the functions of the bank. So, in this, the bank offers a facility of having the cheques to the customer. It is also a main credit instrument in the banking world.

Secondary Functions

Apart from performing the primary functions, banks use a number of useful services for their customers. They act as an agent for the following functions. The other functions of commercial banks include utility functions and agency functions.

Paying and Collecting the Credit

The commercial banks use various instruments like a bill of exchange, cheques, promissory notes and many more. As this is used as a negotiable instrument in the bank.

Purchasing and Selling of the Securities

For this function, banks give you a facility for purchasing and selling the securities.

Bullion Trading

The commercial banks trade with many countries in the world. They trade in gold and silver and provides the same facility for their customers.

Money Remittance

This is the function that the commercial banks provide. Thus, they remit the funds on behalf 0f their customers from one place to another.

In addition to agency services, banks also provide utility functions.

Information Banks

Commercial banks are primarily an information bureau, that collects the economic, statistical, and financial data related to the trade, commerce, and industry.

Locker Facilities

Lockers are provided to the customers by banks. In these lockers, people can keep their jewelry and other important documents. For this, the banks charge a very nominal annual fee.

Dealings in Foreign Exchange

Many commercial banks deal with their foreign exchange via their main branches. These commercial banks are the main dealers of foreign exchange in the country.

Banking services for Merchant

Commercial banks also provide the facility of merchant banking services to the customers. Thus, they are authorized to avail the loans for non-banking firms under this.

Practice Questions

Q. There are many types of commercial banks in India. Which of these below is not a commercial bank in India

A. Commodity banks

B. Nationalized banks

C. Co-operative banks

D. Foreign banks

Answer: C. Co-operative banks

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Functions of Commercial Banks: Primary Functions and Questions (2024)


What are the primary functions of a commercial bank? ›

Answer: The primary functions of a commercial bank are accepting deposits and also lending funds. Deposits are savings, current, or time deposits. Also, a commercial bank lends funds to its customers in the form of loans and advances, cash credit, overdraft and discounting of bills, etc. Q2.

What are the operations functions of a commercial bank? ›

Banking operations (Ops) serve as a back office function responsible for reconciliation and the execution and settlement of transactions originating in the front office. Trade booking and adherence to risk and regulatory guidelines are important roles of Ops. Customer onboarding is another key function.

What are the principles of commercial bank? ›

Safety, liquidity, purpose, profitability are some of the principles that must be followed to mitigate risks like loss and fraudulency.

What are the main functions of a bank? ›

Although banks do many things, their primary role is to take in funds—called deposits—from those with money, pool them, and lend them to those who need funds. Banks are intermediaries between depositors (who lend money to the bank) and borrowers (to whom the bank lends money).

What is the commercial bank major responsibility? ›

Commercial banks are a critical component of the U.S. economy by providing vital capital to businesses and individuals in the form of credit and loans. They provide a secure place where people save money, earn interest, and make payments through checks, debit cards, and credit cards.

What are primary functions? ›

The primary function refers to the main purpose or role of something.

What is the main aim of a commercial bank? ›

The main purpose of commercial banks is to provide financial services to the general public and also provide loan facilities to the business which helps in ensuring economic stability and growth of the economy. Therefore, we can say that credit creation is the most important purpose of commercial banks.

What are the basics of commercial banking? ›

Commercial banking is a financial process that involves a commercial bank, which is an institution that accepts deposits from patrons and provides basic banking services, such as: Checking account services. Savings, investments, and other money growth services. Wealth management and financial guidance services.

What are the three main assets of commercial banks? ›

The bank's assets include cash; investments or securities; loans and advances made to customers of all kinds, though primarily to corporations (including term loans and mortgages); and, finally, the bank's premises, furniture, and fittings.

What are the differences between primary and secondary functions of commercial banks? ›

Functions of Commercial Banks: - Primary functions include accepting deposits, granting loans, advances, cash, credit, overdraft and discounting of bills. - Secondary functions include issuing letter of credit, undertaking safe custody of valuables, providing consumer finance, educational loans, etc.

How do commercial banks create money? ›

FIRST, banks create money when doing their normal business of accepting deposits and making loans. When banks make loans they create money. remember from chapter 12 that money (M1) is currency (coins and bills) AND checkable deposits.

What is the management of commercial banks? ›

Mostly it deals with the management of deposits, lending activities, investments, bank capital, bank liquidity and off-balance sheet activities. It also covers the use of derivatives and asset backed securities such as credit derivatives etc. to manage the market risk.

What is the primary role of a commercial bank quizlet? ›

receive deposits and make loans.

What are the primary functions of commercial bank Mcq? ›

Explanation: Accepting deposits, providing loans, mortgages, cash, borrowing, overdraft, and bill discounting are all primary responsibilities.

What are the general utility functions of a commercial bank? ›

The General Utility Functions are also called as Social development functions. In some areas, the banks will help you with all the transactions that you will have to do during a course of time. For example, you will be able to pay your phone, electricity and other utility bills from a center that is run by the banks.

What is the function of central bank and commercial bank? ›

The central bank and Commercial bank are the important financial institutions of a country. The central bank is an institution that is responsible for the monetary policies of the country while the commercial bank provides banking and other financial services to the general public.

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