Full Disk Encryption From Scratch (2024)


Package information

This is an advanced topic and requires some level of background knowledge. Rootfs encryption presents an introduction to the topic that, while still ensuring data safety, is easier for first-time users to understand and implement.

Full disk encryption can be used to help protect data integrity and privacy. dm-crypt can be used to configure drives to be encrypted with LUKS or other formats. This article is a guide which covers the process of configuring a drive to be encrypted using LUKS and btrfs. This process can be done as part of a fresh install, or could be performed on a new drive to migrate an existing install.


  • 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 LUKS headers
      • 1.1.1 Detached headers
    • 1.2 Key files on a separate volume
    • 1.3 Additional boot complexity
  • 2 Installation
    • 2.1 Emerge
    • 2.2 Additional software
  • 3 System preparation
  • 4 Disk preparation
    • 4.1 Root device formatting
      • 4.1.1 Boot device formatting
        • Create the ESP
        • Create the Extended Boot partition
        • Write changes
  • 5 LUKS Preparation
    • 5.1 Detached header
    • 5.2 Passphrase secured LUKS Header
      • 5.2.1 Adding a Passphrase to Volume Using GPG Secured Key Files
    • 5.3 Key File Secured Header
      • 5.3.1 Key File Creation
        • Basic key file creation
        • GPG Symmetrically Encrypted Key File
        • GPG Asymmetrically Encrypted Key File
      • 5.3.2 Key File Usage
        • luksFormat Using a Key File
        • luksFormat Using a GPG protected keyfile
    • 5.4 LUKS Header Backup
  • 6 Filesystem Preparation
    • 6.1 Open the LUKS volume
    • 6.2 Format the Filesystems
      • 6.2.1 Create optional btrfs subvolumes
  • 7 Initramfs configuration
    • 7.1 Dracut
      • 7.1.1 Extracting the initramfs
      • 7.1.2 Embedding the initramfs
    • 7.2 UGRD
      • 7.2.1 Passphrase protected volume
      • 7.2.2 Detached headers
      • 7.2.3 Yubikey Protected GPG keyfile
      • 7.2.4 Creating the initramfs image
      • 7.2.5 Embedding the image into the kernel
      • 7.2.6 Recovery
  • 8 Gentoo installation
    • 8.1 Mount the root partition
    • 8.2 fstab configuration
    • 8.3 Finalizing the Gentoo install
  • 9 Additional information
    • 9.1 SSD tricks
  • 10 See also
  • 11 References


True Full Disk Encryption is not something that helps in most threat models, and it requires using separate storage to store all elements required to boot. These include, but are not limited to:

  • The kernel image
  • The initramfs image
  • Detached headers
  • Keyfiles
  • The bootloader

The specific components required to boot a system depend on the design. The simplest systems could boot from a single kernel image which contains the initramfs, where a LUKS keyslot protected by a passphrase protects the root filesystem.

Storing the kernel, initramfs, and bootloader on a separate device than the rootfs can present more problems than benefits. None of these components should contain sensitive data that would benefit from encryption, and LUKS does not provide data authentication. Storage on another device may increase or decrease the risk of tampering - depending on the threat model.

The authenticity of files used to boot is generally more important than the privacy.

Encryption provides privacy; signing provides authenticity

See also
Secure boot can be used to authenticate boot files.

The ultimate result of Full Disk Encryption is a device that when powered off, only has seemingly random data written to the storage. Rootfs Encryption only reveals that the system likely uses Linux.

If the header files are detached, there is no way to distinguish between a LUKS volume and random data.

LUKS headers

The master key stored in a LUKS header is the final authentication factor protecting encrypted data.

By default, LUKS uses a keyslot system, where volume contents are encrypted using a master key which is protected by any key installed into a LUKS keyslot for that header. This is helpful because multiple keys can be used to decrypt drive contents, and keys can be changed without re-encrypting the volume. This behavior is important to understand because it means that adding a weak key into a keyslot can degrade security, even if the rest of the keyslots are well protected.

Detached headers

LUKS headers can be detached, meaning they are stored in a file outside of the protected volume, resulting in a partition that truly only contains encrypted data. While this may be beneficial, protection of the headers must be carefully considered. If the headers were obtained, a keyslot could be cracked offline. Improper storage of keyfiles could result in worse protection than the default attached headers.

The benefits of this separation must be weighed against the risks of a detached header being obtained by an adversary. Reading the headers off a partition already requires physical or privileged system access.

Key files on a separate volume

Key files must ultimately be stored on an unencrypted volume in order to be accessed to decrypt data. Unless these key files are stored safely, they can reduce security. Ideally, key files should be encrypted. GPG works well because smartcards such as a YubiKey/GPG can be used to decrypt the key file.

Using a LUKS keyslot with a good password is very secure. Using a separate GPG protected keyfile may add security with proper implementation, but could potentially reduce security. Using GPG ultimately makes the most sense when using a smartcard.

Additional boot complexity

Without encryption, the boot process is already very complex. Adding any type of root filesystem encryption takes this complexity to another level, because some mechanism must decrypt the root filesystem so the kernel can start the init process. Although most LUKS operations are handled by the dm-crypt kernel module, userspace tools are required to perform them.

An early boot environment, such as an initramfs, is typically used to perform drive decryption during the boot process. This initramfs does not require much - depending on the encryption scheme. A very simple initramfs could just contain tools such as mount, cryptsetup, and switch_root. First, /dev, /sys, and /proc must be mounted, then cryptsetup can be used to open and map the drive, and it can finally be mounted and switch_root can be used to change to the newly mounted root filesystem and start the init process.

sys-kernel/dracut is able to handle this with some configuration, while sys-kernel/ugrd (GURU) is built for this specific purpose.



root #emerge --ask sys-fs/cryptsetup

Additional software

If using GPG to further secure key files:

root #emerge --ask app-crypt/gnupg

System preparation

The kernel must be configured according to: Dm-crypt: Kernel Configuration.

If this is being followed as part of a fresh Gentoo install, the install procedure can be followed until the following step: AMD64 Handbook: Designing a partition scheme

If converting an existing system to an encrypted setup, either new storage must be added, or this procedure could be used to create new partitions using free space, where the data can then be copied after creation.

Depending on the type of drive, it can be difficult or impossible to truly overwrite portions of the drive where unencrypted, but de-referenced data exists. It is best to do a Secure wipe using the drive's firmware before re-using it.

If migrating an existing install to an encrypted root filesystem, the existing bootloader partition itself does not need to be modified (unless desired), but the bootloader configuration will need modification to boot from the new encrypted partitions.

Disk preparation

Partitioning typically does not involve modification of any of the data in partitions. If a drive is re-partitioned then encrypted, old data may remain in an unencrypted form until it is overwritten.

Modern storage devices may not be securely erased with something like dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX.

See also
For more information, see: Secure wipe.

This example will use GPT as disk partition schema and GRUB as boot loader. fdisk will be used as the partitioning tool though any partitioning utility will work.

See also
For more information about GPT and EFI, see Disks (AMD64 Handbook).

For proper full disk encryption, using a separate boot drive:


/dev/sda ├── /dev/sda1 [EFI] /efi 1 GB fat32 Bootloader └── /dev/sda2 [BOOTX] /boot 1 GB ext4 Bootloader support files, kernel and initramfs/dev/nvme0n1 └── /dev/nvme0n1p1 [ROOT] (root) ->END luks Encrypted root device, mapped to the name 'root' └── /dev/mapper/root / ->END btrfs root filesystem /home subvolume Subvolume created for the home directory /var subvolume Subvolume created for the var directory /etc subvolume Subvolume created for the etc directory

Any filesystem type can be used for the root filesystem, but btrfs is used here. In most cases, FAT32 must be used for the EFI/boot partitions. If a separate extended boot partition is required, it must be readable by the bootloader.

Using an external storage device, such as a USB drive, may make sense to use as a boot drive, since it can be easily removed once the system is booted, debugged more easily than an internal drive.

The size of the EFI partition is somewhat important, some devices will not boot using partitions which are too small (typically due to sector sizes[1]) , 512MB+ typically works.

Root device formatting

To create a partition layout using fdisk, start by creating a fresh partition table on the root disk, /dev/nvme0n1:

root #fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.38.1).Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.Be careful before using the write command.Device does not contain a recognized partition table.Created a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x81391dbc.Command (m for help): gCreated a new GPT disklabel (GUID: 8D91A3C1-8661-2940-9076-65B815B36906).

With a partition table crated, a new partition spanning the drive can be created by using n and then accepting the defaults:

Command (m for help):n

Partition number (1-128, default 1): First sector (2048-1953525134, default 2048): Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-1953525134, default 1953523711): Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 931.5 GiB.

The Linux Root (x86-64) property can be set using t:

Command (m for help):t

Partition number (1, default 1):Partition type or alias (type L to list all): 23Changed type of partition 'Linux filesystem' to 'Linux Root (x86-64)'.

Setting this property is optional, but if set, should match the architecture of the system.

Finally, the changes can be written with w:

Command (m for help):w

The partition table has been altered.Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.Syncing disks.

Boot device formatting

The boot disk can be setup using a similar process, the main difference is the boot flags will be set as a final step:

root #fdisk /dev/sda

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.38.1).Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.Be careful before using the write command.Device does not contain a recognized partition table.Created a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x81391dbc.Command (m for help): gCreated a new GPT disklabel (GUID: 3E57DFCE-CDD9-6F42-8418-F0B6B4A08294).
Create the ESP

With a fresh partition table, a 1GB partition for the ESP can be created using:

Command (m for help):n

Partition number (1-128, default 1): First sector (2048-121008094, default 2048): Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-121008094, default 121006079): +1GCreated a new partition 1 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 1 GiB.

This partition could span the entire device if an Extended Boot partition is not required.

The ESP properties can be set using t:

Command (m for help):t

Selected partition 1Partition type or alias (type L to list all): 1Changed type of partition 'Linux filesystem' to 'EFI System'.
Create the Extended Boot partition

The Extended Boot partition can be created with:

Command (m for help):n

Partition number (2-128, default 2): First sector (2099200-121008094, default 2099200): Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2099200-121008094, default 121008094): +1G Created a new partition 2 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 1 GiB.

The Linux Extended Boot property can be set using t:

Command (m for help):t

Partition number (1-2, default 2):Partition type or alias (type L to list all): 142Changed type of partition 'Linux filesystem' to 'Linux Extended Boot'.
Write changes

Changes can be written with w:

Command (m for help):w

The partition table has been altered.Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.Syncing disks.

LUKS Preparation

To prepare the encrypted filesystem, cryptsetup can be used. Passwords and keys protect key slots on the LUKS header, which contains the master key that actually encrypts the partition data.

More advanced usage information is available in man cryptsetup-luksFormat.

Only specify arguments like --cipher if certain that it improves security beyond the sane defaults.

Detached header

The header file must be kept safe. If the header file is lost, all data on the LUKS partition it secured will be irrecoverable.

LUKS partitions can be created with a detached header using --header {header_file} ex:

root #cryptsetup luksFormat --header /media/sda2/luks_header.img /dev/nvme0n1p1

Passphrase secured LUKS Header

The most basic way to configure an encrypted volume is to use:

root #cryptsetup luksFormat --key-size 512 /dev/nvme0n1p1

WARNING!========This will overwrite data on /dev/nvme0n1p1 irrevocably.Are you sure? (Type 'yes' in capital letters): YESEnter passphrase for /dev/nvme0n1p1:

For a bit of additional security, the key size can be increased to 512 bits with --key-size 512.

A keyfile is typically considered to be more secure than a password, but should be password protected. An attacker must have the keyfile and know the password to break the drive's encryption.

Luks can allow multiple keys/passwords to be used to decrypt a partition. This can potentially decrease security, if password is wanted to recovery purposes, consider using a long passphrase and writing it down, or storing it offline.

Adding a Passphrase to Volume Using GPG Secured Key Files

To add a passphrase to a volume which is already secured using key files, a named pipe must be used for the key file contents:

root #mkfifo key_pipe

Then the key can be decrypted to this pipe:

root #gpg --decrypt key_file > key_pipe &

A passphrase can be added with:

root #cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-file key_pipe /dev/nvme0n1p1

The named pipe can be cleaned up with:

root #rm key_pipe

Key File Secured Header

Instead of securing the LUKS keyslots with a passphrase, keyfiles can be used.

Key files should be stored some place other than the devices they encrypt. A key file is a possession security factor, while passwords or passphrases are knowledge factors. What good is a lock if the keys are attached to it?

Take great care of this key file, if it is lost, the entire encrypted partition will be inaccessible, if it is stolen, the data is no longer safe. If it is ever written to unencrypted storage, or transmitted over a malicious network, it cannot be considered safe.

Using GnuPG to encrypt the key file can help keep it safe, adding a knowledge factor to it.

Key File Creation

This guide shows the keys being written to /dev/sda2 which would be the boot partition. Formatting is described later. The keys can be stored anywhere the initramfs can read.

Keyfiles can be created and stored in a variety of ways. It is recommended to encrypt keyfiles, so they cannot just be stolen and used.

Basic key file creation

A basic key file can be created using dd and /dev/urandom:

/media/sda2/ #dd bs=8388608 count=1 if=/dev/urandom of=crypt_key.luks

1+0 records in1+0 records out8388608 bytes (8.4 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 0.014407 s, 582 MB/s

cryptsetup --help reveals the builtin key size and character size limit. The default is 8388608, or 8192 * 1024 (2^23).

GPG Symmetrically Encrypted Key File

For increased security, the key file can be immediately encrypted with GnuPG.

Symmetric encryption, using a password, is a simple method that works on most systems, but is vulnerable to keylogging, similarly to simple password/passphrase based protection.

If using the Gentoo install ISO, it may be necessary to run

root #export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

to GPG encrypt data directly from stdout. Alternatively, --pinentry-mode loopback can be added as an argument to use stdin pinentry, however, this does not confirm the entry.

/media/sda2/ #dd bs=8388608 count=1 if=/dev/urandom | gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 --output crypt_key.luks.gpg

1+0 records in1+0 records out8388608 bytes (8.4 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 7.50139 s, 1.1 MB/s
GPG Asymmetrically Encrypted Key File

A key file can be protected using public key cryptography using a smartcard such as a YubiKey. This YubiKey GPG guide can be used to generate GPG keys on a YubiKey. With the public keys loaded, keys can be encrypted with the key holder as the recipient:

/media/sda2/ #dd bs=8388608 count=1 if=/dev/urandom | gpg --recipient [email protected] --output crypt_key.luks.gpg --encrypt

1+0 records in1+0 records out8388608 bytes (8.4 MB, 8.0 MiB) copied, 7.50139 s, 1.1 MB/s

Dracut must be configured to use the corresponding public key, this is covered in the Dracut section.

When booting, ensure the smartcard is inserted. Dracut will prompt for the PIN, and depending on the configuration, the device may need to be tapped to complete presence detection.

Key File Usage

luksFormat Using a Key File

To secure the partition using a plain key file:

/media/sda2/ #cryptsetup --key-size 512 luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p1 crypt_key.luks

WARNING!========This will overwrite data on /dev/nvme0n1p1 irrevocably.Are you sure? (Type 'yes' in capital letters): YES

To add this keyfile to an already encrypted partition:

/media/sda2/ #cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/nvme0n1p1 crypt_key.luks

Enter any existing passphrase: 
luksFormat Using a GPG protected keyfile

To secure the partition using a GPG protected key file:

/media/sda2/ #gpg --decrypt crypt_key.luks.gpg | cryptsetup luksFormat --key-size 512 /dev/nvme0n1p1 -

gpg: AES256.CFB encrypted dataWARNING!========This will overwrite data on /dev/nvme0n1p1 irrevocably.Are you sure? (Type 'yes' in capital letters): YES

To add the GPG encrypted keyfile to an already encrypted partition, named pipes must be used to avoid decrypting the key to disk, as both gpg and cryptsetup are expecting input from stdin:

/media/sda2/ #mkfifo crypt_key

/media/sda2/ #mkfifo cryptsetup_pass

Once the files are created, the key must be decrypted to crypt_key, and the recovery passhprase must be passed to cryptsetup_pass:

/media/sda2/ #gpg --decrypt crypt_key.luks.gpg > crypt_key &

/media/sda2/ #read -s -r -p 'LUKS passphrase: ' CRYPT_PASS; echo "$CRYPT_PASS" > cryptsetup_pass &

Finally, cat can be used to pass this information to cryptsetup:

/media/sda2/ #cat cryptsetup_pass crypt_key | cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/nvme0n1p1 -

gpg: AES256.CFB encrypted datagpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase[1]- Done read -s -r -p 'LUKS passphrase: ' CRYPT_PASS; echo "$CRYPT_PASS" > cryptsetup_pass[2]+ Done gpg -d crypt_key.luks.gpg > crypt_key

LUKS key status can be checked with cryptsetup luksDump {device}, ex. cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p1.

The named pipes can now be deleted.

LUKS Header Backup

Do not forget this step, keys/passwords are used to decrypt the LUKS header, if it is destroyed for some reason, the remaining data will only be recoverable with the header file.

The headers can be backed up with:

root #cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/nvme0n1p1 --header-backup-file crypt_headers.img

If using detached headers, be sure to back up the header file.

Filesystem Preparation

With the LUKS volume created, it must be mapped so the underlying filesystems can be created.

Open the LUKS volume

The encrypted device must be opened and mapped before it can be used, this can be done with:

root #cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p1 root

If the LUKS headers are detached, they can be specified with --header {header_file}.

If using a key file:

/media/sda2/ #cryptsetup --key-file crypt_key.luks open /dev/nvme0n1p1 root

If using a GPG encrypted key file:

/media/sda2/ #gpg --decrypt crypt_key.luks.gpg | cryptsetup --key-file - open /dev/nvme0n1p1 root

This command opens /dev/nvme0n1p1 and maps it under /dev/mapper/ with the name root.

Format the Filesystems

To create a filesystem for /dev/sda1, the EFI System Partition which will contain GRUB. This partition is read by UEFI. Most motherboards can read only a FAT32 filesystem:

root #mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1

To create an Extended Boot filesystem, which the bootloader will read the kernel and initramfs from:

root #mkfs.ext4 -L boot /dev/sda2

This partition can be any filesystem which the bootloader can read.

To create the btrfs root filesystem on the LUKS partition:

root #mkfs.btrfs -L rootfs /dev/mapper/root

The labels are optional, but helpful. They allow for easy mounting without a UUID.

Create optional btrfs subvolumes

To create subvolumes for /etc, /home, and /var, the filesystem must first be mounted:

root #mount LABEL=rootfs /mnt/gentoo

Then each subvolume can be created:

root #btrfs subvolume create /mnt/gentoo/etc

root #btrfs subvolume create /mnt/gentoo/home

root #btrfs subvolume create /mnt/gentoo/var

Initramfs configuration

An initramfs must be used to decrypt and mount the root partition. This can be accomplished using a minimal custom one, using a few commands, or using a tool like dracut to decrypt using parameters passed in the kernel command line.


This configuration should be done while chrooted, or on a live system.

The following modules must be added to the add_dracutmodules directive in /etc/dracut.conf:

FILE /etc/dracut.confMinimum required components to decrypt LUKS volumes using dracut

add_dracutmodules+=" crypt dm rootfs-block "

The spacing for Dracut configuration directives is very important. Ensure there are no spaces between add_dracutmodules and +=", parameters in add_dracutmodules must be padded with spaces.

If GPG keys are being used, the following module must also be added: crypt-gpg

FILE /etc/dracut.confMinimum required components to decrypt LUKS volumes using dracut

add_dracutmodules+=" crypt crypt-gpg dm rootfs-block "

If a smartcard is used to store the private keys for a GPG encrypted key file, /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-public-key.gpg must be configured to contain the corresponding public key.

Dracut can be configured to build with configuration for LUKS hardcoded, first disk information must be obtained:

root #lsblk -o name,uuid

NAME UUIDsda├──sda1 BDF2-0139└──sda2 0e86bef-30f8-4e3b-ae35-3fa2c6ae705bnvme0n1└─nvme0n1p1 4bb45bd6-9ed9-44b3-b547-b411079f043b └─root cb070f9e-da0e-4bc5-825c-b01bb2707704

FILE /etc/dracut.confEmbed cmdline parameters for rootfs decryption

kernel_cmdline+=" root=LABEL=crypt rd.luks.uuid=4bb45bd6-9ed9-44b3-b547-b411079f043b rd.luks.key=/crypt_key.luks.gpg:UUID=0e86bef-30f8-4e3b-ae35-3fa2c6ae705b "

The UUID of the volume containing the keyfiles is specified after the : with the rd.luks.key argument.

When gpg keys are not being used, instead append:

FILE /etc/dracut.conf

kernel_cmdline+=" root=UUID=cb070f9e-da0e-4bc5-825c-b01bb2707704 rd.luks.uuid=4bb45bd6-9ed9-44b3-b547-b411079f043b "

For systemd systems, rebuild with the cryptsetup USE-flag:

FILE /etc/portage/package.use/systemd

sys-apps/systemd cryptsetup

root #emerge --ask --newuse sys-apps/systemd

Once Dracut is configured, a new initramfs can be generated by running:

root #dracut

Dracut writes the file to /boot by default, this must be mounted.

If the initramfs is being generated for a kernel other than the currently active one, --kver must be used:

root #dracut --kver 6.1.28-gentoo

This can happen in a situation when the kernel version in the Gentoo Live CD differs from the emerged sys-kernel/gentoo-sources in the kernel compilation process.

Possible kernel versions can be found by using ls /lib/modules.

Dracut has now generated an initramfs, but configuration is not complete. Command line parameters must be set, either by manually adding them to the kernel, or by configuring them into the bootloader.

Most dracut configuration is described in man dracut.cmdline.

Extracting the initramfs

It's possible to use dracut to generate an initramfs image, then extract this to be built into the kernel.

/usr/src/initramfs #/usr/lib/dracut/skipcpio /boot/initramfs-6.1.28-gentoo-initramfs.img | zcat | cpio -ivd

Embedding the initramfs

With the initramfs extracted to /usr/src/initramfs, the kernel can be configured to embed it:

KERNEL Embed the initramfs into the kernel

General Setup --->[*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support (/usr/src/initramfs) Initramfs source file(s)[*] Support initial ramdisk/ramfs compressed using gzip

.config equivalent:

CODE .config configuration for an embedded initramfs


With this configuration, the kernel will automatically embed whatever exists under /usr/src/initramfs into the kernel when it is built, and attempt to use it on boot. This is especially useful when Secure Booting.

If using a kernel which requires modules to boot, the initramfs must be recreated after the kernel is built once, extracted, then the kernel must be rebuilt to embed the latest initramfs. The rebuild should be very quick unless using make clean.

If using this method with GRUB, be sure to delete or move the dracut generated initramfs image, so grub-mkconfig does not get confused.


UGRD or "microgram ramdisk" is designed specifically to decrypt LUKS volumes on Gentoo systems. It uses app-misc/pax-utils to resolve libraries for binaries needed in the early boot environment and generates a simple init script to handle this decryption.

Unlike Dracut, UGRD attempts to automatically configure mount and LUKS configuration, and validates the configuration before creating a CPIO.

Users are encouraged to read the generated init file(s) under out_dir (default /tmp/initramfs).

UGRD is available in the Gentoo repository and can be installed with:

root #emerge --ask sys-kernel/ugrd

user $ugrd --help

<usage: ugrd [-h] [-d] [-dd] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--log-time]

 [--no-log-color] [--build-logging] [--no-build-logging] [-c CONFIG] [--kernel-version KERNEL_VERSION] [--clean] [--no-clean] [--validate] [--no-validate] [--hostonly] [--no-hostonly] [--lspci] [--no-lspci] [--lsmod] [--no-lsmod] [--firmware] [--no-firmware] [--autodetect-root] [--no-autodetect-root] [--autodetect-root-luks] [--no-autodetect-root-luks] [--print-config] [out_file]

MicrogRAM disk initramfs generator

positional arguments:

 out_file Output file location


 -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --debug Debug mode. -dd, --verbose Verbose debug mode. -v, --version Print the version and exit. --log-file LOG_FILE Log file path. --log-level LOG_LEVEL Log level. --log-time Log timestamps. --no-log-color Disable log color. --build-logging Enable additional build logging. --no-build-logging Disable additional build logging. -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Config file location. --kernel-version KERNEL_VERSION, --kver KERNEL_VERSION Set the kernel version. --clean Enable build directory cleaning. --no-clean Disable build directory cleaning. --validate Enable config validation. --no-validate Disable config validation. --hostonly Enable hostonly mode, required for automatic kmod detection. --no-hostonly Disable hostonly mode. --lspci Use lspci to auto-detect kmods --no-lspci Do not use lspci to auto-detect kmods --lsmod Use lsmod to auto-detect kmods --no-lsmod Do not use lsmod to auto-detect kmods --firmware Include firmware files found with modinfo. --no-firmware Exclude firmware files. --autodetect-root Autodetect the root partition. --no-autodetect-root Do not autodetect the root partition. --autodetect-root-luks Autodetect LUKS volumes under the root partition. --no-autodetect-root-luks Do not autodetect root LUKS volumes. --print-config Print the final config dict.pre>

sys-kernel/ugrd installs default config at /etc/ugrd/config.toml.

The ugrd.base.cmdline module must be loaded for the kernel commandline to be processed by ugrd at runtime.

Detaching the headers from a LUKS volume removes any UUID values from the partition. Instead, another identifier needs to be passed to [cryptsetup.root], such as PARTUUID.

Passphrase protected volume

If using plain passphrase protection, ugrd should automatically detect it. Look for the following lines when running ugrd:


INFO | [root] Detected LUKS volume uuid: 4bb45bd6-9ed9-44b3-b547-b411079f043bINFO | [root] Configuring cryptsetup for LUKS mount (root) on: /dev/nvme1n1p1

Detached headers

To use UGRD to decrypt a LUKS volume with detached headers, stored on /dev/sda2 (Boot support):

FILE /etc/ugrd/config.toml

# This configuration should autodetect root/luks info and use detached headersmodules = [ "ugrd.base.base", "ugrd.kmod.standard_mask", "ugrd.crypto.cryptsetup"]# Wait a few seconds for storage to settle after modules are loaded if external or slow storage is used# mount_wait = true# mount_timeout = 3# kmod_autodetect_lspci = true# kmod_autodetect_lsmod = true[mounts.boot]type = "vfat"[mounts.boot.source]uuid = "BDF2-0139"[cryptsetup.root]header_file = "/boot/luks_header.img"

If the external storage which contains the detached headers isn't recognized immediately, a mount_wait can be set.

kmod_autodetect_lspci pulls kernel modules for all detected system hardware into the initramfs. kmod_autodetect_lsmod pulls all currently loaded kernel modules into the initramfs. The ugrd.kmod.standard_mask module ignores most kernel modules which are not required to boot.

Yubikey Protected GPG keyfile

To use UGRD with a YubiKey to decrypt /boot/crypt_key.luks.gpg with the public key at /etc/ugrd/pubkey.gpg:

FILE /etc/ugrd/config.toml

modules = [ "ugrd.base.base", "ugrd.kmod.usb", "ugrd.kmod.nvme", "ugrd.crypto.smartcard"]out_dir = "/usr/src/initramfs"sc_public_key = "/etc/ugrd/pubkey.gpg"mount_wait = truemount_timeout = 2[mounts.boot]type = "vfat"[mounts.boot.source]uuid = "BDF2-0139"[cryptsetup.root]uuid = "4bb45bd6-9ed9-44b3-b547-b411079f043b"key_type = "gpg"key_file = "/boot/crypt_key.luks.gpg"try_nokey = true

mount_timeout may need to be increased if keyfile storage initializes slowly.

try_nokey under [cryptsetup.<mapped_name>] is disabled by default and allows plain passphrase keyslots to be used as a final attempt for decryption.

Creating the initramfs image

UGRD can be used to create an initramfs image based on the current kernel version simply by running it as root:

root #ugrd

INFO | Intializing class: InitramfsGeneratorINFO | Module version: 0.20.0INFO | Intializing class: InitramfsConfigDictINFO | Module version: 0.13.0INFO | Loading config file: /etc/ugrd/config.tomlINFO | Processing module: ugrd.base.baseINFO | Processing module: ugrd.base.coreINFO | Resolved uid: 250INFO | Processing module: ugrd.fs.mountsINFO | Processing module: ugrd.kmod.kmodINFO | Processing module: ugrd.fs.cpioINFO | Processing module: ugrd.kmod.nvmeINFO | Processing module: ugrd.kmod.usbINFO | Processing module: ugrd.kmod.novideoINFO | Processing module: ugrd.kmod.nosoundINFO | Processing module: ugrd.kmod.nonetworkINFO | Processing module: ugrd.crypto.smartcardINFO | Processing module: ugrd.crypto.gpgINFO | Processing module: ugrd.base.consoleINFO | Registered custom init function: custom_initINFO | Processing module: ugrd.crypto.cryptsetupINFO | Adding library path: /usr/lib64INFO | Adding library path: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13INFO | [ugrd.crypto.cryptsetup] No retries specified, using default: 5INFO | Verified module depndencies: ['ugrd.base.base']INFO | Building initramfsWARNING | Cleaning build directory: /tmp/initramfsINFO | Autodetected root type: btrfsINFO | Autodetected root label: 2tINFO | Updating mount: rootINFO | Auto-enabling module: btrfsINFO | Processing module: ugrd.fs.btrfsINFO | Using detected kernel version: 6.6.11-customINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: usbcoreWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: usbcoreWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: usbcoreINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: scsi_modWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: scsi_modWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: scsi_modINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: ehci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: ehci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: ehci_hcdINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: ohci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: ohci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: ohci_hcdINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: ehci_pciWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: uhci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: uhci_hcdINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: xhci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: xhci_hcdWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: xhci_hcdINFO | Not adding built-in module to dependencies: btrfsWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kmod_init: btrfsWARNING | Removing ignored kernel module from kernel_modules: btrfsINFO | Adding GPG public key file to dependencies: /etc/ugrd/pubkey.gpgINFO | Source path for libgcc_s: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/libgcc_s.so.1INFO | Skipping mknod generation, as mknod_cpio is specifiedINFO | Running init generator functionsINFO | Init kernel modules: ['nvme', 'uas', 'dm_crypt', 'uhid', 'vfat']WARNING | Ignored kernel modules: ['usbcore', 'scsi_mod', 'ehci_hcd', 'ohci_hcd', 'uhci_hcd', 'xhci_hcd', 'btrfs']INFO | Wrote file: /tmp/initramfs/init_funcs.shINFO | Included functions: ['clean_mounts', '_mount_fail', 'mount_base', 'export_mount_info', 'mount_fstab', 'get_crypt_sources', 'crypt_init', 'mount_root', 'do_switch_root']INFO | Wrote file: /tmp/initramfs/init_main.shINFO | Wrote file: /tmp/initramfs/initINFO | Wrote file: /tmp/initramfs/etc/fstabWARNING | Deleting old file: /usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.old.1INFO | [1] Cycling file: /usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.old -> /usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.old.1INFO | [0] Cycling file: /usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.cpio -> /usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.oldINFO | Wrote 30390340 bytes to: /usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.cpio

By default, ugrd will build in /tmp/initramfs and will output to /tmp/initramfs_out. The configuration files above define the output dir to /usr/src/initramfs.

The ugrd package will install sys-kernel/installkernel-gentoo hooks automatically, making it run when make install is used against the Linux kernel sources.

To create an image for a specific kernel version, and output it to /boot/:

root #ugrd --kver 6.6.1-gentoo /boot/initramfs-6.6.1-gentoo.img

Embedding the image into the kernel

UGRD was designed to create a working directory which can be embedded into the kernel using CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE. The path to the build directory or the generated CPIO file can be used as a target for this parameter.

KERNEL Embed the initramfs into the kernel

General Setup --->[*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support (/usr/src/initramfs/ugrd.cpio) Initramfs source file(s)[*] Support initial ramdisk/ramfs compressed using gzip

.config equivalent:

CODE .config configuration for an embedded initramfs



If a step fails in UGRD, it will generally try to re-exec the init from the top, and will keep attempting this until it is successful, or the device is rebooted.

UGRD attempts to halt and wait for user input before continuing after a failure.

Older versions of UGRD opened a new Bash shell on failure, this isn't ideal for security, and was difficult to use properly.

Gentoo installation

If this procedure is being followed during a Gentoo install (in place of Handbook:AMD64/Full/Installation#Designing_a_partition_scheme through Handbook:AMD64/Full/Installation#Mounting_the_root_partition), the following steps can be used to mount the created partition, to continue with the install.

Mount the root partition

The logical volume for the root file system can be mounted at this created location with:

root #mount LABEL=rootfs /mnt/gentoo

fstab configuration

The correct fstab file must be edited, if this is being done before chrooting, ensure the correct path is being used. More information exists in the filesystem portion of the install guide.

For consistent volume mounting, labels and UUIDs must be used.

Block devices and their associated partition IDs can be viewed with:

root #lsblk -o name,uuid

NAME UUIDsda├──sda1 BDF2-0139└──sda2 0e86bef-30f8-4e3b-ae35-3fa2c6ae705bnvme0n1└─nvme0n1p1 4bb45bd6-9ed9-44b3-b547-b411079f043b └─root cb070f9e-da0e-4bc5-825c-b01bb2707704

With the partition UUIDs and labels identified, /etc/fstab can be edited to add relevant mounts:

FILE /mnt/gentoo/etc/fstab

# <fs> <mountpoint> <type> <opts> <dump/pass>UUID=BDF2-0139 /efi vfat noauto,noatime 0 1LABEL=boot /boot ext4 noauto,noatime 0 1LABEL=rootfs / btrfs defaults 0 1

Because the subvolumes are created where they would be mounted, they do not need fstab entries.

Finalizing the Gentoo install

The general install guide should apply. A few considerations must be made, the initial RAM filesystem must be built with support for decrypting the root partition, and the kernel commandline must be configured to pass parameters to the initamfs if required.

At this point, the Gentoo install can be continued normally: Installing a stage tarball

Additional information

SSD tricks

Using SSDs and also hybrid drives sacrifices some cryptographic security for speed-improvement and lower power consumption. See FAQs of cryptsetup for the details. Plan with drive's degradation and loss of space over time. With or without trim physical destruction of the drive is necessary. There are no guarantees that overwriting really changes bits in the drive's memory chips. This is not a problem of cryptsetup, LUKS or the kernel but caused by the firmware/ hardware/ vendor- and model-specific algorithms.

SSD trim allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally. Because low-level operation of SSDs differs significantly from hard drives, the typical way in which operating systems handle operations like deletes and formats resulted in unanticipated progressive performance degradation of write operations on SSDs. Trimming enables the SSD to more efficiently handle garbage collection, which would otherwise slow future write operations to the involved blocks. To enable SSD trim of encrypted root filesystem on LVM, edit the /etc/default/grub file if using genkernel:

FILE /etc/default/grub


If using dracut to generate the intiramfs the use:

FILE /etc/default/grub


If using systemd-based initramfs the use:

FILE /etc/default/grub


This will notify the kernel to enable trim on roots.

Edit the /etc/lvm/lvm.conf configuration file:

FILE /etc/lvm/lvm.conf

issue_discards = 1

This will notify LVM layer to enable SSD trim.

When using SSDs and UEFI-boot the boot sequence might be too fast. When entering the correct passphrase, the kernel will complain about missing modules or no root device. Try to add rootdelay=3 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub, or directly append it in edit mode of the GRUB menu when booting.

See also

  • Rootfs encryption — Encrypting the root filesystem can enhance privacy, and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Dm-crypt — a disk encryption system using the kernels crypto API framework and device mapper subsystem.
  • Encrypted bootable media with SecureBoot/GRUB/LUKS — Encrypting bootable media can enhance privacy, and prevent unauthorized access.


Full Disk Encryption From Scratch (2024)


Is full disk encryption enough? ›

FDE does not prevent viruses from attacking your files. Once you are logged into your computer, your files are visible not only to you but also the software on your computer. Viruses are software, and can access your data on your encrypted hard drive.

How to decrypt full disk encryption? ›

Overall Disk Decryption Steps with Memory Image:
  1. Acquire a memory image of or take the hiberfil. sys file from the target computer.
  2. Create an encrypted disk image.
  3. Run Passware Kit to recover the encryption keys and decrypt the hard disk.

Is full disk encryption overkill? ›

Recommendation: You can usually safely turn on disk encryption with HDDs, as it likely won't cause many problems regarding CPU load even within HCI . However the performance penalty in throughput and IOPS can be quite tremendous compared to non-encrypted operation.

Can full disk encryption be cracked? ›

In fact, most encryption is not cracked due to a flaw in the encryption algorithm itself but because of a careless mistake in its implementation. Due to how complex encryption is, such mistakes are easy to make, even by experts in the field.

What are the downsides of full disk encryption? ›

Drawbacks of full-disk encryption

If users forget their password and lose their recovery key, the device will be inaccessible to them, and they will be locked out just like an intruder. Data in transit isn't protected, so data shared between devices and through email is still vulnerable to hacking.

Can encrypted hard drives be hacked? ›

The simple answer is yes, encrypted data can be hacked. However, the situation is not as straightforward or as simple as that. Truthfully, hacking encrypted data is extremely difficult, time-intensive and involves a huge amount of technical knowledge on the hacker's part.

What is the hardest encryption to decrypt? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today. While it is theoretically true that AES 256-bit encryption is harder to crack than AES 128-bit encryption, AES 128-bit encryption has never been cracked.

How do I know if my full disk encryption is enabled? ›

Check if your device is encrypted (Windows 10 Home edition)

Select the settings cogwheel icon. Select 'Update & Security'. In the left-hand column, select 'Device encryption'. If you see the message 'Device encryption is on' with the option to 'Turn off', your hard drive is encrypted.

Does Windows 10 have full disk encryption? ›

Microsoft includes a full disk encryption feature built into Windows called BitLocker. BitLocker is available on supported devices running Windows 10/11 Pro, Enterprise, or Education edition. It is not available on Home edition.

How hard is it to break 128-bit encryption? ›

If you ask how long will it take to crack 128-bit encryption using a brute force attack, the answer would be 1 billion years. A machine that can crack a DES key in a second would take 149 trillion years to crack a 128-bit AES key.

How long does full disk encryption take? ›

How long will the encryption take? The length of time will depend on the size and speed of the hard drive in your computer. In our testing, the process has taken anywhere from 20 minutes to three hours.

What is a hard drive that uses full disk encryption? ›

Encrypted hard drives are a class of hard drives that are self-encrypted at the hardware level and allow for full disk hardware encryption while being transparent to the user. These drives combine the security and management benefits provided by BitLocker Drive Encryption with the power of self-encrypting drives.

How long would it take a computer to crack 256 bit encryption? ›

AES-256 encryption is virtually uncrackable using any brute-force method. It would take millions of years to break it using the current computing technology and capabilities. However, no encryption standard or system is completely secure.

Which encryption Cannot be cracked? ›

In cryptography, the one-time pad (OTP) is an encryption technique that cannot be cracked, but requires the use of a single-use pre-shared key that is larger than or equal to the size of the message being sent. In this technique, a plaintext is paired with a random secret key (also referred to as a one-time pad).

Can mobile devices have full disk encryption? ›

Caution: Only devices that launched with Android 9 or lower can use full-disk encryption. Devices that launched with Android 10 or higher must use file-based encryption instead. Android 10-12 support full-disk encryption only for devices that upgraded from a lower Android version.

Does full disk encryption work? ›

Full disk encryption protects the data on your device in the event it is lost or stolen. Without full disk encryption, if the data drive in the computer is removed, the data can be easily read and accessed.

Should I encrypt my entire hard drive? ›

If you lose physical possession of your computer, whole disk encryption can protect your data against falling into the wrong hands. Whole disk encryption has limits. It cannot protect your data when your computer is powered on and unlocked, nor can it protect your data from surveillance or network attack.

What are the disadvantages of BitLocker? ›

Cons of BitLocker

Asking a nontechnical user to know things about encryption keys and proper storage or backup of these keys is a bit much. Not having the key can lock legitimate users out of their own data and using BitLocker can significantly impact performance (up to 45%) in some cases.

Is 128 bit encryption good enough? ›

Our best guidance is that AES-128 provides more than adequate security while being faster and more resource-efficient but readers who want that extra security provided by greater key sizes and more rounds in the algorithm should choose AES-256.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.