Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (2024)

You've saved a fortune on that cheap holiday deal so why blow the budget while you're there? Avoid over-spending with these clever, and not so obvious, tips on how to save money on holiday.

1. Pay £1 for travel accessories

Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (1)

It's easy to forget those travel essentials and end up paying an extortionate amount at the airport. Make a list of anything you'll need and visit your nearest pound shop to bag cheap adaptors, eye masks, and travel cushions.

It's also worth borrowing items from your friends and family. This goes for anything holiday related - travel guides, camera tripod and more! Speaking of travel guides, you can also borrow these for free at your local library.

2. Ask staff for their personal hangouts

Don't just ask the staff at your hotel for their recommendations, actually ask them where they like to hang out. Where do they go for a family meal or to meet a friend for coffee at the weekend? You'll get to know the area far better and the chances are these places will be much cheaper and give you a more authentic taste of where you're visiting.

Eat and drink with the locals by seeking out the local haunts and avoiding places that are bursting at the seams with tourists!

3. Invest in a smart water bottle

It's easy to spend a small fortune on bottled water when you're abroad, especially when clean water is not readily available. Instead of stocking up on expensive bottled water (it can be pricey even in supermarkets) why not invest in a water bottle that has its own inbuilt filtration system?

There are a few available but we love the range at Water-To-Go. Their 3 in 1 filter provides safe drinking water anywhere in the world by filtering over 99.9% of all microbiological contaminants. They even say you can drink water from waterfalls and rivers so whether you're travelling to Rome or Africa, it's your must-have travel item. Just fill and go!

4. Make your own mini meals

Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (2)

It's never a good idea to skip meals - especially if you're in a hot country - but to save money, aim not to eat both lunch and dinner at a restaurant. If you're on the go during the day, pick up some cheap local produce like bread, cheese and cold meats for a packed lunch. You'll be surprised at how cheaply you can feed the whole family. Pick a nice picnic spot and enjoy the local scenery.

Alternatively, if you're lucky enough to have your own balcony in your room why not buy ingredients for a buffet and a bottle of wine. Sit and watch the sun go down for a few evenings - it can be just as lovely as eating out!

5. Take advantage of a free breakfast

If you get to tuck into a free breakfast buffet as part of your hotel stay make sure you make the most of it. Stock up supplies for the day. Bread rolls, cold meats, yoghurt, pastries, and fruit can all tide you over until dinner.

If you can, try to visit the breakfast buffet again just before it closes. That way you are only taking what is leftover and will probably just go to waste.

If breakfast isn't included, don't splash out on an overpriced hotel breakfast. You can find a nice local cafe that will fill you up at just a fraction of the price.

6. Head off the beaten track

It may seem obvious, but the closer you are to the tourist hubs the more expensive things will be. So whatever you're looking for - whether it be a restaurant, cafe, souvenir shop or place to rent a bike - head further out for the best bargains.

Just an extra five or ten-minute walk could halve your bill and give you a far more enjoyable experience.

7. Research travel passes and plan routes

Where possible, walk everywhere and anywhere you can! But when you need public transport, be sure to do some research before you buy. Transport passes can help you save a significant amount on tickets and by planning your route in advance you may be able to get away with a restricted pass for less money.

It's also worth finding out if your destination offer sightseeing passes. These can include free or discounted admission to popular tourists spots and may even include free access to public transport.

8. Apply for an EHIC card

Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (3)

The free European Health Insurance Card will enable you to access state-provided healthcare in European Economic Area countries for free or at a discounted rate.

It also entitles you to the same treatment as locals so if it's free for them, it will be free for you. This is extremely useful in medical emergencies so make sure you keep it on you at all times.

It's well worth applying for, and while it shouldn't be used as an alternative to travel insurance, it can help cover your treatment until you return to the UK.

Apply now for your freeEHICcard at the official website.

9. Shop smart and seek out local items

Do your research and find out what bargains the country or place you're visiting is famous for. For example, you could pick up some amazing Jade jewellery in northern Thailand or ham from Spain. Don't pick up items that the country have imported from elsewhere - stick to locally sourced and produced gifts and trinkets.

It also helps to keep a list of the average price of things so you can refer to it when you're out and about. This will ensure you're not getting ripped off and you're paying the right amount for that lavender bag or pint of draught beer.

10. Shop tax-free

While there's no tax or duty-free shopping within the EU, travel outside the member states and you could get a refund on the local taxes from shops participating in tax-free shopping for tourists. Keep all your receipts and present them at the airport before your leave - there should be a designated counter. For more information visit Global Blue.

11. Pack your own food essentials

Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (4)

Before you leave, pack a lunch box or Tupperware box with essential food items like tea bags, crisps, instant noodles, and sweets. These will come in handy for quick snacks on the go or when you get the midnight munchies - saving you a fortune in room service bills.

Take some tea bags out with you and just ask for some hot water when you're out and about.

12. Book online...even when you're there!

Don't just book your holiday and tours online before you jet off. Take advantage of free Wifi in hotels or your mobile data to get online.

Just like at home, you can book tickets to the theatre, days out and more for a fraction of the cost if you book on the internet. Find out the prices from local vendors then quickly have a scan on their websiteto see if you can get it any cheaper. You could save yourself a lot of money.

13. Play the age card

If you're over 60, under 18 or a student then make sure you enquire about any possible discounts. You could enjoy free admission to museums or popular tourist spots so always keep a copy of the relevant ID on you.This also goes for public transport passes and theatre tickets.

The discountsmay not be advertised so it's always worth asking at the counter.

14. Set yourself a budget

The idea of budgeting on holiday may seem a drag but it really will help you avoid spending money you don't have. Set yourself a daily amount to cover food, excursions, spontaneous shopping and tips. If you go over one day, just dock the amount from the next day and plan a picnic instead of lunch at a restaurant or cafe.

If you have money left over after your holidays, don't go mad buying last-minute duty-free items at the airport. Put it towards your next holiday!

15. Make your own travel-size toiletries

Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (5)

Don't splash out before you've even left!Mini travel products may look cute and convenient but they're hugely over-priced for what you get. Brands know they are convenience products so they charge you that bit extra. You can get more for your money by buying the larger version and taking a few minutes to decantit into a mini bottle.

You can get a pack of empty bottles from Poundland or Superdrug. Or you could even use those leftover minis from your last hotel stay! Just whatever you do, don't fall for the mini toiletries trap.

Not only will it save you money but it will also save you precious space in your suitcase. For more tips on how to pack a suitcase check out Genius Holiday Hacks: for your Suitcase.

Thanks for reading! Do you have any clever tips on how to save money on holiday?

Tell us in the comments section below!

Frugal Living: 15 Secret Ways To Save Money On Holiday (2024)


How to live extremely frugally? ›

  1. Frugal Living Homestead Style.
  2. Tips for Living Frugally+ Make a Budget. Spending Freeze. Sell Things You Don't Need. Don't Buy Things You Don't Need. Reuse and Repurpose What You Can. Make What You Can Yourself. Grow Your Own Food and Feed for Animals. ...
  3. Resources.
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24 ways to cut the cost of your holiday
  1. Buy cheap flights with price comparison search engines. ...
  2. Keep within the luggage allowances. ...
  3. Avoid extra in-flight costs. ...
  4. Travel by coach or train instead of flying. ...
  5. Get affordable travel insurance. ...
  6. Find deals on private travel sales. ...
  7. Book low-cost types of accommodation. ...
  8. Stay in hostels.
Mar 4, 2024

How to save money when you are already frugal? ›

Ten Frugal Habits to Save Money
  1. Track Spending.
  2. Automate Your Savings.
  3. Save Loose Change.
  4. Compare Prices & Comparison Shop.
  5. Avoid Spending Triggers.
  6. Shop Second Hand.
  7. Save Windfall Income & Use a Spending Rule of Thumb.
  8. Institute a Waiting Period.

How to be frugal but not cheap? ›

15 Tips for Living Frugally Without Looking Cheap
  1. Eliminate monthly subscriptions.
  2. Shop for new insurance.
  3. Reduce prescription costs.
  4. Buy used items.
  5. Rent, don't own.
  6. Purchase at the right time.
  7. Buy high-quality products.
  8. Enlist your friends.

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  1. Lower Your Housing Costs. Housing might be your biggest expense, and, if you want to make a $1,000 a month budget work, getting that cost down can help. ...
  2. Get Rid of Your Car. ...
  3. Eat at Home. ...
  4. Negotiate Your Bills. ...
  5. Learn to Barter and Trade. ...
  6. Get Rid of Debt. ...
  7. Adopt a No-Spend Attitude. ...
  8. Find Free or Low-Cost Ways to Have Fun.

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Tips to help you live below your means
  1. Create a plan for your money. The act of assigning a job for every dollar can be empowering. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Pay yourself. ...
  4. Live off one income if possible. ...
  5. Look for ways to lower your discretionary expenses. ...
  6. Reflect on your financial habits. ...
  7. Drive used. ...
  8. Pay less interest.
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The experts: money gurus' 20 failsafe, frugal tips to keep Christmas overspend at bay
  1. Limit your exposure to unreal expectations of Christmas. ...
  2. Don't throw money at the problem. ...
  3. Consider group presents. ...
  4. Try a Secret Santa. ...
  5. Reject the notion that 'it isn't Christmas without …' ...
  6. Budget for festive spending throughout the year.
Dec 7, 2023

How to go on vacation for free? ›

Yes, there are several ways to travel for free or at a significantly reduced cost. Some strategies include using credit card reward points, house sitting or pet sitting, volunteering, reconnecting with family and friends, and pursuing jobs that allow you to travel while earning an income.

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  1. Pick an Affordable part of the World to Travel. While you can find ways to travel for less anywhere around the world, especially with the tips below, certain places are cheaper to travel than others. ...
  2. Slow Down…. ...
  3. Avoid paying for Accommodation. ...
  4. Eat for Cheap. ...
  5. Give Yourself a Daily Budget.

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You might be surprised to learn that many millionaires clip coupons, buy in bulk, wait for sales, scour eBay and Craigslist for deals, limit clothing purchases, fly coach, avoid credit cards, and save half their restaurant meal for lunch the next day--habits that can free up cash for the occasional splurge.

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Living a frugal lifestyle means approaching your spending a little differently. And one of the most impactful shifts is to focus on the quality of your possessions rather than the quantity. Purchasing higher-quality clothing, furniture, appliances and so forth often means they will last longer.

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What are some tips for being frugal?
  1. Create a budget and stick to it. Being frugal begins with this tip. ...
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Buy what you need from the first store you see, but don't just go to the first one you see. ...
  3. Buy used instead of new. ...
  4. Make your own stuff. ...
  5. Repurpose and recycle. ...
  6. Be patient.
Aug 22, 2023

What is the hidden luxury of living frugally? ›

Sure, the world tells you to spend, spend, spend. But I'm here to tell you, there's a hidden luxury in living frugally, an unexplored path that leads to contentment. True luxury isn't owning more, but the freedom to enjoy life fully, unburdened by debt – that's the less-traveled path of frugal living.

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A frugal person will manage their money carefully, spend money sparingly, look for sales, and research diligently to make the most prudent financial decisions possible. This will ensure they save more money in the long term.

How to be frugal in 2024? ›

10 Frugal Habits To Adopt Right Away
  1. Cutting Your Grocery Bill. ...
  2. Searching for Cheap Entertainment. ...
  3. Joining Loyalty Programs. ...
  4. Selling Your Stuff. ...
  5. Avoiding Keeping Up With the Joneses. ...
  6. Reviewing Your Budget To See Where You Can Make Cuts. ...
  7. Automate Your Savings. ...
  8. Shopping Store Brands.
Jul 21, 2024

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How to live off the grid with no money
  1. Do a work exchange. If you're new to the off-grid life, a great way to start is through Worldpackers. ...
  2. Join an off-grid community. ...
  3. Find low-cost or free land. ...
  4. Construct a cabin or tiny house. ...
  5. Grow your own food. ...
  6. Fish responsibly. ...
  7. Forage for edible plants. ...
  8. Collect and filter water.

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6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.