From Russia With Lev (2024)

From Russia With Lev (1)

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Meg's raider gang is almost ready to attempt the raid on Vault 79.

From Russia With Lev is a main quest in the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders.

  • 1 Detailed walkthrough
    • 1.1 Check in with Lou
    • 1.2 Find Lev's mole
    • 1.3 Bring Lev to justice
    • 1.4 Tying up loose ends
    • 1.5 Return to Meg
  • 2 Quest stages
  • 3 Behind the scenes
  • 4 Bugs

Detailed walkthrough[]

Check in with Lou[]

Meg will ask the player character to check on Lou's progress with the vault job, who is at the Mysterious cave. Travel to the location and enter the keypad code given by Meg. The keypad code is randomized and is listed in the quest description if needed. Once the code is entered, head inside the elevator.

After arriving by the elevator to the entrance of Vault 79, approach with caution. Lou will be tied up and a yao guai is next to him, sleeping. Kill the yao guai to rescue Lou. Once the yao guai has been killed, untie Lou to continue. Next, speak to Lou, he will explain that Lev and other members of the gang sabotaged the vault heist by stealing his remote detonator and leaving him for dead. Return to Meg at the Crater to report Lev's betrayal.

Find Lev's mole[]

Back at the Crater, Meg will suspect that someone is acting as a mole for Lev, and she wants the player character to find out who, and deal with them as they see fit. The next objective is to interrogate Axel, Barb, and Creed. Optionally, the player character can speak to Molly the bartender if needed to figure out who is the mole.

Interrogate each raider while minding their individual descriptions. Axel will lie to protect others, Barb will lie to save face for others to take the blame, and Creed will tell the truth if pressured enough.

  • Speaking to Axel reveals that he and Barb are in a relationship, and Axel will lie about being Lev's mole to protect Barb. He will hesitate when the player character asks about Barb.
  • Speaking to Barb confirms that she and Axel are in a relationship, and she will instantly divert the blame to Creed, her brother, stating that Creed is Lev's mole.
  • Speaking to Creed reveals that he is easily pressured to tell the truth when threatened. Creed will claim that he is not Lev's mole.
  • Optionally, the player character can speak to Molly the bartender, for the truth.
    • Attempting to intimidate Molly by threatening her will result in a small loss to Raider reputation.
  • Molly will ask the player character for 300 caps in expenses (500 caps if the player character previously threatened her), in exchange for the information.
    • A Charisma 8+ dialogue option is available to bring down the price to 200 caps (300 caps if the player character previously threatened her).
  • Bribing Molly may be necessary to obtain the information of who is Lev's mole. Alternatively, the player character can tell Molly they wish to figure it out on their own.

Accuse the correct raider, Barb, and make her confess to being the mole. The player character has the option to either kill or spare Barb. Sparing Barb but threatening to kill her personally will result in a small gain to Raider reputation. Once the mole has been taken care of, and with the location of Lev's hideout now revealed, it is time to stop Lev.

Bring Lev to justice[]

Travel to Lev's hideout at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06's South Expansion. Kill all hostile raiders on the way to reach Lev, including Fisher and Surge. Fisher will be on the ground in raider power armor and wielding a minigun, while Surge will be on top of the makeshift tower above Lev's room in the middle of the cooling tower. Lev will be in his room in the middle of the cooling tower, the doors locked by Lev's hideout key, which can be looted by killing either Surge or Fisher (whoever is killed second will have the key). Once all hostile raiders in the vicinity have been killed, it is time to confront Lev. Open the doors to the middle workstation to confront Lev. Lev will be inside his room; speak to him to continue.

Various S.P.E.C.I.A.L. dialogue options are available: Strength, Perception, Endurance, and Agility, each at 8+, in order to make Lev talk. Lev will then willingly answer questions about how and why he betrayed Meg's gang, berating the Vault Dweller for their many possible questions. If asked about Rocco, he will tell the player character about his contact at Foundation. Once the player character has finished asking Lev any questions, he will give the Vault Dweller no choice but to kill him. Lev will refuse to be spared either way, even when given the option to leave Appalachia. Killing Lev is the only option to progress the quest.

Once Lev has been killed, take Lou's remote detonator from his corpse. The holotapes Apologies to Lou, Bless y'all's hearts and Rocco and Lev's deal can be obtained in this area which reveal more insight about why Fisher and Surge decided to join Lev.

Tying up loose ends[]

Optionally, before returning to Meg which will conclude the quest, the Vault Dweller can travel to Foundation and ask Ward about Rocco. Ward will be angry, but will mention that Rocco was exiled from Foundation for sowing discord among the people and ammo and weapons gone missing. Ward will mark the player character's map with Rocco's location, at Spruce Knob Boat Rental. Travel to Spruce Knob Campground and enter the Boat Rental building near the lake, dispatching any mirelurks nearby in order to enter.

Once inside the Spruce Knob Boat Rental building, the player character can find Rocco in the back room past the counter doors. Speak to Rocco to progress the optional objective. There are two options to deal with Rocco, to either spare or kill him.

  • If one wishes to spare him, continue to ask Rocco questions until the dialogue option for him to leave Appalachia is available. This will result in a small gain to Raider reputation.
  • An additional option is to say that he can live, and then kill him. The player character will receive double the reputation gain with the Raiders.

Once Rocco has been dealt with, take the holotape To Meg and Crater freaks and return to Meg at the Crater for a reward.

Return to Meg[]

Meg will ask if everything is taken care of now, lamenting the loss of Fisher and Surge as well as expressing her scorn towards the intolerant Lev.

  • Telling Meg that Barb was the mole will result in a small gain of Raider reputation. Meg will spare Barb but keep her in line.
    • Telling Meg about Rocco, and whether he was spared or killed, will result in a small gain of Raider reputation. If Rocco was spared, Meg will call the decision a rookie mistake, but that he is not their problem anymore. If Rocco was killed, Meg will say that sometimes examples have to be set and will applaud the player character for their decision.

With enough people still alive for the vault job, everything is good to go.

Quest stages[]

Quest stages
StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry
? Meet up with LouMeg wants me to go meet up with Lou at the entrance to Vault 79 and see if he needs any help setting up for the job.
? Use the code on the Keypad to enter: <Variable=MyVault79Code>In order to enter the vault and meet up with Lou, I need to put a code into the keypad at the secret entrance to Vault 79. Meg gave me a note with the code on it in case I need it.
? Save Lou from the Yao GuaiLou appears to be tied up, with a hungry Yao Guai nearby. I'd better defeat the beast before it can chow down on Lou, then I can free him from his predicament!
? Untie LouLou is still tied up. I need to free him and find out what happened here.
? Speak with LouI've freed Lou from his predicament. Now to ask him about what happened.
? Tell Meg about the betrayalLev and some of the other raiders sabotaged the vault heist by trying to kill Lou. They stole the remote detonator that we need to blast our way into the vault. I need to report back to Meg and figure out what to do about it.
? Interrogate the SuspectsMeg suspects Axel, Creed, or Barb may be working as a mole for Lev. I need to interrogate them. Supposedly, Axel tends to lie to protect others, Creed will tell the truth if pressured enough, and Barb tends to lie and throw others under the bus.
? Interrogate Axel
? Interrogate Barb
? Interrogate Creed
? (Optional) Find out what Molly knowsAccording to Molly, she overheard Barb talking to Lev about funneling information to him. Barb's the mole. I should confront her now and find out where Lev went.
? Accuse the AccompliceI have enough information, now I need to accuse the raider I suspect of being Lev's mole.
? Go to Lev's HideoutAfter interrogating my suspect, I now have the location of Lev's hideout. It's time to go there, bring him to justice, and get the From Russia With Lev (2) Lou's remote detonator back.
? Defeat Lev's GangLev and his gang have taken over one of the cooling towers at the Poseidon Power Plant. I need to fight my way to Lev and get what I came here for: the detonator, and maybe a little revenge.
? Get the Hideout Key
? Confront LevLev stopped fighting. I need to turn up the pressure on Lev, kill him if I have to, and get Lou's remote detonator back so we can finally proceed with breaking into Vault 79.
? Recover Lou's DetonatorI need to get Lou's remote detonator.
? Report back to MegI've got Lou's remote detonator. Time to tie up any loose ends, then get back to Meg so we can get this vault heist started.
? (Optional) Ask about Rocco at FoundationLev told me about Rocco, a resident of Foundation, who paid him to sabotage our vault job. If I want to get revenge, I should go ask around and find out where he is.
? (Optional) Find RoccoWard told me where I might be able to find Rocco. If I want to get revenge, I should go find him near Spruce Knob Lake.
? (Optional) Confront RoccoI found Rocco. Now's my chance to get revenge. But, maybe there's another way. I should interrogate him first.
? (Optional) Kill Rocco

Behind the scenes[]

The name of the quest is a reference to the 1957 James Bond novel, as well as the 1963 film of the same name.


  • From Russia With Lev (3) Prior to patch, it may not have been possible to enter Rocco's hideout at Spruce Knob Boat Rental. As team leader, or as a solo player, activating the doorway dimmed the HUD label from the door for a few seconds as usual, but there was no load screen and eventually the label was restored to the brighter state. This was corrected in patch's hotfix.[verified]
  • From Russia With Lev (4) From Russia With Lev (5) From Russia With Lev (6) If the player character is female, they will will not have the option to ask Rocco any more questions and will only get the ability to attack Rocco.[verified]
    • Because the dialogue option is flagged to incorrectly check for male player characters, there is a 50% chance Rocco will incorrectly call male player characters "lady."[verified]


QuestsThe WaywardWayward Souls· Hunter for Hire· Strength in Numbers· The Elusive Crane
OverseerThe New Arrivals· Overseer, Overseen
SettlersHere to Stay· Trade Secrets· Invisible Ties· Duty Calls· Siding with Foundation· Division of Wealth· All That Glitters· Secrets Revealed
Crater RaidersStrange Bedfellows· Cheating Death· Fun and Games· The Ol' Weston Shuffle · Siding with Crater· From Russia With Lev· Buried Treasure· Secrets Revealed
Ally (Comander Daguerre)Crash Landing· The Woman Who Fell to Earth (One Small Step· In Case of Emergency· Bring Home the Beacon· The Universe Conspires· Hope Remains· Search and Destroy· Heavy Eyes· Patently False· Privacy Violation· Contractually Obfuscated· Boot Camp· Past Expiration· No Brainer· Calling Long Distance· Who Sat Down Beside Her· Lab Rat)· Mission Out-of-Control
Repeatable: Access Denied· Battery Included· Breaking the Cycle· Build Failure· Close Encounter· Constants· Data Driven· Expired Contract· Faint Signal· Glitchcraft· No Exceptions· Out of Bounds· Overflow Error· Reset Variables· Return Package· Rogue Bot· Run Time Execution· Space Limitations
Ally (Beckett)Narrow Escape· An Eagle Flies Free· (Dirty Little Secrets· Exit Sage Left· Out of Key· Traitor's Demise· Supply and Demand· Spilling Blood· Pet Peeve· Shooting Star· Bot of Gold· Sibling Piracy· Needs of the Many· Eye for an Eye)· Thicker Than Water
Repeatable: Cropping Spree· Loose Ends· Saving Skin· Stalking Stuffer
OtherA Call For Help· Exterminate the Flatwoods Monster· Genetic Tracks· Lucky Find· Making Sacrifices· Marked for Death· Rescue Agency· Search and Rescue· Squash the Mothman· Threat Assessment· Time to Collect· Treasure Unknown
Daily/EventPhoto Opportunity· Radiation Rumble· Retirement Plan· Riding Shotgun· The Importance of Communication· Vital Equipment
AchievementsA Golden Future· A Solid Foundation· Behind the Curtain· Friends in Low Places· Go for the Gold· Gold Rush· Overdue Reunions· The New Fort Knox· Wayward Child· Wish upon a Star
LocationsAmmo dump· Anchor farm· Big Bend Tunnel (East· West)· Blake's Offering· Blood Eagle camp· Bloody Frank's· The Bounty· Carleton Mine· Clancy Manor· Cliffwatch· The Crater (Crater Core · Crater watchstation)· The Crosshair· Crimson Prospect· The Deep (Motherlode Acquisition Facility)· Foundation (Founder's Hall)· Freddy Fear's basem*nt· Gauley Mine exit· Grafton Pawn Shop· Grafton Steel Underground· Hornwright Estate· Hunter's Ridge· Ingram Mansion· Johnson's Acre· Kanawha County Cemetery· The Kill Box· Moth-Home· Mysterious Guidestones· Neighboring homesteads· Ohio River Adventures· Overseer's home· The Pigsty· Point Pleasant· Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 - South expansion· Ripper Alley· RobCo Auto-Cache 001· Rollins labor camp· Rosalynn Jeffries' shrine· Sacrament· Sacrifice altar· Secluded cave· Seneca Gang camp· Skullbone Vantage· The Sludge Works· South Cutthroat camp· Spruce Knob Boat Rental· Summersville (Duncan & Duncan Robotics)· Twin Pine Cabins· The Vantage· Vault 79· Watoga Underground· The Wayward· Widow's Perch· WV Lumber Co.
ItemsWeaponsBow· Cattle prod· Compound bow· Dynamite· Dynamite bundle· Fancy pump action shotgun· Fancy single action revolver· Final Word· Flare· Floater flamer grenade· Floater freezer grenade· Floater gnasher grenade· Gauntlet· Gauss minigun· Gauss pistol· Gauss shotgun· Old Guard's 10mm SMG· Plasma caster· Polly's Assaultron head· Slug Buster· Turbo-Fert fertilizer· The V.A.T.S. Unknown
Weapons modsCryo frame· Explosive frame· Flaming frame· Plasma frame· Poison frame· Prime frame· Standard frame· Shock pads
ApparelBlack suit· Black vest and slacks· Blood Eagle leather jacket and jeans· Blue Ridge Caravan outfit· Blue Ridge Caravan gas maskFrom Russia With Lev (7)· Chinese stealth armor· duch*ess's outfit· Dud explosive collar· Emmett Mountain hazmat suit· Fashionable raider outfit· Ghillie suit· Insurgent outfit· Polly's old head· Prototype steel mill paint· Radicals face mask· Raider culinarian outfit· Raider scabber outfit· Settler worker outfit· Secret Service armor· Secret Service underarmor· T-65 power armor· Treasure hunter outfit· Wasteland trapper outfit
Consumablesduch*ess's Dram· Mole miner pail· Nuclear Don's Custom Chem Blend· Nuka-Cola Cranberry· Nuka-Cola Vaccinated· Owlet meat· Owlet nuggets· Pepperoni roll
Misc itemsAltimeter chip· Blue Ridge supplies· Broken radio vacuum tube· David's trophy· Deactivated Liberator· Doctor Dias's brain· Experimental Pip-Boy schematic· Eyebot sensor module· Flight recorder· Gina's brain· Greg's brain· Lou's remote detonator· Mysterious map fragments· Package for Sam Blackwell· Package for Quinn Carter· Package for Calvin van Lowe· Package for Madeleine de Silva· Package for Sheriff Darcy· Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI kit· Pleasant Valley claim ticket· Prepped Doctor Dias brain· Prepped Gina brain· Prepped Greg brain· Radio vacuum tube· Recalibrated Liberator· RobCo tools· Robobrain head dome· Robobrain interpolator· Scanner upgrade· Treasury Note· U.S.S.A. beacon· U.S.S.A. crew dog tags· Vault 79 plans
Junk itemsBuffout supply· Dubious gold bar· Floater flamer pus sac· Floater freezer pus sac· Floater gnasher pus sac· High Int rock· Intrusion module· Medical scanner· Medium Int rock· Multiscope· Poison supply· Questionable gold bar· Suspicious gold bar· Turret circuit board· Water cooled bone saw· Wendigo colossus vocal sac
Characters by factionBlood EaglesFrank the Butcher· Frankie Beckett· Jessi the Hook· Line Chef Larry· Star· The Blood· The Eye
Blue Ridge Caravan CompanyAries· Carver Timmerman· Eugenie· Kieran Kennedy· Libby Wen· Rudy Fernandez· Vinny Costa
Free RadicalsBatter· Davey· Jacky· Roper
Sargento's gangDeathklaus· Glenn· Hal Gleeson· Maximum Maddie· Nuclear Don· Registration guard· Sargento
Secret ServiceAC· Digger· Mercy· Pita· Regs· Slick
SettlersAubrie Willem· Davie Taylor· Derrick Taylor· Dylan Rhodes· Elsie Taylor· Fred Radcliff· Gate guard· Heather Ellis· Jen· Agent Mochou· Oliver Fields· Paige· Penelope Hornwright· Recalibrated Liberator· Rocco· Samuel· Settler forager· Settler wanderer· Sunny· Thompson· Ward
Wastelanders raidersAe-Ri· Aldridge· Axel· Barb· Blackeye· Bronx· Bruiser· Caleb Fisher· Chompkins From Russia With Lev (8)· Creed· Fishbones· Former raider· Fritz· Gail· Gnash· Hijack· Johnny Weston· Kiyomi· Kogan· Lev· Lucky Lou· Meg Groberg· Molly· Mortimer· Munch· Ra-Ra· Raf· Raider punk· Rocksy· Ronny· Rose· Surge· Weasel· Wren
The WaywardBessie· Crane· Cherise· duch*ess· Jide· Mort· Patrons· Polly· Smiley· Sol
Miscellaneous charactersArtemis· ATHENA· Beckett· Beggar From Russia With Lev (9)· Bethy Mangano· Brass· Fuzzy Brenda· Bronx· Carla· Daniel· Davenport· Dino· Dontrelle Haines· Dorothea Dias· Dylan Rhodes· Emerson Hale· Frida Madani· Gilbert Hopson· Gina Bailey· Greg Goldstein· Hannah· Hubert· Hunter· Hunter (ally) From Russia With Lev (10)· Isela Mejia· Joe Creigh· Jonah Ito· Julie· Juliette· Agent Kensington· Lacey Drummond· Liebowitz· Loris· Lucy's owner· Maram Ayari· Marion Copeland· Mechanic From Russia With Lev (11)· Murray· The Naturalist From Russia With Lev (12)· PANDORA· Professor-bot· Robinson· Sage· Scavengers· Scavenger traders· Skinner· Sofia Daguerre· Tiffany Brantley· Traveling merchants· Treasure hunter· Ursala· Vault 76 overseer· Wandering storyteller· Xavier· From Russia With Lev (13) (Estella· James Addison· Kelemen· Miller· Scott Malish· Tom's robot)
CreaturesFloater· Owlet· Wendigo colossus
FactionsBlood Eagles· Blue Ridge Caravan Company· Cult of the Mothman· Free Radicals· Secret Service· Raiders· Settlers


OverseerReclamation Day· First Contact· The New Arrivals· Overseer, Overseen
RespondersThirst Things First· Second Helpings· Final Departure· An Ounce of Prevention· Into the Fire (Runner's High)· The Missing Link
RaidersSignal Strength· Flavors of Mayhem· Key to the Past
Free StatesEarly Warnings· Reassembly Required· Coming to Fruition
Brotherhood of SteelDefiance Has Fallen· Recruitment Blues· Back to Basic (Marksmanship Course· Agility Course· Patriotism Training· Live Fire Training Exercise)· Belly of the Beast
EnclaveUncle Sam· Bunker Buster· One of Us· Officer on Deck· I Am Become Death
The WaywardWayward Souls· Hunter for Hire· Strength in Numbers· The Elusive Crane
FoundationHere to Stay· Trade Secrets· Invisible Ties· Duty Calls· Siding with Foundation· Division of Wealth· All That Glitters· Secrets Revealed
Crater RaidersStrange Bedfellows· Cheating Death· Fun and Games· The Ol' Weston Shuffle · Siding with Crater· From Russia With Lev· Buried Treasure· Secrets Revealed
Fort ATLASWelcome to the Neighborhood· Forging Trust· Mother of Invention· Field Testing· Disarming Discovery· Property Rights· Supplying Demands· Over and Out· The Best Defense· A Knight's Penance· Missing Persons· Out of the Blue· A Satisfied Conscience· The Catalyst
Atlantic CityAll the World's a Stage· Opportunity Knocking· Sins of the Father· Tax Evasion· The Most Sensational Game· The Human Condition· Custodial Compulsions· Regent of the Dead
Order of MysteriesInto the Mystery· Initiate of Mysteries· Novice of Mysteries (Chasing Shadows· Forging a Legend· Prototypical Problems)· Seeker of Mysteries· The Mistress of Mystery
SheepsquatchLying Lowe· Baa Baa Black Sheep· The Lowe-Down· Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Pioneer ScoutsBucket List· The Order of the Tadpole (Tadpole Archery Test· Tadpole Athletics Test· Tadpole Swimming Test)· Possum Junior Roboticist Tour
BeckettNarrow Escape· An Eagle Flies Free· (Dirty Little Secrets· Exit Sage Left· Out of Key· Traitor's Demise· Supply and Demand· Spilling Blood· Pet Peeve· Shooting Star· Bot of Gold· Sibling Piracy· Needs of the Many· Eye for an Eye)· Thicker Than Water
Sofia DaguerreCrash Landing· The Woman Who Fell to Earth (One Small Step· In Case of Emergency· Bring Home the Beacon· The Universe Conspires· Hope Remains· Search and Destroy· Heavy Eyes· Patently False· Privacy Violation· Contractually Obfuscated· Boot Camp· Past Expiration· No Brainer· Calling Long Distance· Who Sat Down Beside Her· Lab Rat)· Mission Out-of-Control
Vinny CostaCosta Business: Carver· Costa Business: Eugenie· Costa Business: Herschel· Costa Business: Kieran· Costa Business: Libby· Costa Business: Rudy· Costa Business: Vera
A Perfect Getaway· An Organic Solution· Breaking Radio Silence· Bureau of Tourism· Cold Case· Falsely Accused· Home Expansion· Miner Miracles· Mistaken Identity· Overseer's Mission· Personal Matters· Safe for Work· Something Sentimental· Tentative Plans· That Sinking Feeling· The Motherlode· Tracking Unknowns· Treasure Unknown· Unsolved: Best of Intentions· Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy· Unsolved: Picnic Panic· Unsolved: Tracking Terror· Waste Management· Wasted on Nukashine· A Refugee's Guide· Code Blue· From Ashes to Fire· Hunter's Mark· Mutual Aid· Recipe for Success· Responders Reborn· Union Dues· Protocol Adonais
Camera Shy· Chess Problem· Dog Ex Machina· Garbage Day· Honor Roll· Hotel Makeover· Impostor Syndrome· Letters to Home· Lover's Quarrel· Conversion Error· Mr. Makeover· No Surprises· Reading Material· Responder Recruitment· The Perfect Fussfungle· Toothache· Ultimate Showdown· Weapon of Choice
From Russia With Lev (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.