Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (2024)

Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (1)Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (2)

My Watermelon Blueberry Salad With Super Greens combines the freshest Summer produce with a hint of mint. It’s cool, refreshing, and just sweet enough! One serving is full of bioactive-rich ingredients to nourish your body from the inside out.

This salad is a hit with adults and kids alike. Eating healthy has never tasted better!

Table of Contents:

  1. Benefits of Eating Seasonally
  2. Healthy Salad Ingredients 101
  3. Make Watermelon Blueberry Salad

Benefits of Eating Seasonally

Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (3)

Eating seasonally means you focus your menu on what foods are in season. If you’re a gardener, you probably already do this to some extent. There are so many benefits to eating this way, but here are a few of my motivators.

Eating Seasonally Is Budget-Friendly

If you scan your local grocery store ad, chances are, the produce that’s on sale is what’s in season. This is because there’s more of it to go around, and businesses need to get rid of it! When you eat seasonally, you’re also able to take advantage of farmer’s markets, where home-grown treasures are abundant.

Eating Seasonally Encourages Creativity

Eating seasonally gives you plenty of opportunities to try new things. I’m sure you can think of some foods that you already eat seasonally, like pumpkin pie or cranberry wassail. Expand that way of thinking to include more seasonal produce. If you need help, our recipe index contains family-friendly recipes, many of them labeled by season.

Eating Seasonally Can Help You Prepare Well

Preparation is key to most things in life, including healthy eating. A little prep work comes in handy, especially if you live in an area with a lot of intense weather! I love having a “cheat sheet” that tells me when certain things are in season. I can then start stocking up on ingredients to turn them into full meals.

Here are a few seasonal produce ideas to get you started:

Spring: Celery, asparagus, beets, greens, peppers, strawberries, turnips

Summer: Summer squash, carrots, cauliflower, watermelon, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini

Fall: Pumpkins, broccoli, Winter squash, apples, pears, plums, garlic

Winter: Brussel sprouts, radishes, cabbage, leeks

This list varies by state and climate. If you want a more detailed look, check out Seasonal Food Guide’s fantastic website (1)!

Healthy Salad Ingredients 101

Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (4)

This recipe contains fresh, fun ingredients! The sweetness of the fruit blends perfectly with the dark, earthy taste of greens. It’s Summer in a bowl! Here’s what you need to make this recipe.

Watermelon: The warmth of Summer brings many luscious, juicy watermelons. This melon has a high water content of over 90%! It helps hydrate your body in a fun, sweet way. Watermelon contains a lycopene compound, which can help your body fight cancer (2). It adds such a bright flavor to this salad!

Blueberries: Blueberries are full of beautiful antioxidants that can protect your body from free radicals. Free radicals contribute to many health factors, including aging! If you want to boost your brainpower, grab a handful of berries! Studies show that antioxidants in blueberries can also increase your cognitive function (3).

Lemon Juice: A squeeze of lemon juice freshens any salad and gives your body a dose of vitamin C! Pro tip: Squeezing lemon juice over fresh fruit helps it not brown. I love the light citrus note lemon gives this side dish.

Liquid Stevia: Instead of sugar, we use liquid stevia. Stevia is low-glycemic, meaning it won’t raise your blood sugars. Liquid stevia is perfect for any recipe as it blends beautifully. Some powdered stevias can contain fillers to keep it dry, so we prefer liquid when possible. You won’t notice any aftertaste, which can be the case with some alternative sweeteners.

Mint: There’s nothing better than a mint-watermelon combination! I love growing fresh mint in my garden. It doesn’t require a lot of space or upkeep! Mint is a fantastic herb to keep on hand, as it helps settle queasy stomachs.

Mint has a hefty dose of vitamin A, which helps your vision, immune system, and reproductive organs (4).

Vegan Dairy-Free Mozarella Style Cheese: We use vegan cheese to keep this side dish dairy-free. You only need a small amount to add a lot of texture to this salad! Mozzarella-style shreds have a light taste that pairs perfectly with fruit and greens.

Our favorite brands include Daiya, Kite Hill, and So Delicious. All of those options taste fantastic, and they even melt!

Spinach: Spinach is full of fiber, which helps your body feel full. Spinach has such a great flavor, and it adds so much to this dish! Aside from that, the dietary fiber in spinach can help protect your body from digestive diseases, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases (5).

Kale: Kale is a fantastic cruciferous veggie. It’s full of phytonutrients that give it anti-cancer properties (6). The cool thing about kale is that you have to chew it to activate its significant benefits. God has a creative mind! To avoid bitterness, discard the stems. Your compost pile will appreciate them!

Sea Salt: Traditional table salt lacks nutritional quality, so we recommend using sea salt. Table salt goes through a rigorous process that strips away any minerals. We love Colima sea salt because it’s minimally processed and tastes great!

Make Watermelon Blueberry Salad

This salad comes together in minutes! You’ll be able to feed 2-4 people generously. It’s the perfect side dish to throw together for any Summer barbeque.

Watermelon Blueberry Salad With Super Greens

Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (5)


Prep time

Total time

Author: Mama Z

Serves: 2-4 servings


  • 5 cups organic cubed watermelon
  • 1 pint organic blueberries
  • Juice of ½ organic lemon
  • 1 dropperful liquid stevia
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint
  • ½ cup vegan dairy-free feta alternative or vegan mozzarella-style shreds*
  • 2 cups organic baby spinach
  • 2 cups organic Tuscan kale or other kale (remove stems and spine and tear into small pieces before measuring)
  • Pinch of freshly ground pink Himalayan salt or sea salt
  • Supplies:
  • Large mixing bowl


  1. In a large bowl, combine the cubed watermelon and blueberries. Pour the lemon juice and stevia over the top.
  2. Sprinkle on the mint and the vegan cheese, if using. Toss thoroughly to combine.
  3. Toss the spinach and kale together in a large bowl. Top with the fruit and cheese mixture. Sprinkle with sea salt.


*Good brands of dairy-free cheese include Kite Hill, Daiya, So Delicious, Violife Foods, and Follow Your Heart.

Step One: Combine the Fruit

Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (6)

In a large bowl, combine the chopped watermelon and blueberries. Pour the fresh lemon juice and stevia over the top. Sprinkle mint and vegan cheese over the fruit. Toss thoroughly to combine the flavors. Set aside to let the stevia soak in.

Step Two: Mix the Greens

Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (7)

In another large bowl, toss the spinach and kale until well-mixed. Top the greens with the fruit and cheese mixture. Sprinkle with sea salt. I recommend serving this salad right after making it. Enjoy!

Want a savory side dish? Try our Southern Potato Salad. It features multiple kinds of potatoes and is vegan and dairy-free! It’s always a hit with our guests.

Don’t forget to download my Recipe Makeover to help you start making changes in your fridge and pantry! Minor changes add up to a healthier way to live. This guide features simple ingredient swaps that can transform old recipes into healthy fuel that tastes amazing!


Fresh & Delicious Blueberry Watermelon Fruit Salad Recipe (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.