Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | United Debt Settlement (2024)

At United Settlement, we are committed to helping our customers solve their debt problems and get back on the right track financially. Below please find many of the most frequently asked questions that our customers ask throughout the year.

What is a credit report?

If the bill in question comes from your doctor, and you know your doctor reasonably well, try working out a payment plan. Alternatively, if you have an emergency fund set aside, inquire as to whether the office would accept a reduced settlement lump sum payment in cash. You can also offer to pay a similar amount to what your doctor accepts from major medical insurance companies for similar treatment. If you’re dealing with a hospital bill, contact the billing office and have every charge fully explained to you. No detail on a hospital bill is too small – be fully thorough in your questioning, as this is the best way to guard against any potential billing errors and fraud. If you spot any expensive procedures listed on your hospital bill to which you don’t recall consenting, dispute them with the billing office.

What is considered a good or excellent credit score?

FICO scores, created by the Fair Isaac Corporation, range from 300-850 and are utilized by many lenders. FICO scores above 670 are considered good, with scores above 740 considered excellent.

The VantageScore, which was developed by the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion), also uses a range of 300-850, with scores above 700 considered good and scores above 750 considered excellent.

Can I request free copies of my credit reports?

There are two ways to request free copies of your credit report. Visit to request a free credit report from each of the three national credit reporting bureaus – Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. At the above website, you have the opportunity to receive a free copy from each bureau every twelve months. Accordingly, it can be a good idea to stagger your free reports throughout the year, rather than requesting all three reports at the same time. You can also request free copies of your credit report by calling 888-574-5454

It is a good idea to periodically view your credit report to ensure it remains an accurate reflection of your debt repayment history. If you do spot any inaccuracies, contact the appropriate credit bureau and initiate a dispute if necessary.

When you order own credit report or check your FICO score online through a credit card company that provides this benefit, there will be no adverse impact on your credit score. However, there can be a mild negative impact to your score if you apply for more than one line of credit within a short period of time.

Should I close out credit cards or other available lines of credit that I don't really use?

No – your credit score would go down if you did this. Your credit score is in part determined by your credit utilization ratio – that is, the percentage of available credit that you have actually borrowed. The higher the credit utilization rate, the lower your credit score. Therefore, keeping unused available credit lines open will lower your credit utilization rate, and this is a good thing for your overall credit score and profile.

For how long do late payments or a bankruptcy filing remain on a credit report?

Late credit card payments will typically remain on your credit report for seven years. For this reason, it is always important to pay your credit card bills in a timely manner each month. For those considering bankruptcy, you should know that a bankruptcy filing will remain on your credit report for ten years.

How can I improve my credit score?

Above all, get into the habit of consistently paying your bills in a timely manner. If you’re having difficulty making payments, contact your creditors to work out a payment plan or consult with a reputable credit counseling service who can help structure a debt management plan or other viable solution appropriate to your specific financial situation.

If you’re not having difficulty making payments, then work to decrease your total debt load relative to your aggregate available credit lines. Lowering your debt utilization ratio will help raise your credit score. Additionally, you should periodically verify that your credit reports do not include any inaccuracies that may be harming your credit score.

What is Penalty APR?

on time. Penalty APR is typically applied for six months and often is significantly higher than the previous interest rate. Avoiding Penalty APR is yet another reason to consistently pay credit card bills in a timely manner.

How can I rebuild my credit if no one will give me a credit card?

You may want to consider applying for a secured VISA credit card, one in which you deposit money into a savings account and the card is then used for purchases up to the amount of your deposit. This is an excellent way to begin the process of rebuilding your credit.

A credit card account from fifteen years ago is displayed on my credit report. Are accounts supposed to stay on my credit report for this long?

If you look closely at your credit report, you’ll likely find that credit card account activity from more than ten years ago actually reflects a positive item – namely that you paid your bills on time. Negative items – such as missed payments and late fees – will remain for seven years, while bankruptcies and judgments remain for ten years. If you discover negative items on your credit report that extend beyond these time frames, contact the credit reporting agency that issued the report and dispute the error.

I am recently divorced. Should I take any steps to protect my credit profile?

If you and your former spouse opened any joint credit card accounts or other credit lines – including mortgages and auto loans – then you’ve got to stay on top of these situations. Contact each creditor to determine whether you can convert joint accounts into individual accounts, and make every effort possible to remove your former spouse as an authorized user from any credit card accounts that bear your name.

What is credit counseling?

Credit Counseling is a wise option for those who need help getting back on track financially. A skilled, certified credit counselor from a reputable agency will conduct an initial 30-45 minute telephone interview related to your income, expenses and debt levels, before making a determination as to what may be the best solution for your specific financial situation. Common solutions including enrolling in a debt management plan, taking out a debt consolidation loan or pursuing debt settlement.

What is a debt management plan?

A debt management plan (DMP) is a common solution for individuals who are carrying too much unsecured credit card debt and are having difficulty paying bills to a number of different creditors each month. A reputable credit counseling agency can structure a DMP for you in which you make one streamlined payment each month to the counseling agency, who in turn allocates funds to your various creditors. All accounts included in a DMP become inactive, and the closing of these accounts will temporarily negatively impact your credit score. However, a DMP will result in a lower blended monthly interest rate and monthly payment while giving you the opportunity to demonstrate a consistent payment history, rebuild your credit profile and get out of debt over a three- to five-year time period.

What is a debt consolidation loan?

A debt management plan (DMP) is a common solution for individuals who are carrying too much unsecured credit card debt and are having difficulty paying bills to a number of different creditors each month. A reputable credit counseling agency can structure a DMP for you in which you make one streamlined payment each month to the counseling agency, who in turn allocates funds to your various creditors. All accounts included in a DMP become inactive, and the closing of these accounts will temporarily negatively impact your credit score. However, a DMP will result in a lower blended monthly interest rate and monthly payment while giving you the opportunity to demonstrate a consistent payment history, rebuild your credit profile and get out of debt over a three- to five-year time period.

What is debt settlement?

Debt settlement can be a good idea when a debtor has already fallen behind on a number of different credit card accounts. Creditors recognize that delinquent accounts that are approaching charge-off status may eventually become worthless to them, and are often willing to accept less than the total balance owed as a result. A debt settlement firm may be able to successfully negotiate a lower balance payoff – and even get the creditor to mark the account as “paid in full” on a credit report, though creditors are under no legal obligation to accept settlement offers.
What is bankruptcy and how does it work?

The primary purpose of bankruptcy is to provide a fresh start to those who are unable to pay their debts. Under Chapter 7, debtors may be required to relinquish property that is then sold, the proceeds of which are used to pay creditors. Most remaining debt balances are then discharged. Those declaring bankruptcy under Chapter 13 can typically retain their property, but must commit to a court-ordered repayment plan lasting three to five years.

Will bankruptcy erase my debts?

Declaring Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will discharge most debts, with the exception of some student loans and recently incurred debts. Under Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, an individual is required to repay some debts over a three to five year time frame, after which time remaining balances are erased.

How much will bankruptcy hurt my credit report?

A bankruptcy filing stains a credit report for ten years, and declaring bankruptcy forces a credit score to drop significantly – as much as 200 points or more.

What is a home equity loan and what are the benefits?

Home equity loans and lines of credit can be utilized to pay off high interest rate unsecured credit card debt, with the underlying property utilized as collateral to secure the loan. Such a loan will often result in lower interest rates and lower monthly payments that are spread out over a longer period of time – often as long as 15-30 years.

Do you have any additional questions that we haven’t addressed here? Please add them in the comments below.

Business Debt Frequently Asked Questions

Will this process affect my company’s credit?

Have you checked your credit recently? Most likely since you are discussing debt negotiation or debt management your personal or business credit is already declining or shows some sort of delinquency. At this current moment, by using the United Settlement debt strategy we will be lifting your credit by diligently working towards reducing your past due debt.

Will I be able to do business with my creditors again?

In most cases, creditors won’t turn down an opportunity If there is cash available most likely your vendor or creditor will be interested in accepting it. Creditors and Vendors are also small businesses and do understand that at times business isn’t always perfect. As a business person repositioning your business and managing your payables indicates you are serious about who you are and the business you want to conduct. In time, a professional line of communication will be opened to you, as well a line of credit if you have kept to your side of the agreement.

My creditor keeps harassing me. What do I do?

Creditors and lenders do have the right to pursue collection activities once a debt goes into default. Collectionactivities include emails, calls, and at times litigation. Creditor calls can be frustrating, but the options available are limited; either you answer the phone call or you dont. In the event, you do answer the phone briefly, explain your hardship and disconnect the call. It is very important to understand that any information obtained by the debt collector may be used against you.

Should I just file for bankruptcy?

The United Settlement program provides a key benefit, which is a primary focus is to prevent Chapter 11 – the elimination of harassing creditor calls and reorganization of capital without the cost of bankruptcy.

How much will debt settlement cost me?

There is a small administrative fee and a service fee which are already implemented within the program payments. United Settlement works on a paid-on performance basis. Our fees are based on a percentage of the total debt enrolled. The total cost will be less than what you currently owe. Our clients have saved an average of 25% of the debt enrolled, including fees. The benefit is mutual – We are working to save you as much money as possible being that we are a paid-on performance company. Knowing this, you can be certain that United Settlement will work to get you the best possible settlement that works around your budget.

My creditor stated he doesn’t work with your company is threatening me with a law suit?

We have shown favorable outcomes for our clients – being that we are successful in obtaining a debt reduction when negotiating with creditors. Nonetheless, in some cases creditors or the assigned agents to the debt will be against negotiating a reduction. In these situations, United Settlement will negotiate a payout plan within our client’s budget.

Why can’t I negotiate with my creditors on my own?

Dealing directly with your creditors on past due debt tends to be very emotional. United Settlements business debt reduction program removes the sentiment and is the most effective way to get you out of debt with creditors quicker and more efficiently than if you tried on your own. United Settlement provides an outline to creditors, creating a better understanding of your financial situation making the settlement process a logical solution for all parties involved.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | United Debt Settlement (2024)


What should I ask for in a debt settlement? ›

It's generally a good idea to start with a lower offer than you're willing to pay. This will leave room for negotiations. If your creditor won't accept your settlement offer, ask about a payment plan. Consider payment plans that would work for you in case the creditor offers something different from what you propose.

What is negative about debt relief? ›

Stopping payment on a debt means you could face late fees and accruing interest. Additionally, just because a creditor agrees to lower the amount you owe doesn't mean you're free and clear on that particular debt. Forgiven debt could be considered taxable income on your federal taxes.

Can I still use my credit card after debt settlement? ›

The short answer is Yes, people are generally allowed to use their credit cards after debt consolidation as it does not typically involve closing credit card accounts.

Does paying a settlement hurt your credit? ›

Debt settlement typically has a negative impact on your credit score. The exact impact depends on factors like the current condition of your credit, the reporting practices of your creditors, the size of the debts being settled, and whether your other debts are in good standing.

How much money should I ask for in a settlement? ›

Ask for more than what you think you'll get

In other words, if you think your lawsuit might be worth $10,000, ask for $17,500 to $20,000. It's generally best not to ask for more than that, as the negotiations might stall.

What percentage should I offer to settle debt? ›

What Percentage Should You Offer to Settle Debt? Consider starting debt settlement negotiations by offering to pay a lump sum of 25% or 30% of your outstanding balance in exchange for debt forgiveness. However, expect the creditor to counter with a request for a greater amount.

Why should you avoid debt settlement companies? ›

Fees and costs: Debt settlement companies may charge fees for their services, which can add to your overall debt burden. However, debt settlement is free if you do it yourself. Tax implications: The IRS may count the forgiven portion of your debt as taxable income, which may result in additional tax liabilities.

Does debt forgiveness ruin your credit? ›

Debt forgiveness may negatively affect credit scores, making it challenging to obtain future loans or credit. Forgiven debt of more than $600 may be considered taxable income, potentially resulting in a hefty tax bill.

What are the disadvantages of a debt relief order? ›

Disadvantages of Debt Relief Orders
  • There are tight income, asset and debt restrictions on who can apply for a DRO.
  • If your circ*mstances change, you may still be required to repay your creditors.
  • Your debt relief order will appear on your credit file for six years.

Will my credit score increase after settlement? ›

The short answer is no, settling your credit card debt (also known as credit card debt forgiveness) will not directly improve your credit score. In fact, the process of settling debt can initially have a negative impact on your credit score.

Can I buy a house after debt relief? ›

Yes, it is possible to buy a home after debt settlement, but it may present challenges. Lenders may view individuals who have settled debts as higher risk borrowers, which could affect their ability to qualify for a mortgage or result in higher interest rates.

What is the disadvantage of credit card settlement? ›

Disadvantages. Creditors might not be willing to negotiate: There's no guarantee that a creditor will accept a settlement offer. Fees are likely: For-profit debt settlement companies typically charge fees for their services — usually 20% to 25% of the final settlement amount.

Is settling debt worth it? ›

Debt settlement can be a way to reduce your debt, but it should be viewed as a last-ditch effort to prevent further harm to your finances. It is considered a risky way to negotiate and lower your debt because it damages your credit score, has tax implications, may not solve your problem and more.

How does debt settlement affect your taxes? ›

You should expect to pay the same income tax rate for settled debt as you pay on your income. For example, if you're in the 22% income tax bracket and have $600 worth of canceled debt, the tax bill would come out to $132 ($600 x 0.22).

How to repair your credit after debt settlement? ›

Here are a few things you can do to improve your credit quickly after you've completed the debt settlement process:
  1. Get in touch with a reputable credit repair expert.
  2. Get a secured credit card.
  3. Maintain a good credit utilization ratio.
  4. Pay your bills on time.
Jun 13, 2024

What is a fair debt settlement offer? ›

Creditors will usually agree to accept 40% to 50% of what you owe in a DIY debt settlement.

What to ask for when paying off a debt collector? ›

Contact the Collection Agency

Once you've agreed on a payment amount, ask for a written statement showing that your offer will be accepted as “payment in full.” You can also ask to have the account removed from your credit reports; however, debt collectors are not legally required to honor such a request.

What is a reasonable full and final settlement offer? ›

It depends on what you can afford. Your full and final settlement should offer equal amounts to each creditor. For example: Your lump sum is 75% of your total debt. You should offer each creditor 75% of what you owe them.

What do you say to a debt collector to settle for less? ›

Find a number you're comfortable with and say, “this is what I can afford to give you,” period. They can take or leave it, it's your choice and not theirs.” Oftentimes, debt collectors will agree to accept as payment-in-full a lump-sum amount that is only a fraction of the total debt.

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