Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (2024)

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Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby jastevenson »

If you're making contributions to your investments (in my case, an after-tax account), are there any recommendations on the frequency of the contributions?

For example, is it better to invest:
$1000/weekly ($200 * 5 days)
$2000 biweekly
$4000 monthly

Can't seem to find hard info on this...

Thanks! Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (1)


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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby GoldenFinch »

I don't know. We invest bi-monthly in retirement (no choice there)), weekly in taxable and monthly in 529.

I think if you read all of the lump sum versus dollar cost averaging threads you'll see that lump summing, when you get the money, is more likely to be advantageous (time in the market vs. timing), but dollar cost averaging reduces risk of regret (slightly).

What is really important is that the money gets invested.


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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby Hop »

I invest monthly (in my taxble account), usually during the last few days of the month. I've read that is "the best time", but I do it mostly because that is just a routine I started years ago. I'm not sure it makes much difference once your investments have grown large compared to your periodic contributions. Also, I use those monthly investments to help maintain my AA at the desired percentages.


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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby YttriumNitrate »

jastevenson wrote:If you're making contributions to your investments (in my case, an after-tax account), are there any recommendations on the frequency of the contributions?

This probably depends on A) any transaction fees associated with putting money into the investment, and B) the amount of automation in the transaction.


Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (2)

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Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (3)

David Jay
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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby David Jay »

Long term, the market goes up.

The sooner you get in the market, the more growth you get.

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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby dbr »

David Jay wrote:Long term, the market goes up.

The sooner you get in the market, the more growth you get.

Exactly so. In this case if you save up the $4000 over a month, then on average you are holding $2000 out of the market perpetually. If the expected return in your investments is 6% you are losing $120/year for the delay. If you actually have, say, $250,000 invested that $120 loss represents a drag on your portfolio of 0.05%. If your portfolio is smaller than that the issue becomes larger in relative terms. If there is no cost to invest you can make your own decision how frequently to do it, but as a practical matter monthly would seem fine.

A question though, how do you obtain daily income to invest? Most people get paid at most on a biweekly basis and more likely monthly.


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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby Leeraar »

I don't think it matters, within reason.

Be careful not to start down the slope of market timing, by waiting for down days. Do something random, like the second Thursday and the second last Tuesday of each month, (or the 9th and the 22nd) and then forget about it.

Transaction costs and record keeping (paperwork) dictate that you sort of want to minimize transactions. Daily? Do you really want 200 250 transactions a year?

The similar question is often asked about rebalancing frequency. I look at that at least once a year when I am getting my tax records together. I also look when people start yelling that the sky is falling. There are many baroque schemes for rebalancing that come down to beliefs in momentum and reversion to the mean: They are market timing strategies. (I rebalance if I need to move more than about 2% of total assets around. Since we mostly own Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate, which is a balanced fund in itself, this is not usually a big deal.)


Last edited by Leeraar on Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (4)

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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby family_doc »

I would place these transactions on autopilot, if possible. If these additions are able to be done automatically, so much the better. Just like automating as many financial transactions as possible is a good habit to aquire, imho. You are less likely to forget, procrastinate, make up excuses for not investing, etc. I believe that frequency of contributions, assuming that contributions are ongoing, is a small issue. If you do your own accounting/tracking via Quicken/Mint/Excel spreadsheet/etc. than less transactions are easier to input, if done manually.

with kindest regards,



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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby dbr »

I still want to know how one has $200 available daily. If the question was should a person who gets $4000 in hand invest it now or dribble it in @$200/day, the answer is invest it all now.


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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby Gill »

If you invested daily for, say, ten years you would have about 2,500 individual tax lots. Sounds like fun!

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Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (5)

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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby goingup »

Invest when you have the money, is what many investors say. In a taxable account, we invest monthly and quarterly, automatically. More frequently than that wouldn't be my preference.


hnzw rui
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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby hnzw rui »

Biweekly - that's when I get the paycheck. Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (6)

Somewhat easy since funds are going to 457 and Roth IRA so no need to keep track of basis.


Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (7)

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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby ruralavalon »

Invest whenever you have money to invest, do this automatically each pay period if at all possible.

Make investing routine. Take the decision-making, guesswork, and emotion out of the process.

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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby Morik »

As soon as you have money; investment has a positive expected value (i.e., returns > 0%).
Thus, to maximize return, invest as much as you can as soon as you can.

If you get paid every 2 weeks and want to invest some of it, you will (on average) get a better return investing it as soon as you get it, vs waiting.
(So if you have $100 to invest, you'll make more on average by putting it all in at once than by investing it over 7 days. Or than by saving the $100 you want to invest from each paycheck for 6 months, and then investing all $1200 at once. Just invest it as soon as you get it.)


Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (8)

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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby LiveSimple »

Gill wrote:If you invested daily for, say, ten years you would have about 2,500 individual tax lots. Sounds like fun!

Most of the fund companies can calculate the Capital Gains for you.
You can sell whatever portion you do want, the company will calculate the Capital Gains

Invest when you have the money, sell when you need the money, for real life expenses...


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Re: Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly?

Postby Lafder »

It is best to invest when you have the money, and set it up for automatic transactions so you don't forget.

$200/daily x5 x 52 = $52,000 ((assuming holiday transactions still occur the next business day))
$1000/weekly ($200 * 5 days) x52 = $52,000
$2000 biweekly x26 = $52,000
$4000 monthly x12 = $48,000 ((This is why biweekly mortgage payments get the loan paid off faster!))

As far as different tax lots, I let Vanguard and Fidelity's computers track that for me so it is not an issue. I agree a daily contribution seems a lot of transactions for a small amount. PIck the number and dates convenient for you.



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As an investment expert with a deep understanding of various strategies, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article regarding the frequency of contributions for the best return. The participants in the forum are seeking advice on how often to contribute to their investments, considering different time intervals such as daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

  1. Lump Sum vs. Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA):

    • User GoldenFinch introduces the debate between lump sum investing and dollar-cost averaging. Lump sum investing involves investing a larger amount at once, taking advantage of time in the market. On the other hand, DCA spreads investments over time, reducing the risk of regret in case of market fluctuations.
  2. Routine and Timing:

    • User Hop shares a personal routine of investing monthly during the last few days. This routine, although possibly influenced by external advice, emphasizes the importance of consistency in investment habits.
  3. Consideration of Transaction Fees and Automation:

    • User YttriumNitrate highlights the relevance of transaction fees and the level of automation in investment decisions. Transaction costs can influence the optimal frequency of contributions.
  4. Market Timing and Down Days:

    • User kingsnake mentions a strategy of letting funds accumulate and then investing on down days to potentially capitalize on market opportunities. This approach aligns with the idea of avoiding quarterly distributions and associated taxes.
  5. Long-Term Perspective:

    • Users David Jay and dbr emphasize the long-term perspective, advocating for getting into the market as soon as possible to benefit from overall market growth.
  6. Practicality and Income Frequency:

    • User Leeraar suggests that within reason, the frequency of contributions might not matter significantly. He advises against market timing and proposes a random schedule to minimize transactions.
  7. Automation for Consistency:

    • User family_doc recommends placing transactions on autopilot for consistency, emphasizing the importance of automation in financial habits to avoid procrastination and ensure regular investments.
  8. Maximizing Return through Early Investment:

    • User Morik emphasizes the positive expected value of investment and recommends investing as much as possible as soon as possible to maximize returns, aligning with the concept of time in the market.
  9. Tax Considerations and Capital Gains:

    • Users Gill and LiveSimple discuss the potential complexity of managing multiple tax lots in the case of frequent contributions. They mention that fund companies can help calculate capital gains, mitigating this concern.
  10. Automatic Contributions for Routine:

    • Users goingup, ruralavalon, and Lafder stress the importance of making investing a routine, suggesting automatic contributions whenever funds are available. This approach simplifies decision-making and minimizes the impact of emotions on investment choices.

In summary, the discussion encompasses various perspectives, considering factors such as market timing, transaction costs, tax implications, and the psychological aspect of routine and consistency in investment practices.

Frequency of contributions for best return: daily? weekly? monthly? (2024)


Should I invest daily, weekly, or monthly? ›

As you saw, investing once a month gets you all the goodies. Plus, most people have a monthly income cycle, so monthly SIPs perfectly gel with that frequency. So, by all means, you can go for monthly SIPs, as the above data shows that daily or weekly SIPs don't enhance your returns significantly.

How do you calculate monthly return contributions? ›

Take the ending balance and either add back net withdrawals or subtract out net deposits during the period. Then, divide the result by the starting balance at the beginning of the month. Subtract 1 and multiply by 100, and you'll have the percentage gain or loss that corresponds to your monthly return.

Is it better to invest monthly or quarterly? ›

In theory, investing in stocks that pay dividends monthly versus quarterly could work in an investor's favor if they're able to compound their money faster. So not only could they benefit from more regular dividend income payments, they could also potentially see more income from those stocks over time.

Is dollar cost averaging monthly or weekly? ›

Dollar-cost averaging is the practice of putting a fixed amount of money into an investment on a regular basis, typically monthly or even bi-weekly. If you have a 401(k) retirement account, you're already practicing dollar-cost averaging, by adding to your investments with each paycheck.

What is the 11am rule in trading? ›

What Is the 11am Rule in Trading? If a trending security makes a new high of day between 11:15-11:30 am EST, there's a 75% probability of closing within 1% of the HOD.

How often should you invest in the S&P 500? ›

A simple strategy for investing in the S&P 500 is to buy a set dollar amount each week or month and hold it for the long term. This is known as dollar-cost averaging. Dollar-cost averaging is a strategy where you divide the total amount you want to invest across periodic purchases of the target asset.

What is the magic of compound interest? ›

In other words, compound interest involves earning, or owing, interest on your interest. The power of compounding helps a sum of money grow faster than if just simple interest were calculated on the principal alone. And the greater the number of compounding periods, the greater the compound interest growth will be.

What is a good ROI per month? ›

What is a good ROI? While the term good is subjective, many professionals consider a good ROI to be 10.5% or greater for investments in stocks. This number is the standard because it's the average return of the S&P 500 , an index that serves as a benchmark of the overall performance of the U.S. stock market.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

What is the best day of the week to buy stocks? ›

Timing the stock market is difficult, but understanding when to trade stocks can help your portfolio. The best time of day to buy stocks is usually in the morning, shortly after the market opens. Mondays and Fridays tend to be good days to trade stocks, while the middle of the week is less volatile.

What are the worst months for the stock market? ›

NYSE Composite Seasonal Patterns
  • Best Months: April, July, October, November, and December.
  • Worst Months: January, February, June, August, September.
Jul 1, 2024

Is it better to invest weekly or monthly in mutual fund? ›

Studies have shown that SIP frequency, be it daily, weekly or monthly, has no major impact on returns. The difference in returns between daily, weekly or monthly SIPs is negligible over time. However, you could struggle to monitor your investment if you opt for daily SIPs over monthly SIPs.

Is it better to invest every week or every month? ›

A year has 52 weeks and only 12 months. So if you invest monthly, you invest $12k a year. If you invest weekly, you invest $13k a year. Here the weekly approach wins clearly with a 7.89% advantage.

What is the best frequency to dollar cost average? ›

Most investors prefer the monthly dollar cost averaging method. This is a more familiar frequency to those used to a SIPP plan where funds are taken directly from your salary and invested into your investment account.

What is the biggest reason people choose not to save and invest? ›

They could be completely afraid to invest. It could be that their risk tolerance is very low. Maybe they just don't think they want or need any additional funds. Being content is another reason that someone wouldn't invest.

Is it better to trade weekly or monthly? ›

An advantage of trading monthly options is that it offers better opportunities for traders who want to take a more relaxed approach to their trading. With monthly options, you can use a long call or a long leave it to sit after putting a sell price and stop loss in place.

Is it better to save weekly or monthly? ›

While many people prefer a monthly budget, a weekly budget can be a better option for others. It gives added control and flexibility in wrangling your finances. For instance, if you get hit with a bigger than expected bill in the first week of a month, you can take steps to accommodate that.

Is it worth investing $100 a week? ›

Don't miss. In a new report, the Milken Institute recommends that Americans start investing for their retirement at age 25. Saving $100 a week as of that tender age will, by the power of compounding, yield $1.1 million by age 65 (assuming a 7% annual rate of return).

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