Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (2024)

My FREE 3 Day Keto Diet Plan with menu and recipes will get you into ketosis FAST, so you can start losing weight immediately! Set yourself up for success and scroll down to get all of your how to start keto questions answered below.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (1)

Thousands have used this free keto diet plan as an easy way to get started on the ketogenic diet – then have gone on to achieve their long term goals with incredible weight loss by using my12 weeks of free keto meal planswith recipes for ketogenic meals and shopping lists included.

You can do it too!

Read on to find everything you need to know about the keto low carb diet in an easy to understand format, and get started today!

Table of Contents

  • How to Succeed on the Keto Diet Plan…
  • Basic Strategy for Getting into Ketosis Fast
  • Free Keto Diet Resources
  • Frequently Asked Questions – How to Start a Keto Diet
  • How Many Carbs Should I Eat to Get into Ketosis?
  • How Long Will it Take me to Get into Ketosis?
  • How Will I Know if I’m in Ketosis?
  • What is Keto Flu? Will I have keto flu symptoms on this plan?
  • Do I need to track my macros for this keto diet plan to work?
  • What foods should you avoid on a keto diet?
  • What CAN you eat on a Keto Diet?
  • 3 Day Keto Diet Plan in Summary:
  • 3 Day Keto Menu Plan for Getting into Ketosis
  • What do I do now that I’m in Ketosis?
Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (2)

How to Succeed on the Keto Diet Plan…

Some of you may be new to keto eating, and whether you are following Atkins, Keto, or another low carb plan, there are a few basic things you should know. The following are some things that I’ve found to be true by my own experience with low carb or keto dieting.


I’m going to say that again so pay attention.

Eat enough salt!

When you eat keto your body doesn’t retain water the same way, so sodium and other important electrolytes get flushed out quickly. You need to replenish these or you will feel awful – it can even lead to heart palpitations, panic attacks, and other scary things.

Salted bone broth or stock is a great way to replenish your electrolytes while on the ketogenic diet. In addition, you should supplement potassium (I use alight saltwhich is half sodium and half potassium – works great and you can find it in your spice aisle) andmagnesiumto avoid lightheadedness, cramps, headaches, etc. Vitamin C is also good.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (3)


How much water do you need to drink on keto?


Think you’ve had enough? Wrong.


You should slosh when you walk and be pee-ing every 10 minutes like you’re 9 months pregnant with an 11 pound baby bouncing on your bladder like a pogo stick (you moms know what I’m talking about).

This is important. I don’t want to hear any whining about how you don’t like the taste of water, etc. You can throw of few drops ofmioin there if you need to, but put your big girl pants on and drink it.

Aim for at least 100 ounces a day – especially in the first couple of weeks until your body adjusts. Then you can lower it to 99 ounces a day if you’re feeling confident…

Just kidding. DRINK THE WATER.

(Necessary internet disclaimer: Use your heads people – there is such a thing as too much water so don’t get crazy about it and drink 5 gallons a day, but do aim for a minimum of 100 ounces a day – maybe more if you have a lot of weight to lose or are working out heavily.)


Don’t obsessively plan everything and overwhelm yourself so it feels harder than it has to. This may be controversial for some, but I’m here to tell you not to worry about calories, or nitrates, or Omega 3 vs Omega 6, or if the meat you’re eating skipped about on acres of lush pastureland, while being hand fed organic vegan feed by the tiny perfect hands of 1000 virgin milkmaids.

Get into ketosis using this simple keto diet plan. Give your body time to adapt to it so you can function. THEN you can worry about fine tuning, deciding if you need to count total carbs, or if you’re eating the healthiest fats (olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, etc.) and all the other stuff. Seriously.

Along the same vein, some of my recipes on the blog includehemp seeds,coconut flour,almond flour, and other not so easy to find ingredients – IGNORE THOSE RECIPES (for now).

The focus here is, again, simplicity. You will likely be irritable, fatigued, and not feeling awesome during the first three days to a week. Trust me on this – the last thing you are going to want to do is make complicated meals.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (4)

READ LABELS – Don’t assume anything is a free food!

All brands are not created equal. Sometimes (but not always) you have to pony up on the keto diet for the name brand over the generic because the carbs are less – this is generally true with cream cheese for example.

When buying heavy cream, go organic if you can find it because some brands use thickeners that add carbs.

Buy your cheese in blocks or slices rather than in shreds – the shredded cheese is coated with food starch to avoid clumping and that adds carbs.

Garlic, onions, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, mushrooms, berries, and yes even some herbs and spices – all contain carbs that add up. If you aren’t getting into ketosis there is a reason – it’s usually hidden carbs that you aren’t counting. When in doubt, look it up on sites likeCalorie KingorMy Fitness Palto be sure.

If you are not, or never have been, the proud owner of your very own uterus, then I suggest you skip over this one. You’ve been warned.

This one is strictly for the ladies out there.

The first month or two on keto you may experience some strange periods (aka. Shark Week.) Don’t be alarmed. When you lose weight and your body detoxes from sugar and excess carbs, all kinds of hormonal changes (for the better) occur. Initially though, you may experience heavier periods than normal, more extreme PMS symptoms, etc. This is normal, and while it’s inconvenient it shouldn’t last more than a few months at the most.If your weight loss is rapid on keto (let’s hope), you may also lose more hair than normal for a month or two. It can be disconcerting, but it’s not permanent and will stop when your hormones regulate.

I have experienced all of these things on keto since I started, and I can promise you that the increased energy, weight loss, better skin, and other pros far outweigh these few temporary issues. Stay the course unless something seems really wrong, in which case you should see your doctor just to be on the safe side.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (5)

Basic Strategy for Getting into Ketosis Fast

The basic strategy on this 3 Day Keto Menu Plan is:

a) never get too hungry

b) stuff your face full of delicious, high fat, very low carb foods often

c) eat until you are full

Once you open the door to hunger, your resolve can fly right out the window and you’re back to square one (sadly, I speak from experience on this.)

If you follow this plan you can be confident that you will get into ketosis quickly!

Free Keto Diet Resources

If you have anxiety about eating more fat, or wonder if going keto will raise your cholesterol, here is a list of links to some great resources on the science of the Keto Diet, how and why it works, testimonials & success stories, etc.

Everything about Keto(Reddit Forum)
Keto FAQ(r/keto)
Keto Video Compilation(collection of free videos from around the web)
Low Carb High Fat for Beginners(website)
Guide to Ketosis(website)

Frequently Asked Questions – How to Start a Keto Diet

How Many Carbs Should I Eat to Get into Ketosis?

Eat 20g or less of net carbs per day if you want to get into ketosis.

Net carbs are calculated by subtracting the fiber grams (or sugar alcohols in some cases) from the total carbs grams. Don’t guess – you’d be surprised how many grams of carbs there are in things you might have considered “free” like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and kale, just to name a few.

It won’t be easy at first, but you NEED to stay the course. Your body is going to be like an angry child having a tantrum – IT WANTS SUGAR, PASTA, PIZZA, POTATOES, OR RICE NOW, but you aren’t going to give it any are you? ARE YOU???

Just like with children, the key is to distract, distract, distract (oooh shiny!) Give it something else desirable, (keto friendly snacks like bacon, cheese, etc.) even if it isn’t what it really wants. Don’t give in thinking you’ll feel better if you just eat a little bit of carbs – there is no compromising!

Eat 20g net carbs (or less) a day on the Keto Diet. LEARN IT!

It’s tough love time people, trust me on this.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (6)

How Long Will it Take me to Get into Ketosis?

On average it takes most people about three days to get into ketosis using this free keto diet plan. If you are very resistant or have never done keto before, it may take you as much as five days so hang in there.

How Will I Know if I’m in Ketosis?

I recommend that you purchase someketostix– they aren’t expensive and you can even cut them in half to get double the strips. Some people say they don’t matter, but when you are suffering as much as you will be in the first few days, it’s nice to get the validation that it’s working.

The sticks will confirm that ketones are being excreted through your urine. That’s all. They won’t change color at all for no ketones, then there is trace (light pink) and it goes up from there to dark purple. The darkness of the stick doesn’t matter. As long as you are showing even trace amounts, then you are in ketosis and good to go. In fact, if you are showing really dark on the stick, you may be dehydrated and need to drink more water (see below.)

If you decide to stay on a keto diet for a longer time, you may want to invest in a blood glucose monitor (I like and use the Keto Mojo model) that will give a more accurate picture of how much ketones and glucose are in your blood.

What is Keto Flu? Will I have keto flu symptoms on this plan?


If this is your first time doing keto you may be blindsided by the detox symptoms. I’m not going to lie, depending on how carb heavy your diet is when you start, you may wish you were dead by day three of this Keto Kick Start Plan.

You may experience headaches, bone deep fatigue, irritability, dizziness, nausea, and more, depending on your body.

Hang in there, it’s worth it! The first three days on the Keto Diet are the hardest. Some of you have done it before and know to just ride it out and it will all get better soon.

Those of you who may be new to what they call “keto flu” might panic, thinking your death is imminent. I can assure you that it is highly unlikely that you will die from sugar/carb withdrawal – but just to be sureit’s always wise to consult your doctor before you embark on any new eating plan, or if something feels truly off it’s better to be safe than sorry – seek medical attention if you feel it’s necessary – especially if you have a pre-existing condition like diabetes and are on medication to control your blood sugar.

Most symptoms of keto flu can be alleviated by supplementing electrolytes and drinking enough water.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (7)

Do I need to track my macros for this keto diet plan to work?

In a word, no. Not on this plan anyway because I’ve done all the tracking for you.

This 3 day ketogenic meal plan is Low Carbohydrate / Moderate Protein / High Fat in order to get you into ketosis quickly. You can fine tune and track macros once you’ve gotten the hang of it – or continue with my 12 weeks of free keto meal plans which, like this one, have done all the counting and tracking for you – it couldn’t be easier.

To find out how much fat/protein you should be getting for your body, try this handyketo calculator.

If you’re going to do this thing you have to commit to eating fat – throw your old ideas about fat = bad out the window and embrace it.

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (8)

What foods should you avoid on a keto diet?

This is not an exhaustive list but these are some of the main things you need to avoid eating when on a keto diet:

Beans and legumes

Potatoes and sweet potatoes

Grains like wheat, corn, rice, and cereals

Sugar and natural sweeteners like agave, honey, and maple syrup

High sugar fruits

Starchy vegetables like butternut squash, plantains, and yucca/cassava

What CAN you eat on a Keto Diet?

There are endless combinations of food and it really depends on your personal preference.

Here is a brief list of foods that are excellent on a keto diet (There are many more):

Animal proteins like chicken, beef, pork, lamb, turkey, fatty fish

High fat dairy (sour cream, heavy cream, aged cheeses, keto friendly ice cream)

Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, greens, cauliflower, and cucumbers

Low-sugar berries like raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries in moderation

3 Day Keto Diet Plan in Summary:

Consume 20g or less of net carbs per day on this keto menu plan, not too much protein, lots of fat, drink at least 100 ounces of water per day, get plenty of salt and supplement with potassium and magnesium. Boom, three days later you’re in ketosis (which you can measure with yourketostix,) and on your way!

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (9)

3 Day Keto Menu Plan for Getting into Ketosis

This free keto diet plan should be more than enough to get you started on the ketogenic diet, and well on your way to losing weight and feeling great!

Remember, we’re not concerned about calories right now – it’s just about getting into ketosis – lots of satiating fat, not a lot of carbs. That is all.

Day One


Cream Cheese Pancakes with butter and sugar free syrup (if desired)
coffee with heavy cream (& no carb sweetener if desired)
bacon or sugar free breakfast sausage


2-3 String Cheese


Ham and Cheese rolled in Cream Cheese Pancakes with mayonnaise and arugula or spinach


Half an avocado with lite salt and pepper


Classic Buffalo Wings
sugar free blue cheese dressing
celery sticks


1 servingChocolate Truffles (optional)

Day Two


Eggs (any style)
bacon or sugar free sausage
coffee with heavy cream (& no carb sweetener if desired)


Half an avocado with lite (potassium) salt and pepper


Easy Keto Tuna Salad
Romaine lettuce leaves (just spoon it in and eat like a taco)
1 cup chicken broth


12 almonds and/or 2 string cheese


10 minute no-chop chili
cheddar cheese, sour cream, and pork rinds for dipping (optional)


1 servingChocolate Truffles (optional)

Day Three


Cream Cheese Pancakes
coffee with heavy cream (& no carb sweetener if desired)
bacon or sugar free breakfast sausage


12 almonds and/or 2 string cheese


Leftover 10 minute chili, tuna salad, or ham and cheese/pancake rollups


1 cup chicken bro
half an avocado with lite salt and pepper


Easy Cajun Chicken
Cheesy Cauliflower Puree
2 cups baby spinach with carb free dressing


1 servingChocolate Truffles (optional)

Feel free to mix and match or eat the same thing every day if you want to – as long as you stay under 20g net carbs. I hope that you will let us know how it works for you in the comments – I’m curious to see how you guys fare on it.

What do I do now that I’m in Ketosis?

Finished with the kickstart? Congratulations! Now continue on your keto journey with theWeek One Keto 7 Day Meal Plan and Shopping List!

Free Keto Diet Plan - 3 Day Quick Start Menu with Recipes & FAQs (2024)


What is the best first meal for keto? ›

What to eat in the first week of your keto diet
  • Breakfast: You can fry two eggs in butter and serve them with sauteed greens of your choice.
  • Lunch: Go with a bunless burger and top it with vegetables of your choice (mushrooms, tomatoes, or peppers) and some cheese and avocado.

What should I have first in the morning on a keto diet? ›

Pour eggs, a protein of your choice (sausage, ham, bacon), and cheese into a dish and bake for a hearty, carb-light, first-of-the-morning meal.

Is there a keto app that is free? ›

Senza — best free keto app for beginners. Senza is a free app that guides you through your keto journey one day at a time. The app allows you to track the food you eat and plan keto-friendly meals. For those needing additional guidance, the Senza provides a digital coaching feature to help you achieve your goals.

What happens on the first 3 days of keto? ›

In the initial stages of a ketosis diet, people may feel more tired and weaker than usual. This fatigue occurs as the body switches from burning carbohydrates to burning fat for energy. Carbohydrates provide a quicker burst of energy to the body.

What foods kick start ketosis? ›

The following is a list of the best healthy food options for a keto diet.
  • Fish and seafood. Fish and shellfish are good choices if you're following a keto diet. ...
  • Meat and poultry. ...
  • Non-starchy vegetables. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Nuts and seeds. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • High-fat dairy products.
Mar 24, 2024

How do I start my keto diet for the first time? ›

Decrease carbs (but eat more veggies)

With Atkins 20, net carbs are restricted to 20g or fewer per day for about two weeks to guarantee that ketosis is achieved. After this induction phase, you will gradually add small amounts of net carbs back into your diet while still burning fat.

How many eggs in the morning on keto? ›

It's totally fine and safe to eat up to 6 eggs a day while on the keto diet. You can consume even more eggs per day occasionally, as long as you make sure that you eat your greens, healthy fats and proteins from other sources.

What fruit can you eat on keto? ›

Keto fruits by definition are low in carbohydrates. You still need to exercise portion control with most keto-friendly fruits to be within the limits of a keto diet. Keto-friendly fruits include avocados, watermelon, strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, raspberries, peaches, cantaloupe, star fruit, and blackberries.

What can you drink in the morning for keto? ›

Good morning!

Black coffee and all types of tea contain less than 1 gram of carbohydrates per serving. If you want milk, go for unsweetened options such as almond or coconut milk. Otherwise, why not add a dash of heavy cream instead of cow's milk to ensure your drink is keto friendly?

What is a keto breakfast? ›

Shrimp, Avocado, and Egg Chopped Salad

Salads are a great keto breakfast option–especially when they're as portable as this recipe. The super simple bowl combines shrimp, eggs, and avocado for a fat and protein-packed way to start your day. Get the recipe for Shrimp, Avocado, and Egg Chopped Salad»

What is the lazy keto program? ›

The lazy keto diet is essentially another low-carb eating plan that helps with weight loss. The cardinal rule to lazy keto is to eat no more than 20 grams of carbs per day. Unlike the original keto diet, you do not have to track your calories. You also do not have to count other macronutrients: fat and protein.

Is peanut butter keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

What's the hardest day of keto? ›

1.The First 10 Days May Be The Toughest

Many people starting off keto will go through this and it's often referred to as the “Keto Flu”. It's caused by your body adjusting to burning fat for energy instead of carbs and it can make you feel weak and lethargic.

What color is ketosis urine? ›

Any color on the ketone strip, from pink to purple, indicates fat burning (ketosis). Some people get a darker ketone strip color and achieve the same weight loss results as someone with a lighter color. Your “positive” color result can vary throughout the day for many reasons.

Should you eat breakfast on keto? ›

Skipping breakfast is a key aspect of the ketogenic diet. The reason for this is simple: by avoiding carbohydrates in the morning, we allow our bodies to stay in a state of ketosis where we burn fat for energy instead of glucose from carbs.

What is a normal keto dinner? ›

Keto-friendly foods

Poultry: chicken and turkey. Fatty fish: salmon, herring, and mackerel. Meat: beef, venison, pork, organ meats, and bison. Full-fat dairy: unsweetened yogurt, butter, and cream, but check the labels as dairy does contain some carbs.

How do I survive my first week of keto? ›

How to Survive & Thrive On a Keto Diet
  1. 1.The First 10 Days May Be The Toughest. ...
  2. Incorporate Electrolytes to Prevent or Mitigate Unpleasant Keto Side Effects. ...
  3. Fat-Boosted Coffee and Matcha is a Game-Changer! ...
  4. Start Gradually Preparing Before “Going Live” ...
  5. Think About Protein.

What is the best fast to start keto? ›

A 72-hour fast, or fasting for three consecutive days without any food intake, can help your body enter a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body burns stored fat for energy instead of glucose from carbohydrates.

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.