Free Go-to-Market Strategy Template [2023] • Asana (2024)

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  • Go-to-market strategy template

Whether you’re launching a new product, relaunching an existing one, or expanding into a new market, your go-to-market strategy is sure to have lots of moving parts. When it comes to keeping your plan on track, team alignment is key. A go-to-market strategy templates provide all this and more.

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Creating a go-to-market strategy is no joke. From setting up the project launch, coordinating with cross-functional teams, and getting stakeholders on board, building out the framework for a successful plan requires a ton of work—and that’s before the project has even kicked off.

What if there was a way to standardize the go-to-market planning process, so you and your team could get to the actual “strategy” part of creating a GTM strategy faster? It’s easy with a go-to-market strategy template.

Free Go-to-Market Strategy Template [2023] • Asana (11)

What is a go-to-market strategy?

A go-to-market (GTM) strategy (also known as a go-to-market plan) is a step-by-step action plan that outlines how a business will be successful when launching a new product or expanding into a new market. A few other reasons your business might need one of these plans include relaunching an existing product, testing a product in a new market, and targeting new customers.

A successful go-to-market plan helps your business succeed by making sure you’re launching or expanding at the right time, with the right messaging, and to the right audience. These plans are broken down into phases that cover every step of your launch or expansion, from research and planning to development and launch. Go-to-market roadmaps vary, but typically include information about your target audience, promotion plan, and GTM sales process.

Sound complicated? It can be—but go-to-market strategy templates are here to help.

What’s the difference between a go-to-market strategy and a marketing plan?

While similar, GTM strategies and marketing plans serve totally different purposes for your business. A GTM strategy is a step-by-step roadmap that supports a specific, timed initiative (such as a new product launch).

On the other hand, a marketing plan is a detailed plan that covers how you’ll achieve all your marketing goals. Think of marketing plans as long-term, wide-ranging strategies that apply to many different marketing objectives.

What is a go-to-market strategy template?

Between coordinating cross-team work and keeping up with status updates, it’s easy to get overwhelmed (and even forget a task or two). That’s where GTM strategy templates come in.

Go-to-market strategy templates are a templatized way to create, organize, and track your strategy in real time. By creating your GTM strategy template in a project management tool, you can easily view your plan at a high-level, customize your template for each launch, and shift due dates as needed.

Best of all? GTM strategy templates are reusable, so you can quickly duplicate and adjust them for other launches. Say goodbye to time spent planning and hello to time spent working.

Why do you need a go-to-market strategy template?

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: launches have a lot of moving parts. And before you can even get to the meat of the matter—like conducting competitor research, crafting your key messaging, and mapping out your launch plan—you have to kick-off the project.

GTM strategy templates simplify this upfront work by standardizing kick-off and planning tasks, so you don’t have to start from scratch every launch. And that’s not all. Other benefits of GTM strategy templates include:

  • Easily break down your strategy into phases

  • Align cross-functional teams on your launch goals

  • Visually track work as the team completes tasks

  • Quickly view upcoming initiatives at a glance

  • Track progress across a interactive timeline

  • Shift due dates as priorities change

  • Ensure every phase of your go-to-market plan is on track

  • Visualize upcoming to-dos in multiple views, including timelines and Kanban boards

How to create a go-to-market strategy template

First things first: when creating a go-to-market strategy template, remember that you’re crafting a templatized version that you can use for launches going forward. The template should cover the kick-off and planning process, and you’ll want to keep it generic enough that it can apply to launches with different goals. Here are a few quick steps to get you started:

  1. Review past launches and identify common themes and tasks, such as competitor research, messaging planning, and lead generation strategy.

  2. Build out your template using these repeated phases or tasks.

  3. Adjust and update your template with tasks and due dates for each specific launch.

Once you’ve built out the framework for your generic go-to-market strategy template, you can adjust it to meet your launch’s specific needs. Organize work by using custom sections and tags, such as:

  • Task status and task owner

  • Relevant due dates

  • Dependencies

Integrated features

  • Timeline View. Timeline View is a Gantt-style project view that displays all of your tasks in a horizontal bar chart. Not only can you see each task’s start and end date, but you can also see dependencies between tasks. With Timeline View, you can easily track how the pieces of your plan fit together. Plus, when you can see all of your work in one place, it’s easy to identify and address dependency conflicts before they start, so you can hit all of your goals on schedule.

  • Milestones. Milestones represent important project checkpoints. By setting milestones throughout your project, you can let your team members and project stakeholders know how you’re pacing towards your goal. Use milestones as a chance to celebrate the little wins on the path towards the big project goal.

  • Dependencies. Mark a task as waiting on another task with task dependencies. Know when your work is blocking someone else’s work, so you can prioritize accordingly. Teams with collaborative workflows can easily see what tasks they’re waiting on from others, and know when to get started on their portion of work. When the first task is completed, the assignee will be notified that they can get started on their dependent task. Or, if the task your work is dependent on is rescheduled, Asana will notify you—letting you know if you need to adjust your dependent due date as well.

  • Add tasks to multiple projects. The nature of work is cross-functional. Teams need to be able to work effectively across departments. But if each department has their own filing system, work gets stalled and siloed. Asana makes it easy to track and manage tasks across multiple projects. This doesn't just reduce duplicative work and increase cross-team visibility. It also helps your team see tasks in context, view who’s working on what, and keep your team and tasks connected.Multi-homing: This will be pre-written and about 60–80 words.

Recommended apps

  • Dropbox. Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Dropbox file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane.

  • Google Workplace. Attach files directly to tasks in Asana with the Google Workplace file chooser, which is built into the Asana task pane. Easily attach any My Drive file with just a few clicks.

  • Slack. Turn ideas, work requests, and action items from Slack into trackable tasks and comments in Asana. Go from quick questions and action items to tasks with assignees and due dates. Easily capture work so requests and to-dos don’t get lost in Slack.

  • Figma. Teams use Figma to create user flows, wireframes, UI mocks, prototypes, and more. Now, you can embed these designs in Asana, so your team can reference the latest design work in context with related project documents. And, unlike screenshots, live embeds update in real time to reflect changes made in a design file, eliminating the overhead that comes with finding the right files and updating images.


What’s the point of a go-to-market strategy template?

A go-to-market strategy template outlines the high-level phases of your overall plan, from planning to execution. Since GTM strategy templates are duplicatable, they jumpstart your planning process, allowing you to bypass the busywork that comes with setting up a strategy and kick off the real work faster.

¿Qué tareas se incluyen comúnmente en una plantilla de go-to-market?

Las plantillas de go-to-market se dividen en varias fases y tareas, que pueden variar según el objetivo del lanzamiento o la expansión. Probablemente notarás que hay algunas tareas que son recurrentes en todos los proyectos de lanzamiento, como la determinación de la ventaja competitiva, la definición del público y el mercado objetivo, la creación del perfil del comprador, la investigación sobre los clientes potenciales y sus puntos débiles, el desarrollo de una estrategia de precios y una estrategia de ventas, y que debes incluir en la plantilla de go-to-market. También es importante investigar el recorrido típico del cliente y definir qué canales de marketing usarás para promocionar tu lanzamiento. Por último, no olvides incluir las métricas de éxito y los KPI que usarás para dar seguimiento luego de la salida al mercado.

To get started, take a look at past launches and see what they have in common. What patterns do you notice? Are there phases or tasks that occur every launch (no matter the launch’s goals)? Take note of where you find overlap—this will serve as the foundation for your GTM strategy template. Once you’ve built out your generic template, you can adjust it to align with your upcoming launch by breaking your GTM plan into phases, creating actionable tasks within each section, and assigning an owner to each task. Then, track your progress and adjust deadlines as priorities change.

The simple answer is, any team that’s involved in a product launch or new market expansion will benefit from a GTM strategy template. While your product marketing team may run point on your overall strategy, other teams involved in the launch, such as brand marketing, web, social media, SEO, PR, and the sales team, will benefit from clarity around their responsibilities and deadlines. Plus, GTM strategy templates give decision-makers visibility into the launch’s timeline, keeping everyone aligned on the strategy’s progress.

Absolutely. Since go-to-market strategy templates are customizable, they’re usable across different business models and industries. Whether you’re a small business looking to expand into a new category or an enterprise company launching the next big thing, a GTM strategy template can help you succeed by simplifying your planning process and aligning your cross-functional teams.

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Free Go-to-Market Strategy Template [2023] • Asana (2024)


What are the 5 go-to-market strategies? ›

The five pillars are product analysis, product messaging, the sales proposition, marketing strategy and the sales strategy. As you will see, there are good reasons to address each in this order. Most startups have products in an evolutionary state.

What is a go-to-market process? ›

A go-to-market (GTM) strategy is a comprehensive plan businesses use to bring a new product or service to market. Designed to mitigate the risk inherent in the introduction of a new product, a typical GTM strategy includes target market profiles, a marketing plan, and a concrete sales and distribution strategy.

How to craft a GTM strategy? ›

Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your potential product(s). List everyone you'll need to pitch to get buy-in and outline how you'll sell the product to customers. Set GTM strategy goals and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for monitoring them.

What is the difference between GTM and launch strategy? ›

A GTM strategy covers the entirety of the go-to-market process — your GTM strategy will include competitor research, marketing, and sales strategies, and plans for the product's launch. A GTM launch, on the other hand, is just one part of the larger GTM strategy.

What are the pillars of go-to-market strategy? ›

In conclusion, by focusing on these five pillars – market segmentation and targeting, product positioning and messaging, distribution channels and tactics, sales enablement and support, and measurement and optimization – you can create a robust GTM strategy that drives success.

What are the 4p go-to-market strategy? ›

When it comes to crafting a successful go-to-market (GTM) strategy, understanding and implementing the 4 Ps is crucial.

What are the three phases of go-to-market strategy? ›

Lastly, your customer base's feedback will allow you to tailor and adapt your GTM strategy for long-term planning. Now you've got the basics down, we'll split the above points into three stages (pre-launch, execution, and post-launch) to provide clarity on everything you need to know about a GTM strategy.

What is a go-to-market checklist? ›

Strategy Checklist. A go-to-market strategy (GTM) is the planning and preparation for introducing a new product or service to a market. This checklist will put you in a position to capitalize on your launch and reach product-market fit.

What is a go-to-market plan example? ›

Go-to-market plan example: Microsoft executed a go-to-market strategy when launching its third-generation Surface tablet. Their strategy was specific to the tablet's launch and addressed a particular market problem—that existing tablets didn't have the functionality of a full-fledged computer.

What is the difference between GTM and strategy? ›

Differences. The primary difference between the two is scope. A GTM strategy covers a broader set of business activities and is typically a one-time plan for launching a product or entering a new market. The marketing strategy is ongoing and focuses on building and maintaining demand for the product.

How to build a marketing strategy deck? ›

How to build a marketing deck that works
  1. Know your audience or investors. ...
  2. Use easy-to-read fonts. ...
  3. Ensure that every slide in your deck has a purpose. ...
  4. Consider brand consistency. ...
  5. Aim for simplicity. ...
  6. Tell a story. ...
  7. Use visuals. ...
  8. Always cite your facts.
Dec 2, 2021

How do you create a strategy template? ›

How do you create a strategic planning template? Create mission and vision statement to inform your template, then build a template with space for your company information (including a competitor analysis to show your market fit), key objectives, goals, and metrics that will let you know when you've been successful.

What is the format for go-to-market strategy? ›

There is no standard format for a go-to-market strategy. Different companies will need to consider and prioritize different elements, depending on their maturity, their existing presence in the market, their business model, how they are organized and financed, and any exit plans they may have.

Who creates the GTM strategy? ›

Typically, a product marketer or GTM owner is responsible for the go-to-market strategy, and these teams tend to work best when reporting to marketing while being backed by executive teams.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Views: 6208

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.