Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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OVER 200000 CIRCULATION WERT DAY) Wednesday Evening April 21 1971 Fort Worth STAR-TELEGRAM 1 IT'S SO IASY TO MCI STAR-TILIGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS JUST DIAL ID 2-7722 FOR RESULTS! 7 I Household Appl's 27111 TV Radio Hi-Fi 27C Mir-1777---istruments 048 470A nNpe $25 refrigerator 12g bedIRUSTrS BlerlywhiioLcolor 1 aor I 4796 LI RANGE $25 refrigerator S20 bed RUSTY'S Blackwhile color TV ser Musical Instruments 4796 i 1 1 Miscellaneous 361 1 Business 401 mumitcaa Advpul 99 IBusiness Opors 401 1 nomausniaa hoplovo I Building Materials 441 1 FOR 5ALE-4rnalr barber shoo In cafe and hamburger bol Hurt 214 3J94916 8 10 Mier ness 816 istmll Rd 838-3798 I r51Q VS san Belknap WASHING MACHINE IthNTALS Com operatod-1-or the home Pur chase option Pay as you wdth OC0110M1Cdi service on MO market Trans America Appliance Corp MINIM Apartments Furth 47 1 2 or 3-Room Apts 474 ONE BEDROOM extra clean enm pleiely redoLoraled bills paid 291 itia LicA IA rRoloSm Hbosrpici kt: I acciluristsn: sit Pets MAW 244-2121 IMPOR MD from Philionines Beech iIu katlan add mahooatly bar 4 dadded bar slaws Also cabinet con hnahon record player end radio 06ti44 tiALIV ha) chitterobe hicm chair Stildoinalic etc 282 7S48 obrh for $OrtlIO And Party TirneS Low loW prices Iu quAlity 292 211ii Ftiwn weekdays OuMmACE Sale 2817 Saordnuton Piero 'I hursday and Friday OniV Witi retwal CASH AND CARRY NEW STOCK OF DOORS New aluminum windows $89i up 4sax14" sheelrock $10S pours Doors tioorS SI 00 up 0000( $214 iu 90 lb roll rooting $375 La lex Paint 1198 4x8x40" particle board $7 4stiss" shop plywood $4 9S taxis" Hard hoard $179 New Screen Doors New Cortuoted iron $9s 4xxxhet shop plywood Si 9S 44exix" Hard hoard $119 New Screen Doors SL95 New Cor ludated Iron $9s Si UDIO AP I also 1 bedroom and 'IlticlencY bills poid 73-0063 738 901 1 bEDROOM furnished bilk Mr $125 month 315 Henderson 731 4111 923-10711 1601 ALSTON 4 newly decoroted 1 twdroom apts $20 ond S2250 paid OLD 1ST ABLISHE neighborhood grocery good equipment Ideal tor husband and wile Low overhead reasonable pric Terms or will trade for equity In Real stale SUMO OLD ESTABLISHED neighborhood grocery good equipment Ideel tor husband and wile Low overheed reasonable price 'terms or will true for equity In Real Estdie 534-7263 vice 2516 Pearl 624-5134 11b FUR dnd color purchase Outwit AS Itiv es S1250 month Color TV Marl 3014 Vaughn Blvd S312811 slurs Quit WO bougiT It all Color TVs by Panasonic Sony 40 tecaivers Olt mato brands Ouadrasunic eco der sony Te6c Novo etc Light organ 'I prke Speaktord Must twiny brand Roberts car FMSteren with 0-track or cassette Full warranty RENT a TV with purchase ontion Color black and white WA 3-193 6 stssuit) 2 pose I mobile with antennas Cost 540534 take 62KT 219-4l39 Grepevine TV Service Color Specialists Very reasonable 257-0170 uuaranteed TVs 115 up TV Center 1530 Al en 976-105? MAPLE CONSOLE color TV ported St5 I New S1750 month 7374102 REPOSSESSED Black and white TV-ractiorecord player 595 or easy terms Color TV Mart Furniture 3016 Vauohn Blvd 531-7821 siereo high tidellty S5 or easy terms Color TV Mart Furniture vduon Blvd S3171171 TV Service calls till 10 pm 7 14151 after 6 pm YE 4-5901 12)(12 White ceiling hie $950 5b-gallon Worm ((Auld be used lot iloahnq do Xs) SI op TEAGUE LBR CO 2501 While Settlement Rd 332 8393 SALL to be moved 1IWO Sq ft building Make nice home 24a 9191 LEONARD'S SALVAGE 2516 Manstield Hwy 5341133 Donn Sunday 1800 sheets now ponelind $219 In 4 9 ft Grooved redwood $109S 19 in 4 II redwrInd $109 Moo rmhobsed sonyi oiliiq penelmo laHOLE golf course rmiy moved tor Sdil or trade 232- laHOLE MINIATURE golf course easiiy moved for idle or trade 232- OM 281 Spring Clearance COMBO ORGANS Ont week only sole Including 0115- on Fender Martin txuyo Ludwig Kul tom Kasino and MOM' ainers Special this sole onlv Buy two sets goiter strings or drum slicks and gei mit third set tree Prices ere slashed up to and more on many items Don't delay bale enOs 540 Saturday April 241h Terms and tradeins lcOnit Bruce Piano Company 6550 Camp Bowie on Indisie 7327771 612 Pipeline Rd Hurst 28-4236 1EXAS PIANO AND ORGAN CO Announces its onnuol sPrilid pied! once soie On new and used pianos ono orearli 73 le 45 Per cent 011' New opines reouior $19 now $495 2 Manuoi orgons $19S (trend aitinOS prom $395 All makes and models available or less New and used Hommond Lowery Kohler CAMP bell Baldwin and all others tjsed ol twos from $9950 Imy terms Bench eind delivery hole starts today 2300 Hoitom Rd 5147411 HAuST ROM Mork I Bass Sown bass amo with IS In heavy duly bos speaker ell $200 237-5453 after A IkADE niLe piano or olden or good boat no 834-141) MO5RITE hollow body electric gul for case S2o0 2925393 STEINWAY Grand 5 f171-07-----1 good inside excellent tone $1500 1131 5866 924311 TRADE SCOTTISH Rile cliomond ring for a spinal will a55UMI pap men's 231-2803 BABY GRAND Plano and Piano Bor Call 732-5681 after 12 PARKER 4S1-9111 MANOR HOUSE APTS Efficiencies Singles adult only Bills paid Maid service $15 91 211i1 I 54314i GUEST HOUSE near Forest Pa rk 720 HAWthnrne Ibedroom kitchen dile bath refrinerated air 100 Call weekenrii and alter Pm 921 240 LORAINE YOUNG Apt Locating Service No 2-0180 P' No 2-01 80 MAPLE finish buokbeds complete with mattress only $99 Color TV Mars Furniture 3OI6 Vaughn Blvd 53121421 NEW MERCHANuiSE DAMAGED Spiece Avocado sofa bed re swivel chair $12950 'piece black vinyl button-tuttad Spanish iota and chair 2end tames co*cktail lab' an mp la S34950 7 piece dinette double pedestals wood grain top with Avocado chairs regular $12950 for $519 50 S-plece dinette $3950 French Provincial frultwood double door china Regular $199 lot $14950 French triple dresser and mirror tull size bed 5I5900 Mediterranean triple dresser king size or full size bed chest and 2 night stands SIS800 12 full size beds or head boards Spanish modern or Early American priced from 52450 to $3950 Fyn size gold tufted velvet headboard 32930 Double mar- bit top co*ckiall table Come mend Browse for BeraitinS On Our Budget Balcony HOME FURNINAL CO Formerly etroserremr-y-6-- trsit101r1111111111Mmolipl bARN SALE everythino goes Antigua tUrnitUre tools wagon seat glassware tinware oraniteMire ote-sale frames fruit iars hardware general household Sc up Wegnmciay and Ihursdav April 21 and 22 9 ain to pm ONLY behind 2800 Hemphill ZNITUUL PARLOR SP! assorted Cidrtigtt il tems 231-1184 284 lied CHURCH garage sale 1840 Harlford River Oaks April 22 23 24 WHEEL chair vanliv table chest of drawers Chesterfield chair Ottoman 793-49H8 RUMMAGE Sale hatpins NO Skylark Arlington 277-9328 GARAGE SALE AS ft round walnut table antiques clothes toys mis collantous 4600 Waycrest Dr Diamond Oaks 2t117e211 t-AL WRY sLCONDS IWO Portable buildings 2916033 OLE COUN1RY trade days 583:1 Eteltriap Open daily Spam S2 Sun (Ply $3 Also buildings PAY too price and haul lunk cars Ni wheels necessary 281-7232 after 5 2 TWrikt PDX spring good condition 7312874 SIZES a 818 i pc' setzlEas 1 I I I di 1 I 4 1 '4 I ri 4 4) i 'V 1' i' r' 4' 1 P11 1114 1 70 i 'tS'S 1 1 1 1 1 IQ i-ii 901k i i 16 in 4 IL insuletion N( 1" niranc Cool Melt S') SO 244 8 ft 2x6 10 It ft SIM Hildring Place 0-6 ha in (P Vinyl tiniSti drinrS S7 0 Invites volt to live with us-Prtniside Mixed potholing I 9s enteitriinment SaturdAy Anril 74 (4 end 7 in plywnod $3 50433513A) show POP Music fith k1ii rnateriAl Concert Other budding meterial -13A-k aCkb -71i---OP So 0 7------ 'ESTABLISHE-D em ag ployment eltcy 246-203 In Mid Cities area excellent het 277-5539 ruUR BEST-OrPuRTUNITY is found in a IJEALERSHIPS avaitable tor oudlitv PROVEN BUSINESS Ntock and equipment trailers Reply call lo Georgetown Manufacturing inc ALLIED MANAGEMENT CO PO Bee 610 Georgetown Texas Business 1500 Wt 335 7516 7116S5 es 5t LOMPLE1 outfit lor 2 chair beauty FIRST TIME OFFERED shop Celil 2322669 or 489282e Will Our growing Dallas business is Inter- sell reesoneble ested in estabiishing a sister oper hen in Fort Worth Thi opportunity e- Otters es No inventory Investment a No ccount receivable Reduced expense Small payroll Very low overhead prti business i ompie packet-le SISOn0 Our hist IIPS IS ft simple busines A bust SO EARN DOLLARS SO nett bmsed on reality of supply de BE A CRIME FIGHTER mend and efficiency Write Mr Mer Are you interested In a genuine bust In Suite 15 Ley lower Odiness opportunity with spare time or les Texas 1S21S full time Income? This is a first Ulna offer to distribute Amazing eu tomobile and home alarm security systems Low cost and high consurn TEXACO er dernend meke high ternings no sible Beginning Investment of 159995 Mitered upward to fit territo ry and Inventory requirement Company provides Inventory buy-beck XCELIE NT location AvAIIAI)I0 fop established Accounts natlonal adver I dies' in Richlend Hills Smell invest 'ming PrOVall StilPi ISICIIhOdS end ment required Paid training end field direction I XCLIISiVE PROD nAncial (Pt sistnnce available to auall AREAS Call or tied 000ltrAto Cell write: WILLIAM KERLEY MR KELLY Oavs 811-1262 Garside Electronics inc Nights 28211 Is 1260 East Vine Street Sett Lake City Uteh 84121 Phone (801) 262-312 DISTRIBUTORS (Please furnish phone number and address) MAGNETIC sign machine equipment Camnbell's Foods and Le Bron-In and supplies for sale or trade 244 dustnes offer a full or part time In 1055 come to reliable Individual No sell log $13170 averege annual incomi CAFE and beer Industrial area 52661 mininiutn Investment require( Seats 51 Sleek Reath' 131-9414 dnd excellent credit for comoant 3ACKSBORO Hwy 2 acres duplex loint participation? For Interviev taIS station grocery beer and rent- Cell Mr Adams 20-147e als Slack Realty 1319414 COULD YOU USE COMPLETE 3 chair btauty salon equipment 2 years old 2623533 EXTRA INCOME? PRIVATE CLUB business frir sale Hurst call 294-2403 Man or Woman NURSING HOME ICF III fully en Part or Ful-Time proved going concern Good future NO OVERHEAD land for expansion or another unit West Texas city of 14000 If you have a car and 5-1 hour weekly you could enloy an excellen ICreputation Oil manufacturing cattle ag agriculture priced for immegi extra income or a brand new ceree ete no delay sale other business Part cash and note No nonsense in your own business vending Nabif co Snacks and Hunt-Wesson Snac quay and I will contact you Reply We need distributors If you need th Box 399 Star-Telegrem please give credit reference with in Pack money S995 to $3695 investment rr attired secured by inventory We 0 YOUR OWN tablish all locations financing BROTHERS II ONE HOUR full-time it desired plus counsel en DRY CLEANING PLANT guidance If sincerely iiderester "THE AWARD CLEANERS" Brands Corp VIVI' write National Bra Investigate a orowing dry Ina Olv 210 Casa Linde riaA Suit fleening franchise In Southwest No experience necessarywe train You 3s lex" 75218 Includ OPERATING LOCATIONS AVAIL- Phone cumber ABLE NO WAITING FOR PROP- fit ---OTiR Orrboss No lisvolls ITS DON'T BUY PLANS AND cutbacks Run your own ISUSIrIPS PROMISES PURCHASE A PROVEN Hiatt volume Owner-operated Pi OPERATION shop for stile Well established ea' Cell 5123551 In learn Small investment Call 3 BROTHERS II Inc 7311 311A Bryen WIGWAM Fort Worth Tex" roi iviniin with wins Affliter DMINOL ri brio!) TV bdie 'ESTABLTSHED employment agency 246-203 In Mid Cities area excellent potem --yororiE T-0-poi5FiTTfis--1 titil 27-5539 is found in a DEALERSHIPS available tor oudlitv PROVEN BUSINESS stock and equipment trailers Reply call to Georgetown ManulacturIng Inc ALLIID MANAGIMI-NT CO PO Bog alp (torgelown Texas Bwi)ehl 1500 31S 7516 7116M est 5t COMPLET outfit lor 2 chair beauty FIRST TIME OFFERED shop Celli 232 2669 or 48921320 Will Our growing Ditlias business is Inter sell remontible Jested In estilhlichinn ft tictor nnor xcri IF NT localinti AvAttAbiA tor leAce in RichlAnd UII SmAll inveo ment required PAid trAining And nAncial AssistAnce availAble to ouAlitied AppitrAtit FAIL WILLIAM 'FRI-EY Dews 8 11-1262 Night 2821ItS Camnbell'S Foods and Le PronIn dustnes offer a full or cart time In come to reliable Individual No sell $13170 average annual inCOMO S2661 minimutn invesiment required and excellent credit for company loint particination? For Interview cell Mr Adams 261-1426 COULD YOU USE EXTRA INCOME? Man or Woman Part or Ful-Time NO OVERHEAD It you have a car and 5-1 hours weekly you could enioy an excellent extra income or a brand new cereer in your own business vending Nabisco Snacks and t-tuntWesson Snack Pack We need distributors It you need the money S995 to $3695 investment required secured by inventory We establish all locations linencing fuil-time if desired plus counsel Find guidance If sincerely interested write National Brands Corp Vending Div 210 Casa Linda ridiA Suite 3S Dallas "Texas 75218 include nnone ntinther OUR own boss No layolls cutbacks Run your own business Hicitt volume Owner-oporaled net shop for sale Well established easy In learn Small investment (all tn 1311 WIGWAM Make warnnum with wins Affluent COMPLETE component sound system Beautiful 7324)863 after 5 pm TV color bleck-whill service sales rental 535-2725 IV SERVICE-9 cm to 9 pm Free estimates 292-7131 737-4802 STEREO component system credit terms Available 284-1771 281-0577 HIGHEST cash prices paid for Portable TVs 508 Rosedale EXPERT Color Night calls Hoots 244-6117 low Wilson Manager NICE 2-bedronm home for sal 79 4271 Weitdv for detiverv DdV 814-1911 51An k'idring nr RR-26 Night Now Leasing OPENING NEW APTS HOUSES lo Ile Moved HULEN HOUSE II S424 Pershing 3-bedroom frame (20 Starling 5130 unturnished tto wide) all bills naid 838 7327 28111135 3ou Lii JM seal tp 211211'4' 4500 Camp Bowie Blvd et Hulen i S1o95 7313911 or 335154R 411 Grind Sellers Lmbr 62431'11 ED Suburban Portable Bld gs Tcu roorn 8 pdrtment for rent or lease fired 927-0676 cell anytime A Et A A CrT 1111 Uki LS 'Ail A I a GARAGE 2232 PosedAlq GARAGE solo 311 Harmon Rd Hurst starting Friday April 23 to anything and everything CUSIOM CABINETS wood working of ail types 834-9145 TE 8-2521 LOANS FOP any pumas 510 to $100 332-1348 Free Lasy lerms I APT cm tin elAnredt tver cm5y 1 rt pAid $80" month $40 deposit Direci from factory 56-0 16243095 9269092 V'1 1 toio ri it-C11 11011 5301 Hwy 12IA 838-2863 ST' LMJIS Upper North bills Paid 320 week did $20 week 7 7771 paid WO week concert Baldwin organ for serious music student 32 pedals walnut reasonable 2143507 I BESSON trumpet end case like new SCO 293-2160 CLOSE-OU I on used Grdnds Steinway Mason Hamlin Baldwin Chickering Luke's Piano Co 3424 Camp Bowie 3121379 RENT OR BUY New Black-White or Color TV Console Stereos with AMFM Also washers and refrigerators Master Charge Accepted Mr T's 1011 Main 336-2076 Curtis Mathis Service Rent TVs IV 926-7462 Used TVs $15 and up 17" portable IV $25 21" RCA color TV $7950 TV 4458 Hemphill 924-2136 MOBILE TV service $3 Color SW valist 7 or shine 534-2229 DEL IV 1' Prices Parker 4519111 215 Johns-Manville Rooting -4-12 LIPSCOMB Upper North I Sheetrock SEP bedroom apt bills paid S20 ion '2" Sheetrock SI41L PARKER 451-9111 i' s4S1L--0--- 10-unit I person" Full thick insulat 5-gallon Latex Paint CiliitOrnia Corp 1 S822 50 WA 3-1542 WA 3-6739 924 Churchill 626-37P1 SOUTH SIDE near Berrv 3 BERRY PORTABLE BUiLDINOS7 rooms balh $1750 week bills paid kx 104204495 Adults no pets 927-169 12x LOCKE ST 8x12-5124 LOCKE v-454votwwqmsquaga010-4044 100 Throckmorton 332-5337 NEW SOFA beds $35 up 2-piece suites $50 up 2319 Hemphill 'EARLY AMERICAN bedroom suite cricket chair Italian Provincial headboard and frame Westinghouse washer and dryer will sell wholesale All for $600 or will sell seParate 737-4413 3351692 1 SPANISH living room groups new shipments makes bed etc $84 set Daily and Sunday 107 United Freight Sales 5836 Jacksboro Hwy 624-8059 DUNCAN PHYFE table and 6 chairs $150 531-1596 WA 32452 WE RENT washers and dryers with Purchase option 923-4422 GOOD SELECT ION --Ret rigerators freezers ranges Delivered A-Author ized Service 1920 Mitchell Blvd We Rent Modern hospital beds roll-away beds and baby beds We deliver A-1 Rental 3530 Belknap 8311291 I Office Equipment 32 I to no 20 COLUMN National cigarette machine vends 50 cents do 100M 5325 9241881 TV Rental Special rates to Military Gateway TV 2491053 RENT A Brand new TV Si delivers Watch A stations Hoot's 244-6117 LUTTRELL 2-way radio sales 1200 NE 28th 624-1471 A FEW prior year Zenith color TVs at drastic reductions Save WO or more Hurryi Easy terms Sams Appliances Furniture 1400 Rosedale 5555 Belknap YARD SALE 1308 Dickson Friday and Saturday 926-9013 CUSTOM cabinets woodworking of all tYnes 834-9745 TE 8-2521 MYERS OUTLET STORE 1616 Hernphill Weekdays 9-6 Sundays 10-6 closed Saturday Where you save on clothes for the entire family Also full line wigs end housewares This week's special ladies hot pant sets 8 ROOMS good carpet $150 Draperies pair 923-7729 SPRING SALE-5405 Jane Anne' school desks old tools old glassware Heisey Cambridge cut and pattern glass Sterling and plated silver lewelry 1AMDS Orientals clocks Victorian love seat chairs walnut drop leaf tablts paintings prints end much more Come see LOANS for any purpose $10 to WO 312-1348 I PAY too price and haul Junk cars no wheels necessary 281-7232 her sell and trade 1Metal clothes line poles and fences Iinstalled completely 535-9635 418- 15903 4449 Miller TREASURE defectors find buried gold silver coins 5-powerful models $1995 up See ad Sunday TV section RELCO 815 Currie 7th 33A-7912 LIVE CATCH: Animal bird fish traps All sizes 815 Currie 7th 336-7912 Monday through Saturday to 5 ARC WELDERS brand new 110V 'with helmet rod end all accessories $1895 See ad Sunday TV section Wel-Dex 615 Currie 8 ith 336- 7912 USSERY vending machines for sale 10 machines available 335-6259 AUTOMATIC Chlorinator $1295 282-0261 2e8-1151 Su IT)1AeNLLERYr 1Se 8x16-S329 1 Bedroom duplex large closets ga I bedroom We build any size building on site rage 585 olus (liA and lights AS Ts' SIO0 plus 4 9600 Hwy RI South 291-6011 --CH-AND -Lit TOTE AlininUlli screen doors 1" SI 1 Aluminum storm doors SIR90 1 bedroom duplex with carport SIO0 Interior exterior doors SS olus id 1hts 215 lb Composition shinnies $760 WEST 7TH sr Corrugated irog 29 gauge S9 1 5 flinency near bus And Shonning AlliMin11211 window screens $4 center S15L utilities paid Insulated siding $2350 Llewellyn Co 131 3101 4x8 finished nlYwnod 6111ftlin S1-49 SCII111-1SIDE nice kroorn garage edi pretinished tile board 15 65 apt refrigerated air yin 92A 5461 4xlixia" hardboard $115 4)(8)0'" shuetrork st24 47I2A MCART- Near i a 401x1 2" sheetrork Si 05 large nicely furnished 1Thedroom dip lx6 rough fencing tir $195 Pl'' IlillS mitt silo 291435 I2x12 while ceiling tile 912c IT-AG-E lovely I hedroom bill BRITT LUMBER CO pilid '')1 week 2-5011 Open Mon through Erirlay 710130 fl-E-KI-i-1 WC -2-1711re SATURDAY 7:30 TO 2:30 carpet refrigerated air 5100 (Atter 1410 Grove MA 6-1571 mt I ilnCir anti 1bedroom apts $10 FOR SALE 500 ceramic tiles to $125 4S1-100 5155490 mixed colors 575 2491549 NCW ANI) USED Plumbing Milie-r WM 5436 Jacksboro Hwy MA 4-051 TYPEWRITER CLOSEOUT New SCM electric 59999 New Royal 12-in electric $9999 IBM tradeins guaranteed 5129 IBM factory reconditioned $19999 New Victor electric adders $5716 New electronic calculators S249 New Victor calculators 5339 trade-ins up to 60 Per cent oft New Remington electric 11 in car with 5175 now 5129 Charge American-Express Credit Cards Dealers Typewriter Exchange 128 Collins (Hwy 157) Arlinntnn 113M EXECUTIVE TYPEWRITER 281-1184 2843380 2 NCR MODEL 160 1 with stand good condition make offer 312-8386 NEW Victor calculator $350- 335- 6216 GOOD USED desks $4950 up chairs tables Kardex Art ho*ra Office Supply 000 Main 332-2109 Graphotype model 6340 with Read tog-Printing type 244-0581 Ty REPAIR IN YOUR HOMES AM PM Estimates eiven-written duarantre All types color and black and white CALL DAWSON'S 838-5401 PATTERN By ANNE ADAMS Viva la shirtwaist it's glamorous it's versatile it's a wardrobe! Team any of 3 I engths (tunic regular long) with pants or skirt Printed Pattern 4706: New Misses' Sizes 8 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 (bust 34) day length 234 yards 39-inch Send 75 cents for this pat tern Add 25 cents to each pattern for air mail and special handling Send to Anne Adams Fort Worth Star Telegram 185 Pattern Dept 243 17th St New York NY 10011 pattern cial ha Mains Telegrz '213 NY 10 LET US upholster your living room qininq patio furniture Pickun-deliverY For free estimate 838-331 SEARS 16 Cu ft frost free Ice maker refrigeretor green hide-abed garden equipment green shag rug 6x9 Ax6 Mediterranean dining room set 923-8886 Antiques Art 27A 1 PRIVATE collection Jewelry silver china (State plates) 2 beautiful table cloths all genuine antiques Miscellaneous phonograph records 10 cents 737-6013 INDIVIDUAL Cranberry epergne cut glass (some signed) several antigue pieces priced for quick sale 275-2545 ANTIQUE player piano for sale also Plays by hand $300 451-0755 3010 Halbert St Sacrifice sale Private collection Opened more boxes By appointment 625-0968 DO NOT CALL ME UNLESS YOU QUALIFY! RENT TVs black-white or color Stereos Option Mr T's 336-2077 COLOR picture tubes insta Ile 59750 Expert service on all makes models Morris TV Service 2934985 ABC RENTAl- Rents name brand merchandise Color consoles black white portables AM-FM console stereos refrigerators washers no deposit no credit check easy monthly weekly rates full free maintenance purchase plan available call 531-3634 RENT a TV purchase option MrCurdv TV 834-1511 MORDAN Portable Budding Co 9300 Hwy 131 South Severed used buildinas 293-1094 WOODWORK ERS Pidlle saw stipule dada panel mitre 738-09M CEDAR PLYWOOD siding 4x8iT2 838-0220 YA'11 COME AND GET 1T-- 612 ft treated not eact2 clientele Superb wect srie loration ALLIED MANAGEMENT 1500 5th 3352516 It cen meke the difference Offices in Fort Worth and Dallas FOR SALE 16-unit motel refriner eted air panel heat ceroets swim minn Pool Nice office and living Quarters Small dnwn navment easv terms Nice locetion Write Box 550 Sanderson Texas 29848 or call Area Code 915-345-9910 Sanderson TOXell ESTABLISHED flower shop Must sell now 535-3318 53641660 CHEM Mark Dealers FL Worth-Denton areas Institutional cleaners landorial supplies autometic insect and odor controls 214262-8116 ORY CLEANING plent all caqt and 1carry ower will finance 536-3422 RETAILERS clubs increa6e sales or raise funds with no investment Obtain gOlt tiShina hunting and other sports on consignment Write PO Box 19193 Fort Worth Texas 76116 FOR Club unusual situation and oonortunliv 2440996 1244-5656 FAMILY LIVING! IN ARLINGTON MONTEVIDEO cabinet models solid state AM-FM radio 4-speed changeramplifler etc 879 each Daily and Sunday 10-7 United Freight Sales 5836 Jacksboro Hwy 624-8059 560 i 560 APECO SuoerStat Photocopy machine Model 1130 and stand 3326231 LEASE $5 month CODY machines New dry paper no mixing 536-5901 Accounting Bookkeeping machines Sales-Service-Rentals-Reprogram Specialty Service Co 5366363 TELEPHONE Answering Machina $10 per month AN 31101 FiNGER'S RENTS Office furniture and accessories desks chairs credenzas files tables end reception furniture Finoer's Office Center 5632 Camp Bowie 731-2161 FINGER OFFICE DISCOUNT CENTER Save 20 to 40 per cent on famous brand office furniture 5632 Came Bowie Blvd 732-2161 WORLD Craft 923- 4667 or 274-1286 OUT OF PAWN Several nice sets of World Books Melvin's Pawn Shop 1128 Main TREES looped trimmed and Rrmayed May 834 0019 10 BRANDS of Metal Detectors New Used 11602 Garland Rd Dallas Day 3281221 Night 2115-7665 Send for free 52-paoe magazine! Efficiencies SinS One Bedroom S115 7 lx6 No 7 rough tenc no 2 ft 7c New corruoated iron souare $975 Portland cement sack S150 2x4 ls yellow nine ft 812C Forect Hill Lumber Co 3310 Mansfield hwv 534-5971 Atlas Portable Buildings 80-8775 SOS- p130 MOO 5778 HlohwaV 121A 814 8244 a FOR SALE 10 be moved 1620 VV I Air Cond Heat 27D 1 TERRAGONIA (A CHINA CABINET wicker trunks wardrobes secretaries rolltop desk 54-inch English Walnut round table phonograph organ Safes glass Primitives collectibles! 13 off Orientals Central Furniture 401 South Freeway 16x20 OIL PAINTING by William Standing renowned deceased Montana Indian artist Must sell immediately $10000 Write PR 2 Box 2747 Hamilton Montana 59840 WE BUY estates highest cash 536-7556 ANTIQUE upholstering and Refinishing 921-0811 Elf icioncies sins One Bedroom Si I Two Bedrooms $150 WE BUY-SELL used hospital Equipment AMedicare Rentals 351113 Mansfield Hwy 536 1941 CHAIN LINK fence Installed Phone 2926935 weekends or after 3 pm weekdays Small lobs welcome We want a hioh caliber man emus tomed to high earnings He must be a man who Is willing to work hard for a six-figure income You must be capable of making a decision within a short time (Aring your attorney accountant wife or advisor with you) You must have $10000 In cash to invest now (If you have to borrow forget it you would not qualify anyway) If you have other besiness Interests you must accept our decision in hiring and training a manager for you (Whom you must supervise) Accept the fact that we will give you Your money back if you cannot make it Investment guaranteed You must want a business that does not require cooks mechanics salesmen or any employees other than yourself or a manager or a secretary Dallas and other areas of Texas available If vou gualifv call for a personal Interview 9 AM to 6 PM ENSANAD IFixtures WILL Buy Estates 624-7591 or 6244452 IMiscellaneous 36 I 10 buv sell business or nropertv Stack Realty 737-9414 WANTED PARTNER electronic service business with investment calk tat 281-9585 MEN AND WOMEN $200 weekly possible spare time with nelli011al concern No selling 5162 Wichita 12 noon or 5 pm sharp daily except Sunday Ask for LOUICf? Brunson FOR SALE seroce station equipment inventory with grocery cornbi nation high volume gasoline Call 732-5076 $110 Si Il) SI sO 8215' Efficiencies One Bedroom Two Bedrooms ms ro oms rooms rni Interest Paid on Security Deposit 420 West Park Row JUST PURCHASED another estate Magnificent cut glass sets of dishes hand painted plates Mettlach vases Wedgwood pieces art glass 15x30 Kerman and 9)02 Chinese oriental rugs L20 carat diamond also 230 carat Real bargsin CHAS MATTHEWS ANTIQUES 4136 Lancaster 1 BEDSTEAD after on Sunday anytime during week 2364167 ANTIQUES Early American sofa excellent Condition 261-288R 1 Investments 421 Cornor south Oak Arlington 261-5402 or 265-1541 FONDA APTS givorsine area convenient to thon Humboldt 5 rooms And MITI 246 9191 LASH AND CARRY SPECIALS 79 ga corrugated Iron S975 4x8 1'4" sheetrork 99 4)S 12" heetrock S124 235 lb Tooling 15 yr bond S760 24x713" ftlumintim windows S8 90 lb rolled roofing S3 75 Wood screened doors SI00 AO narlicle boArd $723 4k8 finished paneling :10 IxR No 7 105 siding 100' 11'n ft $930 Cominated libernlAs 18 4 Aluminum stenladder $9 95 30 nat Not odor healer S40 99 Dmible slAinless WO sink $18951 6000 of Orlon town food 1414 trri own 'header $425 TPAvIS LUMBER CO 900 Nt 2Rth ST MA 6-6673 Norlh of 7Rth St nverpins Storkvarchl SURPLUS CARPET Dupont nylon hilo $109 indoorouldoor S199 501 nylon hen-den 1798 Illunnot nylon shAg 9ft Arimirong Korlrl $198 Custom vinyl linoleum SIAM Pad and insulAtion BRUMBAUGH'S 1616 NM 281h 674-4121 Sporting Bicycles Toys 364 POOL TABLE new used Fort Worth Billiard Supply 3362511 NEW 10 speeds and stingrays also used bicycles 737-5571 737-3515 CLOSEOUT 6 wheel ATV Scrambler standard From S100 to $1000 No reasonable offer refused Phone 834-7131 2411 Mtnnis Lane Haltom City METAL DETECTORS New shipment of repossessed White's metal detectors 54950 up Take gun in trade Arlington Eectronics 915 East Park Row 261-9441 AO ACRES proposed trackage city limits utilities near stbool industrial park Loop EON 737 0757 58 SHARE'S Millers Lite insurance Co Rest otter over $75 6244804 I RaT rnoriciage church bowls cent intore0 paid back to Eebruary 1 Ion 232-2669 -I I' 1 (10 0 iji le" 11n110 I 0 I fl taLlr 4 A 134 ') 40 tLk 'key' I I 1 It'' 5 14 1 1 -1 9i 90 1 1 Ati4 gliell ACY A141: )- in 4 I 6 me i le: kqt 3' 6 l' I a ft DAVE HILL Auditing Services Inc (214) 3764410 Sheraton Kest Motor Inn DALLAS Sewing Machines 27B GOLDEN TOUCH SEW Singer with exclusive self-wind bobbin in nice 3-drawer desk buttonholes fancy designs etc without attachments $68 cash or easy terms Will take trade Open Sunday Belknap Sewing Center 3816 Belknap 831-1904 BRAND new Dearborn 212 ton air conditioner was $415 now $275 Used 1 month 7112 Monte-rev WARDS 20000 BTU 220 volt $135 Frigidaire 12000 BTU 220 volt $95 both wort( perfect 478-0091 WHIRLPOOL air conditioner $95 Color TV Mart Furniture 3016 Vaughn Blvd 531-2821 I BUY air conditioners any condition working or not preferably newer models 834-2391 USED 34-ton 1-ton 112-ton and 2-ton refrigerated window units 110 and 220 volt each in excellent condition Special prices if sold now ED 2-7016 615 Riverside Dr 4000 CFV evaporative cooler perfect condition WA 7-2273 after 4 2 110 VOLT 6000 BTU window air conditioers 1970 models used 1 month Both $175 or $90 each Call after 6 282-0069 3000 AND 4000 CFM evaporative coolers either one $35 281-7497 NEW PHILCO 110 volt air conditioner 11000 BTU refrigerated air with sweet front used 5 weeks Cost $299 sell $200 Full guarantee 281-7497 AIR CONDITIONERS wanted any condition 834-6723 WANTED TO window units 926-4271 or 534-1931 110 AND 220 air conditioners 834- 6723 5 1 TON UNITS $75 each-2 112 ton units S125 each-2 34-ton units $45 each Each unit Is in Al condition No dealers Call JE 5-5836 2 EVAPORATIVE window fans 1 like new 1 used 534-8726 HEATING and air conditioning service fast guaranteed 237-5608 ADD ON AIR conditioning full warranties $645 up 281-0284 Central and window air conditioning service guaranteed 281-0284 SERVICE repair install or trade your window air conditioner cash for yours working or not 732-3589 PRE SEASON air conditioning sale save Friedrich Whirlpool Chrysler and GE Lowest Prices of the year Sam's Appliances Furniture 1900 Rosedale 5555 Belknap Pine bank Post Office Freewev hedroom Bedroom Slen Furnished ell hills wild crimpled Pune welkin Insets centre' heef: air swimming pool 7901 Rdcc 1 1044-M2 ADULTS only Lifirieru 903 CIIU tun $AO nen prticl 31514111 1701 Pmednie adull5 3 rooms hills psid scs 921 5 Henderson 4 ronm wiNhir Nod 5 410 Richmond adults 2 conmi Pyle n371141 bliARES Union Bank Stork tor sale At $35 per share Reply to Box 296 Ster-teleurem RESTAURANT GROCERY I NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT Refrigerators florist's coolers Ice machines beer equipment ranges fryers griddles ovens steam tables dishwashers tables chairs booths Mark Frederick Sons 3200 Collinsworth Phone 332-2274 NEW or used market fixtures terms or lease Sanders 927-0141 THREE door reach in refrigerator and 7 foot 6 door bar top beer box 626-7236 HoEiART Mixer 20 at Hobart slicer Hobart food culto- 2 Toastmaster electric fryers Wolfe Char broilers Simplex time clock morel changer cafe tables Burroughs adding marhine 124 Roberts Cut-Off Rd 732-3347 731-8026 USED cafe booths cook stove 4208 Mansfield Hwy FOR SALE 2 300 lb crystal tip ice makers cost S1400 each new will take $750 each Underhills Food Store DeLeon Texas 8936806 SHOWCASES and display cabinets counters gondolas We buy fixtures Always a good supply on hand Ft Worth Fixture Showcase Co ROO Block White Settlement Rd 12 block South on Foch 332-0245 SLIGHTLY USED commercial bar be-Qua smoke cooker Ideal for small grocery or cafe for briskets ribs chickens Half price 3330 Altamere Dr Weatherfod Clete Mr Pei Ids I 'sc Machinery 35 LARGE road grader with Detroit diesel engine 52500 Buddie Taylor Crowiey Feed Mill 297-4311 INTERNATIONAL inch truck house-bowing beams 3 sets 4 doilies 1 lowboy 535-8785 WI NCHESTER model 62-A 22 Pump also Winchester model 63 22 automatic-Winchester model 42 410 amine IMMO 32 revolver Jack Evans 817510-1574 Granburv Jetco Metal Detectors $3995 on 5 year guarantee fish tors dog trainers 838-2212 INVESTMENT GUARANTEED IRooms for Rent 45 I ORM I NG Investment proup for hinh-celiber western Crintrin production Screenplay viewed favorebly by movie people 1 or SPV ere' Investors considered Could produce under your established or MON company name 17 years experience In movies as actor-writer and production work Now ready to produce direct a picture Mei Is peered for top box office results ActorsTechol cal staff avalleble Can benin productions Immediately Replies coondentlel 0 Box 5151 Arlington Texas CLOSE machine repairs your home 7311303 AND Also new stretch-stitch for knits Home demonstration and repairs Sewing Machine Supply 1408 NW 25th 625-2671 Open Sunday SEWING machine with attachments $40 336-3800 atter 5 pm UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY 1971 Dial-a-stitch zio zag In 3-draw- er desk full price $34 cash or easy terms Daniel's Open Sunday 2800 Jacksboro Hwy 624-1091 1633 WEST 7th next door XOL air conditioned twin beds Men EO r04 ROOM 8nd share horne with other metes 749-16S5 CENTRAL AIR privets en trence bath West Side 738- 4578 (All others tom cut this ad out and always say "I could 17 CALIBER Remington Model 700 SOL rifles 17 ammunition 17 bullets and reloading dies Now in stock at Cullum and Boren Sporting Goods Seminary South Fort Worth and North Fast Mall In Hurst Call 284-3496 or 921-2656 USGS Topographic MEMS Arlington Electronics 561-9441 WE BUY sell or trade for modern or antique guns Authorized dealer for Burk Knives PRINCE JEWELRY LOAN 501 Main ED 2-3937 MOBILE HOME PARK With 1511 acres partially developed On Keller-Smithfield Rd 614 miles from new Regional Airport $10000 down Price $19500 Tree covered building site on Glade Rd In Colleyville for $3750 acre with easy terms WayMar Peal Estate 767-0107 451710 71174713 rMistellaneous 1 ILoans 431 SINGER ZIG ZAG $37 In walnut cabinet makes buttonholes sews on buttons etc no attachments needed $37 cash or easy terms Open Sunday BELKNAP SEWING CENTER 3816 Be iknao 831-1904 Singer Golden Touch Sew FINGERTIP sewinot VC' zags buttonholes fancy desions etc One-touch bobbin refill 3-drawer desk $65 due assume balance Cash Clothes Sowing 34C USED CLOTHES clearance sale mens shirts and slacks women's shorts dresses slacks 25 cents to Si 317 Mansfield Hwy Kennedale Mary's Shop ALAMO Cleaners-1811 Vaughn Blvd saie or trade COMPLETE beauty shop equipment and supplies lease available with established business 283-4101 or 214 7523 Kle0i JUICES franchise distributorships available for established home delivery fruit lufre routes in Dallas Contact Jack McOuagge office 923- 226 or home 536-2H9 SMALL SHOP upholstery refinishing furnilure picture frames An tiques new and used furniture On the lob training available Approximately $9500 will handle Write Furniture Box 422 Whitesboro Texas 76271 COB kAL DRIVE In Monahans Texas 300 speakers metal screen and metal tower Masonry concession building 145non take trade New SERVICE window units repaired and serviced 293-4068 or 534-1901 REPAIR-INSTALL air conditioners ouick service Bass 335-3190 COOLER PADS All size pumps and sunnlies 6701 Jacksboro Highway 237-3101 SEWING done at reasonable price fast servl'e South Hills area 926- 3879 IVANHOE HOTEL The best tor $15-S1150 weektyl Vr? 3rd ID 2-4401 DESIRE lady to share house With irn 636-12V 4 RIVERSIDE large bedroom private entrance and kith ti111-1410 EMPLOYED Couple or lady kitchen privileges 9214649 RIVERSIDE Private enlrence bath air gentleman e14 6515 alter 5 NICE BEDROOM air carpeted pentlemait 45-257I TRY MO I EL LIVING All private rooms and bath garaoe TV Maid ervicp rIsiIv 14eal free ice perking tor 'erne trucks rmiiv rales S5 Also weekly rates HP9222 4015 Belknap Shady Motel PIVERSWE private entrance bath Mr gentleman 11146515 eller 5 SOUTH SIDE Ili ronm kitchen phone 140 monlh 925 5451 NICE ROOM kitchen P-rrY-itrO7-S7 lovely hnme day employed 2F12414 Hurst I AL hActif 10f ertu iellry nrivAle entrance bath rettiorrator 244 25to PLEASANT iipstaits tariff' employed I Photo Equipment 37 I CONWLIDATE IiPn renatr remodel private money Call 234259 Anytime LOANS FOR any purpose 110 to 1t00 332134e WE Buy 1st lion notes on city And suburban property 31125110 CONFIDENTIAL loons to women Plata Finance 332 1532 CONFIDEMTIA11Y immediale cash Av tillable from 120 on to 11000 or more for almost Any need in rtrict confidence Phone or visit Great Western Finanre in Ft Worth At 209 2nri 316-ami Itawnmeworsseetur276j In downtown and Lreftwen With short driving time you can unwind at our poolside quicker The Lido 1- bedroom furnished S140 5313111 1950 HEMPHILL nice Ironm bills Adults only 73-6958 923-1504 SOUTH SIDE large 3-room unstairs $75 month bitis paid 921-0471 814602 ARL HIS I nod 2 bedrom duIniex bilk Doid adults no pets 7164e COMELY 1-bedroom luxury Ant Indy American furniture paneled carpeted electric kitchen lots of closets Lnfge swimming On 1 ildulk Si )250 FD 64015 lies' liuy lit Town RIDGLEA AREA Luxury Iheitl room hildren welcome hills paid 1701 Burton Hill Rd TIP-6732 GOLDEN STUOIO POOL SHOPPING -tt 7S7I RACE S14950 TE 11-111001 EFFICIENCY Avnilmhte mt the lumorinint IrtrArP S472A Vnn Nana 45I 291 It tpollets Apt carpoloti 4 (Irmo's melt igernteri air 1 or couple''' sloe WA 6 s41 WA 6 1F1 NORTH PLAZA APTS 1- if i Ncirs---1 nd bedroom 'me to srlutols chinchms mod shrift ning (enters children wolcomed KILLS PAID 2713 Inpri lir loplohnro Hwy 676-16M 1 And 2 bodronm n15 SRO up bills paid all-I61 I Coates Hotel Apti Domonwn good neighborhood tlinetlionily like mond service linens dihrh no children no nets 1--11 71(31S 611 4th 87S Ettil AVE 7-bedroom du-DIM $70 week bilk paid PARKER 451-11111 COLOR TELEVISION Asiniinble ni the luxurious 1-billmArk Pion at slight extra cost owbuy 1l3 Hallmark Dr 793 1408 WEST SIDE 1392 5 AlAmo 3 roomsc (las nod water paid S8 month cn- 4r Ale unit in rem' MA 6 1611 9211365 iLAR I LI oll bilk pAid child corned carpeted confirm rport Ir bedrnom separate dining $55 each 2 wonil 791 1674 MINOLTA SRT 101 58 mm 814 15 mm 135 rtim 7)( tele converter case filters and flash Yashica Lynx 5ene Scs Pnimrnid 70 $4() 774-8fi7? LAWN Mower and mini-hike repair 3900 Lancaster For pick up 536 101 or terms SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 923-7022 1970 Singer Touch Sew In new attractive cabinet: Fingertip sewing incudes Singers autnmatic pushbutton bobbin winder Pay $32 balance cash or terms Fort Worth Sewing Machine Co 2622 ROSEDALE 5341721 First in Fort Worth Since 1937 For Frei VOnrth and flurrnoindlna territorY Crurnany has a new and revniutinnery service with an unlimited market I Jewelry It Stones 38 1 NEEDLEWORK By LAURA WHEELER Teach daughter to embroider with these merry motifs Mom's little helpers in cartoon-quick stitchery add fun and color to towels mats aprons Swift switchery! Pattern 560: transfer of 8 motifs 5ix6" each directions Send 50 cents for this tern Add 25 cents to each pattern for air mail and spedal handling Send to Laura Wheeler Fort Worth Star-Telegram 50 Needlecraft Dept Box 161 Old Chelsea Station New York NY 10011 NEED' By LAUB Teach dau der with th tils Mom's cartoon-quidl fun and a mats apron eryl Pattern 8 motifs Si Inns 'Send 50 tern Add 2 pattern for dal hand1it4 Wheeler F( Telegram Dept Box Station Ne 10011 IMusical Instruments 281 Materials 441 NEW and used oasoline pumps and tanks Call us collect 3364496 Gene Hill Equip 1920 Lancaster 2210 (FM compressor kg) 'ho Texstream on '60 Chevrolet truck I1966 Ford ton truck with 1970 Lincoln welder Phone 806-BR 3-7212-- 817-284-3018 FOR SALE motor analyzer Sun (5001 Full scale with exhaust Analyzer and scope 284-0185 284-0601 FOR SALE motor analyzer Sun 0001 Full scale with exhaust analy zer and scope 284-0185 284-0601 AIR COMPRESSORS direct factory sales best priced 624-3095 4000 Lb Forklift Air Tires So lb Electric power hammer Fluorescent iloht Fixtures Sim's Machinery and Salvaise Co 1005 Houston 624-1781 7 IN abrasive cutoff frzediac) 'Practically new $9150 CP 5-1967 BANKRUPTCY Auction Tractors 'dozers loader cranes backhnes Gradall graders lots of miscellaneous contractors equipment items 'April 29 11:00 am Ebeneezer Ten-as 17 miles west of Jasper Texas on Hwy 63 Write or call for free brochure: Von Reece PO Box 3204 Austin Texas (512) 327-2004 SHAKER for rock screen etc 4" sumo p*rno 478-6384 OFFSET printing press for sale Call East Berry St Baptist Church JE 6-5288 after 9 am '67 INTERNATIONAL 150 power shift track loader-dozer diesel rear hydreulic scarifier bar low hours $9250 817-736-2258 ASPHALT SEAL coating applicator and asphalt TR-20 penetration heater etc 838-2416 No Selling Nn froinrhke fro cn shlrt Irr nr srnAll Immer11411 Income on imed srcounts 26 Point engagement ring Bill 921- SM OUT OF pawn bargains In di monds We bui sell or trade Prince fewelers Inc 601 Main ED 21937 FOR Professional watch renew tree estimates work guaranteed 4517527 7009 Rout St $500 a Wcck Possible Gibson Guitar LES PAUL SG custom 3 humbuckIntl pickups $300 CR ii5889 16E0 ORGANS $495 up Luke's Organ Co 3424 Camp Bowie 332-1379 GIBSON LES PAUL '64 model dou- ble cutaway Hambucking pickups good condition $250 Call 926-3368 or 244-1800 PLAYER PIANO Baldwin built re- conditioned 000d action keyboard filth Manual and electric $595 281-5866 924-3711 WE BUY pianos and Organs Cash GL 1-4500 Prompt appraisals IBusiness El A small Investment Is reaulred but Is secondaryto initiative For more Im formation call Charlie Gerrish 336- 9R21 JONES KEITH LUMBER CO arum NIA 4-ipim 3137 Menrfirld Hwy II 4 Oft36 i-Xcl*tSIVE- neighborhood Loop LASH DELIVERED PlIfICES 1120 extra largo private bath en PER CENT OFF CASH AND CAR RY ti ance garag AX 1 174 lye No 2105 siding 100 lin ft es 47 ENJOY MOTEL LIVING Dien 100 lin It 111 lye shi firoffee shop phone central air heat 244 MO lin ft 1 miTV maid service free ice parsng 2x4 fir 100 lira ft 1964i private dub weekly rates Century 246 Y-D 100 li ft SII 5 motel 3434 I ancestor 53S111 1x6 No 2 rough 100 linft $2S PRIVATE front rnort--ICed--eir- Ii6- Portland Cement SIMI high class men 914 91'13 26 In 14 ft corrugated Iron furnished maid service- 906 26 In 16 ft corrugated iron S401 2JS lb roofing Sa162 16 lb hex shingles LIR IIII--NE7701h White asbestos siding S7195 Highway 181 Motel all private bed Mahogany door units siert Sla19 rooms weekly rates CASH SPECIAL on new frialerial CINTLFMAN- Private entrance 34" foundation steel foot 3c den bath air EIS 6610 after 7x4x11 fir 4k 6INII FMAN only IV phone re 246 fir lineal font 'IOLA frioecator linens furnished cleaned lx12 pine decking 9' weekly 4111 lorke PI 1 S77 4xerlsr" exterior plywood 4xlixv4" exterior plywood SSCP 611( I OP qu'lNIs St1S0 Per lye ---10S siding 9 week and UP S1OS month and up Paatauran and 411 Grand '3ellPrs iumbor 674 1141 club on premises Dilly Maid service MO' F- tAnrrtor 117S711 adult MA 41ese negriborbrfrd LPPP 1120 extra large private bath en tiance garag AX 1241 ENJOY MOTEL LIVING Before You Invest LIKE NEW Offering 3 modern SPEED QUEEN coin-operated laundries Liberal financing For Information phone-- 1111-834-6178 UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY 1971 Dial-A-Stitch zig zag In cabinet $26 cash or terms CARL'S SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 923-7022 Singer 1970 Touch Sew Big walnut desk zig zags blind hems byttonholes and fancy work $68 cash or terms Richland Plaza Sewing Center 6333 Grapevine Hwy 284-9713 '71 SINGER 750 GOLDEN TOUCH SEW ONETOUCH SEWING BEST in 1971 In large walnut desk does everything lull mice $8769 cash or easy terms Open daily and Sunday till 7 cim Camp Bowie Sewing Center 3807 Camp Bowie Blvd 732-1081 TENEYCK bass amplifier 2 16 In heavy duty speakers 160 watt $650 new now $250 282-2404 FOLK guitar Gibson Hummingbird $250 or best offer 9219315 It Costs You Nothing For a Report From the Better Business Bureau of Fort Worth Inc 1004 Sinclair Bldg Fort Worth Texas 0101 DRY CLEANING plant West Side Terms Slack Realty 739414 GOING grocery store tor sale or lease 1121 NOW 5 blocks Ott Hemphill BEAUTY SHOP Northeast well established with good business Owner must sell DAY SCHOOL and nursery In Northeast area fully equipped MAYVIS RICHARDSON 2111 0107 536-1100 PLASTIC ART shop fixtures and equipment Owner transferred 335-3855 Jack Crowell WA I 0450 AGRONOMIST To serve home hydroponlr Garden owners f-ull training Prooram--no Dealerships In your area Income should exceed SOO weekly Investment of S1500 Covers 10x24 hydroponic Research narden--full and complete trairung program 26ft 7757 Or 1401 Investment of S1500 Covers 10k24 hydroponic Research nardeo--tull and complete 2trainn IM1 program i 7707 Visit Our Plant Save On Portable Buildings SP Ill 1 pa i 11950 weel l13121 7 ROOM ettoLenry beneled rAroel wether dryer 3007 (rover atter A TCU AREA LOWDEN TERRACE APTS I awl 7 bedroom aPh 7frnt) IN Lowden WA A 9011 Ltv only odrdoe 14 nt ed 3 tontn retrmerAted Air lineni (1writpr fornithpd rirained wrrfr ly -)Pr 110 7l7577 ill3 lnrke Look! $8950 Looid Nrw I bedroom leltti prn1 r1 rrq rrAlinm roorm NO kith or prt API wknri ynunn (pH Pare hetre nir private 731074 WET 'IDE private entrance betn arrolr'd 'Tort SrA 138 WW fit Pa' rent 72S Sent Ave Mearlowhrnelr c214 Vt-4 Sthk rehigerntor In r4orr re or female 51h 717511R 1971 Dial-A-Stitch Makes buttonholes sews on but tons tinf Zia stitchino monmnraminti embroiders fancy stitches anti much more artist 149 95 cash or terms Fort Worth Sewing Machine Co 2672 POSEDALE s241721 First In Fort Worth Since 1931 PRIVATE club for sale call BU 9688 or 2i4-0790 after 1 WELL established coin-op laundrY and dry cleaning store Located In Shady Oaks Shopping Center Hurst Call 2829458 or 2680216 SMALL cafe for food to go induct-J aI area Call after 4 Drn 927-9819 OPPORTUNITY to bit your own boss oarttime 12 new 111 snack machines on location Present owner will be fraying city for school PAT VENTURA standard guitar like new A-1 shape S50 232-1288 BABY GRAND perfect condition nice finish $450 281-5866 92S-3711 BALDWIN GRAND 5 ft 6 in perfect inside good action $1250 281- 5866 924-3711 BLACK WURLITZER piano tor sale excelient condition $500 cash 263- 5688 USED SPINETS $395 Practice piano S100 Lukas Piano Organ Co 3424 Camp BOWie 332-1379 PIANO AND ORGAN TRADE IN SALE 1 small studio pianos your choice S395 nit 14ammeind moans frnm 9595 Nice used grand pianns from S195 Many more to chnose from Over 1S0 Pianos Organs in stock Mc Brayer-Bartleft 5727 Lancaster GL 1-4522 UNUSUAL baroains on Baldwin close nut Pianos and organs Kilt) OM PE 8-1449 RENT A NEW PIANO 1 day to 10 Years AC to DC Dower unit 440 volt 5025 2-soeed drive motors 44 volt mounted SR00 c134-5271 SPECIALS New and used AC Welding machines and new and used Cutting Equipment PITE-WELO SUPPLY CO 3417 Main Fort Worth 6264233 1119 Hubbard Mineral Wells Call 1175-0781 Master Charge ATTIRTION 6-Ineh DortAble irrioalton PUMO Buriesel 295-4597 NEW WELDING now opened up 41R-50117 HYDRAULIC larl et' and etectriC tools and tire chanoors renaired Hydraulic Equipment Co MU Lancaster 3141113 ADAMS Road Dtmel engine excellent conctitinn $2450 1-Yard rubber tired loader Dtesel power excellent condition $1200 3li05 Hulen St PORTABLE MagriOka machine S70 Tumbling Abrasives 20c Its 1114-5271 ALL TYPES METAL OR WOOD 30 SIES AND STYLES FROM SIIYS0 UP PortAble Buildings Co LOUNGE IOW FREEWAY AT COIN ST 6 9Th to6I South Side lou 791 644 nge sedts 96 eirelltni Parking Gmel riientrift PrnflImb14 I'OPRI)GATE tfhtr914 n4nPl' Pir ALLIED MANADEMENT per sq II ihhed ILiernlio panel 1500 West Sth 11S-r16- 9 Sti- ft A150 PolYrthylPor on tnII Is (4n make th4 fillterenrp 1 PAV it HtiMil SO Freeway rifilriti in Fort Wnrth And DAIlm WA 6 I17 IRoom and Board NTLW or rtbutit sowing machine $19 95 to 17995 Guaranteed 28154Sa LMve LOW? Enterprise Sewing Ma thine Company EUIPSS Texas P()r)A towirtl in If Altntn Illy prrIrr rnIrldIPArmd 1(111 Tip cn Or I Ve-in Grocery neer to go Sleek Peeity 7179414 FOR SALE 1R Winn cernort drive In Leroe dining room and natio Excellent Incetion On 199 ond 291 Hlooriny Contort DOris Adorns Goner's Drivit in 224 So MAtn Jeckctwo Texes Phont S671456 DRIVE in grocery or WO 217-9335 217-9335 nruclous Mod fAmilv Gond bwis WA 4 91 11 '1(441 Hemphill FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS CLASSIFIED I DIAL ED 2-1722 I ED 27722 A MA) "111 LtTartments Fun 47 1 INEEMNIMME 1 1 2 or 3-Room Apts 474 Regional Distrbutor SUTHERLAN i19909 TO SSAMM OPORTUNITY NAlional company in net- cl of sharp rnAn or woman set In) HAUL AND SAVE ii thowroom to service Irxel accounts Our products are urn WE ARE OPEN WELK versally accepted and low in cmt NIGHTS 'IL 9 and Mon in profit This can be Peetkood and cedar in stock the opportunity of a lifetime for Attic stair some lucky individual One se- exit' veodnrein print lected must be reilAblo both Pip-nand cement buciness wise end financlelly Foil bark insIletion per Requires I secured investment 204 hue stul Mr Rik 312-1061112m one boried 1 SUTHERLAND Attic stair A'A woodorain mint PortlAnd cerrierd Fo rk il ba insolatiOn per ft 2t4 howa stuti 2in Pne brair-O Stonegato Apts (nntrni Po ovA le Pmii PArk inn Furnished nr Unfurnished refrily nous' wird to Stnnre net) Per-newer 600 Yards to r11 Ft' qh School Redford-Euless Pd IF you Are cr66)Del for COAre vr)(fi don't live et La Prtrisienne I- rerun arid Arediterreneen FUrnitlare WNinWrgt -A101 noriermy 292-51A7 tor SOUtlivri WA A flit TE 8 MI6 WALL nrane eperfrrent in POIY drPd wr041 JE 6-0214 GLENVIEW SQUARE NnPTH RICHLAND HILLS 311 bpdroom apartments huqe closeti nub morn lot of stor 690 space 1)6rIroom SI35 2bedroom leo 3bd room 127S 7028 GLENVIEW DR 284 2531) PAY REPAIR BILL Pay vs repair bill and this unclaimed Singer Is yours: Eouipped to rig leo budnnholes etc CARL'S SEWING CENTER 202 Berry 923-71)72 In SINGER ZIG ZAG It4 WALNUT consoie variable stitch selector makes buttonholes blind herns and decorative stitches with lust One move Now onhi S1397 cash or terms Call for free horne trial Oven 9 to 7 dailY and Sunftav Cann) Sowie wino Center 3807 Camp Bowie 732-1081 CBS MUSK 140 HP WILLIAMSON Davis boil 4150 Belknap MOBIL STATIONS FOR LEASE 1 11-19711er cOmPIPte with Wm!) and return Seminary South Shopping 96-2672isystem with Power flame Clos burn- IN ARLINGTON Str Flags Wall 274-62361er Still in operation 6 years old pra6ently operating high volume PAY cash for mail 57000 cash Contact Hill 703 Stations for lease Paid training pro oianoi and organs B347411 Pennsylvania Fort Worth Texas gram For Information confect Don 116M44 I KincileY WWI Oil Corp A 10 wE guarantee the lowest orices on 614-g 291 new or used pianos and Ititt PAY CASH for Ford 4500 backhoe 5 6379 evenin 14C0 piano and Organ Warisouse IS 00ep rig 7841624 SURE WE WILL 7 days vinelr till 7 6324 Hwy 377 So sell your business And can get Bentronk I 749-22 00 rylore friars you can Sfilincl it your SURE WE WILL sell your business And can Gel more than you can Si! iiing it yOurI IMiscellaneous 36 I I I Nikeoll2nonnt it New 4Plexes and Duplexes s'If Call us arid plan for action El For Sale DP TO 49 PER CENT YIELDS Wedgwood Enterprises Offers rash flow tax toss and th hest twine soonnst inflation Financ available Call LEWIS mARCHBANKS 717000 SIINGER 71 cabinet models sosh or maple cabinet tin MS bUttOnh4)lo9 and fancy work 140 cash or tftros ocon lo to 7 Sunday 17 to 6 Plata Sewing Center 6333 Grapevine Hwy t1 7R4-9713 SIINGER 71 cabinet modais soanish )f maple cabinet tio tags Outten- soles and fancy work 140 cash or rms Open 10 to 7 Sunday 17 to 6 Plata Sewing Center 6333 Grapevine 14sitv 191 sit) All WS DUPLE )r 1511 paid SI 5 I SO 'Week refired ldorly Indy Haltom 04 4 C'ti 3010 ()Arwood 91F 45'07 ft 0' La Collin() Apts PANELINGGPEAT VAPIFTY COLORS-STYLESPRICIS 401 ALTAMESA BLVD R' Penta pott Si 54 EXTRA LARGE I-BEDROOM penis post 451 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED runter toppmg snuare foot '19 PAYABLE SEMIMONTHLY recto' eath 57 08 292-6806 (Artier 'nee) font 11'1 er Whirl door set $19151 YOU FIND THE APARTMENT floor Me each I31We'll rent you Ail nrry for RIO' ()Aram door S56 95a5 ittliA AS 525 monthly or li 21' wood crreen door Si 65 rornplete 1bodroom Apartment For Alcoa ternpYr rib roofing and otrra Pnformdt ton tell 1312161 or see vdiriO-6' to 70' sArripie room eturi at SUTHERLAND LUMBER FINGr" RENTAL FURNITURE iii7 (' AMA firINA HOUIPVA441 OPEN WEEK DAVI) EFFICIENCIES 136 A 'TIL I) SATURDAY PM Cheateau De Ville -'X) lith Ave I AM ITU MS VICKERY iV 6 i DI Adults 1 twdrn'n 1111111 Ant BIlt pad $79 month 1400 Rub SUTH NA FttNIAL PUOINITUE lM FIONA! floulpid opEERNLAwENpx DE LUMBER EFFICIENCIES 134) A FA 'Ill A PM SATURDAY Cheateau De Ville -5A ath Ave 3 JA I aaa 'YU MS VICKERY 'VP clDI Adults I twdrrom J32-11S3 Ant R11 paid S79 month 1400 SUTHERLAND LUMBER I l'G RiSA OPEN EN WEEK Dar) mRnE 64 Tr ai tot)R2 IT ULE EFFICIENCIES Chrotrau De Voir lith Avis A 'Ill 9 PM SATURDAY I AM 'III 77 MS VICKERY I VE I DI Adults I I-Jrnnm J32-11S3 ant B11 raid $'n month 1400 Rola- PIANO AND ORGAN SPECIAL AllPien011 and Groans reduced frorn the hetiehepe adveatisag Orin! Save up to S200 on Pianlat gni Or gams Practice Pianos from VS send Instruments of all makes at 1971 mndels wins 1 bargain prices tic! leo bilnd hems buttonholer $29 CIS MUSIC each Dailv and StfinflAY 104 a750 Belknap Ole 1974 United Freight Sales SminbrY South Shopping 926-2613 SVA Jacksboro Hwy 624405915w Flags Mall 214 8736 -beited-Freight Sales 1 ia-kir-lar--Y-South ShoDOing 17(0613 58-A Jacksboro Hwy 6244059 1Six Flaos Walt 214 8236 MONTGOMERY WARD JOn LI Lo's--7aict 2600 West 7th St LEASE Buy going grocery store ath Floor West Wing norki orolif S173 7974111I Wednesdays Thursdays FridayS 1010 am to 230 pm DYNAMIC DENTON Was Now Pootimo sheet metal aNt air con Ladies Cu lottes Sa 96 7' iditionino business for sale Ideal op I pc luggage set SOec el for energetic person in ritelmic dinnerware slo as 17aa fast aten's walking shorts $491 250l growing area Owner retiring 25 on maple Steak Nouse restaurant Owner sell color TV S5a995 199 00! log du to health Established busi Good suppty of New and shohtlylress seating capeCity for 190 Enuipdamaged refrigerated air contiltionnt in gond condition Priced to rs up to 26060 BTU Yard and 00-1 soil S15000 Includes building and den tools includmq tillers and Onwer I Land Owner financing rn 0 miscellaneous furniture MARY GAY REALTOR howphnii DIM'S AntlitelrA with warranty Shop with us indef 1 11711-931111 Jon 2849576 LEASE Buy going grocery store mood orofit $173 797-7141 DYNAMIC DENTON Rootino sheet metal and air cc I10runtl Min os tqr sale Ideal op i 61 naenn in a Stelmic dinnerware SIO AS 12RA rest growing area Owner retiring Nen's walking shorts $4911 2501 15 in rn8DI 'Steak House restaurant Owner eft jog dut In health Established busi oodtmosut DTv s5A995 199 00 1 a rmtesnSi vinoition4004coentlitvfonnr edrasrnuAng" PreYfritterani7 4airridcondslintriminly to 269( BTU Yard and oarlsii at S'35660 Includes building and rfttro to including till0rS And PrPA4or land Own ftnancino rn ow miscellanrnus turnitura i A hnoPhnli itienS iintIliOnrA wIth IVIARY GAY warranty Shno with us intlay 1 11-)193111 HIGH RISE Living Is Best Furnioed onfusht1 ADertmmt3 Westchester House 6'4 So Svmmit Ave 336-2593 Living Is best Furni od shed Unfurnished Apartments Westchester House S'i4 So Svmmit Ave 336-2593 I iv Radio Hi-li 27( I PEST a nea 64000rt parko 01 your thore to as fittle as $3 per week Kdoore 11-540 IPEP(ISSESSED Color TN Pollol PROFESSIONAL and organ "rOrd plover CornbireflOrl MO or rnovong 674-1311 626-4171 I PASY Wm's DalffiS for kA41 t))1 'elms Abicw TV MArt i Furniturr onei ()Wk Roil A AYmhlk l'ilh sat :44 Vouchn Blvd 511-7171 Grpat SA'Ar V00 731343 after a COIN COLLECTORSS Pthlan WI Co no LaundrY Ci0Aninq Excellent potential Terrm Avadahle ALLIED MANAGEMENT MO stn 7135-2516 It can make the difference 1 Otfices In 1-ort Wryth oft 1)411AI RottInwrInd ANT ICtUE DIOUre trarrte 00D 1111 I Iry 410d rnntnyowl AoAdithiC FOR Al tn OA rrnvol 1 hAdroom tit LArho hAcheln no a GrA0n NAS tt410 241 NI1 I nuse lAn Itrrell 746 thhrt tArm tenAnt $91 VI 7cSS LAPC Involy horironim bill rwd $21 w9ek MA 4 7149 1 I i COIN COLLECTORSS PIrnland Hills -1 Co- no LaundrY 8 1 i PENT a neA Baiawin piano 01 your CIanind Excellent potential Term rnnire tor as little as S3 per week lyer I TV Radio Hi-li 27( I 1 Kdonra PE AS440 Mfr ANAEMEN3I352516 4 pEprIssessED Color TV PROFESSIONAL 0arits and organ It can ma the elifterenc i rrOrri Paombir etion S100 or mov ing 6 24-1311 626-4171 ONras In 1-ort Worth nol Oallas I I aasy Wm's Cook TV Mart i Fornitura ty ORIPS fnr snAre bntn terns nod olk Roil A cyrnhnli hojh hat a REALTORtNT414dutrf1'-ture tram shoo roayeies availabia inwrind a :104 Vauchn Blvd 511-7171 Graaf SVer V00 232343 after 6 iGtaan Oaks Paal Ett4t Shnrt tPrrn tenomt $91 2s5S i ni 23 cA MA I-7349 iEOR Al la he rrnvol 1 hrtronTn firi 7 15717-s hache-in Affi-Y no LAPC4- invahe 1 harlioneas 0111 i 4 2441)2111 'muse 147' 44 terrail 246 9171 3 1-t I -4 1 4.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.